A dog has a severe runny nose. Dog nasal discharge

A dog's nasal discharge may not always be a sign of a common cold. Quite often the reason is a serious infectious disease. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to seek help from a veterinarian, since there are an incredible variety of reasons that cause snot from a dog’s nose.

Snot is mucus, which has different consistency and color, and is secreted out through the nasal sinuses. Formed as a result of exposure unfavorable factors environment on special glandular cells in the mucous membranes of the nose. The pathology itself is called runny nose or rhinitis.

Causes of the problem

Main symptoms

To put accurate diagnosis perhaps there will be The following points need to be clarified:

Treatment methods

Treatment of a runny nose in dogs directly depends on the type and cause of its occurrence. It is best to seek advice from a veterinarian.

Allergic reaction

As a rule, with allergies, excessive nasal discharge is accompanied by watery eyes and sneezing. There may also be a rash and itching all over the animal’s body. Features - tears do not sour in the corners of the eyes, nasal discharge is serous, liquid and transparent.

The sinuses do not need to be washed, but it is necessary to take antihistamines medicines:

At in serious condition steroid and/or hormonal drugs are indicated for use.


Resting on cold floors or drafts is detrimental to your pet's health. At acute rhinitis when the runny nose is watery and clear, frequent rinsing No sinuses required. All you need to do is purchase and use nasal drops Pinosol or Derinat(drugs plant origin on an oily basis) - 2-3 drops per day, the duration of treatment is up to two weeks. To warm up, you can place bags of buckwheat, salt and warm sand on the bridge of your nose - up to three times per day.

Please note that if the snot is thick and green, then heating is strictly prohibited.

If the snot stops flowing strongly, thickens, acquires a yellow-green tint and begins to dry around the nose, then be careful before rinsing remove crusts. It is recommended to rinse the nose well with a precooked solution of 0.5% tannin and 1% soda. Apply Levomycetin eye drops up to two times a day, 2-3 drops, course duration is no more than 10 days.

Dogs are not allowed vasoconstrictors. It is especially not recommended to use human drops, for example, Nasol, Sanorin, Naphthyzin and Galazolin.

Foreign bodies

Blockages in a dog's nasal passages are not uncommon. This is due to the fact that dogs love to dig everything and poke their noses wherever there is such an opportunity. This can be understood by the absence movement of air from one nostril, wheezing breath or discharge from one nostril. In addition, they say that most dogs begin to actively shake their heads and rub their faces with their paws, letting their owner know that something is wrong.

It is better not to consider the option of removing items yourself; we recommend that you seek help from a specialist. The structure of a dog’s nasal passages is such that if removed inappropriately, high probability push this object even deeper into the nasopharynx.

Infectious diseases

Only a doctor can determine the type of infection based on the examination. The causative agent can be not only viruses and bacteria, but also fungi. Depending on the type of infection, will be appointed specific treatment - antifungal, antiviral and antimicrobial drugs. At the same time, it is recommended to give your pet medications that stimulate the immune system and general strengthening.

If the snot is yellow-green, thick and makes breathing difficult, then rinsing the nose is indicated. Healing drops similar to those for colds, for example, Levomycetin eye drops, Derinat and Pinosol. In order to increase local immunity of the nasal mucous membranes, Thymogen drops are often used, 2-3 drops per dog whose weight does not exceed 10 kg, the duration of use is 7-10 days.

The following diseases deserve special attention: plague and adenovirus. Therapy should be started as soon as possible. Only a specialist can calculate the disease, based on the diagnostic methods used and clinical examination.

Local irritation

Dogs are able to detect odors that humans cannot hear. Their sensitivity to odors is much higher. Powders, solution vapors household chemicals and acrid smoke can cause local irritation of the nasal mucosa. The therapy is similar to that for allergies, but in case of local irritation it is necessary to rinse the nose.

Furacilin is used for washing, pharmaceutical saline solution or homemade solution table salt.

Of the antihistamines indicated for use: Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin, Diphenhydramine in dosages as for allergies.

