How to distinguish a dry cough from a wet one: characteristic signs. What is the difference between a wet cough and a dry cough?

Cough being defensive reaction human body to any irritants, it can be either dry or wet. It is very important to distinguish between these two varieties, since each of them indicates various diseases and requires a special approach to treatment.

How to distinguish a dry cough from a wet one? To do this, it is enough to know the main signs of a particular condition. For example, a dry cough is characterized by the following features:

  • suddenness and paroxysmal nature;
  • lack of relief after a coughing attack;
  • emergence pain in the chest, associated with overstrain of muscles and respiratory organs;
  • complete absence of mucus. A dry cough is also called unproductive because it does not help remove phlegm from the body;
  • in some cases, prolonged coughing attacks are accompanied by vomiting.

The main causes of dry cough are allergic reaction to any stimulus, as well as:

  • diseases such as laryngitis, bronchitis or tracheitis on their initial stage;
  • bronchial asthma. Very dangerous condition, in which it is necessary to monitor the patient’s condition very carefully. Otherwise, a coughing attack can lead to difficulty breathing and even death;
  • smoking, unfavorable environmental conditions, inhalation of substances harmful to health;
  • foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract;
  • lung cancer or the presence of a benign tumor.

Timely detection and treatment of dry cough makes it possible to cope with serious infectious diseases already at the first stage of their development, so we strongly recommend not delaying your visit to the doctor to avoid complications.

How is a wet cough different from a dry cough?

A wet cough - in both children and adults - is characterized by the production of sputum. That is why it is called productive. Its main feature is a significant relief of the patient’s condition, the presence of complete real result. Mostly wet cough occurs with the following diseases:

  • tracheitis, laryngitis and bronchitis already mentioned above, the presence of an inflammatory process;
  • inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia). This disease can be diagnosed by sputum, the color of which turns orange-brown;
  • lung abscess. In this case, the mucus contains purulent inclusions.

Sometimes wet cough also indicates a sore throat or thyroid gland, therefore it is very important to contact a specialist immediately after its occurrence to diagnose accurate diagnosis. Ignoring this state can lead to the disease becoming chronic.

Now you know how to distinguish a dry cough from a wet one, so you can easily decide on one of the methods of treating a particular disease described below.

The main goals of treating a dry cough are to slightly restrain the reflex in order to significantly alleviate the patient's condition. In addition, it is necessary to transfer it to the productive stage, to achieve the removal of phlegm from the body. All this is achieved by taking the following medicines:

  • Codeine or Ethylmorphine. Enough strong drugs, which suppress the cough center. They should only be taken for severe attacks;
  • Tusuprex, Stoptussin or Libexin. They have a calming effect directly on the mucous membrane, relieve swelling and gradually eliminate cough;
  • antihistamines, which must be taken if the cough is a symptom of an allergic reaction;
  • Ambroxol. A mucolytic agent that thins mucus and turns a dry cough into a wet one.

What medications should I take if my cough produces sputum? The answer to this question depends on what exactly caused the occurrence this symptom. For example, if it is a consequence of a cold, then you can be treated folk remedies using tea with honey, milk with butter, various herbal infusions. Inhalations with soda also help very well, essential oils eucalyptus or citrus fruits.

If a wet cough is caused infectious diseases, will need to be taken medical supplies, the most common of which include:

  • the same Ambroxol, which accelerates the process of removing excess phlegm from the body;
  • Overslept. Very effective and relatively safe drug, which is often prescribed even to young children;
  • Gerbion. The medicine is manufactured at plant based and copes well with the treatment of wet cough;
  • antibiotics to help treat pathogenic bacteria, defeat not only the symptom itself, but also the disease that causes it.

It is possible to understand how to distinguish a dry cough from a wet (wet) one on your own. Treatment of the problem is always based on the type of cough. To treat dry disease, one therapy method should be used, and to eliminate wet disease, others should be used. Symptoms and causes help to recognize the type of cough. You can learn more about them from this article.

The terms “dry, wet” indicate the nature of the problem. Dryness refers to the process of coughing when there is no mucus secretion; wet coughing is characterized by its presence. There are other signs that can be used to recognize the type of attack at home.

Features of dry

Coughing always occurs as a result of a malfunction of the body. The cause of the problem is often not only the inflammatory process, but also the impact external factors, a person’s lifestyle, for example, smoking, allergic reaction.

The dry appearance is recognized by additional features, concomitant disease. Based on them, you can understand what ailment caused it and determine the type of problem. Most often, dry cough is accompanied by the following pathologies:

If the patient is diagnosed with one of the listed pathologies, then in 90% of cases the cough is dry.

Dry cough also has a second name - reproductive. The term explains the main difference. It is not useful to the body, since it does not help eliminate the cause - inflammation, that is, the discharge of sputum, or eliminate the disease due to pathology of the upper respiratory tract.

