Cancer horoscope which woman is suitable. Which zodiac signs are suitable for Cancer? Which women are not suitable for a Cancer man?

Zodiac sign Cancer compatibility:what is the zodiac sign Cancer in relationships,what zodiac sign suits Cancer,bug fixes

What is the zodiac sign of Cancer in relationships?

The subtle soulfulness of Cancers makes them especially attractive to others. Cancers are extraordinary people, unusually sensitive, with a great inner need to devote themselves to their loved one. Most people consider Cancers to be wonderful partners with whom they can spend their entire lives.

Cancers are not just dreamy and romantic, they seem to be born for romance and attract the opposite sex from an early age.

In sex, Cancers are excellent students, sophisticated lovers, and try not to disappoint their chosen one.

Cancers, if in love, are very unsure of themselves, but this gives a false impression of coldness.

A sense of humor saves Cancers in awkward situations. However, when seriously disappointed, Cancers suffer incredibly and are capable of rashness, which they later regret.

IN intimate relationships Cancers are careful and do not forget to take care of themselves and their partners. Therefore, if hobbies harm their health, it is only mental.

Cynical Cancers They quickly become disillusioned with relationships, change partners often, maintaining, surprisingly, a clean reputation.

In their youth, Cancers often behave frivolously, later turning into excellent family men and parents. Therefore, for Cancers, a marriage concluded in middle age will be the most successful.

Which zodiac sign suits Cancer?

Cancers are guided by the power of the Moon and Jupiter. Cancers unconsciously but persistently move towards their highest goal. Cancers achieve everything thanks to subtle intuition, and not fierce battles. They are kind, charming, merciful, caring. For those around them, the success of Cancers causes joy, not envy.

Due to the lack of energies of Uranus, Saturn, and Mars, Cancers are often gloomy, prone to despotism, and unsociable.

Which zodiac sign suits Cancer best?

For the cautious water Cancer, the most productive and safe union will be with the sign of the earth, because water fertilizes and nourishes the earth. When choosing between the signs -, Capricorn, you need to prefer. He is an ideal match for Cancer, because he is driven by Saturn, Mars, Uranus, whose energy Cancer lacks.

Which zodiac sign is less suitable for Cancer?

Thanks to the colossal sexual potential of Cancer, an excellent alliance can develop with fire signs (and especially). When water boils over a fire, it creates steam – additional energy.

Which zodiac sign suits Cancer rarely

Water and air do not interact fruitfully, so marriages of Cancers with Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini are unlikely to be successful.

But these recommendations are rather a generalization. To find out the real compatibility in a couple, you need to know the names, eye color, time of birth, date, hair color, nose shape and even the body features of both. There is an opinion that knowing the necessary parameters, you can find the ideal companion.

Zodiac sign Cancer compatibility: error correction

Doesn't appreciate

Cancer is endowed with a strong sense of purpose in caring for others. He doesn’t expect gratitude or rewards, but he is extremely offended if his efforts are in vain and people ignore them and miss out on the wonderful opportunities that Cancer has opened for them.

The responsibility for the well-being of the family is, of course, difficult, but Cancer needs to think about whether he is doing it alone. Surely the partner’s efforts are just as strong, they just take a different form.

We must remember: people are not always grateful, and the caring nature of Cancer is sometimes associated with possessive tendencies, and this is a burden.

You need to relax, give your chosen one some freedom of action, even if he is not perfect. And if it seems to Cancer that only he is concerned about the development of the relationship, then he should inform his lover about this - he may not have even thought that the load is too heavy for one.

I don't feel happy

Cancers often experience mood swings and mental discomfort. It is easy to offend them, but very difficult to console them. The habit of “isolating” and experiencing an insult, sometimes imaginary, is triggered. This seriously complicates life for Cancers. Cancer needs to seriously work on himself.

Cancer gives in to dark thoughts without fighting them or allowing others to dispel them. Cancer must change its attitude to the situation, because the state of depression is not natural, it must be gotten rid of with effort. It is important to learn to leave the burden of grievances and old difficulties in the past, because they will prevent you from enjoying the company of your loved one in the present. Appreciate pleasant little things and emotions more. Notice only the good in a relationship, and there will be less reason for debilitating experiences.


Cancer is afraid to open up, so it often makes a false impression; many of its difficulties are difficult to guess. It is difficult to suspect a sweet, balanced, sociable Cancer of being afraid of ridicule or rejection. Gaining his trust, and even more so maintaining it, is sometimes very difficult.

It is difficult to understand the character of Cancer; its characteristics can be misinterpreted. For example, the caring characteristic of Cancers is perceived as a manifestation of possessiveness, therefore they try in every possible way to protect themselves from guardianship, although it is done with all their hearts.

Cancer, before reproaching the chosen one for misunderstanding, should correct his own behavior for the sake of it: trust more, open up to his beloved, but at the same time save him from unnecessary suffocating care.

How to start (end) a relationship

The reason for these opposing problems is the same - Cancer is afraid to take the initiative. It is difficult for him to get closer to a person he likes, but it is much more difficult to break off a relationship, even if it brings only suffering.

