A list of hypoallergenic animals is a solution for allergy sufferers. Hypoallergenic pets: a choice is possible Pet for children with allergies and asthma

For those who love our little brothers, an allergy to them can be a real tragedy. Indeed, in addition to sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes and itching, in the worst cases, an allergy to pets can result in bronchial asthma, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. And if you cannot overcome the allergy, there is only one way out - to part with your pet and place it in a good hands. However, all is not lost: there are animals that do not cause allergies. As a rule, even the most “sensitive” owners do not have problems with them.

Dogs and cats for allergy sufferers

The main sign of hypoallergenic animals is the absence of fur. Among the most famous hairless dogs are the Mexican Hairless and the Chinese Crested. Hairless animals have many advantages. Firstly, due to the lack of hair (and therefore shedding), the pet spreads less “infection” around the apartment, and secondly, much less dust accumulates on the animal itself. However, there is one “but”: hairless animals sweat more and, unlike their shaggy counterparts, get greasy faster, and therefore they need to be bathed more often.

Chinese Crested

Another group of breeds whose representatives practically do not cause allergies are wire-haired and short-haired animals. Most terriers and schnauzers, despite their fairly thick and long coats, practically do not shed. The Portuguese Water Dog, Puli, and Shih Tzu also do not shed. Poodles are also considered one of the safest breeds for allergy sufferers. In addition, if you accustom your pet to regular visits to the “beauty salon,” then the number of allergens in the house can be reduced to zero. Additionally, when choosing hypoallergenic dogs important has a size: after all, the smaller the surface of a dog’s body, the fewer allergens it produces.

It is also necessary to remember that animal saliva is very dangerous for allergy sufferers, so from the list of potential four-legged friends you should immediately exclude dogs with jowls (sagging lips) and increased salivation, such as Fila, Mastino, Great Dane and others.

As for cats, the most popular among hairless breeds is the Sphynx or Shock cat. Also good friends Cornish Rex and Devon Rex dogs, which have short hair, can become allergic.

Cornish Rex

Despite all the precautions and recommendations, you need to remember that an allergy to animals is an insidious and unpredictable thing, and its “challenges” are not always found logical explanations. Sometimes a person breaks out in a rash in the company of a hairless sphinx, but at the same time feels great next to a Persian or a Siberian cat.

Small pets for allergy sufferers

And yet, what to do if the appearance of a dog or cat in the house is not discussed at all? Which living creature can I “register” in the apartment? If we exclude birds - parrots, canaries and other songbirds, the feathers and down of which are favorable environment for the appearance of dust mites - a dangerous allergen, then you can think about aquarium fish (unless, of course, you are allergic to their food), and reptiles, like lizards or chameleon. They don't sweat, shed, groom themselves, or spread allergens. However, these hypoallergenic creatures also need good care, since damp wood and foliage in the terrarium can become a “trigger” for the proliferation of fungi, which also cause an allergic reaction in humans.

However, if you don’t like “cold” creatures at all, you can get another animal - “warm”, soft and cute. For example, chinchilla.


Scientists have proven that chinchillas are absolutely hypoallergenic: they have almost no sebaceous and sweat glands, and they do not shed. And at the same time, chinchillas are ideal pets - friendly, active, emotional. The only problem in keeping a chinchilla can be its night look life and hyperactivity, which is typical of most rodents.

Among domesticated rodents, there are other representatives that can be safely recommended to allergy sufferers. For example, hairless guinea pigs. Just a few years ago, these unusual animals were considered exotic, but now they are found in many homes, although they still cost much more than their “dressed” relatives.

Hairless guinea pig

Among the hairless pigs that look like small hippos, there are the Baldwin and Skinny breeds. Unlike Baldwins, who are born with wool and shed their hair on the 5-6th day, Skinnies are immediately born hairless. Adult skinnies have a slightly noticeable fluff less than 1 mm long, which makes them appear velvety. In addition, they have a small amount of hair on their paws and face. Caring for hairless guinea pigs is the same as for regular guinea pigs. True, they require food beyond the norm: without wool, the rodents’ body spends more energy on heating.

Bald rat

Unlike hairless rats, hairless mice are still rare among pets. Complete absence hair makes these little creatures even more touching. In addition, at the genetic level, bald mice are devoid of aggression and fear of humans - they trust people and always try to be closer to the owner’s body, they certainly want to climb into their arms and bask in a warm palm.

