Features of language, style and editing of official documents. Language and style of business documents

The variety of language used in a particular area human activity, is called a language style.

Style is a functional variety of language. In the sphere of official communication we use formal business style. In the field mass media and for agitation and propaganda purposes, a journalistic style is used, in science - scientific, in circulation - literary colloquial speech, everyday speech, vernacular and other language varieties.

The official business style is divided into: diplomatic, legislative, judicial and business style - the style of management documents.

Features of business style were formed under the influence of the conditions in which written business communication takes place. This:

Participants in business communication are mainly legal entities - organizations, institutions, enterprises, represented by managers and other officials acting on their behalf;

The nature and content of the organization’s information relationships are quite strictly regulated;

The subject of business communication is the activities of the organization - managerial, production, economic, technical, etc.;

Management documents in most cases are focused on a specific recipient;

Most situations that arise in the activities of organizations and require written documentation are repetitive and of the same type.

The conditions of business communication form the requirements for management information, which must have certain properties. It should be:

Official in nature, which emphasizes the business basis of the relationship, their non-personal nature, and also indicates a certain distance that exists between the participants in business communication;

Address, because a management document is always intended for a specific recipient - an official, an organization, a group of organizations;

Relevant, since the document must contain information that is necessary at a given time to make effective management decision or other use in management activities;

Objective and reliable, because For effective management activities, an unbiased, impartial assessment of events, facts, and phenomena is necessary;

Convincing, reasoned, since the task of business communication is to encourage the addressee to take (or not take) certain actions;

Complete or sufficient to make an effective management decision; insufficient information may cause the need to request additional information, generate correspondence, and lead to unjustified losses of time and money.

Business style is characterized by:

Neutral tone of presentation; the ascertaining and prescriptive nature of the presentation;

Accuracy and clarity of presentation; - conciseness (brevity) of the text;

Use of language formulas;

Use of terms; use of lexical and graphic abbreviations;

The predominance of passive constructions over real ones;

Limited word compatibility;

The use of constructions with sequential subordination of words in the genitive and instrumental cases;

The use of phrases with verbal nouns;

Predominance of simple common sentences.

Neutral tone of presentation. The subjective aspect in business letters should be kept to a minimum, words with a pronounced emotional-expressive connotation should be excluded: words with diminutive and affectionate suffixes, suffixes of understatement and exaggeration, etc. The emotionality of the letter should not be linguistic, but meaningful, it should be hidden behind outwardly calm, neutral tone of presentation.

The use of language formulas is stable patterned language turns. Their presence in business speech is a consequence of the regulation of official relations, the repetition of management situations and the thematic limitations of business speech:

- “We inform you that as of .....”;

-“We send it for review and approval...”

We ask you to consider the issue..."

Language formulas- this is the result of the unification of linguistic means used in repeated situations. I f often act as legally significant components of the text, without which the letter does not have sufficient legal force, or are elements that determine its type:
“We guarantee payment, Our bank details...”;

“Warranty claims must be made...”;

“...otherwise you will be subject to penalties,”

Language formulas ensure accuracy and unambiguous understanding of the text by the addressee, reducing the time for preparing the text and its perception.

Use of terms and phrases.

A term is a word or phrase that denotes a scientific or special concept. The use of T in a strictly fixed meaning ensures unambiguous understanding of the text, which is very important in business communication.

The correctness and stability of the use of terms in practice is achieved by using terminological dictionaries and standards, which establish a strictly unambiguous system of concepts and terms and help streamline terminology.

T used in the field of preschool educational institutions are recorded in GOST R 51141-98 “Office management and archiving. Terms and definitions."

When using terms in a letter, it is necessary that they are understandable not only to the author, but also to the addressee, i.e. If you have doubts about this, you can:

Give an official definition of the term;

Decipher the meaning of T using neutral vocabulary;

Remove the T and replace it with a common word or expression.

When using ambiguous terms, it should be taken into account that in one letter a term can be used only in one of its meanings.

T-synonyms are Ts that have different sounds, but the same meaning (questionnaire, questionnaire, questionnaire).

T-synonyms - complete or absolute (rare phenomenon) - and relative.

T “agreement”, contract and agreement are T-synonyms, but differ in usage practice:

In labor legislation we're talking about about the employment contract - contract;

In civil law, two and multilateral transactions are called contracts;

In foreign trade activities the more commonly used term is contract;

Agreements in a number of other areas are recorded in agreements ( tariff agreement, agreement on scientific and technical cooperation).

Application of lexical and graphic abbreviations ( long words and the phrases are inconvenient)

Lexical abbreviations (abbreviations) are complex abbreviated words formed by removing part of their constituent letters or parts of words, for example: traffic police, deputy, special forces. LS function in speech as independent words.

- initial abbreviations– formed from the initial letters of words. They are also divided into alphabetic ones (the letters are pronounced when reading): AKB, SP, MP. State department store, thermal power plant, power transmission line, university;

Letter-sound: (when reading, some words are pronounced in letters, some in sounds): GUVD, NIOPIK

- syllabic contractions- formed from parts, syllables of words - deputy chairman, Moszhilstroy, technical editor, chief accountant, supply manager;

Partially abbreviated words - formed from part or parts of words and full word: self-financing, repair base

Truncations: deputy, head, special, prev.

Telescopic abbreviations - formed from the beginning and end of words denoting the concept: walkie-talkie (radio station), bionics (biology and electronics), moped (motorized bicycle);

Mixed type: VNIITorgmash; RosgorBTI

Graphic abbreviations

GS are not expressed in words; they are used only in writing; when reading, they are deciphered and read in full. Types of GS:

Spot: others - others; etc. - the like; see - look, fl. - floor.

Hyphens: Mr. – Mr.

Oblique: p/o – post office

Zero – t, kg. See l (usually physical quantities are designated);

Combined: railway-railway, north-west. – northwestern.

Use of passive constructions. In Russian there are two verb constructions that are close in meaning:

Active voice: “We have considered your proposals”;

Passive voice: “We have considered your proposals”

When using SD, attention is concentrated on the subject of the action; when using SD, attention is focused on the action itself. In the business style, preference is given to C designs that focus attention on the actions being carried out, regardless of who carried them out, for example: “The project provides for the construction of a building that meets international standards (and not “The project provides ...”).

This attitude is also implemented in impersonal constructions such as: proposals are considered, measures are taken, work is carried out, etc. This kind of phrase is one of the characteristic signs of a business style.

Limited word compatibility- this is a feature of business speech. Those. limited opportunity words enter into semantic relationships with other words.

limited combinability of words brings phrases closer to linguistic formulas and allows for maximum accuracy in expressing content when composing a text for its perception.

The use of constructions with sequential subordination of words in the genitive and instrumental cases. Experts call the use of the same type of case forms with a noun “stringing cases.” Most often in business speech, sequential subordination of words is used in genitive case, less often - in the creative, for example, “We offer you a solution for (what?) reconstruction (gen. P) of heating, ventilation and sanitary installations (gen. P.) residential and administrative buildings (gen. P). Such phrases are not acceptable in literary speech. Their use in speech is explained by the fact that with relatively large sentences, the exclusion of prepositions makes their structure transparent and easier to perceive.

Using phrases with verbal nouns. In speech, instead of verbs, constructions of verbated nouns with the meaning of verb actions are actively used, for example:

to assist, not to assist;

provide assistance rather than help

clean, not put away;

make repairs, not repair.

Experts call this phenomenon “predicate splitting.”

Predominance of simple common sentences. A feature of style is the predominant use of simple common sentences, one-part (with one main member - subject or predicate) or two-part (with two main members - subject or predicate), with isolated revolutions(participial and adverbial), separate definitions, introductory words and sentences, etc.

For example, “The specified fixed assets contributed to authorized capital The joint venture, after its liquidation, will be transferred to the balance of the Financial and Economic Department of the Mayor’s Office for the organization of the vehicle fleet of the Mayor’s Office and the Administration of the Moscow Region.”

In complex sentences it should be replaced by the conjunction “because” in deeds. In the texts the conjunctions “since”, “due to the fact that” are used.

Loan words. Borrowing is an element of a foreign language.

There is a following classification of borrowings according to the degree of their development in the Russian language:

Words that have lost any signs of non-Russian origin;

Words that have retained some external signs non-Russian origin;

Common words from the field of science, politics, culture, known not only in Russian, but also in other languages.

1. Foreign words for banking operations. Components this group words are terms, most of them do not have terminological equivalents in Russian, their use in business communication is quite appropriate and justified.

Collection is a type of banking operation consisting of the bank receiving money due to the client;

A letter of credit is a type of bank account that allows the counterparty to receive payment for goods and services on specially agreed terms immediately upon fulfillment of obligations.

Balance – in accounting, the difference between the totals of debit and credit entries.

