How is peripheral lung cancer treated? What is central lung cancer

Peripheral lung cancer is a form of lung cancer that begins in the “periphery” of the organ (hence the name) - in the cells of the bronchi, gradually moving to the lungs themselves. This is a common and dangerous disease that occurs in women after 50 years of age, and in men after 45 years of age. It appears more often in males.

It can occur in both lobes, but the right lower lobe is most often affected. Cancer on the left side is aggressive, so a favorable prognosis is extremely rare. A malignant neoplasm is accompanied by metastasis to distant organs and lymph nodes.

A person voluntarily triggers the development of cancer. Due to the presence of bad habits, as well as other factors, unwanted complications are observed. Main causes of cancer:

  1. Smoking leads to oncology. The essence of what is happening is the dangerous effect on the body of toxic substances contained in tobacco. Most (80%) of existing cancer diseases lungs occurs due to smoking. And it doesn’t matter how frequent the puffs are, because any amount can cause irreparable harm to the body.
  2. Working with harmful chemicals, inhaling heavy metals and being near them is undesirable. Professional activities(scientists, chemists, miners) involves the use of special clothing. In ordinary life, you should beware of arsenic, nickel, radon, mercury, and coal tar.
  3. Environmental pollution. behold similar phenomenon perhaps near large cities, roads, on the outskirts. Urban and rural residents suffer from this if there are industrial, processing, and chemical enterprises in their area of ​​residence.
  4. Air poisoning occurs due to frequent smoking and the influence of radon. Present in building materials, water.
  5. The impact of viruses on human DNA.
  6. Hereditary factor. Peripheral formation occurs extremely rarely.

The periphery of the lung can manifest itself for any reason. Most cancers develop for a specific reason. There are cases when several reasons are combined at the same time. Prevention requires annual screening to combat cancer at an early stage.


Peripheral cancer is a transient and widespread disease. It differs in its special classification, degree of development, and symptoms. U peripheral formation There are 6 forms of the lung, which suggests that the cancer spreads to the right or left lung. The main forms of the disease include carcinoma and tuberculosis.

Corticopleural variant of the disease

The corticopleural form of lung cancer is a neoplasm characterized by an oval shape and an expanded base. Gradually it increases in size and grows into the surrounding tissues. This type of cancer is called squamous cell carcinoma. cancer cells capable of reaching the thoracic vertebrae and ribs.

Cavity option

The neoplasm has a certain cavity in the center. Characteristic change lung is observed through the decomposition of the tumor node, because there are not enough nutrients during development.

The formations rarely exceed 10 cm, so they are often confused with the onset of inflammation (cyst, abscess). The result is that it is not possible to make an accurate diagnosis, which leads to the progression of oncology. This is possible, because the cavitary variant of the disease does not have pronounced symptoms.

Cancer of the lower and upper organs

Oncology upper lobe the right lung is indicated by contours in the picture, but the structure and shape are not clear. Vessels and lymph nodes are also enlarged.

By peripheral cancer of the lower lobe we mean the reverse course of events than in the upper lobe of the lung. Changes in the intrathoracic, prescalene, and supraclavicular lymph nodes of the lower lobe of the right lung were recorded.

Nodal option

Develops from terminal bronchioles. Only the field of soft tissue growth into the lungs begins to appear. The neoplasm looks like nodules with a bumpy surface. There may be slight depressions along the edges, which suggests penetration of a large vessel or bronchus into the node.

Pneumonia-like variant

Represents glandular cancer. It begins to manifest itself in the bronchi, turning into many neoplasms - this unites the tumor infiltrate.

This form of the disease does not have any characteristic symptoms. First there is a cough that turns into sputum. As it develops, the symptoms intensify. If there is an infection, pneumonia appears, the reason for this is serious poisoning.

Apical cancer

A form of the disease due to which malignant neoplasms spread to the nerves and vessels of the shoulder.

Affected areas:

  • left and right lung;
  • Horner's syndrome;
  • soreness above the collarbone, which has a progressive nature of development. If at first the sensations are weak, they are gradually replaced by intense, long-lasting ones. Such changes are concentrated in the supraclavicular fossa. The slightest movement intensifies the pain. Sometimes the symptom begins to arise from the nerve trunks of the brachial plexus. Common occurrence– numbness or muscle atrophy. As a result: it is difficult to make any movements with the upper limbs, since paralysis is possible.

An x-ray can reveal destruction of 1-3 ribs, lower or upper thoracic vertebrae, and changes in the condition of the skeleton. On late stages pathology specialist has the right to detect a unilateral form of varicose veins. There is also a cough.

The combination of all symptoms often manifests itself in one person. As a result of the development of problems in the lower cervical regions, the following is revealed:

  • hoarseness when speaking,
  • drooping eyelid,
  • constriction of the pupil,
  • vasodilatation,
  • sinking eyeball,
  • increased sweating,
  • rashes on the facial skin.

Stages of pathology

Peripheral cancer is distinguished by the existence of several stages, which suggest certain symptoms and characteristic features.

  • Stage 1 – the tumor is small in size. In this case, there is no possibility of cancer penetrating into the sternum or lymph nodes. Acceptable values ​​of the tumor are 3-5 cm;
  • second stage - cancer cells begin to actively increase up to 7 cm. Over time, the clinical picture does not change, but the tumor approaches the lymph nodes;
  • third stage - the neoplasm interferes with the normal activity of nearby organs, which is overshadowed by the rapid growth of cancer cells (more than 7 cm). As they grow, they penetrate the diaphragm, lymph nodes on the opposite side of the sternum;
  • fourth stage – metastasis develops (cancer affects most of the internal organs).

Each stage has a specific clinical picture. At an early stage of tumor development, there is a high probability of a positive outcome for a person, but advanced disease is rarely cured.


Peripheral cancer is asymptomatic for a long time, this is influenced by the structure of pathological cells and the characteristic processes of tumor development. There are no main symptoms of the disease distinctive features from other forms. But at certain stages of development, progression or remission of the pathology is observed.


  • shortness of breath – the cause is considered to be metastases in the lymph nodes;
  • severe pain in the sternum - the sensation may intensify as you move;
  • cough is an integral part of the disease. Has a protracted nature, without a compelling reason for its manifestation;
  • sputum;
  • change in the size of the lymph nodes - upward.

When the tumor spreads to the upper part of the lung, compression of the veins and negative impact on the structure of the cervical plexus. At the same time, neurological symptoms intensify.

Distinctive signs of pathology:

  • high temperature;
  • apathy;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • weight loss;
  • poor appetite;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • decreased ability for physical and mental activity;
  • pain in bones and joints (rare).

Due to cancer, characteristic signs and symptoms may indicate the onset of inflammatory process into the bronchi, pleura. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo an annual examination of the whole body, if possible more often. This way you can quickly detect the development of the disease.


Determining the presence of cancer cells on the lung is quite difficult, since the existing changes may relate to a completely different disease. But there are several diagnostic methods for prescribing effective treatment for lung cancer.

