Why does a person feel cold at normal temperatures? I'm cold even when it's warm. Why do people always feel cold? The pathological causes of diseases of feeling of constant cold include

Some people have cold hands and feet even in warm weather. Of course, you can silently wrap yourself in a woolen jacket and pull on your socks without trying to understand the reasons for this phenomenon. But a constant feeling of cold cannot be called the norm - it may be a sign of health problems. To get rid of discomfort, you first need to find out its cause.

Poor diet makes you feel cold all the time

Thyroid disease

One common reason for constantly feeling cold is hypothyroidism. With this disease thyroid gland hormones are produced by the thyroid gland in insufficient quantities. At the same time, the mechanisms responsible for maintaining a constant normal body temperature are disrupted and slow down. metabolic processes. As a result, a person's hands and feet become cold.

If you notice that you have become lethargic, are gaining weight for no reason, swelling of the face has appeared, the skin is too dry, and at the same time there is a constant feeling of cold, consult an endocrinologist. Perhaps the reason for this condition is

Vascular disorders

The cause of cold feet and hands is often a violation of peripheral capillary circulation. The required amount of heat does not reach the extremities. This especially affects people with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Anxiety, stress, and lack of exercise aggravate the situation.

A constant feeling of cold is a companion for people with hypotension and low blood pressure. Due to sluggish vascular tone, blood flow decreases.

Vascular disorders usually develop with age. Therefore, older people often complain that their hands and feet are cold even in summer.

The feeling of cold in overweight people is also associated with vascular disorders. Fat deposits, like a dense compressor, squeeze blood vessels. The blood flow narrows and cannot supply the internal organs with oxygen. Attempt vascular system to compensate for this leads to the fact that heat is lost to the wrong destination.

More rare vascular disorder, which makes you constantly feel cold - Raynaud's disease. It consists of disruption of the arterial blood supply to the extremities. The slightest emotional stress, exposure to too cold or warm temperatures causes vascular spasm, disrupting thermoregulation.

Reader Questions

Good afternoon I am 31 years old 18 October 2013, 17:25 Good afternoon I'm 31 years old. lately I have terrible headaches, my blood pressure started to jump, from my 100/60, it jumps to 135/88. Sometimes my heart feels heavy. For headaches, I don’t know what medications to take, because... the pressure is different. I'm afraid of harm. Please advise what to do?

Diabetes mellitus

One of the complications of diabetes is poor circulation. As a result, a feeling of coldness appears in the extremities, especially the legs become cold. In addition, sensitivity in the legs may decrease.

What should I do if I am constantly cold?

If you are familiar firsthand with a constant feeling of cold, do not be afraid to see a doctor and get tested. necessary tests. This will relieve you of discomfort and help avoid the development of more dangerous conditions.

To improve thermoregulation:

  • Exercise until you're warm
  • Practice contrast shower
  • Drink hot tea
  • Avoid strong coffee and alcohol
  • Drink 2 l clean water daily - this helps improve blood flow.

Elena Kukuevitskaya

In almost any work group, and often in families, the problem arises that some are too cold and others are too hot. The first ones wrap themselves in sweaters, rugs, blankets and don’t get out wool socks, the latter prefer to wear T-shirts and sit indoors with the windows wide open. Why we feel the climate differently, and how to solve it this problem without resorting to conflicts, read the article.

Normally, our body temperature is maintained at 36-37 degrees, fluctuating slightly throughout the day. This constant temperature is ensured by balancing the mechanisms of heat transfer and heat production developed by our body.

Thanks to the coordinated work of the heat regulation mechanisms presented above, the independence of our body temperature from temperature fluctuations is ensured environment, which is our difference from cold-blooded animals.

Our body spends 75% of the energy it produces to maintain a stable body temperature, regardless of weather conditions

It would seem that if the constancy of our body temperature is ensured by the same mechanisms of thermoregulation for everyone, then why do we perceive the same environmental temperature differently? There are several reasons for this, so let's look at it in order.

Women get cold faster

This is far from a myth, but the most proven fact. Back in 1998, scientists confirmed the idea that women are more sensitive to cold weather conditions. This is due to the uniform distribution of subcutaneous fat in a woman’s body, which, on the one hand, ensures best preservation heat in the internal organs, but at the same time leads to the fact that the blood rushing to the internal organs does not have time to heat the arms and legs.

Body temperature in women is 0.4 degrees higher than in men, and legs and arms are 2.8 degrees colder

In addition, heat perception in women also depends on menstrual cycle: depending on its stage the temperature internal organs can fluctuate within one degree. So if you're constantly fighting with your partner for the right to sleep under the duvet, remember that your man really is hot. Men should not be surprised that in the heat, your better half’s hands feel like two “ice pieces”.