2. Foreign words that name actions to ensure something:

Consultation – advice, explanation from a specialist on any issue

Service – maintenance, satisfaction of household needs.

3. Words that name actions to accomplish something: operation, implementation, organization.

4. Words naming documentation: know-how (from English I know how) – technical specifications, experience. Documentation, the transfer of which is stipulated when concluding licensing contracts and agreements.

5. A group of words that name printed publications: brochure, booklet.

6. Words naming time: quarter, period, date.

7. Words that name a place: district.

Among the borrowed terms there are those that have Russian synonyms (import - import).

Using foreign language vocabulary is a natural process. The use of such words within reasonable limits does not harm the language, but, on the contrary, enriches it.

What are the features of language and style official documents should be taken into account when drawing up official papers? How to write a literate text in accordance with generally accepted language norms? What does a secretary need to know about business style of speech?

From the article you will learn:

IN colloquial speech Most of us tolerate vague or ambiguous language. We are often too verbose or, conversely, too restrained in our statements. In everyday language this behavior is quite acceptable. When it comes to a written document, especially an official one, you have to adhere to strict rules. Each business paper has a specific legal meaning. That is why it is so important that the wording contained in it is unambiguous, precise and impeccable. For these purposes, the official business style of official documents is used, which allows for the most accurate and concise exchange of information.

How does the style of official documents differ from others?

Over the long years of evolution, several basic functional styles have appeared in the Russian language. Each of them is a system of specific speech means and is used in various fields . All of them have a number of specific lexical, syntactic and morphological features.

In modern science, it is customary to distinguish five main language genres:

Scope of use


Communication, exchange of information on everyday issues

Informal atmosphere


Impact on the reader's imagination, transmission of the author's emotions, aesthetic



Delivering information to a wide audience, forming public opinion


Transmission of information and confirmation of its truth

Scientific environment

Official business

Information, documentation

Official setting, business environment

All of the listed functional varieties differ from each other in the form of implementation, style features, and vocabulary used.

When it comes to the language and style of official documents, it is quite easy to distinguish it from others. It is most often used in , legislation, administrative and legal activities. Most often it is implemented in writing in the form of a reasoning or a monologue. Its main function is the transmission of information. There is no place for emotionality in business language; it is quite standardized and uses various speech cliches and “clichés”. It is a mistake to believe that high level standardization business language allows the use of only standard designs. This genre is quite flexible, and mastering it at a high level is an art.

General rules for preparing official documents

The procedure for preparing official documentation is determined at the legislative level. Various GOSTs and regulations strictly regulate the composition and arrangement of details, and in some cases, the content individual parts text. On the other hand, the law does not oblige the use of official business style when drawing up official documents.

However, in order for the official paper to comply with all existing standards and have legal force, the use of this type of language becomes a necessity.

To make the documentation official, you must follow the following requirements for the presentation of information:

  • comply with generally accepted norms of literary language and official business style;
  • use predominantly commonly used words (typical phrases);
  • apply professional terminology determined by the topic;
  • to express standard aspects of the content, use denominate prepositions, for example: “for the purpose of providing assistance”, “in the order of holding a meeting”;
  • limit the use of sentences with enumeration, participial and adverbial phrases, as well as other complex syntactic structures.

Why is there a need to unify the language of official documents?

One of the striking features of the language of official documents is its unification. This process continues continuously and affects, first of all, the language of the standard documentation. Standardization makes it possible to achieve brevity in the presentation of the text and facilitates not only its compilation, but also its perception. As a result, the time for its registration and processing is reduced. The above processes are in many ways similar to information search. They are also effectively optimized by using keywords and typified expressions of the literary language. For official documents, an example of unification can be considered all kinds of orders, staffing tables, registration journals, and accounting documentation. Those. those for which the law provides for unified forms.

Another reason for the unification of business language can be considered the trend . The use of standard verbal formulas and syntactic models makes it possible to facilitate the process of composing standard texts. The standard structure of such a text serves as a kind of frame for it. The author’s task comes down only to its concretization on the scale of independence that is determined by the type of sample text.

Official business style of official documents: characteristic features

The main function of the language of official documents is to make possible objective, concise and clear coverage of certain events. Information exchange in a business environment has a number of specific features. Participants this process are legal entities: companies, officials and personnel of organizations. The nature of information relationships is determined by the content of its main activity, competence, place in the hierarchy and many other factors.

To convey information of this kind, it is advisable to use speech means of official business language.

Characteristic features of the language used for communication and documentation in a business environment include:

Precision and clarity

Words and terms are used in traditional meanings that do not allow for double interpretation.

The presentation is kept as briefly as possible, without describing minor details or repetitions.


The information must be reliable.

The logic is easily traced in the presentation; compelling arguments are used, supported by references to regulations.

The wording must be impeccable in legal terms.

Neutrality of tone

The text is presented in the 3rd person.

Emotional overtones of events and facts are not allowed.

The use of stable phrases

Most words are used only with a limited group of words. Examples of language clichés in official documents: in connection with the order..., in order to ensure..., we consider it necessary..., taking into account... etc.

Using Common Abbreviations

Abbreviations must be clear to the recipient.

Abbreviations used must be consistent throughout the text.

Choosing vocabulary when drawing up official documents

When drafting official papers, special attention is paid to the careful selection of vocabulary and terminology. Features of business language vocabulary are: the presence of phraseological units, abbreviations, clericalisms and archaisms. The professional terminology used must be generally accepted and understandable to both parties in the information exchange. All words must be used in their traditional lexical meaning. This is important to prevent different interpretations of the same wording. This possibility may negatively affect the legal validity of the official document.

Morphological and syntactic features of business style

When drawing up and executing official papers, it is important to take into account the morphological and syntactic features of the official business style.

Characteristic morphological features of the official language:

  1. frequent use of infinitives (verbs in an indefinite form);
  2. the use of modal words (“in my opinion...”, “certainly...”, “firstly...”);
  3. predominance of relative adjectives;
  4. the presence of a large number of derived prepositions and verbal nouns;
  5. the use of complex words formed from several stems.

As for the syntactic features of the language and style of official documents, these include:

  • the use of nouns in the genitive case according to an increasing construction: “the head of a department of the enterprise”;
  • predominance of complex sentences.

When drawing up official documentation, it is necessary to take into account that it is part of the organization’s image. Just as the illiterate speech of the interlocutor turns us away from communicating with him, so incorrectly drawn up papers can make us doubt the competence of the company. That's why anyone must be proficient in the language of official documents and have an understanding of its features.

Business documents arose in Rus' soon after the advent of writing. Business writing was also developed in Muscovite Rus'. In the XV-XVI centuries. on the basis of the Moscow dialect, the business (“order”) language of Moscow Rus' developed, formed mainly in the Moscow “orders” (i.e., in institutions in charge of individual industries public administration). State and legal acts were written in the official language, as well as letters from the Moscow Grand Dukes, ambassadorial reports, geographical and historical works, medical books, cookbooks, etc.

The language of business documents of both Kievan and Muscovite Rus' differs from the language of chronicles and artistic-narrative literature, firstly, by the extremely limited use of Slavicisms; secondly, specific terms, stable combinations of words and syntactic phenomena; thirdly, almost complete absence any literary finishing techniques; A kind of “stamp” of business speech is complex sentence with subordinate conditions.

Russian business speech creates its own cliches, its own stable phraseology, which sometimes uses the most common Slavicisms. It is also possible that the scribes who worked in the Russian princely offices of the pre-Mongol era used stable formulas that had developed in the language of the Bulgarian royal offices. Many of the ancient Russian letters begin with the same formula.

Speech styles are systems of linguistic elements within a literary language, delimited by the conditions and tasks of communication; the form of our statements depends on where, with whom and why we speak.

There are five styles; four bookish: scientific, official business, journalistic, artistic - and conversational style. Each style is characterized by certain means of language: words, their forms, phrases, types of sentences, and their belonging to a colloquial or book style is realized when compared with neutral means.

Speech styles are realized in certain forms, or types of texts, called speech genres. Speech genres are a typified form of speech organization that defines types of texts that differ in the given nature of speech activity (monological genre of a journalistic article and dialogical genre of an interview) and the form of language use (oral genre of a report and written genre of an article). Basically, each genre of speech belongs to a specific style of speech, but there are also inter-style genres, for example: article, essay, essay (scientific and journalistic), interview (journalistic and official business).

Official business style is one of the book style, used in the field of business relations, business papers, i.e. laws, documents, acts, contracts, resolutions, charters, official correspondence, etc.

The purpose of this style is to convey information and give instructions. The official business style is characterized by accuracy, unambiguity, impersonal character, standardization of text construction, and the obligatory prescriptive nature of the text.

