What climate is most suitable for tuberculosis. Local sanatoriums and climatic resorts in the CIS for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Methods of sanatorium-resort treatment of tuberculosis

Anyone can become infected and develop tuberculosis, regardless of what rung of the social ladder they are on. The main source of infection is a sick person who secretes tuberculosis microbacteria. can enter the body through the respiratory and digestive tract, sometimes through lesions on the skin.

Basic rules

The patient must follow certain rules of behavior. First, he should know not to cough up phlegm from his lungs into the toilet. The causative agents of the disease are very tenacious and during wastewater treatment domestic water they don't die. You should also not wash dishes from which the sick person has eaten. It must first be boiled for half an hour in a separate pan, and only then washed in the sink and placed separately in a cabinet.

You also need to be careful about the patient’s leftover food. They should not be fed to animals or thrown into trash cans without additional heat treatment. Most microbacteria of the disease enter the environment along with saliva and when coughing up sputum.

Therefore, the patient must collect them in a special jar with a lid, keeping it with him at all times. The rules discussed concern the safety of others, but what should a patient not do so as not to harm himself? Let's try to figure out how to live with this disease.


When compiling diet menu For patients with tuberculosis, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of this disease. Since protein breakdown in such an organism is increased, it is necessary to strictly observe daily norm its consumption.

Fats should be easily digestible, two-thirds of vegetable origin. It is advisable to use in cooking:

  • butter;
  • sour cream;
  • cream.

You can't eat too much fatty foods. Prohibited:

  • beef (mutton) or cooking fat;
  • confectionery with cream;
  • fatty fish or poultry.

As a rule, due to the disease, a deficiency of vitamins develops, primarily A and C. Ascorbic acid increases bactericidal properties in the blood and helps fight the disease.

Therefore, it is very important that the patient’s diet is varied, high in calories, containing a sufficient amount of vitamins, mineral salts, protein and fat. However, when overweight the patient may be prescribed some restrictions on carbohydrate consumption.

But moreover, it is strictly prohibited:

  • follow various diets;
  • starve;
  • fast.

Prohibited products for tuberculosis include alcoholic drinks. It is especially harmful to take them during chemotherapy. Both alcohol and anti-tuberculosis drugs are broken down in the liver. Their simultaneous use will create an unbearable load on this organ, as a result of which a hepatotoxic reaction may occur, and treatment will have to be discontinued.


When the disease recedes a little, many patients begin to ask whether it is possible to play sports in their position. People who are used to active image life, can hardly come to terms with forced inaction.

Lungs physical exercise have a beneficial effect on the recovery of the body, but when it comes to severe sports loads, the answer from doctors is always the same - you should give up this until complete recovery.

Restoring the body and its fight against Koch's bacillus requires effort and energy, and when playing sports, as you know, a lot of calories are consumed.

Therefore, energy must be conserved and directed towards the main task - victory over tuberculosis. To keep muscles toned, such patients are recommended:

  • walk more;
  • taking walks in the morning and evening;
  • do exercises;
  • attend physical therapy classes.

A patient who regularly engages in special pulmonary exercises significantly strengthens the respiratory muscles, normalizes the functioning of the inhalation-exhalation mechanisms, and increases the mobility of the chest.

Bath (sauna)

Despite the popular belief that taking a steam bath in a bathhouse will cure a hundred ailments, this rule does not apply to tuberculosis patients. Water-steam procedures and high temperature are not just undesirable, but categorically contraindicated for this disease. Otherwise, the patient’s condition can become very complicated and lead to irreversible consequences.

A patient with tuberculosis can afford such pleasure only after complete recovery, after two or three years, not earlier.

Until then, even if the disease is not in active form, you should not go to the bathhouse. Rehabilitation after tuberculosis is a long process that requires maximum caution and vigilance from the patient.

Summer holiday

Separately, it is worth mentioning the rules of summer holidays for tuberculosis patients. If they undergo a course of treatment and have positive dynamics, they can swim in the sea. But at the same time, everything should be done carefully, gradually accustoming the body to new conditions. As a rule, only after 4-5 days the body gets used to new climatic conditions. And only after its adaptation can you begin water procedures in natural reservoirs.

