Duration of menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy. Possible options for discharge and its duration after medical abortion

Medical abortion: discharge after taking the first pill or taking the second drug, when should it start, what should it be, what should be considered normal, and when should you consult a doctor unscheduled?

Scanty discharge after a medical abortion may appear some time after taking the first drug - antiprogesterone. Its action is to block the action of progesterone. And this has the most negative impact on the state of the “pregnant” endometrium; detachment of the fertilized egg may begin. Some women start immediately copious discharge after medical abortion, even before taking the second drug according to the regimen. And some even have a complete miscarriage.

But more often, bleeding and miscarriage itself occur after taking the second drug - prostaglandin. It has a stimulating effect on the uterus and provokes its contractions. Detachment of the fertilized egg occurs, due to this severe cramps uterus, bleeding. In the first 2-3 hours, 1 pad per hour can be soaked. This is what discharge after medical termination of pregnancy can be copious. It is precisely because of this feature this method termination of pregnancy, some doctors consider it potentially dangerous to health. However, any unpleasant consequences for the body are extremely rare. It is known how long the discharge lasts after a medical abortion - it is no more than 14 days. At the same time, in the first 2-3 days it is abundant, and then moderately. And some people run out even faster than 10 days.

If spotting after a medical abortion last more than 14 days, there is a high probability that the miscarriage was not complete. And in some women, even after taking these powerful drugs in the usual dosage, the fertilized egg continues to develop. However, doctors in any case advise terminating the pregnancy, since the second drug most likely led to the formation of malformations in the embryo. Repeated interruption They are no longer carried out with the help of medications, but by vacuum aspiration, less often by curettage of the uterus.

Prolonged brown discharge after an abortion with pills is also a reason to see a doctor. By the way, according to standards, you need to do an ultrasound 10-14 days after a pill abortion. Just to make sure complete cleansing uterus.

Discharges from unpleasant smell after a medical abortion usually means an inflammatory process. And it’s good if it affects only the vaginal cavity, the so-called bacterial vaginosis. And not the uterine cavity. If you complain about such a symptom, you should definitely contact a gynecologist.

Abortion is a procedure for terminating a pregnancy artificially. Like any medical intervention, even the most seemingly safe abortion can have adverse consequences. One of the most common complications is bleeding after an abortion.

Before carrying out the abortion procedure, the woman should be explained how much and when blood can be released, and in what situations to seek help. Bleeding after termination of pregnancy always occurs, with any method of termination.

The important fact is that post-abortion bleeding, although similar in volume, is not menstrual flow.

When terminating a pregnancy, bleeding occurs due to rejection of the fertilized egg and associated vascular damage, and not due to expulsion of the endometrium, as during menstruation. Termination of pregnancy can be carried out only in the first 20 weeks of gestation. Abortion during the period of intrauterine development up to 12 weeks is performed at the request of the woman, regardless of the course of pregnancy, and in later stages - strictly according to doctors’ indications. An exception is made only for pregnancy up to 22 weeks, if it occurs as a result of rape.

The following methods are used for medical termination of pregnancy:

  • instrumental method (“curettage”);
  • removal of the fertilized egg using a vacuum aspirator;
  • medical abortion using drugs that terminate pregnancy.

The choice of method for terminating a pregnancy is up to the woman and is determined by her capabilities. medical institution, which she contacted. Each method has its pros and cons. But absolutely any termination of pregnancy is fraught with the development of pathological bleeding.

Bleeding after instrumental abortion

Instrumental abortion is one of the most common gynecological operations. But despite this, this type of abortion is rightfully considered the most traumatic and associated with the development of serious complications.

During instrumental interruption, the cervical canal first expands. Then a curette with sharp edges is inserted into the uterine cavity, and the entire endometrium, including the fertilized egg, is “blindly” scraped out. Naturally, this causes injury to the uterine walls, damage to blood vessels, and therefore bleeding is inevitable.

It is difficult to say how long the bleeding will last after such an abortion. Each woman is individual, and it is impossible to predict how her body will behave after surgery. On average, blood is released within 10-28 days. The discharge is similar to menstrual discharge, but may last for a few days. Then the discharge becomes pink, and then spotting brown and gradually stops.