This style is characterized by:

1) the use of official vocabulary and phraseology, which is practically not used in other styles: ultimatum, cancel, diplomatic corps, etc. The official business style requires a certain amount of bureaucracy. In the vocabulary, one can also note the frequent use of complex words, which are more economical than similar phrases: legal proceedings, tenant, etc. Wide use of verbal nouns: meaning, decision, development; denominative prepositions: on the subject, along the line, after the expiration (of the period), etc.

2) the use of complex syntactic structures

3) use of nominative sentences: Remuneration for work. Labor protection.

The official business style is characterized by the use of the following linguistic means:

at the vocabulary level:

use of full names, exact dates;

book vocabulary (due to, during, due to the fact that, be characterized);

use of words in direct meanings;

lack of expressive and evaluative vocabulary;

frequent use of verbal nouns (testing, using, performing);

the presence of standardized turnover (after the expiration of the period, in the prescribed manner, enter into legal force);

limited possibilities of synonymous substitution, frequent lexical repetitions;

at the morphological level:

absence of personal pronouns, especially 1st and 2nd persons, instead of which proper names, proper names or special designations are used (Customer, Contractor), as well as verbs in the form of 1st and 2nd persons;

at the syntactic level:

complication of a simple sentence with isolated phrases, homogeneous members;

clear division of text into semantic blocks, usually using subheadings and digital design of paragraphs.

The official business style is characterized by both monological methods of organizing speech, as well as dialogue (a conversation between two people) or polylogue (a conversation between several people).

Main genres: monologues - order, official order, instruction, statement, request, complaint (complaint), recommendation, report, review; polylogue genres - meeting, meeting, negotiations, interview.

Features of formal business style:

Lack of personal pronouns;

Full naming of the characters indicating their social status;

Replacing them in the future with special designations Author, Company;

Standardized turnover: this Agreement as follows, hereinafter referred to as, is valid on the basis of;

An exact indication of the place and time of conclusion of the contract;

Complication of a simple proposal by various separate members - see the first sentence of the treaty;

Dividing text into blocks using subheadings and digital notation.

Documented information must be presented as clearly, clearly and unambiguously as possible - this is the basic requirement of written business communication. Consequently, special requirements are imposed on the language means and style of presentation of information in the document:

Compliance with lexical, grammatical, stylistic norms that ensure accuracy and clarity of presentation;

Unambiguousness of the words and terms used;

Neutral tone of presentation.

Failure to comply with these requirements, on the one hand, makes it difficult to work with documents, and on the other, deprives or reduces their legal and practical significance.

The semantic accuracy of a written statement is largely determined by the accuracy of word usage, that is, the use of words according to their meanings. A word in the text of a document should be used only in one meaning, accepted in official business writing. In this regard, difficulties in use can be caused by paronymous words (words that are close in sound, related, words of the same root, but differ in meaning). For example: present (present, show: submit a report) - provide (give something for use, order to someone: provide a certificate); conduct (carry out something: hold a meeting) - produce (work out, manufacture: produce goods).

Inattention to shades of meaning and colors of synonymous words can also lead to semantic violations in the texts of documents. So, for example, the words build (stylistically neutral), erect (stylistic coloring - “high”), construct (create something technically complex); erect (build something significant; tall) differ stylistic colors, shades of meaning and, as a consequence, have different compatibility. So, for example, the phrases “build a warehouse”, “build a bridge”, “erect an arch” are correctly composed; the combinations of building a warehouse, building a kiosk, erecting a residential building are stylistically incorrect.

It is undesirable to use professionalisms in the texts of business documentation (for example, transplantation instead of transplantation; gimbal instead of gimbal device, etc.). The area of ​​application of professionalisms is, as a rule, oral speech; their use in written business communication is a stylistic mistake. For example, completed instead of completed construction, unfinished instead of unfinished construction; day-time students instead of full-time students, non-cash, non-cash instead of non-cash payment.

The terms used in business documentation must be understandable to both the author and the addressee. If the term is rarely used and its meaning may be unclear, you should resort to one of the suggested methods:

Give an official definition of the term, for example:

factoring - sale of the right to collect debts;

Clarify and expand the content of the term with words of neutral vocabulary, for example: ... failure to fulfill the contract was caused by force majeure (heavy rains washed out the routes of communication with the plant);

Remove the term and replace it with a commonly understood word or expression.

Difficulties in perceiving the text of a document can be caused by the unjustified use of borrowed words. Most typical mistake- unmotivated use of foreign words instead of already existing ones to denote concepts of familiar words, for example:

Words and expressions that have fallen out of use (archaisms and historicisms) should not be used in documents. We should write not at the same time we direct, but we direct; not this year, but this year (current year); we do not hereby inform, but inform; The deed is not hereby drawn up, but the deed is drawn up.

When using numerals in the texts of documents, it should be remembered that single-digit numbers are reproduced as a word, and if there is an indication of the measure - as a number (no more than five flights, but 9 kg). Compound numerals are written in numbers, except for those cases when the numeral is at the beginning of the sentence (One hundred titles of CDs, but the commission rejected 15 objects). Ordinal numbers are written with the indication case endings(up to 16th digit). In financial documents, along with a digital record, a verbal transcript is given.

Standard aspects of business writing language include the unification of abbreviations widely used in business letters. Words and phrases characterized by high frequency of use are abbreviated, as well as terms, names of organizations, well-known legal acts, codes of laws, etc. Abbreviations used in the texts of documents are subject to certain rules:

1. Abbreviations must be consistent throughout the document. It is unacceptable to abbreviate the same word (phrase) in different ways or write it in full in one place and abbreviated in another.

2. You cannot shorten a word if it is the only member of a sentence.

3. Abbreviation is not allowed if it may lead to a different interpretation or ambiguity in the perception of the phrase.

4. Abbreviation of a word to one letter is not allowed, except in cases of traditional text abbreviations such as: g. (year), g. (mister), l. (leaf, sheets), p. (village), r. (river), item (point), etc.

The features of the official business style noted below are an objective fact of the language; their use in the texts of documents is natural and fixed by tradition. A violation of the functional-style norm is the use of language means that are not inherent in the business style, which contradict the requirement of logic, accuracy and brevity of the language of business papers and documents. These are, first of all, words and phraseological units of colloquial and emotionally expressive coloring.

In the language of business papers and documents the following are widely used:

Terms and professionalisms in accordance with the subject and content of official documents. First of all, these are legal, diplomatic and accounting terms (import, contract, delay, surcharge, supply, demand, etc.).

Non-terminological words used primarily in administrative and clerical speech (proper, due, above, undersigned, forwarded, present (this), etc.).

Nouns are names of people on the basis of some action or relationship (tenant, witness, employer, plaintiff, defendant, etc.). Nouns denoting positions and titles are used in business speech only in the masculine form (witness Fedorova, police officer Savelyeva, professor Emelyanova, etc.).

Verbal nouns. Among them, a special place is occupied by nouns with the prefix not (non-fulfillment, non-finding, non-fulfillment, non-compliance, non-recognition, etc.).

Complex denominative prepositions expressing standard aspects of content (for the purpose of, in relation to, by virtue of, along the line, in part, etc.).

The preposition po with the prepositional case to denote time periods (after reaching the age of eighteen, etc.).

Stable phrases of the attributive-nominal type with the coloring of an official business style (one-time allowance, higher authorities, established procedure, preliminary consideration, etc.).

“Split” predicates (to provide assistance, to reconstruct, to conduct an investigation, etc.) in contrast to their parallel verb forms (to help, to reconstruct, to investigate, etc.).

“Stringing” the genitive case in a chain of nouns (... for the application of measures of social influence;... for the purpose of wide publicity of the work of state control bodies, etc.).

Statements through negation, in which the addressee authorizes administrative actions. The initiative for these actions does not come from the addressee (the Ministry does not object..., the Collegium does not reject..., Academic Council does not reject... etc.).

Passive voice, if necessary, emphasizes the fact that an action has been completed (payment guaranteed; proposal approved; documentation returned, etc.). The active voice is used when it is necessary to indicate a specific person or organization as the subject of legal liability (Electrostal plant disrupts the supply of raw materials; the head of the cooperative did not ensure compliance with safety standards, etc.).

The persuasive aspect of a business message also deserves special attention. Experts note that the information content and persuasiveness of an official document are achieved through the use of language formulas that take legal force, presentation of all the circumstances of the case in their interrelation, the use of subordinate clauses reflecting cause-and-effect relationships, and allied words that form a logical context. The main condition for the credibility of any document is its evidence. Only accurate, indisputable facts should be the basis of a business message. The persuasiveness of the letter also depends on the ability of its compilers to express the interests of the enterprise to which it is sent.

The language and style of official papers differs from the language and style of messages in which the authors appear as individuals. Addressees and senders of official correspondence are subjects of legal relations, and a business message can serve as the subject of direct legal assessment. The style of presentation in business messages is formal and logical. He is characterized by dryness and maximum precision in the presentation of thoughts. Its main features are: neutrality, transpersonal nature of presentation, unification, typification of speech means and standardization of terms, narrowing the range of speech means used, repetition of individual language forms in certain sections of document texts.