TO distinctive features Reproductive cough also includes the following characteristics and symptoms:

  • in most cases it is paroxysmal in nature;
  • the duration of the process due to the fact that it is difficult to cough up the contents;
  • can manifest itself at night, making it difficult to fall asleep;
  • reproductive coughing does not bring relief to the patient during the inflammatory process, it only worsens the condition;
  • no discharge in the form of mucus;
  • as a rule, after and during an attack it begins to hurt rib cage because of strong voltage muscles.

Distinctive features of wet

The opinion that a wet cough is considered a pathological process is incorrect. On the contrary, if the illness began with a reproductive cough and turned into a wet cough, then the phenomenon indicates the stage of recovery. The wet type is distinguished by the productivity of the process. The body independently begins to fight the problem - inflammation, by eliminating mucus from the respiratory system. Presence of sputum - main feature productive cough.

It usually occurs with damage to the lower respiratory tract. Pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis are always accompanied by mucus discharge. A productive cough can also appear during an illness of the upper respiratory tract, but only if it goes away with the presence of a runny nose. In this situation, mucus that has accumulated in the nasopharynx acts as sputum.

The distinctive features of a wet cough also include the following characteristics:

  • in most cases accompanied by wheezing, shortness of breath;
  • before the attack begins, the patient feels mucus approaching the throat or nasopharynx and voluntarily begins to cough it up;
  • accompanied by elevated temperature body, it appears as a result of the presence of mucus in the body;
  • as a rule, it has a short-term process, resulting in relief;
  • the main feature is that after an attack in oral cavity there is mucus, a product of wet coughing.

Experts advise spitting out accumulated mucus after a coughing attack - this will help to quickly cope with the disease and prevent complications in the gastrointestinal tract.

Differences in treatment approaches and goals

Differences in approaches to the treatment of wet and dry cough largely depend on the type of disease. When the pathology is associated with inflammatory process in the organs of the nasopharynx, reproductive coughing is irritating in nature, mucus cannot and is not able to be released, so the main task of the specialist becomes to calm and stop attacks that interfere with a full recovery.

If the patient suffers from a dry cough, the cause of which is a disease of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis), then you will need drug effects, aimed at liquefying and removing mucus from the affected organs.

A wet cough always requires auxiliary action. Its presence indicates that the body itself has begun to fight infection and inflammation, but it needs help. Then doctors prescribe treatment methods that help thin the mucus and quickly remove it from the respiratory system.

We often hear the expression " bad cough" It can refer not only to dry cough, but also to other types that indicate certain problems in the body. We'll tell you how to distinguish the type of cough and when you need to be wary and urgently visit a doctor.

Most often a cough accompanies viral diseases: flu, colds, ARVI. With the right home treatment and the absence of others painful symptoms it goes away on its own within a week or two. The most common and common types are dry and wet coughs, followed by those caused by completely different problems.

Dry cough

How to determine. It mainly occurs at the very beginning of the disease and, if left untreated, can develop into a more serious stage because the infection goes deeper into the respiratory tract. This cough is paroxysmal in nature. It starts abruptly and ends abruptly, reminiscent of barking. There is a burning sensation, irritation, presence in the throat foreign body. Often appears at night.

How to treat. With a dry cough, the main thing is to reduce the cough reflex and thin the sputum. Besides special drugs, inhalations are very useful, they will soften the mucous membrane and cause phlegm to come out. It is also recommended to drink more warm liquids, tea or milk with honey are especially good.

Wet cough

How to determine. A dry cough develops into this type if treated correctly. A wet cough is also called productive because it brings relief and the result of the cough reflex is visible.

This cough is accompanied by a runny nose and a feeling as if something is stuck in the throat. It may appear on its own, without a dry cough stage. In this case, it lasts a very long time and often leads to severe inflammation nasopharynx.

How to treat. If the irritation is caused by sinusitis, a condition associated with acute inflammation nasopharynx, then antibiotics can help. In cases of colds, expectorants.
You can also relieve the condition with a salt solution. Drip it into your nose 3-4 times a day, remembering to turn your head. This way the solution will reach its destination - into the nasal sinuses, and if you tilt your head back - it will flow straight into the stomach.

"Acid" cough

How to determine. A loud, hoarse cough accompanied by a bitter taste in the mouth. Basically, it appears after late or night meals: if you eat and go to bed, acid from the stomach penetrates the esophagus, rises to the throat and irritates the mucous membrane. This cough may be a sign that something is wrong with your stomach.

The reflux of acid into the esophagus is called acid (or gastroesophageal) reflux. According to statistics, about 10% of people encounter it different ages. Reflux is associated with relaxation of the muscle ring that closes the esophagus at the junction with the stomach. At normal operation it opens only “at the entrance” - that is, when you eat. In case of acid reflux, it does not work and releases the contents of the stomach back.