  1. X-ray lung image required to do various reasons, but it is he who informs about the development of cancer. On an x-ray, you can see a slight darkening in the lung area, which characterizes cancer cells.
  2. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are the most accurate research methods. Thanks to it, it is possible to print a clear image of the organ of a cancer patient in order to study the existing formations in detail. Using special programs, the clinic’s doctors are able to examine the image from any angle, extracting maximum information from it.
  3. Biopsy is the removal of a piece of tissue for histological examination. It is expected to view biological material under a microscope to determine the nature of the neoplasm.
  4. Bronchoscopy - examination of the bronchi and respiratory organs from the inside using special instruments and technical equipment. But due to the remoteness of the tumor, it is extremely rare to obtain all the necessary information. The method is indispensable if available.
  5. Cytological examination of sputum provides a chance to identify atypical cells and other elements for making a preliminary diagnosis.

Variety of existing diagnostic measures allows you to identify a tumor at the initial stage of development. The main thing is to go to a medical institution in time (annual examination), and not to aggravate the situation by having bad habits.


To prevent the progression of the disease, comprehensive treatment is necessary. For positive dynamics, it is advisable to undertake some treatment methods without citing the loss of time or the patient’s inoperability.

Note! Modern methods of combating oncology involve the use of radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Surgical intervention is practiced for special indications.

Irradiation is also an effective treatment method that can eliminate tumors in the initial stages of the disease. It is better to use it at stages 1-2 of cancer.

During chemotherapy, the patient is prescribed a number of drugs. A mandatory procedure if there are contraindications to radiation therapy or surgery.

If a benign form of a tumor is detected, it is permissible to use certain types surgical intervention:

  • Lobectomy is an operation on 2 lobes of the lung.
  • Wedge resection - removal of part of the lung, used for initial stages development of pathology.
  • Pulmonectomy – removal of an organ with the formation of a bronchial stump.

The possibility of surgery gives hope for a favorable outcome of the disease. Peripheral cancer develops too quickly, which makes it difficult to detect the problem and provide timely assistance.


If the tumor disappears after treatment and the body works as usual, then consequences affecting the internal organs follow.

Important! After therapeutic measures for peripheral lung cancer, the following occurs: failure of the kidneys, liver, and other organs. To improve the condition, you should resort to prevention, following the instructions. After some time, your health improves and your metabolic processes improve.

Prognosis and prevention

Peripheral cancer is practically untreatable because it develops rapidly, and the use of supporting medicines rarely helps. Cancer has an unfavorable prognosis for patients - after detection of characteristic tumors, survival is 2-6 months.

Important! The progression of the disease is associated with the location and type of cancer. If not small cell cancer lung development is slow. There are several forms: large cell, adenocarcinoma, squamous cell. Lack of treatment is fraught with a decrease in the patient’s standard of living, not exceeding 8 years.

Important! Small cell lung cancer involves a decrease in the level of vital activity; it is rarely possible to survive for 2 years. The 5-year survival rate, with timely diagnosis and treatment, is 15%. The use of medications is effective on an individual basis, and a person’s life is prolonged.

Taking into account people who have overcome cancer, it is advisable to follow preventive measures (this will prevent the recurrence of the disease).

  • fluorography;
  • annual inspection;
  • complete nutrition. A nutritionist who will take into account the nuances of the patient’s health should help;
  • quit smoking, drugs, alcohol.

Do not forget about personal hygiene, exercise and cleanliness of the premises. It is advisable not to come into contact with harmful substances to prevent lung blockage.

Recently, there has been a trend towards an increase in the number of cancer diseases. This is influenced by many factors. One of the common diseases is peripheral lung cancer. Its incidence has increased sharply over the past few years, in all countries. Most often, its victims are men, but the problem does not bypass women either.

What is lung cancer?

In most countries, cancer is considered the number one cause of early mortality. Among all cancers, they appear most often. In this case, normal cells stop functioning as before and begin to divide uncontrollably. This is how it appears

It can have a different histological structure, and the development in each specific case differs in the rate of its growth. If differentiated appears, it develops slowly; undifferentiated, on the contrary, is characterized by rapid growth and the ability to give extensive metastases.

Typically, the tumor develops in one of the lungs; most often, peripheral cancer of the lung lobe appears. Moreover, this tumor is more likely to be localized in the upper lobes. There is more air exchange and a more comfortable bronchial structure. It continues the trachea almost in a straight line, which means that all harmful substances penetrate inside without hindrance.

Causes of lung cancer

In most cases, the start of the growth process occurs through the fault of the person himself. A disregard for one's health leads to such disastrous consequences. Most often, peripheral lung cancer begins to develop for the following reasons:

1. Smoking. This is one of the most important and fundamental causes of the disease. Tobacco smoke contains a huge amount of harmful and toxic substances, which are also carcinogens. Almost 75-90% of all cancer cases are associated with smoking. This also includes passive smoking. Some doctors believe that it is even more dangerous than directly smoking a cigarette.

2. Professional factors, among which the following occupy a special place:

  • nickel and its compounds;
  • arsenic;
  • radon and its decay products;
  • coal tars.

3. Air pollution. This phenomenon can be observed not only on the territory of a hazardous enterprise, but also along highways, and even far beyond the boundaries of megacities. The population of those regions and cities where there are heavy industry, chemical and oil refining enterprises is especially affected.

4. Dirty air in living quarters. This includes not only smoky apartments, but also pollution associated with radon and its derivatives, which are most often contained:

  • in building materials used for construction and finishing of premises;
  • in drinking water.

5. The impact of some viruses on cell DNA.

6. Genetic predisposition, but in this disease its role is quite small.

It is worth noting that all these factors act as synergists with respect to each other, which can provoke peripheral lung cancer to a greater extent.


In medicine there are several. If we consider the location in the organ, we distinguish:

1. Central cancer, it develops directly inside the bronchi, it is divided into:

  • endobronchial;
  • peribronchial;
  • ramified.

2. Peripheral lung cancer is characterized by a tumor that is localized in the lung itself. It is also divided into:

Central cancer is twice as common, and among peripheral varieties, peripheral cancer of the right lung is diagnosed in most cases.

Different types of illness differ from each other not only in their anatomical structure, but also in their course, and, accordingly, in their treatment methods.

Characteristics of peripheral cancer

A tumor that develops directly in the lung tissue has its own distinctive features:

  1. A round tumor most often occurs in the form of a spherical formation, in in rare cases resembles irregularly shaped seals. Tumors may or may not be associated with the bronchial lumens.
  2. Pneumonia-like cancer received this name for its similarity to pneumonia in X-ray examination.
  3. Cancer of the apex of the lung usually develops in the apical part and can grow into the 1st and 2nd pair of ribs, as well as into the processes of the cervical vertebrae. If this type is present, pain may appear in the shoulder and forearm area.

Since cancer can be small cell or non-small cell, this must be clarified with a biopsy, because the therapy in these cases is different.

Symptoms of peripheral cancer

This type of disease does not manifest itself in any way in the first stages of its development. This is due to the fact that there are no pain receptors in the lungs. As the tumor grows, the bronchi, pleura and neighboring organs are already involved in the process.

At this point, signs begin to appear more clearly:

For more late stages Complications from organs affected by metastases begin to appear. Death, as a rule, occurs from extensive metastases, cancerous pneumonia and severe exhaustion of the body.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately visit a doctor. They, of course, are not a 100% guarantee of lung cancer, but it’s better to be on the safe side. Moreover, with peripheral cancer, signs appear much later than with central cancer.