You can start if there are two favorable factors. The ambient temperature, both water and air, should not be below 20 degrees. Over time, when the patient’s body gets stronger and gets used to new conditions, it will be possible to take colder water (and air) baths.

First of all, you should not forget that a person with tuberculosis can only swim if general health its good, there is no weakness or brokenness. At the first signs of fatigue or other deterioration of your condition, you should stop swimming.

The duration of the procedures is determined:

  • water and air temperature;
  • the patient's condition.

Coming ashore, the patient should dry himself with a towel and do several warming exercises. If observed increased fatigue, loss of appetite and general condition body, you need to put it aside for a while water procedures and consult your doctor.

In the presence of residual phenomena, the maritime climate is undoubtedly . Holidays on the Crimean coast with pine forests will be an excellent prevention of complications of this dangerous disease and will help restore the patient’s body.

With active tuberculosis, especially if hemoptysis is present, bathing the patient in an open body of water is unacceptable.

Is it possible to sunbathe with tuberculosis? This question worries a lot of people. Summer is the time for vacations and holidays. You need to go somewhere, relax, gain strength and health for the entire subsequent period of cold weather and the lack of natural, vitamin-rich food.

For a long time it was believed that the sun's rays have healing effect, and a bronze tan is useful for everyone, without exception. But that's not true. There are quite a lot of diseases for which you should not sunbathe, including pulmonary tuberculosis.

As a rule, tuberculosis patients are sent for rehabilitation to resort and sanatorium areas with a sunny, hot climate. From this it was concluded that sunbathing during tuberculosis is possible and beneficial.

It has not yet been scientifically proven whether the sun's rays are harmful or not for people with this disease. But most practitioners medical workers It is believed that in case of pulmonary tuberculosis it is necessary to avoid prolonged exposure to hot sunlight. Otherwise, this may provoke an outbreak of infection and significantly slow down the healing process.

When exposed to the summer sun, the body heats up and creates favorable conditions to activate Koch's wand, which loves wet warm environment and reproduces well at temperatures from 30 to 40 degrees, which is why such conditions should be avoided.

Tuberculosis germs can remain unnoticed in the human body for a very long time without causing illness. And under unfavorable conditions, domestic or weather, as well as when the body’s resistance is weakened, reinfection, that is, re-infection, can occur.

After tuberculosis, you still need to behave as carefully as possible so as not to provoke its reappearance.

IN surgical department Sanatorium named after V.I. Lenin in Gulripsha, when preparing patients for surgery, along with antibacterial therapy according to generally accepted methods, methods climatic treatment. The most widely used method is dosed and round-the-clock stay of patients on verandas, air baths. The dosage of climatic procedures is based on the climatic regimes developed for the southern coastal sanatoriums by E. D. Petrov and adapted for a similar resort on the Black Sea coast by G. D. Meladze and Sh. V. Dzhgamadze.

Results perennial observations allow us to say with certainty that after rational complex treatment against the background favorable climate In the Gulripsh resort, on average, within 2-3 months there is a significant improvement in the general condition, the main indicators of the functions of external respiration and gas exchange decrease.
Next powerful factor complex therapy for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with severe drug allergies is the use of an aerosol decoction of eucalyptus globulus.

Eucalyptus globulus decoction affects neurotropic components, promotes the processes of tissue resorption and regeneration.
The decoction of Eucalyptus globulus we use prepared at the rate of 15 grams of dry eucalyptus leaves per 100 g of water. The leaves are finely chopped with scissors and boiled slowly for 3-4 minutes. (preferably on a water tank). After this, the broth is filtered through gauze cloth. It can be stored for months in a hermetically sealed non-metallic container. The appearance of sediment at the bottom of the dish is not a sign that the broth is unsuitable. It must be shaken when using.

In order to resolve the issue of effectiveness inhalation aerosol in complex treatment patients to prevent or relieve allergic phenomena during antibacterial therapy, we analyzed the results of treatment of 42 patients treated in 1971-1973. V therapeutic departments with allergic phenomena without inhalation of eucalyptus decoction and 34 patients when prescribed the entire therapeutic complex with inhalation of eucalyptus decoction.

