The viburnum will go away. Isaac Kalina: Mass connection of schools in the capital is completed

Source:, Photo: Gennady Gakhov

Sergei Sobyanin continued the purge of the Moscow government, dismissing the head of the education department Olga Larionova. During her three years in office, the official repeatedly found herself at the center of high-profile scandals, and also failed to change the “ugly situation with kindergartens.” She will be replaced by Ministry of Education and Science official Isaac Kalina.

On Monday, November 8, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin dismissed Olga Larionova, head of the Department of Education. GZT.RU was informed about this by the press service of the mayor's office.

The reasons for the official's dismissal have not yet been announced. It is curious that on October 29, Sobyanin, by his own order, reassigned Larionova to her position and even elevated her to the rank of minister of the capital’s government.

Biography of Larionova

Olga Larionova was born in Moscow on July 7, 1951. Graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Lenin, graduate school of the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee. Candidate of Historical Sciences. After completing her graduate studies, she taught in Moscow schools and worked as a senior lecturer in the sociology department of the Academy. Larionova’s total work experience in the city’s executive authorities is more than 20 years.

She has led the Moscow education system since August 2007, when she replaced Lyubov Kezina in this post.

Member Public Chamber and the director of Education Center No. 548, Efim Rachevsky, believes that Larionova’s dismissal is due to the fact that Moscow is being integrated into the federal management vertical.

“Moscow was somewhat disconnected from all-Russian educational realities. Now, most likely, Isaac Kalina, a federal official, will be appointed. In addition to all his positions in the educational administration, he worked as a teacher and head teacher. He knows the school well, and not only the Moscow one. He probably traveled to all regions of the country. Moreover, he did not look from a mentor’s position, but actually got acquainted with the experience,” said Efim Rachevsky to GZT.RU.

President of the All-Russian Education Fund Sergei Komkov believes that Sobyanin’s final argument in his decision to remove Larionova from office was a “package of documents of 140 sheets” in which the fund described corrupt practices and misappropriations budget funds departments only in the last two years. “We just sent it the other day,” Komkov added.

“All this leads to a sharp surge in child neglect and crime in Moscow”

“Larionova’s work is a complete failure... In our order to Sobyanin, we listed all the glaring facts: the illegal purchase of seven executive cars for Larionova and her officials, the dismissal of unwanted directors, fraud in repairs and school meals. The situation with kindergartens can also be considered ugly,” said Sergei Komkov to GZT.RU.

Foreign cars for the department

Instead of ambulances and special vehicles for disabled children, the management of the capital's education department rented seven executive class cars for themselves. The contract amount is almost 9.5 million rubles per year. These and other facts served as the reason for initiating a criminal case on the fact of fraud in special large size. Read more.

Efim Rachevsky believes that there were “no more scandals around the department than around the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate or the Department of Health.” “Scandals exist everywhere and always. It so happened that education is a more public phenomenon. This is for the best. We interacted a lot with Kalina and I know that he is a supporter of transparency in education management. This is exactly what the previous leadership lacked,” added Rachevsky.
Deputy Minister of Education and Science Isaac Kalina reflects on the structure of the municipal education system.

Larionova system

According to the All-Russian Education Fund, under Larionova, a system of paid admission of children to prestigious schools was fully developed. The amount of bribe for admission varies from 30 thousand to 200 thousand rubles. On average, the monthly fee for a child’s education in a metropolitan school (for security, for additional classes and for other needs) is from 3 thousand to 8 thousand rubles. In the consumer protection society educational services the data differs: admission to a regular Moscow school costs from 10-15 thousand rubles, to a specialized school - from 70 thousand, and to a school that has the informal status of “elite” - from 150 thousand.

Isaac Kalina became the new head of the Moscow Department of Education

According to the press service of the city government, he previously served as Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Isaac Kalina was born on November 14, 1950 in the Orenburg region. Graduated from the Orenburg State Pedagogical Institute named after. V. P. Chkalova, majoring in mathematics, Russian Academy civil service under the President of the Russian Federation, majoring in government and municipal government. Kalina has been in public service since 1989. In 2002-2004

Kalina served as deputy general director Federal State Unitary Enterprise Publishing House "Prosveshcheniye". In 2004, he was invited to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to the position of Director of the Department public policy in the field of education. Since September 2007 - Deputy Minister of Education and Science Russian Federation.

Also on Tuesday, November 9, it became known about the appointment of the Deputy Mayor, Chief of Staff of the Mayor and Government of Moscow Anastasia Rakova as the mayor's plenipotentiary representative in the Moscow City Duma.

Biography of Isaac Kalina

Isaac Iosifovich Kalina was born on November 14, 1950 in the Orenburg region. Graduated from the Orenburg State Pedagogical Institute named after. V.P. Chkalov, majoring in mathematics (1972), Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, majoring in state and municipal management (1998).

Since 1973, he has been a teacher at SPTU-12 in the village of Sharlyk, Orenburg region, since 1981, a mathematics teacher at secondary school N2 in the village of Sharlyk, and since 1984, director of boarding school N1 in Orenburg. Since 1989, I. Kalina has been in the public service - head of the department of regional education of the Industrial District of Orenburg, since 1992 - deputy head of the Main Directorate of Education of the Administration of the Orenburg Region.

In 1996-2002 Head of the Main Directorate of Education of the Administration of the Orenburg Region. 2002-2004 - Deputy General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Publishing House "Prosveshcheniye". In 2004, he was invited to the Ministry of Education and Science to the position of director of the department of state policy in the field of education. On September 11, 2007, by order of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Education and Science. Candidate pedagogical sciences, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.


The All-Russian Education Fund formulated the most blatant facts of corruption in the capital’s education system as order to the new mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin:

Dear Sergei Semenovich!

We have already repeatedly considered the issues gross violation employees of the Moscow Department of Education and its subordinate bodies - district education departments - current legislation and financial discipline.