Very often, pregnant women complain that they are constantly hot. This phenomenon is a variant of the norm and is associated with the work of a hormone such as progesterone. The role of this hormone is to prepare and assist in bearing a child. In particular, progesterone is responsible for increasing sebum production, increasing blood pressure, inhibition of contractions of the uterine muscles, etc.

Generally speaking, the role of this hormone is to create all necessary conditions For normal development fetus, including temperature conditions. That's why expectant mother There is a change in thermoregulation, characterized by the predominance of heat production processes over heat transfer processes.

Thyroid problems

Thyroid dysfunction can make you either a cold guy or a hot guy. This is due to the amount of hormones produced by the gland called thyroxine and triiodothyronine. They are responsible for the production of energy in our body (breakdown of glycogen, increase in blood glucose levels, breakdown of fats, etc.).

Hypothyroidism is also characterized by dry skin, splitting nails, brittle and hair loss, puffy face, lethargy and constant fatigue.

With a lack of these hormones, there is a decrease in metabolism and a decrease in the amount of energy produced by the body, 75% of which, as we remember, our body spends on maintaining a stable temperature. Energy deficiency leads to a decrease in body temperature, and, as a consequence, to constant chilliness and intolerance to cold. In medical circles, a decrease in thyroid hormone levels is called hypothyroidism.

In the opposite case, when there is an increase in the level of thyroid hormones - hyperthyroidism, the person is worried excessive sweating and heat intolerance. Such a person is always stuffy and hot, has a rapid pulse, and may have problems with heart rhythm. Despite the normal and even increased appetite a person with hyperthyroidism rapidly loses weight, and his irritability and nervousness causes a lot of concern to others.

Disorders in the autonomic nervous system

Malfunctions of this system can also lead to hypersensitivity to cold as well as to heat. The nature of the disturbance in heat perception depends on the influence of which part of the vegetative nervous system predominates over the body - sympathetic or parasympathetic. In the first case (sympathicotonia), increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, chills, cold extremities, pallor, etc. occur.

In the second case (vagotonia), there is a slowing of the pulse, increased sweating, decreased blood pressure, a feeling of heat in the head and face, weakness, heaviness in the head, suffocation, etc. These phenomena can be permanent, systemic, local or episodic. Very often they can be observed mixed disorders, with a combination of symptoms typical for each case, or their alternate manifestation.

Raynaud's disease and scleroderma

Raynaud's disease most often affects women at a very young age - 20-40 years old and is manifested by a sharp spasm of blood vessels, usually upper limbs. Clinically, the spasm is manifested by a feeling of numbness and coldness in the fingers, their pallor and cyanosis, and severe pain.

In turn, Raynaud's disease can only be a symptom of a dangerous systemic disease, striking small vessels, called scleroderma. The occurrence of this pathology is to a certain extent associated with a genetic predisposition, but its occurrence is provoked by hypothermia and infections of the nervous system.

Diagnosis of the causes of heat perception disturbances

In order to understand the reasons for constant chilliness or, conversely, a feeling of stuffiness, you should go through certain diagnostic studies. Among them:

  • general blood test;
  • blood test for thyroid hormones;
  • ECG (cardiogram);
  • Ultrasound of the heart (echocardiogram);
  • Ultrasound of vessels of the upper/lower extremities.

How to deal with sensitivity to cold/heat?

If all tests are normal, you should fight intolerance to cold or heat on your own.

In the first case, you should pay attention to a contrast shower. It will not only improve thermoregulation in the body, but also strengthen the immune system, so you will be less likely to experience colds. Also, in order to improve thermoregulation, it will be useful to walk barefoot around the apartment/dacha.

A foot massage, either manually or using a dry brush, helps combat cold feet. This simple procedure will increase blood flow to the extremities and relieve the feeling of chilliness.

In the second case, all efforts must be directed to improving heat transfer processes. Wear clothes in light colors, made from natural fabrics that are highly breathable, which is necessary for normal evaporation and contact with air. Replace bed linen with silk, as this is the most breathable fabric and also has hypoallergenic properties.

According to statistics, every third woman is a “freezer” who will feel chills even at a temperature that is quite comfortable for many. Men encounter this problem less often due to a more stable thermoregulation system. AiF.ru found out why people are cold all the time and how to deal with this phenomenon.

Important Iron

The feeling that you are constantly freezing appears if you have anemia or even if your hemoglobin level just begins to drop a little. Oxygen transport by blood deteriorates, tissue nutrition is disrupted, and blood vessels dilate to speed up blood flow and warm up. Because of this, heat transfer increases, the body loses its heat reserve and begins to freeze.