Treatment course for patients with 15% decoction eucalyptus the average was 30 sessions. Inhalations were given daily. 25 ml of decoction was consumed per patient in one session. Breathing was done through the mouth. All patients, with extremely rare exceptions, tolerated inhalation well. Of the 34 people, only 3 patients who had bronchitis with an asthmatic component had an increase in cough. Before decoction of eucalyptus, we began to prescribe to these patients the inhalation of a 5% ephedrine solution in an amount of 0.5 ml, as a result of which breathing became deep and calm.

IN further, given that the mucous membrane of the entire system respiratory tract has a high and rapid ability to absorb aerosols, and also represents a massive interoreceptive field, we began to prescribe an aerosol of novocaine solution (0.5-1%) before inhaling eucalyptus in order to relieve cough and bronchospasms.
Patients, the degree of allergic reactions and phenomena in both groups was completely identical.

By improvement we consider cases when patients began to tolerate one of the main antibacterial drugs with a decrease in cough, amount of sputum, and improvement in general condition.
To groups " significant improvements» included patients in whom taking 2 or 3 antibacterial drugs did not cause allergic reactions with the disappearance of cough, sputum, and a decrease in the hypoxemic state of the body.

When conducting complex treatment without an aerosol of 15% eucalyptus decoction, 73% of patients did not experience significant changes in desensitization, while complex therapy using an aerosol of eucalyptus decoction resulted in relief allergic signs in 67.5% of cases of patients.

Aerotherapy is carried out as in local conditions, preferably in sanatoriums and in special climatic zones. The main elements of climate are solar radiation and air composition. Geographical factors also matter. Distinguish the following types climates:

Mountain (foothill - 300-700 m above sea level, mid-mountain 700-1400 m above sea level, high mountain - 1400-1900 m above sea level and supermountain - above 1900 m);


Plain (ordinary, steppe and desert).

The maritime climate is characterized by an extreme abundance of ultraviolet rays and a smaller amount of infrared rays, constant humidity and sharp daily and annual temperature fluctuations. Abundant direct or diffuse sunlight is an extremely strong irritant.
As a result, the maritime climate has a powerful tonic and hardening effect on the body. Indications for more treatment are very wide for various extrapulmonary localizations of the tuberculosis process, as well as for most pulmonary processes in the stage of reverse development. The maritime climate is very useful for the health of children, infected with tuberculosis, especially for those who are often sick colds. Caution should be observed only during primary tuberculosis infection, when the processes of specific allergy and immunity are not yet balanced with each other. For primary infection (during the first year after infection with tuberculosis), climatic treatment in local conditions is preferable.

The mountain climate is distinguished mainly by its tonic effect on the body, similar to the maritime climate, and is characterized by a wealth of ultraviolet and sufficient infrared rays, high air ionization, low atmospheric pressure, variable temperatures and moderate winds.
The physiological impact of mountain air is expressed primarily in its beneficial effect on the nervous and circulatory system, breathing and metabolic processes. Mountain air is indicated for patients with tuberculosis outside the outbreak phase, with moderate symptoms of intoxication, and is contraindicated for patients with acute forms tuberculosis, especially with cardiovascular disorders. The air of coniferous forests is especially beneficial for patients.

Flat climate, due to its lower saturation ultraviolet rays, high atmospheric pressure, slight ionization, softer and more gentle. It does not contribute to toning and hardening of patients and is used mainly for after-care of patients various forms pulmonary tuberculosis.

The importance of fresh air for tuberculosis patients is summed up by T.
P. Krasnobaeva: “When treating tuberculosis patients, good results can be achieved everywhere - in the south and north, in the mountains and flat areas, in coastal and even big cities, as long as one of the main elements of this treatment is present - just clean ambient air.”