Sometimes, in the case of an incorrectly performed operation, when parts of the fertilized egg remain in the uterine cavity or a through puncture of this organ occurs, massive bleeding develops. In this case, against the background of heavy discharge, the woman feels weak, the skin becomes pale and covered with sticky sweat, a drop in pressure and loss of consciousness may occur. This condition requires urgent medical attention. To stop bleeding, repeated “curettage” may be necessary, and sometimes, in especially severe cases, even removal of the organ.

Bleeding after vacuum aspiration

Vacuum aspiration of the fertilized egg is performed exclusively on early stages gestation (pregnancy up to 9 weeks). This method is considered less traumatic. Under local anesthesia through the lumen cervical canal An aspirator is inserted into the uterine cavity. The fertilized egg is separated from the uterine wall by vacuum. This can be done either manually or using an electric vacuum suction device. The uterus remains intact during such manipulations.

It starts on the second day and lasts about two weeks.

In this case, the amount of discharge should be small. If bleeding lasts longer than expected or becomes heavy, a complication has probably developed. In this case, you urgently need to see a doctor. The causes of complicated bleeding are incomplete removal of the fertilized egg and/or a violation of the blood coagulation system.

Bleeding after medical abortion

Medical abortion is considered the most gentle method because it does not cause mechanical damage to the structure of the uterus. Termination of pregnancy using abortifacient medications is carried out only at short stages of pregnancy. To do this, they use a powerful hormonal agent that blocks progesterone, the main hormone of pregnancy, as a result of which embryo rejection and active contractions of the uterus begin.

Sometimes a medical abortion can be performed at home. The pill is taken after an appropriate examination in the doctor’s office, under his guidance. Bleeding should start within two hours. Contracting drugs may be administered to enhance uterine contractions. Along with copious bleeding, a pink round clot comes out - the fertilized egg. After two days, the woman should see a doctor and tell her whether a “miscarriage” has occurred.

Bleeding after a medical abortion lasts up to a month, and menstrual cycle recovers within a maximum of six months.

This is due to hormonal changes in the body. If during the first three days the bleeding intensifies, it means complications have arisen. They can be caused by either incomplete release of the fertilized egg or a blood clotting disorder.

How to stop bleeding yourself

Women often wonder: how to stop bleeding after an abortion at home? There is only one answer to it: no way. If, after the termination operation, excessive bleeding begins, then this is a reason to immediately go to the hospital, because only a doctor can assess how dangerous the development of complications can be.

Signs of complications after termination of pregnancy:

  • bleeding did not start after a week;
  • the bleeding that started stopped abruptly after a few days;
  • there has been bleeding for more than a month after an abortion;
  • the volume of discharge increases;
  • bleeding is accompanied by weakness, pallor, drop in pressure, and severe pain.

An unfavorable symptom is both a sudden cessation of discharge, which carries the danger of hematometra (accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity), and increased bleeding. In order to determine the latter condition, you need to count how many night pads are used within an hour.

Bleeding is dangerous, especially for women with Rh-negative blood in their first pregnancy. This is due to the fact that Rh-positive antigens of the embryo enter the bloodstream. As a result, antibodies against foreign red blood cells begin to form in the mother’s blood. The result of this is that in subsequent pregnancies the mother’s body “attacks” the baby’s red blood cells, causing severe hemolytic disease fetus and newborn or miscarriage.

Making the decision to have an abortion is always difficult. Before taking this step, a woman must realize that even the most safe methods Termination of pregnancy can lead to complications. During development uterine bleeding immediate appeal for medical care will help preserve reproductive function, and in some cases life.

Taking drugs for miscarriage

Medical abortion takes place in two stages:

  • fetal development stops;
  • embryo detachment occurs.

The uterus, from which the fertilized egg has detached, is under stress. To speed up tissue restoration, it is advisable to drink contractile drugs, for example, tincture of water pepper. During embryo detachment, hospitalization and observation of the process and the patient’s well-being by the attending doctor are recommended.

Visually, the embryo at the stage of development up to 6 weeks resembles a blood clot or a pink lump. Gynecologists have doubts about how safe this type of abortion is, because it is caused by a remarkable volume of hormonal agents, which completely disrupts hormonal background women. Restore correct ratio hormones then extremely
difficult. Moreover, the number of endocrinologists in the field of gynecology is minimal.

