What is a dental inlay: when and how they are used in dentistry. The cost of the tab depends on. What are the features of making dental inlays?

Over the course of a lifetime, a person’s teeth are subjected to numerous stresses and are often destroyed. But modern technologies in dentistry they help solve this problem and help with the restoration of significant damage to dental tissue.

Special inlays are used today to qualitatively restore the functional and visual properties of teeth.

Situations often arise when they expand and deepen, affecting the walls of the teeth. In such situations, doctors are not always able to carry out the procedure correctly; in addition, no one can guarantee the normal functionality of the tooth.

In such cases, dentistry practices the use of special inlays.

A dental inlay is an artificial miniature prosthesis installed in place of the removed affected tissues for reproduction anatomical shape each tooth.

In essence, such tabs are like a filling created in laboratory conditions according to a pre-made cast. This technology belongs to one of the varieties.

Aesthetic and visual characteristics significantly distinguish a dental inlay from an ordinary filling. This prosthesis resembles a particle of a molar with identical grooves and tubercles, has a similar color and shape. As a result of long-term self made it turns out ready dental tab, ideally placed in a pre-prepared cavity.

Most often, inlays are installed by dentists on back teeth. Such devices are often used in the process of prosthetics as supporting structures for.

Why is an inlay better than a filling?

Dissatisfaction with modern filling materials leads to many attempts by scientists to look for more and more new ways to replace hard dental tissues. A universal material could be a wonderful solution to the problem of filling if it best meets absolutely all existing requirements.

But before today such material has not been developed, so in modern dentistry There are a huge number of different filling agents to choose from.

The main negative quality of such materials is considered to be insufficient sealing. Each tends to shrink during the polymerization process. Thus, the material peels off over time and gaps form between the walls of the tooth and the filling.

If fillings are replaced too frequently, there is a risk of expansion and deepening. carious cavity and, as a consequence, complete destruction tooth Teeth weaken after repeated sharpening. In some cases, gaps form between the teeth, which over time becomes the cause of the development of functional pathology.

Installing dental inlays has several significant advantages:

  1. Reliability and durability. To create ceramic inlays, special dental porcelain is used, which is comparable in hardness to the most durable tooth enamel.
  2. The material does not shrink over time. It is because of shrinkage that fillings can fall out over time. This never happens with ceramic inlays.
  3. Durability. The service life of inlays is much longer than that of an ordinary filling. Average term The service life of such devices is 7-10 years when installed even on teeth that are subject to the greatest damage.
  4. Convenience and comfort. When installing such devices, there is no need to keep your mouth open all the time so that saliva does not enter the treated area. The tab is fixed within a few minutes.
  5. Accuracy. Carious formations never reoccur under the inlays, thanks to the high precision of compliance required form products during its manufacture and adherence to dental tissues.
  6. Long lasting color. Over time, the tabs do not change their color, never darken and retain their original appearance until the end of their service life.

All these listed advantages indicate that dental inlays are much better than fillings in some situations.

Variety of solutions

There are these types of tabs:

  • restorative used to completely restore the color and shape of a dental crown;
  • stump an inlay is necessary to restore a lost tooth fragment, after which a crown is installed on it.

Dental inlays also differ in the materials from which they are made:

  • composite;
  • ceramic;
  • metal;
  • metal-ceramic.

There are two main types of all-metal inserts. The difference between them lies in the materials from which they are made. This can be zirconium dioxide or ordinary pressed ceramics.

What a ceramic inlay on teeth looks like in reality - photo selection on the topic:

Manufacturing method

The technology for manufacturing dental inlays involves following several basic steps:

  1. Removal of all dental tissues affected by carious formation, and subsequent formation of a cavity in which the inlay will be placed.
  2. An impression is taken from the dentition using special materials, which is subsequently used in a special dental laboratory, where specialists work in casting plaster models.
  3. The resulting model is scanned and then digitally processed. This is how the design is modeled.
  4. Data from the computer is transferred to a milling machine, where folds are cut out automatically.
  5. After this, the workpieces undergo a heat treatment procedure and a special porcelain mass is applied to them.
  6. After creating the inlay, the dentist performs a fixation procedure in the dental cavity, which only takes a few minutes.

