Allergy to geranium: symptoms and manifestations. Which indoor flowers cause allergies?

Poisonous pets

The juice of some house plants is poisonous - once ingested, it instantly causes respiratory distress, nausea and vomiting, and if it gets on the skin or eyes, it causes irritation. Oleander is the most dangerous - its juice contains a cardiotropic poison, which can lead to arrhythmia and even cardiac arrest. Therefore, you should not touch it with unprotected hands, and if this happens, wash them thoroughly with soap.

The second place in terms of toxicity is occupied by representatives of the aroid family: Dieffenbachia, Aglaonema, Monstera, Philodendron, calla. Their juice causes swelling of the mouth and throat and, upon contact with the eyes, conjunctivitis. Just touching milkweed plants - poinsettia ("Christmas star"), croton - can lead to skin burns. If there are children in the house, it is better to avoid hippeastrum and clivia - their bright berries, which children put into their mouths, cause vomiting, abdominal pain, and drowsiness. The same dangerous temptation for children are hydrangea flowers and leaves - they contain cyanide, which acts upon contact with water or saliva. If a child puts such a leaf in his mouth, the consequences can be very dire.

Allergy sufferers are prohibited

People suffering from allergies are better off avoiding indoor flowers altogether, at least in the bedroom. First of all, you need to avoid plants with pubescent, velvety foliage (violets, individual species begonia): dust accumulates on it, and the plant hairs themselves are allergens. The essential oil released into the air by geranium leaves can cause an attack in allergy sufferers. bronchial asthma. Pollen from flowering indoor lilies, pollen and spores of ferns also act.

Severe headache and sometimes skin rashes causes flowering rhododendron. Some people experience skin irritation after touching the leaves of indoor primroses, Kalanchoe and Crassula (“money tree”). The juice of the last two plants, if it gets into the mouth or nose, can cause swelling respiratory tract. Coughs and runny noses in allergy sufferers are sometimes caused by ficus plants - their juice evaporates into the air and can provoke similar reactions.

Green cleaners

For those who are unfamiliar with allergies, geranium, on the contrary, is advised to keep in the bedroom - it relieves stress, helps with insomnia, kills flu pathogens, and repels mosquitoes. Enemies of colds are also aloe, money tree, monstera, prickly pear cactus, and laurel. In the kitchen, in the room where the renovation was going on, it is useful to put chlorophytum. This plant is a champion in purifying the air from harmful substances. Its beneficial properties are enhanced if you put it in flower pot a few tablets activated carbon. However, if there is not enough light in the room, chlorophytum will not “work” even with coal.

Good air purifiers are Dieffenbachia, Monstera, Sansevieria (“ pike tail"), dracaena, spathiphyllum, cyperus, ficus. Clivia and aspidistra purify the air from tobacco smoke, but do not forget to regularly take them out to fresh air for the plants to recover. Violets, cyclamen, and ferns are placed in excessively dry rooms - they increase humidity. For those who work at the computer, it is more useful to place not a cactus nearby, but a juniper or araucaria - they will moisturize the air dried out by technology.

If there are geopathogenic zones in the house (dogs avoid them, but cats, on the contrary, sleep only in these places), you need to place a palm tree, ficus or myrtle there - they absorb negative energy.

By the way

Many houseplants that are safe for humans can pose a threat to pets—if they decide to taste them. Geranium causes irritation of mucous membranes in birds. Ivy is dangerous for rodents. Aloe can cause an attack of diarrhea in any animal. Alocasia, anthurium, hemanthus, zamioculcas, caladium, colocasia, monstera, syngonium, spathiphyllum, scindaptus, epipremnum, eucharis, jatropha are poisonous to cats.

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Anahit30 May 2013, 16:35:45
e-mail: [email protected], city: Yerevan

Thank you for the information. But listen to all these horror stories, no plants or flowers can be grown. I have my own corner in the house where I work at the computer, where all the flowers are: syngonium, white-veined euphorbia, oxalis, crassula and geranium, palm and aloe, violets and blackthorn.... By the way, I am allergic, and itching happens, And small rash, then it passes. I attribute all this to the computer. Yes, but why, in general, should red juice get into your mouth or eyes? Do everything else with gloves. After all, all these flowers bring more joy than harm.