As you can see, in every person’s home there can be a place for animals. And even allergy sufferers do not need to deny themselves the pleasure of having a four-legged friend, the main thing is to do right choice. In addition, pets treat many ailments, which can bring considerable benefits to their owners.

My eldest son is a big animal lover. At the age of six, he re-read all the literature in the house, including three volumes of the children's encyclopedia “What is it? Who is this? But frequent colds, accompanied by allergic reactions of an unknown nature, did not allow us to have anyone. And then one day, embarrassed and blushing, my shy son himself asked the doctor, which animal does not cause allergies? “Turtle,” came the answer, which greatly surprised me. The fate of our family for the next 15 years was decided.

Thus, animals that have no hair or do not shed, are small in size and are calm will be safe. After all, the more the animal moves, the more it secretes.

Option 1. Cold-blooded

Turtle. She has no fur or irritating saliva. You can feed the turtle by hand, and if it doesn’t like something, it even hisses. The main thing is not to forget about it. Unlike a kitten or puppy, a turtle living in a terrarium will not bite or scratch you if it gets hungry. She might even fall asleep. Therefore, do not leave the animal solely in the care of the child. At good care turtles live for decades.

The only drawback: turtles often carry salmonellosis - you need to wash your hands well afterward and prevent the animal from coming into contact with food.

Fishes. They are also taciturn and beautiful. Watching the aquarium will calm you down nervous system both child and parent. Pet stores have a large selection: from unpretentious guppies to goldfish and colorful ocean inhabitants. The latter need special care and salt water.

Did you know that dry fish food can be an allergen? This can be easily checked by buying a sample and placing it in the room.

Lizards. An option for everyone. It seems to me that keeping this nimble and active animal in a terrarium is quite cruel. However, you don’t want to wake up from a pet falling on you from the ceiling. 🙂

Snails . Yes, yes, ordinary snails. An ideal animal for allergy sufferers. He doesn’t stomp around the house, you don’t have to take him for walks, he doesn’t smell, he’s unpretentious in his food.

You can catch snails in a pond and put them in an aquarium with fish. By the way, they are also called cleaners: snails collect food remaining from fish along the bottom and clean the glass of aquariums from algae.

Another option is land snail- Achatina. The size of the Achatina shell reaches 25 centimeters. Snails live up to 10 years with good care. Achatina can be picked up and it is claimed that they recognize the owner.

When leaving for a long time, take the snail to your friends, and it will sleep in the refrigerator until you return.

Don't like cold-blooded people? Breeders have bred hairless dogs and cats, choose!

Option 2. Hairless breeds of dogs and cats

If you think that hairless breeds are unpretentious, then you will be disappointed. For the skin of a “naked” animal you need special care: wash, lubricate with moisturizer, protect from cold and sunburn. Even in a warm apartment, they may need special clothing. On the street - sunscreen.

The most common hairless breeds

Sphinxes. Elegant hairless cats. They are friendly and love their owners very much.

Peruvian Inca Orchid. Behind this exotic name lies a calm, friendly dog ​​up to 50 cm tall at the withers.

Xoloitzcuintle, or Mexican Hairless Dog. They vary in height: from 25 to 60 cm.

American Hairless Terrier. A nice feature: it does not suffer from constant problems with skin. The dog is active and strong and is able to protect its owner. Needs proper training.

Do you like fluffies? There are lightly or non-shedding breeds.

Option 3. Low-shedding breeds of cats and dogs

Cats for allergy sufferers

Kurilian Bobtail. Quite large fluffy cat, sheds slightly. She has a short trot ponytail and tassels on her ears. Bobtails are intelligent and clean: they are not afraid to wash themselves, they do not mark in the apartment (only in the toilet and on the street), they know how to protect their owner and retrieve abandoned things.

Cornish Rex. The coat is short and wavy and hardly sheds. Cats are smart, playful and non-aggressive, and will be wonderful companions for your son or daughter.

Abyssinian. An affectionate and active animal, very playful - your baby will definitely like it.

Scottish Fold. The coat is short and hardly falls out. Kittens have characteristic folded, curled ears. Cats don't like heights and won't jump on you from the closet! They often stand on their hind legs, like dogs. This is how they stretch their backs. The breed is sociable, although a little shy.

