How can you get better without compromising your health? Holiday overeating: how much damage can you do to your figure in one day? Is it possible to gain weight from

Why are you getting fat and what should you do to avoid gaining weight? This question is relevant not only for modern women, but also for the stronger sex and even children. Surprisingly, most often people ask it to themselves and, of course, cannot find the correct answer due to their incompetence. In this regard, we recommend turning to experienced nutritionists who know their business and will certainly be able to tell you what makes you fat and cannot lose weight.

Unfortunately, not all people have free cash to visit a specialist. That is why we will try to answer this question in this article.

Why are you getting fat?

There are several factors why a person begins to gain a lot of weight. And most often people understand what exactly their fatness is connected with. But probable failure makes them literally “blind” from their favorite habits. In this regard, our task becomes to open the eyes of overweight people who want to gain slim and sexy shapes.

Poor nutrition

“Why do you get fat if you eat little and rarely?” - patients very often turn to experienced nutritionists with this question. But if all the tests this person is fine, and he is not taking any hormonal medications, then the specialist is quite skeptical about this statement. After all, people who lead, including eating right, will never gain extra pounds. However, most women and men are still confident that they do not eat too many foods to gain weight.

Nutritionists call this effect self-deception. After all, if you objectively count the number of snacks and meals eaten per day, it turns out that they contain several times more calories than a person should. So let's find out together what exactly contributes to obesity.

Foods that make you fat

Absolutely all modern products contain elements such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These substances are essential for normal development and the existence of the human body. They promote muscle and bone growth and are responsible for healthy condition organs, etc. But everything is good in moderation. After all, these elements can both help your body and destroy it.


Most often, foods that make you fat contain large amounts of carbohydrates. These include our favorite confectionery, pasta and bakery products, as well as fruits, juices, sugar and other sweet and flour ingredients. That is why during diets, experts recommend flatly abandoning the listed components. But what to do if the normal development of the body requires not only proteins and fats, but also carbohydrates?

The fact is that the latter are divided into two groups: called monosaccharides, they quickly increase the blood sugar level, which affects not only a person’s health, but also his figure. Complex elements are absorbed more slowly, and much more energy is required to digest them. So what kind of carbohydrates do you think all of the above foods contain? Of course, they consist entirely of monosaccharides and quickly lead to fullness.

Does bread make you fat or not? This question is also very often asked to nutritionists. It should be noted that from bakery products people gain weight most often (after eating confectionery sweets). But this is only if this product is as fresh as possible and made from premium grades wheat. If you cannot completely give up bread, then we recommend opting for rye crackers or special diet bread.

It is also worth noting that honey makes you fat no less often than granulated sugar. After all, this ingredient, although it is useful product, still consists of almost nothing but carbohydrates. Most often, honey is recommended for those who absolutely cannot live without sweets, and it is necessary to get your figure in order. as soon as possible. However, you should not eat it with bread and butter; you can only enjoy a couple of spoons for breakfast or lunch. By the way, by abusing this product, you can not only harm your own figure, but also your health. After all, honey is the strongest allergen.


“Only those who eat it get fat from lard,” many nutritionists joke. What is this connected with? As you know, lard is 100% fat. And if excess carbohydrates, getting into human body, are first converted into triglycerides, and only then deposited on the stomach, sides and thighs, then the presented element does not need to be subjected to chemical reactions, he immediately finds secluded places in the mentioned areas of the body. That is why you should also refuse such a tasty and aromatic product.

Does porridge make you fat? To answer this question, you need to understand what this dish consists of. As a rule, it includes cereals, milk and spices, including granulated sugar. As for the first product (buckwheat, rice, semolina, millet, oatmeal, etc.), most often it contains substances that are beneficial for the body and almost never have a negative effect on the figure. But, as you know, porridge is made with milk, and at the end they also add a piece butter. It is these fatty components that can let you down, since they will clearly contribute to you gaining extra pounds again. In this regard, nutritionists recommend cooking porridge exclusively in water and without adding granulated sugar.

Carbohydrates + fats

As we found out above, the two named components are the most terrible enemies of our figure. Then it is difficult to imagine what will happen if they are combined together.

Let's remember what everyday dishes we love most. These include:

  • pastries, cakes, sweets, chocolate and other confectionery products;
  • Navy pasta, salads based on mayonnaise and vegetables, mashed potatoes with fried and fatty meat, sausages in dough, hamburgers, French fries, sandwiches with butter, cheese and other main courses;
  • fatty soups with potatoes, rice, noodles and dumplings, etc.