General restorative treatment

As you already understand, the causes of rhinitis can be very diverse, but in each case it will not be superfluous to restorative treatment to stimulate the activity of the immune system. This is especially indicated in the course of viral diseases:

  • Gamavit;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Immunofan;
  • Fosprenil;
  • Ribotan.

The drug and regimen of use should determine veterinarian.

Cleaning the dog's nose

For small dogs, as a rule, the nose is not washed, but cleaned using cotton swabs generously moistened with a solution. Dogs of large and medium breeds can have their nose rinsed using special solutions, preheated to the pet’s body temperature, using a rubber bulb or a syringe without a needle. The manipulation must be carried out after removing dried crusts around the nostrils. The crusts should be soaked with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or warm water.

The manipulation should be carried out by two people - one holds the pet, and the second rinses the nose. The dog should be secured in a sitting position. It would be a good idea to wear a muzzle that does not secure the nasal mirrors. It is quite possible that the pet will sneeze - this is quite normal, even good, the procedure helps to remove mucus and thick masses from the deep passages. Allow the dog to sneeze and continue the procedure until a clear solution begins to flow from the nostrils.

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There is probably not a single person on Earth who does not know about such a problem as a runny nose. A constant runny nose, a burning sensation and dryness of the mucous membranes, and the inability to breathe air freely are just some of the symptoms of a runny nose or rhinitis, as the disease is otherwise called. But a runny nose happens not only to us, but also to our four-legged pets - dogs. And of course, animals suffer from the inability to breathe well just as much as people.

Causes of dog runny nose

There are plenty of reasons why a dog has a runny nose and the animal sneezes a hundred times a day. Here are the most common ones:
  • Hypothermia. If the dog is wet and frozen in the rain; for a long time walked on the street where minus temperature; was bathed but not dried; slept in a draft, a runny nose may easily appear due to a violation of thermoregulation. In this case, the discharge from the nose will be transparent, maybe (up to 39-39.5 degrees) and fever, sneezing and coughing;
  • Bacterial and viral infections. If rhinitis is provoked by the introduction of viruses or bacteria into the body, the initially clear nasal discharge will turn purulent (yellow or greenish, sometimes with red blood streaks) a few days after the onset of the disease, and its consistency will change from liquid to thick. In addition to nasal discharge, your dog may have watery eyes, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. The animal is depressed, and sometimes the water is too. Dry crusts may appear on the nose, which, together with a runny nose, will make breathing difficult, causing the dog to breathe heavily, possibly even through the mouth;
  • Allergy. Immune system dogs can perceive as an enemy, for example, house dust, pollen, care products (shampoos, sprays, etc.). Besides clear discharge from the nasal passages, the animal will likely experience sneezing, swelling of the mucous membranes, coughing, inflammation of the eyes and lacrimation. In some situations, animals with allergies even experience stomach and intestinal disorders;
  • Reaction to strong-smelling substances. The aromas of the owner's perfume, fire smoke, gasoline, solvent, chemical cleaning agents with chlorine and many other odors can cause an increased secretion of clear mucus from the animal's nose. The dog scratches its nose with its paws, sneezes, does it have snot? Perhaps the situation is that the pet inhaled some strong and unpleasant (to a dog’s sense of smell) odor;
  • Introduction of a foreign object into the nasal passages. Pets, in order to recognize what is in front of them, explore unfamiliar objects using their sense of smell. It is not surprising that a dog can calmly inhale, for example, small parts of a children's construction set, blades of grass, pebbles, and threads. In this case, the animal will most likely leak from only one nostril (if the mucous membranes are damaged, there may be bleeding from the nose). The dog will sneeze, rub its nose with its paw, shake its head;
  • Neoplasms in the nasal cavity (tumors, polyps, cysts). If there are problems of this kind, in addition to nasal discharge, the animal will have pain syndrome, difficulty breathing. The dog will try to establish air flow into the nostrils by rubbing its paws frequently. The discharge can be either clear, purulent or bloody;
  • Mechanical damage or congenital disorders oral cavity and sinuses(cleft palate, broken nose or jaw). If a dog has ever been in trouble with damage to the olfactory organs, it may have a runny nose, have breathing problems (the animal sniffles and snorts, often breathes through its mouth);
  • Organ diseases genitourinary and endocrine systems, liver, heart, inflammation of the ears and eyes, helminthic or flea infestations. These illnesses themselves will not cause rhinitis, but they will negatively affect the dog’s immune system. In other words, the body of an animal exhausted by illness (for example, kidney problems) will be unable to resist an infection that can cause a runny nose. In addition, rhinitis can develop in an animal that is too young or old, whose immunity is not so strong.

