What is office hysteroscopy? How do you prepare for the procedure? Detection of intrauterine pathologies using diagnostic hysteroscopy What is office hysteroscopy

Office hysteroscopy (mini-hysteroscopy, outpatient hysteroscopy, hysteroscopy without anesthesia) - a procedure that allows without general anesthesia examine the cervical canal, uterine cavity and orifice fallopian tubes, as well as perform a number of surgical procedures.

Why can office hysteroscopy be done without anesthesia?

To perform standard hysteroscopy, thin optical systems (hysteroscopes) with a diameter of 4-7 mm are used. Despite the fact that this diameter is small, it is impossible to insert a hysteroscope into the uterine cavity without first dilating the cervical canal. The dilatation of the cervix is ​​sensitive to the patient and therefore anesthesia is necessary for the routine procedure.

For office hysteroscopy, hysteroscopes with a diameter of 2.5-4 mm are used. With such dimensions, the optic can be inserted into the uterine cavity without injuring the cervix and without dilation. Moreover, in most cases it is not even necessary to use speculums.

Hysteroscopes for both office and standard hysteroscopy are flexible and rigid. You can read more about this.

How is the procedure done?

Office hysteroscopy is performed from 6 to 12 days menstrual cycle(counting from the first day of menstruation). Before the procedure, you must take a blood test for infections (HIV, HBS, HCV and RW) and smears for flora. In a situation where during the operation it is assumed that it is possible to switch from mini-hysteroscopy to conventional hysteroscopy, the list of tests is expanded. This issue is discussed at the first consultation after examination and assessment of the nature of the disease.

On the day of surgery, a light breakfast is possible. It is optimal that about 5 hours pass from the last meal to the manipulation, because... with a full stomach or long period fasting increases the likelihood of nausea/vomiting.

If your pain threshold is low, then before leaving the house you can take a tablet of any painkiller. Another option is to warn your doctor before the procedure that you are extremely sensitive to pain, and then a local paracervical block may be performed in the cervical area. BUT! In 90% of cases, office hysteroscopy does not require ANY pain relief. Painful sensations short-term and can be similar to painful periods.

After you have crossed the threshold of the clinic and completed all necessary documents, You will be escorted to a room where you can change clothes.

The procedure itself consists of a sequential examination of the vaginal walls, then the cervical canal (cervical canal) and the uterine cavity (video).

In order for the visualization of the uterus to be high-quality, it is used saline solution, which enters the cavity through the hysteroscope. You will feel that its excess flows out. This is fine. It is also normal to feel fullness in the lower abdomen.

The video image from the hysteroscope is displayed on a large monitor in the operating room. In this case, the resulting image is magnified several times. If you are inclined to see, together with your doctor, what the body looks like “from the inside,” then the additional monitor turns towards you.

Performing office hysteroscopy can take from 5 to 50 minutes, depending on what manipulations are performed.

Who is indicated for office hysteroscopy?

In addition to visual diagnostics, the following manipulations can be performed during hysteroscopy:

Endometrial biopsy for infertility and miscarriage(instead of traditional scraping);

The office hysteroscopy procedure can be supplemented ultrasound examination pipe patency - hydrosonography.

Endometrial biopsy for suspected hyperplasia(especially important in postmenopausal women, when the presence chronic diseases increases the risks associated with anesthesia);

Separation synechiae and septum in the uterine cavity;

Removal submucous fibroids;

Removal polyps cervix and endometrium;

Removal intrauterine device(if it is impossible to remove it in the usual way);

Carrying out intrauterine sterilization (Essure method).

When the procedure cannot be performed:

At inflammation pelvic organs;

At pregnancy;

With massive bleeding;

If you suspect Cancer endometrium or cervix;

At significant narrowing cervical canal.

What happens after the procedure?

After the procedure, you can leave the clinic in half an hour.

You can drive a car on this day. It is worth refraining for 1-2 days from intimate relationships, visiting the pool, sauna, etc. There are no other restrictions.

After 5-7 days, you need to come for a second consultation for the results of histology and further recommendations for treatment.