If we look at these products in more detail, we can safely say that every day you consume a killer combination of carbohydrates and fats. This is what causes all your problems with excess weight.

Does coffee make you fat or not? Reply to asked question definitely quite difficult. And before doing this, you should again find out what kind of drink we are talking about. If you are used to drinking coffee with cream and sugar every day, then yes, you will certainly gain weight from this combination. If you are a supporter of a black drink without milk or sweeteners, then you are in no danger.

Thus, we can safely conclude that our figure is being destroyed by the wrong and wrong balanced diet, which most often consists of such a killer combination as carbohydrates and fats.


Unlike the other two elements, proteins do not affect the human figure in any way. That is why today diets that are based on products primarily consisting of the presented substance are quite popular. These ingredients include low-fat varieties meat, fish, legumes (peas, chickpeas, beans, soy), seafood, dairy products, etc. But surely each of us understands that such components also include harmful elements. After all, it’s hard to imagine cheese, milk or cottage cheese without fat. Although today there are products that are as devoid of the mentioned substance as possible.

However, it should be noted that, unlike a combination of carbohydrates and fats, proteins and triglycerides do not contribute to rapid and significant weight gain. Especially if you use them in moderation.

Features of the nation

Why don't French women get fat? At one time, this question became the title of a very interesting and fascinating book. But to answer it, it is not at all necessary to re-read this publication over and over again.

Indeed, there is an opinion that the French are not susceptible to obesity. But this is only partly true. After all, the habit of consuming a lot junk food originates from birth. For example, Russians have always been distinguished by the fact that they loved to eat tasty and plentiful food. One has only to remember how historians described the royal tables that were set for holidays and celebrations. As for the French, their nation is still associated with regularity and caution. This is probably why they are picky eaters and never allow themselves to eat too much.

How not to gain weight?

If you are prone to obesity, then you should pay special attention your diet. After all, an extra piece of cake can mean that in just a few weeks you won’t be able to fit into your favorite dress or trousers. To do this, it is recommended to develop a separate menu, which will differ significantly from the diet of your loved ones. Of course, at first it will be quite difficult for you to abstain from your favorite foods, but after a couple of weeks of effort this habit will disappear on its own.

Active lifestyle

Another answer to the question of why people get fat may well be lack of exercise. After all, today few people go in for sports, preferring to sit at the computer or TV once again. But in order to gain beauty, you should definitely give up these habits. After all, nothing burns excess fat like jogging or a banal walk in the park. It is also worth noting that if the calories you take in are many times greater than the number of energy units you expend during physical movement, then you will never lose weight. In this regard, you should always remember balance and know when to stop when eating.

There is not a single person who would like to gain weight (except for recovery from serious illnesses and individual cases).

Such a desire is quite natural and conscious, since we live in society, we come into contact with other people every day, and if the person with whom we have to communicate has overweight- it means he is less pleasant.

No matter how wonderful a listener and storyteller he is, if he doesn’t take care of himself, then his appearance will not be attractive. Psychologists have talked about this more than once, claiming that it is easier for a person with an attractive appearance to get a job than his opponent with the opposite characteristics.

Naturally, one cannot say that all people should adapt themselves to fashion “standards” and be thin. The more important thing is to understand your optimal weight and stick to it. And for this to happen, it is important to eat well and properly.

About the role of nutrition in human life

Complex human body
The human body is not always complex. For example, when it comes to nutrition, to keep yourself in good shape, just remember the “rule”: if you eat a lot and move little, your body will gain weight.

There are two ways to avoid this - either eat less (and here it is also important to know how much the body needs for its normal functioning), or increase physical activity.

Unfortunately, a busy schedule, chores at home - all this takes a lot of time and effort, so it is not always possible to allocate a few hours for the gym. But everyone can begin to be more attentive to the food they consume.

What foods make you fat?

The main group of products - the culprits speed dial weights are flour dishes. And this is especially true for cream buns, fatty cakes and milk chocolate.

What makes the situation worse is how addictive these products are. It is enough to eat a small piece, and then willpower comes into play. If it is, then it will be easier to say “no” to yourself.

An example of how high-calorie baking can be is that one piece of cake can contain about 1000 kcal (and this is taking into account that on average daily norm for an adult is 2500 kcal).