Climatotherapy- use of the influence of various meteorological factors and climate characteristics of a given area, as well as special dosed climatic influences (climate procedures) for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

In general, climatotherapy (climatotherapy) includes the following elements:

  • The influence of changing climatic regions. Moving a patient to an area (for example, to a resort), characterized by unfavorable climatic influences on the pathological process, can have a stimulating effect, change the reactivity of the body and cause a turning point in the course of the disease. This stimulating influence of climate-contrasting movements affecting adaptive mechanisms is one of the important principles of climate therapy.
  • The influence of meteorological conditions familiar to the patient climatic conditions(suburban sanatoriums, holiday homes, etc.). Climate therapy at resorts, not differing in climatic conditions from permanent place residence, is important for patients with weakened adaptation mechanisms that react sharply to changing climatic regions.
  • Specially dosed climatic influences based on the maximum or optimal influence of climatic factors on patients. This climatic treatment is used both in the patient’s usual climatic conditions and at a climatic resort.

Climatic factors do not have a specific effect on the tuberculosis process, but climate therapy for tuberculosis patients in areas characterized by frequent weather changes is ineffective. Therefore, for such patients, it makes sense to carry out climate therapy in areas with stable weather, in their usual climatic conditions. Local sanatoriums are best suited for this, where climate therapy is no less effective than in southern resorts.

There is no doubt that when correct construction regime and complex treatment of tuberculosis patients, climate therapy allows one to achieve good results in any climatic conditions of our country. Climatic treatment of tuberculosis allows you to get good results absolutely everywhere - in the south and in the north, in the mountains and on the plain, in coastal areas and even in major cities, as long as one of the main points of this treatment is simply clean outside air.

Climatotherapy in the sanatorium " Sosnovy Bor"has high efficiency. The sanatorium is located in a picturesque area, surrounded by tall coniferous forests combined with broad-leaved vegetation, surrounded by lakes. The climate is characterized by dry, frosty winters and moderately warm summers, which contributes to successful climatic treatment. Beautiful natural conditions and landscape, huge pine forests, an abundance of lakes, the special qualities of the soil, replete with granite and sand, the complete absence of soil evaporation and fog in many places, the purity of the air, containing relatively large number ozone - all this determines rich opportunities for complete climatic treatment of tuberculosis patients.

It is useful to combine climate therapy with physical movements, walks, outdoor and sports games, gymnastics, swimming, rowing - which enhance the training and hardening effect.

Forms and methods of climatotherapy are prescribed depending on the individual state of the body, the characteristics of the physiological effects of various climates and climatotherapy procedures, and their compatibility with other physiotherapeutic influences.

Need for spa treatment tuberculosis patients, both adults and children, tends to increase. This is due, on the one hand, to the unfavorable epidemiological situation regarding tuberculosis, which is sharply deteriorating, by the state of health of the population, on the other hand, to the possibility of achieving high results in sanatorium treatment: clinical cure of tuberculosis in 75-80% of tuberculosis patients, improvement functional indicators in 95-98% of patients.

Spa treatment is important stage in complex therapy of patients with tuberculosis and in the prevention of tuberculosis among people at risk. In children, especially with extrapulmonary forms of tuberculosis, as well as in adults with newly diagnosed small and limited forms of pulmonary tuberculosis in the phase of infiltration and resorption without bacterial excretion, the entire period of treatment can take place in a sanatorium, bypassing the inpatient stage. In other cases, the sanatorium stage includes follow-up treatment and rehabilitation after the acute phase or surgery.

An important point in modern approach to the sanatorium-resort treatment of tuberculosis is a combination of courses of specific chemoprophylaxis and chemotherapy using natural-climatic, preformed physical and other sanatorium-resort factors.

Types of sanatoriums for the treatment of tuberculosis

Sanatorium-resort treatment of tuberculosis is carried out in anti-tuberculosis sanatoriums located in seaside, mountain, forest and steppe climatic resorts.

The specificity of seaside climatic resorts is the possibility of conducting thalasso procedures, including both breathing sea air and sea bathing. At mountain resorts the main acting factors are reduced atmospheric pressure and partial pressure of oxygen, increased solar radiation. They have a training, hardening effect, stimulate protective and adaptive mechanisms, and the function of the cardio-respiratory system.

Anti-tuberculosis sanatoriums are located in low mountains (from 400 to 1000 m above sea level), where healthy person does not feel any signs of discomfort. But for the body of a tuberculosis patient, even those changes atmospheric pressure and partial pressure of oxygen characteristic of this altitude can create a training load.

Forest and steppe resorts are mainly included as component to other types of resorts, or local resorts. The main health factor at these resorts is forest or steppe air, cleaner than in cities, enriched with oxygen and volatile biologically active substances released by plants.