British. A calm and affectionate medium-sized short-haired cat.

Siberian cats rarely cause allergies, since there is no protein in their saliva that provokes attacks.

Dogs for allergy sufferers

We select an animal for children, so we describe dog breeds that are not only hypoallergenic, but friendly and playful.

Schnauzer. Curious, active and funny dog. The coat is long and curly and does not shed. True, there remains the danger of an allergy to saliva.

Poodle. Smart, loyal and playful, an ideal partner for children.

Australian Silkie Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier and Golddust Yorkie. Small dogs that have no undercoat at all. The coat itself is long, fine and straight. Remember to brush and wash your dog regularly, and you will spend many pleasant moments in its company.

Bichon Frize. Another beautiful miniature dog that is easy to litter train.

Kerry Blue Terrier. Has a thick coat and is not prone to shedding. A wonderful watchman and rat catcher.

The Irish Water Spaniel reaches 70 centimeters at the withers, but is also friendly.

Bedlington Terrier. A curly dog ​​with a tuft on his head. She sheds, but the trick is that the fallen hairs remain in the curls and do not fall to the floor. The main thing is to remember to comb them.

Option 4. Exotic animals

The chinchilla is a charming, affectionate and sociable animal with short, thick hair that practically never falls out. It is very funny to gnaw dry apples, holding them in its paws. A favorite of kids. However, these miniature squirrels need special conditions contents: spacious cage, temperature regime, special, expensive sand for swimming.

Hairless guinea pigs were exotic not so long ago. Now these rodents, reminiscent of hippos, can be found in many pet stores.

Safety precautions for allergy sufferers

Of course, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of any animal. But if there is an allergy sufferer in the house, this becomes especially relevant. Don't let your pets jump on the bed. Wash them more often if necessary. Don't forget to clean the toilet, remove waste (including uneaten food), and comb out the fur.

Last words of advice

Even if you have never had an allergy, there is no guarantee that it will not occur. It’s better to play it safe: stay in the same room with the animal, play with it, buy dry food and inhale its smell, take allergy tests... Be sure to read how to care for your future pet, can you do this every day and with joy?

It’s a little troublesome, but it’s better to play it safe than to figure out how to get rid of an innocent animal or join the ranks of stray cats and dogs.

Remember: “We will always be responsible for those we have tamed” (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry).

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Unfavorable environmental conditions and features modern image life has led to an increase in the percentage of people suffering from allergies. The disease causes a lot of inconvenience to pet lovers. An ideal solution for them would be hypoallergenic breeds, but it’s not that simple.

Are there hypoallergenic animals?

Many people believe that the main source of allergies is animal fur - this is not entirely true. Capable of causing a reaction various factors related to pets: odors, saliva, dander, sebum, urine and food. It is impossible to say with confidence that an animal will not cause an allergy. An allergic reaction can occur even in those who previously kept a pet in the house or who currently have one.

What pets are suitable for people with allergies?

It is not difficult to guess that hypoallergenic animals are those that do not leave hair around the house, do not spray saliva and do not go to the litter box. Of all the pets that are usually kept in an apartment, these include fish, turtles, lizards and reptiles. They are safe for people prone to allergies.

Not everyone is a fan of the “cold-blooded.” The solution to the problem could be a cute fluffy animal like a chinchilla. Of all the non-aquarium-dwelling and non-scaled pets, she is the most hypoallergenic pet. The chinchilla does not shed, she has almost no sweat and sebaceous glands, at the same time she is emotional, active and friendly, which makes the animal a wonderful pet.

Hairless guinea pigs are another option for allergy sufferers. Recently they were exotic. Now these rodents, which look like small hippos, can be found in many pet stores.

Hypoallergenic dogs and cats

If none of the previously proposed options suits you and you are determined to place a cat or dog at home, it is better to choose those that are less likely to cause allergies. It is impossible to say with certainty which pet will be hypoallergenic for a person, since it is individual. Allergies can be identified through testing. Before purchasing an animal, agree to take it in for a couple of days or at least stay near it for a while. In some cases, allergy tests, which can be performed in almost every hospital, can help.

There is an opinion that Siberian cats do not cause allergic reactions because there is no protein in their saliva that causes attacks. Abyssinian, Scottish fold and British cats are considered not particularly allergenic.