Of course, if you treat yourself to such a delicacy and then take a leisurely walk down the street, nothing bad will happen. Much more serious - if cakes become your favorite desserts and are present in the diet much more often than is acceptable.

Should you be afraid of fruits and vegetables?

Many people, thinking about which foods are harmful to their figure, are afraid to eat fruits and vegetables. In fact, it’s in vain. Containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals, products from these groups do not carry any risk of putting on weight.

The only correction: some vegetables may contain a lot of sugar, so it is better to eat them in the first half of the day. An apple or, for example, a pear can be a good snack during the working day.


One of the most dangerous drinks for your figure is beer. There is even such a thing as a “beer belly.” Indeed, a large amount of brewer's yeast in the product quickly does its job, leading to problems with excess weight.

It is also worth noting that, as in the case of sweets, many people love beer, and therefore, after drinking one mug, they then reach for a second one.

Vodka, on the contrary, is a highly toxic drink and therefore a large amount of it seems to deplete the body, as a result of which it loses weight.

You can get better from wine if you don’t know the limits. However, if you monitor the amount of drink you drink (not only wine, but also any other alcohol) you can avoid weight problems.

The same rule applies to food. Balanced diet will never cause problems, and if a person also finds time for sports, then he has nothing to worry about.

Unfortunately, it happens that a person moves a lot, eats right, but still gains weight. In this case the culprits will be hormonal drugs. Add to list dangerous drugs in this case, contraceptives are also included - Thyroxine, Lindinet. Insulin is also at risk.

It is a mistake to believe that only women are afraid of gaining excess weight. For men to take care of themselves and stay in good health physical fitness no less important. Moreover, this question is relevant at any age and for any position held.

And eating right is not at all difficult. To help healthy image life various recipes healthy dishes and sets of exercises that you can do at home yourself.


Protein dosage standards per day for those involved in sports. What happens if these standards are exceeded? Side effects of protein.

Most athletes do not doubt the benefits of protein. They tried it on themselves and enjoy the results. But there is another category - beginners. They are still afraid, gathering information, looking closely at the technique and nutritional habits of other athletes. At the same time, everyone has their own reasons. Some refuse protein due to lack of funds, others are afraid of side effects, and still others do not want to gain weight. With the first excuse, everything is clear (there really may not be enough money). But what about side effects? Is it really possible to gain weight from taking protein?

The main essence of protein

First, let's look at the features of this supplement. All life on the planet is made up of amino acids. The molecules of the latter form long chains, which are ultimately converted into a solid structure - a protein. Today there are dozens of different amino acids, which suggests many combination options. As a consequence, the structure of the protein is also different (hence its many types)

The human body also consists of this substance, which tends to be consumed, destroyed, or even ages. Therefore, the supply of protein food from the outside is key factor growth and development of the body. In case of deficiency, weakness appears and illness begins. There can be no talk of any muscle gain.


A characteristic of most bodybuilders is their excessive protein consumption. They calmly take 200-300 grams of protein per day and are not afraid of gaining weight. The reason is a properly structured diet and even distribution of the load. Of course, they gain weight, but it is mostly “dry”. That is, the result of training is an increase muscle mass, not fat.

It is believed that you can take from 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per kilogram of weight per day (this is the medical norm). But professionals rarely listen to her. They consume up to 2-4 grams of protein per kilo and feel great. At the same time, the likelihood of gaining weight in the case of active exercise and proper nutrition absent at all.

How dangerous is it to increase the dosage?

Doctors unanimously say that you can drink no more than a gram per kilo of weight. On the other hand, there is no evidence of the dangers of protein overdose. Moreover, today special toxicity standards have been developed, according to which conclusions are drawn about the dangers of a particular component (in case of overdose). So, for protein there is no such norm. The top bar was never set.

That's why athletes are comfortable taking protein in large quantities, gaining clean weight and feeling great. At the same time, they do not risk gaining weight, because a high-quality supplement does not contain fats and carbohydrates. Timely intake of the protein mixture helps to compensate for the existing deficiency, fill reserves and provide building material. That's it.

What is the danger?

But you can still gain weight from protein and gain excess weight. In what case? – If you consume protein in immeasurable quantities and do not take care of your body. That is, take protein mixtures and instead of going to gym lie on the sofa. Believe me, after just a month of this “regime” you can increase your weight by several kilos. By the way, the same result can be obtained in the case of normal nutrition and complete physical inactivity.