Symptoms of a runny nose in dogs

As we found out, nasal discharge can vary in intensity, consistency, and color, depending on the cause of the runny nose. However general symptoms runny nose in dogs are:
  • Nasal discharge (clear to yellow or green, sometimes bloody);
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Sniffling, snoring during sleep;
  • Attempts to improve breathing using the paws;
  • The appearance of painful crusts on the nose with a prolonged runny nose;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Deterioration of smell;
  • Sneezing;
  • Tearing.

How to help a dog with a runny nose

What to do if your dog has a runny nose? How to help a pet without harming it? First, you first need to find out what exactly caused your runny nose. Was your dog caught in a torrential downpour a day or two ago? Perhaps it's a cold. Or, for example, did the animal recently suffer a nose injury in a fight? Then the runny nose could have been caused by the injury.

Secondly, the owner should carefully examine the pet by illuminating the nasal passages with a flashlight. If it's stuck there foreign body, you need to remove it using tweezers, trying not to hurt the dog. If you cannot cope on your own, you should contact a veterinarian.

Thirdly, it is important to observe the animal. Thick viscous nasal discharge, apathy, refusal to eat, gastrointestinal disorders, heavy breathingserious reasons consult a doctor as soon as possible to save the dog. This does not happen with a “harmless” runny nose.

If the dog is cheerful, active, has not lost interest in food, and its nose is running transparent snot no more than 2-3 days, there is no need to worry: the animal will most likely overcome the runny nose on its own. However, if from dog nose It has been flowing for more than 3 days, and the discharge has changed in color and consistency, it’s time to take action. Let's consider how to treat a runny nose in a dog:

  1. If the dog has difficulty breathing due to secretions present in the nose, you can remove them using cotton swabs (preferably with a limiter) soaked in warm boiled water;
  2. When crusts form on the nose of an animal suffering from a runny nose, they should be carefully removed using a cotton pad soaked in water, chamomile infusion, and 3% hydrogen peroxide. To prevent the appearance of dry crusts in the future, it is advisable to apply Vaseline or Vaseline to the nose after treatment (removing the crust). oxolinic ointment;
  3. If an animal’s nose constantly dries out during a runny nose, it is treated with crushed tablets or streptocide powder;
  4. You can help your dog by placing a bag of heated salt (or sand) on his nose for a few minutes. The procedure can be repeated several times a day;
  5. You should not put human nose drops in dogs for a runny nose. The only exception is oil drops or sprays on natural basis(like "Pinosol" or "Evkasepta"). They can be used for dogs in in rare cases if the nose completely “refuses” to breathe;
  6. You can strengthen the animal’s immunity, and at the same time start the fight against infection, with the help of “Maksidin”, which should be instilled into the dog’s nostrils (1-2 drops) 2-3 times a day;
  7. Sometimes the animal is treated folk remedies: Instill alternate or chamomile decoctions, carrot or beet juice into the nostrils. Coltsfoot or violet decoctions can be used to rinse the dog’s nose;
  8. It’s a good idea to support the animal’s body with vitamins A and E, which are found in food or special supplements;
  9. It is advisable to give food to a dog with rhinitis in warm liquid form. If the dog is used to ready-made food, it can be soaked in water to make chewing easier for the dog (it is sometimes difficult if the nose does not breathe);
  10. Don't give your dog water cold water. It is advisable to warm the drink slightly before serving it to the dog;
  11. It is important to protect a dog with a runny nose from hypothermia: minimize or cancel walks if it is cool outside; stop swimming until you recover; eliminate drafts. If the apartment is cool, you can cover the animal with a warm blanket while resting.
All of the above measures can be used to treat runny nose in dogs if no symptoms are observed. severe symptoms ill health (refusal of food and water, lack of motor activity, vomiting, etc.). If the dog is really unwell, there is only one way out: contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.