When a woman’s gynecological health is “lame,” she experiences a storm of feelings and is very worried. Many girls consider going to the gynecologist and undergoing numerous tests a real feat. But new look examination, called office hysteroscopy, makes it possible to examine the uterine cavity not only by touch, but also to see the problem. Therefore, the value of this method is enormous and undeniable.

What is office hysteroscopy?

It is practically no different from surgical option– in both cases, it is possible to examine the woman’s genital organs and identify pathologies. But the traditional procedure is done under anesthesia and is considered minor surgical intervention, therefore the patient should be observed in a hospital setting. Diagnostic office hysteroscopy can be performed in a doctor's office in outpatient setting.

On the day of visiting a gynecologist, a woman undergoes an ultrasound, and if there is a suspicion of pathology in the uterine cavity, the doctor suggests undergoing an office hysteroscopy. It makes it possible to put accurate diagnosis, and sometimes remove a polyp or other small formations. The uterus is easily visible using a hysteroscope - this is a special endoscopic device.

How is the procedure performed?

Into the uterine cavity through the vagina and cervical canal insert a tube whose diameter does not exceed 3 mm. Installed at the end optical system, displaying the image on the display. Due to the high degree of resolution, even small images can be seen pathological formations.

The procedure lasts approximately 5-15 minutes and is virtually painless. A woman may feel slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Using this device, a specialist will detect adhesions in the canal and uterine cavity, polyps, and small myomatous nodes. In some cases, the doctor can remove the polyp using office hysteroscopy right in the process, as well as remove small formations and break up synechiae.

Endometrial hyperplasia, due to which a woman complains of heavy menstruation. This method also allows you to determine the cause of bleeding. unknown origin in girls. With hysteroscopy of the uterus, you can see oncological pathologies and begin treatment in a timely manner.

When should it be done?

If a woman is of reproductive age, then the procedure is performed immediately after her period.

This is explained by the fact that the endometrium is still thin, so even small formations can be seen. By the second phase it thickens, which makes diagnosis difficult.

For postmenopausal women, the test can be performed on any day. The specialist will tell you what tests you need to take first to rule out acute pathologies: smear for flora, blood test for syphilis, HIV and hepatitis.


There are a number of factors that are the basis for the procedure:

  • Severe pain during menstruation;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Uterine fibroids;
  • Habitual miscarriage;
  • Infertility;
  • Suspicion of adhesive process, endometrial pathology.

Because general anesthesia is not carried out, the woman can watch the monitor screen and control the progress of the study. During the procedure, she can ask questions, receive recommendations and valuable advice. If necessary, the doctor will take a piece of the endometrium for a biopsy.

Hysteroscopy is mandatory for the following diseases:

  • Chronic and internal endometriosis;
  • Myoma;
  • Infertility;
  • Any uterine pathologies.

How to prepare for the procedure?

Any intrauterine intervention should be carried out only after preparation has been made. And hysteroscopy is no exception. Before it is carried out, the doctor prescribes a complete clinical examination, including consultations with a therapist and other specialists, if indicated.

But one examination is not enough; preparation for office hysteroscopy is necessary with medication. It consists of soothing and antibacterial therapy. Its main goal is to protect the body as much as possible from possible consequences and ease the postoperative period.

  • The day before, take a shower and epilate the pubic area;
  • Before going to bed, drink 30 drops of motherwort if you are very nervous;
  • The procedure is carried out on empty bladder;
  • Make sure you have a clean shirt, socks and sanitary pads with you;
  • Leave the decorations at home;
  • A couple of hours before the operation, you need to take an antibiotic, which the doctor will prescribe.

After the procedure, you must regularly measure your temperature and take medications prescribed by a specialist. Their dosage and duration of use depend on the complexity of the situation and the severity of pain. For two weeks you cannot have sex, play sports or perform thermal procedures. You can only wash in the shower. It is important to monitor the nature of the discharge and for any alarming symptoms It's better to consult a doctor.

Update: December 2018

One of the modern diagnostic and medical procedures in gynecology is hysteroscopy. This operation allows you to examine the uterus, identify and, if necessary, promptly remove pathology, and in many cases, decide on the problem. The doctor decides whether to perform hysteroscopy, based on the indications and contraindications for this procedure, but the last word, of course, remains with the patient.

