Raising children in kindergarten with disabilities. Creating conditions in preschools for comprehensive support for children with disabilities





" Every child has the opportunity to be psychologically prepared for school

learning at your level,

according to their

personal characteristics"

The World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children states: “The children of the world are innocent, vulnerable and dependent. They are also inquisitive, energetic and hopeful. Their time should be a time of joy and peace, play, learning and growth. Their future must be based on harmony and cooperation...”

Thus, the self-worth of the personality of a growing person comes to the fore, regardless of the characteristics of his development and level of health. It was the ideas of humanization that led to the appearance in the Education Law of a provision on the right of the child and his parents to independently determine the form of education and the educational institution. Both gifted children and children with disabilities, as well as children with normal development, should all have the opportunity to receive an education at the appropriate level.

Special Federal State Educational Standard(federal state educational standards) for children with disabilities are considered an integral part of federal state standards general education. This approach is consistent with the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which guarantees all children the right to compulsory and free secondary education. The special educational standard should become basic tool implementation of constitutional rights to education of citizens with OVZ.
Children with disabilities can realize their potential only if training and education are started in a timely manner and adequately organized - satisfying both the common features of normally developing children and their special needs educational needs, given by the nature of their violation mental development. (Basic provisions of the Concept of a special federal educational standard for children with disabilities HIA ) .

Special standards are based on the principles of agreement, consent and mutual obligations of the individual, family, society and state. The state special educational standard is a regulatory legal act of the Russian Federation that establishes a system of norms and rules that are mandatory for execution in any educational institution where students are trained and educated children withOVZ.

Today one of current problems is the provision of psychological support for children with HIA in the conditions of a preschool educational institution.

Currently, there is a differentiated network of specialized educational institutions directly intended for organizing the education and training of children with disabilities. OVZ. It includes, first of all, compensatory preschool educational institutions, special (correctional) educational institutions for students with disabilities. OVZ.

In addition, in recent years in Russia the process of integrating children with disabilities into the environment of normally developing peers has been developing. Current legislation currently makes it possible to organize the education and upbringing of children with HIA in regular preschool educational institutions, compensatory preschool educational institutions, as well as “other educational institutions that are not correctional (general educational institutions).”

Children with disabilities - These are children with disabilities.Children , whose health status prevents them from mastering educational programs outside special conditions training and education, i.e. These are disabled children or other children under the age of 18 who are not recognized as disabled children in the established order, but have temporary or permanent deviations in physical and (or) mental development and need to create special conditions for education and upbringing.

Group of preschoolers with HIA is not homogeneous, it includes children with various developmental disorders, the severity of which may vary . Currently the following are distinguished: categories children with developmental disorders, which are listed in the Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education “From birth to school” / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. – M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2010. – p. 275-277:

    children with hearing impairments(deaf and hard of hearing), the primary disorder is sensory in nature - auditory perception is impaired due to damage to the auditory analyzer;

    children with visual impairments(blind, visually impaired), the primary disorder is sensory in nature, visual perception suffers due to organic damage to the visual analyzer;

    children with severe violations speeches, the primary defect is speech underdevelopment;

    children with musculoskeletal disorders, the primary disorder is movement disorders due to organic damage to the motor centers of the cerebral cortex;

    children with mental retardation, they are characterized by a slow rate of formation of higher mental functions, due to mild organic lesions of the central nervous system (CNS);

    children with intellectual disabilities, primary disorder is organic damage to the brain, causing disturbances in higher cognitive processes;

    children with emotional-volitional disorders(children with early childhood autism (ECA) are a heterogeneous group characterized by different clinical symptoms and psychological and pedagogical characteristics;

    children with complex developmental disorders who have a combination of two or more primary disorders (for example, hearing impaired with cerebral palsy, visually impaired with mental retardation, etc.).

A significant group of children consists of children with mildly expressed , and, consequently, difficult to detect deviations in the development of motor, sensory or intellectual sphere. Group of children with minimal or partial impairments polymorphic((Greek, from polys many, and morphe appearance, many-shaped) and can be represented by the following options:

    children with minimal hearing impairment;

    children with minimal visual impairment, including strabismus and amblyopia;

    children with speech disorders (dyslalia, erased dysarthria, closed rhinolalia, dysphonia, stuttering, halfturn(stumbling, pathologically accelerated speech with the presence of intermittent speech tempo of a non-convulsive nature), tachylalia, bradyllalia, violations of the lexico-grammatical structure, violations of phonemic perception);

    children with mild mental retardation (constitutional, somatogenic, psychogenic);

    pedagogically neglected children;

    children- carriers of negative mental states (fatigue, mental tension, anxiety, frustration, sleep disturbances, appetite), of a somatogenic or cerebral-organic nature without intellectual development disorders (frequently ill, post-traumatic, allergic, with compensated and subcompensated hydrocephalus, cerebroendocrine conditions);

    children with psychopathic-like forms of behavior (such as affective excitability, hysteria, psychasthenia, etc.);

    children with disturbed forms of behavior of organic origin (hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder);

    children with psychogenies (neuroses);

    children With initial manifestation mental illness(schizophrenia, early childhood autism, epilepsy);

    children with mild manifestations of motor pathology of a cerebral-organic nature;

    children having asynchrony of maturation of individual brain structures or disturbances of their functional or organic genesis (including by type minimal brain dysfunction).

It is advisable to consider the category of children with minimal and partial mental development disorders as an independent category, occupying an intermediate position between “normal” and “disturbed” development, and designate it as "risk group". The qualitative uniqueness and depth of the disorders that children have are such that they do not require the creation of specialized institutions, however, they require the organization of timely correctional assistance in order to prevent further complications of these problems.

Thus, contingent of pupils mass preschool institutions are made up of children with both normal mental development and various options mental dysontogenesis (violation individual development body; difficulty, deviation from the norm, disorder).

The problem of psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities HIA in kindergarten conditions is not sufficiently developed. The difficulties of building a correctional pedagogical process in such an institution are largely due to the fact that the category of children with HIA heterogeneous in composition. Pupils in compensatory groups differ both in their level of development and in the nature of their deficiencies. Children's achievements vary in terms of knowledge, ideas about the world around them, and skills in subject-related practical activities with which they enter diagnostic and correctional groups.

In providing conditions and opportunities for the development and education of children with disabilities HIA a special role belongs to teacher-psychologist . Talking about work psychologist , we don’t just mean psychological help, support for children with learning difficulties. And we're talking about psychological support children at all stages of education complex process interaction, the result of which should be the creation of conditions for the development of the child, for him to master his activities and behavior, for the formation of readiness for life self-determination, including personal, social aspects.

Psychological support preschoolers withHIA is considered as a process that includes strategy and tactics of professional activity psychologist aimed at creating the most favorable conditions for the integration of children with HIA into society. It should be aimed at preschoolers mastering special competencies that ensure their gradual formation of a system of social behavioral skills, productive forms of communication with adults and peers, based on partner subject-subject relationships.

Key areas of work for a psychologist Preschool with children HIA is diagnostic, correctional and developmental work; preventive and advisory work with teachers and parents raising children of this category.

    Respect for the interests of the child . The principle determines the position of a specialist who is called upon to solve the problem of a child with maximum benefit and in the interests of the child.

    Systematicity and accessibility . The principle ensures the unity of diagnosis, correction and development, i.e. systematic approach to the analysis of the features of development and correction of disorders of children with disabilities, as well as a comprehensive multi-level approach of specialists in various fields, interaction and coordination of their actions in solving the child’s problems; participation in this process of all participants in the educational process.

    Continuity . The principle guarantees the child and his parents (legal representatives) continuity of assistance until the problem is completely resolved or an approach to solving it is determined.