Installation process

The procedure for installing such tabs is almost no different from the usual one:

  • First of all, it is necessary to conduct a careful inspection of all oral cavity and give everything necessary advice on the production capabilities of inlays;
  • the dentist can perform necessary procedure for the removal of dental tissues affected by carious formations;
  • after this, the doctor makes an impression of the treated tooth and sends it to the laboratory for further processing;
  • a suitable dental inlay is made from the material previously chosen by the patient;
  • after this, the dentist tries on the manufactured inlay to make sure the repetition is accurate required sizes and teeth colors;
  • if everything is completely suitable, the dentist fixes it using a special high-strength adhesive;
  • At the final stage, the installed dental inlay is polished so that there is no difference between the artificial product and the natural tissues of the tooth.

Installing dental inlays visually

Indications and contraindications for use

The use of this type of prosthetics is recommended in the following cases:

  • the absence of some part of the teeth;
  • implants are installed when there are no teeth at all on the jaw;
  • in some cases removable dentures they don’t fit well, but the tabs are just what you need;
  • sometimes tabs are used when bone tissue Over time, it atrophies due to the constant absence of a tooth and mechanical effects on the bone.

Also in some situations it becomes necessary to carry out the following procedures:

  • computed tomography;
  • surgical templates;
  • it is also necessary to determine the thickness of the mucous membrane in the area of ​​the upcoming operation to fix the implant;
  • Beopotentialometry of the oral cavity is required before installing various dentures or implants.

Contraindications are most often determined based on the following data:

  • information about diseases suffered by the patient previously;
  • results of general clinical examination patient;
  • information about emotional and psychological state.

There is no substitute for practical experience

It will be useful to study reviews in which patients and professionals voice their opinions about dental deposits.

I had a dental veneer installed a few years ago. So far I have not had any problems with my teeth. The color choice was perfect. The inlay cannot be distinguished from an ordinary tooth.

Alina Viktorovna, 43

In my many years of practice, among all the proposed methods of restoring the shape of teeth affected by carious formations, patients often prefer the installation of dental inlays. This is by far the best existing proposal if we compare such prostheses with all possible ways filling.

Dentist, 17 years of experience

What does the cost depend on?

Tariffs for prosthetics using dental inlays depend on the type of materials used in manufacturing:

From this article you will learn:

  • what are dental inlays and what are they?
  • why is an inlay better - compared to fillings,
  • dental inlays – cost.

Dental tab is a microdental prosthesis that does not replace the entire tooth crown, but only its missing part (like a filling). Patients often use the names dental inlay, tooth inlay.

There are dental inlays

  • restorative – they restore the shape and color of the tooth,
  • stump - with their help, the crown part of the tooth is restored in damaged teeth, which already has the shape of a tooth (stump) ground under the crown. Next, an artificial crown is fixed onto such a tab.

In our article we'll talk about recovery tabs. The main difference between such inlays and crowns is that they do not cover the entire tooth, but only 1-2 of its surfaces. Most often, inlays are made for the lateral teeth (beyond the canine), restoring completely or partially destroyed chewing surfaces.

Inlays are made mainly from pressed ceramics and metal alloys. Due to this recovery tabs can be classified as follows...

Classification of tabs

1. Metal tabs –

Metal inlays are usually made of gold, silver-palladium or chromium-cobalt alloys. It would seem not entirely aesthetically pleasing, but... tabs are located on chewing teeth, then they, as a rule, do not fall into the smile line. Metal inlays are much more reliable than composite fillings, and therefore in Europe and the USA such inlays are preferred over fillings.

2. All-ceramic inlay –

Ceramic inlays come in two types: zirconium dioxide or pressed ceramic.