The best hypoallergenic dogs include: Yorkshire Terriers and poodles, since they have no undercoat, they do not shed, rarely lick themselves and do not drool. These animals can be bathed frequently to remove major allergens.

For allergy sufferers, consider schnauzers, which have short, coarse hair and do not like to bark. The Bouvier des Flanders has little dandruff. Other dog breeds that are considered hypoallergenic include the Irish Water Spaniel, Bichon Frize, Bedlington Terrier, Peruvian Orchid, American Hairless Terrier, Maltese and Australian Silky Terrier.

Until recently, it was believed that a person with hypersensitivity and you shouldn’t think about starting pet. We previously wrote about, but now let’s talk about cats and other animals that a person with such an illness can have.

Devon rex considered a hypoallergenic breed. As a rule, a person’s allergies are caused not only by cat hair, but also the release of animal protein FEL D1 in saliva. During the licking process, it remains on the fur, and the fur remains on clothes and furniture. The Devon Rex practically does not shed, its fur is not as thick as that of ordinary domestic cats, and the process of “washing” occurs much less frequently.

Sphinx- one of the breeds of hairless cats, so people with allergies can keep them at home. Accordingly, cats do not lick themselves and do not leave fur behind. IN in rare cases An allergic person may have a reaction to animal sweat. Sphynx cats also need regular bathing, and special attention should be paid to the folds on the body. True, this breed easily tolerates water procedures, and it won’t be too difficult for you to wash it properly.

Do they get along or not? decorative rabbits with allergy sufferers - controversial issue. In this case, you just need to stick to a few simple rules so that no problems arise with the appearance of this animal in the family. Their fur does not have a specific odor, but the discharge from a male rabbit may be the main allergen. Therefore, the safest choice would be a girl. Also pay close attention to the breed: choose a small rabbit - a smooth-haired, spiky one.

Hamster or gerbil. The situation here is the same as with rabbits: healthy person A cough and redness on the body may suddenly occur, but in an allergic person it will cause absolutely no reaction. A Syrian hamster will be less risky for you. As for the gerbil, they are considered the safest rodents for people suffering from allergies, since their fur is completely odorless.

Turtle. It would seem: there is no fur, no smell, no protein that causes allergies, and there is no special hassle in keeping a turtle. It is a popular hypoallergenic pet, but it is worth remembering that such a pet reptile is also a source of salmonellosis. Therefore, to avoid infection, always wash your hands thoroughly after handling it and keep it away from the kitchen and food items.

And yet, if you have allergies at home, before getting a pet, even the safest one, be sure to get tested so that you can further predict the body’s reaction to certain products/phenomena.

Pets improve the energy of an apartment and give positive mood and love to their owners. Having a pet comes with many challenges. everyday life: the need to walk the animal (if it is a dog), monitor cleanliness litter tray and diversity diet.

Often the presence of a furry “anti-stress” in the house leads to the development of allergies in family members, accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms, such as coughing, continuous sneezing, lacrimation, urticaria, etc. And if the desire to have a tailed pet is very strong, but someone in the family suffers from manifestations of the disease, then you need to figure out which pets do not cause allergies.


An allergy develops in response to exposure to some chemical irritant associated with the life of a pet. In most cases, it is believed that the disease is caused by the pet's fur. This is not always the case; allergies can occur to the smell emanating from the animal, its marks, sebum and even dander.

Most often, the disease develops as a reaction of the human body to a protein that is present in the pet’s blood, urine, and saliva. Moreover, allergens can accumulate in the body for a long time and appear unexpectedly, six months or a year after acquisition. pet.

Choice of animal

The perfect pet for an allergy sufferer - one who does not have hair, does not have sweat and sebaceous glands, you don’t need to clean the tray after him and he eats dietary food without chemical impurities. Such an animal simply does not exist in nature, so you have to choose from those representatives that pose the least risk for a response in humans.

Hypoallergenic pets, in order of increasing likelihood of a reaction:

  • aquarium fish;
  • reptiles;
  • rodents;
  • selected breeds of cats and dogs.

Aquarium inhabitants

Aquarium - ideal option for allergy sufferers, it is suitable for calm people and introverted children. Active playful little girls, and many adults too, find it boring to watch the monotonous bustle of fish, shrimp and snails, because you can’t talk to the fish, you can’t even pet them.