    Variability . The principle involves the creation of variable conditions for receiving education by children with various disabilities in physical and (or) mental development.

    The principle of integration into the general educational environment . The principle involves the inclusion of children with disabilities in joint educational and educational activities educational institution, surrounding society.

    The principle of interaction with social partners . The principle provides the opportunity to cooperate with socio-cultural institutions of the municipality on issues of continuity of education, development, socialization and health protection of children with disabilities.

    The principle of creating a situation of success. The principle involves creating conditions for the development of individual abilities of children with HIA , both in and outside of class, unconditional acceptance of every child.

    Humanity- faith in the capabilities of each child, a subjective positive approach.

    Realism– taking into account the real capabilities of children in different situations, their age, personal and psychophysical developmental characteristics.

    Adequacy– the child’s right to choose from what is offered maximum volume as much information as he can absorb.

    Variability (flexibility)- variability of content and methods of activity depending on the uniqueness of the situation, position and capabilities of children.

    Adaptability– approaches and requirements for children should not be frozen, should not proceed from some abstract idea of ​​the ideal, but should be focused on specific children with their real opportunities and needs.


    Recommendatory nature of assistance. The principle ensures compliance with the rights of parents guaranteed by law ( legal representatives) children with HIA choose forms of education, educational institutions, protect the legal rights and interests of children, including mandatory agreement with parents (legal representatives) on the issue of sending (transferring) children with disabilities to special (correctional) educational institutions.

    The principle of psychological comfort– creation of an educational environment that ensures the removal of all stress-forming factors.

The program of correctional work at the preschool level of education includes interrelated areas. These directions reflect its main content:

    Diagnostic direction.

For the success of raising and teaching children with HIA a correct assessment of their capabilities and identification of special educational needs is necessary. In this regard, a special role is given to psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnostics, which allows:

    promptly identify children with HIA ;

    identify the individual psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child with disabilities ;

    determine the optimal pedagogical route;

    provide individual support for each child with HIA in a preschool institution;

    plan corrective measures, develop corrective work programs;

    assess the dynamics of development and the effectiveness of correctional work;

    determine the conditions for raising and educating the child;

    consult the child's parents.

As sources of diagnostic tools, you can use the scientific and practical developments of S. D. Zabramnaya, I. Yu. Levchenko, E. A. Strebeleva, M. M. Semago and others. Qualitative analysis involves assessing the characteristics of the child’s process of completing tasks and mistakes made based on a system of quality indicators.

The following qualitative indicators characterize emotional sphere and child behavior:

    characteristics of the child’s contact;

    emotional reaction to the examination situation;

    reaction to approval; reaction to failures;

    emotional state while performing tasks;

    emotional mobility;

    communication features;

    reaction to the result.

Qualitative indicators characterizing the child’s activities:

    presence and persistence of interest in the task;

    understanding instructions;

    independence in completing a task;

    nature of the activity (purposefulness and activity);

    pace and dynamics of activity, features of regulation of activity;


    organization of assistance.

Qualitative indicators characterizing the characteristics of the cognitive sphere and motor function of the child:

    features of attention, perception, memory, thinking, speech;

    features of motor function.

The diagnostic area of ​​work includes initial examination, as well as systematic stage-by-stage observations of the dynamics of the child’s development in the process of correctional work.

A teacher-psychologist performs tasks to determine the current level of development of the child and the zone of proximal development, identifying the characteristics of the emotional-volitional sphere, the personal characteristics of the child, the characteristics of his interpersonal interactions with peers, parents and other adults.

In accordance with the developmental characteristics of the child and the decision of the council of the educational institution, the psychologist determines the directions and means of correctional and developmental work, the frequency and duration of the cycle of special classes. Most important task This involves the development of individually oriented programs of psychological assistance or the use of existing developments in accordance with the individual psychological characteristics of a child or a group of children as a whole.

    Correctional and developmental direction.

The main directions of correctional and developmental work of a psychologist with children with HIA , those under conditions of educational integration are:

    development of the emotional and personal sphere and correction of its shortcomings (through art therapy, fairy tale therapy, sand therapy, music therapy, aromatherapy, relaxation therapy, etc.);

    development of cognitive activity and targeted formation of higher mental functions;

    formation of voluntary regulation of activity and behavior;

    formation and development of social skills and socialization.

Psychological classes with children In terms of content, they should not copy defectological training programs, where the main emphasis is on the development and correction of the cognitive sphere.

Software and methodological support.

To date, special (correctional) educational programs have been developed for preschoolers with various developmental disabilities, which are implemented in compensatory and combined institutions. But, unfortunately, there are no programmatic and methodological materials that reveal the content of the correctional pedagogical process with the named category of children in educational institutions.

Developmental psychocorrectional work is based on a program developed E.A. Strebeleva. Technologies of psycho-gymnastics and developmental kinesiology of A.L. are used. Sirotyuk, M.V. Ilyina.

Work is being carried out in the direction of correcting the emotional, personal, moral sphere of pupils - elements of fairy tale therapy. Authors used in fairy tale therapy: O.N. Pakhomova, L.N. Eliseeva, G.A. Azovtseva, folk tales, Orthodox tales, parables.

In the process of implementing the correctional work program, correctional and developmental programs are used to solve problems of mutual understanding between children and adults, develop communication skills with peers, correct typical emotional and personality disorders (fear, anxiety, aggression, inadequate self-esteem, etc.), facilitate children’s adaptation to preschool institution.

Psychological, correctional and developmental programs:

1. Zhuchkova G.N.. “Moral conversations with children” (classes with elements of psycho-gymnastics) Ed. "Gnome and D", 2000. The program is aimed at children of senior and middle preschool age. It represents a successful combination of moral conversations with a variety of games, psycho-gymnastic exercises and sketches. Helps develop emotional and motor spheres, the formation of ethical ideas in children. The exercises in this program will help in acting out stories, in liberating and uniting children in groups, and in improving the creative abilities of preschoolers.

2.S.E. Gavrina, N.L. Kutyavina, I.G. Toporkova, S.V. Shcherbinina “Tests for preschool children” “Moscow, ROSMEN 2006” “Developing attention, perception, logic.” Classes in this program for children 5-6 years old are aimed at developing the child’s visual and auditory perception, voluntary attention, logical thinking, as well as graphic skills, fine motor skills, and hand coordination.

3. K.Fopel“From head to toe” Moscow, Genesis 2005 This manual presents group educational games that give children the opportunity to move deftly, take initiative, cooperate with other children and the leader, and be attentive and collected. Kids can learn to relax, become sensitive and caring towards each other, and develop a positive body image.

This manual contains games and exercises that help a child become aware of his body and form a holistic positive image of it. Games promote the development of dexterity, coordination, harmonious movements, teach children to concentrate and relax, and cope with stress.

4. K.Fopel“Hello, legs!” Moscow, Genesis 2005 This manual presents group educational games that give children the opportunity to move deftly, take initiative, cooperate with other children and the leader, and be attentive and collected. Kids can learn to relax, become sensitive and caring towards each other, and develop a positive body image.

This manual combines games and exercises specifically designed for leg training. They will help children learn to run and jump, climb and crawl, walk silently, feel their feet and knees, and coordinate movements.

5. K.Fopel“Hello, pens!” Moscow, Genesis 2005 This manual presents group educational games that give children the opportunity to move deftly, take initiative, cooperate with other children and the leader, and be attentive and collected. Kids can learn to relax, become sensitive and caring towards each other, and develop a positive body image.

This manual contains games and exercises specifically designed for hand training. They will help children learn to throw, catch, perform subtle manipulations with objects, feel their fingers, hands, shoulders, and coordinate movements.