Protein is often recommended to achieve reverse effect– losing weight. For example, whey protein is an excellent appetite suppressant, nourishes the body with everything it needs and helps burn fat. If you take protein supplements correctly, you can not only not gain weight, but also lose excess weight. The main thing is to strictly follow your diet and exercise. With active loads and regular trips to the gym, it is simply unrealistic to gain weight.

Side effects

In the literature and articles, one can increasingly find opinions about the dangers of protein supplements. It is believed that when the protein mixture is digested, ammonia is released, which is converted by the liver into a harmless compound. The latter, in turn, puts a strain on the kidneys, which are forced to struggle with processing excess protein (if you have exceeded the dosage). It turns out that such important organs have to endure a double load? - Not at all.

Experiments have confirmed that taking 3 grams of protein per kilogram of weight does not pose any danger to the kidneys. In addition, with active training, the chance of gaining weight (specifically in terms of fat) is also minimal. You will certainly gain weight, but it will be muscle.


Thus, gain weight and gain weight if taken sports supplements it is possible, but only in one case - with excessive consumption and the absence of active loads. Otherwise, athletes gain pure mass and improve their bodies, which is what I wish for you too.

How to gain weight quickly.

Usually all the girls write and give various tips on how to quickly and effectively lose weight, but I have a different question for you, on the contrary. How to gain weight for a girl at home? Is it possible to gain weight and quickly gain the missing kilograms?

A calorie surplus will help you gain weight quickly; otherwise, if that doesn’t help, check your hormones.

Why did you decide that they were missing and why did you urgently need to gain weight? Play sports, and over time you will gain quality weight, not fat. If you want to get fat, eat more carbohydrates like a pig and you will be “happiness”, but what is this nonsense for?

What if you are too lazy to play sports?

Eating rolls from morning to night, I only gained weight this way, but I also lost it a couple of days before I was back to my previous state. In general, no way, I’m thin too.

Damn, perfect figure! Why are they needed, these kilograms? Be glad that you are slim; gaining weight will become increasingly easier as you age, but losing it will become increasingly difficult. So don't be stupid.

Is it possible to get better? Easily. In short, look: you fill the freezer with dumplings and take a month off from work. You can, of course, diversify your diet with sausages and sandwiches, so on the very first day of your vacation, lie down on the sofa and start actively throwing yourself into the contents of the freezer, not forgetting, of course, about sandwiches and voila, in a month you weigh 90 kg, everything ingenious is simple .

There is no need to gain weight on purpose, as is advised here. Eat right, and if you are underweight, it will return to normal.

There are some vitamins, they improve your appetite and carry you through normally.

If you are naturally thin, you will never gain weight, no matter how hard you try.

May you still have time to recover, enjoy yourself, unless, of course, you have anorexia.

There is a slight weight gain. Just don't indulge in high-calorie food junk! No buns. Fractional meals must be frequent. You need to eat every two hours. Be sure to eat right. I gained so much weight from 45 kg. I remember getting on the scale in the morning, and there it was: 45, 44, 43. It’s so scary, really.

And then a simple random cold and in three days, out of the 8 kg gained in two months, 10 kg disappear.
Oh, how I was tormented with this at one time!
A pound of mac and cheese every night, overnight. Two or three plates of sauce, a whole Ossetian pie in one snout. As far as I remember, it still makes me sick. Then she spat and neglected this lack of weight. It became normal with age.

Go to the gym, swing, nothing else, and eat more, Google to help. In general, the author wanted to show off in front of fat girls more than to actually ask something.

Only sports. Protein and all that. I remember five years ago I was just as skinny.
Don't be afraid, by the time you're 30 you'll get better.

I weigh 46 with a height of 168, a slight underweight. I decided to get fat. I downloaded an app that calculates how many calories I eat. As a result, with a norm of 2500 calories, I eat 3000, but no results.

If you are a thin girl, then with such a constitution there is no way to gain weight by eating. Only sports the right places you can pump it up. Rolls won't help. My skinny colleague eats like a company of soldiers, this is not an exaggeration, since I have the opposite problem, I once estimated how many calories she consumes per day. I counted about 4000, this is only for a working day, and she also eats at home. And these 4000 are cookies, chocolates, McDucks and other fatty crap. And she is 34 years old, so her body is not growing. If you have such a build and a high metabolism, the only way to gain weight is to exercise.

Are you stupid? Why spoil the figure that millions of fat and overweight people dream of?

