Oriental party

Themed parties have recently become fashionable in our country. With their help, you can celebrate almost any holiday in an unusual and fun way. It's fun to celebrate a girl's birthday in oriental style. However, for this it is not enough to competently decorate the room where the celebration will take place. It is also necessary to create an interesting and funny scenario so that the hero of the occasion and the guests present at the celebration are happy.

Decoration of the premises and characters

You can hold such an event in a cafe, restaurant, as well as in an ordinary apartment.

Remember that Arabs love lavish celebrations, so when decorating the room you should use brightly colored fabrics and balloons. Gold should prevail.

You can also instead regular table install several low coffee tables, and instead of chairs use satin pillows embroidered with gold threads. Both men and women can celebrate a birthday according to a cool scenario in oriental style. They should take care of an appropriate suit in advance. A girl, for example, can dress up in a shiny dress and decorate herself with jewelry, while a man just needs to limit himself to a loose long-sleeved shirt, light trousers and a turban, which should be made from a sheet or towel and decorated with a brooch. The hero of the occasion must be warned in advance that her birthday will be celebrated in a somewhat unusual setting. This is necessary so that she has time to choose the right outfit. Tell her that at the holiday she will play the role of the Sultan in feminine and a whole harem of male guests will obey her. This, in fact, is the essence of this scenario.

Start of the event

The birthday girl should enter the hall only after the rest of the guests have already gathered there. When she appears, everyone should stand up and bow their heads slightly. The host can explain to the guests in advance that there is nothing humiliating in this procedure, because they all play certain roles in a festive atmosphere, where the birthday girl got the role of the imperious ruler of one of the ancient fairy-tale eastern countries.

What is the best choice for her child to go to school? After all, you need to take the choice of outfit for such a holiday seriously! You were invited to be a witness to a wedding, but you can’t decide on a hairstyle? No problem - we have several styling options for you.

Presenter: Lady, delight of our souls, look how many guests have gathered here today on the occasion of your birthday! The tables are laden with food, the goblets are filled with wine, command the holiday to begin. The presenter must warn the hero of the occasion in advance that after each such proposal she must pronounce in a loud and clear voice the phrase “I command!”

Belly dance from the most skilled artists

Presenter: And now, especially for our birthday girl and dear guests, dancers from different countries, the most experienced masters, will perform a belly dance. And I will ask you to go to the center of the hall and support our craftswomen with applause. A cool belly dance will be performed by men dressed as oriental dancers. For them, you should prepare costumes in advance - scarves with coins, chiffon trousers and a top in the form of a short bodice. By the way, it can be replaced top part swimsuit stuffed with cotton wool. Any oriental music is suitable for this cool dance., which can be found on the Internet. One scarf with coins should be left for the birthday girl and asked her to come out to the dancers so that she can show her skills.

Competition "Preparation for an oriental fashion show"

Presenter: Today, in honor of the birthday girl, we will have an oriental fashion show. Our models will demonstrate jewelry that the best jewelers brought to us from across the seven seas and three oceans. For a fashion show, I will ask five girls and five men to stand in the middle of the room. Dear representatives of the fair sex will demonstrate jewelry, but we will need men as fashion designers. On a long table or several chairs there are trays with jewelry - beads, necklaces, hairpins, brooches and bracelets.

Rings should not be chosen for this test, as they may not be the right size for any of the girls, and there will be problems in removing them later.

The men seat their ladies on chairs and, at the command of the presenter, quickly begin to decorate them with the jewelry on the table. Two to three minutes will be enough for this process. After this, you need to count the jewelry. The winner is the couple whose man managed to use the most jewelry.. Presenter: And now our models will give you the promised fashion show. I suggest you greet them with applause. To the accompaniment of slow oriental music, girls parade along an impromptu catwalk.

Oriental compliments for the hero of the occasion

Presenter: Dear guests, the time has come to praise our birthday girl. Your task is to come up with compliments for her for each letter of the alphabet. I'll show you an example and you can continue. I give a compliment with “a”: “You are angelic” or with “b”: “You are priceless.” Now it's your turn. I name the letter, and the one who is ready to compliment raises his hand. For every word of praise addressed to our hero of the occasion, I give you a token. The winner will be the one with the most tokens at the end of the alphabet. The main and magnificent prize awaits him - the smile of our charming birthday girl!

Competition "Eating Turkish Delight at Speed"

Presenter: Our dear men, we all know very well how much many of you love sweets. Yes, yes, yes, don’t be modest, you love sweets, right? Let's, don't be shy, raise your hands, those who can't imagine their lives without confectionery. I will ask you to go into the hall. You all know that the East is famous not only for its excellent cuisine, but also confectionery products. If I start listing them all, our evening will definitely drag on. Therefore, I suggest you treat yourself to Turkish delight. Let's see which of you can cope with one difficult task the fastest. Now you have to quickly eat a few pieces of oriental sweets.

However, there is one catch in this task: you have to do it without using your hands.

You need to place bowls of oriental sweets on the table. It doesn't have to be Turkish delight. If you are unable to purchase it in the store, then instead of this sweet you can use marshmallows, kozinaki broken into pieces, marmalade or nougat. Don't put too many sweets in bowls and be sure to place glasses of water or juice on the table.

Dramatization of the song “Oriental Tales”

Presenter: Dear guests, do you know that our birthday girl is an enviable bride. Suitors from all over the world constantly come to her to woo her. Today, too, our palace was visited by the Arab Sheikh Al-Makhali-Praise-yet-not-Over-Praise! If only you knew how rich this man is. He has as many as 15 towers! No, I'm not talking about higher education. He just doesn’t have any education, and he doesn’t need it anyway. He has oil derricks... And also diamond processing factories and networks. No, no, not fishing stores, but jewelry stores. Let's applaud him and ask our birthday girl to come out to meet the groom and give him an answer. And she will do this, of course, with a song. During the feast, the host takes one of the guests aside in advance. He will need to portray an Arab sheikh.