Official business style is the style of official communication, business correspondence, orders, announcements, documentation, and legal proceedings. This style is the most closed and conservative in the style system.

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Language and style of official documents

Pivina Veronika Andreevna


1. Concepts about an official document. Place and role of official document in management

1.1 Official document

2.3 Editing and editing of official documents

2.4 Common mistakes




Each of us has to write business texts. When applying for a job, we write applications for employment; many people need to prepare the text of a service letter, draw up an act, draw up a protocol or write a report.

But in order to correctly and quickly compose such a text, it is important to know at least in general terms the features of the language of official documents and the requirements for it. Failure to comply with these requirements best case scenario makes it difficult to work with the document, and at worst, deprives it of practical and legal significance.

Documentation of management activities is the basis of office work and one of the most complex issues that are resolved in the process of working with documents. The verbal formulation of decisions and actions plays an important role. Language does not act as a passive fixer of decisions made, but plays an active stimulating role in management activities.

The language of professional communication requires unambiguous interpretation of the main key concepts, expressed in terms. For documentation support In management, this is especially important: the language of business communication is closely related to the vocabulary of legislative and regulatory acts and relies on it, and inaccurate use of a term can have legal consequences.

The variety of language used in a particular sphere of human activity is called a linguistic style.

Style is a functional variety of language. Any information needs a language in which it will be recorded, transmitted and perceived. This complex process can be accomplished using specialized terminology, a core component of any functional style. The language and style of official documentation are subject to the laws of drafting text documents from the point of view of the so-called official business style of speech. This style has its own specific differences from colloquial speech and other styles of literary language (scientific, journalistic, artistic). The style of official business communication between people in different spheres of life: economic, socio-political and cultural has developed under the influence of the need to present facts with extreme accuracy, brevity, specificity and avoid ambiguity.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the research topic is relevant from both theoretical and practical points of view.

The purpose of this work: to identify the distinctive features of modern language and style of official documents.

1. Study the concept of an official document. Determine the place and role of the official document in management.

2. Give a brief description of the styles of the modern Russian language. Identify the distinctive features of the modern business style of language used to write official documents.

Object: official documents.

Subject: language and style of official documents.

Structure of the work: the first chapter is devoted to consideration of the features of compiling the text of official documents and their functions, as well as establishing the place and role of official documents in management.

The second chapter will examine the styles of the modern Russian language, identifying the distinctive features of the modern business style as a style of language used for writing official documents.

In solving the objectives of the course work, the following research methods were used:

· analysis of research literature;

· comparisons;

· analysis and synthesis;

· systemic;

Practical significance: failure to comply with the language requirements of official documents, at best, can lead to difficulties in working with the document, and at worst, deprives it of practical and legal significance. Therefore, in order not to find yourself in this situation, this course work will clarify some practical issues on this topic.

1. The concept of an official document. Place and role of official document in management

1.1 Official document

Consider the definition of an official document:

An official document is an official document that is used in the current activities of an organization. Documents are called official documents because they are drawn up on behalf of the enterprise or institution and signed by their authorized representatives. The official document must use formal business style. This document must be concise, consistent, and accurately present the facts and decisions made.

An official document has a form and elements of content. The form of an official document is a set of elements of its design and content, assessed from the point of view of their composition, volume, sequence of arrangement and mutual connection. Design elements include: name, various addresses, dates, registration numbers, etc.

There is a language for official documents that must meet the following requirements:

1. Compliance with the norms of official business style and modern literary language, primarily those that help express ideas more clearly and completely.

2. As a norm, there are often such language options that are the most appropriate, appropriate and therefore preferable. For example, when choosing options like “provide assistance - help”, “make a mistake - make a mistake”, you need to take into account the traditions of style that are used in this case.

3. The presence of words used in official documents, entrenched in administrative and clerical speech.

4. Use of terms and professionalisms, primarily legal and accounting.

5. Widespread use of complex denominative prepositions expressing standard aspects of content.

6. Limited use complicated syntactic constructions - sentences with participial and participial phrases, with various types of enumerations.

And also official documents have the following mandatory qualities:

Reliability and objectivity;

Accuracy, eliminating double understanding of the text;

Maximum brevity, laconism of formulations;

Legal integrity;

Standardity of language when presenting typical situations of business communication;

Neutral tone of presentation;

Compliance with the norms of official etiquette, which appears in the choice of stable forms of address and genre-appropriate words and phrases, in the construction of phrases and the entire text.

Official documents must be drawn up and executed on the basis of the rules set out in the Unified state system records management (USD).

The main feature of the composition of official documents is that there are uniform requirements and rules for it, which are established by state regulations. Compliance with these rules ensures their legal force, prompt and high-quality preparation and execution of documents, organization of a quick search for documents, as well as more active use of a personal electronic computer (PC) in the preparation of official documents.

Types of official documents:

Service memo (Appendix 1);

Memorandum (Appendix 2);

Application (Appendix 3);

Act (Appendix 4);


Employment agreement;


The design of all these documents is unified, but in content they can be completely different:

1. By place of compilation: internal (documents coming from other enterprises, organizations and individuals).

3. By form: individual - the content of each document has its own characteristics, stencil - part of the document is printed, and part is filled out during preparation, standard - created for a group of homogeneous enterprises (all standard and stencil documents are printed typographically or on duplicating machines).

4. By deadlines: urgent, requiring execution within certain period, and not urgent, for which the deadline is not set.

5. By origin: official, affecting the interests of an enterprise, organization, and personal, relating to a specific person and being registered.

6. By type of design: authentic, graphic, photographic and film documents, etc.

Functions of official documents:

Any document is multifunctional, i.e. contains various functions that change their dominant meaning over time. General and special functions are distinguished. General ones are informational, social, communicative, cultural; special - managerial, legal, historical source function, accounting function.

The information function is determined by the need to capture information for the purpose of preservation and transmission and is inherent in all documents without exception. The reason for the appearance of any document is the need to record information about facts, events, phenomena, practical and mental activities. The information contained in the documents can be divided into:

1. Respective (relating to the past).

2. Operational (current).

3. Perspective (relating to the future).

There are other classifications of information. For example, division into primary and secondary; by genre; species; carriers and others.

Each document has information capacity.

Information capacity is characterized by the following indicators: completeness, objectivity, reliability, optimality, relevance of information, its usefulness and novelty. The higher these indicators, the more valuable the document.

The social function is also inherent in many documents, because They are created to meet the various needs of both society as a whole and its individual members. The document itself can also influence their social relations depending on their purpose and role in a given society, and can not only stimulate their development of social processes, but also slow them down. The communicative function performs the task of transmitting information in time and space, information communication between members of society. Without the exchange of information, opinions, and ideas, social connections cannot be maintained. There are two categories of documents in which the communicative function is clearly expressed:

1. Documents oriented in one direction (law, decrees, orders, instructions, etc.)

2. Bilateral documents (business and personal correspondence, contractual documents, etc.)

3. Cultural function - the ability of a document to preserve and transmit cultural traditions, aesthetic norms accepted in society (movie, photograph, scientific and technological document, etc.).

4. The management function is performed by official documents that are specially created for the purposes and in the management process (laws, regulations, charters, protocols, decisions, summaries, reports, etc.). These documents play a large role in the information support of management, they are diverse, reflect various levels of decision making.

5. The legal function is inherent in documents that establish changes in legal norms and offenses. We can distinguish two categories of documents endowed with a legal function: those that initially possess it and those that acquire it temporarily. The first group includes all documents establishing, consolidating, changing legal norms and legal relations or terminating their validity, as well as other documents entailing legal consequences. This includes all legal acts of the authorities state power(laws, decrees, resolutions, etc.), judicial, prosecutorial, notarial and arbitration acts, all contractual, identification documents (passports, passes, certificates, etc.) and supporting financial documents (invoices, receipt orders, accounting documents) payment requests, etc.) The second category includes documents that temporarily acquire this function, serving as evidence of any facts in court, investigative authorities and the prosecutor's office, notaries, and arbitration. In principle, any document can be evidence and thereby temporarily have a legal function.

6. The accounting function gives not a qualitative, but a quantitative characteristic of information related to economic, demographic and other social processes for the purpose of their analysis and control. The author of a document, as a rule, endows it with some function, but objectively this document also carries other functions, and over time the relative weight of this or that function changes.

1.2 Place and role of official document in management

In management activities, it is very important to be able to speak written language, which is reflected in official documents. Official documents are officially used in the process of organizing the management of production and service activities. A set of official documents used in a certain field of activity and reflecting its specifics; a system of official documentation. The use of official documentation forms one of the main forms of organizational activity.