In Ukraine, seaside anti-tuberculosis sanatoriums are concentrated mainly on South Coast Crimea - South Coast (resorts Alupka, Simeiz). Most of them are intended for the treatment of patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. Treatment in them is especially indicated for patients with a torpid course of respiratory tuberculosis, as well as in the presence of concomitant nonspecific respiratory diseases, hypertension I-II stages, initial forms.

On the South Coast there are also sanatoriums for the treatment of patients with tuberculosis of bones and joints and tuberculosis of the genitourinary organs. Treatment of residual effects of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (bones and joints, ocular, lymph nodes, genitourinary organs) can be carried out in sanatoriums of the coastal-steppe zone (Evpatoria, Odessa region, Berdyansk) in sanatoriums of the corresponding profile.

Mountain climatic resorts (low mountains) are located on the southern slopes of the Crimean Mountains (Big Yalta) and in the Carpathians (Vorokhta, Tatarov, Yaremche). The sanatoriums of these resorts specialize in treating patients suffering primarily from pulmonary tuberculosis.

There are no steppe kumiss-therapeutic resorts in Ukraine. But in some sanatoriums of the South Coast, kumis made from mare’s milk is supplied from the foothills of Crimea. Tuberculosis patients with poor tolerance to chemotherapy and concomitant diseases of the digestive system should be sent to such sanatoriums.

Local climatic resorts are distinguished not by their climate, but by their proximity to a person’s place of residence. In Ukraine, most local climatic resorts are lowland forest or forest-steppe resorts in the temperate zone. They have a significantly more favorable environment compared to nearby cities and allow for climate-therapeutic procedures. For sick people, it is important that these resorts do not require acclimatization. For this reason, seriously ill people are usually recommended treatment at local resorts.

Methods of sanatorium-resort treatment of tuberculosis

The main methods of climatotherapy at resorts are aerotherapy (aerorespiratory therapy, air baths), heliotherapy and swimming in reservoirs. Various types climate influences activate various adaptation mechanisms. But almost all of them affect the state of the neuroendocrine and cardiovascular systems.

Thermal effects, in addition, have a pronounced effect on the respiratory system, excretion, and energy production. Aerorespiratory - on the respiratory and hematopoietic organs, energy production. Helium-influencing - on the skin, connective tissue. Most factors directly or indirectly affect immunity.

The use of these methods is determined by the prescribed sanatorium-climatic regime and depends on the patient’s condition.

Tuberculosis treatment regimens

Mode 0 (rest mode, bed) is prescribed during an exacerbation of tuberculosis or concomitant diseases, as well as with pronounced acclimatization reactions.

Mode I (gentle) is aimed at creating optimal conditions for adaptation to new climatic factors, to preserve the body’s reserve forces, facilitate the functioning of the cardio-respiratory and nervous systems in patients with clinical signs tuberculosis and related diseases.

Mode II (gentle training or tonic) is used to stimulate the body’s compensatory capabilities, train adaptation mechanisms, cardio-respiratory, neuroendocrine and other systems through gradually increasing physical, thermal and other types of stress. This regimen is prescribed during the period of subsidence of the tuberculosis process and remission of concomitant diseases, as well as for patients who have undergone surgery for tuberculosis with mild functional impairments.

Mode III (training) is aimed at training functional systems body, hardening, preparation for labor activity through the maximum use of active methods of climate therapy and physical activity and aims to increase the body's resistance, normalize metabolism, respiratory function, blood circulation, and thermoregulation. This regimen is prescribed for stable remission of the tuberculosis process and concomitant diseases.

Aerorespiratorytherapy involves breathing as long as possible fresh air, different from indoor air high content oxygen, the presence of light negative air ions and volatile plant biologically active substances and other components beneficial to the body. Stay on outdoors improves oxygenation of the body due to high content oxygen and by stimulating respiration. Breathing sea air and the air of parks and forests, especially coniferous ones, is especially beneficial.