Nature has endowed Cancer with a strong character; he should not forget about this; not using this strength is short-sighted and stupid. Cancer's success in personal life is the term of readiness to fight and .

In order not to become unhappy, Cancer is capable of doing anything; the important thing is to act.

Partners are not suitable

Cancer from youth is not easy to find suitable partner, there are several reasons.

First: Cancer’s excessive exposure to the influence of relatives, parents, their opinions, their stereotypes, which carries over into romantic relationships. Cancer often looks for the mother (father) in the chosen one and compensates for childhood grievances. It is important to “grow up” emotionally before starting a relationship, then life will become easier.

The second reason is that Cancer wants to take care of, support his partner in everything, take care of and control, and is looking for such a person for himself. Because of this, Cancer often chooses those for whose sake he will have to sacrifice himself and his interests. A little selfishness won't hurt Cancer. Having gotten rid of the “savior instinct,” Cancer can avoid connections that are ruining it.


Cancer in his youth is less inclined than others to go to events where he can meet people and start relationships, and this is due to the fact that it is not easy for him to get close. Hence the problem - the “inability” to find your soul mate.

Cancer needs to communicate more, build confidence, overcome shyness, which people can regard as coldness, even arrogance. This belief cannot be allowed to take hold in their minds. Cancer knows how to be attractive if he opens the “shell” where he usually hides his feelings. If Cancer “opens up” for a while, he will be able, perhaps, to find that lover from whom he will not have to hide his feelings at all.


All Cancers tend to doubt whether their relationship is serious. These feelings have little to do with what the situation is in reality. Cancer, trying to constantly receive confirmation of “seriousness,” puts unnecessary pressure on the partner and risks losing him completely.

Cancer needs relationship analysis and reflection. If Cancer does not try to become calmer, he may become a victim of his own dark thoughts and doubts. Then, through his own fault, even the most serious, good relationships will collapse. By soberly assessing your partner’s actions and deeds, you can understand whether he cares, shows attention, and appreciates the efforts and actions that Cancer performs for him.

These are just general characteristics of Cancer, and not something specific for people of this sign, everything is individual.

Cancer is considered the most sensitive sign of the zodiac, since the life of its representatives depends on the phases of the moon. Such people are easily vulnerable, decisive and have charisma. The main feature Cancers are that they can subjugate others in order to achieve personal goals, but despite this disadvantage, they make good leaders and excellent partners in family life.

Characteristics of the sign

Cancer – emotional sign, his element is Water. Men and women of this zodiac are extremely frank towards people and are endowed with the ability to understand the mood and feelings of others. They rarely express their feelings themselves. This is due to the mechanism of their psychological protection. Starting from early childhood Cancers produce special system blocking, which in the future helps them protect the soul from wounds and suffering. They are attached to their family, especially their mothers.

Representatives of the sign are considered leaders not only in personal relationships, but also in their careers, so in life they always accurately select useful associates and companions. It is impossible to offend or deceive Cancer, since he is an innate psychologist and sees people through and through. They are often surrounded by people who are completely different in character, whom they love to take care of and build long-term connections with. Cancers are able to retain childlike naivety and liveliness for a long time; they are often overwhelmed by emotions associated with past places or events.

If the pride of the representatives of this zodiac is hurt, then they will have a difficult time surviving love collapse, separation and failure in business. To avoid this, astrologers recommend that both men and women be far-sighted, careful and maintain self-respect.

Compatibility in love

In amorous matters, Cancer knows how to build ideal relationships; for them, not only physical intimacy with a partner is important, but also romanticism and sensitivity. Before starting or accepting courtship, representatives of the sign think for a long time and analyze everything, since their choice must be correct and last a long and serious relationship. During the period of love, Cancers show their most tender feelings and discuss with their future life partner questions about how their “family nest” will be equipped.

At first glance, this may seem unusual, but thanks to such forethought, a solid foundation is created for a future marriage.

Compatibility of Cancer woman with representatives strong half humanity depends on who the last of them is according to the horoscope.

  • Aries. A union in love is 80% compatible, but, unfortunately, it is rare, since both chosen ones live in different worlds. The Aries man is too self-confident and does not tolerate any restrictions, while the cautious Cancer girl, on the contrary, tries to set boundaries and follow clear rules in life. Although, on the other hand, such an extraordinary couple has a chance to great love, if Aries spends maximum time at work, and his beautiful lady devotes herself to housekeeping.
  • Twins. Such a relationship can be called “harmony of contradictions”, since the Gemini man is only 70% suitable for the Cancer beauty. The restless guy lives in freedom and has nothing in common with a girl who is used to sitting “in a hole.” As a result, many insults and scandals will arise, but if a woman does not “nag” and closes her other half into a corner, then intimacy is possible.
  • Cancer. Both signs are like-minded people, so the success of their union is 80%. The girl, together with her lover, will willingly attend parties and go out, and after confidence in her partner, she will exchange a stormy life for a calm family hearth, filled with love and harmony. To prevent relationships from becoming a habit, Cancers will have to constantly seek variety.

