What to do if your dog is itching. Should I be concerned if my dog ​​scratches his back more than usual? Why does a puppy itch if there are no fleas?

Dogs, like people, have allergies that cannot be treated. The dog's body may be overly sensitive to a certain allergen, causing itching. The dog may be allergic to certain products, flea bites, grass and pollen, soap or hay. First you need to correctly determine the cause of itching, scratching or other inflammation on the skin. Therefore, your task (and the task of the veterinarian) is to find out the cause and find an effective treatment.


Watch for allergy symptoms

    Pay attention to which parts of the animal's body are more susceptible to itching. Is there any area on the body that your dog scratches most often? Maybe your pet is constantly gnawing and licking its paws or belly?

    • Most often, the reaction to the allergen is a rash around the back and tail, on the stomach, and on the paws.
  1. Examine the animal to see if it has any bright spots on the skin? If there is, it is possible that the itching is so severe that the dog has to literally “gnaw” through the skin. Keep in mind that the itching may come on suddenly and get worse throughout the day or night. The skin in these areas will be pink, moist, hot and painful. There may be small wounds on it, from which something sticky will ooze. If you notice such wounds, it means that the animal urgently needs veterinary intervention, otherwise the wound may become infected.

    Observe the timing of the itching. Perhaps itching appears in certain time year. You may notice itching after walking in a certain area or after eating. Be observant, any information will help the veterinarian determine the cause of the itching.

    Follow general condition animal health. If the dog emits a strong foul odor If she drinks too much and acts very strangely, contact your veterinarian immediately. You will need to have blood and stool tests done so your veterinarian can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

    Every time you see your dog itching, take notes. Write down the time and circumstances (where the dog was just, what he ate, what part of the body itched). This information will help your veterinarian determine possible reasons itching.

Check the animal for sarcoptic mange. Sarcoptic mange is caused by scabies mites. Ticks live on skin where there is no hair. For example, in the ears, elbows or stomach. Your dog may develop red spots on the skin in these areas. Sarcoptic mange can cause skin damage and discomfort because the mite causes itching.

  • Sarcoptic mange is highly contagious and can be transmitted to people and other animals.
  • To diagnose sarcoptic mange, your veterinarian will need to take a scraping of the dog's skin.
  • Check the animal for demodicosis. Demodectic mange is caused by small mites. Typically, these mites do not cause skin problems if the dog's skin function is normal. immune system. Demodicosis is most common in puppies because their immune systems are still developing. To diagnose this disease, your veterinarian will need to scrape the dog's skin.

    It is important to understand what causes the itching. The dog may be showing signs of some other illness, which will confuse you. Alopecia (hair loss) and Cushing's disease may be comorbidities.

    Treatment of itching

      Discuss with your veterinarian possible methods treatment. Due to the wide variety of causes of itching, there are a number of treatments that your veterinarian can prescribe. Some pets feel better after taking antihistamines, other pets will need short course hormonal drugs. ,

      • All medications prescribed by a veterinarian must be given to the animal strictly according to the instructions. Medicines will help eliminate the cause of itching and speed up the healing process.
    1. Try flea medication. Allergy to fleas and flea dermatitis- The most common causes of itching in dogs. The first step is to protect the animal from flea bites. Dogs may develop allergic reaction on flea saliva, which causes severe itching. Allergies can occur even with one bite.

      • Treat any pets that may have fleas, and make sure there are no fleas in the house.
    2. Try a special shampoo. A veterinarian-recommended medicated shampoo will help relieve itching and also help treat bacterial and fungal infections. Medicated shampoos can be used in addition to oral medications.

      • Medicated shampoos are available over the counter and may be coal tar based shampoos, which reduce the risk of further infection of open skin wounds. Before purchasing medicated shampoo, consult your veterinarian.
      • Bathing is useful for skin itching, but don't use it for that regular shampoo. A mild shampoo specially formulated for dogs will help relieve the itching, but only temporarily. If your dog's skin is severely damaged, it is best not to use a medicated shampoo unless recommended by a veterinarian. Otherwise, you can only increase skin irritation.
      • There is no need to constantly bathe the animal. Normally, it is recommended to bathe a dog once a month; some dogs can be bathed even less often. Remember that bathing removes beneficial sebum from the skin. If your veterinarian has prescribed a special medicated shampoo for your pet, he or she will give you advice on how often you should bathe your dog.
    3. Ask your doctor about the effectiveness of hormonal treatment. In some severe cases, treatment uses hormonal medications (for example, Prednisone) to help relieve itching.