Diagnosis of the disease

Based on symptoms alone, without additional examinations, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis, especially such a serious one. If, based on your complaints, the doctor begins to suspect the presence of a tumor, he will prescribe full examination, which includes such types as:

  • Radiography.
  • To clarify the diagnosis - computed tomography.
  • Bronchoscopy.
  • Biopsy - to clarify the type of tumor.

These are only basic studies, without which it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis. Not to mention the fact that blood tests, urine tests, ECG tests and other studies are required.

After the results of the examination, the attending physician will decide on treatment methods.

Stages of peripheral cancer

Any cancerous tumor goes through several stages in its development. They are designed specifically to help determine how far the tumor has spread in the body and to choose treatment methods.

If peripheral lung cancer develops, the stages are as follows:

1. If this is a non-small cell form of cancer, then there are 4 stages:

  • The 1st is characterized by a small tumor that is localized in one of the lungs.
  • Stage 2 is manifested by an enlarged tumor that invades the lymph nodes of the diseased lung.
  • At the third stage the tumor has large sizes and is also found in the lymph nodes in the tissues between the lungs.
  • Stage 4 is the most serious - the cancer spreads to healthy lung, metastases appear in other organs.

2. Small cell cancer has only 2 stages:

  • The tumor is localized in one half of the chest.
  • A common process involves both halves of the chest, metastases are found in many internal organs.

Treatment of peripheral lung cancer

The division into stages exists so that the doctor can more specifically determine treatment methods. At each stage of disease development, treatment methods may differ and have their own characteristics.

Also, the choice of treatment methods will be influenced by the patient’s age, if the diagnosis is peripheral lung cancer, the medical history is also taken into account before prescribing medications. Some people, when cancer is detected, immediately begin to use traditional medicine methods, but their effectiveness has not been proven; only proven methods of official medicine can help in the fight against the disease and prolong the patient’s life.

The treatment should be carried out by an oncologist. Depending on the type of cancer, treatment methods are different; generally speaking, the following are used:

  1. Chemotherapy.
  2. Radiation exposure.
  3. Surgical intervention.

Treatment of non-small cell cancer

If non-small cell peripheral cancer of the left lung is diagnosed, for example, then surgical intervention is indicated at the first and second stages. The doctor removes part of the affected lung or the whole if the tumor is large.

If the operation was performed at the second stage of the disease, then additional treatment, it includes:

If the disease is already at the third stage, surgical removal is usually indicated first, followed by chemotherapy and radiation.

After treatment, it is necessary to regularly visit an oncologist in order to suspect a relapse of the disease in time and begin timely treatment. It was noted that if the patient has not given up his addiction to smoking, then relapses occur much more often.

When the disease reaches stage 4, it is unlikely that it will be possible to cure the patient; you can only prolong his life a little, using the same treatment methods as in the first three stages of the disease.

Small cell cancer and its treatment

This form is distinguished by its rapid growth and early metastases. Therefore, even at the very first stages of the disease, it is indicated in mandatory chemotherapy.

Surgical removal is usually performed if the stage is early and there are no metastases yet. But doctors have noticed that even removal and then irradiation does not provide a 100% guarantee of complete cure.

It is possible to increase the life expectancy of patients and improve its quality only with the use of chemotherapy after surgery. You must complete at least 4 courses.

It has been established that if you combine all treatment methods, it gives a much greater effect than using them separately. For example, after chemotherapy, relapses occur in more than 80% of cases, after radiation - in 33%, and if they are combined, then in only 28% of patients.

Carrying out chemotherapy is always a big burden on the body; not all patients tolerate this procedure well, so it is advisable to carry it out as an inpatient. In each specific case, the doctor prescribes medications and their combination, regimen and duration of treatment.


If peripheral is diagnosed, the prognosis is most often unfavorable. It all depends on the time of detection of the disease: the earlier it is detected, the more effective the treatment.

Since peripheral cancer is detected in the first stages quite rarely due to the lack of pain, even with a combination various methods After treatment, patient survival over 5 years is only 40%.

If treatment is not carried out at all, then 90% of patients die within two years after a diagnosis such as peripheral cancer of the upper lobe of the right lung.

The disease can be diagnosed in the early stages using fluoroscopy, so you should not neglect annual medical examinations, especially since our lives depend on it. Cancer is very insidious disease, which in the first stages does not want to manifest itself, and in later stages it is sometimes too late to do anything.


Preventive measures are currently quite relevant, given the high mortality rate from lung cancer and the frequent occurrence of the disease. To the main preventive measures can be attributed:

  1. Treatment and prevention of inflammatory lung diseases.
  2. Complete smoking cessation.
  3. Therapy benign formations in the lungs.
  4. Neutralization of harmful factors at work.
  5. Avoiding exposure to carcinogenic factors in everyday life.
  6. Undergoing fluorography at least once a year.

All these measures cannot guarantee 100% that this disease will not overtake you, but the risk of cancer will be significantly reduced. A attentive attitude taking care of yourself and your health will allow you to detect the disease at the earliest stages, when treatment can give a good result.

Among all cancers, the most common is lung cancer, which is the leader in the structure of morbidity and mortality in many countries of the world. Despite the advances of modern medicine, early diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer is not always carried out in a timely manner due to the characteristics and diversity of clinical forms of the disease.

Central lung cancer is the most common type of squamous cell carcinoma, which develops from the epithelial lining of the bronchial mucosa. As a rule, it affects the proximal (central) sections of the bronchi, capturing their individual large segments (unlike peripheral cancer, which affects small bronchi).

Photo: X-ray of central lung cancer

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Features of the location of the tumor in relation to the lumen of the bronchi make it possible to distinguish two main forms of central cancer:
  • endobronchial– developing inside the bronchus;
  • peribronchial- developing outside the bronchus, in its lumen.

The difference between these forms is various symptoms and the course of the disease. Central cancer of the right lung is diagnosed in patients much more often and accounts for about 52% of patients.

Basically, this group includes men over the age of 40-45 who were heavy smokers with experience. Less common is central cancer of the left lung, the diagnosis of which accounts for about 48% of cases.

Video: Why smoking causes lung cancer

Signs and symptoms

Central lung cancer has distinctive features, characterized by multiple clinical forms, features of relapses, as well as metastasis, which is hematogenous or lymphogenous in nature.

In most cases, it affects the upper lobes of the right lung, which is associated with a large lumen of the bronchi. Central cancer is diagnosed more often and is characterized by the early appearance of metastases that penetrate the brain, liver, adrenal glands, and bone tissue.

Symptomatic manifestations can be detected already in the early stages of the disease, since large bronchi are involved in the process of damage.

Experts distinguish three main groups of signs:

  • primary or local symptoms - occur at an early stage due to the appearance malignant node in the lumen of the bronchus;
  • secondary symptoms - appear at later stages during the period of complications inflammatory in nature or due to tumor metastasis to various organs. When secondary symptoms we can talk about the prevalence of the damage process;
  • general symptoms characterize the effect of the disease on the body as a whole, and indicate changes that have arisen as a result of the impact of a malignant neoplasm.