  • Lion. This union does not provide for family ties, but, most likely, is of a practical nature and a clear distribution of responsibilities. It is unusual for a Leo man to sit at home, since he loves to shine in society, but if he is seriously interested in a Cancer lady, then the chosen one will willingly show respect and passion for her. Therefore, a woman has every chance to become happy.
  • Virgo. This relationship can be called ideal. They begin with a long acquaintance and getting used to each other; often such an alliance resembles friendship. If a Virgo man makes every effort for joint well-being, and his companion is responsible for the comfort in the house, then Virgo will be able to avoid quarrels and everyday pickiness.
  • Scales. The relationship between both signs will become emotional, the “bouquet” period for the couple may last for for many years, or even for life. It is much more comfortable for partners to live with their parents and just meet, since in everyday life they will have a lot of stormy showdowns and quarrels. Cancer experiences its problems in silence, while Libra, on the contrary, brings them up for general discussion.

In addition, the Libra guy is in impulses bad mood is capable of bringing a Cancer girl to tears, but her ability to nip problems “in the bud” will save the situation.

  • Scorpion. Relationships between zodiac signs are considered fragile, but even after their breakup, the partners will definitely have vivid memories. The handsome Scorpio is literally attracted by a magnet to the Cancer girl, the two of them feel very good together, and even after many years of walks and meetings, they do not bother each other, constantly discovering new traits in the character of the chosen one. However, Scorpio by nature is a fighter who must always go forward and achieve his goal, while the homely Mrs. Cancer values ​​only homeliness and comfort. Therefore, a representative of the stronger sex can mentally hurt a girl, who, in turn, will harbor resentment inside.
  • Sagittarius. Such a union is rare, since the couple has completely different worldviews. In addition, the Sagittarius guy will delay the moment of a serious relationship until the last moment, and the wise Cancer girl, on the contrary, chooses her life partner carefully, and this will stop her. Of course, love among signs is possible provided that they learn to make concessions and understand each other.
  • Capricorn. Such a combination of constellations promises good choice life partners. At first glance, the relationship may not seem too passionate, but this will not prevent partners from having the same goals and giving their other half real happiness. There is no war for leadership between Capricorn and Cancer, so the beautiful lady will be very happy to give primacy to her man. As a result, the couple will never have scandals or misunderstandings.

  • Aquarius. Such a man is ideal for a Cancer girl. They are attracted to each other thanks to good sexual compatibility, but in everyday life the partners will have a hard time, since a conservative housewife will have difficulty understanding a creative and free chosen one, who is quite happy with only frequent meetings - he is not ready for a serious relationship. In order for lovers to have a chance at a real and lasting connection, they will have to learn to share hobbies and passions.
  • Fish. This relationship represents an interesting union of two visionaries and visionaries with a rich worldview. They understand their significant other very well, so they rarely quarrel. In addition, Cancer and Pisces are wonderful lovers; only incorrectly distributed responsibilities in everyday life can spoil such an idyll.

As for Cancer men, they are very gentle, charming and thereby conquer the fair sex right away.

Their relationships with women of other zodiac signs also depend on the horoscope.

  • Aries. Since childhood, these girls have been dreaming of a brave prince on a white horse who will take them to heaven and give them an ocean of happiness, and Cancer, who has a sensitive nature, can really cope with this. From the first minutes he will charm the beauty and win her over. Of course, love at first sight is not guaranteed for partners, but it will appear later, after the two chosen ones reveal their positive qualities.
  • Taurus. Relationships between a couple usually begin at work or at school, since home Cancer is difficult to meet in such public places like clubs and bars. The guy, as a rule, acts as a contemplator and never behaves provocatively. Lady Taurus, on the contrary, loves to be the center of attention and expresses herself brightly. If she likes Cancer, she will begin to give him signals that are regarded by a man as a call for active actions. And just a few minutes after meeting, both partners will be carried away in a casual conversation, from the outside it will seem that the young people have been dating for more than one year. At first, the lovers will have a bouquet and candy period and enjoy each other; they will have a great time together, away from others. But the alarmist Cancer, when even the simplest problem appears, will begin to exaggerate everything and look for solutions, while Taurus will calm him down and give him boundless tenderness.
  • Twins. An attractive and active girl of this constellation is able to conquer Cancer without much difficulty, leaving him no chance to avoid a stormy romance. She will do everything to pull Cancer out of his “home hole” and make her other half happy. An attentive gentleman will appreciate these efforts, and a love attraction will appear between the couple, which over time can turn into a strong union.

  • Cancer. Since both representatives are considered unpredictable (sometimes cheerful, sometimes capricious), they can only be united by a common desire for care. At first, young people will behave touchingly and sweetly, never ceasing to admire each other, but then they will want to get rid of excessive control and gain personal freedom. In such relationships, intense passion, moments of disappointment, long pauses and affairs await, but if lovers can combine practicality with romance in a union, then they have a chance to be together forever.
  • Lion. Such an alliance is built on mutual understanding and concessions, so the Lioness needs to give up pride, and Cancer needs to give up manipulation. It is easy for partners to find a common language not only in everyday life, but also in bed, while the unusual aggression of girls and their tendency to lead will attract men.
  • Virgo. It is difficult to see an emotional connection and passion between these signs; this is most likely friendship. Cancer and Virgo help each other well and have a great time together. Both partners show jealousy, although doubts about the fidelity of the other half are in vain. Such love is characterized by a constant cycle of events, but this will give it strength and stability. The only problem in relationships is considered to be the Cancer man's touchiness and selfishness.