Since most of the sheikhs are men in body, you should stock up on foam rubber in advance. It must be tied to the guest's body. You can put a turban on his head.

The national outfit of an oil tycoon should be depicted as a long silk robe. Don't forget also about massive shiny chains and rings. The sheikh and the birthday girl must dance and sing for the guests to the song “Oriental Tales”. Presenter: Well, our birthday girl refused this groom too. True, I must admit to you, he is somehow not very good... We will wait for the prince on a white horse - an Arabian horse.

Quiz “Oriental Tales”

Presenter: Dear guests and incomparable birthday girl, you probably all read oriental fairy tales in childhood: “Aladdin’s Magic Lamp,” for example, or “A Thousand and One Nights.” Now we will check how well you remember them. Let's take a quiz on the theme of oriental fairy tales. Questions about oriental fairy tales can be anything. Here is a sample list of them:

  • From what household item did Aladdin summon the genie? (lamp)
  • What was the name of the monkey that accompanied Aladdin? (Abu)
  • On what vehicle? increased danger did Aladdin move? (flying carpet)
  • What was the name of the main character from One Thousand and One Nights? (Scheherazade)
  • What was the name of the king to whom Scheherazade told tales? (Shahriyar)
  • Scheherazade told the king the tale of the “Black Horse.” It talked about one thing, the owner of which could not be afraid of any danger. What is this thing? (copper pipe)
  • As you know, a collection of Arabic tales was written in ancient times. Much later it was translated into one of the most common languages ​​and immediately gained popularity throughout Europe and then throughout the world. What language was the collection of Arabic tales translated into? (French)

For each correct answer, the host gives the guest a token. Whoever has the most tokens at the end of the quiz is the winner. Presenter: And we have a winner! At the beginning of the quiz, I did not talk about what prize awaits him. Surely you are all intrigued! So, this is the right to bring out a cake with candles for our birthday girl. By the way, this cake is incredibly delicious. It was delivered by evening ship from distant islands, where the best pastry chefs live and work! However, in order to try it, you will have to say a short toast to the birthday girl! Tea party ends the birthday eastern scenario. If one of the guests, or even the birthday girl herself, wants to dance and relax some more, you should not prevent them from doing so. The celebration can continue!

July 28, 2017

The East, amazing and charming, attracts with its mystery. So why not have a holiday in this magical style and find yourself in the fairy tale of 1000 and 1 nights?

To convey the bright color of the countries of the East and the customs of local residents, you will have to make a lot of effort. Special attention requires decor, invitations, themed costumes, menus and entertainment - everything is the same as for any other themed party. But if you intend to arrange a bright holiday that will give a lot of positive impressions and pleasant memories for a long time, then nothing is impossible! Along with tips from zavodila.com Preparing for the holiday will be easy, quick and enjoyable.

1. Invitations

You can notify guests about an upcoming event in various ways. But all of them, one way or another, should be related to the theme of the party. This will have a positive effect on the guests and will certainly intrigue them. You can order invitations from a printing house. On the Internet it is not difficult to choose a suitable layout in an oriental style. Delightful Arabic ornaments and inscriptions in script will do the trick. But it’s much more interesting to make invitations with your own hands. Below are several options describing the creation process.

Option 1. Paper invitation cards. Take thick paper. If you have beautiful handwriting, then write the text by hand. Handwriting like a doctor's? Then print it on a printer in a font that is as similar as possible to Arabic script. Decorate the invitation with an ornate design and then fold it into an envelope. In handicraft stores you can find wonderful bright envelopes with “knocking” that will highlight the theme of the holiday.
The content of the invitation is optional, but be sure to indicate the time and location. And if the party involves a dress code, then this is worth mentioning. The text might sound like this:

« The most exotic and magical party of the year!
Oriental sweets, barbecue, belly dancing, fakirs and... rent a genie! Don't miss your chance to fulfill your most cherished desires and fantasies.
And, of course, hookah. After all, you need to blow well, otherwise no magic will work.
Western clothing and ripped jeans are prohibited. Entrance only for residents of the East.
I look forward to seeing you, my radiant one, some August at 19.00 at the Taj Mahal No. 112 on the street. Eastern.

Your Aladdin"

Option 2. Oriental bag of incense. Take a small bag with a drawstring (they are sold in all stores and gift departments and are very inexpensive), fill it with everything related to the theme of the party: small coins, gem-like stones, and a stick of incense. Also place an invitation written on a small card inside. Such a bag will become not only an original invitation option. It is a symbol of success and wealth that it brings into the home, and will also delight your guests with a delightful aroma for a long time.
Option 3. Bracelets. An equally original invitation to the celebration will be bracelets, which are an integral attribute of Eastern culture. This could be a red thread with a bead, which will be your ticket to the party. The bracelet should be given along with a postcard containing information about the date, address and clothing requirements.

2. Dress code

Women's outfits for a party in the East style

First of all, you need to take care of your image. As the host or hostess of the holiday, your image should be no worse than that of an Arab sheikh or an oriental princess.

It is important to choose a style that emphasizes all your strengths. Girls can safely demonstrate the smooth curves of their bodies, covered with bright bodices with embroidered patterns, rhinestones and beads. Bloomers made of translucent fabric and a belt on the hips, decorated with playfully jingling coins, look great. A delightful scarf that covers the head and face will help make the image more enigmatic and mysterious, leaving only expressive eyes with colorful and bright makeup open. Instead of bloomers, you can wear a floor-length skirt. And modest women can use a sari that will hide their figure from strangers.
You can make costumes for an oriental party yourself. For example, for a bodice, take a top and decorate it with lots of sequins, sequins and embroidery.