As you know, dogs are very similar to their owners. Including diseases. Dogs can develop snot just as often as humans. A dog's runny nose is aggravated by the fact that the dog loses the activity of its main sense - smell. This makes the dog start to worry. If you notice that your dog has snot, you need to try to help your pet as quickly as possible.

Why does a dog have snot?

  1. One of the main reasons for the appearance of discharge is allergies. Allergic rhinitis can be triggered by anything - plant pollen, new types of food, a collar, cosmetics care, insect bites. In this case, the snot is usually clear and watery. Allergic rhinitis also causes watery eyes, sneezing, itching, and even difficulty breathing.
  2. Dogs often inhale through their nose various items, which successfully get stuck in the nasal passages. In this case, not only mucus may be released, but also blood.
  3. Another common cause of snot is viral infection. A dog catches a cold and gets sick just like a person.
  4. Hot air from a hair dryer, acrid smoke, toxic odor - all this can cause increased mucus secretion.
  5. Snot appears after prolonged winter walks simply because the dog was cold.

Some dog breeds (for example, pugs, bulldogs, Pekingese) have naturally narrow nasal passages. This natural defect often prevents them from breathing through their nose, and the dog is forced to breathe through their mouth. At the same time, snot flows, often foamy. If desired, this situation can be corrected surgically. In any case, the owners of these dogs should be more careful about the health of their pets and immediately begin treatment for a runny nose. If this is not done, common symptom may develop into a chronic disease.

How to treat a runny nose in a dog

Before treating a runny nose itself, it is very important to find out the cause of its occurrence. If your dog sneezes frequently and not only mucus but also blood comes out of his nose, then most likely foreign objects are stuck in the nasal passage. These can be thorns, plant seeds, twigs. Carefully examine the animal's nose and, if possible, remove the foreign object using tweezers. If this fails, be sure to take the dog to the veterinarian, otherwise an inflammatory process may begin.

If the cause of a runny nose is an allergy, you need to try to identify the allergen. Remove from use anything that could cause an allergy in the dog - new food, a new collar, a food bowl. If possible, reduce your walking time and avoid walking in the grass. At severe runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing, you can give the animal an antihistamine (Zodak, Ketotifen, Diazolin, Suprastin). The dose should be calculated taking into account the weight of the animal.

Very often, with a runny nose (whatever its nature), crusts form in the dog’s nose. They interfere with the normal passage of air, the dog often sneezes, breathes through its mouth, and tries to clear the nasal passages. In this case, you need to drop a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into each nostril. After a while, when the crusts soften, they need to be pulled out with cotton swabs. If you have a runny nose, this cleaning should be done 1-2 times a day.

Often, when a dog has a runny nose, his nose becomes cracked and hurts. Lubricate it with nourishing cream, Vaseline or olive oil. This will heal the cracks and prevent new ones from appearing.

Important! Humans should not be used when treating dogs. vasoconstrictor drops and nasal sprays. It may be dangerous.

How to treat colds and snot

If the cause of your dog’s snot is a cold and hypothermia, the principle of treatment changes. Here are a few effective ways quickly and painlessly get rid of a runny nose in a dog.

  1. Dissolve the streptocide tablet in a small amount of water. After this, using a pipette, drop 2 drops of the prepared solution into each nostril of the dog. This will ease your pet's condition if the cause of snot is a viral cold.
  2. Another great remedy for a runny nose is juice. onions. Fresh onions need to be chopped and juice squeezed out of them. It is best to soak cotton swabs in this juice and place them in the dog’s nose. However, not every dog ​​can withstand this procedure, so in most cases it is easier to drop a few drops of onion juice diluted in half with water into each nostril.
  3. You can also bury it in the animal’s nose. beet juice. It's being diluted boiled water and instill in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
  4. If the snot is thick, yellow or green, you can treat the dog with Pinosol. Place 2-3 drops into each nostril several times a day and very soon your dog will come to his senses.
  5. Another excellent remedy for fighting snot is Derinat nasal drops. This medicine copes well with bacteria, viruses and infection.
  6. Many dog ​​breeders actively use vitamin A in liquid form to combat the common cold. It is sold in pharmacies in ampoules. It not only suppresses the virus, but also softens and moisturizes the nasal mucosa.