The main element of official documentation in managing the activities of almost any organization is a written document that consolidates information by means of written language communication in accordance with the lexical and grammatical norms of the state language, state standards, departmental instructions, as well as established traditions and established procedures for office work in a particular organization .

So, official documents are an important element in management activities. For an employee working in the field of office work, it is very important to know the features and functions of official documents. Without knowing the features and functions, the process of drawing up official documents can take a lot of time.

2. Types and brief description of styles of the modern Russian language. Distinctive features of the modern business style language used to write official documents

2.1 Types and brief characteristics of styles of the modern Russian language

Style is a functional variety of language. There are 5 types of styles of modern Russian:

1. Scientific style is a functional style of speech in a literary language, which is characterized by a number of features: pre-thinking of the statement, monologue in nature, strict selection of linguistic means, inclination towards normative speech. The scientific style is characterized by a logical sequence of presentation, an ordered system of communication between the parts of the statement, the desire of the authors for accuracy, conciseness, unambiguity while maintaining and richness of content. Logicity is, if possible, the presence of semantic connections between successive units (blocks) of text. Consistency is possessed only by a text in which the conclusions follow from the content, they are consistent, the text is divided into separate semantic segments that reflect the movement of thought from the particular to the general or from the general to the particular. Clarity as quality scientific speech, implies understandability and accessibility.

Under scientific style styles:

1) scientific and business;

2) popular science;

3) scientific and technical;

4) educational and scientific;

5) scientific and journalistic.

2. Literary and artistic - main feature stylistically artistic speech becomes a search for the specifics of an artistic text, the creative self-expression of the artist's words. Features of the language fiction are generally determined by several factors. It is characterized by broad metaphoricality, imagery of linguistic units of almost all levels, the use of synonyms of all types, polysemy, and different stylistic layers of vocabulary is observed. IN artistic style(compared to other functional styles) there are their own laws of word perception. The meaning of a word is largely determined by the author’s goal setting, genre and compositional features of the work of art of which this word is an element: firstly, it is in the context of a given literary work may acquire artistic ambiguity not recorded in dictionaries. Secondly, it retains its connection with the ideological and aesthetic system of this work and is assessed by us as beautiful or ugly, sublime or base, tragic or comic.

Under literary and artistic styles:

1) poetic;

2) prosaic;

3) dramatic.

3. Official - business style is an arsenal of lexical - verbal and grammatical means that help the speaker and writer emphasize the official nature of communication. The choice of a word and its form, the construction of a sentence - all these techniques with the help of which the author of the test not only conveys information, but also signals to the recipient about its importance, about how to react to receiving the message. It covers international relations, jurisprudence, and the military industry.

There are the following styles of formal business style:

1) legislative (it is used in the field of government);

2) administrative and clerical (this is the maintenance of personal business papers of the organization);

3) diplomatic (manifests itself at the international level).

Official business style is used in documents such as:

· Reference

· Explanatory note

· Statement

· Instructions

· Resolution

· Power of attorney

· Legislative act

Many features in the official business style, such as specific vocabulary, phraseology, and syntactic phrases, give it a conservative character. A distinctive feature is the presence of numerous speech standards - clichés.

General features of formal business style:

1) conciseness, economical use of language means;

2) standard arrangement of material;

3) widespread use of terminology;

4) private use of verbal nouns, denominal prepositions;

5) narrative nature of the presentation.

4. Journalistic style is a functional style of speech that is used in genres: article, essay, report, interview, etc.

The journalistic style serves to influence people through the media (newspapers, magazines, posters, booklets). It is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, emotionality, evaluativeness, appeal.

It widely uses, in addition to neutral, high, solemn vocabulary and phraseology, emotionally charged words, the use of short sentences, chopped prose, verbless phrases, rhetorical questions, exclamations, repetitions and others. The linguistic features of this style are affected by the breadth of the topic: there is a need to include special vocabulary that requires explanation. On the other hand, a number of such topics are in the center of public attention, and vocabulary related to these topics takes on a journalistic connotation. Among such topics, we should highlight politics, economics, education, healthcare, criminology, and military topics.

For journalistic styles:

1) informational;

2) actually journalistic;

3) artistic and journalistic.

Functions of journalistic style:

1) informational - this is the desire to inform people of news as soon as possible;

2) influencing - this is the desire to influence people's opinions.

5. Conversational style is a functional style of speech that serves for informal communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting. It often uses colloquial and colloquial vocabulary.

In a conversational style, gestures, facial expressions, and the surrounding environment play an important role. Greater freedom in the choice of emotional words and expressions is determined by the relaxed atmosphere of communication.

The form of implementation is dialogue; this style is most often used in oral speech. The conversational style has a generalization function.

2.2 Distinctive features of the modern business style of language used to write official documents

When drawing up official documents, plays an important role right choice words that accurately convey the meaning of the information. The choice of a word and its form, the construction of a sentence - all these are techniques with the help of which the author of the text not only conveys information, but also signals to the addressee about its importance, about how to react to the message received. To do this, you need to remember a few basic rules of vocabulary.

It is very important to correctly use terms - words or phrases that name a special concept from any area of ​​human activity. If you doubt that the meanings of the terms you use are clear to the addressee, a decoding should be given in the text. When decoding, you need to use a dictionary (for example: explanatory, terminological, foreign words, etc.). If you do not use your dictionary, the translation may be inaccurate. For example, “the contract provides for force majeure circumstances (namely cases of natural disasters)”

When using terms in business documentation, it is necessary to ensure that the term should be clear to both the author and the addressee, and if necessary, the content of the term must be disclosed, which can be done in several ways:

1) decrypt;

2) give an official definition of the term;

3) replace the term with a generally understood word or expression.

The definition of the term must be accurate, clear and complete.

One of the most common diseases of the official style is pleonasm (excess). It lies in the fact that the phrase contains redundant, unnecessary words from the point of view of meaning. For example:

· subtle nuance (the noun “nuance” is derived from the French Nuance - shade, subtle difference);

· force at an accelerated pace (the verb “to force” is derived from the French Forcer - to accelerate the pace of activity);

· in the month of December (December cannot be anything other than a month);

· 375 thousand rubles of money (only money is calculated in rubles);

· price list (the word “price list” has the French root prix - price). But the expression “retail price list” is acceptable;

· the main point(“the essence” is the main thing), etc.

However, some pleonastic phrases have come into use and acquired shades of meaning that justify their existence. For example, “real reality”, “message”, “experience”, clarify their meaning.

Often in service dictionaries there is also a tautology - a repetition of words with the same root within the same phrase. This stylistic error makes the text dissonant and makes it difficult to understand. For example: the benefits of using something; The following factors should be taken into account and addressed to: Such phrases must be replaced by others without loss of meaning: “benefit from using something”, “the following factors must be taken into account”, “directed to the address”.

When preparing a document, it is necessary to remember that not all words are combined with each other in the way that is convenient for us. There are rules of compatibility in language.

You can clarify them using the “Dictionary of Compatibility of Words in the Russian Language”. Some typical combinations of words for business speech:

· order - issued

· salary - set

reprimand - announced

· censure - issued, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to the combination of “make a difference” and “play a role” and never interchange their components.

When using ambiguous terms, it should be taken into account that in each specific case the term is used only in one of its meanings. If the same concept is denoted by several terms, synonymy of terms arises.

Synonymous terms have different sounds, but the same meaning. For example, the terms “questionnaire” and “questionnaire”. They can be complete or partial. When using synonymous terms, it is important to pay attention to which side or properties of the concept need to be designated and highlighted in the context.

For example, terms such as “agreement”, “contract”, “agreement” differ in usage practice: in labor legislation multilateral transactions are called treaties, etc.

When working with text, you should distinguish between paronyms - related words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning and compatibility. Sometimes replacing a word with a paronym entails significant distortions of meaning. Errors with paronyms are especially common:

Pay - pay (the difference lies in the grammatical compatibility of these verbs: the word “pay” requires a direct object: “pay for something”; “pay” requires an indirect object: “pay for something”).

Compilers of official documents often abuse abbreviations, not taking into account the fact that this may complicate the process of studying the document.

It is difficult to guess that the abbreviation losses means potential losses, that a LU on a BV is a linear accelerator of charged particles on a traveling wave. Such an abbreviation is not acceptable in business writing.

Abbreviation rules:

1. An abbreviation must not be the same in form as an existing word, overlap with a known phrase pattern, or coincide with another abbreviation.

2. The reduction must be reverse, i.e. such that it can always be expanded into the full name of which it is the equivalent. However, this rule does not apply to abbreviations that have already become independent words.

3. Abbreviations must comply with the norms of Russian pronunciation and spelling.

In modern Russian there are three ways to form an abbreviation:

1) according to the first letters of the words included in the abbreviation;

2) according to the initial syllables of the words included in the abbreviation;

3) connecting one or two initial syllables of the first word with the complete second word.