6. K.Fopel“Hello, little eyes!” Moscow, Genesis 2005 This manual presents group educational games that give children the opportunity to move deftly, take initiative, cooperate with other children and the leader, and be attentive and collected. Kids can learn to relax, become sensitive and caring towards each other, and develop a positive body image.

This manual contains games and exercises that help train the eyes and develop visual perception generally. They will help children learn to subtly differentiate visual information, manipulate moving objects, correctly estimate distance, and navigate in space.

7. K.Fopel“Hello ears!” Moscow, Genesis 2005 This manual presents group educational games that give children the opportunity to move deftly, take initiative, cooperate with other children and the leader, and be attentive and collected. Kids can learn to relax, become sensitive and caring towards each other, and develop a positive body image.

This manual contains games and exercises that promote the development of auditory perception, ear for music and a sense of rhythm. They will help children learn to listen carefully, subtly distinguish sounds, perform movements according to a pattern, and move spontaneously to music.

8. Kryukova S.V., Slobodyanik N.P. The program “Let's live together!” Moscow, ed. Genesis, 2007 The purpose of this program is to help children adapt to the conditions of kindergarten. It is built on the basis of play exercises aimed, first of all, at ensuring a psychologically comfortable stay for a child in a preschool institution. All classes have a common flexible structure filled with different content.

9. Kryukova S.V., Slobodyanik N.P. Program “I’m Angry, I’m Afraid, I’m Happy!” Moscow, ed. Genesis, 2007 The goal of the program is the emotional development of children. It is built on the basis of play exercises aimed, first of all, at ensuring a psychologically comfortable stay for a child in a preschool institution. All classes have a common flexible structure filled with different content.

10. Pylaeva N.M., Akhutina T.V. “School of Attention” is a method of developing and correcting attention in children aged 5-7 years. This technique is intended to prepare for school the so-called children with problems that manifest themselves in the lack of organization of attention, the inability to plan and control their actions, the inability to successfully follow the teacher’s instructions, to listen to a task to the end, in distractibility and confusion during its implementation, and, consequently, in decreased motivation. This program is an assistant in developing the ability to plan and control their actions in children.

11. “Program for neuropsychological development and correction of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder” auto A.L. Sirotyuk

12. “Diagnostics and correction of attention: program for children 5-9 years old” auto Osipova A.A., Malashinskaya L.I.

13. “Training program for adaptation of children 4-6 years old to the conditions of a preschool institution “Let's live together!” “
auto S.V. Kryukova

14. “Training program for the emotional development of preschool children”, author. S.V.Kryukova
15. “Program for the formation of voluntary regulation” auto N.Ya. Semago

16. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises: Practical guide. – M.: Genesis

17. Artsishevskaya I.L.. Psychologist's work with hyperactive children in kindergarten. – M.: Knigolyub, 2008.

18. I – You – We. Social-emotional development program for preschoolers. O.L. Knyazeva.– M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2003.

19. Wenger A.L. Psychological counseling and diagnostics. Practical guide: In 2 books. – M.: Genesis, 2007.

20. Alekseeva E.E.. What to do if a child... Psychological assistance to families with children from 1 to 7 years old. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2008.

21.Bavina T.V., Agarkova E.I.. Children's fears. Solving a problem in a kindergarten: A practical guide. – M.: ARKTI, 2008.

22. Volkovskaya T.N., Yusupova G.Kh. Psychological assistance to preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. – M.: Knigolyub, 2004.

23.Volkov B.S., Volkova N.V.. Child psychology. Mental development of a child before entering school. – M.: A.P.O., 1994.

24. Diagnostics in kindergarten. Content and organization of diagnostic work in a preschool educational institution. Methodical manual. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2004.

25. Egorova M.S., Zyryanova N.M., Pyankova S.D., Chertkov Yu.D. From the life of preschool children. Children in a changing world: – St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2001.

26.Kostina L.M. Methods for diagnosing anxiety. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2002.

27. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Diagnosis and development of the personal sphere of children of senior preschool age. Tests. Games. Exercises. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2006.

28. Kryazheva N.L.. Development of the emotional world of children. A popular guide for parents and teachers. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996.

29. Kulagina M.Yu., Kolyutsky V.N.. Developmental psychology: Complete life cycle human development. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2001.

30. Miklyaeva N.V., Miklyaeva Yu.V.. The work of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution: a methodological manual. – M.: Iris-press, 2005.

31. Mirilova T.V.. Emotional development of the child. Junior and group average. – Volgograd: ITD “Corypheus”, 2010.

32.Peresleni L.I.. Psychodiagnostic complex of methods for determining the level of development of cognitive activity: preschool and junior school age. – M.: Iris-press, 2006.

33 .Workshop on developmental psychology: Proc. Manual / Ed. L.A. Golovey, E.F. Rybalko. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2002.

34.Rogov E.I.. Board book practical psychologist: Textbook. – M.: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2001.

35. Sevostyanova E.O. Classes on developing the intelligence of children 5-7 years old. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008.

36.Semenaka S.I. Social and psychological adaptation of a child in society. – M.: ARKTI, 2004.

37. Smirnova E.O., Kholmogorova V.M.. Interpersonal relationships preschoolers. – M.: Humanite. publishing center Vlados, 2003.,

38.Sharokhina V.L. Correctional and developmental classes in the younger group. – M.: Prometheus; book lover, 2002.

39. Shirokova G.A., Zhadko E.G. Workshop for a child psychologist. – Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2008.

40. Electronic manual: Diagnostic work at the preschool educational institution. – Volgograd: Uchitel Publishing House, 2008.

41 .Electronic manual: Complex classes. Planning, lesson notes, didactic material. – Volgograd: Uchitel Publishing House, 2009.

42 .Model program “Preparation for school of children with mental retardation / Under the general editorship. S.G. Shevchenko.

43 .Program of compensatory preschool educational institutions for children with intellectual disabilities. Correctional and developmental training and education / E.A. Ekzhanova, E.A. Strebeleva/

44. SemagoM.M.Psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of a child. - M: Arkti, 1999.

45 .Psychocorrectional and developmental work with children

/ Ed. I.V.Dubrovina. - M.: Academy, 1998

46. ​​Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B.. Cheat sheet for adults: Psychocorrectional work with hyperactive, aggressive, anxious and autistic children. – M., 2000.

47 . Catherine Maurice, Gina Green, Stephen C. Luce. Behavior modification classes for autistic children: a guide for parents and professionals / Transl. from English KolsE.K. //Behavioral Intervention for Young Children With Autism: A Manual for Parents and Professionals/Edited by Catherine Maurice, Cina Green and Stephen C. Luce/School Greek Boulevard, Auslin, Texas, 1996

48. Mamaichuk I.I. Psychocorrectional technologies for children with developmental problems. – St. Petersburg, 2004. – 400 p.

49. Mamaichuk I.I., Ilyina M.N.. Help from a psychologist for a child with mental retardation. – St. Petersburg, 2004. – 352 p.

50 . Nikolskaya O.S., Baenskaya E.R. Autism: age characteristics and psychological assistance. – M.: Polygraph service, 2003. – 232 p.

51. Petrova O.A. Developmental activities for preschool children with hearing impairments. – St. Petersburg, 2008. – 50 p.

52. Plaksina L.I.. Development of visual perception in children with visual impairments. – M., 1998.

53 . Plaksina L.I., Grigoryan L.A. Contents of medical and pedagogical assistance to children with visual impairments. – M., 1998.

54.Prikhodko O.G. Special education of persons with musculoskeletal disorders/Special pedagogy. – M., 2000.

55. Fomicheva L.A. Development of visual perception and acquaintance with the outside world//Training and correction of the development of preschool children with impaired vision: Methodological manual. – St. Petersburg, 1995.