Compared to land air, sea air is enriched with particles of salts of sodium, magnesium, calcium, etc. It also contains more ozone and negative air ions, including iodine, bromine, etc. Salts contained in sea ​​water, have a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Negative light ions are beneficial for the nervous (sedative effect) and cardiovascular systems, stimulate metabolism, activating respiratory enzymes of tissues, have a hyposensitizing effect, and increase the body's resistance. The air of forests and parks is clean and oxygenated. Volatile biologically active substances, secreted by coniferous plants, improve bronchial patency, lung ventilation, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. This is especially important for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, who often experience hypoxia and respiratory failure.

Normoxic aerorespiratory therapy during exposure to air in comfortable thermal conditions has no contraindications. Most effective option aerorespiratory therapy is a round-the-clock stay in the open air, including sleeping on the seashore. In the warm season, round-the-clock aerotherapy is a gentle method of climatic treatment and can be prescribed to almost all patients in remission. But in the cold season there is a combination of aerorespiratory and cold effects, which increases the workload of this type of therapy. Therefore he demands special organization as set out in the climatotherapy manuals.

Air baths

Carrying out air baths for patients has two goals: firstly, to reduce sensitivity to cooling, and secondly, to activate and balance homeostatic mechanisms.

The dosage of air baths is carried out using two indicators: equivalent effective temperature - EET and cold load. By temperature, air baths are divided into cold (EET 1-8 ° C), moderately cold (9-16 ° C), cool (17-19 ° C), indifferent (21-22 ° C) and warm (23 ° C and higher).

The cold load of the baths is divided into three levels: strong with uncompensated heat loss procedure 40-45 kcal / m2 of body area, medium - 30-35 kcal / m2, weak - 20-25 kcal / m2. Dosing of the cold load is carried out using tables contained in special manuals. Air baths are prescribed on the 7-10th day of acclimatization at the resort. The duration of the course of cool baths is 25-30 procedures. In the summer, baths can be provided throughout the patient’s entire stay in the sanatorium. Warm air baths can be prescribed to patients on bed rest.

Air baths within the limits of a weak cold load throughout the entire course are indicated for patients who are on sanatorium-climatic regime No. 1. These are patients: in various forms in the resorption phase (with EET not lower than 12-15 ° C), as well as in postoperative period 2-4 weeks after surgical intervention on the lungs for tuberculosis in the absence of complications (with EET not lower than 18 ° C). You need to start with minimal doses (from 10-15 kcal/m2) and, increasing the dose every 3-5 days by 5 kcal/m2, bring it to the prescribed dose. During the course of treatment, the flask increases the hardening of the body, the boundary EET, during which air baths are carried out, can be reduced.

Air baths with an average cold load are usually prescribed to patients on sanatorium-climatic regime No. 2. They are indicated for patients with: pulmonary tuberculosis in the initial period of remission (with EET not lower than 12-15 ° C), and also 3-4 weeks after surgery on the lungs in the absence of complications (with EEA not lower than 16 ° C). The procedures begin with a dose of 15 kcal/m2, increasing by 5 kcal/m: every 2-3 days. It is possible to individually increase the dose of air baths to 35 kcal/m2 in the second half of the course of treatment for patients who are indicated for air baths with a weak cold load, if they tolerate it well.

Air baths due to strong cold loads are indicated for patients who are not susceptible to cold reactions in a period of stable remission pathological process, in the absence of respiratory and cardiovascular failure, that is, those who are on sanatorium-climatic regime No. 3. For patients listed in the indications for air baths of medium cold load, if they tolerate this dose well, the individual dose can be increased by the end of the course of treatment to 45 kcal / m2. Air baths can be released at EET up to 10-12 ° C, and with sufficient resistance to cooling at EET up to 0-5 ° C. Air baths at a dose of 45 kcal / m2 are not recommended for children.

Swimming in reservoirs

The purpose of swimming in reservoirs is the same as air baths. Compared to air baths, bathing has a much greater effect on the body, which, on the one hand, accelerates the achievement of the effect, on the other, increases the list of contraindications. Swimming in natural bodies of water (sea, lake, river) is prescribed to patients after 3-5 days of adaptation to resort conditions. If negative acclimatization reactions occur, bathing can be prescribed only after they have been eliminated.