Types of abbreviations:

· initial abbreviations - abbreviations formed from the initial letters of words denoting a concept; they in turn are divided into:

ь Letter: Ministry of Emergency Situations, MP, KB;

ь Sound (sounds are pronounced when reading): GOST, GAI, CHPP;

ь Letter-sound (when reading, it is pronounced by letters, and the other part by sounds): GUVD, LLP.

· syllabic abbreviations - formed from parts, syllables of words;

· partially abbreviated words - formed from part or parts of words and a full word;

· telescopic abbreviations - formed from the beginning and end of the constituent words.

Spelling is no less important when preparing official documents.

Most often, the person composing the document has difficulty writing the names of institutions, organizations, and enterprises. It is necessary to remember that in the names of the highest government, most important international organizations all words are written with a capital letter. For example:

United Nations.

In most names, the first word is capitalized:

Federal Archival Service of Russia.

In the names of Russian territorial-administrative entities, the words edge, region, national district, district are written with a lowercase letter.

In compound names of documents and cultural monuments, the first word and all proper names are written with a capital letter:

Constitution Russian Federation, St. Isaac's Cathedral, Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Spelling difficulties are caused by the spelling of names associated with proper names, which is completely natural, since in this section of Russian orthography there is no complete uniformity, and changes are constantly taking place.

2.3 Editing and editing official documents

Editing - (this is checking and correcting text) is one of the the most important stages work on the document.

When starting to edit text, it is important to clearly understand what goals are being set for you. Editing can be either purely stylistic or semantic. In the first case, the editor is required, first of all, to have impeccable literacy and a subtle sense of words. In the second - along with this, the fundamental importance of the essence of the issue, the possession of factual material.

Officially, business style has its own specifics. One of the fundamental requirements for the language of official documents is accuracy and unambiguity of statements. And although usually repeating the same word within a short text is considered a stylistic error, it is acceptable if we are talking about repetition of terms. Special vocabulary has a number of features that must be taken into account. The meaning of the term is specific; most often it does not have absolute synonyms and cannot be replaced by another word without changing the essence of the statement. Therefore, it is not uncommon to make exceptions for texts rich in terminology and preserve verbal repetitions for the sake of accuracy of meaning.

Important editorial principles:

· keeping the contents of the document unchanged;

· the ability to prove that intervention in the text is necessary;

· integrity and consistency;

· clarity and accuracy,

Editorial functions are considered completed after all doubts have been resolved and only notes intended for making corrections remain in the margins of the document.

There are four main types of editorial changes (Appendix 5);

· Editing - proofreading;

· Editing - processing;

· Editing and reworking.

A document corrected by a qualified editor must:

· Be perfectly literate in terms of spelling and punctuation;

· Have optimal volume;

Be built according to the laws of logic;

2.4 Common mistakes

Errors when using the full and short forms of adjectives. Compilers of official letters should take into account that short forms of adjectives are more commonly used in official business speech.

Drafting the text of official documents is work that requires a fairly high level of language competence. You cannot learn to write documents correctly without knowing the features of the official business style. The modern Russian language has accumulated invaluable experience in the field of written business communication, represented by unified and standard forms.


The following tasks were completed in the course work:

1. The concept of an official document has been studied. The place and role of the official document in management are determined.

2. The types and one-time characteristics of the styles of the modern Russian language are shown. Identify the distinctive features of modern business style as a style of language used for writing official documents.

Thus, the goal of this work - identifying the distinctive features of modern language and style of official documents - has been achieved.

The work draws the following conclusions

Firstly, for an employee working in the field of office work, it is very important to know the features and functions of official documents. Documents must be drawn up and executed on the basis of the rules set out in the Unified State Records Management System (USSD). Official documents constitute a system of official documentation, which forms one of the main forms of organizational activity.

Secondly, drafting documents is a difficult and complex process that takes a lot of working time. Knowing the rules of the modern Russian language and the distinctive features of the official business style of documents, you can significantly reduce the time for their preparation.

Distinctive features of modern business style are:

· proper use terms - words or phrases naming a special concept from any area of ​​human activity.

· knowledge of the basic rules of grammar, such as the use of the passive and impersonal sentences, the use of participial phrases and others.

· the ability to arrange and present material in such a way as to make it as accessible as possible to the recipient.

official document business language

List of references and sources

1. Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ “On Joint-Stock Companies” (as amended and supplemented on June 13, 1996, May 24, 1999).

2. Federal Law of November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ “On Accounting” (as amended on July 23, 1998).

3. Kuznetsov S.L. Office work on a computer. - M.: JSC Business School Intel-Sintez, 1999, 208 p.

4. Kuznetsova T.V. Office work (Documentation support for management). - M.: JSC Business School Intel-Sintez, 1999, 818 p.

5. Dictionary of combinability of words in the Russian language. / Under. Ed. P.N. Denisova, V.V. Morkovkina. M., 1983

6. Drawing up and execution of official documents: A practical guide for commercial firms / T.V. Kuznetsova: JSC "Business School", 1997.

7. Mikhalkina I.V. Compliance with Russian language standards in official business correspondence and official documents // Directory of the secretary and office manager 2012. - No. 4. - pp. 61-67.

8. GOST R 51141-98. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and definitions

9. I.N. Kuznetsov. Office work: Educational and reference manual. - M.: "Dashkov and Co", 2007. - 520 p.

10. N. Kushnarenko. Documentation: Textbook. - Kyiv: Knowledge, 2008. - 459 p.

11. N.S. Larkov. Documentation: Textbook. - M.: AST: East - West, 2006. - 427, p.

12. M.Yu. Rogozhin. Office work. Course of lectures: training manual. - M.: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2008. - 240 p.

13. K.B. Gelman-Vinogradov. Difficulties in the scientific interpretation of the concept of “document” and ways to overcome them // Domestic archives. 2005. No. 6.

14. A.S. Demushkin. Recognition of document forgeries // Secretary-referent. 2003. No. 4

15. L.N. Mazur. Bureaucratic cycles of Russian statehood in the 18th-20th centuries. and the evolution of the office work system // 16. Office work. 2011. No. 2.

17. V.F. Yankovaya. Original, copy, duplicate // Secretary-referent. 2005. No. 11

Appendix 1

Sample design of a memo

Appendix 2

Sample format for a report

Appendix 3

Sample application form

To the Director of Zhelanie LLC

Stepanov G.N.

Sales Manager

Larionov Vasily Ivanovich


I request that you dismiss me from my position due to at will September 19, 2013


Appendix 4

Sample registration of the act

Appendix 5

Types of editorial changes

Type of edit

Brief description

Editing and proofreading

As close as possible to proofreading work. It is a correction of spelling and punctuation errors and typos. Such corrections usually do not require approval from the person signing the document.


Produced in two main cases:

Firstly, when it is necessary to make the document shorter by any means;

Secondly, when the text contains redundant information - repetitions and “commonplaces”.

The editor is obliged to eliminate from the document well-known facts, truisms, unnecessary introductory words and designs. It is important that the editor is well versed in the material and is able to determine whether the repetition of the same words is justified and whether their replacement with synonyms is acceptable.

Editing - processing

Represents an improvement to the style of the document. Errors and shortcomings are eliminated, related to violation compatibility of words, failure to distinguish between paronyms, use of cumbersome constructions, etc.

Editing and reworking

It is used in preparing for printing manuscripts of those authors who have a poor command of the literary language. Editing and reworking is widely used in newspaper editorial offices, especially in letter departments, since materials sent by readers, for various reasons, can be difficult to send to print in the form in which they were received.

Appendix 6

Examples of syntax errors

Type of errors


Errors associated with incorrect word order in a sentence

There are errors in the texts of official letters, indicating that their compilers do not follow the word order in Russian written speech.

The first sentence contains an indication by what time the OJSC completed the order. The second sentence states that the JSC fulfilled the order. The third sentence indicates which JSC completed the order

Violation of the specific use of participial phrases

An adverbial phrase serves as a means of conveying an action that occurs simultaneously or in connection with another action. Using this circumstance, various ethical issues can be conveyed through the participial phrase.


“By studying the problems of urban transport, scientists have obtained interesting results.”


“When studying urban transport problems, scientists obtained interesting results”

Incorrect use of prepositions

In official written speech, phrases with a preposition and with dependent nouns in the prepositional case have become widespread.


“The plant director noted the importance of the problem posed.”


“The director noted the importance of the problem posed.”

Incorrect case agreement

Compilers of official documents often make incorrect case agreement. The most common is the incorrect use of a noun in the genitive case instead of the dative case


“According to your request...”


“According to your request...”

Position 7

Examples of morphological errors

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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institutionhigher education



Faculty of Management

Area of ​​training: 03/38/04 State and municipal administration

Profile State and municipal service

Department of Management


by discipline: Office work at State Medical University

on the topic:"Language of official documents"

Velikanov P.S.