  • Scales. Passionate feelings between the couple flare up instantly, but too serious Cancer will not be satisfied with such affairs. A woman, thanks to her activity, will be able to reveal the love of life in her chosen one and “pull” him out “out of his shell.” Despite the fact that Cancer is at times capricious and cold, he will not refuse affection and care. Everything will be ruined only by the guys' tendency to take offense.
  • Scorpion. Lovers have excellent prospects for ideal relationship, while the Scorpio woman will take the role of leader into her own hands. Thanks to her powerful energy, she will be able to bring the mentally vulnerable Cancer out of depression and blues. Both chosen ones need an emotional connection, but the fair sex needs to learn to communicate in such a way as not to offend the touchy companion. The man, in turn, will yield to the beauty in everything, acting as a reliable protector from any problems. One can only envy such sincere and strong feelings.
  • Sagittarius. Women of this constellation become independent early; after school they try to free themselves from the care of their parents. But once upon meeting life path courageous Cancer, they will completely lose their heads and plunge into a love affair. The chosen one will give his beloved warmth and care and will accept her as his own.

  • Capricorn. The relationship between Cancer and Capricorn is considered the most difficult, although the couple will try to save them, but due to their different worldviews their chances are slim. Cancer is used to living in fantasies and illusions, and the woman is a realist. Therefore, constant conflicts and misunderstandings will eventually serve as a split in the union.
  • Aquarius. Such relationships can be called comfortable. It’s difficult for Cancer to get along with people, but with an Aquarius girl he will feel “at ease.” Both will have a pleasant time, which will eventually develop into something more. Their connection is like a romance from a book.
  • Fish. According to astrologers, this is one of the most ideal unions. Both zodiac signs know how to not only fall in love, but also truly love. Harmony always reigns in their relationship, since even in conflict situations partners find a “golden” mean. Mutual support and understanding will ensure a long-lasting relationship.

Family life perspective

For marriage, Cancer is considered an excellent chosen one, because he makes perfect wife or husband This zodiac sign refers to homebodies who value home comfort. Cancers are caring and loving parents; there is always mutual understanding and harmony between them and their children. The main thing in life for such people is home, and it should act not just as an ordinary home, but as a safe and cozy place with a beautiful setting. Representatives of the sign always try to make a good decision and choose a reliable partner as a life partner, with whom it is easy to establish relationships and harmony.

Being a good family man, Cancer creates an unusual design in the house, decorating it with small fountains or streams. You can often find aquariums in housing, since the best environment for it is associated with the aquatic world. It is undesirable for Cancer to live in a cramped apartment, where he can become too picky and hysterical “being”. Children of such people are often born unplanned, since men and women are constantly unprepared for such responsibility. When babies appear in the house, Cancer's life changes: he turns into an ideal parent and tries in every possible way to keep his child on a short leash.

“No, I’m not like that!” - to all of yours appearance The Cancer woman tries to tell her partner when it comes to closer communication than drinking coffee. Although, if you dig a little deeper, it’s “like that”, and what a one! It is this feature of hiding one’s sensuality and sincere love for carnal pleasures that is the main secret of the Cancer lady.

As a representative of the water verse, she is endowed with a fair amount of sexuality by her star patrons, but unlike her brothers Scorpio and Pisces, she is shy about this gift.

Lady Cancer behaves as if bed passions are not her initiative, but a concession to her partner, for which she will certainly demand love or material resources from him. Sometimes the situation even reaches the point of absurdity: a Cancer woman simply stops all communication with a man after the first night spent together, and the point here is not that she felt “bad,” it’s just that in her understanding she has already given him too much, and now he I am simply obliged to win her favor with gifts and compliments. It’s a pity that men are most often unable to understand such a move.

Another touch to this picture is the complete denial by Cancer women of showing their feelings “in public,” which can scare off their ardent admirers and mislead regular partners, making them wonder if their legal spouse is ashamed?

Therefore, the sex life of a Cancer woman in her youth usually does not work out; only after thirty-five years do they begin to understand that men are creatures from another planet and they need to talk about their desires openly and in an understandable language. This approach quickly gives good results, because the Cancer woman is a pleasant companion for almost any man, she is gentle and homely, not jealous and ready to make sacrifices, she is the only young lady in the entire horoscope who is able to get along with a representative of any zodiac house.

Compatibility in love

The most successful relationships develop between a Cancer woman and men Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. The Taurus man captivates Rachiha with his homeliness; he adores his nest as much as the Cancer lady herself. The relationship in this couple is smooth and often remains stable for life, because neither the Cancer woman nor the Taurus man are advocates of outside relationships.