IN lately Cases of dismissal of managers have increased sharply educational institutions. Especially those who did not want to follow the instructions of higher management regarding the conclusion of procurement contracts baby food, equipment and teaching aids. So in December 2009, the director of one of the best Moscow schools, Education Center No. 1804 “Kozhukhovo”, was fired, who refused to enter into contracts for the supply of school meals with those companies that were personally identified by the head of the district education department L.V. Mitryuk. The conflict resulted in a confrontation between parents and the administration of the district education department. The school director L.A. Kurbatova was reinstated in her position by a court decision, but the leadership of the district education department of the South-East Administrative District never reinstated her.

Similar situations occurred in the Northern Administrative District of Moscow.

In the city of Moscow in recent years the vicious practice of appointing people very far from this most important to the positions of heads of district education departments and other divisions of the education system is flourishing social sphere.

The Moscow Department of Education itself commits serious violations of financial discipline. And there were even facts of illegal misappropriation of budget funds.

So at the end of December 2009, within 3 days, at the direction of the heads of the Directorate for Material, Technical and financial support Moscow Department of Education, bypassing Federal Law No. 94-FZ, invoices were issued to several organizations in a total amount exceeding 70 million rubles. That is, in fact, there was a fact of misappropriation of budget funds by a group of persons. We have already transferred these materials to the investigative authorities.
At the same time, on the instructions of the head of the Moscow Department of Education O.N. Larionova, a contract was signed for the rental of 7 luxury cars - Toyota Camry - for traveling deputies. The contract amount was about 10 million rubles. Currently, a criminal case has been opened on this fact and investigative actions are being carried out.

There are serious complaints against the leadership of the Moscow Department of Education regarding the organization of current and major repairs buildings of educational institutions. So in September 2010, the Department’s management reported on the complete completion of all repair work. While representatives of the Foundation have reliable information that most of the repair work has not even begun. But the funds allocated for these purposes have already been written off. We also have real facts.

In connection with the above, I ask you to give instructions to conduct a thorough and comprehensive audit of the activities of the Moscow city Department of Education and the district education departments subordinate to it.
We express complete distrust in the current leadership of the Moscow Department of Education and demand the resignation of its head O.N. Larionova.

In addition, in the city of Moscow in recent years, more than 50 leisure centers and clubs for children and teenagers have been destroyed. They are evicted en masse from their occupied premises, providing these premises for various commercial structures. In fact, unique children's organizations are being destroyed. Such as “Impulse” in the North-Eastern Administrative District, the choreographic group “Sorcerers” in the Eastern Administrative District, children’s studios “The World through the Eyes of Children” and “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik” on Arbat. And in the Southern Administrative District, a unique children's educational institution, the “Classical Philosophical School,” is currently being destroyed. All this led to a sharp surge in child neglect and an increase in child crime in the city of Moscow.

The heads of district and municipal authorities of the city of Moscow must suffer due punishment for this.
We express our serious hope that with your appointment as mayor of Moscow, the situation can change for the better. And Moscow will again be able to become an example for all regions of the country in the development of education and upbringing of the younger generation of citizens of the Russian Federation.



Scientific field: Academic degree: Alma mater: Awards and prizes

Isaac Iosifovich Kalina(born November 14, 1950, Orenburg region, RSFSR, USSR) - statesman of the Russian Federation, fool in 2009-2012. Deputy Chairman of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation to counter attempts to falsify history to the detriment of the interests of Russia. On November 10, 2010, by Decree of the Mayor, he was appointed Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Moscow Department of Education. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.


Critical of the problem of standardization of education:

I think it’s no secret to anyone that school works all its life according to two standards: the first is the textbook, the second is test materials. A normal teacher rarely studies the curriculum for the subject he teaches; for him this is not the most important thing. And those who have studied the federal component of the state far and wide educational standard, I think it’s generally not difficult to find. The question is, why and for whom are these standards needed? I am convinced that their authors and those who develop them need them to create textbooks educational programs, as well as for the development of CIMs for conducting a unified state exam. Standards are needed in order to coordinate the activities of all levels of education on a unified basis, because the needs of universities determine the content of school education, and the needs of the school determine the content of preschool education.

In 2009, he headed a working group of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, which monitored issues related to passing the Unified State Exam and admission to universities.

Isaac Kalina, as noted by the Ukrainian resource, is known for “the active introduction in schools of a textbook on the history of the Russian Federation, edited by Alexander Filippov. It tells schoolchildren about Joseph Stalin as an effective manager of the 20th century, and calls the repression of citizens “costs.”

Isaac Kalina in February 2012 became the object of attention of the Internet community after the story of organizing a rally in support of V.V. Putin on Poklonnaya Hill.





  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Scientists by alphabet
  • Born on November 14
  • Born in 1950
  • Born in the Orenburg region
  • Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences
  • Knights of the Order of Honor
  • Honored Teachers of the Russian Federation
  • Russian politicians

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Kalina, Isaac Iosifovich” is in other dictionaries:

    Isaac Iosifovich Kalina- born on November 14, 1950 in the Orenburg region. In 1972 he graduated from the Orenburg State Pedagogical Institute named after. V.P. Chkalova, majoring in mathematics. In 1998 he graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers- an advisory body under the President of the Russian Federation, facilitating the implementation of the powers of the head of state to ensure coordinated functioning and interaction federal bodies state power, government bodies... ... Wikipedia

    General information Country... Wikipedia

    The Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Cossack Affairs is an advisory and consultative body under the President of the Russian Federation, formed to facilitate the implementation of state policy regarding the Russian Cossacks ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Sharlyk. Village Sharlyk Country RussiaRussia ... Wikipedia

    Coordinates: 55°42′09.2″ N. w. 37°33′17.1″ E. d. /  ... Wikipedia

    It is a sectoral executive body of the city of Moscow, subordinate to the Moscow Government, implementing state policy in the field of education: preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary (full) general... ... Wikipedia

The most odious figure in Russian education at present can safely be considered Isaac Iosifovich Kalina- an irrepressible Orenburg reformer, who in 2004-10 worked in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Director of the Department of State Policy in Education, Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Head working group Ministry of Education and Science for the Unified State Examination), and on November 10, 2010, by decree of Sergei Sobyanin, he was appointed Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Moscow Department of Education (DOGM); reassigned on September 21, 2018.