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Our environment represents not only nature and globe in a global sense.
The environment is the home conditions in our apartments, as well as the conditions of various institutions, offices, workshops and other industrial premises.
Everywhere man strives to create comfortable conditions for life and give the premises an aesthetic appearance. It is always important for a person that the space around him is enlivened by at least one plant. And if conditions allow and there is such a desire, a person grows many favorite plants at home and at work.

When choosing plant species for indoor landscaping, gardeners most often focus only on their external signs and characteristics: decorativeness, size and growth rate of plants, size and shape of leaves, characteristics of flowering (abundance, frequency, duration). Also, flower growers are usually interested in the ease of caring for plants indoors.
However, it must be taken into account that each type of plant requires certain indoor conditions.
Therefore, when creating a winter garden or phytorecreation (a recreation room filled with living plants), you first need to rely on the basic characteristics of the room (lighting, temperature, air humidity, drafts, etc.) in order to create an assortment of suitable plants.

Causes of allergies from plants

Natural plants, contact with which can result in an allergic reaction, are widely known. This different types Zlakov , Wormwood And Ambrosia(pollen during flowering period), Nettle, Hop, leaves Raspberries And Cherries (Cherries), Chubushnik or garden Jasmine, Amaranth(when touched).
Plants with hard and rough leaves, covered with small break-off hairs, can also cause allergies.
A number of plant species containing photodynamically active coumarins and other biologically active compounds are also allergic. active substancesHog parsnip, Ferula, Ruta , Ammi, Skumpia, Russ, Fraxinella or Dictamnus (Burning bush) and many others.

As a rule, we are not ready for such things allergic manifestations from indoor plants that live in close proximity to us - growing in rooms for various purposes.

When choosing plants for landscaping premises, we usually do not think about how the body (ours, or the body of other people who come here) will react to this or that plant chosen for interior decoration.
However, volatile substances released by indoor plants can cause any allergic reaction in humans.
After all, a plant is a living organism that breathes and, naturally, releases metabolic and respiration products. The plant secretes substances formed during its vital activity (alkaloids, enzymes, essential oils, etc.). The presence of these components in the air, even in small quantities, can provoke an allergic reaction in a person.
We must not forget that allergies can be caused by pollen from flowering plants and flying mature spores of ferns.
Allergenic is also trivial dust, which gradually accumulates on the leaves of living plants and on beautiful dry bouquets or herbal compositions placed on the walls of the room or on tables or vases.
Small and easily broken off plant hairs, like pet hair, can also be strong allergens.

Manifestations of allergic reactions

Sometimes we are very surprised that in the rhythm of our everyday life we suddenly begin to suffer from a dry, irritating cough, or an unreasonable cough appears frequent runny nose, or the skin begins to itch and the eyes water. Other symptoms characteristic of an allergic reaction may also appear.
Often we do not pay attention to these symptoms and do not look for the cause of their appearance. But in vain!
Allergic reaction sometimes it can simply cause inconvenience (quickly passing or long-term); in the worst case, it can cause a sharp short-term deterioration our general condition body. But sometimes, based on advanced allergies, other pathologies (in particular, asthma) can develop.

Respiratory allergies- the most common form of allergy, including a group of diseases with allergic damage to various parts of the respiratory tract. The etiology and pathogenesis are based on immediate and delayed allergic reactions.
The entire respiratory tract or its individual sections may be affected, which determines the form of allergosis. Most often there are three types.

1. Allergic rhinosinusitis :
- seasonal- hay fever;
- hay fever- forms of allergies that are provoked: either by the plants themselves; or dust found on plants; or dust generated by rubbing dry parts of plants; or plant pollen;
- infectious-allergic(mixed form).
The manifestation of these types of allergies is as follows: clinical picture: itching and burning in the nose, sneezing attacks, copious liquid discharge from the nose, swelling of the nasal mucosa and soft palate, phenomena of eustachitis, swelling of the eyelids, sensation foreign body in the eye.
With seasonal rhinosinusitis, there is often general malaise, headache, drowsiness, possible rise in body temperature to subfebrile levels, irritability.
Quite often, allergic rhinosinusitis precedes the development of bronchial asthma.