A belt can be easily made from a small piece of fabric, for example tulle, trimmed with coins. Handicraft stores sell special coins with holes that are very convenient to sew on, and they are very inexpensive.

We make the face veil from the same fabric or the same color as the rest of the elements of the image. Silk will look good. Needlewomen will be able to sew their own trousers. You can find various patterns on the Internet. To make a skirt, just sew two pieces of fabric with an elastic band (around the waist) and leave slits all the way to the hips.

When creating an image, it is mandatory to use a variety of jewelry and jewelry. Earrings, beads, bracelets on arms and legs, necklaces and other jewelry will only make the image brighter and will not spoil it at all.

An important element is makeup in oriental style. Oriental beauties They always draw long arrows on themselves, which visually enlarge their eyes, and make their gaze expressive and mysterious. The main makeup colors are gold, bronze, copper, turquoise, emerald, ruby ​​and deep black. The most important thing in makeup are the eyes. Try to make the look as “cat-like” as possible. At the end, everything must be shaded with a small brush. Special attention It’s worth paying attention to your eyebrows. They should be pronounced, and the bend should be more characteristic than usual. But you shouldn’t make your lips bright. It is best to use nude shades or delicate pink.

Men's costumes for oriental parties

For strong half There are also many image ideas from those invited. A man can reincarnate as Aladdin, a Bedouin wanderer or a genie. Required attribute is a turban fastened with a magnificent brooch with a large stone.

Of course, you will have to spend a little time until you get the hang of putting fabric or a bath towel into the turban, but the result will surpass all expectations. The stern look and image of the Sultan will conquer any girl. You can throw a robe with elements of oriental patterns over your shoulders, and replace the bloomers with regular everyday pants.

Both ladies and men should not worry about choosing shoes. Bare feet, sandals or light fabric slippers are allowed.

The organizer of the holiday needs to take care of a backup plan and prepare something like a turban for men and a scarf for girls, which will become a salvation for those guests who are too lazy to take care of the thematic image.

3. Room decoration

The tone of the event is set by the decoration of the room. You should not try to replicate the luxurious decoration of the Sultan's palaces. But making the interior as similar as possible to the chambers of an Arab ruler is quite possible. When decorating a room in an oriental style, the main rule is the abundance of fabric and decorative items.

In Asian countries, it is customary to seat guests directly on the floor with soft pillows. They are usually decorated with patterns of smooth lines or patterns.

Those gathered at the table on small legs are treated to food. If the guests are more conservative, invite them to sit on the sofa or chairs, which should first be draped with fabric.

There must be a carpet on the floor. Preferably embroidered with many patterns or with floral designs. If there are several carpets, this will only add a certain oriental flavor. To enhance the resemblance to the Sultan's palace, build something like a fabric canopy over the main table. To do this, take a very light fabric (2 or 4 pieces) and secure it to the chandelier. And the ends, directing to different angles rooms, secure them to the cornices and furniture. The same fabric can be used to drape the walls. Scatter a lot of pillows - large and small, throughout the room, on sofas, chairs, the floor in a “creative mess”.

A hookah will be a wonderful addition to the decor. It will highlight the theme of the evening and will also be good entertainment. Tall floor vases, figurines of dancers and animals are suitable as decorative elements. Paintings depicting military battles, magical palaces and colorful oriental bazaars will also fit perfectly into the overall look.

An important role is played by light, which should not be bright. Subdued lighting is created using floor lamps and wall lamps. Place candles throughout the room. But it will be safer to use small lamps, stylized as real candles.

Light some incense, but don't focus on it. The subtle scent of vanilla or iris will relax guests and transport them to the far East.

4. Menu and drinks

In eastern countries it is customary to treat guests to a variety of traditional dishes. Be sure to have meat dishes: pilaf, manti, beshbarmak, shurpa or shish kebab.

In our usual understanding, there are no salads in oriental cuisine. They are being replaced fresh vegetables. Sliced ​​tomatoes, peppers and herbs make great additions to main treats.

Play a special role oriental sweets. The well-known baklava, Turkish delight and sherbet will delight guests not only with their taste, but also with their attractive appearance.

Making oriental sweets is not at all difficult. It is enough to spend a little time and approach the work with enthusiasm. And following the recipes exactly will allow you to get delicious treats that are not much different from those sold in Turkish bazaars.

Lemon Turkish Delight Recipe

sugar – 900 g
water - 0.5 l.
starch - 170 g
zest of 1 lemon
powdered sugar – 150-200 g.

Mix starch with 250 ml cold water. Place another 250 ml of water on the fire and bring to a boil, then add sugar and cook the syrup until it is completely dissolved. Next, you need to pour in the starch solution and reduce the heat. When the mixture begins to thicken, add lemon zest and cook until the Turkish delight begins to become very thick and “pull away” from the walls of the dish. After this, put the mixture in a mold (or small molds) and level it with a wet silicone spatula or spoon. Let cool at room temperature for 5-7 hours and cut into small squares, which are rolled in powdered sugar. Turkish delight should never be placed in the refrigerator, otherwise moisture may cause it to become soggy and turn into jelly.

Recipe "Chak-chak"

Another traditional sweet for Arab countries, very easy to prepare and very tasty

flour – 0.5 kg
butter– 160 g
sugar – 160 g
chicken eggs – 5 pcs.
honey – 250 g
vegetable oil(for frying) – 350-450 g

Beat 5 eggs with 30 grams of sugar. Melt the butter in the microwave and cool slightly. Add warm butter to the egg mixture, then stir. Pour the pre-sifted flour into the egg-butter mixture and knead the dough. It should be dense and soft at the same time. Cover the dough with cling film or cotton cloth and leave to rest for 20 minutes.