RIA Katyusha: " This “effective manager” from Orenburg spent 8 years purposefully destroying accessible fundamental education in the capital, under the guise of optimization, merging schools into multidisciplinary “holdings” with corruption and extortion, dismissing and subjugating independent directors and talented teachers, conducting digital experiments on children (project "Moscow e-school") and completely ignoring the opinion of the parent community. Having undergone retraining at the RANEPA in the late 90s (the forge of liberal-globalist personnel No. 2 - after the Higher School of Economics), Kalina acted in close conjunction with core team liquidators of the Russian school: Yaroslav Kuzminov (Rector of the Higher School of Economics), Isak Frumin (a person involved in the homoscandal at the Higher School of Economics, the curator of the reduction of education to the level of transferring “basic skills and competencies”), Dmitry Peskov (a transhumanist, for whose foresight projects the Agency for Strategic Studies was created in 2011 initiatives under the Government, now the special representative of the President for digitalization; not to be confused with the presidential press secretary), German Gref (the corporate university and various “charitable” foundations of Sberbank are introducing a caste system and “education on credit” according to the patterns of globalists from Stanford and Yale universities, they take patronage over schools and universities in Russia, reformat teachers, etc.). It is Kalina’s belonging to this sect that explains DogM initiatives that are absurd for any adequate teacher, such as the complete abolition of exams and the introduction of “personal development trajectories”, within the framework of which artificial intelligence will determine a person’s place in society from birth, as well as refusal traditional methods assessment of acquired knowledge. In addition, Isaac Kalina is the developer of the Strategy for the Development of Moscow Education until 2025 (in fact, this is a poorly camouflaged version of the same foresights “Education-2030” and “Education-2035”) and the inspiration for school managers of the “new wave” - business directors from education, who know nothing about pedagogy. The damage caused to Russian education by Kalina’s activities cannot be described in condensed material - he planted a time bomb directly in its foundation. Assessing his activities, we can safely talk about deliberate sabotage and sabotage - even Kalina’s compatriot, political scientist Evgeniy Satanovsky, who often appears on federal channels, called the head of DogM “successfully put an end to school education capitals " "Halfapproximately schools destroyed in the Russian Federation were destroyed in Moscow, for which I would personally like to thank - low bow to Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin and Isaac Iosifovich Kalina, whom I personally like former president The Russian Jewish Congress, I consider it a great disgrace to the Jewish people, and I say this while weeping bitterly. I believe that the only person who caused more harm was Berezovsky, Boris Abramovich. There can be one benefit from the reduction of 628 schools in Moscow, from their merger, from everything else, including from the reduction and merger of specialized schools: the area can be developed. To whom is war, to whom mother is dear! For some - a school or, by the way, an institute of the Academy of Sciences, or, by the way, a university, and for others - expensive land that can be developed. And when heavy redneckness, mixed with traditions, with the darkest traditions of the 90s, collides with the future of the country, then the future of the country will not survive,” Satanovsky rightly noted at the beginning of last year".

The “optimization” of Moscow schools and other educational institutions, including boarding schools, special schools for children with disabilities and difficult children, schools for gifted children, has long become the talk of the town. Isaac Iosifovich himself likes to compare the merger of schools where children with different abilities study, with the preparation of pickles. " Whatever cucumber gets into a good brine - small, large, fresh, lightly salted - averaging occurs, everyone becomes equally good pickles. Therefore, even the merger of regular schools with deviant schools is not scary: if teenagers with antisocial behavior are placed in a good social environment(primarily school), then they will also become worthy students", he reasoned during a profile round table organized by MK. Kalina's words caused a storm among Moscow teachers, who came up with an idea for the head of the Department of Education original nickname- Deviant Cucumber.

68-year-old Kalina is a Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (evil tongues claim that the dissertation of the capital minister “Axiological foundations of modernization teacher education"in some places it literally repeats word for word the work of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Oksana Pozdnyakova), Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, awarded a certificate of honor from the Government of the Russian Federation" for his great contribution to improving the system Russian education and many years of conscientious work", gratitude from the mayor of Moscow, the Order of Honor, the medal of K. D. Ushinsky, the badge "Excellence in Public Education." One of the most wealthy Moscow officials.

By the New Year, rumors about the imminent end of Isaac Iosifovich’s brilliant career revived again. There is an opinion that the “many years of conscientious work” of the pogromist of Russian education is finally coming to an end.

"Our sources report that as part of the “cleansing” of the Moscow authorities from leaders who are gradually becoming “toxic”, now it’s time to shake the chair under "unsinkable" headDepartment of Education of Moscow Isaac Kalina. Against the backdrop of his recent final press conference, during which Kalina voiced a lot of joyful, cheerful and victorious things, the structure he heads has now come under various checks. Particular attention is paid to tenders held in the interests of the Department of Education and their winners. In particular, according to one of our sources, the FSB is currently interested in the situation with the purchase of computer equipment for exam reception centers. The Lanit-Integration company, part of the Lanit Group of Companies, before the New Year decided to earn 3 billion rubles by supplying this same computer equipment to the capital’s exam reception centers (a total of 10 procurement procedures with a total starting price 4 billion 136 million rubles). And for this, the company is ready to supply Chinese-made equipment to Moscow schools. Experts (including regulatory authorities) drew attention to the low reliability of this hardware, as a result of which the supply of these laptops will lead to significant operational risks. Interestingly, the real cost of such laptops is no more than 15-18 thousand rubles. per unit, that is, 3 times lower than the price in the contract. However, at the same time, by agreement with the FAS, Lanit actually ousted the Russian manufacturer of similar equipment - Technoprogress LLC. The terms of the contract specified a requirement for the location of I/O ports on the rear side of the case. And the appearance of such a “fundamental” condition in the terms of reference made it virtually impossible to supply, as part of these purchases, laptops from the world’s leading manufacturers, which in their characteristics significantly exceed Chinese technology from Lanit. Now officials from the Moscow Department of Education responsible for competitive procedures are preparing to answer uncomfortable questions. Apparently, we will have to wait a little while determining the winner of these purchases. And it is possible - to rewrite the terms of reference. But the checks will affect not only this, so the subordinates of Isaac Kalina before the New Year felt some nervousness in the behavior of their boss", writes the Nezygar Telegram channel today.

Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Moscow Department of Education.

1972 Orenburg State Pedagogical Institute named after. V.P. Chkalov, specialty "Mathematics".
1998 Russian Academy civil service under the President of the Russian Federation, specialty "State and Municipal Administration".
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Positions held:
1973 Teacher at SPTU-12 in the village of Sharlyk, Orenburg region
1981 Mathematics teacher at secondary school N2 in the village of Sharlyk.
1984 Director of boarding school N1 in Orenburg.
1989 Head of the department of regional education of the Industrial District of Orenburg.
1992 Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Education of the Orenburg Region Administration.
1996-2002 Head of the Main Education Department of the Orenburg Region Administration.
2002-2004 Deputy General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Publishing House "Prosveshcheniye".
2004 Director of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
2007-2010 Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Since 2009, Deputy Chairman of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation to counter attempts to falsify history to the detriment of the interests of Russia.
2010 Head of the Moscow Department of Education.

Awards and titles:

Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.
Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Russian Federation.

S. RYBKA: 11 hours 4 minutes. Greetings everyone. My name is Sergey Rybka. Today you, listeners of Moscow Speaks, ask your questions to the head of the Moscow Department of Education, Isaac Kalina. Isaac Iosifovich, Good morning and to you.

I.KALINA: Good afternoon everyone.

S. RYBKA: Today is just a week since the president addressed the Federal Assembly. A question for you as an official, not the least in the field of education, probably at the federal level, if you are the head of the capital. What did you hear for yourself in this message? By the way, were you not present in the Manege when the President addressed you?


S. RYBKA: One way or another, you were probably curious about what was said for people from your industry, what is important and valuable?

I. KALINA: Firstly, I was definitely not just curious, but listened very carefully. Second, I would not divide the text of the message into a part intended for the industry and a part not intended for the industry. There is no such thing there. The fact is that everything that was directly said about education, fortunately, is very consistent with what has been done in Moscow in recent years, and this is probably logical, you and I understand that Moscow Mayor Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin has been on the team for a long time the president, and therefore the movement of Moscow education under his leadership and the movement of Russian education, which the president indicates, shows, they are naturally co-directed. And for us, these are like the next stages in the development of what we are already doing in Moscow. But I am sure that the entire text of the message is wonderful educational material. And so I instructed the city methodological center to very carefully study the entire text of the message and turn it into a set educational materials on many, many subjects.

S. RYBKA: Who are these materials intended for? Schools, some other institutions?

I. KALINA: All the materials that the city methodological center makes are intended to help the teacher. And I am sure that today teachers of many subjects will want and use the material that was presented by the president during the address. Therefore, I want to repeat once again that the entire text of the message is very important for the education system, because the education system must understand not only what it is doing right now, but why it is doing it, why these today’s results will be important for the country, which are achieved in the system.

S. RYBKA: Isaac Iosifovich, one clarification - is this the first time you have given such an order to the methodological center to prepare materials based on some big speech by the first person? Or is this practice more or less regular? I just haven't heard of this.

I.KALINA: No, this is not the first time. This practice is regular. But, perhaps, I must admit that this is, however, the first time such a powerful array of information useful for schools.

S. RYBKA: When this is offered to teachers for study, do you yourself expect that it will be used in what way? Just in work, for example, on subjects related to history, some social sciences, teachers will refer to this... Manual, what is it for?

I. KALINA: Firstly, fortunately, we left a long time ago, as you showed, a certain brochure in our hands, today we have a very powerful tool in the hands of a Moscow teacher - this is the Moscow Electronic School.

S. RYBKA: Big talk, yes.

I. KALINA: And therefore, all materials that can be useful to a Moscow teacher are located in the Moscow Electronic School. And then the teacher has the opportunity today to use them as he sees fit. And here I would definitely not interfere in the work of the teacher, because the duty of city structures is to help the teacher, but in no case dictate or supervise the teacher. Therefore, the material will be posted at the Moscow Electronic School in the form in which methodologists consider it most convenient for teachers. And since we always recruit teachers themselves as methodologists who show the highest results for their students, I am confident that what our colleagues do for their fellow teachers will be used, used with great efficiency. But how each teacher uses it, I think we can trust to the teachers themselves.

S. RYBKA: Since you mentioned e-school, the topic has such great potential. More than a year the project already exists. In 2016, when it was launched, it was a project in only six schools. Since then, in various interviews you have described what it is, even at such a purely everyday level. For example, students are given tablets and some kind of interactive whiteboards are used, although I have never used one and I still don’t really understand what this means. At today's stage, let's have a big conversation, there is time - what is this Moscow electronic school, to summarize, so that it is clear to those who are not raising children now, who do not send their children to schools, to someone like me - a person who is not a parent yet , Unfortunately. What is an e-school in Moscow?

I. KALINA: The Moscow Electronic School in Moscow is, I would say, the integration of all those tools that teachers have traditionally used, and integration with the new tools that new technologies provide today. That is, the Moscow Electronic School is a teacher’s assistant and, in fact, is created and exists only for teachers. Yes, it is clear that the teacher works with students, the teacher interacts with the students’ parents, so, of course, in addition to the teacher, both students and parents of students can and do use the Moscow e-school, the materials that are there, but still the main thing is The purpose, let's say, the mission of the Moscow Electronic School is to put together in a very convenient format for the teacher everything that he needs to prepare for lessons, to conduct lessons, including checking students' homework, that is, in a new electronic format.