Certain foods help restore balance. To do this, your diet should include red meat, liver and kidneys, buckwheat, pearl barley and rice cereal, dried fruits, eggs, apples, fish, cheese, cabbage and dill. Daily norm iron should be 15 mg.

Lack of vitamins

Everyone knows that a lack of vitamins has a bad effect on human health. But few realize that they constantly experience a feeling of cold due to a lack of vitamins A and E. It is these two substances that are responsible for the balance of biochemical processes in the liver that promote heating.

Excessive fullness

Traditionally it is believed that fat people It's always hot. In fact, fatty deposits, accumulating, compress the blood vessels and lead to the fact that blood flow worsens, and then everything happens, as in the case of iron deficiency.

Thyroid problems

The thyroid gland is an extremely important organ whose work is often underestimated. The gland, despite its small size, performs important role- distributes energy reserves. If any problems develop, for example, hypothyroidism, it works “at half strength” and slows down the metabolism. Then the person begins to feel that he is freezing from the inside. You can understand that the problem is in the thyroid gland by paying attention to your feet - they are cold at any time of the day. If you think that the problem is in the gland, it is worth examining it and if there are any abnormalities, be sure to treat and correct them.

Pressure and blood vessels

Hypotonics, i.e. those who have low blood pressure know firsthand what increased “freezing” is: a decrease in pressure leads to impaired blood supply, which, again, becomes the cause of internal “coldness”.

Vascular problems also often lead to a person freezing at any time of the year, even under a warm blanket. Firstly, the vessels may lose the desired tone, which is why the blood begins to “run” through them more slowly. Secondly, freezing can be caused by spasms: with a sharp compression of blood vessels, problems with blood supply begin. Thirdly, the feeling of cold can cause disruption of the peripheral capillaries, which is why the blood does not “reach” the fingertips.

In this case, it is worth taking a course of vitamins, increasing physical activity, add walks to fresh air, adjust your diet (add vegetables and fruits, remove refined foods).

"Cold" diabetes

At diabetes mellitus a person can also easily feel the “inner cold.” This disease causes metabolic disorders, as well as serious problems with the cardiovascular system. In such cases, patients usually complain of constantly cold feet, which periodically lose sensitivity. This should be reported to an endocrinologist, who will select adequate treatment.

Dangerous malnutrition

A simple lack of calories can make you feel cold at any time of the year. For example, people who eat little do not receive their quota. This means that they seriously lack energy “for heating” and the body has nowhere to replenish reserves. Therefore, people are often thin and leading sedentary lifestyle lives have reduced temperature bodies.

Often women complain of a constant feeling of cold, partly due to physiology, partly due to increased sensitivity to conditions inherent in cold. Here are 10 common reasons why your internal thermostat is not reflecting reality.

You are underweight

Low body weight (body mass index less than 18.5) can make you feel cold for several reasons. Firstly, low readings on the scale are equal low rates in the level of fat reserves, which should insulate us. Secondly, low body weight indicates insufficient calorie intake, which slows down metabolism, why the body begins to spend less energy on its own heating. Gain the kilograms or two you need by focusing on healthy homemade food with an abundance of proteins, proteins and complex carbohydrates.

Your thyroid gland is acting up

A constant feeling of cold is one of the many health problems that you “owe” to a failed thyroid gland. You could even say that a persistent feeling of cold is the surest sign of hypothyroidism (low thyroid function and decreased hormone production). Without required level hormones, the metabolic rate slows down, and the body begins to save on its own heating. Other typical signs of hypothyroidism are thinning hair, dry skin and fatigue. Most often, women who have recently given birth and women over 60 are at risk. Prescribed medications will help bring the thyroid gland out of a sluggish state.

You don't have enough iron

Low iron levels are one of the most common causes of persistent freezing. Here's why: Iron is a key substance in red blood cells carrying oxygen throughout the body. Without iron, these blood cells begin to do their job worse, and you begin to shiver from the cold. Iron deficiency is also dangerous because in this state of affairs thyroid gland becomes lethargic, and you add another reason for yourself to freeze (see previous point).

Your blood circulation is weakened

If your palms and feet are constantly icy, but the rest of your body feels quite comfortable, then it may be worth turning special attention on blood circulation, which lacks the strength to “reach” the limbs. The reason for this weakening may be cardiovascular disorders: the heart does not pump well enough, or blood vessels narrowed. Smoking can also narrow blood vessels.

You don't get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can wreak havoc on your nervous system, throwing all your internal mechanisms out of balance, including your body's thermostat. It is not entirely clear why this happens, perhaps this is how the body expresses its stress due to insufficient rest. This is confirmed by a study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology, where 20 young people deprived normal sleep, there was a decrease in body temperature. Due to lack of sleep, our metabolism also suffers, which, again, leads to poor self-heating and inhibited blood circulation.