Increase the number of calories you consume. And we are, of course, talking about proper nutrition.

Your friend needs to get her hormones checked - thyroxine, leptin; not gaining weight with a calorie surplus is not normal.

Only sports will help, and with a lot of weight in the gym and Gainer. Well, there are 6 times a day. Otherwise, you won't be able to gain weight.

Eat meat, mayonnaise and eggs, there are a lot of calories and all sorts of baked goods, pies, whites, and then you will definitely gain weight.

Protein and gym, or hamburgers and a sofa, depending on what weight you need.
I forgot, sweets can also make you gain weight.

Oh, this is my dream, why do you need to gain weight, judging by the photo, you don’t look like an anorexic! You have very beautiful figure, the only thing you can do is pump yourself up a little and then it will be absolutely perfect.

McDonald's to help skinny girls!

You have such a beautiful, perfect figure, why ruin it?

I also couldn’t gain weight, the gym helped, but now I want to be thin again.
There is no need to gain weight; losing weight will be more difficult later, and abstaining from food will be more difficult.

How the advice wavered - eat more. This doesn't help! You still can’t stuff millions of kilos of food into yourself by force. I also have the same problem, lack of weight, and advice - eat a lot of rolls, etc. - it's just about nothing.

Like this! Dumplings with potatoes!
PS. This is not for myself, this is for my husband.

I have the same problem, I’ve been at the same weight for many years now. Is it possible to get better?

That's it, I got gastritis.

Previously, in school years, I've always been thin. I remember how they poured into my ears that “this is ugly” and “I need to get better.” And she believed it! I dreamed of gaining weight! I ate diligently and, oh my goodness, I gained enough and realized how terrible it was.
Now I have been supporting “my” for many years correct weight. And it’s not as easy as before 20.
By the way, many of my “curvy” classmates have gotten fatter and look 10 years older.
What am I talking about? To the point that listen more to yourself, and less to the opinions of the “well-wishers” around you. Maybe you don’t need this extra weight at all?

Baby food for underweight.

The person asked for advice on how to gain weight quickly, and not “oh, why do you need to gain weight?”

God, this is my big dream - to eat and not get fat.

There is a special one in the pharmacy. nutrition and cocktails for weight gain for children with underweight. One "empit" is worth it. You need to eat balanced meals in portions and often. Those 7-8 times a day, but in small portions. My brother suffered from this. Walked like a skeleton. Mom made him liver pancakes every day. Cream, eggs and beef liver. And seasonings. It is also good to eat liver and blood sausage. Natural.
And, of course, do not lean on fast carbohydrates. It won't lead to anything.

I had the same problem until I was 18-20 years old, a thin girl, always 50 kg with a height of 173.
I really don’t like it when there are no thighs at all, the legs are like sticks.
Now at 23 everything is more or less harmonious, 53 kg is ideal for me. I go to yoga, but the gym was not suitable for my workload.

To lose weight, you need to eat, and to gain weight, you also need to eat, often! Gym and a huge amount of carbohydrates ( healthy carbohydrates). My husband was also slim; in two months he gained the required kilograms by eating a large number porridge, everything went into porridge - chicken, even sausage, since there was no money at that time.

Where do you skinny girls go? There are only fat or average girls on the street. For some, 45-50 kg is “thinness,” but for me it’s already “in the body.”

Just from stress during exams, I lost minus 5 kg in three days. All my pants were starting to fall down.

And how much weight did your husband gain on this diet? And can you tell me more about nutrition? Mine can’t gain weight in any way, even though I eat meat, sausage, side dishes, etc. every day. For dinner he eats 8 pies. And on the scales plus 0, where it all goes is not at all clear.

There are a lot of slender, skinny girls on the street. Go to any center. There are plenty of skinny ones too.

As he told me and showed me photos, everything happened in three months! As he said, he took a 5-liter saucepan and made porridge, threw all kinds of crap meat into it and ate it 7 times during the day. No sweets, pies and plus BCA, and cheap in powder, I think, two months on such a diet anyone will gain weight, you just need discipline.

I think the figure is very beautiful! The main thing is that there is a butt and a defined waist. The legs are slender and long. What a beauty! It’s another matter, of course, if you are not comfortable at this weight.

Increase your carbohydrate intake.

Only a rocking chair for gaining weight! Powerlifting to the rescue! Plus the butt will pump up.