Abdryashitova A.I.

Vladimir 2015


Official document - a document drawn up by a legal or an individual, in accordance with the rules established in the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of this work is to learn about all the rules for drawing up official documents and consider their language. Rules for drawing up official documents can be found in GOST R 6.30-2003, which presents all the necessary details that help in drawing up a business document.

The objectives of the research are determined by the goal and are to:

· find out what an official document is, consider its classification;

· describe the details necessary when drawing up an official document;

· features of official business style;

· find out the rules for composing text in official documents;

· consider the rules of etiquette in official documents.

To draw up an official document, you must remember that it is the main source of information. A document is a means of fixing in various ways on special material information about facts, events, phenomena of objective reality and human mental activity.

Thus, having a clear goal and specific tasks, it is necessary to find out all the rules for drawing up official documents, as well as consider them from the point of view of language, that is, its etiquette and stylistic norms.

1. Document as the main source of information

1.1 Definition of a document, its types

A document is information recorded on a tangible medium with all the necessary details that allow it to be identified. A document can be created in the form of a letter, drawing, photograph, etc. Having recorded information, the document ensures its storage, accumulation, the possibility of transfer to another person, repeated use, and return to information over time.

Any document can be considered from the point of view of the information carrier, the method of recording, the documents being executed and its functions. There are five functions of the document: informational, organizational, legal, educational, scientific and historical. The functions of a document represent the intended purpose of this document.

There are no documents that perform only one function. Any document is multifunctional, so you can differentiate documents only by condition, for the convenience of their classification and analysis.

The whole variety of documents is divided into official and personal documents. A document created by an organization or official and executed in the prescribed manner is called official.

Based on the stage of creation and execution, business documents are divided into the following types:

1. The original of an official document is the first or only copy of an official document.

2. A draft document is a business document until it is signed by the relevant official.

3. A copy of a document is an exact reproduction of the original.

4. A duplicate of a document is a copy that is issued in case of loss of the original.

5. Extract - a copy of a document reproducing any part of it, certified in the prescribed manner.

Official documents, depending on the sphere of human activity they serve, are divided into managerial, scientific, technical, technological, production, etc. HR services Enterprises work with official documents, the vast majority of which are management documents.

1.2 Classification of documents

The whole system management documentation enterprises are divided into:

1. Organizational and legal (charter, regulations on the organization, regulations, staffing, job description, etc.);

2. Organizational and administrative documents (order, instruction, instruction, resolution);

3. Information and reference documents (business letters and notes, application, protocol, act, etc.).

In turn, documents are classified according to the following criteria:

1. According to the form:

· individual (the content of each document has its own characteristics);

· standard (created for a homogeneous group of documents);

· stencil (some of the documents are printed, and some are filled in when drafting).

· simple (consider one question);

· complex (consider several issues).

3. By origin:

· official (affect the interests of enterprises);

· personal (concern a specific person and are personal).

4. At the place of compilation:

· internal;

· external (from other organizations or individuals).

5. By shelf life:

· permanent;

· temporary.

6. By publicity:

· restricted access documents;

· without access restrictions.

7. According to production time:

· urgent (have a certain deadline);

· non-urgent (no deadline set).

8. According to manufacturing method:

· written;

· technical;

· acoustic;

· film documents;

· photographic documents;

· video documents.

In turn, there are other classifications of documents.

2. Details, necessary when preparing official documents

Props 1- State emblem of the Russian Federation. This detail is placed on document forms in accordance with the content of the constitutional law on the state emblem of the Russian Federation.

Organizations and institutions using the image of the state emblem:

1. Federal Assembly;

2. Government of the Russian Federation;

3. Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;

4. Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation;

5. Central bodies of the federal executive power, federal courts;

6. Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;

7. Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

8. Commissioner for Human Rights;

9. Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation;

10. Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of State Secrets;

11. Diplomatic governments;

12. Consular offices and official missions of the Russian Federation abroad;

13. State authorities.

Props 2- Coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. This detail is placed on document forms in accordance with the legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It is advisable to indicate the name of the state on the document form.

Props 3- Organization emblem or trademark. This detail is placed on the letterhead of organizations in accordance with the charter.

An emblem is a symbolic graphic image that can represent a drawing, a symbol, or may include letter designations. A trademark is a designation that can distinguish the goods and services of one legal entity from another.

Registration of trademarks consisting only of the following symbols is not permitted:

1. State emblem;

3. Official name of the state;

4. Emblems are not allowed;

5. Abbreviated or full names of international or intergovernmental organizations;

6. Printing;

7. Awards and other recognitions.

Props 4- Organization code. This detail is indicated by All-Russian classifier enterprises and organizations (OKPO). The code is an eight-digit number or a sequence of numbers printed separated by a space, which define the industry, scope and activity of the organization.

Props 5- Main state registration number (OGRN). OGRN of a legal entity is affixed in accordance with documents issued by tax authorities. The location of prop 5 next to prop 4 on letterheads.

Props 6- Taxpayer identification number/reason code for delivery for registration. These details are entered in accordance with the documents issued by the tax authorities. Most often, detail 6 is placed under details 4 and 5.

Props 7- Document form code, which is entered according to the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD). The form code must match the code unified form document contained in the classifiers section.

Props 8- The name of the organization, which must correspond to the name enshrined in its constituent documents. These details are located at the top of the document and are located in the center or to the right.

Props present:

1. On the general letterhead of the organization;

2. On letterhead;

3. On the form of a specific type of document.

Props 9- Background information about the organization. This information includes postal address, telephone number and other information at the discretion of the organization.

Props 10- Name of the document type. This detail must be determined by the charter and must correspond to the types of documents provided for by OKUD and USORD (unified system of organizational and administrative documents) - order, charter, regulations, instructions, etc. are written in capital letters in bold font. This detail is not on the letterhead.

Props 11- Document date. The date of the document is the date it was signed or approved.

Requirements for date stamping of documents:

1. for the record - the date of the meeting;

2. For an act - the date of the event;

3. Documents issued by two or more organizations must have one single date.

Ways to date documents:

1. Digital (03/05/2013);

3. In reverse order (2013.03.05).

Props 12- Registration number of the document. This detail is placed to the right of the date and represents the serial number of the document assigned to it after signing, which can be supplemented with other information.

Props 13- Link to the registration number and date of the document. This detail includes the registration number and date of the document to which a response must be given. This detail is filled in when composing the response letter.

Props 14- Place of compilation or publication of the document. This detail is indicated if it is difficult to determine using details 8 or 9.

Props 15- Addressee. The addressee may be individual organizations, their structural divisions, officials or individuals. This detail is located in the upper right part of the document and includes the name of the organization, the name of the structural unit, position, initials and surname of the recipient in the dative case, postal address.

Props 16- Approval stamp.

Document approval methods:

1. Approval by an official;

2. Approval by a specially issued document.

When a document is approved by an official, the approval stamp includes:

1. The word I CONFIRM;

2. Name of the official approving the document;

3. Personal signature of the official, his initials and surname;

4. Date of approval.

When approved by a specially published document, the approval stamp consists of:

1. The words APPROVED (ON, US, BUT);

2. The name of the approving document in the instrumental case;

3. Its dates and numbers.

Props 17- Resolution. This detail is entered by the relevant official in a handwritten manner, which contains the decision he made, and includes the names, initials of the executors, the contents of the order, the deadline for execution, signature and date.

Props 18- Title to the text. This prop includes summary text, answers the question about whom? about what? and is located in front of props 20.

Props 19- Control mark. The mark on control over the execution of documents is indicated by the letter “K”, the word or stamp “Control”.

This detail can be entered:

1. The leader who put the resolution on the document;

2. The official reviewing the document;

3. A structural unit that exercises control over the execution of documents.

This detail is entered in the right top corner in bold font.

Props 20- Document text. Texts can be formatted in the form of a questionnaire, a table, a connected text, or a combination of these structures. A connected text usually consists of two parts. The first part indicates the reasons, grounds, goals for drawing up the document, the second - decisions, conclusions, requests. Suggestions, recommendations. Letters use three forms of presentation: first person plural; first person singular, third person singular.

Props 21- mark about the presence of the application. This detail is written after the text, the word “Appendix” is written from the left margin of the document, a colon is placed and the number of sheets and copies is indicated. If a document has an appendix not named in the text, then indicate its name, number of sheets and number of copies; if there are several appendices, they are numbered.

Props 22- Signature. This detail is a handwritten signature of an authorized official. It includes: the name of the position that signed the document; personal signature; decryption of signature (initials, surname).

Props 23- Document approval stamp. Coordination is a preliminary review of the draft prepared document. This detail is placed in the lower left corner after the “Signature” detail.