How to treat. It is necessary to reduce the acidity of the stomach. This can be achieved by taking special medications or diet. People suffering from heartburn should avoid large portions. fatty foods And late dinners, be careful with coffee. Particularly severe cases of reflux may require surgery.

Smoker's cough

How to determine. This is a frequent, causeless cough, accompanied by shortness of breath and sometimes blood. It may also be accompanied by chest pain when breathing, shoulder pain and weight loss. This type of cough usually indicates to doctors that there is an infection in the lungs. Often found in long-term smokers.

Townspeople cough

How to determine. Persistent but infrequent cough. Accompanied by a small amount of sputum. Typically more intense in the morning. Other signs include whistling and a feeling of tightness in the chest, difficulty breathing (especially when sitting). It intensifies during the cold seasons - winter and autumn.

It may be a type of bronchitis or emphysema. The common name for these diseases is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD. They usually affect people over 40, living in major cities with a bad environment. Some cases of COPD are also associated with smoking, and up to 10% of patients inherit COPD.

How to treat. It is impossible to completely get rid of this type of cough. But you can slow it down: don’t smoke and protect yourself from passive smoking. Exercise as much as possible or learn to play wind instruments to increase your lung capacity. Certain medications, physiotherapy, heating, saunas and steam baths also help to expand the airways.

Asthmatic cough

How to determine. Loud cough with wheezing, chest tightness and difficulty breathing. Worsens at night when you are in supine position- sputum accumulates faster in the respiratory tract. May be caused by asthma.

About 10% of those suffering from this disease do not even suspect that they are sick. It seems to us that an asthmatic is constantly suffocating and immediately uses a special balloon. This is not always the case. Symptoms may include coughing and difficulty breathing, which can be caused by any, even minor irritant - dust, pungent odor, pollen and so on. Contact with irritants causes the muscles lining the airways to contract, restricting air flow, causing inflammation and sometimes swelling.

How to treat. Treatment of asthma is usually symptomatic. That is, when you have difficulty breathing, a special steroid spray can help you, which relaxes the walls of the airways and makes breathing easier.

Chronic cough

How to determine. Dry, very strong, but painless. Occurs rarely, but can last up to 10 minutes. Its duration can be measured not only in months, but also in years. Up to 15% of cases chronic cough They don't even have any obvious reasons. They are not caused by any disease, but by increased sensitivity of the respiratory organs themselves. Any speck of dust that gets into the throat can cause a prolonged cough.

How to treat. Get rid of it completely hypersensitivity it is forbidden. Will help you forget about your cough for a while regular tablets for the throat with menthol. Only a doctor can prescribe specialized medications for you.

When a cough indicates serious and dangerous illnesses

Service public health Britain has warned that up to 80,000 Britons could have lung cancer without knowing it. Doctors have announced four symptoms that you should not ignore and immediately go to a specialist.

  • The cough lasts more than three weeks.
  • Blood or mucus is released along with sputum.
  • When coughing, the shoulder or area under the shoulder blade hurts.
  • You feel short of breath.

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Sometimes it happens that a person cannot distinguish what kind of cough he has, and therefore cannot begin treatment, since in the initial stages they differ.

A dry cough, like any other, is a symptom of a disease. There are no special patterns regarding who is most likely to become its owner. But there are reasons why the cough described above may appear.

These include:

  • Laryngitis. At the very beginning of the disease, the cough will be dry, since the mucous membrane of the throat is very irritated. A person feels a constant sore throat and feels the urge to cough. That is why the cough will be dry, since there is nothing to cough up.
  • Tracheitis. During tracheitis, a person experiences coughing attacks that are very difficult to stop. At the same time, they are quite protracted, and with each new attack the person becomes more and more painful. Patients note that a dry cough with tracheitis is very painful, as it seems to come from the inside, turning everything outward.
  • Bronchitis. One of the most so. And at the beginning of the disease, the cough will be extremely dry and debilitating, this is how the body reacts to the inflammatory process.
  • Asthma. With asthma, people suffer from coughing, but it needs to be given special attention to prevent closure of the airways and suffocation.
  • Inhalation harmful substances. You can often see that after inhaling some chemical substance(even if purposefully), and most often this just happens on the street during waste emissions from metallurgical plants, a person begins to cough, trying to get rid of chemical dust particles.
  • Foreign body in respiratory tract, which interferes with the normal supply of oxygen. And the body tries in every way to get rid of it.
  • An infection that affects the mucous membranes of the throat and nose, thereby causing soreness and the desire to cough.
  • Benign or malignant tumor in the lung.

Especially if it happens at the wrong time colds, you must immediately consult a doctor because immediate treatment is required.