If your dog has a cold, you need to make sure the room is cool. Take care of the air humidity, because dry air dries out the mucous membrane, which leads to the formation of crusts. Let your dog drink more. If you add a spoonful of honey to your pet's water, she will happily drink the whole bowl. After all drinking plenty of fluids promotes the rapid removal of the virus from the body. In addition, honey is useful for strengthening the immune system.

When dealing with snot on your own, it is very important to monitor the general health of the dog. If your pet has lost its appetite, if it is weak and apathetic, you should urgently consult a doctor. Sometimes snot can be a symptom of a serious illness, such as plague or tuberculosis. You can treat your dog for snot only if nothing else bothers him other than a runny nose. Take care of your pet and respond to its symptoms in a timely manner.

Video: a dog is sick - how to treat and what to do

A runny nose (rhinitis) will never appear in a dog just like that. By increasing the production of mucus, the animal’s nose reacts to foreign elements (for example, specks) or representatives of pathogenic microflora, whose active life threatens his health.

Why does a pet have a runny nose? Symptoms

You can try to cure a runny nose in a dog on our own, but first MirSovetov will remind you what you absolutely cannot do. If your pet feels unwell due to foreign object stuck in your nose, do not try to wash it out with a stream of water or rinse your nose with drops - the debris will push even deeper.

If the dog copious discharge from the nose, soak the gauze turunda warm water or a decoction of chamomile and use it to remove dirt and mucus around the nostrils and from the nose itself. IN home medicine cabinet for your pet there should be Anandin or Maxidin 0.15% - these are effective antiviral and immunomodulatory solutions. They are instilled 1-2 drops into each nasal passage of small and medium-sized dogs, and for large dogs with a weight exceeding 40 kg, single dose increase to 3 drops. Gently acting, both drugs cope well with inflammation, blocking activity pathogenic microorganisms. The medicine is used up to 3 times a day, after clearing the pet’s nose of mucous or liquid secretions.

If after 2-3 days the situation with a runny nose has not changed dramatically and the pet continues to breathe noisily and rub its face with its paws, you should make an appointment with a veterinarian. Perhaps the specialist will find other signs of illness in the dog that the owner did not notice - then adequate and timely treatment will be prescribed.

Before visiting the veterinarian, you need to carefully monitor the nature of your pet’s nasal discharge: is it abundant or scanty, what color and consistency is it, what time of day is it most abundant (after a meal, after a walk, after the dog wakes up).

You should also not lose sight of the fact that a sick dog should not lie on a cold surface or in a draft, and the best dish for a pet in this state there will be semi-liquid, not hot food.

At the veterinarian's appointment

The more fully the dog owner describes to the doctor the external picture of his pet’s illness, the faster the specialist will suspect and, ultimately, discover the cause of rhinitis. To confirm the diagnosis, your dog may have a blood test and a nasal swab taken. In some cases, X-rays or a biopsy are used for examination. In progress local treatment Medicines are usually used in the form of ointments, drops and sprays. However, the dog owner needs to understand that these remedies only eliminate the symptoms, but not the factor that caused rhinitis. Therefore, treatment should be comprehensive and, as they say, to the point: for allergies - antihistamines, for bacteria - antibacterial medications, for viruses - antiviral medications, etc. It is better not to trust your friend’s health to the advice of friends or other dog lovers. Only a qualified doctor should treat a dog.

Runny nose (snot) or rhinitis in dogs is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

The nose of dogs, especially hunting and working dogs, is one of the main organs demanded by their owners when they are used in work. This is why the presence of a dry, hot, and sometimes cracked nose immediately alerts them and forces them to take the necessary therapeutic measures.