      Ask about antihistamine treatment. They can be used to suppress allergic reactions. There are many different antihistamines. Your veterinarian may recommend over-the-counter medications or prescribe prescription medications.

      • Remember that no medicine is 100% suitable for every animal. Therefore, first you will need to find out which drugs work best for your pet.
      • Keep in mind that antihistamines will not work if the itching is severe. But they are often recommended after a course of treatment hormonal drugs so that allergic reactions can be controlled.
    4. Try antibiotics. If other treatments haven't worked, your veterinarian may recommend an antibiotic. If your dog's skin is so damaged that secondary infection is possible, an antibiotic is essential to fight the infection!

      Talk to your veterinarian. You may need to have the animal's blood tested or take a skin scraping. This will allow your veterinarian to determine if your pet has allergies to pollen, plants, grasses, insects, or mold. Food allergies are best determined by testing the animal for specific foods. ,

      Contact your veterinarian dermatologist. If your dog has severe itching, scratches or other lesions on the skin, talk to your veterinarian. Dermatologist specializes in skin diseases, so he will give you advice.

      Don't immediately buy a bunch of over-the-counter medications. Drugs such as medicated or coal shampoos, oil tea tree and aloe vera are more preventative measure However, owners often start treatment with them in the hope that the disease will recede. Check with your veterinarian first.

      • Other home remedies (for example, turpentine, Vaseline, vinegar) are also unlikely to help.
      • Your attempts to treat your beloved pet on your own may lead to complications.

    Change your diet

    1. You can try giving your dog supplements fatty acids. For example, in the form fish oil or linseed oil. These products are available as usual in kind, and in capsules. ,

      • To correctly determine the dosage, be sure to read the instructions.

    Itching indicates the occurrence of skin inflammation - dermatitis (ecthyma), which occurs under the influence of the following factors:


    A dog is an impressionable creature, so it reacts nervously to an unusual situation. Sleep disappears, hair is lost, itching develops. Most often suffer decorative dogs And service dogs. Changing the habitat, for example, moving from an apartment to a kennel or vice versa, causes stress and takes time to adapt.


    It is the result of bruises or abrasions. Hyperemic skin surfaces form around the injured area. She itches, scratches herself, hair comes out hair follicles. Wounds form, and permanent inhabitants of the skin, mainly staphylococci, settle in the exposed areas of fatty tissue. The itching intensifies, scratching becomes violent, and the pathological surface expands.


    Characteristic of indoor dogs exposed to constant exposure to chemical or physical irritants. If an animal lives near heating radiators, overheating causes the skin to dry out, crack, become contaminated with secondary microflora, itching, scratching, and dermatitis similar to mechanical dermatitis occurs.

    Some substances become irritants for the animal. As a result of their action, the dog’s skin swells, becomes covered with blisters, becomes scratched, becomes infected and develops ecthyma. Sometimes the cause of dermatitis is bathing a dog with poor quality shampoos or good ones, but too often. The skin dries out, cracks and becomes inflamed. The disease develops slowly and it is difficult to establish the cause of its occurrence.


    If the wound received by the dog has become festered, its edges are irritated by exudate, which irritates the surrounding skin, inflammatory and swelling. Putrefactive microorganisms from the infected surface they spread to new areas of the skin, expanding the area of ​​the defect. The fur surrounding the pathological area sticks together and becomes matted, falls out, and reveals a swollen, reddened surface.


    Occurs as a result of burns or frostbite. Converts to acral licking dermatitis. The harmfulness of this type of pathology lies in the intoxication of the body by the decay products of necrotic tissue.


    Inappropriate response to stimuli occurs for the following reasons:


    The most common is staphylococcal ecthyma. How independent disease, it develops rarely and is a symptom of the underlying pathology causing the lesion immune defense body. Mycotic dermatitis occurs for the same reason, but the causative agents are microscopic fungi.



    To eliminate dermatitis caused by overexertion, mainly soothing herbal remedies are used internally: Stop-stress and Kot Bayun, and antiseptic aerosols are used externally.