IN lately Metal-ceramic inlays also appeared. They are no different in cost from ceramic ones, but their quality is much worse. The fact is that such tabs often fall out. This is due to the fact that the coefficient of thermal expansion of ceramics and metal is different, and given that the inlay (unlike the crown) occupies only a small part tooth, then the difference in the coefficients of thermal expansion of metal and ceramics leads to the loss of such inlays.

4. Composite tab –

Previously, this type of tabs was widely used. Such inlays are made from ordinary light-polymer materials, but not in a person’s mouth, but in a dental laboratory. They are 30% higher in cost than fillings made from the same material, and in quality they are practically no different from ordinary fillings. They also darken and fade over time. Therefore, there is basically no point in making such inlays.

Advantages of inlays over fillings –

  • Highest aesthetics of ceramic inlays, high stability of aesthetic properties

    Ceramics most closely matches the color and structure of tooth enamel. Due to this, teeth, the chewing surface of which is covered with an inlay, are absolutely indistinguishable from real tooth tissue. Plus, ceramic is a timeless material and its aesthetics are guaranteed for life.

    In turn, fillings from composite materials after 2-4 years they darken and fade, losing their shine.

  • Quality, reliability of inlays made of ceramics and metal alloys

    Of great importance on the service life is the size of the gap between the hard tissues tooth and artificial structure (inlay, filling). Connection boundary artificial material and dental tissues – is the most vulnerable spot, in which secondary caries most often occurs.

    Prosthetics with inlays makes it possible to ensure that the gap between the tooth tissue and the inlay is measured in microns - this is how accurately modern technologies make it possible to manufacture an inlay to the size of the tooth defect. In turn, fillings have similar indicators that are hundreds of times worse, and that is why caries so often occurs at the filling/tooth/border.

    Therefore, with satisfactory hygiene, the service life of inlays is more than 10 years, and polymer fillings - on average only 3-4 years.

Lack of inlays before fillings –

  • Cost of tabs in mind high cost, the complexity of manufacturing, as well as the resulting quality - significantly exceeds the cost of traditional fillings made of light-polymer filling materials.

Dental inlays: price

1) Ceramic inlay: price

  • from pressed ceramics: 12,000 – 14,000 rubles,
  • from zirconium dioxide: 15,000 – 17,000 rubles.

2) Metal tooth tab: cost

  • inlay made of chrome-cobalt alloy: about 3500 rubles
  • The cost of a gold tab will depend on the weight of the tab + the cost of the work itself. Typically, a gold tab can weigh from 1 to 3 grams, depending on the size of the tab. The cost of 900-carat gold leaf for such inlays is about 60 Euros per gram. Approximately 10% of gold (by weight of the insert) goes to irreparable losses during production (evaporation, losses during abrasive preparation), which will also be taken into account in the cost.

3) Composite inlay dentistry: price
the cost of composite inlays is usually approximately 30% higher than the cost of light-polymer fillings. Composite inlays are practically not used today due to the backwardness of the technology and its low “usefulness”.

Implantation cost calculator 2017 –

Dental inlays are dental microprostheses that replace missing parts of the tooth, mainly the crown part, less often the root part. Most often, this type of structure is compared to a filling. In essence, an inlay in a tooth is a filling, but made in a laboratory, based on individual impressions of the patient. Ceramic inlays can be of any color, which allows for ideal aesthetics.

According to the manufacturing method, they are distinguished:

  1. Direct method
  • The inlay is made by the dentist himself from wax, and the dental technician casts it from metal or ceramics. Most often, stump metal inlays are made in this way.
  1. Indirect method
  • The dentist takes impressions of the teeth, and the dental technician himself models and prepares the inlay from the selected material. This method is used mainly to make ceramic restoration inlays for teeth, less often metal stumps. A ceramic insert into a tooth is made on both pulpless and intact teeth with nerves.