The nature and severity of the above symptoms depends on the initial location of the malignant neoplasm, its shape, and the degree of spread.
An early symptom indicating the disease is a cough, which at an early stage manifests itself in a mild form of unobtrusive coughing.

Over time it develops and becomes more severe chronic form with a paroxysmal hacking cough that does not bring relief. And, as a rule, it is typical for experienced smokers.

The consequence of cough complications is the release of mucous sputum, which gradually gives way to purulent sputum. At a later stage, blood clots appear in the sputum, the number of which increases, and can gradually turn into regular hemoptysis.

Characteristic symptoms are also weakness, weight loss, and chest pain. Shortness of breath, which worries almost half of patients, is associated with tumor growth and a decrease in the lumen of the bronchus.

30-40% of patients experience a significant increase in body temperature, which is accompanied by alternating chills and profuse sweating. These symptoms are characteristic of the endobronchial form of lung cancer.

Central squamous cell carcinoma, developing peribronchially, does not have obvious symptoms, since the tumor spreads through the lymph nodes, nerves, and lung tissues, causing compression and atelectasis (impaired ventilation).


Research recent years have proven that the development of oncological diseases, including lung cancer, is influenced mainly by exogenous factors. Among the main ones are the deterioration of the environmental situation and the use of tobacco products.

The first factor is the deterioration of the environmental situation. Industrial development, which is accompanied by an increase in the emission of harmful industrial products into the atmosphere, has a negative impact on the environment. This is also due to the increase in the number of vehicles, which also contributes to air pollution with products of incomplete combustion, exhaust gases, technical oils, and dust.

The second factor is the increase in consumption of tobacco products. Moreover, among the urban population, predominantly male, this percentage is much higher than among residents of rural areas. As a result, men living in the city after 40 years of age are exposed to high risk lung cancer disease.


The first stage of examination of a patient who has consulted an oncologist is the collection of anamnesis, that is, the patient’s complaints.

Based on the complaints received, the doctor prescribes comprehensive examination, which includes:

  • assessment of the patient's physical characteristics;
  • laboratory tests (general tests) of blood and urine;
  • cytological examination of sputum and bronchial washings;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • lymph node biopsy;
  • pleural puncture;
  • diagnostic thoracotomy;
  • fibrobronchoscopy;
  • X-ray and CT scan of the lungs.

Video: Bronchoscopy with biopsy of central lung cancer

To identify the complete picture of the disease, it is necessary to find out the morphological nature (histology, cytology) of the tumor.

To make a correct diagnosis in a patient, differential diagnosis is also used, which allows one to distinguish the symptoms of a cancerous tumor from similar symptoms of other diseases, such as chronic pneumonia, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, bronchial adenoma, and lymphogranulomatosis.

In case of complications in the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a diagnostic thoracotomy.


One of the main and modern methods examination of patients is an x-ray examination. It is a photograph of the chest taken from various projections.

X-ray helps to diagnose the presence of a tumor, its nature, size, features, and also allows you to examine the condition of the lymph nodes. X-ray signs allow the doctor to prescribe additional research in the form of tomography, angiography, bronchography, CT.

Radiation diagnostics

It is also an indispensable method for diagnosing lung cancer. Radiation diagnostics makes it possible to promptly detect the presence of a malignant node or tumor in the early stages, as a result of which the doctor is able to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe further examination measures or develop an individual treatment regimen for the patient.

Do you know how long people live with small cell lung cancer? Read more.

Treatment of central lung cancer

Current treatments for central lung cancer include radiation and chemotherapy, surgical treatment, as well as combination treatment, if there are medical indications for its implementation.

Radial- this method is used as radical measure in the treatment of squamous cell lung cancer. Types of this treatment are radiotherapy (radiation therapy) and radiosurgery.

Radiotherapy is indicated for patients with stages II and III of the disease, in rare cases at the initial stage.

It is aimed at exposing the tumor and metastases, if any, to a powerful beam of gamma rays. This therapy has a long-lasting and persistent effect, so it is often used in the treatment of lung cancer.

Radiosurgery– this is nothing more than a bloodless surgical effect on the tumor and metastases in one session. This method allows you to remove tumor cells from all parts of the body.

Surgical- this method of treatment remains a traditional, but radical method that guarantees a complete cure of the patient from lung cancer. The surgical method is indicated for people when the tumor is considered operable and the patient’s body is strong enough.

Chemotherapy- this method is based on the use of drugs that can act on tumor cells. It is prescribed in combination with radiation treatment to obtain better and more effective results.

The following drugs are used:

  • "Doxorubicin";
  • "Bleomycin";
  • Vincristine, etc.

Combined treatment- this method is used to increase the effectiveness of treatment of central lung cancer. Practice shows the use various options combining different treatment methods: radiotherapy with chemotherapy, or radiation therapy as preliminary preparation before surgical treatment. Oncologists note high results from this practice.

Prognosis (how long can you live)

To date, the prognosis remains unfavorable, since as a result of the development of central lung cancer death is a high figure. In the absence of treatment, the percentage is about 90% (within two years).

The survival rate depends on the treatment given.

Moreover, the survival rates are:

Stage 1 I - about 80%;
Stage 2– 40%;
Stage 3– about 20%.

With the use of modern treatments and surgery, the survival rate increases and is approximately 40-45% over a five-year period. If radiation or chemotherapy is used, the five-year survival rate is about 10-12%.


High mortality rates of patients from central cancer make it necessary to pay special attention to the development and implementation of preventive measures.

This complex includes:

  • carrying out active sanitary education work;
  • reducing the percentage of people who smoke;
  • regular preventive examination;
  • detection and timely treatment of the disease in the early stages;
  • reducing the impact of external unfavorable factors, which include harmful working conditions, air pollution, etc.

Taking care of your own health and self-discipline, giving up bad habits, regular examination by specialists and timely effective treatment can prevent the development of such a terrible cancer as lung cancer. This, in turn, will allow us to prolong the most precious thing a person has - his life.

In order to understand what peripheral lung cancer is, it is necessary to understand the symptoms of the condition, the reasons for its formation, and other important details. All this will make it possible to establish the only correct forecast.

Development factors

The formation of this type of cancer is influenced by factors such as nicotine addiction, which provokes not only peripheral lung cancer, but also other types of disease. No less probable reasons should be considered:

  • negative conditions associated with the environment, namely air pollution, gas pollution, etc.;
  • negative working conditions, which are characterized by a significant accumulation of dust and small volatile components;
  • asbestosis, which is a condition that is formed due to the inhalation of small particles of asbestos;
  • genetic predisposition.

Chronic lung diseases should be considered another factor in the development of peripheral lung cancer. They turn out to be the cause of permanent inflammation, which increases the likelihood of developing lung cancer. The viruses presented can penetrate cellular structures and increase the likelihood of cancer.

Particular attention should be paid to the symptoms that appear in this case and relate to the lower and upper areas.

Symptoms of the condition

The first manifestations that characterize the presented disease begin to form at the stage when peripheral lung cancer affects the largest bronchial parts. If the main lymph nodes are involved in this process, a symptom such as constant shortness of breath may appear. It bothers a person not only during physical activity, but also when he performs minimal actions or is at rest.