S. RYBKA: Do students submit assignments in the new electronic form?

I.KALINA: They can. Unfortunately, for now, I must tell you that not one hundred percent of schools, not one hundred percent of teachers use this tool. For all of us, in order to master the new, as a rule, the habit of the old hinders us. But I wouldn't force things. Moreover, the Moscow Electronic School is unique in that... well, it is clear that the platform was developed by specialists in information technology, but today the content is done by the teachers themselves. That is, teachers were given the opportunity to post the content that they use most often, which they, the teachers themselves, consider the most useful. A competition was announced for the development of electronic lesson scripts. This is, in general, nothing new for a teacher. Each teacher wrote hundreds of lesson plans every day, this is the traditional job of a teacher. Today he has the opportunity to either use a ready-made electronic lesson script, or simply take it as a basis and very quickly and easily modify it to suit himself, or create his own.

S. RYBKA: And yet, to the very beginning, such a generalization is a kind of network resource that any teacher can turn to for one need or another, and both parents and students can turn to some elements of this resource. But is this primarily for the teacher?

I. KALINA: Very good explanation. Thank you, Sergey. It’s good when there is an interpreter between the official and the people. This is amazing.

S. RYBKA: I hope I didn’t offend you with this remark.

I.KALINA: No, no, on the contrary.

S. RYBKA: I just really want to understand how this is technically done. This is some kind of third-party site, everyone registers there, gets an account, sets a password and logs in - is this how it’s organized? Is there an app for smartphones, for example?

I. KALINA: Naturally, every teacher has access to this resource, it is personal, and only Moscow teachers have access to this resource for now. Have students and have parents of students. In general, you described very well that yes, he can use it, he can not use it, it’s the teacher’s choice. But those teachers who, so to speak, tried it, and today there are already tens of thousands of such teachers in the city, they, as a rule, no longer leave the Moscow Electronic School, but use it more and more often.

S. RYBKA: Tens of thousands. But it turns out that not all. And is there any idea of ​​the scale of coverage? Tens of thousands is still how much, how many schools, even if this is not calculated by teachers, but by institutions?

I. KALINA: If by institutions, then that’s it. But in every school, of course, not all teachers use this yet.

S. RYBKA: How is it synchronized then? That is, someone works according to plans that they have prepared in paper form, and accepts work in paper form, while someone uses electronic format?

I.KALINA: Of course.

S. RYBKA: Isn’t it possible that some kind of… we have to call it a conflict? That is, do not swear at literally, but simply a difference in approaches.

I.KALINA: Conflicts are sources of development. And the main thing is that in any conflict the more progressive, more effective one wins. And we see that if the history of the Moscow Electronic School began with six schools and one and a half thousand teachers, then today it is already active in the Moscow Electronic School, based on the results of February, everyone is very visible there, who does what, when and how, then based on the results February we already had 22 thousand active users of the Moscow Electronic School among teachers.

S. RYBKA: Isn’t there such a figure among parents? I ask because we take it for news, we make news from it...

I.KALINA: I understand. There are numbers. But there are still significantly fewer parents. And I want to emphasize once again that for now, at this stage, the Moscow Electronic School is being created by teachers for teachers. When the teacher actively and fully begins to use the resources of the Moscow Electronic School, then, naturally, you said correctly, then the conflict between approaches will lead to the fact that parents will flock to the Moscow Electronic School, but most importantly, the students.

S. RYBKA: I remind listeners that we are talking with the head of the Moscow Department of Education, Isaac Kalina. You can send your questions to the SMS portal +7-925-8888-94-8, or to our govoritmskbot Telegram channel, write there too. You said a little earlier that not all teachers are so willing to switch to this format. But teachers are not on their own...

I.KALINA: I didn’t say the word “willingly”, that’s your translation. With caution, this is a more accurate argument.

S. RYBKA: Okay. But in the educational institutions that train these teachers, in universities, is there some kind of orientation towards this program? Are there programs in pedagogical universities that provide for this format of work?

I.KALINA: Naturally. At least Moscow city pedagogical university, and he is the main, so to speak, supplier of teachers for the city of Moscow, he purchased the same equipment that today the department information technology runs in Moscow schools, and there are special courses for students of the Pedagogical University, which they immediately, as they say, get used to working in the format of the Moscow Electronic School. In addition, students of our city pedagogical university are frequent guests of schools, that is, they lead clubs and come to practice at school. When they visit schools, they naturally also fall into this format. Therefore, yes, probably, teachers of my generation are cautious, and this is quite natural, I would in no way condemn any teacher for this caution, they accept any new tools with great caution. But young teachers, of course, are much quicker to this; for them this is a familiar, generally normal way of life, if you like, already. Well, the students who come to school tomorrow, I think, they simply won’t imagine the educational process otherwise.

S. RYBKA: We have now mainly talked about this shell, about this environment in which information is accumulated and in which it is exchanged and evaluated. Purely technical means what are provided by this e-school? When I read the phrase “interactive whiteboard”, I don’t quite understand what it is? Is this a huge screen with a touchscreen or what? When it is said that some of the students are given tablets for work, it also seems that not everyone... in general, they could talk about the technical side, what is it? Technological.

I. KALINA: If you want to go into details, I think you can invite my colleague, comrade, Artem Valerievich Ermolaev, he will tell you everything technological characteristics. But I can say, since in my office there is exactly the same board as in the classrooms, this is an amazingly convenient tool. In fact, to simplify things completely, here I have a tablet on the table, and exactly the same huge tablet with amazing image quality, has passed all the checks of various sanitary services, that it is absolutely harmless, with Internet access, with the ability to show any fragments television and so on, and with the ability of the teacher to control this board from his laptop.

S. RYBKA: Send any materials there. Do modern schools have Wi-Fi for visitors and students?

I.KALINA: For students at the same time... this is a large complex project, which is being solved by the Information Technology Department for Moscow schools on behalf of the Moscow Mayor. This is primarily, in general, workplace teachers. This is the panel we talked about, the teacher’s personal laptop, which allows you to work, among other things, with this board.