A Cancer lady often enters into a marriage alliance with a Virgo because of her youth; at a more mature age, this alliance is practically impossible. In the heat of her youth, Rachikha is extremely impressed by the businesslike Dev, who seems to her to be a wizard who can solve all problems. At the same time, Virgo men are quite monotonous and unpretentious in sex, and the darkness in the bedroom suits the Cancer woman just fine.

Starting life together with Sagittarius, the Cancer young lady rarely realizes that most of his words are just words. However, soon this party policy begins to suit Rachikha, because Sagittarius, as usual, has a lot of all kinds of garters, which over time the sensible Rachikha begins to use. This union is based on total income and mutually convenient freedom.

Matrimonial relationships are quite common in the Cancer zodiac house. Pisces are the same dreamers as Rachikhs, moreover, they are quite satisfied with the existence of a dream, and not its fulfillment, which means they do not require the implementation of plans from their halves. Despite the fact that from the outside such a marriage looks more like a swamp from which the spouses are not able to get out, in fact they are happy!

Among the least harmonious, it is worth noting the union with Aquarius, Aries Capricorn and Leo. A Cancer woman can survive in such a marriage only by concluding an agreement with her conscience. At the same time, Rachikha is sometimes ready to endure the difficult character of her husband, for the sake of children and family wealth.

Living together with Gemini is a controversial option. On the one hand, the constant novelty of Gemini and the tender passion of Cancer will be very positively received by Rachikha, on the other hand, the former cause her fears, they are too ambiguous, and the latter do not inspire confidence, because Rachikha herself lays softly, but sleeps hard!

A love relationship with a Libra man is quite possible given a lot of experience love relationship for both partners. Because they are young, they simply won’t find anything to do in bed when one “doesn’t want to” and the other is “embarrassed to ask.”

A bright beginning and a tragic end await the relationship between a Cancer lady and a Scorpio man. Despite the fact that this partner is quite suitable for Rachikha in sex, she will not be able to give him as much eroticism as he demands. And Rachikhs are more accustomed to having sex begged from them, which for Scorpio is a blow to pride that is incompatible with life!

Vika Di

The characteristics of a Cancer woman by zodiac sign can most fully reveal the features of her ambiguous personality. Her essence lies in emotionality and sensitivity, romance and vulnerability, which she knows how to hide well and pretend that everything is in order, even if her heart is broken.

The Cancer girl’s appearance is very feminine, and besides, nature has endowed her with incredible charm, which always attracts men.

The Cancer girl always attracts men with her charm and femininity.

It’s pleasant to communicate with her because she doesn’t like quarrels and scandals and is always responsive

The character of the Cancer girl is soft, balanced, she is committed to family values ​​and traditions, family always comes first for her.

Compatibility of Cancer women with other zodiac signs: the best options for marriage

The Cancer woman has a tender and vulnerable soul, she takes criticism with sensitivity. But at the same time she is very loyal, love is important to her , marriage and family. Her relationships are best with representatives of her own water element - Pisces and Scorpios, with them she has the best compatibility. Although the ideal man for marriage, especially at a more mature age, may be a representative of the signs of Taurus or Virgo.

Best suitable for a Cancer woman Pisces man

A representative of the Pisces sign is most suitable for a Cancer woman for marriage - they are almost perfectly compatible. Each will find in the other what they have been looking for for so long, and thanks to the good developed intuition He and without words they will understand each other.

Taurus, who is able to balance her mood swings, and Scorpio, who gives her self-confidence and understands her perfectly, will also suit her well.

Relationships with Virgo will develop favorably: the Cancer woman is attracted by Virgo’s practicality, and Virgo by her caring and gentle soul.

Partners by zodiac signCancer Woman
AriesCompatibility 43%

Aries has too domineering a character for the relationship to reach marriage, at most - romantic relationships and passionate dates.

TaurusCompatibility 76%

This pair will make good friends, but a successful union is also possible if they make every effort for this. True, Cancer will have to be responsible for everything that concerns the family: financial support, children, etc.

TwinsCompatibility 40%

The signs are completely opposite in relation to life, and they will not have a successful union either in love or in marriage.

CancerCompatibility 33%

Their relationship will not stand the test of time, since they are too similar and require the same things from their partner - attention, care, support and cannot receive them fully.

LionCompatibility 28%

They are not suitable for each other either in temperament or in life aspirations, and although they are interested in communicating, the marriage will not be strong.

ScalesCompatibility 19%

Although they are interested in each other, they are too different characters and temperaments will not become the basis of true intimacy and harmonious marriage.

CapricornCompatibility 23%

Despite the strong physical attraction, they are too different in interests and needs to form a stable union.

ScorpionCompatibility 74%

In this union, Cancer will have to give more than receive, since the partner needs constant support. But they are very attracted to each other, so there is a chance for a strong union.

AquariusCompatibility 40%

The unpredictability of Aquarius and the vulnerability of Cancer will not allow them to create a harmonious union.