Types of dental inlays

Dental inlays are distinguished by:

1) Functional and anatomical purpose, namely

  • core dental inlays
  • restorative dental inlays

2) Material of manufacture, namely

  • metal
  • ceramic
  • ceramic-composite
  • zirconium
  • metal-ceramic

Almost always functional purpose The dental inlay is determined by the material from which it is made, as well as the adhesive (glue) on which it is fixed to the tooth. In the following paragraphs we will discuss each possible option, combining the function and material from which these dental microprostheses are made.

Restoring dental inlays

What is a restorative tooth inlay? This option of dental inlays restores areas of hard tissue of any location “lost” by the tooth, the chewing surface, contact points, lingual or buccal surfaces. Ceramic inlays for teeth are highly durable. Thanks to precise manufacturing, these structures fit as tightly as possible to the dental tissue, which reduces the likelihood of secondary caries occurring under the inlay. Restoring inlays for teeth are most recommended for restoring contact points and chewing surfaces in teeth that are 40-50% damaged. It is in these areas that the chewing pressure is the strongest, so the density of the material from which these structures are prepared should be higher than that of composite fillings.

When choosing a material for this type of inlay, it is necessary to take into account the methods of fixing these microprostheses in dental tissues. Practice has proven that particularly reliable fixation of these structures is possible when using dual-curing cements: light and chemical. Therefore, the choice of materials for restoring microprostheses is determined by this factor. Today, these requirements are fully met by:

  1. pressed ceramics (for example - Impress-2)
  • Excellent ceramic inlays and onlays for teeth are made from this material, as well as from pressed ceramics I-max (e-max).
  1. ceramic composites (for example, ceramage).
  • A composite tooth inlay made from Keramage is used as a stump and as a restorative one.

These materials allow us to meet the most stringent requirements for strength and aesthetics, which guarantees a shelf life of at least 8-10 years.

Stump dental inlays

The task of stump inlays is to restore and strengthen the destroyed coronal part of the tooth under an artificial crown. It must be remembered that only pulpless teeth (without a nerve) are strengthened in this way, respectively a necessary condition are:

  1. well-filled dental root canals
  2. possibility to unfill the prepared root canal by 50% of its length
  3. absence of root caries

The most commonly used option for root inlays is metal - titanium or cobalt - chrome alloy (CHS). These metals provide the necessary strength of the recreated tooth stump for the future crown. However, the best metal for stump inlays is gold - platinum or silver - palladium alloys, which have excellent biocompatibility, have less weight and protect the root from caries.

If strengthening and prosthetics of the front teeth are required, then it is advisable to install white zirconium or metal-ceramic inlays to avoid metallic shine showing through the gums in the root area.

Unlike ceramic restorative inlays, stump microprostheses made of titanium, gold, zirconium, and khs are fixed with ordinary glass ionomer cement.

A well-made root inlay ensures the continued functioning of the tooth with a zirconium crown fixed on it for up to 10 years or more.

Price of dental inlays

The cost of the tab depends on:

  1. material of manufacture
  2. production speed
  3. qualifications of a dentist and dental technician
  4. price niche in which the clinic operates

The cheapest option is a metal stump inlay made of KHS; in Moscow, prices for it start from 4,000 rubles, titanium inlays start from 6,000 rubles, and gold dental inlays start from 18,000 rubles.

Prices for ceramic restoration inlays in Moscow start from 15,000 rubles.

Pressed ceramic inlays made on CAD-CAM milling devices directly in dental clinic for 2 hours at a time, cost from 28,000 rubles. Ceramic inlays, the price of which is significantly lower than the average, can be made at a discount for a large volume of treatment.

Dental inlays - photo


What to do if, due to severe tooth decay, it is no longer possible to place a filling, and a crown is not advisable, since the tooth is still alive, and it is very important to preserve its tissue as much as possible? In such cases, restoration is carried out with a dental inlay, which is made from impressions in the laboratory and is superior to a conventional filling in aesthetic and functional characteristics. Doctor Svistunov Boris Grigorievich, head of Demostom dentistry in Moscow, will tell us more about all the advantages and features of dental inlays in dentistry.