S. RYBKA: Does the school issue this laptop? Or a person with whom he is used to working, which he has at his disposal?

I. KALINA: For the second time in the last seven years, teachers are updating the laptops that the school gives them. The first time, in my opinion, was in 2012 or 2013, now... then, it’s a process, thank God there are a lot of teachers, so the process is not instantaneous, and usually drags on for several months. The first supply of laptops to Moscow teachers was somewhere between 2012-2013, and now replacement is underway. This is the tool that the city gives the teacher to use. As for the students, you understand, today every student... firstly, I want to say that all this is so far intended only for primary, high school. That is, in primary school So far, none of this has been supplied, because on behalf of the mayor of Moscow, we gave schools the opportunity to study the opinions of primary school teachers and parents of primary school students. And most likely, such equipment in 2019 can only be supplied to those schools that decide that they need it. But mostly we're talking about about older school students. And today, thank God, almost everyone in Moscow, one might say, everyone has devices that allow him to fully work in this mode during the lesson. In addition, today a small number of iPads appear in the libraries of almost every school, which are convenient for work, well, if the child does not have one, or, perhaps, has forgotten, so that they can get it and use it.

But at the same time, Sergey, keep in mind, otherwise you will get the impression that for six lessons of 45 minutes, all the guys sit and just look at the screen. All this is included in the living fabric of the lesson when it makes sense, when from the teacher’s point of view it is more effective than any traditional method.

S. RYBKA: I still allow myself to ask this question again. Wi-Fi. It’s just that in most Moscow institutions you can use this. How is this organized in schools?

I. KALINA: Together with the supply of boards, along with the supply of laptops, today the information technology department connects Wi-Fi in every school, many had it, only the power was insufficient. Today, the power is designed in such a way that even if all students enter at the same time, it must be maintained. But it never happens all at the same time, thank God.

S. RYBKA: Are these networks freely accessible? That is, anyone who owns a device, smartphone, tablet... has accounts for students, right?

I.KALINA: No. There are access codes. And moreover, today, for example, many schools have even come up with such a good educational game. That is, when you enter, relatively speaking, school in the morning, you see that today the access password is, I don’t know, the year it started Japanese war. And at the same time, in order to log into Wi-Fi, students also remember, tell each other the year they started Russo-Japanese War. I gave the simplest example, of course, there are more complex tasks for this.

S. RYBKA: I’m just guessing that there are almost certainly some kind of content filters. That is, not every resource can be accessed through these networks that schools distribute?

I. KALINA: Yes. This was back when the priority national education project was being implemented in 2006. I don’t know, remember or don’t remember, but there was such an order from the president at one time. And all schools in Russia were connected to the Internet. Until 2006, not all schools in Russia had an Internet connection. In 2006-2007, all schools were connected and at the same time a so-called content filtering system was introduced, which, if necessary, blocks access to those sites that are not needed... And then, you understand that in the lesson there is a teacher who manages all this process, manages students, controls it.

S. RYBKA: We have an information release. At the end there is a question on this topic. Is there any measurement of how the introduction of these technologies, the introduction of e-school, literally affected the performance of those schools where the program was launched, in comparison with those where this program does not yet exist to such an extent?

I. KALINA: We had six schools that were the first to start operating. Their results are growing. But you know, I must say that, maybe not at the same pace, but the results are growing for all schools. And to say that there is one mechanism for increasing results would probably be inaccurate. The results of schoolchildren, of course, are related to the technologies that are available at school. But they are much more connected with the teacher who is at school.

S. RYBKA: Let's then continue for the next half hour by talking about training personnel for schools. We will be interested in whether there is enough or not enough, where teachers come to Moscow schools from. Surely, not only from Moscow universities. In general, we’ll talk about this and much more with Isaac Kalina, head of the Moscow Department of Education, after the news release.

S. RYBKA: 11:35. My name is Sergey Rybka. My interlocutor today is the head of the Moscow Department of Education, Isaac Kalina. He promised that we would talk about teachers, but then the listener just asked, right on line: “Isaak Iosifovich, recently there were rumors about the introduction of a uniform school uniform for teachers. Are there any plans to implement this idea?” - asks our listener 78. Have you heard of this?

I. KALINA: If I also listen to the debate about uniforms for schoolchildren, I take this very calmly, because there is a legal provision here that we do not interfere in these issues. Eat sanitary requirements to the child's clothes. And I hope parents listen to them. We communicated these sanitary requirements to schools; they can be viewed in the public domain. But about a single uniform for teachers... frankly speaking, this is the first time I’ve heard of it.

S. RYBKA: So much the better, it seems to me. Okay, let's talk about teachers specifically. Are there enough of them?

I. KALINA: The question is enough, it is always a question not of quantity, but of quality. Therefore, I will answer this way...

S. RYBKA: And if you answer strictly about quantity?

I. KALINA: Strictly about quantity - there are no problems, when a vacancy opens at a school, and it naturally opens, there are sometimes from 10 to 70 applicants for this place. Therefore, I can admit that today one of the problems for me is that I have to simply categorically tell many acquaintances that I cannot help in any way, who want their friends or some relatives to become teachers at a Moscow school. Because there are not a large number of vacancies, and when vacancies appear, it is a rather responsible replacement procedure vacant position. This is not the department's responsibility. If the teacher's choice is the school's responsibility. But nevertheless, the department is trying to help school principals with this. We have the opportunity to send a teacher applicant to independent diagnostics. And a huge number of people trying to become a teacher in a Moscow school are sent by school directors before admission to this independent diagnostic, which, at least, very accurately determines the subject...

S. RYBKA: The level of training is probably not medical...

I. KALINA: Well, there is a separate medical section, it’s not us.

S. RYBKA: Just the word “diagnosis” makes you think about this first of all. It is clear, of course, that this is not what we are talking about.

I.KALINA: No. Focusing on health is good for young people. But diagnostics are not only about health. Diagnostics happens and a lot of other things. And in particular, on knowledge of the subject area with which the teacher is going to come to the students. There is a very accurate diagnosis. And I can admit that about 70 percent of applicants who tried to come from different cities and become Moscow teachers were simply rejected by the directors on the grounds that their diagnostic results were insufficient to qualify for a place in a Moscow school. Then, we have the Moscow City Pedagogical University, I have already talked about it.