Also annoying is the need to regularly change the water, rinse driftwood and various aquarium accessories under running water, and “thin out” aquatic plants. The specific odor emanating from fish food can cause allergies due to large quantity preservatives designed to extend the shelf life of the product.

Attention! If you rarely refresh the water in the aquarium and regularly exceed the recommended daily portion when feeding, then mold can settle on the walls of the tank, and evaporation from spoiled water in the absence of a lid can cause the development of disease.


Turtle, various types lizards (iguana and chameleon), stick insects and even snakes - this is an example of animals that can be placed in the house without harm to the immune system. They are interesting to watch, you can pick them up and stroke them, but the cold inaccessibility of reptiles does not appeal to everyone.

These animals have a specific diet; they need to be provided with a separate place of residence in compliance with parameters such as lighting and humidity.

Non-compliance standard values humidity in the terrarium can lead to the formation of fungus, and this factor can already trigger an allergy attack.


These funny rodents are fussy and energetic, fun to watch and easy to care for. As a hypoallergenic pet, you can choose:

  • exotic chinchilla;
  • hamster of the Syrian breed;
  • "naked" Baldwin guinea pig.

Allergy to hairless guinea pigs, as in Syrian rodents, occurs very rarely. It is believed that a reaction to the presence of a chinchilla in the house cannot occur due to the fact that it does not shed and does not have salivary and sweat glands.

Of course, this rodent does not “shed” its fur seasonally twice a year (in autumn and spring), but it still renews its hair regularly. At the same time, the animal’s movement is limited within the cage, so it will not be able to “scatter” its fur everywhere.

The chinchilla is active, emotional and funny, her presence can diversify the family way of life.

Attention! Most often, an allergic reaction occurs not to the animal itself, but to its urine or excrement, or to the dust inevitably present in sawdust or hay used as bedding in the cage.

You can reduce the risk of spreading allergens by:

  • regularly clean the rodent cage;
  • do not place the cage in the bedroom or nursery (where they sleep);
  • carry out cleaning wearing a gauze bandage or a respirator;
  • wash your hands after handling an animal;
  • use an air purifier regularly;
  • carry out wet cleaning more often in the room in which the pet “lives”.

Cats and dogs

The favorite pet for most people is a cat and a dog. You can pet them, they can “talk”, they are fun and emotionally warm to be with. At the same time occurrence frequency allergic reaction observed very often in this category of animals.

It is believed that long-haired cats should not be owned by those with allergies. Most often, the allergen is not the villi, but the specific protein Fel D1, which is found in cat saliva. Every day, in the process of caring for its fur, the cat covers its entire body with saliva.

As a result of the animal's constant movements, this unfortunate protein is present everywhere: in house dust, on carpets, on beds, even in the air. Getting on the mucous membrane or skin human, this substance irritates the receptors, and the main symptoms of allergy appear.

Some breeds produce less glycoprotein and have short hair, and they are classified as hypoallergenic animals.

Communication with four-legged friend may be overshadowed by allergies. And all because of the same protein that is present in the saliva and on the dog’s fur. A minimum of allergic reactions are caused by animals that practically do not shed (little) and are not excessively “drooling.”

Determine in advance whether it will respond immune system It is impossible for a person to detect the presence of a specific animal in an apartment; this is determined during close contact. The following activities will help reduce the likelihood of developing allergies when interacting with cats and dogs:

  • regular wet cleaning of the apartment;
  • compliance hygiene procedures in caring for the animal (washing, combing, bathing);
  • daily cleaning of the tray and food bowl;
  • periodic treatment of all horizontal planes (sofas, beds, chairs) using a washing vacuum cleaner;
  • choosing a hypoallergenic breed.

Hypoallergenic cat breeds

If the risk of an allergic reaction is low, then you can take the risk. However, before getting a pet, try to interact with it to test yourself.

It is believed that dark-haired pets are more likely to cause allergic reactions than their light-haired counterparts, and in the saliva of uncastrated cats the protein concentration is higher compared to female cats.