Briefly about hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy is a therapeutic and diagnostic manipulation that allows you to visually evaluate the uterus from the inside, identify pathological formations or anomalies in its structure and, if necessary, remove them promptly, that is, without penetrating into the uterus. abdominal cavity. This method refers to endoscopic and is carried out using a special optical device - a hysteroscope by a trained specialist.

Translated from Greek, hysteroscopy means “to examine the uterus.” Manipulation can be diagnostic or therapeutic. Diagnostic hysteroscopy is performed not only to examine the internal uterine surface, but also to collect material (endometrium) for histological examination (biopsy). During therapeutic hysteroscopy, surgical interventions are performed, for example, removal of tumors or foreign bodies.

Preparation for the procedure

Since hysteroscopy is an invasive procedure and is akin to surgery, before undergoing it the patient is prescribed an examination (excluding emergency cases):

From instrumental methods are appointed:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvis;
  • (if indicated);
  • fluorography;
  • blood clotting test;
  • (if indicated).

If the patient has chronic extragenital diseases, a consultation with a doctor of the appropriate profile with corrective therapy is indicated. If detected, vaginal sanitation is prescribed (up to 1 - 2 degrees of cleanliness).

The examination is carried out on an outpatient basis. After admission to the hospital, the patient is given a cleansing enema (bowel preparation) before the procedure, and immediately before hysteroscopy it is necessary to empty the bladder. Eating on the day of the procedure is prohibited due to intravenous anesthesia during hysteroscopy. Hysteroscopy is planned for days 5–7 of the cycle, that is, in the first (proliferative) phase, when the new functional layer of the endometrium has just begun to grow and the inner surface of the uterus is accessible for inspection.

It is also necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse 3 days before the procedure, and stop douching a week before. The use of spermicides and vaginal suppositories 7 days before hysteroscopy is also not recommended.

Types of hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy, depending on the purpose, can be:

  • diagnostic – when it is necessary to identify the causes of “problems” in female line(to diagnose endometrial polyposis, submucosal myomatous node or other pathology);
  • therapeutic – after examination inner surface surgical intervention is performed in the uterus (excision of polyps, resection of a myomatous node, dissection of adhesions or septum in the uterus);
  • control - carried out through certain time(usually six months later) after intrauterine interventions using hysteroscopy.

For a successful operation, it is necessary to straighten the uterine walls, stretch and expand the uterus. For this purpose, media are introduced into the uterine cavity. Depending on the medium used, hysteroscopy is divided into:

  • liquid (saline solution or 5% glucose is injected);
  • gas (carbon dioxide is introduced).

Office hysteroscopy

Office endometrial hysteroscopy is one of the options for diagnostic hysteroscopy and is performed on an outpatient basis. This name for the procedure comes from Europe, where hysteroscopy with diagnostic purpose can be performed not only by a gynecologist, but by a doctor general profile and it is performed on an outpatient basis, in medical offices(by Western definition - in offices).

Office hysteroscopy is called simple hysteroscopy, mini-hysteroscopy, diagnostic video hysteroscopy. The latter term implies showing the patient a picture of the inner surface of the uterus during the manipulation. Advantages of minihysteroscopy:

  • low traumatic procedure (a hysteroscope with the smallest diameter is used, without expanding the cervical canal);
  • there is no need for general anesthesia, which reduces the cost of hysteroscopy and the risk of anesthetic complications;
  • opportunity outpatient, does not require hospitalization and does not affect ability to work;
  • short period of the procedure (no more than half an hour);
  • good tolerance to manipulation;
  • It is possible to perform an endometrial biopsy.


The decision on the need for hysteroscopy is made by the doctor based on the following indications:

  • various disruptions in the menstrual cycle in girls, women of childbearing and premenopausal age;
  • bleeding and spotting in postmenopause;
  • suspicion and for confirmation:
    • submucosal myomatous node;
    • adenomyosis;
    • endometrial cancer;
    • malformations of the uterus;
    • intrauterine synechiae;
    • perforation of the uterus;
    • remnants of the fertilized egg and membranes;
    • polyposis and;
    • foreign body in the uterine cavity;
  • clarification of the localization of the intrauterine device or its parts;
  • infertility;
  • How preparatory stage before IVF;
  • miscarriage;
  • evaluate the effect and monitor the result of hormonal treatment;
  • complicated postpartum period.