Oncologists draw the attention of patients to the fact that the peripheral variety quite often disintegrates. Therefore, it was called “abscessing”, as well as tricky and even streaky. This explains some symptoms that appear only in a certain area of ​​the lungs and bronchi.

When cancer cells grow into the bronchi, the situation changes dramatically. This is due to the fact that sputum begins to be produced; in some situations, patients experience hemoptysis or pulmonary hemorrhage. The latter can be abundant, causing significant blood loss. When a tumor-type node completely covers the bronchial part, obstructive-type pneumonia is formed, which occurs extremely acutely and over a long period of time.

More about symptoms

To better understand the presented pathological condition, it is necessary to understand the additional symptoms in more detail. Among which, in the later stages of development of the oncological process in the lungs, the following may appear:

  • a constant feeling of weakness, lack of energy and, as a result, chronic malaise;
  • worsening degree of endurance;
  • tendency to get tired easily;
  • deterioration of appetite or significant change in taste preferences.

No less characteristic symptoms The last stages of the development of the disease are painful sensations in the joints and bone structures. Another manifestation should be considered a decrease in body weight, which worsens the prognosis.

Forms of pathological condition

The forms of the disease presented deserve special attention. The first of these is corticopleural, in which an oval-shaped formation appears. It begins to grow into the chest, and therefore is located in the subpleural plane. This variety is dangerous due to the fact that it tends to grow into adjacent ribs, as well as into the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae located nearby.

The next form is cavitary, which is a tumor with an empty formation in the central part. Such neoplasms reach dimensions of more than 10 cm, and therefore they are confused with negative algorithms (cysts, tuberculosis, abscess) in the lungs. This form of peripheral lung cancer most often occurs without any symptoms.

Oncologists draw patients' attention to the fact that the cavitary type of the disease is most often identified in the later stages. In this case, the process turns out to be irreversible. Peripheral cancer of the left and right lungs is also distinguished; in order to identify it and determine the prognosis, a diagnostic examination will be required.

Diagnostic measures

Identification of the present form of cancer is complicated because it, or rather the results of X-ray images, are similar to others respiratory diseases. The main measures in terms of diagnosing the disease include:

  • X-ray, which is the main way to identify malignant tumors;
  • CT and MRI are the most accurate techniques that make it possible to obtain a specific image of the patient’s pulmonary area and study in detail everything related to its tumor;
  • biopsy, which is carried out by removing a tissue area with further histological examination.

Along with a biopsy, bronchoscopy is performed to identify peripheral cancer of the upper lobe of the right lung. It is a study of the patient's respiratory tract and bronchial region from the inside using special hardware. Considering that the tumor is located in areas much more distant from the center, the method provides 50% less information than in the case when the patient is diagnosed with central lung cancer.

Cytological examination of sputum is another diagnostic method. The presented method makes it possible to identify atypical cellular formations and other components that suggest a diagnosis and prescribe subsequent treatment. Oncologists insist that diagnostic examinations were carried out in the most careful manner. If there are suspicions, it is permissible to request repeated tests, because only in this case can one count on getting rid of cancer.

Treatment options

In order to exclude negative symptoms To stop the growth of malignant neoplasms and metastases, complex treatment is indicated. It must remain this way at any stage for the prognosis to be positive. Surgeries and radiation therapy are giving way to modern methods of treating lung cancer. Despite the introduction of new treatment methods, surgery for patients with resectable lung cancer is perceived as a radical method.

Within the framework of its use, there are prospects for 100% cure.

Radiation therapy demonstrates ideal results when implementing a radical treatment program in the primary stages, namely the first and second.

The next effective method is chemotherapy, which uses Doxorubicin, Vincristine and other drugs. They are prescribed if there are contraindications to surgery and radiation therapy. Oncologists pay attention to the fact that:

  • the presented therapy involves up to six cycles of chemotherapy with breaks of 3-4 weeks;
  • absolute resorption of the tumor occurs rarely, only 6-30% of patients experience objective improvement;
  • when combining chemotherapy with beam method(probably synchronous or sequential use) achieves better results.

A combination treatment is used, which includes, in addition to radical and surgical, other types of effects on the tumor. It's about about the local and regional area of ​​​​the lesion, which can be used by external beam radiation therapy and other similar methods.

The combined technique involves the use of two different types of influences, which are aimed at local and regional foci. We are talking about surgical and radiation treatment, radiation, surgery and then radiation. Such combinations make it possible to compensate for the limitations of any of them used separately. It must be emphasized that it is permissible to talk about the presented method of treatment in a situation where it is used according to the algorithm that was developed at the very beginning of therapy for the lower and upper areas.

Complications and consequences

If the rehabilitation course is successfully completed, the patient will be able to live for another five years, after which remission may last if there is no worsening of the diagnosis.

Despite the destruction of cancer cells and optimization of the body’s functioning, certain complications associated with the activity of internal organs may arise. We are talking about failure of the liver, kidneys, pulmonary and other types of failure. A separate recovery course will allow you to cope with the presented processes and preventive measures. They will provide an opportunity to strengthen the body, normalize metabolism and improve the general health of the patient.

Preventive measures

Speaking about prevention for those who have managed to cope with lung cancer, it is necessary to note the following activities:

  • annual medical examinations;
  • carrying out fluorographic examination;
  • complete nutrition prepared by a nutritionist, which will take into account all the nuances of your health;
  • elimination of bad habits: nicotine addiction, the influence of alcohol and narcotic components.

As part of prevention, it is equally important to remember to maintain physical activity, personal hygiene and the cleanliness of the room in which a person lives. It is recommended to avoid even minimal contact with harmful components: chemicals, reagents, asbestos dust and everything that “clogs” the respiratory tract.

Peripheral lung cancer is a dangerous disease that is associated with problematic diagnosis. Its treatment is recommended to begin as early as possible in order to achieve maximum success, as well as to avoid complications and critical consequences. With this approach, a person will be able to maintain normal health and 100% vital activity.

Lung cancer stage 4 symptoms

Surgery to remove lung cancer

The first signs of lung cancer

Citrus fruits help strengthen the immune system, but they are not always allowed to be consumed if you have lung diseases. Consult your healthcare provider for clarification.

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Features of peripheral lung cancer: signs, treatment and prognosis

Lung cancer can have a different character depending on its histology and location tumor process. According to localization, central and peripheral cancer are distinguished.

The latter is formed from the tissues of small bronchi and bronchioles. Symptomatic manifestations of such cancer occur only after the oncological process grows in the tissue of large bronchi and pleura. Therefore, peripheral cancer is usually detected in late stages, which determines the high mortality rate for such a disease.

Concept of illness

It is very difficult to detect pathology in a timely manner, because it is characterized by a meager and sometimes completely asymptomatic picture of development.

Often, a pulmonary tumor, without detecting itself, grows to very large neoplasms with a diameter of about 7 cm.