Dry cough: its features

In most cases, at the very beginning of the disease, a dry cough occurs, which, if left untreated, will gradually turn into sputum.

There are several features by which it can be recognized. These include:

  • Mostly the cough is paroxysmal in nature. It starts abruptly and ends just as abruptly, reminiscent of a dog barking.
  • The attack occurs so suddenly that in some cases it seems like a foreign body has entered the respiratory tract.
  • An attack of dry cough lasts several minutes, and during this time the person has difficulty breathing and cannot inhale oxygen.
  • A dry cough interferes with sleep at night and sometimes prevents you from even falling asleep.
  • Often a coughing attack provokes vomiting, since the cough and gag reflex in humans, they are slightly interconnected with each other.
  • During a cough.
  • The cough does not bring any relief even after the attack is over
  • After an attack, the entire chest may hurt, as the bronchi and muscles contract for a long time and continuously.

Based on these features, you can easily determine that the cough is dry. Experienced people already hear and feel when sputum separation occurs and when it does not. And if they notice that the cough is paroxysmal, then it is necessary to treat it urgently.

Causes of wet cough

There are many reasons for a wet cough. In most cases, it is this that indicates the initial stage of recovery.

The main reasons for the appearance of a wet cough include:

  • Laryngitis, especially the recovery stage. IN certain moment the cough becomes wet and the patient wants to clear his throat. During coughing, mucus is released, after which the process stops. It is believed that with laryngitis, the removal of mucus (sputum) is very important, especially when the voice is very hoarse.
  • Bronchitis. With bronchitis, the cough gradually turns from dry to wet. It is this stage that indicates the beginning of the recovery process, as the person feels better, attacks are no longer debilitating and coughing brings relief.
  • . During this disease, the sputum will be brown-orange in color (a color similar to rust).
  • Lung abscess. During this process, the sputum will have a purulent component.

There are many reasons for a wet cough. Sometimes it can appear when mucus flows down the nasopharynx and accumulates in the throat. In any case, it needs to be treated, since it depends on speedy recovery patient.

More information about the types of cough can be found in the video.

Wet cough: its features

A wet cough is also called productive because it brings relief to a person and the result of the cough reflex is visible.

There are several features of a wet cough by which you can distinguish it. After the attack stops, the person feels a lump of mucus in his mouth that has come out of his bronchi; during coughing there is no painful sensations. Before an attack, a person feels an accumulation of mucus and that is why there is a desire to cough up.

With a wet cough, wheezing is heard, especially during sleep or in calm state and sometimes there is shortness of breath.

There is an increase in temperature, which indicates the accumulation of mucus. Almost everyone can distinguish a wet cough from a dry one, since it is not paroxysmal and does not last long.

In addition to the fact that a dry cough differs from a wet cough in its symptoms, the treatment will also differ. The main task for a dry cough will be to reduce the cough reflex and liquefy stagnant mucus.

Among the most known drugs, which can reduce the cough reflex by acting on the mucous membrane and soothing it, will be:

  1. Stoptussin. It should be taken as soon as the first symptoms of a dry cough appear. After the first times of taking it, a person may not feel relief, but the next day there will be fewer attacks.
  2. Tusuprex. This drug reduces the sensitivity of the cough center to emerging cough impulses.

True, the above drugs do not affect the cause, they only alleviate the patient’s condition.

To solve the problem, that is, to treat it, you need to pay attention to the following drugs:

  1. Codeine. It not only has an antitussive effect, but also affects the sputum itself.
  2. Glacin. It provides direct treatment by affecting the cough reflex itself.

Also, for a dry cough, in addition to medications, they will soften the mucous membrane and cause the mucus to gradually disappear. It is also recommended to drink more warm liquids, especially tea with milk or honey.

Treating a dry cough is not difficult, the main thing is to start taking all the measures on time.

Treating a wet cough is a little more difficult than dry cough, since the main task will be not only to liquefy the mucus, but also to remove it as quickly as possible. Often, already at the stage of recovery, sputum becomes even larger and the treatment process is delayed. This happens because the treatment is chosen incorrectly.

For a wet cough, you need to take, the most famous and best among which are:

  1. Gerbion. This drug is made exclusively from herbs and promotes the rapid removal of sputum.
  2. Overslept. Prospan is mainly prescribed to children, as it has a more gentle, but at the same time effective effect on sputum.
  3. Bromhexine, which helps thin mucus and remove it from the lungs faster.

In addition, in order to have a better effect on phlegm, you need to do warm inhalations, as well as drink licorice syrup, which is exclusively safe means and is approved for use in children over two years of age.

We can talk for a long time about how to distinguish a dry cough from a wet one. Every adult knows all of the above features, and also notices some more that can be attributed purely to the individual. In any case, no matter what cough it is, dry or wet, it can occur serious complications, which are much more problematic to eliminate.