    To counteract staphylococcal infection use external or injection antimicrobial and antiphlogistic agents, as well as immune correction. In demand wound healing ointments, powders, antiseptic aerosols.

    Discontinue medications to which a hypersensitive reaction may occur. If necessary, use antihistamines. They optimize the diet - switch to ready-made low-allergenic food.

    Immune stimulation is carried out after changing the diet and reducing the load on service dog. After 2…4 days, injections of medications are performed that stimulate the body’s defense system - Gamavit, Catazal or Phosprenyl.

    If microscopic fungi are found in the pathological material, external and internal antimycotic drugs for cats and dogs are used. For small lesions, ointments are used - Mycozon, Clotrimazole or Yam, aerosol antimycotics - Fungin, Exoderil and its analogues. If fungal infections significant, they use bathing solutions - Imaverol or Fucoricin, or oral medications, among which Griseofulvin is the most popular.

    A common disease that is incredibly disturbing and debilitating for an animal is itching in dogs. With such an illness, the pet becomes irritable, nervous, and to some extent, even helpless. Itching appears in certain areas of the body, or in certain areas of the pet’s skin. By observing the dog, you can determine which part of the body suffers the most: either the itching spreads over the ears and back, or the tail itches, or the itching settles in rear hole. There are many reasons why a pet may experience discomfort.

    Causes and treatment of itching in dogs

    Neither age nor breed play any role in this disease, since itching is a symptom of many diseases in the animal. There are many reasons that cause itching in dogs. One of the causes of itching is fleas and ticks.

    In addition to fleas, itching in a dog can be caused by: different types ticks, which are conveniently located on the animal’s body in places where there is no hair. These are the ears, belly, elbow joints. Dangerous period the appearance of ticks - from early spring to late autumn. It is in cool weather that they find their prey. A tick bite can lead to encephalitis. This disease entails death for an animal.

    First of all, you need to examine your pet. If you notice that he is focusing on scratching his ears, that may be where ear mites have taken up residence. The appearance of crusts in the ears or the appearance of a disgusting odor indicates that a mite has settled in the animal’s ears. This can lead to deafness in your pet. The scabies mite also causes severe itching.

    Another reason is fungal diseases. Ringworm, namely about it we're talking about, any family member and animals living in the house where the sick dog lives can become infected. This disease can be cured:

    • Antifungal drugs that cleanse the blood. They must be administered intravenously - these are handled by a veterinarian. As an analogue, you can use tablets or powder - in this case, the owner must monitor the intake of drugs, because Dogs often don’t really like the taste of the medicine, so it must first be disguised as a treat or food.
    • Spots that appear on the dog’s body are outlined with iodine or brilliant green, depending on the type of disease.
    • The dog is isolated because the disease is dangerous for people.
    • Complete disinfection of the house is also necessary. It is important to treat not only things that belong to the pet, but also everything that it may have come into contact with. Special attention give attention to the sofa, bed, etc.

    A meeting with a veterinarian is essential in such cases. Before a diagnosis is made, research is carried out. In particular, scrapings and smears are taken from damaged tissues. Based on the examination results, the doctor prescribes treatment.

    Itching due to allergies in a dog

    Dogs of any breed and any age are susceptible to allergies. The most common allergic reactions:

    • Severe itching different parts body, including the abdomen, ears.
    • Rashes in the form small rash red.
    • Bursting blisters and formation of pustules.

    Food allergies cause very intense itching in dogs. There are a number of foods available today that can cause extreme itching in your dog. Therefore, when thinking over the menu, take into account the health characteristics of your pet. Unfortunately, the presence of allergies is determined strictly experimentally. All products that are introduced into your pet’s diet must be added gradually and in small portions. Only if there is no negative reaction, you can increase the portion and include it in the main menu.

    However, there are most allergenic products for our four-legged friends. Not even very great use chicken eggs may cause itching in the animal. Cooking dishes from beef meat and birds, do not forget that they can also cause an allergic reaction. Be careful when introducing corn, wheat and other grains into your pet’s diet, especially those grown at home.

    Products made from yeast dough, can cause not only itching, but also gastrointestinal upset. After eating seafood, your four-legged friend may also develop itching. If your pet begins to itch continuously after eating cow's milk products, then this is the first sign that these products are strictly prohibited for him. Unbearable allergic itching may appear in an animal after eating soy or products that contain it.