2. Allergic laryngitis - develops most often at night and is manifested by Croup syndromes - restlessness, difficulty breathing, barking cough, cyanosis of the lips and nasolabial triangle.

3. Allergic tracheobronchitis– manifests itself in attacks of dry hacking cough, often at night. The disease progresses in waves and lasts for a long time.

Plants - potential allergens

Among the plants that can cause an allergic reaction in humans, those that contain essential oils are most often noted. The reason for their allergic effect is that constituent components essential oils easily volatile. Therefore, they quickly enter the cavities of the respiratory organs, come into contact with the mucous membranes - swelling of the mucous membranes and other unpleasant symptoms appear.
But this is typical not only for essential oil plants. Plants containing biologically active substances (saponins, alkaloids, etc.) can also cause the body's reaction characteristic of allergies.
Plant species that could potentially be allergens are mentioned in reference books on poisonous and/or medicinal plants, including tropical and subtropical plants, which are often grown indoors.

Among the large number of plant species cultivated in the home, some may cause allergic reactions. For example, this includes the following species and groups of plants (not included here). full list plants that can cause allergies).
Often, the manifestation of an allergic reaction depends only on the individual tolerance (or intolerance) of each individual person to the secretions of a particular plant species.

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Previously, almost every house had geranium (pelargonium). Many heart patients like its smell; it is medicine for them. The leaves of the plant contain a lot of essential oil, which has a beneficial effect on the heart and disinfects the air. But it can cause severe allergic reactions. Like the no less famous primrose.

It is not safe to have azaleas and other rhododendrons at home. During flowering, they saturate the air with a strong and very persistent smell. Because of it, the head can ache for a long time, and the skin can be “decorated” with painful rashes.

When the oleander blooms, the room fills up incredibly. fragrant aroma. This aroma is possessed by substances that the plant releases in huge quantities into the air. Because of them, the heart can beat faster, the head will ache and even suffocate. Relatives of oleander in the Kutrov family are catharanthus and alamanda.

Blooming amaryllis also exude a dizzying aroma: eucharis, crinum. Their essential oils are also powerful allergens.

Although Kirkazon is a medicinal plant, its flowers contain many poisonous alkaloids. Therefore, it is better not to inhale the smell of kirkazonaceae and not to keep these plants in the apartment.

In many houses you can see the beautiful Dieffenbachia. If its juice gets on the skin or mucous membranes, severe irritation can occur, including deep burns. This distinguishes the entire family of araceae, to which arma (alocasia), philodendron, and aglaonema belong.

All euphorbias, including such popular ones as euphorbia, acalypha, and croton, can also cause similar reactions.
And Benjamin's ficus, even if it does not bloom, secretes particles of milky juice through its pores.

By the way, some ficus trees, as well as citrus fruits, are very insidious. Due to direct contact with them, the skin does not become inflamed. However, its sensitivity to light increases, and during even a short stay in the sun you can get a severe burn.

A potential threat also comes from. Severe burns occur when its juice gets on the mucous membranes. In general, it is better to have minimal contact with plants that secrete milky sap. And they need to be installed in remote, hard-to-reach places, especially.

All ferns are powerful allergens because when they reproduce, their spores are scattered far and wide. Once in the respiratory tract, these spores can make breathing difficult and cause severe suffocation.

Kalanchoe, sedum, () - wonderful medicinal plants with healing properties. However, when used externally, they can cause allergic skin reactions, and their juices, taken orally, can cause prolonged swelling of the bronchi.

Please note

Many indoor flowers like to be sprayed, especially if the air in the house is dry. This is useful for both plants and their owners - in humid air it is easier to breathe and pollen spreads less easily.

Allergic reactions occur not to indoor flowers themselves, but to the fungus aspergillus, which is often found in potting soil. You can try growing hydroponically, for example, asparagus, begonia, cacti, cissus, ivy, hibiscus, schefflera or tradescantia.