How long does bleeding last during medical abortion?

If blood appears after taking abortifacient medications, this is common occurrence. Because pregnancy causes heavy blood flow, embryo rejection can cause heavy discharge. This is one of the complications medication interruption pregnancy. Ideally, bleeding should resemble menstruation in the first days of its appearance.

The bleeding continues for two or three days. The clots differ in the following properties:

  • acquire a dark burgundy or brown tint;
  • Every day there should be less and less discharge.

The duration of bloody discharge can be up to one month if the woman chooses abortion with medication for later pregnancy. As for restoring the monthly cycle, if the body is young, the hormonal balance should improve within the next six months.

What to watch out for

A woman should be wary of bleeding after a medical termination of an intensive pregnancy. On days 5-7 the blood should acquire brown, this means that the selections are coming to their logical conclusion.

Doctors call dangerous manifestations of the inflammatory process and incomplete disposal of the fertilized egg:

  • increase in the patient's body temperature;
  • dizziness, unusual weakness, loss of coordination;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

How to avoid complications

Large blood loss is always detrimental to a person; along with the blood, a woman loses strength, because along with this, kidney and heart failure occur. It is impossible to predict how a medical abortion will end. The body may react to medicine non-acceptance in case individual intolerance. To prevent this from happening, the doctor should select the best remedy with a minimal list side effects and contraindications, take into account the patient’s weight and chronic diseases.

Consequences that are observed after medical abortion:

  1. If the embryo is up to 6 weeks old, no consequences are observed in 97% of patients. The rest are sent for vacuum suction and curettage.
  2. If the gestational sac is between 7 and 11 weeks old, medication abortion is not recommended. This is due to the high percentage of intense bleeding occurring within 4 days; after discharge, it lasts for another 4 days.
  3. It is better to terminate pregnancy after 12 weeks surgically, there is too high a chance that the embryo will not come out completely.

How to stop bleeding

When the patient has taken a drug to terminate the pregnancy, drugs to stop bleeding cannot be taken. The embryo can only come out with blood. If the bleeding is stopped, the uterus will begin to purulent process, and it will all end in mechanical abortion (curettage). If the bleeding is very heavy, you should not wait for the situation to improve, call ambulance, lie on your back and put a cold on your stomach.

See a gynecologist for 2-4 weeks after the abortion. Another examination is initiated after 1-2 months, in order to avoid inflammation of the reproductive system. Sometimes it is necessary to take a course of antibiotics and hemostatic agents, but not earlier than a week after terminating the pregnancy with drugs.

An abortion is a procedure aimed at ending an early pregnancy. Bleeding after abortion - normal phenomenon, because on inner surface uterus after removal of the placenta and embryo remains open wound. This bleeding can last 10 days, and sometimes more, depending on the chosen method of termination of pregnancy.

But how can you find out how long the discharge lasts after an abortion? And in what case should you consult a doctor? The duration and intensity of discharge is related to the method of termination of pregnancy.

The following types of abortions are currently performed in clinics:

  • medicinal;
  • vacuum;
  • surgical.

Medication method

Termination of pregnancy with its help is carried out in the earliest stages of pregnancy - up to 6 weeks. None surgical intervention doesn't happen. A woman who wants to terminate a pregnancy simply takes pills given by the doctor.

As a result of taking the drug, a powerful hormonal shock occurs in the body, as a result of which the embryo is rejected by the uterus and comes out along with bloody discharge.

Bleeding after such an intervention can be prolonged, which is associated with several factors:

  • the fertilized egg and the rudiments of the placenta are released with the blood;
  • fetal rejection and restoration of the inner layer of the uterus last from 7 to 17 days;
  • bleeding after an abortion can progress into the next menstruation, so the discharge can last up to 3-4 weeks.

Before and after taking a drug to terminate a pregnancy, the patient is prescribed ultrasound examination uterine cavity.

The last study is done at the end of the bleeding, and it should confirm that there is no fertilized egg left in the uterus, and its cavity has cleared.