For dosing bathing, indicators of water temperature and cold load are used. The EET of air is also taken into account. The gradations of cold load are the same as for air baths. Practical dosing is also prescribed according to special tables. Bathing with a weak cold load is indicated for patients on sanatorium-climatic regime No. 1 (patients with various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis in the phase of fading infiltration, in the postoperative period, as well as little training to the effects of external factors).

Bathing at an average cold load is usually prescribed to patients who are on sanatorium-climatic regime No. 2. They are indicated for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in the initial period of remission, as well as for those who have suffered effective operation on the lungs in the absence of complications. The same regimen is indicated for patients with active, torpid pulmonary tuberculosis, but with a long period of transition from a weak cold load with monitoring of the tolerability of the procedures.

Bathing under severe cold stress is prescribed for patients staying in sanatorium-climatic regime No. 3. These are patients with metatuberculous changes in the lungs with stable remission of the pathological process, the absence of respiratory and cardiovascular failure, patients with newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis after completing the main course of chemotherapy, and those undergoing effective pulmonary resection.


It is used for long-term torpid or burnt-out tuberculosis of pulmonary (, infiltrative) and non-pulmonary (bones and joints, peripheral lymphadenitis, mesadenitis) localization in order to accelerate the resorption of foci of infiltration and healing of destruction, stimulation of the immune system, desensitization and increasing the general resistance of the body, normalization of external respiration function, cardiovascular system, thermoregulation.

But an overdose of helium influence can lead to increased inflammation and processes of decay, dissemination, and bleeding. Therefore, heliotherapy should be used only against the background of chemotherapy for exact dosage. Heliotherapy procedures are dosed individually according to the minimum dose of solar radiation that causes the formation of skin erythema (biodose), and massively - according to the energy equivalent of the biodose (EEB), which is approximately 20 cal/cm2 of total solar radiation at a height of the Sun above the horizon of 60 °. This dose causes erythema in most untanned whites.

When prescribing solar irradiation, the occurrence of erythema, i.e. 1st degree radiation burns should be avoided. All the beneficial effects of solar radiation can be obtained at suberythemal doses. At the same time, it should be taken into account that during the course of irradiation the body’s resistance to solar radiation increases significantly. Due to this, by the end of the course, a dose of even 2-3 EEB may turn out to be suberythemal. The interaction of thermal and photochemical effects of solar irradiation enhances their overall physiological effect. Therefore, solar irradiation regimes are determined not only by biodoses, but also by the range of radiation equivalent effective temperatures (REET).

Heliotherapy is contraindicated for all diseases in acute stage and during periods of exacerbation, bleeding, exhaustion, with malignant and benign tumors, progressive forms of pulmonary tuberculosis, when tuberculosis is combined with severe atherosclerosis, hypertension III stage, circulatory failure II-III degree, bronchial asthma with frequent and severe attacks, severe dysfunction nervous system, expressed organic lesions central nervous system (syringomyelia, multiple sclerosis etc.), for blood diseases, lupus erythematosus, malaria, thyrotoxicosis, hypersensitivity To sun rays(hematoporphyria, etc.).

In addition to the described climatic treatment methods, sanatorium-resort medical and rehabilitation complexes use physical therapy, massage, balneotherapy and hardware physiotherapy.

Exercise therapy, balneotherapy, physiotherapy

Physical exercise strengthens the body, stimulates compensatory mechanisms, function various organs and systems, and above all - cardio-respiratory, nervous, and movement organs. For the purpose of general training, such forms of therapeutic physical culture are used as morning hygienic gymnastics, sports games, health path, short-range tourism, etc. To correct local disorders caused by the tuberculosis process, special exercises are used. Level physical activity is regulated according to the sanatorium-climatic regime on which the patient is located.

Massage is effective means both general stimulation of the body and the elimination of local disorders by improving blood and lymph flow, tissue trophism, and relieving spasms. Balneotherapy is used in the form of baths (sodium chloride, carbon dioxide, oxygen) and mud therapy (silt and peat mud). Among the means of hardware physiotherapy, ultrasound, phonophoresis and electrophoresis are most often prescribed. medicinal substances, diadynamic currents. Inhalation aerosol therapy is widely used for respiratory tuberculosis and concomitant nonspecific lung diseases.