S. RYBKA: The main supplier of personnel is yours.

I. KALINA: And there today the rector of this university, with our support, with the support, by the way, of school principals, launched a very interesting project- when senior students, and now we have decided that this should begin much earlier, during the entire period of study at the institute periodically participate in very serious tests, competitions, according to the results of which the very, very, very strongest then become teachers in Moscow schools. We guarantee that the winners of all these selection procedures, students, will help them get a job as a teacher in a Moscow school. Moreover, today we are very, so to speak, willing to accept graduates of non-teaching universities into the ranks of the Moscow teaching staff.

S. RYBKA: For example, in what specialties?

I. KALINA: For example, a graduate of any engineering university, subject to undergoing psychological and pedagogical training, and we also opened this at the Moscow Pedagogical University...

S. RYBKA: Is this free additional training or some kind of paid courses? If a person wants to become a teacher from his main specialty, then he pays for the courses and receives additional skills? How does this work?

I.KALINA: I’m so unaccustomed to dividing into paid and free that...

S. RYBKA: You can be envious then.

I. KALINA: In Moscow there is very little that is paid, I must admit. Therefore, I am sure there are free ones for those who come with very high results, and there are paid ones for those who, perhaps, have slightly lower results and need a little more to prepare...

S. RYBKA: I’m not trying to discern some kind of self-interest of the Department of Education, just to understand how it works.

I.KALINA: The department cannot have self-interest, we government agency, we don’t even have a special account for some extra-budget. But a pedagogical university may have self-interest, and I would be glad that people who want to become teachers, having received another education, paid maybe some small amount of money for the fact that they are also being trained to become teachers. This, you see, would mean a very conscious choice. Today a lot of people are coming...

S. RYBKA: I heard you say that people come from engineering specialties. What else?

I. KALINA: They also come from classical universities, for example, a graduate of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University becomes very good teacher literature. Teachers come from Mendleevka today and teach chemistry. Today there is a fairly wide range of opportunities for children who... oh, there is another subject that, despite the fact that it has existed for several decades, is still considered new to school - computer science. And the fact that today children, graduates of engineering universities, are very willing to become computer science teachers is a very good thing. We even have an Olympiad this year, it’s called “New Teacher of New Computer Science.” These guys come... after all, you know, the first computer science teachers, mathematics teachers, as a rule, they are wonderful, of course, teachers, but they were not very practice-oriented. But these guys come, in addition to teaching computer science, they lead dozens of different clubs, robotics and many other clubs for boys... why did I say “boys”? For me, this kind of gender snobbery probably worked. There are both girls and boys there.

S. RYBKA: If we talk about these specialties, the IT industry, programming in all its forms, what can lure a person with this specialty, which is extremely in demand, to school?

I.KALINA: Probably two things. In general, helping people learn is very enjoyable activity, you try it. By the way, Sergey, we have a lot of journalists who run clubs for kids, I can too, not only did you invite me to your place, but I can invite you too.

S. RYBKA: It’s possible.

I. KALINA: And the salary.

S. RYBKA: There is an average parameter for the capital of a teacher’s salary without specifying the subject, without specifying the workload, some average figure, excuse me, we think in numbers.

I.KALINA: Average, as they always joke, like the temperature in the hospital.

S. RYBKA: I understand how conditional this is.

I.KALINA: There is an average, today for February it was somewhere around 90 thousand. But this is average. There are, of course, teachers who earn more. There are teachers who earn less. But we agreed with the principals, to put it mildly - we agreed that in 2017 the minimum salary for a teacher was 64 thousand per month, and in 2018 - 68. And I must say that by 2017, almost all schools have met this. We looked, we had, in my opinion, 130 teachers whose average salary turned out to be lower than 64. We began to check why the agreement was not being fulfilled. These are, as a rule, teachers who do not work at full capacity. For example, a teacher has reached retirement age, he gives up class management and part of his hours, but the school wants to keep him. And it's good that she keeps it. But it is clear that the payment becomes slightly less than that of colleagues. Average - 90 thousand.

S. RYBKA: What is the load rate then for these 90 thousand? How many hours per week?

I. KALINA: The average workload in the city is now around 23 hours of lessons per week.

S. RYBKA: Plus some other methodological classes, self-training.

I.KALINA: I wouldn’t call it methodological lessons, but, of course, the teacher has, firstly, to check the students’ work, and secondly, he has to prepare himself. Here is the Moscow Electronic School, for those who have started using it, it saves a lot of time on preparing for lessons, first of all. There is a lot of ready-made material there. And don't forget that teachers, most teachers, have a very serious part of their job called classroom management. I think, Sergei, that any person who studied at school remembers and, I hope, most often with gratitude, remembers class teacher. This is also a very large and serious part of the work.

S. RYBKA: Let us now look back at the beginning of our conversation, when we talked about the introduction of new technologies, including communications, in schools. You are probably aware that now the vast majority of parents keep in touch with their class teachers in some kind of chat; as a rule, WhatsApp is used for this. Do you have any opinion on this matter? Because, unfortunately, both these chats and VKontakte groups in other social networks often become sources of unreliable information. That is, such excessive availability of a teacher for a parent and the ability of parents to discuss something, speculate and suggest something, does not become a problem for the school? If you know what I mean...

I.KALINA: Yes, I understand. And I am grateful that you raised this topic. I would really like the parent community to be much more careful with the time of the class teacher. There is such a backlash here. I always joke that every teacher, when he gives homework, he is sure that on this day no one, not a single teacher, except him, asked anything. And when a student adds up all his homework, he gets a lot. In the same way, probably, a parent, when he turns to the class teacher, he is sure that no one except him addressed him that day. And when all 25 applied, then, of course, this is a serious time for the class teacher. Therefore, I really hope that over time a certain culture of this will come. new communication. Because new opportunities first intoxicate us all, and we begin to use them, sometimes quite unreasonably, and over time a culture of communication comes, a culture of communication. I am sure that those courageous class teachers, I will use this word, who withstand this pressure, this surge of communication, they benefit greatly. And over time, all this will come into an absolutely cultural direction. But the method of communication itself seems very wonderful to me, because all people are busy, and they don’t have much time to come and talk in person. I think it's a very effective, economical way to communicate. Well, today we need, of course, our general culture this communication.