In addition to hormonal ones, the doctor will prescribe contraction drugs for speedy recovery body.

Vacuum method

This intervention is also called a mini-abortion and is also performed in the early stages of pregnancy. The operation takes place under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. During the procedure, the embryo is removed from the uterine cavity by creating a vacuum using a special device.

Bleeding after such an operation is usually scant; heavy discharge may occur during the first day after the abortion, then it becomes spotting.

Usually bleeding is coming not for long, from 3 to 7 days, anxiety and painful sensations produces virtually no discharge. After some time, the menstrual cycle is restored.

After the operation, the patient is also prescribed contraction drugs, as well as diagnostics using an ultrasound machine, which should confirm the absence of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity.

Surgical method

This operation is performed at more than 8 weeks of pregnancy, when it is already difficult to separate the embryo from the uterine wall using a vacuum. Termination of pregnancy occurs by touch, by scraping with a surgical spoon - a curette. During the operation, the decidual layer of the uterine cavity is scraped off, the embryo and chorion are removed. The operation is extremely painful and is currently only performed under general anesthesia.

Bleeding after this type of abortion lasts from 5 to 15 days. In the beginning blood is flowing mixed with clots and pieces of tissue, over time the discharge becomes less abundant, gradually disappearing.

IN postoperative period The patient is also prescribed an ultrasound examination to confirm the absence of embryonic remains inside the uterine cavity.

The general picture after termination of pregnancy looks like this:

  • during the first days, the discharge is abundant, thick red, almost black, interspersed with blood clots and pieces of tissue, at this time the woman may experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • over time, the discharge becomes scanty, spotting, its color changes, acquiring brown shades, the pain goes away;
  • at the end, the discharge becomes pale, gradually disappearing, no pain is felt at all;
  • After a while (from 15 to 35 days), the menstrual cycle is restored.


Discharge after any type of abortion will stop on its own, but in some cases it can cause fear and anxiety.

If the discharge stops abruptly, suddenly - as a rule, not even three days have passed after the intervention - this may be a sign of a complication called “hematometra”. This means that the cervix is ​​blocked due to spasm, as a result of which blood with tissue remains does not come out, but accumulates inside the uterine cavity, creating favorable environment for inflammation.

Such a situation may arise with a high degree of probability after surgical abortion due to incorrectly entered instruments, as well as possible mechanical damage cervix.

One way or another, this is a serious reason to immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe necessary treatment. As a rule, repeated cleaning is required to eliminate the consequences.

If a woman after surgery constantly feels pain in the lower abdomen, which does not stop, but only intensifies, while pus appears in the secreted blood, and the discharge itself begins to emit a sharp putrid smell- this may mean that tissue particles remain in the uterine cavity. This is extremely dangerous condition, fraught with sepsis, and in advanced cases– the need to remove the uterus.

At the first similar signs you need to contact a gynecologist. The patient will be given a second cleaning, a course of antibiotics and observation by a doctor.

A sudden cessation of discharge soon after surgery should also be a reason to contact a gynecologist.

Today, medical abortion is the safest of all. existing species abortion. What explains this? The reason lies in the mechanism of abortion by taking pills. Their goal is to induce something like a standard menstruation, which will push an already fertilized egg out of the uterine area. However, you should still be prepared for the fact that such a simple and relatively safe method can provoke certain complications. In addition, it is imperative to take into account that termination of pregnancy, even medicinal, is a strong restructuring of the body. Consequently, there is a violation of all internal systems, which causes some consequences.

Millions of women have already felt the effects of medical abortion. Usually the abortion is carried out effectively without any serious complications. After the procedure, some women experienced some problems, for example, incomplete removal of the fetus, infectious diseases, Very heavy bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy. According to reviews on this type abortions, of which there are a lot on the Internet, they then had to treat these consequences. Medical termination of pregnancy in isolated cases that are known today ended in the death of patients. This happened due to very heavy bleeding in abdominal cavity, due to heart failure, which was caused by mifepristone and so on.

For this reason, when asked whether medical abortion is dangerous, every conscientious doctor will answer that there is a risk. And a lot will depend on individual tolerance. There is no need to believe promises about the 100% safety and effectiveness of medication. Whether there will be consequences such as severe bleeding after a medical termination of pregnancy or not will depend, first of all, on the duration of pregnancy, as well as on the characteristics of the woman’s body.