FishCompatibility 86%

Both are signs of Water, they understand, complement and support each other well, and are not capable of long-term conflicts.

VirgoCompatibility 82%

They complement each other well in many respects, they care about and understand their partner. A harmonious union is quite real.

SagittariusCompatibility 51%

They attract each other by their opposites, but have little in common, since they have different goals and desires in love and life, so there is no reason for strong union No.

Cancer woman in bed: what she needs for complete satisfaction

The Cancer woman is a wonderful lover, sensual, sincere and tender. However, here too her desire for reliability and safety is manifested: she prefers sex in a comfortable home environment, rather than in unexpected places, such as in the forest or on an airplane.

And it’s also important for her to feel like not a random partner, but a woman for whom she has deep feelings

At first she may act stiff, but if her partner gains her trust, she will loosen up and give him great sex. She is very afraid of rudeness in sexual relations, so partner need to show more tenderness, be sure to use foreplay to relieve her of stiffness. She gets pleasure tactile sensations, she herself loves to stroke and caress her partner.

Although the Cancer woman is not particularly inclined to experiment, she is characterized by inventiveness in bed, and even in traditional caresses she is able to bring so much sparkle that her partner will be delighted. And one more important feature Cancer women - in sex they will never imitate sensations, so that her partner can always be sure that he has proven himself to be a truly wonderful lover.

The Cancer woman's partner should show more affection

How to win a Cancer girl for a lasting relationship

To conquer means not just to seduce, but to make you fall in love with yourself and fall in love with her yourself. The romance and other qualities of the Cancer girl’s nature make her as if created for love. Love is everything for her, she gives herself entirely, but only next to someone who can please her and win her heart.

Faithful, devoted, caring, gentle, she strives for a relationship where there will be long romantic courtship

She likes constant displays of attention and love. At first she can flirt very sweetly, but when it comes to... serious relationship, she might be careful and even timidly.

To win a Cancer girl you need to do romantic things

Sex is important to her, but it is far from the first place. She needs a man who can give her a feeling of security, warmth and affection, who would be patient with manifestations of her modesty and constantly demonstrate her feelings, only then will she get rid of her restraint, which is often caused by the fear of critical comments.

The best way to win a Cancer girl is to arrange a romantic evening for her with all the necessary attributes: candles, champagne, music that she likes, and most importantly, signs of attention, thanks to which she will feel understanding of her tender and vulnerable soul.

It should be remembered that in most cases, a relationship for a Cancer girl is not just sex, but a prelude to marriage and starting a family

One of her many advantages is not only her family orientation, but also the fact that she will not fight with her husband for leadership, and their relationship will be very comfortable, especially if he understands and appreciates her.

How to understand that a Cancer girl is in love, and how to get her to open it

The mysterious and changeable Cancer girl is prone to mood swings, but has difficulty allowing someone into her soul. Her romantic nature requires reciprocal love for this and confidence that her feelings will be treated with care, so at first she may seem secretive, not revealing her true emotions.

It is necessary to tune in with her on the same wavelength so that she feels spiritual closeness and psychological comfort, only then a Cancer girl in love will open her feelings

However, any rudeness and even just a tactless critical remark can break this fragile connection, and then she will again hide in her shell, and it will be very difficult to regain her trust.

All these psychological difficulties in relationships with a Cancer girl sometimes scare men away, but they lose a lot, because a sincere and devoted representative of this sign can become an excellent wife, but only for someone who will understand and appreciate her. Therefore, someone who wants to win her love will need a lot of patience before she begins to talk openly about her feelings. But no need to put pressure on her, if you want to continue the relationship, over time, even if not soon, she herself will open her soul.

The main thing for a Cancer girl is to feel spiritual closeness

A gift for a Cancer woman that will surprise and delight her

Whatever gift you choose for the Cancer woman, do not forget to give her flowers, but not a bouquet, but a living flower or a plant in a pot. Especially they like flowers with velvet petals, for example, violets or gloxinia; A ficus, Chinese rose or palm tree growing in a pot would be an excellent gift.

Unusual souvenirs or beautiful trinkets for home decoration will be a wonderful gift. According to the horoscope, Cancer women are prone to mysticism, which means they will certainly like gifts in the spirit of Feng Shui: a money tree, an indoor fountain, figurines of gods or animals that bring prosperity in the family and in business.

The Cancer woman is an excellent housewife, and therefore replenishing her kitchen equipment will pleasantly please her

You just need to find out in advance whether she already has in her arsenal what you were going to give (blender, mixer and similar devices) so that an awkward situation does not arise. As a last resort, give a Teflon frying pan or an openwork tablecloth; such things will always come in handy around the house.

An indoor fountain would be an excellent gift.

Cancer Women They value home comfort very much, That's why a good gift will become for them terry robe, a cozy blanket or fluffy animal slippers, as well as items related to her hobby: a sewing box, a wicker basket for needlework, etc.

A painting with a romantic landscape or a colorful still life can touch the most sensitive strings of a Cancer woman’s soul. It does not have to be painted in oil; it can be watercolor, gouache, or even a beaded or cross-stitched painting.