56 . Boryakova N.Yu. Steps of development. Early diagnosis and correction of mental retardation in children. Educational and methodological manual. - M.: Gnom-Press, 2002. (Correctional and developmental education and education of preschoolers with mental retardation)

57 .Brin I.L., Demikova N.S. and others. On the medical, psychological and pedagogical examination of children with autism. - M.: “Signal”, 2002.

58. L.M. Shipitsina, I. I. Mamaichuk. Cerebral palsy (problems of psychodiagnostics, correction, training, raising children, their social and pedagogical integration). - M., 2001

59. LebbyCumin. Formation of communication skills in children with Down syndrome.

60 L.P.L.Zhiyanova, E.V.Pole. A child with Down syndrome (organizing activities with the child). – M., 2007

61 A.V.Semenovich. Neuropsychological correction in childhood (method of replacement ontogenesis). – M., 2007

62 . E.A. Alyabyeva. Psycho-gymnastics in kindergarten. – M., 2003

63 O.V.Zakrevskaya. Grow up baby. A system of work to prevent delays and correct deviations in the development of young children. – M., 2008

64 .Development of basic cognitive functions through adaptive play activities. / A.A.Tsyganok, A.L.Vinogradov, I.S.Konstantinova(Center for Curative Pedagogy). – M., 2006

    The condition of children with disabilities and their individual characteristics are extremely variable, and therefore psychological support programs must be individualized.

    Advisory, educational and preventive direction

Work in this area provides assistance to teachers and parents in raising and educating children with disabilities. OVZ. The psychologist develops recommendations in accordance with the age and individual-typical characteristics of children, the state of their somatic and mental health, carries out activities to increase professional competence teachers, inclusion of parents in solving correctional and educational problems.

    Psychological tips for parents

    “If your child has low self-esteem”

    "How to deal with a stubborn little guy"

    “If a family has a child with HIA »

    “How to help an autistic child”

    “What to play with a special child”, etc.

    “Development of the potential capabilities of children with disabilities HIA based on the construction of individual educational routes"

    "Adaptation to school"

    "Psychological support interaction between preschool educational institutions with families of pupils with HIA "etc.

    Organization of interaction between a psychologist and teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions.

The most important condition for updating the potential capabilities of children with disabilities is HIA is the psychological competence of the teacher: delicacy, tact, ability to assist the child in carrying out cognitive activities, in understanding successes and the reasons for failures, etc.

The main objectives of psychological education for teachers are to reveal the “weak” and “strength” sides of cognitive and personal development child, determining ways to compensate for difficulties, developing the most adequate ways of interaction between a teacher and a child in frontal and individual forms of organizing educational activities. Specific forms of psychological education for teachers can be varied: classes and seminars on key problems of child development with HIA and his special educational needs, organization of psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations with the participation of speech pathologists, speech therapists, music workers, physical education instructors, specialist doctors; preparation for thematic parent meetings, individual consultations, master classes, workshops, psychological living rooms, etc.

    Organization of interaction between a psychologist and parents.

At individual and group consultations with parents, a joint discussion of the progress and results of correctional work is held. The factors of positive dynamics of child development are analyzed, recommendations are developed to overcome possible problems(in particular, related to the adaptation of children to the conditions of preschool educational institutions and to schooling).

Work with parents is also carried out in group form at thematic consultations, workshops, etc.

    Organizational and methodological direction.

This area of ​​activity of a teacher-psychologist includes the preparation of materials for consultations, methodological associations, pedagogical councils, participation in these events, as well as the preparation of documentation.

The main goal in creating a model of psychological support for children with HIA is to develop tools to support such a child, ensuring successful further integration. For the development of a child with OVZ, it is necessary to create conditions under which he could master the processes associated with socialization. This is the organization of children's activities and the creation of a specially created environment in a preschool educational institution. This environment represents the unity of all participants in the educational process, as well as the creation of psychological assistance, support and provision in order to overcome barriers that arise on the path of child development.

Until recently, such a term as “children with disabilities” was not used. The fact that raising children with disabilities in kindergarten should be considered as an important and integral part of the educational process began to be talked about a lot after the law “On Education in Children” came into force. Russian Federation"from 2012.

Children with disabilities: what is it?

According to the law, students with disabilities are persons who have disabilities in physical and/or psychological development that do not allow them to receive education without creating special conditions. Important point– deficiencies must be confirmed by a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (PMPC), without whose conclusion the child cannot receive the status of a student with disabilities.

  • speeches,
  • hearing,
  • vision,
  • musculoskeletal system,
  • intelligence,
  • mental functions.

How to organize education for children with disabilities and children with disabilities?

Answers Elena Kutepova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Director of the Institute for Problems of Inclusive Education, Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University

This category of children with disabilities includes preschoolers with delayed or complex developmental disorders, as well as with severe behavioral and emotional-volitional disorders, which is manifested by the following signs:

  • hyperactivity;
  • neuroses;
  • fears;
  • increased anxiety;
  • fatigue;
  • violations of self-care skills;
  • social maladaptation, difficulties in establishing emotional contacts;
  • the child’s tendency to perform monotonous actions – motor, speech, etc.

A child with disabilities in kindergarten is characterized by lower performance compared to peers, low socialization and self-esteem. As a rule, adaptation and training of such children is slower and more difficult. That is why teachers must make every effort so that the child does not suffer from the realization that he is different from other children, is accepted by them and is included in the educational process.

There is often confusion in the definition of the concepts “child with disabilities” and “disabled child.” What's the difference? “Disabled child” has a narrower meaning, while the concept of “children with disabilities” includes both disabled children and children with developmental disabilities, which are confirmed by the PMPC.

Types of violations in children with disabilities who have the right to receive preschool education

According to the approved classification, the following types of violations of the basic functions of the body are distinguished:

  1. mental processes - impaired memory, attention, speech, thinking, emotions;
  2. sensory functions – hearing, vision, touch, smell impairments;
  3. functions of metabolism, respiration, blood circulation, excretion, internal secretion, digestion;
  4. statodynamic function.

New career opportunities

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There is a psychological and pedagogical classification of children belonging to the special education system:

  • with developmental disorders caused by organic lesions of the central nervous system and the functioning of the visual, auditory, speech, and motor analyzers;
  • with developmental disabilities – have the disorders listed above, but the limitations of their capabilities are less pronounced;
  • with significant developmental disabilities.

Categories of children with disabilities

The pedagogical classification of disorders identifies the following categories of children with deviations from the norm of development:

  • hearing (deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf);
  • vision (blind, visually impaired);
  • speech to varying degrees;
  • intelligence;
  • psychospeech development;
  • emotional-volitional sphere.

There is also a classification according to the degree of dysfunction and adaptation capabilities.

  • First degree – development with mild or moderate impairment functions, pathologies can be indications for recognition of disability or disappear completely with proper upbringing and training.
  • The second degree corresponds to the third group of adult disability. Violations are pronounced and relate to the functioning of organs and systems. Such children need special conditions because their social adaptation is limited.
  • The third degree corresponds to the second group of adult disability. Severe impairments seriously limit the child’s capabilities.
  • Fourth degree – dysfunction of organs and systems is so severe that the child turns out to be socially maladapted. The damage is irreversible. The efforts of doctors, families and teachers are aimed at preventing a critical condition.

Children with disabilities who have the following disorders can receive preschool education in a kindergarten group:

  • hearing, speech, vision;
  • mental retardation;
  • mental state;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • pedagogical neglect;
  • psychopathic behavior;
  • severe forms of allergies;
  • frequent general diseases.

The listed violations must be presented in a mild form, otherwise the child must be under parental supervision.

Inclusive education: groups of combined and compensatory orientation

The term “inclusive education” appeared in legislative framework Russian Federation in 2012, before that it was not used. Its introduction was caused by the need to develop and implement social policy directions related to the growing number of children with disabilities.