What is a dental inlay?

At its core, a dental inlay is a large filling. Only it is not made by a dentist in the patient’s mouth, but in a dental laboratory using individual impressions. Due to this, the design more accurately follows the shape of the cavity and fits more tightly to the tooth tissue, which minimizes the risk of caries at the junction between the inlay and the tooth.

Inlays, which are used instead of fillings, are often confused with dental cores. These are completely different designs. Let's start with the fact that a dental inlay, instead of a filling, is a restoration element of the crown part of the tooth, and a stump inlay is technical, since it serves as a support for an artificial crown when the tooth is destroyed by more than 2/3. To make it easier for patients to remember the difference, I would differentiate these prostheses as follows: the dental inlay is located outside the living tooth, and the stump inlay is located under the crown.

Why are dental inlays needed in dentistry?

This type of restoration is used for specific indications. Namely, the inlay is used to restore the crown part of the tooth if it is destroyed by more than 1/3. With a more significant degree of destruction, when the tooth surface is damaged by 2/3, you should resort to installing a dental crown. It is impossible to restore the front teeth with inlays; for this there are veneers or lumineers.

Inlays and veneers - what is the difference?

Both inlays and veneers belong to microprosthetic technology and are used to restore damaged teeth. However, there are fundamental differences between them.

If you are unsure which design is suitable for your case, consult your dentist. He will conduct an examination and help you choose the most suitable option.

What are the advantages of dental inlays?

In addition to the manufacturing technology, dentures in the form of inlays differ from fillings in the following parameters:

  • Firstly, they are much stronger and more durable than fillings. For example, the service life of a ceramic inlay is 20 - 25 years. Not a single filling is capable of performing its functions efficiently for such a period. long period. It wears out faster and needs to be replaced. If this is not done, due to a violation of its anatomical shape, the bite begins to be fixed differently, the tooth no longer chews food so effectively, the patient has to make additional efforts, which negatively affects the jaw joints, provoking their diseases.
  • Secondly, dental prosthetics ceramic inlays reliably protect the tooth from further destruction, since ceramics is a durable material that can withstand any chewing and temperature loads. This is the only option for tooth restoration that helps to avoid subsequent pulp removal and crown covering.

What are the pros and cons of different types of tabs?

Many patients are interested in what dental inlays are made of. Based on the material used, they are divided into metal (an alloy of cobalt and chromium), ceramic, zirconium and composite. In this regard, the pros and cons of dental inlays in dentistry are different. The doctor, together with the patient, decides on the choice of design from one material or another, guided by the characteristics of each clinical case separately.


The best ones are E-max ceramic dental inlays, which consist of almost the same advantages. They are the most aesthetic and reliable. Their wear rate is the same as that of natural teeth. In addition, ceramic inlays have the tightest fit to the living tissues of the tooth, thus minimizing the risk of developing secondary caries. But they still have one drawback. This is quite a high price. Zirconium inlays are also a worthy choice; they are very durable, but their adhesion to tooth tissue is worse than ceramic ones.


Composite inlays made from conventional filling material are not as strong as metal, ceramic or zirconium, but they do not have the following disadvantages that are inherent in fillings made directly in the patient’s mouth.

  • The composite dental inlay does not sag. If you put a large filling instead, it will not withstand the load and will tear away from living tissue, creating tension on the walls of the tooth and causing its destruction or injury. This is absolutely not typical for a composite dental inlay.
  • Composite inlays do not cause problems with bite and chewing functions. They are made from individual impressions, taking into account the antagonists, that is, the neighboring teeth with which the tooth being restored comes into contact.