Consists of: official document business text

1. The words “AGREED”;

2. Position of the person with whom the document was agreed;

3. Personal signature;

4. Decryption of the signature;

5. Date of approval.

Props 24- Visa document approval. This detail expresses the official’s agreement or disagreement with the contents of the document.

Document approval visa includes:

1. Position of the person approving the document;

2. Personal signature and its transcript;

3. Date of signing.

Visas are issued:

1. At the bottom of the reverse side of the last sheet of the original administrative document, if this original remains in the organization;

2. At the bottom of the front side of the copy of the document being sent.

Props 25- Seal imprint. The seal certifies the authenticity of an official’s signature on documents certifying the rights of persons, recording facts related to financial assets, as well as on other documents that provide for the certification of an authentic signature.

Props 26- Mark on certification of the copy. When certifying a copy of the original, a certification inscription is placed at the bottom of the details: “True”; position of the person who certified the copy; personal signature; signature decryption; certification date.

Props 27- Mark about the performer. This detail includes the initials and surname of the executor of the document, as well as his telephone number. A mark about the performer is placed on the front or back side of the last sheet of the document in the lower left corner.

Props 28- A note on the execution of the document and sending it to your personal file. This detail is placed on executed documents, which must be filed on file for subsequent storage and use for reference purposes.

The details include the following data:

2. The word “To file” and the number of the case in which the writ of execution will be stored;

3. Signature of the executor or the head of the structural unit in which the document was executed;

4. Date of marking.

Props 29- Mark on receipt of the document by the organization. This detail is affixed using a stamping device or manually. It may include the abbreviated name of the organization or structural unit if the organization has decentralized registration. The attribute is placed at the bottom of the first sheet of the document to the right of attribute 28.

Props 30- Identifier of the electronic copy of the document. These details are placed in the lower left corner of each document page (footer) and contain the name of the file on computer media, the date and other search data installed in the organization.

3. Features of official business style

Any document, as a holistic structure, should briefly summarize the information that the document contains. There must also be precision and certainty in the wording. The official business style is characterized by the use of only those words whose meaning does not violate their stylistic uniformity and corresponds to the general trend of standardization of business language.

The selection of vocabulary involves attentive attitude to the lexical meaning of words. Ignorance lexical meaning Some words lead to serious errors of various types, so it is better to use words or phrases whose meaning is clear to you and will not make it difficult for others to understand. The use of neologisms, even those formed according to traditional models, such as “reorganization,” and words related to colloquial vocabulary is also not allowed.

If you incorrectly choose a word from a number of similar roots that differ in meaning, you can distort the meaning.

The inability to express a thought accurately and concisely leads to the following errors: “in the month of April” (April is just a month, and nothing else), “information message” (any message contains information), etc. Repetitions like: “benefit of use”, “the following facts should be taken into account”, “this phenomenon is fully manifested in the conditions” make it difficult to perceive the text...

The texts of official documents are not characterized by the use of figurative phraseology or phrases with reduced stylistic overtones.

Standard figures of speech such as: “in connection with the difficult situation that has developed...” are constantly reproduced in official documents, acquire a stable character and in their role are close to phraseological units. In the language of documents, they perform the same function as stable combinations such as “take into account”, “bring to the attention of”. But if the norms are violated due to ignorance of the peculiarities of using a particular phraseological unit, errors occur. For example, the verb “to allow” in the meaning of “to do something, to commit” is usually combined with the words “violation”, “mistake”, “miscalculation” and some other nouns that characterize negative phenomena, but do not name a specific act: “to allow rudeness , swagger.” Combinations like “to allow defects” are incorrect, in which nouns indicate the result of errors, miscalculations, etc.

4. Compilation rulestext inofficial documentOh

Text is the main requisite of the document, for the sake of which it is compiled. To correctly compose the text of an official document, you need to know well the issue that will be discussed in the document and have sufficient information to briefly but accurately form it into one coherent text.

In documentation practice today, stable general requirements for document texts have already developed. First of all, do not forget that an official document is intended to induce some action, that is, to convince. This result can be achieved with the help of specific argumentation and the logic of the facts and arguments presented.

When compiling a text in multiples, it is worth remembering that you should not compress the text to such a size that its essence is twofold. The information in the document must first of all be informative and exclude unnecessary statements and statements.

Completeness of information assumes that the document contains all the necessary information to resolve the issue posed. It is the lack of information that forces you to request the missing information, thereby causing a delay in resolving the issue.

Brevity is achieved by selecting necessary and sufficient information, eliminating repetition and avoiding unnecessary details. It is better not to mention those facts that do not affect the resolution of the issue. You should also remember that every word in the document must carry a semantic load, so it is better to get rid of unnecessary words.

A careful selection of words, the correct compositional structure of the text, the direct order of words in a sentence will help to achieve an accurate understanding of the text, that is, the subject should come first, and the predicate should come second, the definition should come before the word being defined. When the semantic load falls on the action, then it is possible to use the reverse order of words: “The transition to economic accounting helped to increase discipline.”

If the reason for creating the document was another document, then the text contains its full data, that is, the type of document, the name of the organization to which we are responding, the date of the document, its registration number and the title to the text are indicated: “In accordance with Chapter 14 of the Labor Code Code of the Russian Federation, Federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” and for the purpose of organizing the protection of personal data of employees...”

Thus, we can conclude that the text of the document should be short, but exact statement information on a particular issue. Sentences in the text must be interconnected and each word in it must carry a certain semantic load.

5. Rules of etiquette in official documents

Etiquette can exist not only in oral business communication between partners, but also in official documents. Business etiquette is the order of behavior established in the field of business communication. The main rules of speech are based on the following provisions:

1. Polite, respectful and friendly attitude towards a business partner, whether communicating in real life or through a business letter;

2. It is necessary to maintain a certain distance between employees who occupy different official positions;

3. The ability to say “yes” or “no” without offending your partner;

4. It is worth being tolerant of opinions that differ from yours;

5. The ability to admit one’s mistakes and be moderately self-critical must be developed;

6. In a dispute, you should use arguments, not authorities.

The rules of etiquette for official documents differ from ordinary ones. Thus, the address is used only in business correspondence. When applying, the official position of the addressee and his field of activity are taken into account. Most often appears in business correspondence next form address: “Dear Dmitry Sergeevich!”

The purpose of the appeal is to attract the attention of the addressee, that is, to interest him in this way. According to the traditions of business etiquette, when formulating requests or opinions, the first person plural form of expression is accepted: “We bring to your attention...”. Addresses in the first person singular are used in letters of confidential content, as well as documents drawn up on official letterheads: “I ask”, “I invite”.

One of the main rules of etiquette in official documents is compliance with language norms, which are one of the main criteria for speech culture. After all, you must admit that if your letters begin with an appeal, and are followed by a beautifully composed text in compliance with language norms, then this letter will not only be pleasant to read, but there is a chance that it will be the one that can lead you to success.

The use of etiquette in an official document allows one to soften the categorical nature of statements. So, for example, a refusal, softened by etiquette formulas of politeness, leaves an open opportunity for further cooperation: “In our opinion, the prices for your products are high, which makes their sale in our region unprofitable.”

The function of etiquette means can serve as introductory words, which indicate the author’s attitude to the subject of the message, giving the statement an evaluative value.

In the world practice of business writing, a sign of good manners is to express gratitude for the accuracy and timely response: “Thank you for your timely response...”.

The expression of joy influences a certain tone of perception, which influences the addressee’s attitude towards what is being communicated. Confidence or hope in a business document: “We were glad to see you at...”. But excessive politeness should be excluded, which in many cases is false: “Please be so kind...”.

So, the choice of etiquette means is determined by the communicative nature of the message. However, no list of recommended expressions will completely solve the problem of official speech etiquette. Only culture and objectivity in assessing different production situations can suggest the correct choice of words and expressions.


Thus, I considered the proposed topic for the abstract “Language of official documents”. During the work, the goal was achieved and all tasks were completed.

It should be noted once again that an official document is a document that was created by a legal entity or individual, executed and certified in the prescribed manner. A document can perform a number of functions, and most importantly, it is a means for developing relations between business partners.

The language of official documents lies in the accuracy of the brief conditions of the material in a particular document, and one should not forget about syntactic norms Russian language, which give the document a literate appearance and push it to greater success. Also, based on all of the above, do not forget about respect for your partner to whom this document will be sent.

When drawing up an official document, it is worth taking into account the correctness of the details that are presented in GOST R 6.30-2003. The requirements presented to GOST are, in a way, also the language of an official document, since they speak about the correctness and literacy of its preparation, which means these requirements play a big role in the preparation of the document.

So, the language of official documents is an integral part of the document, since with its help you can achieve success in the business sphere and make a good impression on business partners, a well-written document.


1. GOST R 6.30.2003.

2. Lavrinenko V.N., M.: Phoenix - “Psychology and ethics of business communication.” 2010

Posted on Allbest.ru


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