Useful advice

Among related plants, it is better to choose specimens with double flowers - they practically do not emit pollen.

Begonia, balsam, golden mustache, tradescantia, double rose, heather, orchids, and bromeliads usually do not cause allergies.

When working with plants, especially unfamiliar ones, it is better to always wear rubber gloves.


  • Website flowers should not be kept at home
  • Website to houseplants
  • Video: Dangerous indoor plants

Geranium is considered beneficial ornamental plants, having many beneficial properties for the body during treatment various diseases. The plant has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound-healing effects. Except great benefit for the body, this is often noted unpleasant phenomenon like an allergy to geranium. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can be mild or severe. When this problem occurs, it is very important to know how allergies occur and what to do when an illness occurs.

Symptoms of a geranium allergy

Can geranium provoke the development of an allergic reaction? Definitely yes. Any type of geranium can cause allergies. The most common type of plant is Pelargonium, a tulip-shaped, rosaceous species of crop. All of them can provoke unpleasant symptoms of an allergic reaction. When answering the question of how an allergy to geranium manifests itself, the following signs should be highlighted:

  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • tearfulness;
  • burning in the nose;
  • allergic conjunctivitis, causing pain in the eyes and severe lacrimation;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • rashes on the body in the form of urticaria;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • development of cough;
  • severe or moderate skin itching.

In severe cases, the following may occur: dangerous manifestations illness as a work disorder digestive system, increased blood viscosity, decreased blood pressure, and general deterioration well-being.

A very common type of allergic reaction is tracheobronchitis. allergic type. This form accompanied by a dry cough, sore throat, weakness, difficulty breathing.

All these signs can appear in patients after close proximity to the plant, inhalation of its pollen, tactile contact with the flower, as well as when using it for treatment using traditional medicine.

In addition to the above symptoms, the body’s reaction to geranium components may include the following: severe complications, How anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema. These phenomena pose a particular danger to children. Such features of the plant should be taken into account when using flower leaves to treat various diseases.

Who is at risk

Geranium can provoke a severe reaction in the body in the form of an allergy in any patient, but there are categories of people whose bodies are most at risk of developing the disease. These include:

  1. Patients prone to seasonal allergies on pollen and plant fluff.
  2. People with reduced immunity.
  3. Patients with such a feature of the respiratory tract as hypersensitivity to various irritants.
  4. Patients who have had a history of an allergic reaction to the plant in their family should be considered at risk.
  5. People prone to autoallergy.
  6. Patients with diseases of the endocrine system.
  7. Allergies can occur in people with severe viral and bacterial infections. It could be chronic diseases colds (pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis).

In the presence of one or a combination of the above factors, the manifestation of allergies can provoke quite serious dysfunction internal organs and systems.

Important! When you find yourself alarming symptoms after contact with geranium, you must seek medical advice medical care. A timely response to the problem will help avoid many complications.

Methods for treating allergies

Treatment of the disease primarily consists of eliminating the cause of the disease, that is, the allergen itself, which causes unpleasant symptoms. Only in this case will therapy be effective.

Use of drug treatment

To diagnose the extent and severity allergic disease you should contact an allergist. The specialist will prescribe necessary treatment taking into account the course of the disease and individual characteristics patient.

To get rid of allergies in medical practice The following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Antihistamines. Medicines in this group can be used in the form of tablets, drops or ointments for topical application. Such drugs block excessive amounts of histamine in the blood, which provokes allergy symptoms. This group includes drugs such as Tavegil, Diazolin, Peritol.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs. They are used when allergies are accompanied by ailments such as rhinitis, asthma, eczema. This type of medication is made of steroid (Cortisone, Hydrocortisone, Betamethasone), as well as non-steroidal (Diclofenac, Diclak, Movalis).
  3. Antileukotriene drugs. Used to treat bronchial asthma and rhinitis with various types allergies. A drug used here is Omalizumab.
  4. Immunomodulators. Immune stimulants help strengthen the body and increase its ability to resist various allergens. Among such drugs, Likopid, Kagocel, Arbidol are used.