Then heat the vegetable oil in a cauldron, frying pan or any saucepan with a thick bottom. Place dough pieces into it in small portions and fry for 2-3 minutes until the dough turns golden, then remove to a paper towel to get rid of any remaining fat. When all the dough is ready, you need to prepare the honey filling. To do this, 120 g of sugar needs to be melted along with 500 grams of honey. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook over low heat for 3-4 minutes. The sugar should “disperse” and the caramel itself should thicken a little. Place the chak-chak sticks in a mold or deep bowl and pour over the honey, stirring thoroughly and gently. Next, form a slide and leave to harden. Chuck-chuck is ready.

Drinks for an oriental party

Availability strong alcohol excluded. Traditionally, in Eastern countries, guests are treated to strong tea with sweets or coffee. But if you don’t want to give up alcohol altogether, you can serve wine or low-alcohol cocktails in jugs, inventing them original titles like Arabian Mojito or Aladdin on the Beach.

It is best to prepare cocktails based on red or white wine with the addition of fruit juices.

Cocktail “Sheikh”

80 ml red wine
30 ml raspberry syrup
20 ml lemon juice
5 ml orange liqueur
3 ice cubes

Mix all the ingredients of the drink thoroughly in a shaker and pour into a glass. Garnish with a strawberry or a slice of lemon (orange).

Cocktail “Oriental chocolate”

milk chocolate – 30 g
red wine – 40 ml
cream – 80 ml
coffee liqueur – 200 ml

Melt the chocolate in the microwave (in several stages, 5 seconds per full power, stirring each time), then mix with cream, wine and liqueur. Pour crushed ice into a glass, pour over the chocolate mixture and serve immediately.

5. Scenario

Characters: Scheherazade (mistress of the house), King Shahriyar (master of the house), guests.

Tsar (greets guests) : Eastern princes and princesses, strong Janissary warriors, Bedouin sages and sheikhs came to us. We are happy to welcome everyone to our palace! A lot of entertainment awaits you. This is my wife - Scheherazade. Today she will tell us many fairy tales, which may not be fairy tales at all. Well, welcome!

Scheherazade : Hello, dear guests. We are glad that you graced us with your presence. In gratitude, we promise to treat you with delicious treats and pamper you with entertainment. Come in and sit down at the table. Don't forget that today we follow all Eastern traditions. Place yourself directly on the floor. And for comfort, the servants have taken care of soft pillows with gold thread embroidery that you can use.

The guests sit down and eat.

Tsar : Enjoy, dear guests, the dishes. And my beloved wife will delight us with her fairy tale.

Scheherazade : For a thousand nights I have not closed my eyes, telling you fairy tales, king, and weaving carpets of patterned speeches. But today I crave entertainment. My husband, Shahriyar, the light of my eyes, what are you ready for for me?

Tsar : Anything, my dear Scheherazade. I’ll even get you a star from the sky!

Scheherazade : Take your time, lord. You'll still have time. You know how much I love dancing. So, choose four assistants and give us a belly dance.

Game "Belly Dance". The king selects four male guests, they wear a belt with coins over their clothes and dance to oriental music.

Tsar : Oh, I’m tired, my little wife. Look at all these princesses who are visiting us today - all beauties. And it’s time for us to choose a spouse as an heir. Let's have a beauty contest.

Scheherazade : Our dear beauties, choose a man for your assistants. Now we will have quite interesting competition, which involves putting as much jewelry on the princesses as possible. And this task falls on the shoulders of men.

Competition "Fashion Show". Five pairs of participants are selected, in front of whom a tray with a lot of jewelry is placed: beads, brooches, bracelets. In 30 seconds, the man must put as much jewelry on his partner as possible. Whoever has the most jewelry will win.

Tsar : You all did an excellent job, well done.

Scheherazade : Our men still have a sweet tooth. Yes, yes, don't be modest. Raise your hands those who cannot live without sweets. We all know that eastern countries- This is a magnificent cuisine, in which sweets occupy a special place. Today you will enjoy one of them - Turkish delight. Whoever eats it the most in one minute is the champion. But you can’t just touch the treat with your hands.

Competition "Eating Turkish Delight at Speed". Five participants (or more) are selected. A plate of Turkish delight is placed in front of everyone. The most gluttonous one becomes the winner. The catch of the competition is that neither the plate nor the sweet itself can be touched with your hands. Violators are immediately eliminated.

Scheherazade : Real sweet tooth! Drink some tea soon. I wish that everything in your life will always be as sweet as it is in your mouth now.

Tsar : Let's call the genie. And he will fulfill all our desires. Now, I have a real lamp (takes it out from under the table). I suggest passing it around and making wishes. And the genie will definitely fulfill them.

Game "Desire". The “lamp” is passed around in a circle. Each guest rubs it and makes a wish for another guest. Desires can be different, but not too complex, like belly dancing.

Scheherazade : Now I propose to arrange a test for couples in love. Will you, valiant warriors, be able to recognize your beloved by just one glance?

“Show your face” competition. Girls cover their face and head with a scarf so that only their eyes are visible. And they sit in a line on the floor or chairs. Men need to get to know their partners.

Scheherazade : You all did an excellent job in this competition. Girls can be confident in the love of their chosen ones. Would you like, our dear guests, to help me compose a new fairy tale - one thousand and two?

Game " New fairy tale Scheherazade." Those gathered take turns speaking one phrase at a time, continuing the stories of the previous player. The result should be an interesting and funny fairy tale.

Tsar : Most honorable guests, I propose to arrange an exam in the most ancient science - astrology. My questions are dedicated to the 12 signs of the Zodiac. The game is best played at the height of the party, when the guests have drunk a lot.