In recent years, the number of children with disabilities continues to grow. Therefore, new directions in social policy are designed to make their education in preschool institutions and schools more comfortable. The basis for the development of this direction are current scientific approaches, detailed legal mechanisms, in-demand material and technical means, public and national programs, highly qualified teachers.

Inclusive education should be built around the desire to create favorable conditions for children with disabilities, thanks to which they receive equal opportunities with their peers in receiving education and building their lives. The implementation of this task involves the construction of a “barrier-free” educational environment.

There are certain difficulties on the way to introducing inclusive education:

  • the attitude of other children towards a child with disabilities, which can cause psychological trauma;
  • Educators do not always master the ideology of inclusive education and correctly implement teaching methods;
  • parents may be against including special children in the group;
  • Children with disabilities often require additional attention and are not always able to fully adapt to normal conditions.

Combined groups imply the inclusion in the children's team of children with health problems (visual impairment, speech impairment, hearing impairment, mental retardation, problems with musculoskeletal system). The occupancy of such groups must comply with the requirements of SanPiNov. To work with children, the teacher uses an adapted educational program. Moreover, one program can only be used if there is one or several children with disabilities, but with the same type of impairment. If children different types violations, then an adapted educational program is prescribed for each of them.

Compensatory groups are attended by children with the same type of health impairment. In such groups they work according to a single adapted basic educational program. The difficulty is that sample programs have not yet been developed, and it is difficult for preschool institutions to create them.

Methods of working with children with disabilities in kindergarten

Children with disabilities face difficulties in adapting to the conditions of public education. This is due to the fact that they are accustomed to parental care, do not know how to establish social contacts, and cannot always fully participate in games. External features or defects, as well as the use of special technical means, can create great difficulties. It is important that peers are no less prepared for the child’s arrival in the group than he is. This task is performed by the teacher. Children must understand that a child with disabilities should be perceived as an equal, without paying attention to his or her characteristics.

Children with disabilities can attend kindergarten for a short time. For example, work with one of the specialist teachers, and then communicate with other children, take part in their activities. At the same time, implementation is important individual approach, creating the opportunity to expand educational space child outside the preschool educational institution.

As a rule, teachers use a traditional scheme of interaction with students, which must be adjusted when it comes to children with disabilities. Methods of working with children with disabilities in kindergarten should include the gradual assimilation of new material, dosing tasks, and the use of audio and visual aids.

Particular attention should be paid to such areas of development as:

  • physical health (helps strengthen willpower, develops the ability to get out of difficult situations, forms an active life position);
  • cognitive qualities (develops skills self-study peace);
  • social and communication skills (facilitates socialization);
  • artistic and aesthetic (the child develops fine motor skills, learns methods of working with different materials).

The role of the educator is to build correct work not only with children, but also with their families, to establish effective interaction With by specialized specialists. To do this, you should take special courses, study literature, and delve into the features of the development, physical and mental state of children with disabilities.

Functions of specialists in teaching and raising children with disabilities in kindergarten

The correct organization of work with children with disabilities in kindergarten involves a strict distribution of responsibilities. When children with disabilities enter a preschool educational institution, they must undergo examination by specialists who provide the necessary data to the teacher. Consider the work the participants do teaching staff kindergarten.

  1. Educational psychologist:
    1. organization of interaction between teachers;
    2. psychoprophylactic and psychodiagnostic work with children;
    3. correctional work with children who are at risk;
    4. development of correctional programs for individual child development;
    5. increasing the level of psychological competence of educators;
    6. parent consultations.
  2. Speech therapist teacher:
    1. diagnostics of the level of expressive and impressive speech;
    2. drawing up individual lesson plans;
    3. conducting individual lessons;
    4. consulting teachers and parents.
  3. Musical director:
    1. aesthetic and musical education children;
    2. selection of material for classes taking into account the physical, speech, and psychological development of children;
    3. use of music therapy elements.
  4. Physical education instructor:
    1. carrying out activities to improve children's health;
    2. improvement of psychomotor abilities of pupils.
  5. Educator:
    1. conducting classes on productive activities individually or dividing children into subgroups;
    2. motor development;
    3. instilling cultural and hygienic skills;
    4. organization of individual work with children, taking into account the recommendations of a speech therapist and educational psychologist;
    5. creating a favorable microclimate in the group;
    6. consulting parents on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, level of development fine motor skills child and his individual characteristics.
  6. Medical staff:
    1. carrying out health-improving and treatment-and-prophylactic measures;
    2. examinations of children;
    3. monitoring compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

To study the problems of the future pupil, a conversation is held with the parents, an examination of physical and mental development, and the child’s medical record is also studied. The collected information is systematized and individual development maps are developed under the guidance of a psychologist.

Creating conditions for children with disabilities

Municipal project “Creation of a consultation and information center “We are together!” for parents of disabled children, children with limited health capabilities"

In MBDOU DS No. 123 "Topolek" for children with disabilities (disabilities) have been created following conditions: equal access to education is ensured for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual capabilities (Article 2, paragraph 27 of the Law on Education of the Russian Federation).

Methodological recommendations for organizing work with preschool children with disabilities “Organization of work with preschool children with disabilities in a kindergarten in general developmental groups.”

Current legislation makes it possible to organize the training and education of children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions that are not correctional. It is mandatory to observe the rights of parents (legal representatives) of children with disabilities guaranteed by law, to choose forms of education for children, educational institutions, to protect the legal rights and interests of children, including mandatory agreement with parents (legal representatives) on the issue of sending (transferring) children with disabilities. with disabilities in correctional educational institutions (groups). Children with disabilities can and should be located and develop in a regular kindergarten.

You need to start joint education and training in preschool age. At the same time, experts do not recommend including children with disabilities in kindergarten groups. mental retardation moderate and severe, as well as children with complex (multiple) disabilities. Such children, due to the characteristics of their psychophysical development, will not be able to participate in frontal, subgroup classes of the group. Currently, the so-called spontaneous integration of children with developmental disabilities often occurs. Children with disabilities stay in educational institutions regardless of psycho-speech development, the structure of the defect, or psychophysical capabilities. All children with disabilities have, in addition to general needs, their own special educational needs. And these needs must be satisfied by special educational conditions.

For the successful integration of children with disabilities into the environment of healthy peers, the following conditions must be met:

1.Regulatory support and software and methodological support;

2.Creation of a developmental environment;

3. Staffing and interaction of specialists from various departments;

Regulatory and legal support and software and methodological support: the training and education of children with disabilities is carried out in accordance with special (correctional) programs, taking into account the individual characteristics of the pupils: age, structure of the disorder, level of psychophysical development. It is advisable to draw up an individual development program for each student. If necessary, pupils with disabilities at the end academic year should be sent to a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission to receive specialist recommendations on further forms of education and training.

Creation of a subject-development environment. For the success of educational integration, the creation of an environment that helps social adaptation and correction of deviations in children with disabilities is of no small importance. For visually impaired children, the outer steps of the stairs at the entrance to the building must be painted in contrasting colors. Stairs must be equipped with railings. The door also needs to be painted in a bright contrasting color or a bright edging should be placed around the perimeter of the door. Glass doors should be marked with bright paint on the opening parts. In the locker room, disabled children should be allocated an area away from the aisles and equipped with handrails, benches, shelves and hooks for bags and clothes. It is necessary to pay attention to the lighting of the desktop at which a child with poor vision is sitting, and remember that the presented visual material needs to be voiced so that he can receive information. Children with impaired hearing should be provided with hearing aids by ISA (individual hearing aids). To ensure the safety and unhindered movement of children with disabilities around the territory, it is necessary to provide a smooth, non-slippery asphalt surface for pedestrian paths. Small level differences along the way must be smoothed out. It is recommended to cover the surface of the track with guide strips and bright contrasting colors. The optimal colors for marking are bright yellow, bright orange and bright red.