    Smoked meats, sweets, and very salty foods are unacceptable as dog food. Be careful when purchasing ready-made food for your pet. Check out the ingredients. Store purchases can also cause complications in the form of itching in the animal.

    It is necessary to check the blood for the presence of allergens in the body pet. Based on the result of the analysis, the veterinarian will be able to adjust the composition of food for your pet. The products recommended by the doctor are used for two or three months. The owner monitors the health of his four-legged friend. It may very well be that the diet will have to be adjusted in order to finally get rid of the itching.

    Only under the supervision of a doctor can you organize proper nutrition and help the dog recover. With an established diet, after a certain time, changes can be gradually introduced into the animal’s diet. At the same time, make sure that the itching does not recur. Corrections in nutrition are carried out only by a doctor - no arbitrariness if you value the life of your pet.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Naturally, the first sign of illness in a four-legged friend is pronounced itching.

    • At the same time, the pet diligently reaches its ear with its hind paw and diligently combs it.
    • He clicks his teeth furiously at the anus.
    • To soothe the itching, the dog diligently rubs itself against carpets or sofas.
    • Quite often he shakes his ears, rubs his eyes and muzzle, and squeals at the same time.
    • It happens that due to unbearable itching, the dog scratches the skin until it wounds and even whines.
    • Depending on the affected area of ​​the skin, the pet scratches the ears, nose, belly and other areas of the body.
    • Diligently licks its paws. When itching, the skin in the affected areas turns red.
    • Dandruff may even appear.

    The same symptoms are observed with fungal diseases. For ringworm:

    • Hair falls out in places, initially on the face and paws.
    • Spots approximately one centimeter in size are formed.
    • The skin turns red.
    • The owner notices that the dog is itching and hair is falling out.
    • Purulent, liquid discharge begins.

    Antipruritic drugs for dogs

    The extent to which the patient is quickly and accurately diagnosed, the treatment is effective and the recovery is long-awaited. If the animal suffers from very severe itching and skin lesions are clearly visible, then treatment is carried out:

    • hydrocortisone;
    • prednisone;
    • cortisone;
    • dexamethasone.

    In the next four hours after administration, the drugs begin to act and the pet’s itching gradually decreases and disappears. For twelve hours after administration of the medicine, your four-legged friend doesn't suffer from unbearable itching. These medications can only be used for seven days. And only in case of emergency, since they differ in serious side effects. Antihistamines should be used when it becomes clear that your pet’s severe itching is caused by an allergy.

    For treatment, two or more antihistamines are prescribed at once. Their reception is designed for fourteen days. If your pet sleeps more while taking these medications, don't be alarmed. This is one of the symptoms of the medicine. Diazolin, tavegil, suprastin, diphenhydramine can be calmed nervous condition animal and reduce discomfort itching. To treat affected skin, mash and decoctions are used.

    At allergic itching More of the following should be added to the diet of a sick animal:

    • fatty acids;
    • fish oil;
    • flaxseed oil (by the way, they can be given with food; they are available in capsules).

    Used to treat affected skin medicated shampoos and soap. They destroy fungal and bacterial infections. They are based on coal tar. Talkers with the addition of sulfur are widely used. Applications and even herbal baths are also used. For such diseases use:

    • oats;
    • strawberry leaves and roots;
    • oak bark;
    • sequence;
    • young birch leaves.

    The most common reason itchy your pet has fleas. Their presence cannot be tolerated. The room in which the dog lives must be treated at least three times. During treatment, you can simultaneously use drops that drip onto the withers, plus an anti-flea collar. You can use drops and spray in pairs. The medications contain substances that repel and kill fleas.

    • After each walk, be sure to carefully examine your pet. Pay special attention to the groin, abdominal skin, ears, even gums.
    • Check your dog to see if he has ringworm or scabies mite. Both diseases are contagious to humans. In case of such diseases in animals, the owner and members of his family must strictly adhere to strict rules hygiene.
    • Make notes to yourself indicating when and after the animal began to itch. This information will be useful when visiting a doctor to make a correct diagnosis.
    • To obtain a 100% recovery result for your pet, use two or three medications for treatment.
    • Don't give your dog a completely short haircut. Just cut the hair in a specific sore spot.
    • If your dog's itchy skin is caused by an allergy, then first of all identify this allergen and try to get rid of it. Reconsider your relationship with food. In a dog's menu, proteins should prevail over carbohydrates.
    • It is necessary to ensure that there is a sufficient amount of fatty acids in the animal’s diet, as they help improve coat growth, as well as its beauty.
    • Detergents, shampoos, and various herbal scents can cause itching in dogs. Medicines can also be allergens, as they have side effects.