Important! All medications should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Under no circumstances should you change the dose of treatment yourself. A negligent attitude towards your health can cause serious complications.

Application of traditional methods

They can cope with the manifestations of the disease folk remedies. You can carry out therapy with their help only if you are confident that your body does not have an allergic reaction to their components. TO popular recipes belong to the following:

  1. Calendula decoction. To prepare the product, pour 2 tablespoons of dried flowers and leaves of the plant into 500 ml of boiling water and bring to a boil over low heat. Afterwards, remove the broth from the heat and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Take the medicine one tablespoon three times a day.
  2. Yarrow tea. To brew tea, you need to pour 500 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of yarrow herb and leave the product to brew for 15-20 minutes. After this, drink half a glass in the morning and evening after meals. Unpleasant symptoms and the allergy will subside within a day of such treatment.
  3. Smelly celery juice relieves allergic reactions well. To do this, squeeze the juice from a fresh plant and take it a teaspoon 3-4 times at equal intervals throughout the day.

Allergies are quite unpleasant and dangerous reaction body on various stimuli. Timely response to the problem and correct treatment will help to avoid complications and cope with the problem in its early stages.

Geranium standing on a windowsill as indoor flower– not only a replicated image, but also a completely familiar picture. Many people grow it at home, but only a few know about the dangers that the plant hides in its stems.

Antimicrobial and antiseptic effects - these are the features that attract gardeners to geraniums. The flower extract can relieve tonsillitis, sore throat or stomatitis, it accelerates blood circulation and becomes indispensable in folk medicine. Essential oil of the plant modern cosmetology begins to displace more expensive analogues - lemon balm and mint.

When purchasing geranium, we study its beneficial and harmful properties, but we often forget about individual intolerance individual components. In our case, the benefits that a flower brings to people can result in dire consequences, because geranium is not best gift for allergy sufferers. The reaction to it has been proven by experts and thoroughly studied. It is caused by volatile ether compounds contained in stems and leaves.

Why the question “can geranium cause allergies” is no longer relevant

Reactions to indoor plants are rarely discussed because they do not pollinate. naturally. An allergy to geranium, the symptoms of which we will discuss a little later, can occur for several reasons. The most common doctors include:

  • Hereditary factor;
  • Hypersensitivity to substances contained in geranium essential oils;
  • Reduced immunity and inflammatory processes occurring in the body;
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.

Having a predisposition to allergic reactions of any type can cause the development of the disease, but it is very difficult to prevent the body’s painful reaction to irritants. It is completely impossible to predict the development of the situation. All you have to do is remember that allergies can be caused by any physical contact with a flower, and sometimes just its scent is enough.

Allergy to geranium: how does the reaction manifest itself?

Geranium is truly beautiful and easy to care for, but as a decorative element it is not suitable for every apartment. The fragrant aroma of an indoor flower, caused by the secretions of numerous essential oils, causes allergies in some people. Its manifestations do not become noticeable immediately. It all starts with a persistent dry cough and headache, and other symptoms follow. A person exhibits:

  • skin itching (sometimes rash);
  • tear discharge;
  • shortness of breath and swelling of soft tissues.

In the most severe cases, the sick person begins to suffer from suffocation and Quincke's edema develops. This happens very rarely, but can lead to fatal outcome. The symptoms that appear are difficult to instantly identify, so allergies are most often confused with colds. Even “experienced” allergy sufferers make a mistake, because there is a catch from the ordinary indoor plant Usually there is no need to wait.

In general, an allergy to geranium is a very rare and very unpleasant phenomenon. A reaction to a flower can occur in both severe and mild forms, and the only thing that can be done is to stop all contact with the flower. Having removed geranium from the house, you will have to go for consultation with a specialist, but you need to be prepared for the fact that doctors do not distinguish allergies as a full-fledged disease, but classify them as secondary.

Having found out whether there can be an allergy to geranium, all that remains is to summarize: it will not be possible to completely get rid of it even after years of immunotherapy. Take all the time antihistamines it's also hard to name excellent option, after all side effects Every medicine has it. If you notice even the slightest discomfort from plants in your apartment, get rid of them without regret! Take care of yourself.