Forms of the disease

There are several specific forms of peripheral lung cancer:

  • Cortico-pleural;
  • Cavity;
  • Nodal;
  • Cancer of the upper pulmonary lobe on the right;
  • Pneumonia-like cancer;
  • Cancer of the lower and upper pulmonary lobe on the left;
  • Pulmonary apex cancer complicated by Pancoast syndrome.

Corticopleural form

A similar oncological form was identified as a separate subtype of peripheral cancer in the middle of the last century.

It originates from the mantle of the pulmonary layer and is formed not by a nodular, but by a creeping tumor, gradually growing into the chest tissue. Typically, a corticopleural tumor is an oval formation with a wide base, which grows towards the chest wall, closely adjacent to it.

The surface that protrudes into the lung tissue is lumpy in nature. The tumor in the form of thin rays grows into the adjacent pulmonary sections. Corticopleural pulmonary tumor, according to histological and morphological characteristics, belongs to squamous cell types of cancer. It can grow into nearby vertebrae and ribs.


Cavity peripheral pulmonary oncology is a tumor with a cavity formation inside, which is formed as a result of processes of disintegration of the center of the node caused by insufficient nutrition.

Cavity cancerous tumors usually grow up to 10 cm in diameter, so they are often mistaken for abscesses, tuberculous or cystic processes.

Such similarity often becomes the reason for an erroneous diagnosis, as a result of which cancer processes progress, aggravating the picture of oncology. Due to the factors described above, cavitary peripheral lung cancer is diagnosed mainly in advanced, irreversible stages.

Oncology of the left upper and lower lobe

In peripheral oncology of the upper pulmonary lobe, the lymph nodes do not enlarge, and the tumor itself has irregular shape and heterogeneous structural structure. At the same time, the pulmonary roots expand with the trunks of blood vessels.

With peripheral damage to the lower pulmonary lobe, on the contrary, there is a natural increase in lymph node centers located in the supraclavicular, intrathoracic and prescalene region.

Peripheral cancer of the upper lobe of the right lung

With peripheral cancer of the upper lobe, a similar picture is observed as with damage to the left lung, with the only difference that the organ with right side is most susceptible to cancer processes due to the anatomical features of the organ’s location.


The nodular type of peripheral lung cancer begins from the tissues of the bronchioles, and the first symptoms manifest themselves only after germination into the lungs occurs. soft fabrics.

On an x-ray, this form looks like a bumpy, clearly defined nodular formation.

If a bronchus or large vessel enters the tumor node, then a characteristic depression will be visible along its edge.

Pneumonia-like peripheral

This form of cancer is always distinguished by its glandular nature. This cancer usually appears in the tissues of the lower and middle pulmonary lobes.

A diagnostically significant manifestation of pneumonia-like peripheral pulmonary cancer is the sign of an “air bronchogram,” when an X-ray clearly shows bronchial lumens against the background of a solid dark spot.

By external manifestations This form of peripheral lung oncology is similar to prolonged inflammation. It is characterized by a hidden, slow onset with a gradual increase in symptoms.

Tops with Pancoast syndrome

In apical lung cancer with Pancoast syndrome, the penetration of abnormal cells into the vascular and nerve tissue shoulder girdle. This form of oncology is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Supraclavicular painful sensations of increased intensity. At first, the pain is periodic, but as the cancer progresses, it becomes permanent;
  • With pressure, pain symptoms become more pronounced and can spread along the nerves that come from the plexus on the shoulder. Often, muscle tissue on the affected side of the limb atrophies, fingers go numb, and movements are impaired due to paralysis of the arm;
  • The x-ray shows rib destruction and deformation of skeletal bones.

Pancoast syndrome is often accompanied by Horner's syndrome, which is characterized by constriction of the pupil, drooping eyelid, recessed eyeball, different eye shades and other disorders.

In addition, with a combination of Pancoast and Horner syndromes, hoarseness in the voice, impaired sweating, and redness of the skin on the face on the side of the affected lung are observed.

Symptoms and signs

Peripheral lung cancer does not manifest itself for a long time, and the first symptoms appear only when the tumor grows into the pleural tissues and large bronchi. Then the patient notes the appearance of symptoms like:

  1. Severe shortness of breath caused by the spread of metastases to the lymph nodes;
  2. Unreasonable, untreatable cough;
  3. Chest pain that changes in intensity with activity;
  4. Enlarged lymph nodes;
  5. Copious secretion of sputum;
  6. Neurological manifestations that occur when a tumor forms in the upper pulmonary lobe.

For peripheral oncology, the presence of signs is typical overall impact formations on organic structures. They are manifested by hyperthermia, decreased ability to work, weight loss and malaise, rapid fatigue and refusal to eat, lethargy and pain in joint and bone tissues.

Reasons for development

The most common cause of peripheral and other types of lung cancer is tobacco smoking.

Tobacco smoke contains many substances that have a carcinogenic effect on organic structures, in particular on the respiratory system.

The following factors can provoke the occurrence of pulmonary peripheral oncological processes:

  • Heredity;
  • Aggressive environmental situation associated with air pollution from industrial emissions, dust, exhaust gases, etc.;
  • Chronic lung pathologies, often leading to inflammatory processes in the pulmonary system, which increases the risk of cancer;
  • Harmful production - work in dusty rooms, in mines, at construction sites (inhalation of asbestos), at chemical plants, etc.


There are four stages of development of peripheral lung oncology:

  1. The initial stage is characterized by a small diameter of the tumor (up to 5 cm), which has not yet grown into the lymph nodes;
  2. At stage 2 of development, the formation grows to 5-7 cm, cancer cells have almost reached the lymph node centers;
  3. Typical for stage 3 large sizes formation and its germination into the lymph nodes and adjacent tissues, by the end of the 3rd stage of tumor development, the tumor cells penetrate to the opposite half of the breast;
  4. At stage 4, the tumor begins to spread metastases, and fluid begins to accumulate around the heart and in the pleura.


Diagnostic processes are based on traditional laboratory research and radiology.

If peripheral cancer is in an advanced stage, then a single image is enough for an experienced specialist to detect it.

If the picture is unclear, then resort to additional diagnostic procedures such as computed tomography, auscultation, ultrasound, bronchoscopy, blood tests, radioisotope scanning, etc.

Treatment of patients

Treatment of peripheral lung cancer is similar to the treatment of its other types and is based on the use of polychemotherapy, radiation and surgical techniques.


If peripheral pulmonary oncology is in an advanced stage, then the main clinical manifestations are accompanied by various kinds of complications caused by metastasis to intraorganic structures.

In addition, bronchial obstruction, processes of disintegration of the original tumor focus, bleeding of the lungs, atelectasis, etc. act as complications of cancer. Often the presence of numerous metastases, pleurisy and pneumonia of cancer origin, severe exhaustion lead to the death of a cancer patient.


In patients with the initial cancer stage of peripheral lung cancer, the probability of survival is 50%, with stage 2 only 30% survive, with stage 3 - 10%, and the final stage 4 is considered terminal and is not positively predicted.

Preventive measures

Traditional anti-cancer prevention in this situation is timely treatment of pulmonary pathologies, giving up cigarettes, using specialized protection for the pulmonary system when working in hazardous work and active life, undergoing annual fluorographic examination and excluding carcinogenic effects.