As it becomes clear, hysteroscopy is the most effective and effective method diagnosis and treatment gynecological pathology, therefore, it is not advisable to refuse the procedure.


Like any other intrauterine procedure, hysteroscopy is not performed in the following situations:

  • spicy infectious diseases(colds, sore throat, etc.);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • acute inflammation of the genital organs (colpitis, endometritis, adnexitis);
  • intrauterine pregnancy (desired);
  • or suspicion of it;
  • advanced cervical cancer;
  • extragenital diseases in the stage of decompensation ( cardiovascular pathology, kidney);
  • profuse bleeding from the uterus;
  • atresia of the cervical canal.

Recovery period

The recovery period after the manipulation is conventionally divided into 2 stages. The first stage consists of the primary restoration and normalization of the structure and functioning of damaged uterine tissue (mucous membrane and muscle layer). At the first stage, microdamages and surgical incisions are completely healed, and the cervical canal is restored and regenerated. This stage lasts about 2–3 weeks and ends with complete regeneration of surgical damage and the formation of scar-free tissue.

The second stage of recovery is aimed at the formation of new, newly formed tissue, that is, a new endometrium after hysteroscopy. The new uterine lining must have normal structure and all its inherent functional properties (proliferation and rejection of the endometrium according to the phases of the menstrual cycle). The second stage of recovery requires more time and lasts up to 6 months.

Discharge after the procedure

Blood and moderate spotting will occur in the first 2 - 3 days after the manipulation. This is explained traumatic injury uterine mucosa with instruments. Subsequently, the discharge becomes bloody or yellow, which can last up to two weeks. The duration of ichor discharge is due to the expansion of the uterine cavity with liquid during hysteroscopy; the liquid penetrates into the vessels, damaging their walls, which leads to the release of “ichor”. But in the event of the appearance of abundant bleeding and blood clots, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Menstruation after hysteroscopy

When does your period come after hysteroscopy? It all depends on the purpose of the procedure. In the case of diagnostic, especially office hysteroscopy, menstruation occurs according to the usual cycle schedule, but slight delays are possible (2 - 3 days). This is explained by the fact that when diagnostic procedure The endometrium is practically not injured, so a long time for its recovery is not required. But in the case of therapeutic hysteroscopy, especially after completion of the procedure by curettage of the uterine cavity, more long delay menstruation In this situation, the first day of the menstrual cycle should be considered the day of the operation and expect menstruation in about a month. It is important to monitor the nature of the first menstruation after the procedure. If there is a change in color or consistency, or an increase in the amount of bleeding, you should consult a gynecologist.

Pain after the procedure

Pain after hysteroscopy is absolutely considered normal occurrence, if it is minor or moderate, it is localized in the lower abdomen or in the lower back/sacrum and lasts a couple of days. Painful sensations are explained, firstly, by the stretching of the uterine cavity during the procedure with gas or liquid, and secondly, by traumatization of the tissues of the cervix and uterus with instruments. Women with low pain threshold complain of severe pain, in such cases the doctor may recommend taking NSAIDs with a good analgesic effect (ketorol, indomethacin, nise). But if the stomach hurts unbearably, the nature of the pain is cramping, dagger-like or shooting, the temperature rises significantly and the symptoms of intoxication increase, the pain radiates to the perineum or leg, then you must immediately seek help. medical care to eliminate possible complications.