The following list will demonstrate the impact that timing has on the absence of consequences after the procedure:

  • up to seven weeks, 98 percent of patients terminate their pregnancies successfully with medication. The remaining 2 percent are faced with the need to perform vacuum suction or curettage;
  • at 7-12 weeks of pregnancy, 5 percent of women resorted to surgical care for complete expulsion of the fetus from the uterus;
  • but for a period of more than 12 weeks, only 92 percent of women were able to get by with pills alone. 8 percent had a surgical termination.

Considering the above figures, it becomes obvious that among one hundred patients who decide to undergo medical termination of pregnancy, complications arise in several women, who will subsequently need medical intervention. It depends on many factors, so talking about complete danger medicinal method It's early today.

After termination of pregnancy, some time in female body There are also pregnancy hormones. Together with the feeling of guilt from what has been done, hormones often cause depression. Depression usually manifests itself as irritability, fatigue, guilt, appetite disturbance and can cause insomnia. This is quite normal, but if depression lasts more than two weeks after an abortion, you should consult a specialist. Sexual life during the first week after medical termination of pregnancy is taboo. This period maybe a little longer as prescribed by the doctor. Such a restriction is necessary to prevent possible blood loss after medical termination of pregnancy inside the female genital organs. In the future, it will be necessary to protect yourself not only because of the likelihood of pregnancy, but also to avoid the ingestion of all kinds of bacteria, dangerous for mucous membranes internal organs women.

Enough high efficiency drugs that terminate pregnancy do not relieve them from certain complications, which include:

  1. The pregnancy did not stop. At the same time, the health of the woman and the fetus suffered, one way or another.
  2. Bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy.
  3. Inflammation of the patient's genital organs.
  4. Contractions.
  5. Failure of the menstrual cycle.
  6. Fever.
  7. Ovarian dysfunction.

To avoid complications after medical termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to perform an abortion only as prescribed by a highly qualified specialist. Under no circumstances should a medical abortion be performed at home, as this approach only increases the likelihood of serious complications.

Pain after medical abortion

Abdominal pain, which is similar to contractions, is felt by patients after taking prostaglandin. This drug accelerates medical termination of pregnancy. The pain is caused by muscle contraction that pushes the fetus out of the vagina. In most cases, pain is tolerable. If the pain is unbearable, your doctor may prescribe a number of medications that have an analgesic effect. Painful sensations similar to the course of ordinary menstruation. The pain ends within 24 hours after taking the drug. If pain continues, you should consult a doctor. Will probably need restoration vacuum abortion or scraping.

Bleeding after medical abortion

There is no need to rush to attribute prolonged bleeding to complications after a medical abortion. Because it is through bleeding that the fetus is expelled. At the same time, the quantity blood clots and blood secreted from the patient individually. So you should not classify heavy or rather scanty bleeding as complications. However, when excessive bleeding occurs, it makes sense to consult a doctor. After all, blood loss can have enough serious consequences problems that can only be resolved through blood transfusions. Very scanty blood loss may indicate that the cervix has closed, and therefore the fetus cannot get out normally. At ideal profuse bleeding lasts 2 days, then goes on scanty discharge blood. In any case, it is better to consult your doctor.

Restoration of menstruation

After the procedure, your period will begin at best case scenario one menstrual cycle after taking the pills. You need to understand that medical abortion is considered the first day of your period. And therefore, consider the new monthly cycle necessary from the moment it is carried out. Menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy is restored differently for each woman. This mechanism it is impossible to predict or influence it in any way. Menstruation after taking the pills can be very heavy. This often means that parts of the fetus remain in the uterus. In such a situation, it is necessary to clean the uterus. Normal natural periods usually appear after one calendar month. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps a woman new pregnancy. Pregnancy may occur within a couple of weeks, but for normal gestation and good health unborn child, the period of recovery after a medical termination of pregnancy for a woman’s fertility should be at least six months.

The woman in mandatory recovery after the procedure is required. Must be avoided physical activity, you will probably need to undergo a course of physical therapy.