  1. It is better not to pull this zodiac sign's mane. (Lion)
  2. Is this friend still a mountain whistler? (Cancer)
  3. And who looks like himself, like a reflection in a mirror? (Twins)
  4. Big spender of H2O? (Aquarius)
  5. They say about him "small" cattle"? (Capricorn)
  6. Always hits the bull's eye? (Sagittarius)
  7. And why wasn’t he simply called “Baran”? (Aries)
  8. An offensive sign for men. (Virgo)
  9. Is he stubborn like no other? (Taurus)
  10. Only a slender girl will stand on this sign in the presence of a man. (Scales)
  11. Poisonous and dangerous! (Scorpion)
  12. And this sign went to spawn (Pisces)

Tsar : Well, you know astrology.

Scheherazade : Honey, let me suggest a game for our sheikhs. Here they will again have to feel all the difficulties they face oriental women.

Hula Hoop Competition

All players are given a hula hoop and a fan. Whoever can spin the hula hoop the longest and gracefully fan himself at the same time is the champion. The winner receives a prize - a photo with the harem. That is, with all the ladies present at the party.

The celebration continues with dancing and fun. It is advisable to choose thematic music: Arash, Tarkan, Abraham Russo.

You can end the evening by launching sky lanterns. Unless, of course, they have not yet been banned in your city.

Scenario for an educational and entertaining extracurricular activity “The Mysterious East”

The event takes place in the form of a game-travel through the stations.

Goals: introduce you to the culture and way of life of the East; broaden the horizons of students; develop creative abilities.

Equipment: to create an oriental flavor, it is necessary to decorate the stations colorfully.

“The East is the land of fairy tales” - in the form of a palace in the style of “A Thousand and One Nights”.

“The East is the land of the sages” - a meeting of elders, several sages are sitting on ottomans.

“The East is the country of merchants” - in the form of an oriental bazaar.

“The East is a wonderful country” - mirror, cabinet and ottomans.

“The East is a land of treasures” - in the form of a cave of genies.

Progress of the event

The event can be held both in one class and between class groups, which will help establish and strengthen relationships between students in the class and parallel. Five teams of players compete with each other for the right to possess the treasures of the East. For efficiency, it is better to make teams into national teams. When completing tasks at the station, teams are given a hint about the location of the treasure.

At the beginning of the game, participants are offered a warm-up competition, during which the teams will receive a hint where the treasures are.

Warm-up competition

The completeness of the answer and resourcefulness, humor, and originality in the depiction of the camel are assessed.

The East is a mysterious and alluring land, and probably the most attractive thing about it is the endless sand dunes. But how can you travel through them? Name the main thing vehicle desert and depict it. (They are called ships of the desert. And it is true that for a long time domestic camels were an indispensable transport of deserts. Who else, without food and water under the scorching rays of the sun, can move for many days in a row, covering 80-90 km daily? A camel is a hardy animal, well adapted for life in the desert. He has thick calluses on his feet, and he does not suffer from the hot sand. The wool is thick and long, it helps to endure the heat of the day and the cold of the night. The camel is very undemanding in food. It eats thorny bushes and herbs that others do not eat. animals. But even this modest food helps to accumulate a lot of fat in the humps. Using this reserve, a camel can go without food for several days. In many places, camels are still indispensable. And not only for transport, the inhabitants of the desert also use milk, wool, and camel skin. .)

Station "East - the land of fairy tales"

At this station, teams are asked to remember a fairy tale that would be associated with the East: heroes, magical objects, animals, places and settlements. And try by choosing key point in a fairy tale, dramatize it. For example, a dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale about King Shahriyar (“A Thousand and One Nights”).





Narrator. King Shahriyar began to take an innocent girl for himself every night, and then kill her. And this went on for three years. People fled in horror with their daughters from the city. Finally, there was not a single girl of marriageable age left. So, when one day the king ordered his vizier to bring the girl, as usual, he began to look, but did not find her. The vizier walked home in a gloomy mood and thought.

Vizier. How can I now escape from the royal disgrace? I have two daughters: the eldest is Shahrazad, she read many books and collected a thousand chronicle books dating back to distant times, telling about poets and kings, and the youngest is the beautiful Dunyazada.

Shahrazade. Why are you, father, concerned and saddened? Tell me without hiding.

Vizier. For a long time, daughter, I have served King Shahryar and always followed his orders, but now I cannot fulfill his will.

Shahrazade. For the sake of Allah, father, give me in marriage to Shahriyar, and then I will either live or become a ransom for the daughters of Muslims and save them from death.

Vizier. I conjure you by Allah, you should not expose yourself to such danger!

Shahrazade. This is meant to be.

Narrator. Resigned, the vizier dressed her up and took her to King Shahryar. And before that, Shahrazad explained to her sister what she should do.

Scheherazade. Dunyazada, I will come to the king and will soon send for you, and when you appear and see that he is already with me, ask: “Oh, sister, talk to us and tell us something.” This will be, by Allah’s permission, our salvation.

Narrator. And so the vizier, Shahrazad's father, came to the king. When he saw him, he was happy and asked her.

Tsar. Have you delivered what I need?

Vizier. Yes!

Narrator. Shahriyar immediately went in to Shahrazade, but she began to cry, and he asked her.

Tsar. What's wrong with you?

Scheherazade. O king, I have a little sister, and I want to say goodbye to her.

Narrator. Then the king sent for Dunyazada, and she, coming to her sister, hugged her and sat down on the floor near the bed. Then the king began to talk with Shahrazad. And then Dunyazada asked.

Dunyazada. I conjure you by Allah, sister, tell us something so that this night will end quickly.

Shahrazade. With love and desire, if our most worthy king allows me.

Narrator. The king, who suffered from insomnia, was glad to listen to the story and allowed it. Since then, every night Shahrazad told tales to the king and saved many innocent girls from death.

Station "East - the land of the wise"

The East is the birthplace of great sages and philosophers, scientists and poets.

The tests that await you to get the next clue will be on your intelligence and erudition.

Competition "Message"

There is a message hidden in the bottle, if you can decipher it, you will receive the next clue.