S. RYBKA: The listeners probably won’t forgive me, and neither will the management, if I don’t ask this question. Perhaps it is connected precisely with communication problems. I want to summarize stories related to attacks in schools. We have in our memory Ivanteevka near Moscow, we have in our memory a case in the suburbs of Ulan-Ude, this happened already this year, there is a case in Perm, also that year. Most of the listeners and you, I think, know the details of these stories. Were any decisions made based on what happened in the regions, specifically in Moscow? In terms of safety, in terms of instructions to teachers and parents. In general, how did Moscow react to this?

I. KALINA: I can admit that during my very short managerial life, I realized that reacting to an emergency is a rather dangerous thing. Systematically, constantly, without waiting for opportunities, work on those tasks that always exist. Therefore, for example, what you said about security, private security companies, in Moscow was created with the enormous support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, our colleagues in the regional security department, our National Guard, a security system was created that people from other cities began to come to us to study. It is clear that each such case is stressful and forces you to monitor such elements even more carefully. As for some briefings for teachers, I will return again to the topic of the class teacher, if you allow. I am sure that no one and nothing in school can be more useful in preventing such cases than an attentive class teacher. But for this purpose, long before these incidents, we began to convince school directors to seriously increase not only the payment for lessons, but also the payment of class teachers. I can say that in the last year alone we have managed to obtain an average additional payment per class - it is again average, different for each school - but the additional payment for classroom management, if the average last year was about six thousand, then this year it is already about 13 thousand.

S. RYBKA: Per month?

I. KALINA: Yes. At the same time, Sergey, you somehow looked at me in such a way that it seemed to me that you thought this was too much?

S. RYBKA: A lot?

I.KALINA: No, it’s not much. This is a very serious part of the work of any teacher, and, naturally, it must be seriously remunerated. And it’s good that school principals understand this and are following this path today.

S. RYBKA: For the teacher who will lead the class, is any additional special training necessary? That is, can anyone be a class teacher?

I. KALINA: First of all, if a person becomes a teacher, he must study psychology; this is probably the main element of knowledge.

S. RYBKA: Every teacher? How does a class teacher differ in terms of knowledge from someone who hasn’t been entrusted with the class yet?

I. KALINA: I think not in terms of the amount of knowledge, but rather in terms of the level of skills. The most important thing here is that you have written a wonderful phrase - listen, think, know. I think that this quality comes with time, and, of course, it is very important for a class teacher to be able to hear his children, think about what they say, and know that in every situation there is something that can be done to help the child. Therefore I am sure that the most main way today, reduce the intensity or tension... it all comes from some kind of hostility, the child’s resentment of someone, something. This is, of course, very serious attention from school administrations to class teachers. And how the class teachers respond is their attention to the children. Believe me, there have been no other methods for many, many years at school. And no, I don’t know, bars and so on... it will not replace the contribution of the class teacher to reducing this tension.

S. RYBKA: We started this conversation with the President’s message to the Federal Assembly. Now, just as the basics of composition are taught in schools, we will have a strong ring composition, because we will also end with an event with the participation of Vladimir Putin. The day before in Yekaterinburg he held a meeting on the development of the system of secondary vocational education. You and I just talked mainly about secondary education and a little about the training of teachers, about higher education. And the average vocational education- a topic that, to be honest, it seems to me that they are trying to make it fashionable. For example, there is a WorldSkills competition, about which a lot of publications are published, and the president meets with the participants of this competition; yesterday there was a separate meeting dedicated to this. But has secondary vocational education become fashionable, so that people strive not to go to university first, but to college?

I. KALINA: I must say that this conversation yesterday between the president and his colleagues was very pleasant to me, because, again, I must say, Moscow has been the leader in Russia for several years in the WorldSkills competition, our guys win national championships, our guys are very successful performed...

S. RYBKA: What does this give them? Do they receive some kind of document that will make it easier to deal with later?

I. KALINA: I can say one thing, I really wanted the winners of the national WorldSkills championship and the international one, especially, to stay in their colleges and run appropriate clubs for college students and schoolchildren, who are also very much in large quantities go to clubs in colleges. Only a few were persuaded to stay permanently. Do you know why? But because, as they say, they were bought up on the vine. That is, some companies, firms today are very closely monitoring the results of the national WorldSkills championship and, even more so, the global one. And these guys are already 101 percent employed, have good offers. But I’m glad that, at the same time as the job they chose somewhere, they all remained practically today with us to lead circles, but not at their main job, as it were, but combining their work in the company with running circles. In general, I must say that in recent years, probably, something, thank God, has happened to high school students and their parents. Parents began to impose less often on an adult guy... again I have a gender difference... on an adult who is a school graduate, they began to impose their unfulfilled things less often...

S. RYBKA: And place him in universities in some specialties, which, perhaps, are not so useful anymore, and most importantly, perhaps there is an excess of this.

I.KALINA: They began to trust the guys themselves more. And therefore, many guys, choosing between a specialty that was not very interesting to them at the university and a specialty that was very interesting to them in college, began to come to college. Today we have guys entering colleges with gold certificates, with certificates with only A's, after the ninth grade a huge number of these guys are entering colleges today. I'll probably be too hasty if I say that college is the most fashionable thing today. But the fact that today college is no longer some kind of failure in life is absolutely obvious. Because college graduates find well-paid jobs much easier and faster. You know, the world has become such that skills are still valued more than knowledge. Probably because skills have become rarer than knowledge.

S. RYBKA: We have very little time left. Are you ready to highlight the specialty that is most popular at this level of education in Moscow? Who do they study at these colleges, what do they strive to become?

I.KALINA: An absolutely huge palette, starting from cabinet maker and ending with the same computer technician.

S. RYBKA: Isaac Kalina, head of the Moscow Department of Education. Thanks for this conversation. We are waiting for you again.