    To bathe an animal suffering from itching, use a gentle, mild shampoo. This shampoo relieves some of the pain and itching. When choosing a detergent for your dog, it is better to consult a specialist. The dog is bathed once every month. Before you get rid of itching in your dog, make sure you know the exact cause of it. To do this, visit your veterinarian.

    Sometimes it can be unbearable that your beloved pet is suffering, but you cannot help him due to a simple misunderstanding of the situation. This is the case when a dog is constantly itching. And there seem to be no fleas, no ticks, but the dog persistently continues to tear the skin and gnaw at itself. Sometimes the situation reaches the point where the fur flies out in clumps, and bleeding wounds form in the place where it was missing. In this case, there is a possibility of a bacterial infection. Then the situation becomes twice as complicated. Therefore, veterinarians recommend not to delay, but to find out the cause of scabies right away.

  • Ear mite. Carries out its vital functions in the ears, feeding on earwax and secretions sebaceous glands. For a long time lives on other areas of the animal’s skin, gradually gnawing its way to its destination – lymph nodes. The main symptom of the lesion ear mites there is severe itching in the ear. The dog constantly scratches this area, shakes and howls.

  • Important! It is known that ticks are carriers of deadly infectious diseases.

    Fleas and lice eaters

    Flea bites also cause severe itching in dogs. The pet is restless, constantly bites itself, and itches. Massive attacks simply drive the animal crazy. Due to constant scratching, itching may become bacterial infection, dermatitis, eczema, urticaria, skin swelling.

    Some types of fleas are carriers of dangerous diseases - endocarditis and rickettsiosis. These pathologies cause severe symptoms of intoxication in the animal. In this case, vesicles appear on the skin large sizes. But the greatest danger lies in the likelihood of human infection.

    Attention! Lice eaters look like lice. Their distinctive feature is the quadrangular shape of the head. They have a yellowish or grayish tint. They feed on particles of skin and fur.

    Allergic reactions

    If your dog itches regularly, this symptom may be due to an allergy. This means that the body reacts negatively to the introduction of a foreign element. Usually everything alien and useless is quickly removed from it. For dogs with allergies, everything happens differently. When a foreign organism enters the system, it starts inflammatory process with the simultaneous release of the allergic reaction mediator (histamine) into the blood. It is this organic compound that is responsible for activating immune cells. Under the influence of foreign elements it turns into active phase and manifests itself in the form of itching, rash, redness, swelling, hyperemia, etc.

    Almost always, allergies to animals are transmitted genetically. provoke negative reactions the body can also be exposed to prolonged stress, anatomical features endocrine and nervous systems.

    The course of the disease in dogs has the following characteristics:

    • is more complex, that is, it has more severe symptoms than other quadrupeds and humans;
    • large number allergens;
    • symptoms appear most on the skin;
    • With age, the manifestation of allergies intensifies.

    Call unwanted reactions organism in dogs:

    An allergy can appear immediately after contact with an irritant or over time.

    Along with severe itching, the following signs appear:

    • a large amount of mucus is released from the nose and eyes (has no color, unlike infectious and viral exudate);
    • the skin on the paw pads is dehydrated, dry, flaky, and there is redness in the interdigital area;
    • rash, redness, swelling, scratching on the skin;
    • wet tracks in places where the dog rests (excessive sweating);
    • frequent bowel movements, possible diarrhea;
    • inflammation in the ears.

    Important! Excessive sweating in dogs always indicates health problems. There are sweat glands between the toes and on the muzzle. The animal's sweat is not similar in consistency to human sweat. It is more viscous and has a smell (not dog!).

    Here is a video showing the reasons for dogs scratching without fleas and ticks present:

    Video - Why is your dog itchy but there are no fleas?

    How do different forms of allergies manifest in dogs?