10 February 2018, 20:21

A gentle, sentimental, incredibly romantic girl, whose image should be written from romance novels. And also a faithful, caring wife who will sacrifice everything for her loved ones. And in this he will find his happiness. All this she is so mysterious and incredible attractive woman Cancer. The journey to her heart will take a very long time, but the coveted reward is so desirable that many men will rush to conquer the rakina. What type is right for her, and in general, who is she – a Cancer girl? The stars are in a hurry to tell about this.

Cancer (Latin “Cancer”) is the 4th sign of the zodiac, taking the astrological baton from the fickle Gemini and passing it on to the majestic Leo. Sign symbol- two claws. This image is associated with the harmony of the energies of Yin and Yang, which in a philosophical sense means the image of motherhood - the deep fundamental principle that gives rise to everything earthly. And since the beginning human history lost through the centuries, then cancer carries within itself a certain image of mystery bordering on mysticism. Even the patron planet of this sign is the Moon, which symbolizes mystery, sentimentality and family.

Cancer element - water. This is the image of a sensitive, vulnerable and subtle soul, which perfectly captures the mood of others and strives in every possible way to help its loved ones. Colors that bring luck to Cancer, have “lunar” shades - silver, white, light gray. A talisman stones again associated with the night luminary - first of all, it is a moonstone, and also belomorite and topaz. Even this description is quite enough to understand: before us is an original, non-standard girl, whom even her friends often reproach for not being of this world.

However, if we pay attention to the famous representatives of this zodiac sign, we will find among them people distinguished by incredible depth of personality, kindness and genuine nobility. Yes, crayfish create a real family atmosphere. Even communicating with them is therapy. Take at least some examples - Meryl Streep and Pamela Anderson, Rachel Taylor and Minka Kelly, Selena Gomez and Cheryl Cole, Gina Lollobrigida and Fabiana Tambosi. And the famous Lady Diana, who tragically died in a car accident, has long become a symbol of originality, a simple human appearance, which contrasts so beautifully against the backdrop of the lush surroundings of the British royal court.

Princess Diana with her sons

Cancer woman: how the stars see her

Skeletons in the closet

Cancer has so many of them that sometimes there aren’t even enough cabinets. Yes, our heroine loves to live in the past. She romanticizes her first love, loves to reflect on her ancestors, family history, and traditions. In addition, the Cancer girl often buys antiques for her home and styles the interior with a classic design. However, this way of life changes noticeably when a new acquaintance who shows great promise begins to warm her life.

Psychologist by nature

Rakinya is a radio that can tune in to any wave. It is no coincidence that such a girl is known as an excellent psychologist who can calm an angry person with just a few words. She seems to be saying to the offended person: “I understand you perfectly.” But this is exactly what each of us needs in a moment of irritation.

The unshakable shrine of the family

No comments are needed here. There is nothing more valuable to cancer than family, close and family traditions. She honors her parents, willingly accepts their advice and generally for a long time subject to the influence of relatives. A man should keep in mind that for her this is the norm, one of the guidelines in life that she is not going to part with. It is impossible to change cancer, so you just need to accept these rules of the game.

Attitude to work and money

Meryl Streep

Work rarely takes a central place in the life of a rakini. She came into this world in order to devote her life to her loved ones. However, this does not prevent our heroine from achieving great success in those activities that she really likes. Cancer loves everything related to children and beauty. Teaching, design, home comfort - these are what really inspire her.

If the work is related to other areas, then the rakina tends to choose rather quiet, modest positions in which she does not risk getting into an environment of publicity and constantly being in the center of attention of her colleagues. It’s just that the abundance of contacts strains her sensitive nervous system. On the other hand, this lady will not be at all embarrassed by a monotonous activity, which, on the contrary, perfectly calms her down.

When it comes to money, Cancer can simply be considered a model of frugality. She tries to use all her income for the benefit of her family. She does not allow any large expenses on friends, colleagues or just acquaintances if her family needs some important purchase. For a man who values ​​a rational approach to finance, such a lady would be perfect.

What kind of man does a Cancer woman need?

Rakina needs a strong patron with big heart. She is a classic lady who, not without reason, believes that she deserves no less classic man. And the stars agree with her:

  1. First of all, the Cancer girl’s man must make decisions entirely on his own. She is a supporter of traditional views on life and simply out of principle will not make first contact. And he’s not going to pry on his companion. Cancer loves the feeling of having a protector. So the only way to win her hand - to become him.
  2. She represents ideal man as an infinitely kind and sentimental person. Our heroine does not like rudeness in all its forms, and does not believe that ostentatious courage and outright aggression are truly masculine qualities.
  3. Loyalty is an essential requirement of cancer. According to your worldview and life values you can be whatever you want, sharing your views even with other girls. But as far as physical purity is concerned, cancer is an uncompromising champion of truth. Which, by the way, is quite reasonable - after all, she herself is infinitely devoted to her soul mate.
  4. Finally, a man must constantly take care of his cancer. This lady simply loves attention, and not feigned attention, but real attention. If some girls consider this model of behavior to be an obsession, then in the case of cancer the situation looks exactly the opposite. You can check and see this from personal experience.