The preschool has:

  • methodological office;
  • teacher-psychologist's office;
  • office of the Green Light toy library, for studying traffic rules;
  • music director's office.

The health treatment and prophylactic complex has:

  • medical office;
  • insulator;
  • treatment room.

Qualified teachers work with children:

  • educators;
  • musical director;
  • educational psychologist;

The municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 123 “Topolek” is provided with personnel in accordance with qualification requirements and staffing schedule.

Particular attention in the preschool educational institution is paid to protecting life and ensuring the safety of children and employees. In kindergarten No. 123 “Topolyok”, ensuring the safety of participants in the educational process is determined in several areas:

  • ensuring labor protection for preschool employees;
  • ensuring the protection of life and health of children attending kindergarten ( fire safety, safety at home, personal safety, prevention of child road traffic injuries);
  • prevention and liquidation emergency situations;
  • anti-terrorism protection.

Material and technical support of educational activities

for disabled people and persons with disabilities

Logistics support Available/not available
Availability of equipped classrooms, facilities for practical training, sports facilities, training and education facilities adapted for use by disabled people and persons with disabilities Available
Nutritional conditions for disabled children and children with disabilities 5 meals a day
Ensuring access to the PA building for disabled people and persons with disabilities Available
Conditions for protecting the health of students with disabilities and children with disabilities Created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation
Access to information systems and information and telecommunication networks, adapted for use by disabled people and persons with disabilities Available
Electronic educational resources to which students have access, adapted for use by disabled people and persons with disabilities Available
Availability of special technical training tools for collective and individual use for disabled people and persons with disabilities Available

The term “children with disabilities in kindergartens” appeared recently. This legal concept introduced the law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, adopted in 2012 and entered into force on September 1, 2013.

Who does this law classify as students with disabilities?

How to organize work with children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions?

How to organize education for children with disabilities in preschool organizations?

The material examines these issues from all sides. Particular attention in the article is paid to adapted educational programs for children with disabilities, which are used for a group, for a class of children who have one or another health disorder.

Federal law defines students with disabilities as individuals who have deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by the conclusion of a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and preventing them from receiving education without the creation of special conditions. Obtaining a PMPK conclusion – the most important stage in confirming the status of a child with disabilities.

Let's look at an example:

A mother comes to a preschool educational organization and says that the child has limited health capabilities. But the family cannot present a document from the PMPC to support the oral statements. In this case, the child cannot be assigned to a compensatory or combined group.

Even if kindergarten teachers and psychologists see that a particular child needs correctional help, the family is obliged to visit the PMPK and obtain the commission’s conclusion.

This is interesting:

Psychological and pedagogical support for inclusive education in territorial primary education and training schools

It should be noted that the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission works in two directions:

PMPC employees know and understand that the recommendations must reflect the conditions that need to be organized for the education of a child with disabilities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard using an adapted educational program for children with disabilities - either basic or individual. Quite often, PMPK recommends that parents assign a child with disabilities to a compensatory group or a combined group where inclusive education is provided. This approach makes it possible to more actively include children with disabilities in the life of society and instill in them communication skills.

Organization of inclusive education for children with disabilities

The term “inclusive education”, which is directly related to the education of children with disabilities, in regulatory framework Russian Federation first appeared in 2012; previously there was no such concept in any federal-level document.

Did you know?

The Law “On Education” introduces following definition: “Inclusive education - ensuring equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual capabilities.”

Despite the fact that this concept appeared quite recently, inclusive education has already become firmly established in our lives, it is implemented in preschool educational organizations, and at the level of primary general and basic general education, and in higher vocational and secondary education. vocational education. Depending on the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, children with disabilities can be admitted to kindergarten:

To the compensating group,

To the combined focus group.

What are the features of the educational process in these groups?

1. Inclusive education in preschool educational institutions in groups of a combined focus Groups of a combined focus can hardly be called an innovative novelty; preschool education in such groups existed even before the adoption of the law, when children with minor health problems (low vision, mild degree deafness, etc.). The peculiarity of combined groups is that, along with normally developing preschoolers, they co-educate children who have certain types of disabilities (visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech impairment, mental retardation, musculoskeletal disorders, etc. ). Unlike the occupancy of general developmental groups, which depends on the area of ​​the premises, the occupancy of combined groups is regulated by SanPiN. The SanPiNs indicate how many children with disabilities can be in such a group. As a rule, the programs that teachers use in such groups have also already been widely tested and implemented in teaching practice, V educational process, however, the methods of teaching children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard in these groups differ. Regardless of the number of such students (it can be two, three, four, five, seven people), the teacher uses an adapted educational program when working with them, and his own for each child.

Did you know?

One program can only be used if the group is attended by children with a similar type of disability.

For example, if two or three people have same degree hearing loss, then the adapted program can be uniform. If there are different children in the team, especially different types of disabilities, for example, one child has a hearing impairment, another has a visual impairment, a third has a mental development disorder, then for each child in individually an adapted educational program is prescribed for a child with disabilities.

2. Inclusive education in compensatory groups Compensatory groups are groups attended by children with the same disability. For example, groups for children with hearing impairments, or groups for children with visual impairments, or groups for children with speech impairments, and so on. The Law “On Education” for the first time included children with autism spectrum disorders in the list of children with disabilities, which was not previously the case in standard position. This is the first time such a group of children with disabilities has appeared. Unfortunately, in recent years there have actually been many children with early childhood autism; in the new millennium, doctors began to actively diagnose this disease. Autistic children need special conditions education, and that is why they also fall under the definition of children with disabilities. Based on the characteristics of the pupils, compensatory groups can have 10 directions - depending on the category of children. The groups implement an adapted basic educational program, the only adapted basic educational program. And this is one of the main difficulties in implementing inclusive education for children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions in compensatory groups. The fact is that approximate adapted basic educational programs, taking into account which it is possible to write the actual adapted basic educational program, have not yet been posted on the Federal State Educational Standards register, and to date they have not been developed. There is only a federal state educational standard on the basis of which they are written, but on the basis of this document it is quite difficult for preschool organizations to create adapted basic educational programs.

Preparing kindergarten for inclusive education

Our state guarantees equal opportunities for full development all citizens, including those with health problems. Of course, every child needs to get into right time and in right place, that is, to the very garden where he will be comfortable. This especially applies to children with disabilities. Parents are not always able to get a ticket to the preschool organization where conditions have been created for such a child. And if a mother receives a ticket to a general developmental group, but the educational organization does not have the necessary specialist (psychologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist), and the child absolutely needs him according to the conclusion of the PMPK, then a twofold situation arises. From the outside it seems that the child is covered in preschool education. But is he getting exactly the education he needs? Not at all. Does he receive exactly the set of conditions that he needs? Again, no.

Did you know?

As soon as children appear in kindergarten, they have provided confirmation from the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, the conclusion of the PMPK about the status of “child with disabilities,” this immediately directs the educational organization to create special educational conditions for such a child.

And special educational conditions are not only ramps, handrails and some other architectural and planning things. To special educational conditions should include:

Advanced training of teachers, training of teachers, their preparation for working with children with disabilities;

Methodological component;

Changes in the educational program, that is, the emergence of a certain section in the main educational program, which the Federal State Educational Standard defines as “correctional work/inclusive education.”

Thus, at preschool organization quite a lot arises serious problems that need to be addressed.