    Type of allergyCharacteristic symptoms
    FoodThe skin turns red and rashes form;
    the dog tears the skin, bites itself due to severe itching;
    baldness, hair loss;
    the skin is dehydrated, peeling appears;
    diarrhea, frequent bowel movements;
    increased sweating;
    candidiasis in the ears
    Contact dermatitisItching, swelling, redness, roughening of the skin;
    the peritoneum, feet, area below the mouth, scrotum, interdigital space are mainly affected;
    peeling and redness in the area of ​​the paw pads;
    hair thinning;
    Appears immediately after contact with an irritant
    Atopic dermatitisAffects the area of ​​the ears, groin, armpits, muzzle, paws;
    These areas are constantly licked by the dog
    Drug allergyOccurs immediately after treatment of fur, skin or ingestion of medication;
    localized on the face or in the area of ​​treatment with the product;
    pimples are outlined;
    often accompanied by anaphylactic shock
    Otitis of allergic originItching, redness, swelling in the ears;
    increase in temperature in the specified area;
    lethargy, weakness


    Stress in a dog can also lead to the animal constantly itching. Four-legged animals suffer from neuroses much more severely than humans. Long-term stress leads not only to itching, but also biting, restlessness, increased licking of certain parts of the body, and even hair loss.

    The dog can also:

    • rushes around the apartment in circles for no reason;
    • do not listen to the owner’s commands;
    • whine, bark and howl;
    • bite the tail;
    • chew everything that gets in her way;
    • dig while in the apartment;
    • eats all the time (cannot get enough) or, on the contrary, refuses to eat;
    • drooling, breathing heavily, going to the toilet frequently;
    • hide in a corner, tremble;
    • don't sleep.

    Important! Neuroses are especially evident in dogs at night. If a dog asks to scratch its belly before going to bed and shows signs of anxiety, this means that it has problems with the nervous system.

    Video - How to remove fleas from a dog at home

    Itching and skin diseases

    There are many diseases that lead to intense scratching in dogs. The most common ones are:

    Attention! Prolonged exposure to water can also lead to itching in dogs. sun rays. Most often this applies to pets with short hair. Sunburn leads to severe itching. At the same time, the dog tries to scratch the burned areas. Upon contact with them, the pet begins to howl in pain. Redness, blistering, and increased body temperature may occur.

    Read more about the causes of itching in dogs here:

    Video - Itching in dogs

    How to relieve your dog from itching

    Methods for treating itching depend on the cause that caused it. If the source of the symptom is exposure to ticks, the veterinarian will prescribe the following medications:

    • ointment Benzyl benzoate(20%, 10%) used twice a day every 2 days - treats itching caused by scabies mites;
    • aerosol Spregal– can also be given to pregnant bitches; a single use is enough to get rid of scabies mites;
    • To treat ear mites, the ear canals are treated boric alcohol, then dig in Anandin, Tsipam, Dekta, Demos, “Bars”, TAP-85 or Dicresil. The course of treatment is from 2 to 4 weeks;
    • after scratching, the damage is lubricated with anti-inflammatory ointments with a healing effect ( Konkov, Wilkinson, sulfur, sulfuric ointments).

    For fleas they use:

    • drops Bars, Frontline, Stronghold;
    • collars – Kiltix, Hartz UltraGuard Flea & Tick Collar, SKALIBOR, Beaphar Ungezieferband(suitable for removing ticks);
    • shampoos – Phytoelite, Master Bruno;
    • pills - Sentinel, Comfortis;
    • sprays – Frontline, Blokhnet, Hartz, Bolfo;
    • apple cider vinegar, lemon water.

    Allergies in dogs are treated with the following medications:

    • at food allergies exclude provoking foods from the diet;
    • prescribed to remove allergens from the body Enterosgel, black activated carbon;
    • for normalization metabolic processes discharged Tykveol;
    • acute forms of allergies are treated with antihistamines - Claritin, Suprastin, Tavegil;
    • when a secondary infection occurs, antibiotics and antifungal drugs are prescribed.

    Important! If you have a food allergy, your dog is fed hypoallergenic food.

    Treatment of stress, skin diseases and greasy tail

    As for stress, veterinarians recommend treatment as quickly as possible, otherwise, prolonged neurosis can lead to the development of phobias. To begin with, increase physical activity or spend more time walking the dog. It is preferable if the walking area is quiet (forest, park area).

    You can cheer up your dog by buying him a new toy or introducing him to neighbor's dog(peaceful).