You are dehydrated

We are 60% water, and it is water that helps regulate our body temperature. If there is enough fluid in the body, it retains heat and releases it more slowly, maintaining general temperature comfortable. When there is not enough fluid, the body becomes more sensitive to environmental temperature. But water warms us not only in this way. It increases metabolism, the inhibited state of which translates into a lower body temperature. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, this is especially important before and after physical activity.

You are lacking vitamin B12

This vitamin is only available to us from animal products, and its deficiency will make your teeth chatter from the cold. The body needs it to create red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body. Its deficiency can lead to anemia, i.e. reduced number red blood cells and, as a result, to chronic “frost”. To compensate for B12 deficiency, include in your diet low-fat varieties meat, fish and dairy products. Sometimes, it is worth noting, a deficiency of this vitamin occurs due to its insufficient absorption. If you have enough of this vitamin in your diet and still feel cold, see your doctor for a blood test for this important vitamin.

Are you a woman

Always fighting with your husband over control of the thermostat? It turns out that the feeling of cold also depends on gender. Basically, women better than men adapted to retain heat. For this purpose, their bodies are "programmed" to distribute blood flow in such a way as to maintain optimal nutrition vital organs such as the heart and brain - sometimes at the expense of the palms and soles, making these parts of the body chronically cold.

Do you have diabetes?

Not properly controlled diabetes, called diabetic neuropathy. Constant attack on nerve tissue may cause a feeling of coldness, numbness, and sometimes pain in the arms and legs. Diabetic neuropathy develops gradually and you may not even be aware of it. Be sure to contact your doctor with these symptoms.

You need muscle mass

Muscles help maintain normal body temperature by producing heat, no muscles - hello, feeling cold! Moreover, increasing muscle mass, you start your metabolism, which at the same time fights the eternal feeling of cold. Sign up for a gym or get some dumbbells for your home - the built-up muscles will become a kind of “blanket” that relieves you from permafrost.

Many people experience quite severe discomfort due to the fact that they freeze in winter. Everyone is cold in winter, but for some people the cold season is especially unpleasant. Even when dressed decently, they feel cold. Why do people freeze in winter? It is not at all easy to answer this question clearly.

One could simply say that people are cold because the ambient temperature is low, but some may .

What is responsible for heat in the body?

In our body, all organs of the system participate in the regulation of heat under the guidance of the main ones - the hypothalamus, liver and heart.

Thanks to the liver biochemical reactions warms the blood. And the heart pumps it, driving it throughout the body in order to evenly distribute heat throughout all areas. That is why the vessels can be quite successfully compared to the pipes of a heating system.

Based on the external temperature, the vessels either contract to retain heat or expand to release excess heat outside the body. However this process may be disrupted due to various pathologies and the reasons why a person freezes more in winter, sometimes due to extreme cold

Sauna syndrome

Insufficient hemoglobin level or iron deficiency anemia cause a delay in the timely delivery of oxygen by blood to tissues and internal organs.

The body tries to improve the situation in order to supply the organs with oxygen, so the vessels dilate to increase blood flow. Accordingly, heat transfer increases - the body loses required stock warm, so it starts to freeze.

Vitamins A and E

A lack of vitamins such as A and E, including fats in the diet can lead to chilliness even in warm weather. In the liver, the biochemical processes that are responsible for heating the blood become unbalanced. As a result, the body cools down.

Fat people get cold too

It is believed that overweight people should always be hot, because they have a sufficient layer of fat. However, things are a little different. Fat deposits are a tight compressor, meaning they squeeze blood vessels, leading to a narrowing of blood flow. Inadequate oxygen supply, as well as the body’s attempt to compensate for this deficiency, leads to the person becoming cold.


Cold feet, including hands, are typical sign capillary circulation disorders. Warm blood flow simply cannot reach the extremities. Quite often this happens with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Age-related coldness, which forces older people to wear multiple layers of clothing or throw on extra blankets, is also caused by deterioration of vascular function.

Not enough fuel

Often, people who do not get enough calories every day, too few, are also doomed to freeze. In the absence of regular calories, the body simply has nowhere to get energy from.

If, for example, a person also moves little, not enough, and is also thin, then he is doomed to cool down faster. His body temperature also becomes lower.


Diabetes mellitus can cause constant chilliness. The root cause here is serious disruptions in the functioning of cardiovascular system and in metabolism. A clear sign diabetes are cold feet.

Raynaud's disease

There is also a specific cold syndrome called Raynaud's disease. It is expressed in disruption of the arterial blood supply to the extremities. Under the influence of excessively warm or cold temperatures, emotional stress, such people experience vascular spasm, which is the main cause of thermoregulation disorders.