Video about endobronchial ultrasound examination in the diagnosis of peripheral lung cancer:

Peripheral lung cancer: symptoms and treatment

Peripheral lung cancer - main symptoms:

  • Weakness
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Joint pain
  • Fever
  • Weight loss
  • Chest pain
  • Dyspnea
  • Cough
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle pain
  • Decreased performance
  • Refusal to eat
  • Copious sputum production

Peripheral lung cancer is dangerous pathological condition, in which the tumor develops from small bronchi and bronchioles. The disease is scary because its first symptoms appear already when the formation grows into the large bronchi and pleura. That is, it can be detected either accidentally, while taking an x-ray for another disease, or purposefully, but at a late stage of development, when the prognosis is already extremely unfavorable.

Causes of pathology

The main reason for the development of such pathology as peripheral lung cancer is smoking. Moreover, not only those people who smoke themselves get sick, but also those who inhale tobacco smoke. According to some researchers, passive smoking is even more dangerous, from the point of view of the development of lung cancer, than active smoking, so it is worth considering whether to be near the person smoking a cigarette, or to give him the opportunity to smoke it alone.

However, not only active and passive smoking leads to lung cancer. The disease can also develop in people who inhale asbestos dust for a long time (working in industries) or in those who are exposed to arsenic, chromium, radon or nickel.

The risk of oncology in the lungs is also inherent in people working in hazardous chemical production, and constantly inhaling vapors of various chemicals. Danger also awaits those who work in excessively dusty rooms, regularly inhaling dust into the lungs, thereby disrupting the normal blood supply in them.

People living in large metropolitan areas suffer from lung cancer more often than residents of small cities, which is associated with inhalation large quantity harmful substances in the city atmosphere. Middle age Patients suffering from this disease are 40–50 years old, but women, especially smokers, are more often affected. Sometimes it happens that the disease is detected in a person who has never smoked and has been healthy image life. Scientists still cannot explain why this happens - they are inclined to an unfavorable environment and a weak human immune system.

Factors such as:

  • hereditary predisposition (the presence of this pathology in relatives increases a person’s chances of contracting it);
  • chronic inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs.


This cancer has many forms, which depend on the location of the primary tumor and the characteristics of the tumor process.

In the nodular form, the tumor arises in the tissues of the bronchioles, but it can only be detected when it increases in size and grows into the soft tissues. An X-ray shows such a tumor as a clearly defined spot of a lumpy nature.

The cortico-pleural variety is represented by a creeping tumor, which is an oval-shaped formation with an expanded base, which eventually grows into the surrounding tissues. This cancer is called squamous cell cancer, and sometimes the tumor can grow into the vertebrae or ribs.

Peripheral cancer of the upper lobe of the right lung occurs more often than the left, which is associated with the anatomical features of this organ. In this case, the appearance and symptoms will be similar to those that occur in a patient with an oncological tumor located on the left side of the organ.

As for the cavitary form of lung oncology, as the name implies, such a tumor has a depression in the middle, which occurs due to malnutrition. Such tumors often grow large enough that they can be mistaken for an abscess or cyst, which complicates the diagnosis, and, consequently, the course of the disease and prognosis. Mostly, the disease is diagnosed in advanced stages, when there is no hope for the patient.

With an oncological process in the apex of the lung, the tumor grows into the nerves of the shoulder girdle, which causes such characteristic symptoms as pain in the supraclavicular region, which spreads along the nerve endings, numbness of the fingers on the side where the tumor is located, and even impaired mobility in the hand. This type of lung cancer is also characterized by specific symptoms such as different eye shades, sunken eyeballs, and narrowing of the pupil. These symptoms are called Horner's syndrome.

There is another type of this pathology – peripheral pneumonia-like form. The tumor in this type is predominantly localized in the middle pulmonary lobe or lower, and is distinguished by its glandular character. In this case, an X-ray will show bronchial lumens against the background of a solid dark spot, which is characteristic of an inflammatory process. The symptoms of this tumor are similar to the symptoms of a long-term inflammatory process in the organ, but they gradually increase. Diagnosis presents a certain difficulty.


Squamous cell carcinoma is more common than other forms of cancer in the lungs, although the symptoms of any cancerous lesion of the organ will be almost identical. Long time they are completely absent, and only x-rays allow one to see changes characteristic of oncology in the affected organ.

When squamous cell carcinoma or another form of cancer grows in size and grows into nearby tissue, a person begins to experience certain symptoms, the most common of which may be:

  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • background cough wellness and not amenable to treatment with appropriate medications;
  • chest pain of varying intensity (depending on the position and movements of the patient);
  • copious sputum production.

In addition, with a tumor in the upper lobe of the left lung, pronounced neurological symptoms what happens when a tumor metastasizes to the brain. The patient also pays attention to general symptoms, which consists of increased temperature, weakness, decreased ability to work, fatigue, refusal to eat and weight loss. Pain in the joints and muscles may occur.

Stages of pathology

As mentioned above, any form of peripheral lung cancer, squamous cell or nodular, has several clinical stages, which are characterized by the severity of symptoms and the prevalence of the tumor process.

The first stage is the beginning of tumor development, when it is small in size, does not grow into the lymph nodes and surrounding tissues, and has no clinical manifestations. During the second stage, the size of the tumor increases, and the cancer cells are located closer to the lymph nodes, but still do not grow into them. There are also no symptoms at this stage. If a tumor is detected at the first and second stages, the prognosis can be favorable, since timely treatment allows doctors to remove the tumor and avoid the spread of metastases. But this detection occurs by chance - if a person takes an x-ray or fluorography for diagnostic purposes.

The third stage is spoken of when the tumor grows into the surrounding tissues and lymph nodes. Here the first symptoms already appear, which, however, are not specific, and a person can be treated for a long time for a completely different pathology, not suspecting that he has squamous cell carcinoma or another form of peripheral lung cancer. And the fourth stage, at which the tumor is often diagnosed, is characterized by the spread of metastases throughout the body, which is why the prognosis of the disease is extremely unfavorable. Symptoms of oncology at this stage are clearly expressed and making a diagnosis is not difficult - a regular x-ray can show the location and size of the tumor.


Peripheral cancer should be treated taking into account its form (squamous cell, small cell, nodular, etc.) and stage. The small cell form is amenable to conservative treatment using chemotherapy drugs. Other forms, detected at an early stage, require surgical removal followed by chemotherapy (or without it).

The following operations are usually used: removal of the tumor itself, removal of the affected lobe, removal of the entire lung. Or the doctor conducts surgical excision tumors along with the tissues into which it has grown. Radiation therapy is used when the disease is detected in the final stages. Radiation and chemotherapy in combination can prolong a person’s life with small cell cancer, even if the pathology was detected at a late stage.

Squamous cell carcinoma is detected too late, so surgery is often inappropriate. In this case, the doctor prescribes massive chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It should be said that peripheral lung cancer is a serious pathology, the prognosis of which in most cases is unfavorable. During surgery for a tumor in an organ, complications often develop that can cause death. And even if the operation was successful, there is a risk of cancer returning. In particular, when a tumor is detected in the lungs at the first stage, the probability of survival is approximately 40–50%. When the pathology is detected at the second stage - 20-30%, at the third - 5-10%, and at the fourth - the prognosis is extremely unfavorable and the person has almost no hope. Therefore, it is so important to regularly undergo preventive examinations, do x-rays or fluorography, in order to suspect something is wrong at an early stage.