In the early recovery period it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist:

  • abstain from sexual activity for about 3–4 weeks (ideally, before your first period);
  • It is prohibited to take a bath, visit the bathhouse and sauna, or swim in a pool or open water for at least 3 weeks;
  • maintain personal hygiene (shower daily, wash twice a day using detergents with a pH-neutral reaction ( intimate gels, baby soap);
  • as a rule, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory treatment after hysteroscopy (prophylactically) with antibiotics (ciprofloxacin) and metronidazole for a course of 5–7 days;
  • daily monitoring of body temperature (in the morning and before bedtime);
  • stop taking aspirin as a pain reliever (the drug thins the blood, which will increase spotting and can cause bleeding);
  • postpone intensive physical activity, heavy physical labor and lifting weights of more than 3 kg for 1 - 1.5 months (health-improving sports exercises are allowed after 2 - 3 weeks);
  • refusal of tampons during the period of bleeding, it is better to use pads;
  • a ban on intravaginal administration of tablets, suppositories, gels and creams, as well as douching;
  • after hysteroscopy, you should not use spermicides for a month;
  • stick to rational nutrition so as not to provoke constipation (refusal of spicy, salty, pickled foods, fried and fatty foods).
  • Empty your bladder in a timely manner.

Pregnancy after hysteroscopy

Most women who undergo a hysteroscopy procedure are concerned about when pregnancy will occur after it. If the procedure was performed for diagnostic purposes, and no surgical interventions were performed in the uterine cavity, for example, excision of a polyp, then conception is possible already in the next cycle. This is explained fast recovery uterine mucosa and. But doctors warn the patient that there is no need to rush, and when you can get pregnant depends on many other factors:

  • the nature of the menstrual cycle (regular or not);
  • availability of other gynecological diseases(inflammation of the appendages, background processes of the cervix, external endometriosis and others);
  • the presence of extragenital pathology (it is necessary to correct the condition and undergo treatment);
  • preparation for pregnancy ( healthy image life, moderate physical activity for at least 3 months);
  • examination for sexually transmitted infections and treatment of both partners if they are detected (human papillomavirus and others).

At favorable conditions It is allowed to plan a pregnancy no earlier than 3 months after the procedure.

IVF after hysteroscopy

When a patient is preparing for IVF, she must undergo a fairly complex examination, the protocol of which includes hysteroscopy. But not in all IVF clinics this procedure is mandatory. IVF after hysteroscopy can end unsuccessfully (miscarriage) in the case of undetected and untreated intrauterine pathology, so most reproductologists believe mandatory passing procedures. What a doctor can identify and remove (if necessary) during hysteroscopy before IVF:

  • excise polyps;
  • remove hyperplastic endometrium;
  • cut intrauterine adhesions;
  • excise the intrauterine septum;
  • remove foci of endometriosis;
  • correct the shape of the uterus in case of its abnormal development;
  • remove the submucosal myomatous node;
  • check the patency of the pipes (inserting a catheter into the pipes).

After surgical hysteroscopy, planning a pregnancy is allowed no earlier than six months later. In case of successful fertilization and implantation of the egg, the woman is registered at the dispensary from the moment pregnancy is established and is carefully monitored. The course of pregnancy depends not only on the intrauterine surgical intervention, but also from other factors:

  • hormonal levels before pregnancy;
  • age;
  • number of births and;
  • cervical condition (UC);
  • extragenital pathology.

Cost of hysteroscopy

The cost of hysteroscopy depends on the purpose for which it is performed. Diagnostic or office hysteroscopy, respectively, is cheaper since it does not include surgery. Prices for surgical hysteroscopy vary according to the level of complexity of the operation, the qualifications and experience of the doctor and the quality of the equipment. Increases the cost of the procedure and the need (in some cases) for hospital stay. But, of course, the price of the service depends on the region and the level of the clinic.

For example, in Moscow, diagnostic hysteroscopy will cost 15,000 - 35,000 rubles, and the price for an operating room reaches 60,000 - 65,000 rubles. In the provinces, the price of office hysteroscopy ranges from 2500 - 9000 rubles, and the procedure with surgical treatment intrauterine pathology costs from 3,500 to 25,000 rubles. Average price for a hospital stay is 1500 – 4000 rubles.

Possible complications

Hysteroscopy, like any invasive procedure, is fraught with complications.

Early complications

From the early postoperative complications It should be noted:

  • inflammation of the uterus and peritoneum of the small pelvis (endometritis, pelvioperitonitis) – accounts for 90% of all complications;
  • intravascular hemolysis caused by the duration of the operation and the use of distilled water or electrolyte-free media or increased intrauterine pressure;
  • bleeding – no more than 5% of all complications (observed after resection of fibroids, resection or ablation of the endometrium).