It must be borne in mind that dogs of brachycephalic breeds, due to their physiological characteristics(nostril stenosis, laryngeal collapse, hyperplasia soft palate, tracheal hyperplasia) are more prone to runny nose.

According to the nature of the inflammatory exudate, rhinitis can be catarrhal, croupous (fibrinous) and follicular. By origin - primary and secondary, by acute and chronic course.

Causes of rhinitis in dogs:


A runny nose in dogs is accompanied by sneezing. In dogs, at the beginning of the disease, colorless snot appears, which has a liquid consistency, later its consistency becomes thicker. The dog tries to wipe its nose with its paws and often licks itself. As the disease progresses, the dog's nasal discharge will become thicker, causing crusts to form in the nose, making it difficult for the dog to breathe, causing the dog to sniffle and sometimes breathe through the mouth. U individual dogs Mixed shortness of breath may occur. The nasal mucosa is reddened. In the event that rhinitis is independent disease, then changes in general condition the dog’s body does not develop, the dog still has a good appetite.

Acute rhinitis in a dog usually goes away within a week. In the event that treatment acute form Rhinitis is not treated, then it can turn into chronic rhinitis. As a result, the disease worsens from time to time. In the chronic form of rhinitis in a dog, the mucous membrane may have cracks, ulcers, scars, erosions and other damage. In such cases, owners note depression and even weight loss in their dog.

If a dog’s rhinitis is a symptom of another disease, then the dog’s runny nose continues for a very long time. long time, sometimes can last for years.

Croupous rhinitis in dogs is very rare. This form Rhinitis in a dog is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, breathing becomes heavy. Gray or yellowish crusts may appear on the mucous membrane, under which there are wounds.

With follicular rhinitis, a sick dog develops many nodules on the nasal mucosa that are yellow or gray. After some time, the nodules disappear and ulcers or erosions appear in their place.

Croupous and follicular rhinitis in dogs lasts up to a month.

Diagnosis Rhinitis in a dog is diagnosed based on clinical symptoms, as well as the collected medical history of the dog owner.

Treatment. Before starting treatment for a runny nose, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence, since without identifying the cause of a runny nose, treatment will be ineffective. Treatment must begin with eliminating the cause of the runny nose, otherwise the disease may develop into chronic form. The dog must be kept in a dry and warm room, it is necessary to reduce the time the dog spends outside, and eliminate drafts in the room.

The feeding diet includes foods rich in macro and microelements, vitamins E, A. It is a good idea to introduce super-premium soft food into the diet or give the dog “Immunal” echinacea. In order to increase the dog's immunity, Ribotan and Cycloferon are administered.

To warm up the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, apply a regular sock filled with warm sand for 2 minutes.

The crusts that have formed in the nose are removed once a day, which must first be moistened with warm water or a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide (2%). After this, the nose must be lubricated with oxolinic ointment or Vaseline.

Cracked skin is treated with streptocide powder or tricilin.

In case of severe drying of the mucous membrane, drops are instilled into the nose from menthol oil or 0.5% tannin solution.

If breathing is difficult due to nasal congestion, use veterinary drops for rhinitis -0.15% Maxidin, 0.1% Furacilin solution - 2-3 drops in each nasal passage.

At chronic rhinitis The bekloport aerosol is effective; each press of the dispenser gives the required dose of glucocorticosteroid.

For croupous and follicular rhinitis, sulfadimethoxine is additionally used orally, 0.25-1 tablet 1-2 times a day, coldact capsules, actifed, 0.25-1 tablet 2-3 per day. Puppies are given 1 teaspoon of actifed syrup 1-3 times a day.

From funds traditional medicine you can use drops of raspberry decoction, string, pharmaceutical chamomile, beets. For purulent rhinitis nasal cavity washed lightly disinfectant solutions, prepared from chamomile, coltsfoot, violet.

In the case where a runny nose is a symptom of another disease, treatment should be aimed at this disease. In this case, owners need to contact veterinary clinic, where the veterinarian will make an accurate diagnosis, perform an analysis of the microbial flora,, if necessary, conduct a blood test and prescribe appropriate treatment.