It should be recalled here that preparation teaching staff who are proficient in special pedagogical approaches and teaching methods is the prerogative of the subject of the Russian Federation. That is, the government authority of the subject should worry about training these teaching workers, on the one hand, and help attract such workers to the organization, on the other hand.

Today, pedagogical universities in their programs pay attention to the education of children with disabilities; students are offered series of lectures on this topic. But very little time is allocated in the university curriculum to study this multifaceted problem; the depth of its study is insufficient to fully prepare preschool teachers for working with children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions. Future educators are given only general information about diagnostics and some fragmentary information about correction. In fact, students and graduates do not learn the actual methods of working with children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions, work methods, methods and technologies and do not receive skills for such work. Therefore, a teacher who comes to a general development group after a pedagogical college is not ready, does not have the skills, abilities, and these competencies that he needs.

It cannot be said that today our society is constantly faced with the optimization of processes and conditions. A serious problem in many regions is the dismissal of speech therapists, psychologists, and defectologists. Federal and regional authorities explain this by a decrease in funding and cost optimization. But the lack of much-needed specialists in kindergartens does not allow the educational program to be fully implemented for all children. It turns out that for some categories of pupils it can be implemented, but for others it cannot. However, with this approach, it becomes impossible to comply with the law “On Education” and the federal state educational standard. And, of course, the social request on the part of parents is not fulfilled in any way, which is important.

Adapted educational programs for children with disabilities

Although the implementation of inclusive education is associated with a lot of difficulties, the process is becoming more and more active. An accessible environment is created for children with disabilities in kindergartens; teachers master methods of interaction with such preschoolers. And today the issue of developing basic educational programs comes to the fore. The basis for writing a program is the federal state educational standard, on the basis of which the program is written. But it is equally important that the basic educational program is designed taking into account exemplary. This is required by the Law “On Education”, which is why all educational organizations (including preschool ones) do this when developing basic educational programs.

Did you know?

To date, there are no approximate adapted basic educational programs for preschool. They have not been developed, they are not on the Federal State Educational Standards register website, and there is nowhere to get them.

This is a rather serious problem that significantly hampers the development of the preschool education system in terms of preschool education for children with disabilities. We must not forget that in groups where there are children with disabilities, adapted programs should be used for training, although they may differ from each other. This point is especially worth noting. Previously, the concept of an “adapted program” did not exist, although the term “correctional program” has been used for a long time.

Adapted basic general education programs are another innovation in the education system, including preschool. These are programs that are used for a group, for a class of children who have one or another disorder. For example, an adapted basic general education program for a group of children with visual impairments or for children with hearing impairments, for blind children, for deaf children, for children with severe speech impairments. There are a lot of such children's groups in the country, and these groups should work according to adapted basic programs.

What are adapted educational programs for children with disabilities?

You cannot do without such a program when there are one, two, three, five children with disabilities in a group of normally developing peers.

Today, preschool organizations use various programs, including the following programs:

"From birth to school"


"Rainbow" etc.

But for a child with mental health problems, or any child with any disability, none of these programs are suitable. And if the program is not suitable, then it must be adapted.

Let's look at an example

A child with severe speech impairments is placed in a combined group. For such a child, it is necessary to adapt a section of the program called “Speech Development”. For such a child, it is necessary to make certain changes to the content of the program, exactly those that are necessary for this particular child, based on what kind of lexical deficiency he has (that is, what he lacks in terms of vocabulary), whether he has violations of the grammatical structure of speech ( and if so, which ones), what does this child have with sound pronunciation. Thus, the educational program is adapted so that the learning process of a child with disabilities is more comfortable and leads to the achievement of high results.

This is interesting:

Is it necessary to make changes to the charter in the case of teaching children with disabilities using adapted educational programs?

It is obvious to both parents and educators that it is much easier for children with disabilities to adapt and master educational programs in mixed groups. And here it is more important than ever to talk about adapted programs. Each child with disabilities who is included in the combined group needs to adapt the basic program, which is offered for the entire group. Undoubtedly, individual adaptation of this program is required for a particular child. Perhaps only in one educational area, such as for children with severe speech impairments. Perhaps in two areas, if, for example, these are children with mental retardation. Features of adaptation depend on the educational needs of each child who finds himself in a group of healthy peers. And, perhaps, two points - the development of an adapted educational program for each child with disabilities in groups of a combined orientation and the development of adapted basic educational programs - represent the main difficulty in the inclusive education of children with disabilities today.

But, despite all the difficulties in introducing inclusive education, this approach to teaching children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions has the broadest prospects. Constant interaction and daily cooperation allows both children with disabilities and children with normal development acquire new knowledge and skills, become more tolerant, learn to find solutions in a variety of life situations. The global goal of inclusive education is to create comfortable conditions for joint successful upbringing and effective education of children with different psychophysical developmental characteristics. And our society has already taken the first step towards achieving this goal.

The term “children with disabilities in kindergartens” appeared recently. This legal concept was introduced by the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” adopted in 2012 and which entered into force on September 1, 2013.

Who does this law classify as students with disabilities?

How to organize work with children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions?

How to organize education for children with disabilities in preschool organizations?

The material examines these issues from all sides. Particular attention in the article is paid to adapted educational programs for children with disabilities, which are used for groups who have one or another health disorder.



Children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions

The term “children with disabilities in kindergartens” appeared recently. This legal concept was introduced by the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” adopted in 2012 and which entered into force on September 1, 2013.

Who does this law classify as students with disabilities?

How to organize work with children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions?

How to organize education for children with disabilities in preschool organizations?

The material examines these issues from all sides. Particular attention in the article is paid to adapted educational programs for children with disabilities, which are used for a group, for a class of children who have one or another health disorder.

The federal law defines students with disabilities as individuals who have deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by the conclusion of a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and preventing them from receiving education without the creation of special conditions. Obtaining a PMPK conclusion is the most important step in confirming the status of a child with disabilities.

Let's look at an example. A mother comes to a preschool educational organization and says that the child has limited health capabilities. But the family cannot present a document from the PMPC to support the oral statements. In this case, the child cannot be assigned to a compensatory or combined group.

Even if kindergarten teachers and psychologists see that a particular child needs correctional help, the family is obliged to visit the PMPK and obtain the commission’s conclusion. Conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission:



No. ___ dated "__" __________ 20 __

on the creation of special conditions for obtaining education
a student with disabilities,
disability in an educational organization

Child's full name: ___________________________________________________________________

Date of birth: _____________________________________________________________________

  1. Educational program: ___________________________________________________
  2. Level of education: __________________________________________________________
  3. Program implementation period: ___________________________________________________
  4. Implementation of an educational program using e-learning and

distance educational technologies: _____________________________________

required/not required

  1. Providing assistant (assistant) services: ___________________________________

required/not required

  1. Special teaching methods: ________________________________________________
  2. Special textbooks:_______________________________________________________________
  3. Special teaching aids: ________________________________________________
  4. Special technical training aids:__________________________________________
  5. Requirements for organizing space: ________________________________________

required/not required

  1. Directions of correctional work in an educational organization: _______________
  2. Educational psychologist: _________________________________________________________________
  3. Speech therapist teacher: ____________________________________________________________
  4. Teacher-defectologist: __________________________________________________________
  5. Social teacher: ______________________________________________________________
  6. Tutor: _____________________________________________________________________
  7. Other special conditions:______________________________________________________________

Deadline for conducting a survey to confirm the recommendations previously given by the commission: _____________________________________________________________________

(when moving from one level of education to the next)

The period for conducting the survey for the purpose of _________________________ previously given by the commission


Head of PMPC ______________________ ____________________________

(signature) (full name)

Educational psychologist ______________________ ____________________________

(signature) (full name)

Speech therapist teacher ______________________ ____________________________

(signature) (full name)

Teacher-speech pathologist ______________________ ____________________________

(signature) (full name)

Social educator ______________________ ____________________________

(signature) (full name)

I have no complaints about the examination procedure.