(Hint answer: desert treasures.)

Competition of experts

What do these words mean?

1. Chang is...

a) a vessel for storing oil;

b) musical instrument;

c) saber of Persian guards.

2. Dirham is...

a) the area where the oriental bazaar is located;

b) a water jug ​​worn on the head;

c) small coin.

3. The sofa is...

a) a collection of poems or a collection of sages;

b) this is what older people are called in the East;

c) pasha's bed.

4. A mosque is...

a) a place where great sages gather;

b) Muslim temple;

5. The teahouse is...

a) a vessel for storing tea leaves;

b) a kitchen maid;

c) tea shop.

Interpretation competition

Omar Khayyam (1048-1131) - Iranian poet, philosopher, astronomer, mathematician. He spent his childhood and youth in his native Nishapur, a major cultural center of Iran. He studied at a religious Muslim school, where major officials were trained for public service. While studying philosophy, physics, astronomy, he also studied the Koran, mathematics, law, and knew perfectly Arabic and Arabic literature. In addition, he mastered the basics of versification and was skilled in astrology and healing. The poetry of Omar Khayyam is imbued with the spirit of philosophical quest, the desire for light, have a wonderful life. Without revealing the secrets of existence that tormented him, the sage asked his readers many insoluble questions, which researchers of his poetry are still struggling with. His fellow countrymen awarded him the honorary title “King of Philosophers of the West and East.”

What did Omar Khayyam mean when he wrote the following lines?

Why suffer needlessly for the sake of common happiness -

It’s better to give happiness to someone close.

It’s better to tie a friend to yourself with kindness,

How to free humanity from its shackles.

(The poet gives wise advice: pay attention to your loved ones, make them happy, by doing this you will bring the happiness of all mankind closer.)

You will be in the company of proud learned donkeys,

Try to pretend to be a donkey without words,

For everyone who is not an ass, these fools

They are immediately accused of undermining the foundations.

(The poet believes that many people stubbornly do not want to acknowledge new discoveries, believing that everything in life has already been discovered and invented.)

Someone wise inspired me as I dozed off:

“Wake up, you won’t become happy in your sleep.

Great ones, who raised the banner of knowledge,

The luminaries of poetry sparkled,

And those from the darkness did not escape the night -

They told us a fairy tale and fell asleep.”

(The poet complains that man is often powerless before the secrets of nature, no matter how much he strives for knowledge.)

Having correctly solved all the riddles of the sages of the East, students receive the next clue.

Station "East - the country of merchants"

Caravans came to the city, they brought a lot of rich goods with them. The oriental bazaar is spices, silks, camels, gold, people. That's where we are now.

Eastern merchants were famous for their skills, try selling the following items:

Burnt out light bulb;

Broken handle;

Empty plastic bottle;

Leaky plastic bag;

Old postcard;

Comb without teeth.

Station "East - a beautiful country"

Local beauties have always been considered the pearl of the East: belly dancing, colorful outfits, intricate hairstyles, hands and faces painted with henna.

The teams' task is to turn one of the participants into an oriental beauty.

Station "Vostok - Land of Treasures"

All treasures in the East were guarded, and most often by genies. The genies are very dangerous and smart, the treasures will go only to those who can solve all the riddles.

1. It’s better not to get caught by the head teacher if you’re skipping class at that moment.

Judging by the saying, if out of them, then out of my heart! In the old days they were called “eyes”. (Eyes.)

2. They say that they lead for him if someone is cunning or deceiving. On it you can “notch” yourself a paragraph from a textbook.

They stay with him when they get into trouble. (Nose.)

3. They usually get bullshit.

It is better to hear when they are located on the top of the head.

They were stepped on by a bear for those who don't have musical ear. (Ears.)

4. They say that they are at such a distance from death in a moment of danger.

In moments of fright, they can stand on end.

They are girlish beauty. (Hair.)

5. When a person is cold, they turn blue.

In the old days they were called “mouths”.

According to the song, they come in a bow. (Lips.)

6. Sometimes they are cottony.

They faint from fear.

Models have them from the neck. (Legs.)

7. They ask for self-control when a person is nervous or behaves inappropriately.

They come in gold, but are not hallmarked.

If everything turns out badly, they say that they are crooked. (Hands.)

The guys receive the last clue and go in search of the “treasure”.

At the end of the game, the teams, in addition to the “treasures of the East” they found, receive comic prizes (decorations, a trip “on a magic carpet around the school”... etc.).

The magic of the east intoxicates no worse than a strong hookah, beckons like the gaze of an Arabian princess, delights like the sparkle of thousands precious stones in the treasury of the padishah. A fabulous oriental party will take you and your friends to an amazingly beautiful world, full of inimitable flavor! Tired of the frantic rhythm of modern music, boring monotonous gatherings and stuffy, cramped clubs? Let's go East now!

Surely you can’t wait to start decorating the hall, but allow me a small remark: in geography there is no concept of “eastern countries”. Conventionally, this is the name given to Iran and Iraq, Arabia and Syria, Korea and China, Indonesia, Thailand and many other Asian countries. But Korea and, for example, the former Persia are two big differences. Of course, you can try to combine dissimilar cultures within one party, but this approach requires large investments and Herculean efforts. Therefore, we will leave China, Japan, and Mongolia for a separate topic, and today we will turn our attention to the Middle East.


The design of a hall or small room begins with an imitation of a tent. Ideally, you need to completely cover the ceiling and walls with flowing fabric - silk, brocade or satin in muted red, orange, blue or lavender. The gold color complements the background shade, making the interior very rich, bright and eye-catching. There should generally be a lot of gold; it’s difficult to overdo it. The fabric spreads out in wide strips from the center of the ceiling and down to the floor along the walls.