If you think that you have Peripheral Lung Cancer and the symptoms characteristic of this disease, then doctors can help you: oncologist, pulmonologist.

We also suggest using our online disease diagnostic service, which selects probable diseases based on the entered symptoms.

Histiocytosis – group pathological processes with poorly established etiology, which can affect the lung and other tissues of the human body. The pathogenesis of Langerhans histiocytosis is that the body begins to produce abnormal cells, which leads to the growth of connective (scar) tissue. This replacement process leads to disruption of the functioning of the affected organ and the development of associated complications.

Leukemia (syn. leukemia, lymphosarcoma or blood cancer) is a group tumor diseases with characteristic uncontrolled growth and various etiologies. Leukemia, the symptoms of which are determined based on its specific form, occurs with the gradual replacement of normal cells by leukemic ones, against the background of which serious complications develop (bleeding, anemia, etc.).

The causes of this connective tissue disease are still not fully understood, despite the fact that its symptoms are striking skin man since ancient times. Scleroderma can be called a little-studied disease of a diffuse nature; as it develops, noticeable lumps appear on the skin; they can affect individual parts of the body or spread throughout the body. How this phenomenon is characterized, how it is diagnosed and how dangerous scleroderma is - read our article. We will also tell you in detail about the causes and symptoms of the disease, and share valuable tips for treating the disease, including folk remedies.

Fibrosing alveolitis is a disease that affects the lung tissue, characterized by the development of an inflammatory process. As a result of this, fibrosis develops - healthy lung tissue is replaced by connective tissue, which can trigger the development respiratory failure(DN). If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, death is possible. This disease occurs rarely and does not respond well to drug therapy.

Lymphoma is not one specific disease. This is a whole group of hematological diseases that seriously affect lymphatic tissue. Since this type of tissue is located almost throughout the human body, malignant pathology can form in any area. Even internal organs may be damaged.

With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

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Questions and suggestions:

Every year there is an increasing increase in oncological pathology. First place in the structure oncological diseases takes lung cancer. This is due to both environmental pollution and smoking, alcoholism, genetic predisposition and other factors. The statistics of deaths from lung cancer are also frightening. Everything is connected with the fact that a person does not notice symptoms at all for a long time, and even when he notices them, he easily finds a simpler explanation for them. This is followed by a period of symptomatic treatment, and only when things get really bad do patients seek help. Unfortunately, more than half of patients already have numerous metastases when a pronounced clinical picture appears.

Depending on the location, central and peripheral lung cancer are divided, and if the entire lung is involved in the process, it is called massive. Central lung cancer is localized in large bronchi, and peripheral lung cancer is located in bronchi with a smaller diameter down to the alveoli. But scientists argue that the differences are not only in localization, but also in structure, origin, pathogenesis, clinic, etc. For example, it is believed that smoking and prolonged inhalation of polluted air are etiological factor Central and peripheral lung cancer are characterized by lymphogenous and hematogenous entry of carcinogens.

How long you live with peripheral lung cancer depends on many factors, including treatment. The prognosis for peripheral cancer is significantly more favorable with timely diagnosis and effective specific therapy.

About seventy percent of cases of peripheral cancer of the right lung are localized in the upper lobes, about twenty in the lower lobes, and less than ten in the middle lobes. Histologically, peripheral cancer is most often represented by either adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma.

It is the peripheral form of cancer that is practically asymptomatic. Diagnosis at an early stage is often associated with preventive medical examinations.

The Yusupov Hospital is equipped with all the modern equipment necessary to diagnose lung cancer. Comfortable rooms, polite staff, highly qualified doctors - these are all the keys to successful treatment.

Symptoms of peripheral lung cancer

Symptoms of peripheral lung cancer most often appear in the later stages. Clinical symptoms in peripheral cancer in most cases are associated either with compression of neighboring organs or structures, or with metastatic lesions.

Peripheral lung cancer has several forms - nodular, pneumonia-like and apical. The forms differ in course, clinical picture, etc.

The nodular form gives a clinical picture when it begins to put pressure on the bronchi, pleura or blood vessels. This causes pain, coughing, and sputum production.

Pneumonia-like occurs as pneumonia, often complicated by pleurisy, but, naturally, does not respond to antibiotic therapy, which makes the doctor think.

But peripheral cancer of the upper lobe of the right lung, like peripheral cancer of the upper lobe of the left lung, is often referred to as “apical” in the literature. The clinical picture of this form of cancer is due to the growth of the tumor into the sympathetic nodes. Attention is drawn to pain in the shoulder, forearm, hand, hoarseness appears, droops upper eyelid and the pupil narrows. These symptoms often first lead to a neurologist, and only then to an oncologist.

Treatment of apical cancer also has its own characteristics, because, for example, in the case of surgical treatment, it is possible to remove it along with the collarbone and rib. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment are often used in combination.

Prognosis for life with peripheral lung cancer

How long people live with peripheral lung cancer depends on the stage, structure, age, concomitant pathology, the presence of metastases, etc. Unfortunately, life expectancy, as well as survival rate for lung cancer, leaves much to be desired. That is why you should not waste a minute and start treatment as early as possible.

If there is an advanced stage of peripheral lung cancer and treatment is refused, life expectancy is measured in several months.

In case timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, five-year survival is observed in about sixty percent of cases, according to statistics.

From their own experience, doctors at the Yusupov Hospital can give examples of numerous long-term remissions and recoveries that they were able to achieve through their work. By developing and trying to find solutions, specialists at the Yusupov Hospital are saving the lives of patients around the clock.


  • ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases)
  • Yusupov Hospital
  • Cherenkov V. G. Clinical oncology. - 3rd ed. - M.: Medical book, 2010. - 434 p. - ISBN 978-5-91894-002-0.
  • Shirokorad V.I., Makhson A.N., Yadykov O.A. The state of oncourological care in Moscow // Oncourology. - 2013. - No. 4. - P. 10-13.
  • Volosyanko M. I. Traditional and natural methods prevention and treatment of cancer, Aquarium, 1994
  • John Niederhuber, James Armitage, James Doroshow, Michael Kastan, Joel Tepper Abeloff's Clinical Oncology - 5th Edition, eMEDICAL BOOKS, 2013

Prices for services *

Service name Price
Consultation with a chemotherapy doctor Price: 5,150 rubles
Carrying out intrathecal chemotherapy Price: 15,450 rubles
MRI of the brain
Price from 8,900 rubles
Chemotherapy Price from 50,000 rubles
Comprehensive Cancer Care and Hospice Program Price from 9,690 rubles per day
Oncology program gastrointestinal tract Price from 30,900 rubles
Lung oncology program Price from 10,250 rubles
Urinary system oncology program
Price from 15,500 rubles
Oncology diagnostic program "women's health"
Price from 15,100 rubles
Oncology diagnostic program " men's health" Price from 10,150 rubles

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, defined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. List of services provided paid services indicated in the price list of the Yusupov Hospital.