Some breeds are relatively hypoallergenic:

  • The Don Sphynx is very independent, but at the same time playful and smart. His appearance specific, but the lack of hair allows cats of this breed to lead the list of not causing allergies animals;
  • Devon Rex resembles a defenseless elf with incredibly expressive eyes and large protruding ears. The cat not only puts up with the presence of a person nearby, she sincerely loves her owner and will never “raise” her paw on a child. Practically does not cause allergic reactions;
  • Cornish Rex - short-haired, graceful, looking like a plush toy, a cat of this breed has a playful disposition;
  • Scottish Fold and British breed They are distinguished by kindness and independence; even allergy sufferers rarely experience a reaction to their presence;
  • Balinese cats are peaceful and flexible. Despite the fact that these animals have thick fur, the risk of developing the disease is minimal;
  • The Oriental Shorthair cat is incredibly elegant and graceful. It has short, smooth hair; allergies when interacting with this breed are practically excluded;
  • Although the Siberian cat has long hair with a dense undercoat, it is considered a relatively low-allergenic breed.

At one time, there were scammers selling supposedly hypoallergenic cat breeds, such as Simon Brody: His wonderful “allerka” worth $7,000 was no different from any other cat.

When the disappointed owners, having discovered the catch, began to bombard the company with lawsuits and demands for compensation for the damage caused, the cunning entrepreneur disappeared for a while.

However, a few years later he appeared again with a new sensation - the semi-wild Ashera is not only hypoallergenic, but also unique in genotype, and therefore much more expensive - $20,000! And yet there were people who again believed the scammer. And he again hit a big jackpot and fled, this time to Canada.

Note! In the whole world it is impossible to find at least one individual cat that does not produce an allergen protein.

Hypoallergenic dog breeds

The degree of hypoallergenicity of a particular breed is influenced by the following factors:

  • animal size. It is clear that what smaller dog, the smaller the amount of lint in the absence of combing will be on the carpet and floor;
  • character. It is believed that a restless and constantly barking animal is capable of “scattering” more fur on one meter than a calm wolfhound. This is why small, active and frequently barking dogs are unlikely to be suitable for allergy sufferers;
  • anatomical structure. Thus, a bulldog cannot “not drool” due to the structure of its body.

To dog breeds that do not cause allergies in people conditionally(!) can be attributed:

  • Australian Silky Terrier (Silky Terrier). The dog is very compact and miniature, with a lively and energetic character. The coat is straight and long, but there is no undercoat, which reduces the risk of allergies with constant interaction;
  • American Hairless Terrier. This little dog is completely hairless, has no tendency to drool, and is therefore absolutely safe for allergy sufferers;
  • Bedlington Terrier. They are distinguished by good character, kindness, devotion and sincerity. The coat is very dense, thick, reminiscent of cotton wool. The hairs that fall out after molting do not fall en masse to the floor, but literally “get stuck” in the soft abyss consisting of curly fibers;
  • Bichon Frize. Reminds me of a stuffed plush toy. The coat is long, thick and very curly, and allergies rarely occur to it;
  • Bolognese. Although the dog is not very active, it is very friendly and peaceful. Practically does not shed, the coat has one layer, the absence of undercoat prevents the development of an allergic reaction to the proximity to this cute dog;
  • border terrier He has a stubborn character, but at the same time gets along well with children. The coat is short, curly, thin, does not provoke allergies;
  • Welsh Terrier The dogs are active and cheerful. Although the wool is two-layered, it is very hard, so the rare hairs that fall out do not “fly” in the air, but quickly settle on the floor. The breed is not subject to shedding, so this dog can also be recommended for people with allergies;
  • Irish water spaniel. He gets along great with children, but at the same time the dog is an excellent watchdog. The coat is curly, does not require careful grooming and practically does not shed;
  • naked Chinese Crested. The dog is a little restless, but very friendly and loyal. It has no fur, so allergies after interacting with it are extremely rare;
  • Kerry Blue Terrier. The animals are very playful and love to take active walks. The coat is curly, there is no undercoat, it practically does not shed;
  • Xoloitzcuintle. Representatives of this breed can be either hairless or short-haired;
  • Maltese. Although these adorable dogs have long, silky fur, they hardly shed even when proper care(combing) do not cause allergies;
  • poodle The dogs have curly, dense hair without undercoat, which sheds slightly.

Allergy is not a sentence to a dull existence without a pet. A variety of hypoallergenic animals will help you choose a dear friend from a turtle to a dog.



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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! Accurate diagnosis Only a doctor can diagnose.