How not to behave with a woman with cancer

The stars warn that it is incredibly easy to offend Cancer. And it’s very difficult to see her reaction. The fact is that this lady prefers not to flaunt her deep feelings, but one way or another she is forced to accumulate them exactly until the moment when they burst out. That’s why in the life of any Cancer girl, sometimes unexpected moments come when a seemingly insignificant trifle simply drives you crazy, and the only thing you want to do is bury your head in the pillow. And all because our heroine accumulates her grievances for a long time. In this regard, a man who dreams of winning her heart must take into account several nuances:

  1. Never be rude to crayfish. She is a calm girl and does not even think about provoking you. Therefore, all manifestations of male aggression will be interpreted as outright weakness and rudeness. That is why such a path is guaranteed to lead to failure.
  2. Don’t even think about criticizing the house and especially the parents of cancer. She takes such comments with hostility, because she believes that no matter what the family is, it is worthy of respect simply by definition. At first, it is better not to have any conversations related to her family at all, so as not to raise unnecessary questions.
  3. Do not shift decisions onto the tender shoulders of a Cancer girl. Yes, she can handle many things without you. But this lady really wants you to tell her what to do and how to do it. This is not a quirk - this is her nature. She doesn’t mind at all even being looked after somewhere. After all, the crayfish understands very well who is boss in the house. And he willingly accepts these rules of the game.
  4. Finally, don't turn away from cancer in times of adversity. She very often experiences emotional swings - lingering streaks of blues, when she is in inexplicable melancholy. If you come to her aid at such moments, you can rest assured that her gratitude will be endless.

Who is suitable for cancer and who is not so good

The rakine tenderly cherishes in her heart the image of the one and only. Years pass, many ideals, for obvious reasons, acquire more realistic outlines, but our heroine’s initial ideas about a real man as a noble knight remain unchanged. The Cancer girl needs affection and care much more than representatives of many other zodiac signs.

It’s just that the crayfish is full of romanticism, she is well versed in the whole palette of human feelings and manifestations of love. Therefore, the image of a stern man with rather rude manners is definitely not her type. More specifically, from the point of view of the stars, the picture of compatibility of a Cancer woman looks like this:

  1. The crayfish has the greatest chance for mutual understanding and warm emotional contact with representatives of the native water element. The union of cancer and cancer looks great, because the partners understand each other not at a glance, but at a glance. Gentle Pisces will be able to win over Cancer like no other, and it is in an atmosphere of trust that their relationship will begin to blossom before our eyes. It is interesting that in such families feelings retain their freshness for a very long time, as if time has no power over them. With her astrological twin, a man, our heroine will have a rather interesting, harmonious union, although it is worth keeping in mind that in such a combination the lady should be more active than she would like. But the combination with, although quite complicated, if the partners manage to build bridges, the crayfish will feel like she is behind a stone wall with such a man. And Scorpio will happily take care of such a tender and fragile creature.
  2. Combinations with earthly zodiac signs are very interesting. Reliable will give the crayfish confidence in the future. True, sometimes she will have to lead him by the hand, because this man tends to hesitate in making decisions. A hardworking person will create an excellent material basis for a comfortable life. And the assertive one will do everything so that his missus is protected on all sides from the cold winds of life.
  3. Cancer will be less comfortable with fiery men. These people just have almost contrasting ideas about life. Brilliant loves to show off in society, so he will be at home much less often than our heroine would like. An assertive person can confuse this lady with his boisterous energy. In addition, Aries is a stubborn man who can literally suppress a more timid partner. Finally, the wind of wanderings beckons. Cancer will not understand and will not accept such a lifestyle; as a result, the union may suffer greatly.
  4. As for the representatives of the air element, this is the least durable combination. A strange person will not be able to give Cancer a sense of reliability, although he will provide it with deep human understanding. The flighty, fickle ones will confuse the rake with their possible infidelity and generally indifferent attitude towards the family hearth. An alliance with women, whom Cancer will incredibly like due to the beauty of their manners, sophistication of style and aristocratic lifestyle, looks more promising. But the indecisiveness of Libra can give rise to quite a lot of contradictions. In such a union, the lady should show more initiative, but whether the rakina will do this is a big question.

Cancer in bed

Cancer is a real hot spring that hides somewhere among arctic ice. Yes, this lady is gentle and charming in appearance, but she takes a very long time to get used to a person and at first literally repels him with her inaccessibility. On the other hand, the man she trusts will be pleasantly shocked by the awakened ocean of feelings that Cancer will literally pour out on her husband.

Yes, our heroine does not waste time on trifles. She accumulates her passions for a long time and diligently, playing out real piquant scenes in her imagination. And, as you know, the more you restrain your impulses, the more effectively they will break out. That is why in bed the conch always gives herself completely. But only to the beloved. That is, someone she completely trusts.

The Cancer woman - she carries the image of a caring mother and a true keeper of home comfort. A man who cares about the future of his family and is looking for the most tender life partner should rush to storm this particular fortress.