In our clinic, metal dental inlays are used only as a temporary option, since they often cause galvanism in patients, that is, a reaction to the effects of galvanic currents occurring in the oral cavity. This phenomenon is accompanied metallic taste in the mouth, burning sensation, increased salivation. In addition, the disadvantages of metal inlays include their poor adhesion to tooth tissues, and, as a result, their loss. Among the advantages of these restorations, one can only note their strength and hypoallergenic material. It should be noted that before the advent of ceramics, similar designs made of gold were popular - a soft metal that provided a tighter fit.

How is a dental inlay installed?

Basically, such prostheses are installed on living teeth, since if the tooth’s nerve is removed, or there is such a need, it means that the tooth is severely damaged and to restore it, it is no longer necessary to have an inlay, but a crown. The installation of a dental inlay occurs in four stages:


First, it is necessary to examine the patient and carry out appropriate diagnostic procedures- do x-rays And computed tomography to get a more objective picture of clinical case. However, it is possible to identify the need to install an inlay and adequately assess the degree of tooth destruction only after preparing the cavity.


Many patients believe that a dental inlay will require more serious tooth preparation with removal large quantity his fabrics. This is not true. The tooth is ground down exactly as much as necessary depending on its destruction. You should not think that the doctor will specifically “bring” the cavity to the size at which the installation of a dental inlay is indicated. In our clinic, we always use the most gentle techniques and try to preserve living tooth tissue as much as possible.


Typically, the time it takes for structures to be ready depends on the workload of the dental laboratory, but, as a rule, the manufacturing process takes about 7 days for any type of inlay.


Before installing the inlay, the tooth cavity is sandblasted to create an adhesive surface. Next, the microprosthesis is fixed in the cavity with composite cement, and the exit points of the fixing material are ground. After this, occlusal contacts are checked using articulating paper to create multi-point contact of the prosthesis with antagonist teeth.

What are the features of making dental inlays?

The inlay is made in dental laboratories using impressions of the patient’s teeth and jaws so that it follows the shape of the dental cavity as accurately as possible and provides correct contact with other teeth without disturbing the bite. Depending on the material of the structure, a certain technology is used for its manufacture.

If we're talking about O ceramic inlays, then first a porcelain frame is made by pressing, and then ceramic mass is applied to it in layers. Metal inlays are cast, and zirconium inlays are produced using digital modeling and milling using innovation system CAD/CAM. Composite microprostheses are made from a plaster model of the tooth and are polymerized using light or heat.

What are the quality parameters of dental prosthetics with inlays?

If the technology was broken during the process of fixing the tab, or the patient has not undergone treatment for years preventive examinations, then at the border of contact of the microprosthesis with the tooth tissues, secondary caries may occur. Then it will be necessary to carry out treatment and remove the dental inlay. At the same time, the design itself does not in any way stimulate the occurrence of caries. To avoid it, the main thing is to prevent technological inaccuracies during the installation process, so that the tightness of the dental inlay with filling the cavity with composite cement is equal to 0.004 microns. It is also important to ensure that there are no overhanging edges for a complete aesthetic and functional restoration of the tooth.

If the tab is installed correctly, then it does not provoke an increase in tooth sensitivity, and if not, then the antagonist tooth may begin to react to irritants due to malocclusion.

If pain occurs as a result of complications such as caries, pulpitis or periodontitis, the dental inlay must be opened and appropriate treatment carried out. After which this microprosthesis will need to be replaced with a new one.

How long do dental inlays last?

It is necessary to regularly come to the dentist for preventive examinations to polish the borders of the inlay and remove plaque, then the dental inlay will last a long time. But in any case, our clinic provides a five-year guarantee for inlay prosthetics, and if something happens to the restoration during the warranty period, we will definitely replace it free of charge.

How much do dental inlays cost?

The cost of dental inlays directly depends on the material used to make them. At the Demostom clinic, the price of a turnkey dental inlay made of composite is 14,000 rubles, and that of ceramics is 20,000 rubles. The price includes the microprosthesis itself, cavity preparation and temporary tooth reconstruction. In addition, only its fixation is paid in the amount of 1,500 rubles.