Late complications

TO late complications include:

  • formation of pyometra in postmenopausal patients (in case of rough manipulation);
  • formation of hydrosalpinxes, especially with chronic adnexitis;
  • deformation of the uterine cavity (after resection of the endometrium or removal of large myomatous nodes);
  • exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes;
  • Not complete removal intrauterine formations.

Question - answer

I was diagnosed with an endometrial polyp six months after the hysteroscopy. What is the reason for this and how to treat it?

Answer: Recurrence of an endometrial polyp is most likely associated with incomplete removal of the formation during the previous procedure (a stalk remains). Treatment will consist of re-execution hysteroscopy, with excision of the polyp and coagulation of its bed ( electric shock or freezing) with the possible administration of hormonal drugs.

What should be the body temperature after hysteroscopy?

Answer: Ideally, body temperature in the morning and evening should not exceed 37 degrees. But while there are bloody or bloody discharge(7 - 10 days), evening temperature may increase slightly (up to 37.2 degrees). In case of more high temperature, as well as its increase in the morning, you should consult a doctor to exclude the inflammatory process of the internal genital organs.

Is it possible to take hemostatic drugs after hysteroscopy and which ones?

Answer: As a rule, bleeding after the procedure is insignificant and short-lived and does not require hemostatic agents. Vitamin C, calcium gluconate and Vicasol can be taken as hemostatic drugs. The doctor will recommend taking iron supplements.

Why are they prescribed after hysteroscopy? hormonal pills or injections?

Answer: Since the procedure in most cases is carried out with the aim of removing intrauterine tumors resulting from hormonal imbalance(polyps, fibroids, endometrial hyperplastic processes), doctor for normalization hormonal levels recommends hormone therapy. As a rule, they are appointed oral contraceptives for a period of 3 – 6 months.

Is it necessary to see a gynecologist after hysteroscopy?

Answer: Yes, definitely. The first visit to the doctor after the procedure should be 10 to 14 days. Control ultrasound is performed after 3 and then after 6 months. If the examination results are favorable and there are no complaints, the woman should subsequently visit a gynecologist every year.

On what day are you discharged from the hospital after hysteroscopy?

Answer: If the procedure is planned as an inpatient procedure, then on average the patient is sent home the very next day. But in some cases it is possible to leave the hospital after a few hours ( satisfactory condition, spotting and spotting). A woman may be left in the hospital for several days (2–3) after significant surgery (removal of a myomatous node or multiple endometrial polyps) or if complications arise.

Office hysteroscopy (mini-hysteroscopy) is common diagnostic method, which allows you to examine the uterine cavity, the mouth of the fallopian tubes and the cervical canal of the cervix. During the examination, you can not only diagnose polyps, myomatous nodes, adhesions, endometriosis, but also perform a number of therapeutic procedures: dissect synechiae, remove a polyp or a small submucosal myoma. In addition, with the help of special manipulators, you can take small pieces of tissue for further histological examination- this is the so-called biopsy. If large-sized neoplasms are detected, the patient will be prescribed additional examination.

Unlike surgical hysteroscopy, mini-hysteroscopy (office) can be performed on an outpatient basis, in a regular gynecological office, and does not require general anesthesia. To perform the procedure there is a special optical instrument- a hysteroscope, which is a thin tube. During the procedure, the image is transmitted to the monitor in real time. The degree of resolution is so high that the doctor can detect pathological formations whose size does not exceed two millimeters.

RUB 39,000

The duration of the examination does not exceed 30 minutes

The result is ready immediately, histological analysis in 3-7 days

Indications and contraindications


  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Myomatous nodes, polyps, adhesions
  • Anomaly of the uterus
  • Obstruction of the proximal fallopian tubes
  • Infertility
  • Removal of the intrauterine contraceptive device
  • Carrying out a biopsy


  • Pregnancy
  • Diseases of the genital organs of an inflammatory or infectious nature
  • Cervical stenosis, cancer
  • Severe accompanying somatic diseases V acute period(heart attack, aneurysm, etc.)