______________________ ____________________________________

(signature) (full name of parent (legal representative))

This is interesting:

Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education of the territorial PMPK It should be noted that the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission works in two directions:

  • examines children
  • gives recommendations on providing children with psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance and creating conditions for them in educational organizations.

PMPC employees know and understand that the recommendations must reflect the conditions that need to be organized for the education of a child with disabilities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard using an adapted educational program for children with disabilities - either basic or individual. Quite often, PMPK recommends that parents assign a child with disabilities to a compensatory group or a combined group where inclusive education is provided. This approach makes it possible to more actively include children with disabilities in the life of society and instill in them communication skills.

Examination of children, including students with disabilities and disabled children, is carried out at the direction of educational organizations with the written consent of their parents (legal representatives).


(Name of educational organization)

from __________________________________________

(Full name of the parent or legal representative of the child)

address: _______________________________________

telephone: ________________ fax: _______________

email address: ______________________


parents (legal representatives) for examination of the child

I, being the legal representative of ___________________________________________________________________________

(child's full name)

"_____" ____________________ year of birth, studying in _______________________________________________________________________________

name of the organization)

I do not object to examining the child to obtain a conclusioncentral/territorialPMPK with a recommendation for the child to study in an educational organization in accordance with his characteristics in physical and (or) mental development and (or) behavioral deviations.

"_____" _____________ 20____


(Signature )

Organization of inclusive education for children with disabilities

The term “inclusive education,” which is directly related to the education of children with disabilities, first appeared in the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation in 2012; previously there was no such concept in any document at the federal level.

Did you know? The Law “On Education” introduces the following definition: “Inclusive education is ensuring equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual capabilities.”

Despite the fact that this concept appeared quite recently, inclusive education has already become firmly established in our lives, it is implemented in preschool educational organizations, and at the level of primary general and basic general education, and in higher vocational and secondary vocational education.

To the group to the group of compensating orientation,

To the combined focus group.

What are the features of the educational process in these groups?

1. Inclusive education in preschool educational institutions in groups of combined orientation.Groups with a combined focus can hardly be called an innovative novelty; preschool education in such groups existed even before the adoption of the law, when ordinary children’s groups included children with minor health problems (low vision, mild deafness, etc.). The peculiarity of combined groups is that, along with normally developing preschoolers, they co-educate children who have certain types of disabilities (visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech impairment, mental retardation, musculoskeletal disorders, etc. ). Unlike the occupancy of general developmental groups, which depends on the area of ​​the premises, the occupancy of combined groups is regulated by SanPiN. The SanPiNs indicate how many children with disabilities can be in such a group. As a rule, the programs that teachers use in such groups have also already been widely tested and introduced into teaching practice and into the educational process, however, the methods of teaching children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard in these groups differ. Regardless of the number of such students (it can be two, three, four, five, seven people), the teacher uses an adapted educational program when working with them, and his own for each child.

Did you know? One program can only be used if the group is attended by children with a similar type of disability. For example, if two or three people have the same degree of hearing loss, then the adapted program can be uniform. If there are different children in the team, especially different types of disabilities, for example, one child has a hearing impairment, another has a visual impairment, a third has a mental development disorder, then an adapted educational program for a child with disabilities is prescribed individually for each child. health opportunities.

2. Inclusive education in compensatory groupsCompensatory groups are groups attended by children with the same disorder. For example, groups for children with hearing impairments, or groups for children with visual impairments, or groups for children with speech impairments, and so on. The Law “On Education” for the first time included in the list of children with disabilities also children with autism spectrum disorders, which was not previously the case in the standard provision. This is the first time such a group of children with disabilities has appeared. Unfortunately, in recent years there have actually been many children with early childhood autism; in the new millennium, doctors began to actively diagnose this disease. Autistic children need special educational conditions, and that is why they also fall under the definition of children with disabilities.

Table for determining the number of children in compensatory groups depending on the type of disability

Type of HIA

Number of children in compensatory groups

up to three years

over three years old

Children with severe speech impairments

Children with phonetic-phonemic speech disorders

Deaf children

Hearing impaired children

Blind children

Visually impaired children, children with amblyopia, strabismus

Children with musculoskeletal disorders

Children with mental retardation

Children with mental mild retardation degrees

Children with moderate and severe mental retardation

Children with autism

Children with a complex defect (having a combination of two or more deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development)

Children with other disabilities

Based on the characteristics of the pupils, compensatory groups can have 10 directions - depending on the category of children.The groups implement an adapted basic educational program, the only adapted basic educational program. And this is one of the main difficulties in implementing inclusive education for children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions in compensatory groups. The fact is that approximate adapted basic educational programs, taking into account which it is possible to write the actual adapted basic educational program, have not yet been posted on the Federal State Educational Standards register, and to date they have not been developed. There is only a federal state educational standard on the basis of which they are written, but on the basis of this document it is quite difficult for preschool organizations to create adapted basic educational programs.

Preparing kindergarten for inclusive education

Our state guarantees equal opportunities for full development to all citizens, including those with health problems. Of course, every child needs to get to the right time and place, that is, to the very kindergarten where he will feel comfortable. This especially applies to children with disabilities. Parents are not always able to get a ticket to the preschool organization where conditions have been created for such a child. And if a mother receives a ticket to a general developmental group, but the educational organization does not have the necessary specialist (psychologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist), and the child absolutely needs him according to the conclusion of the PMPK, then a twofold situation arises. From the outside it seems that the child is covered in preschool education. But is he getting exactly the education he needs? Not at all. Does he receive exactly the set of conditions that he needs? Again, no.

Did you know? As soon as children appear in kindergarten, they have provided confirmation from the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, the conclusion of the PMPK about the status of “child with disabilities,” this immediately directs the educational organization to create special educational conditions for such a child.

And special educational conditions are not only ramps, handrails and some other architectural and planning things. Special educational conditions include:

  • advanced training of teachers, training of teachers, their preparation for working with children with disabilities
  • methodological component;
  • changes in the educational program, that is, the emergence of a certain section in the main educational program, which the Federal State Educational Standard defines as “correctional work/inclusive education.”

Thus, the preschool organization has quite a lot of serious problems that need to be solved. It should be recalled here that the training of teaching staff proficient in special pedagogical approaches and teaching methods is the prerogative of the subject of the Russian Federation. That is, the government authority of the subject should worry about training these teaching workers, on the one hand, and help attract such workers to the organization, on the other hand. Today, pedagogical universities in their programs pay attention to the education of children with disabilities; students are offered series of lectures on this topic. But very little time is allocated in the university curriculum to study this multifaceted problem; the depth of its study is insufficient to fully prepare preschool teachers for working with children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions. Future educators are given only general information about diagnostics and some fragmentary information about correction. In fact, students and graduates do not learn the actual methods of working with children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions, work methods, methods and technologies and do not receive skills for such work. Therefore, a teacher who comes to a general development group after a pedagogical college is not ready, does not have the skills, abilities, and these competencies that he needs. It cannot be said that today our society is constantly faced with the optimization of processes and conditions. A serious problem in many regions is the dismissal of speech therapists, psychologists, and defectologists. Federal and regional authorities explain this by a decrease in funding and cost optimization. But the lack of much-needed specialists in kindergartens does not allow the educational program to be fully implemented for all children. It turns out that for some categories of pupils it can be implemented, but for others it cannot. However, with this approach, it becomes impossible to comply with the law “On Education” and the federal state educational standard. And, of course, the social request on the part of parents is not fulfilled in any way, which is important.