    Sedatives are given to dogs in extreme cases. Considered the most popular and safest Fitex based on glycerin (1 drop per 1 kg of weight) and Stop Stress. The drugs relieve anxiety and affect psychogenic behavioral disorders. Only a veterinarian should prescribe such medications, as there are contraindications.

    If the cause is bacterial or fungal infection, then the doctor will prescribe antibiotics with an extended mechanism of action or antifungal agents.

    Treatment for greasy tail begins with treating the skin at the base of the tail. Apply to inflamed areas hydrogen peroxide, or other antiseptic. A sterile gauze swab is placed on top. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe antibiotic ointments. The bandage is changed once a week.

    Attention! To prevent licking of medications, a special collar is placed around the neck.

    The dog may itch and bite itself various reasons. To prevent complications, you should immediately show your pet to a veterinarian.

    If your dog has been scratching its skin for several days now, you should think about what happened; this behavior can lead to a variety of sores. Pay attention to where there is the most damage.

    This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

    Have you already turned 18?

    Skin diseases of dogs

    Skin diseases are a huge problem, not only for animals, but also for humans. They lie in wait for us at every step, so they are considered the most common. Most often to veterinarian address exactly this problem. If your beloved pet is constantly itching, and small wounds, eczema and hair loss have already begun to appear on its skin, think about going to the clinic. The cause of all this can be a simple allergy; it can manifest itself in different ways, as an underlying disease or as a concomitant one.

    There are a lot of reasons for its occurrence, so it’s difficult to understand all the terms and put it absolutely precisely. correct diagnosis. Let's take a closer look at everything to avoid making a mistake, because the health of your beloved dog depends on it. First you need to understand what an allergy is. This is a response of the body that appears when ingested or skin any irritant. In this case, the immune system begins to work, it produces special antibodies that must carry out protective function. They begin to attach to mast cells or as they are also called mastocytes. In dogs, they are located right under the skin, which is why itching becomes the main symptom of allergies. In humans, everything is just the opposite; animals are more sensitive and susceptible to influence from the external environment.

    b"> What could be the causes and types of allergies in pets?

    Of course, itching does not necessarily occur solely due to allergies; we must not forget about other skin diseases, they can be of bacterial or fungal origin. But still, the basis is an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in many, especially artificially bred breeds. So, what diseases should you be wary of?


    Now you've figured it out a little medical terms, it now becomes much clearer what can cause an allergy. Therefore, try to protect your animal from this kind of problem. Be careful, pay attention to these problem areas, like the back above the tail, sides, elbows, at the root of the tail, muzzle.

    How to diagnose the problem?

    If you want to understand what exactly is going on with your dog, it is important to first determine the cause of the problem, and not simply begin to heal the consequences. And you can do this very simply: watch your pet, remember what he eats, when he sleeps, how he behaves, all this is important, because if you miss such moments, you may not notice how the dog has been scratching its skin for several days. As a result, you will observe small wounds on the body, this is not good and only contributes to the spread of infection.

    The best solution in this situation would be to contact a veterinarian; he will be able to give advice and tell you what and how to do so that the animal stops scratching its body. During the examination, tell us about your pet’s living conditions, and be sure to tell about all the first signs of allergies; you should also think about whether your family and friends have allergies or rashes. It will be necessary to describe whether there were any signs of other diseases, such as shortness of breath, constipation, vomiting, diarrhea, and problems with urination.

    • superficial scraping of the skin for demodicosis;
    • tank culture to determine sensitivity to antibiotics;
    • microscopic skin scraping for fungi;
    • blood tests, both biochemistry and clinical;
    • you also need to check your stool.

    Put the animal on a diet, but not immediately, but gradually over several weeks. Introduce hypoallergenic food; if your dog loves meat, then it is better to cook duck or rabbit for it. It is better to exclude any treats. Whether this will help will be clear only in twenty-five days. To the questions “what to anoint the combed areas with?” The answer is simple: use Vishnivetsky ointment or any other with a similar effect.

    So you know what to do when a dog starts scratching its body until it bleeds and why this happens. But still, you should not allow your beloved pet to behave like this, because in any case, nothing good will come of it. And you want the animal to always remain healthy and be able to please you day after day, because it’s so nice when you return home and are greeted by loving eyes.