Oriental outfits and paraphernalia do not fit into the interior of a modern room, but draping even a small room with fabric is an expensive pleasure. Although, if you are going outdoors, you can rent a fabric or a tent. Or use paper instead of fabric - cheap wallpaper with a suitable pattern. Or partially cover the walls by hanging fabric panels at equal distances.

The second irreplaceable element of decor is bright ethnic carpets. It is necessary to cover the entire floor or at least the places where the low carved tables will stand. Place ottomans, low benches, or beautiful patterned pillows around the tables. A table (or tables, if there are many guests) can be placed on a trestle bed covered with a carpet. Place a hookah table, real or fake, in a visible place. Several clay vases with lush greenery, daggers and swords on the walls, thematic images - caravans, steppes, Persian and Arab cities, sultans and princesses. You can use a photo of an oriental bazaar - a very atmospheric element.

If dancing is planned according to the script, place the tables along the walls, freeing up the central part of the hall. You can define the “stage” area - a large fluffy carpet and a curtain of bright ribbons or shining strings of beads.

Hammered utensils made of copper and brass deserve special attention - glass holders or cups, trays, jugs, Turks and coffee pots, plates with engravings and characteristic patterns. Crazy beauty! Ask your friends - dishes are often brought back from vacation as souvenirs. Or rent a party set, it's not very expensive. It’s okay if an Uzbek kumgan sits next to an Arab tajin, no one will notice.

Don’t forget about the lighting of the “tent”: an oriental-style party takes place in soft diffused lighting, and in some places even mysterious twilight. Ideally, these are lamps and lamps, without a common powerful light source. Chandeliers can be hidden behind fabric or paper screens. Don’t overdo it, in the twilight the gold of the decor will fade, and your friends will quickly start yawning (soft pillows and comfortable sofas will help).


  • a postcard in the shape of a hookah, a wine jug, an embossed tray;
  • postcard in the shape of a camel, a curved sword, a tent. You can cut out a figurine of a sultan or a dancer, and at the same time hint at the dress code;
  • write from right to left, decorate the invitation with Arabic letters or words. Just find out the translation first, otherwise something indecent will happen.


Ah, girls! Each of us at least once dreamed of being a real oriental princess, shrouded in a flowing cloud of fabric, erotically opening her back and shyly hiding her face behind a silk barrier that was insurmountable for an outsider. This chance should not be missed! Therefore, away from embarrassment - let’s put on long skirt with slits almost to the waist and a bodice embroidered with sequins and gold braid. Too revealing outfits not your style? Instead of a skirt, wear wide pants gathered at the ankles and a short top. On the feet are comfortable soft slippers, embroidered with beads or braid in the same color scheme as the suit.

Pay attention to accessories: large metal jewelry or a scattering of cut stones on the forehead, neck, wrists and ankles, in the ears. The makeup is expressive, bright, with an indispensable emphasis on the eyes - clearly drawn arrows, fluffy eyelashes, bright shadows in the color of the suit.

A daring Baghdad thief or a nomadic Bedouin, a majestic Sultan or a brave warrior? Men also have a choice, and it is quite wide. The simplest option is loose, belted pants gathered down and a thick vest over a naked body. Or a thin linen shirt, if your naked body suffered from the treacherous attack of beer and sandwich armadas.


Of course, it is advisable to do without pork and seafood. Lamb or mutton, rabbit, poultry in the form of a stew with vegetables and spices. Or in the form of fragrant pilaf, shurpa or stewed portioned pieces in a huge shared dish, with juicy gravy and a pile of greens - mmmm! Oriental dishes are full of flavor, filling, rich and delicious! At the same time, the recipes are very simple, and the ingredients can be bought at any store - experiment!

Bread is everything, not only in Slavic cuisine. Fortunately, in addition to traditional loaves and loaves, you can buy grain buns, pita breads and flatbreads at the grocery store. It is better to break the bread with your hands and place it in a mound. If you plan to eat bread (without utensils), be sure to provide bowls of flavored water for rinsing your fingers.

The real decoration of the table will be oriental sweets - halva, Turkish delight, baklava, candied and dried fruits, nuts, nougat and ayla. Dusted with sugary bliss, chopped nuts or chocolate chips, the treats are placed on tall tiered stands, heaped on large trays and in miniature saucers. Lots of fruits - figs, grapes, melon, apricots, oranges - also neatly scattered or piled.


An oriental holiday and a strict scenario are absolutely incompatible concepts. The theme of the evening is languid relaxation, pleasant ethnic music, friendly conversations and peace of mind. But no matter how bored the guests are in such a relaxing atmosphere!


Prepare cards with drawings or photographs of thematic items, images, costume elements, etc. On the back write the name and a couple of incorrect options. Show the card and read out the options. And let the guests guess what is shown in the picture - pilaf, shurpa or rice soup, driver or sultan, scimitar or scimitar?


Invite guests to take turns naming associations on oriental theme. Yes, so as not to repeat. No thoughts? Pay the fine - say a real oriental toast to everyone present! Both atmospheric and without interrupting the absorption of goodies.

Move your butt

When the first hunger is satisfied, the time comes for aesthetic pleasure for men and demonstration of charms for women. We are, of course, talking about oriental dances, without which the party will lose some of its charm. Invite a trainer or professional dancers for half an hour. Or you can simply turn on a clip or suitable music, and beautifully twirl your butts and bellies to the delight of the stronger half of humanity.

If you plan to include a competition for the title “Best Belly Dancer” in the scenario, do not forget to prepare gifts for all the princesses - sweets, jewelry, aromatic oils or incense.

Strong and brave

Now let the men demonstrate strength, courage and dexterity, not everyone can be lazy with a piece of lamb in their teeth!

  • playful fights with cardboard sabers;
  • throwing a spear at a target (an evil cardboard Bedouin, for example);
  • races or battles on camels (the toughest guys play the role of a camel). Do you remember how you played “horse horses” as a child?