Take enzymes or a probiotic for starters, try to eat more often, include milk, cheeses, nuts in your diet, fatty fish, potatoes and sweet potatoes, physical activity help increase appetite.

It’s better to go to the gym and build muscles, they will only improve your body; I don’t understand why fat is needed.
And I wouldn't gain weight if I were you.

Eat at night, before bed like I do, you will get fat, I guarantee you.

Instead of the “lose weight for summer” marathon, it was “get fat for winter.” Seasonality.
No need to hurry. We need to be healthier. You need to pump up your body physically. activity and weight gain will begin. Naturally, we are not talking about fitness, which in other circles is called “sport,” but this is a deception.
A regular sport, such as athletics, several times a week will suit you. Only your hips are dystrophic, the rest is close to normal. Hence the choice of sport.
The point is that, in the process, the body will want to eat and strengthen the structure. The diet will be closer to sports, respectively.

Eat a lot of carbohydrates and work out so that you have muscles, not fat.
But if I were you, I wouldn’t gain weight!

Baby food for premature hips.

If your figure is like in the photo, then you don’t need to gain weight.

Can you advise how to gain weight for a skinny girl?


Any woman who cares about her figure fears the consequences of holiday overeating or an “accidental” diet violation.

But how can you refuse your mother’s holiday pies and salads? Who hasn’t periodically “freaked out” and run to the refrigerator for another portion of ice cream, completely forgetting about willpower and the desire to lose weight? As they say, we are all human, and nothing human is alien to us. It is especially difficult to maintain your figure on holidays and critical days, as well as during times of stress and hard work. But you shouldn’t give up and feel sorry for the “lost” diet. Because not everything is lost yet.

In general, I wonder how much you need (or can) eat to gain, say, extra half a kilo ? Do you think it's just a piece of cake? Fortunately, no.

First, let's make a reservation: we are not talking about salty food. If you overeat salt - chips, herring, pickled cucumbers, etc. - then, most likely, the next morning you will find it on the scales extra kilos, even if you stayed within your normal calorie intake. This kilogram will not consist of fats that have “sucked” to your thighs, but of excess water accumulated in the body. However, this kilogram will go away just as quickly if you stick to a low-salt or salt-free diet for a day or two and for next days drink more water.

In our case we'll talk about sweets or fatty foods, or just about large quantities food. How much of this do you need to eat to gain half a kilo in a day? As calculations and logic show, this requires a lot of effort. Firstly, the body “swings” gradually, and, as a rule, it needs more than one day to start storing fat. Secondly, to gain weight overnight, you need to eat 3,500 calories more than your usual caloric intake. That is, if you usually consume 2000 calories, then to instantly gain half a pound of weight you need to consume 5500 calories! And that's not even taking into account physical activity.

What do those unfortunate 3,500 extra calories look like? This could be, for example, a piece of fried chicken (250 calories), a little mashed potatoes(110 calories), 3 glasses of wine (370 calories), a serving of Olivier (300 calories), a serving of jellied meat (400 calories), a serving of ice cream (250 calories), a chocolate bar (600 calories) and a piece of cake (800 calories). That's a huge amount of food, and you haven't even crossed the line yet!

It is almost impossible to gain weight in one day of overeating. And although many people complain that they gain up to 2 kg during the holidays, for the most part this is either subjective feelings(feeling of heaviness, puffiness, etc.), or we're talking about more than one day of gluttony.

Whatever you gain in terms of fat and calories this day must be burned the next. To get rid of unpleasant post-holiday feelings, as well as feelings of guilt, to prevent excess calories from appearing on the scale and to quickly return to the right path, the next day or even two after overeating should be devoted to correcting the mistakes made:
Return to your normal caloric intake or reduce it slightly. But don't starve, otherwise you will start the process of gluttony again. You can make this day a fasting day or a vegetarian one. A serving of rice will greatly help in alleviating the symptoms of overeating; it is a good absorbent of toxins and excess salt, not too high in calories and satisfying.
Increase your intake of water, low-fat dairy drinks and herbal tea, this will allow you to rinse and cleanse the body, and will also speed up the metabolism, which is so necessary for burning the extra calories accumulated the day before. Avoid carbohydrate and caffeinated drinks.
Try to be physically active, no matter how much you want to spend the day on the couch watching TV. It’s unlikely, of course, that you’ll be able to go to the gym, but at least go for a walk.

In pursuit of ideal figure Don't give up holiday treats—just don't make them a habit.