Benefits of office hysteroscopy

  • The use of a video camera, which is equipped with a hysteroscope, allows the examination to be carried out under visual control, so all manipulations are performed with high precision.
  • The examination does not require complex preparation or anesthesia.
  • During the procedure, you can instantly remove detected pathologies: polyps, nodes, adhesions.
  • When performing the procedure, you can do a biopsy - take tissue particles for further histological analysis.

Doctor's comment

Are you scheduled for office hysteroscopy, but you doubt the advisability of it? But, unlike surgery, your body will not be exposed to anesthetics, and after the examination you can go home. Meanwhile, thanks to the capabilities of the equipment used, it is possible to detect even pathology whose size does not exceed 2 mm. Moreover, the identified deviation can be immediately eliminated. It’s not for nothing that office hysteroscopy is called the “gold standard” in gynecology. Perhaps you are afraid of the examination? But the diameter of the instrument does not exceed three millimeters, so the procedure is painless, and its duration is no more than 20 minutes. By the way, during the procedure you will be able to watch the doctor’s actions on the monitor and even ask him questions that interest you. Do you still have doubts? Call or make an appointment and we will discuss your upcoming examination together.

Why is it better to do office hysteroscopy at the Swiss University Hospital?

  • Our Center sees doctors highest category, who have more than 1000 completed gynecological examinations, each of our specialists is capable of masterfully performing more than 100 types of operations in their specialization.
  • Every year, doctors at our clinic consult more than 5,000 patients; many of our specialists are consultants in other well-known medical institutions.
  • Our clinic specialists, using innovative techniques in examination and treatment, have achieved amazing results in solving the problem of infertility. Our gynecologists and surgeons have accounted for more than 600 children born whose mothers were diagnosed with infertility.
  • We are one of the few domestic clinics operating according to the traditions of universities Western Europe. We also cooperate with leading university clinics in France, Switzerland and Germany.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need special preparation for office hysteroscopy?

    Women's screening day reproductive age are selected individually. This takes into account the duration of the menstrual cycle and the preliminary diagnosis. In most cases, the study is prescribed from the 7th to the 11th day of the menstrual cycle. The first phase of the cycle is suitable for the examination, since during this period the woman’s endometrial thickness is minimal (up to 3 mm). In the second phase, the layer will be thickened, which makes it much more difficult to identify small tumors. Any day recommended by a doctor is suitable for examining postmenopausal women. Before the procedure, the patient must undergo comprehensive examination: take blood tests to detect syphilis, HIV infection or hepatitis B, as well as general clinical tests. In addition, a smear is required for cytological examination and vaginal microflora in order to exclude the exacerbation of any diseases.

  • How is office hysteroscopy performed?

    The procedure takes place on an outpatient basis and lasts no more than 20 minutes. The examination is virtually painless, so there is no need to use anesthesia, although the use of anesthetics is possible local action(spray or instillation gel). During the procedure, a woman can watch the doctor’s actions on the monitor screen and even ask questions. A thin instrument with a diameter of no more than 3 mm is inserted into the uterine cavity, at the end of which there is an optical system that transmits the image to the screen. During the examination, it is possible to identify even very small tumors (up to several millimeters) and remove them immediately.

  • What should you expect during and after office hysteroscopy?

    IN in rare cases possible appearance of lungs, nagging pain, arising in the lower abdomen, which go away on their own. However, most patients do not experience any discomfort. Immediately after the procedure, the patient can go home. To reduce the risk of infection, it is recommended to avoid using tampons, douching, and bathing for a week. It is better to postpone sexual intercourse for a month.

  • Are complications possible after office hysteroscopy and what are they?

    During the procedure, theoretically, there is a risk of complications, among them the following are of particular danger: perforation of the uterine wall, development of bleeding, decreased blood pressure. After a day there is a possibility of development inflammatory process. However, it is worth noting that when using modern equipment, and if all rules of asepsis and antisepsis are observed, the risk of complications is practically absent.

  • Is it possible to replace office hysteroscopy with another diagnostic method, for example, ultrasound?

    Compared to ultrasound, mini-hysteroscopy is more informative; it can be used to detect, for example, small myomatous submucosal nodes small in size, which cannot be diagnosed by ultrasound. And adhesions that can become an obstacle to pregnancy can not only be detected, but also instantly removed.