Intersperse lively dance and competition competitions with table entertainment to give guests a break. You can invite ladies to decorate their legs and arms with henna “tattoos”. Or have a battle of the sexes (yes, yes, Eastern women are extremely daring today!) - two huge trays, lots and lots of sweets, disposable gloves. Let's put on gloves and build the Sultan's palace! Who will have a taller sweet castle, boys or girls?

Pendants with a sealed drop of oil and figurines of genies (who grant wishes, of course!) are suitable as gifts for all friends. Commemorative engraving can be made on souvenir daggers for men and on wide embossed bracelets for girls.

1. Achma with cheese
2. Arabic shawarma
3. Baklava
4. sweets: halva, Turkish delight, dried apricots, nuts
5. pistachios
6. olives
7. fruits: grapes, apples, tangerines
8. cake
9. wine and other alcohol
disposable hookah tips
disc with oriental melodies

oriental tablecloth
napkins on the tablecloth
disposable napkins
disposable tableware
leaflets with sayings
kitchen towel
Whatman paper + markers
candles for cake
At the beginning, all the items are placed, a tablecloth is laid on the table, a hookah is placed in the middle, the table is set, and oriental music is played in the background.
Meeting guests.
Shahrazad greets all guests with the words:
For a thousand nights
We do not close our trembling eyes:
We tell fairy tales to the people
And we weave carpets of patterned speeches.
Night comes one thousand and one:
Shining in the sky full moon.
Today there will be a fairy tale "About the Sultan"
-We hope she likes it.
To get in the mood for an oriental theme + as a gift Eastern party Each guest is offered packaged halva, but the halva is “unusual” - each piece has a rolled piece of paper tied with a bow on which the guest can read eastern wisdom(see attached). The sayings are all different, the guest chooses without knowing what is inside - an element of the game.
Shahrazad: there are a lot of smart people in the east, who knows, maybe this wisdom will help you in life.
And escorts guests to their resting place.
The main congratulatory part.
Andrey is a prominent guy here
And for many he is enviable.
Because we all, friends,
You can't argue with him at all!
He doesn't say his age
Everything is hidden under secrecy.
I'll give you the exact answer:
“The hero of the day is not old enough.”
If you want to live in wonder,
Perform rituals on this birthday.
Because this is a sacred thing,
We bring you dear wine.
So that there is always balyk in the house,
Take 30 drops of wine on your tongue.
(Use a pipette to drip 30 drops onto the tongue of the hero of the day.)
To drink cognac in the evenings,
You must drink 30 grams of this wine today.
(Pour 30 grams for the hero of the day.)
So that your life goes smoothly,
We will sanctify you with this wine.
(With a brush dipped in wine, the ears, chin, and nose are “blessed” for the hero of the day.)
After going through all these rituals,
Pour wine into your guests' glasses.
(The hero of the day pours it for the guests.)
(after the glasses have been poured)
Shahrazad: Since the glasses are full, I propose to honor our hero of the day, everyone will say a word to us, continuing the phrase “Our hero of the day is the most...”.
(guests in a circle continue this phrase with some adjective)
Shahraza ends the general toast with the words:
You are our very, most
The most expensive.
We all love you
Always be like this!
Game part.
(After guests have eaten, drank and relaxed, a game is offered in the middle of the evening.)
Shahrazad: We all know wonderful collection Arabian fairy tales "1001 nights". What is the essence of these fairy tales? Faced with the infidelity of his first wife, Sultan Shahriyar takes a new wife every day and executes her at dawn the next day. However, this terrible order is disrupted when he marries Shahrazad, the wise daughter of his vizier. Every night she tells a fascinating story and interrupts the story “in reality.” interesting place“- and the king is unable to refuse to hear the end of the story.
We have a Sultan - our hero of the day. (What paper unfolds, where the hero of the day is depicted in a humorous sultan form). Shahrazad is also there, but a real sultan is supposed to live a fabulous life, so I suggest each guest take a marker and draw what he wishes for the birthday boy or what, in his opinion, the sultan should have. Draw, but don't name it, and we'll all guess.
(all guests draw, guess and evaluate each other’s work).
Well, now it’s time to wash the gifts. (glasses are poured)
(a little later towards the end of the evening)
We present the jug to the birthday boy in a dance,
We ask you to accept it today with all our hearts.
Our dear hero of the day!
When you taste the contents of the jug,
Then you can see the fairy genie.
(The hero of the day drinks water from a jug, a genie appears.)
Genie (one of the guests with a turban on his head):
It was not in vain that you rubbed your jug,
The genie is now on the loose.
I will be your servant
I will carry out any order you give.
I read your thoughts
I have known about the anniversary for a long time.
You don't have to tell me
I know what to give you.
So that the aching in the bones immediately disappears,
Dance "Belly Dance" with us.
(Oriental music sounds. A dancer appears and performs a belly dance)
The highlight of the evening.
A cake with candles is brought out.
Like on Andryushin's birthday
We baked a loaf
Such beauty.
Don't yawn
Make a wish
And blow out the candles.
After this, a second belly dance with scarves is performed.
The well-fed one slowly cuts slices for the hungry. (Arabic proverb)
From a lot of running, only the shoes are torn. (Persian proverb)
The wolf cried to God: “I’m so lonely!” (Sumerian proverb)
Come on - don't be afraid, take it - don't be shy! (Kurdish proverb)
A long wedding will teach you how to dance. (Arabic proverb)
The knife does not cut its own handle. (Persian proverb)
Before stealing a minaret, dig a hole (to hide it there) (Persian proverb)
Running water will not become dirty. (Turkish proverb)
Kiss the hand that you cannot cut off. (Persian proverb)
If you can't eat everything, you can't feed everyone. (Vietnamese proverb)