Life expectancy of jungarians and how it can be extended. How long does the dwarf live? How long do Djungarian hamsters live at home?

Djungarian hamsters have become very popular among pet lovers. They are unpretentious, their purchase and maintenance are very inexpensive, and at the same time these animals are very funny.

Before purchasing, most future owners wonder how many years their pet will live. This is especially important if the animal is bought for small child. After all, the rapid loss of a pet can greatly upset the baby.

What is the life expectancy of a Djungarian hamster?

It is very difficult to determine exactly how long wild dwarfs live. However, experts say that in wildlife Hamsters live no more than one and a half years. IN wild conditions There are too many dangers for Djungarian hamsters:

  • illnesses,
  • predators,
  • weather,
  • lack of food.

Therefore, a two-year-old hamster in the wild is very rare. Only strong and agile hamsters survive while they are young and full of energy.

At home

At home, when a hamster is surrounded by care, attention and love, his life becomes more comfortable and, accordingly, longer.

Average duration The life of a domestic Djungarian hamster is 2-3 years.

There are cases when Djungarians lived to the age of four, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

The death of a beloved pet is a great stress and grief, but you still need to try to accept that two or three years is quite a long time for such a small mammal.

What determines the lifespan of a hamster?

Let us list several factors that directly affect the lifespan of the jungarik:

  • separate and spacious cage
  • All necessary equipment in a cage
  • quality food in sufficient but not excessive quantities
  • a lot of attention
  • absence of cotton wool in the cage (it is dangerous for hamsters)
  • no loud noise or bright lights
  • cell cleanliness
  • vitamins, vegetables, fruits
  • clean water
  • some meat (once a week)

How does the Djungarian hamster age?

As a hamster ages, it becomes less and less active. First you notice that he is running less in the wheel. Gradually, clumsiness and slow movements begin to appear. Your pet's paws no longer obey your pet so well - they become weak. Even the hamster finds it difficult to maintain its weight. He begins to fall where he was able to easily hold on before. Can hardly climb bars. If he falls on his back, he cannot turn over for a long time. The fur ceases to be so well-groomed. It thins out and loses its shine and splendor. The eyes also become cloudy.

It also happens a little differently: some owners say that they didn’t even notice how their dzhungarik has aged. It’s just that one day he dies completely unexpectedly. It happens like that.

Compare two videos. Both recordings feature the same hamster, but about 3 years passed between the two recordings.

In the first video, the dzhungarik is still young.

In the second video he is already old and clumsy.

When deciding to get a hamster for the first time, everyone future owner wonders how many years his animal will live. The clear answer is not very long. Cheeky rodents even with good care may not live as long as cats or dogs, but this does not mean that communicating with them will not bring you joy.

In the wild, hamsters usually live 1-2 years. Centenarians who managed to avoid hungry winters and the claws of predators live up to 3 years.

The lifespan of domestic hamsters largely depends on the conditions of detention: diet, hygiene, physical activity and, of course, from the breed.


The Syrian (or golden, based on the color of the fur on the back) hamster is the largest of the domestic ones. The average life expectancy of Syrians is short - 2.5-3 years, but it is not uncommon for these hamsters to live up to 4 years.
It should be remembered that by nature, Syrian hamsters are loners. The proximity of two individuals in the same cage can end sadly for one of them.


The size of the Djungarian hamster is no more than 10-12 cm, it is noticeably smaller than the Syrian. Djungarians are sociable and easily tamed, which explains their popularity. Another important hallmark is their ability to change their brown color to silver-gray by winter. Djungarian hamsters rarely live more than 1.5-2 years.

Video: hamsters at home

Campbell's hamster

This hamster is so similar to the Djungarian that for a long time they were considered one species. However, Campbell's hamster is not as fluffy as the dwarf hamster, and its color does not depend on the time of year. Like the Djungarian, such a hamster usually lives 1.5-2 years.


These tiny hamsters reach only 4-5 cm in length. They can live in groups, although fights between individuals are always possible if there is not enough space for them. Unlike their larger counterparts, these babies easily live up to 3-3.5 years at home.


In many ways, the life expectancy of hamsters depends on regular and proper care. It is within the power of the owners to ensure a long and happy life these funny animals.

When purchasing, be sure to take a good look at the animal. His eyes should be clear, his coat should be shiny and well-groomed, without tangles. Sick hamsters stop actively moving and caring for themselves, while healthy ones, on the contrary, are very inquisitive and active.


Improper nutrition is the main cause of premature death in pet hamsters. Under no circumstances should animals be given moldy or damp food, or hidden or rotten pieces. raw vegetables must be discarded when cleaning the cage. This way you can avoid intestinal upset.

Citrus fruits, red cabbage and other highly acidic foods are harmful to a hamster's stomach. Bread and sugar will lead to excess weight, and sticky or scratchy treats can damage the cheek pouches.


Do not wash hamsters in water unless absolutely necessary. This is not only stressful, but also the risk of a cold for the tiny animal. A healthy hamster keeps its fur clean on its own, and to help it, from time to time put a sand bath in the cage for chinchillas.

Regular cleaning of the cage will also help keep your hamster healthy.

Stress and other factors

  • Hamsters are afraid of loud sounds, so it is better not to place the cage with the animal in a room where they listen to loud music. Do not handle the hamster against its will and do not allow children to do this.
  • Protect animals from direct sunlight - hamsters easily overheat, as well as from cold and drafts.
  • Be sure to keep an eye on your pet if you let him out of his cage. Even when moving in a special walking ball, a hamster can be seriously injured if it falls from a sofa or stairs.
  • Do not put cotton wool or other fibrous materials in the cage, which could get wrapped around the paws and injure them.


Hamsters are susceptible to colds, their symptoms are the same as in humans - difficulty breathing, sneezing and coughing.

Protect your pet from the cold and dry it thoroughly if you have to bathe it in water. In addition, hamsters can get sick intestinal infections and even tumors.

A sick animal becomes lethargic, sleeps a lot, and stops grooming its fur. For any illness, it is necessary to show the animal to a veterinarian and follow his recommendations.

Video: playful animals

Physical activity

In nature, hamsters run many kilometers every night, so make sure you have a spacious, safe cage for the animal and be sure to teach it to run on a wheel.


Like all living things, hamsters can inherit genes that allow them to live longer or genes that increase their susceptibility to disease.

An animal from a good breeder will most likely be healthier and live longer than one purchased from a pet store or poultry market. Of course, subject to careful care and care of the owners.


Even for adults who are prepared in advance for the fact that their pet's life will be short, the loss becomes stressful. Over the course of one and a half to two years spent together, he becomes not “just a hamster”, but a small member of the family.

The death of an animal can be even worse in children. What is the best way to behave in this case?

  • Don't blame yourself. No matter how much we take care of our pets, we cannot extend their lives much longer. For a tiny hamster, two or three years is a long time. Explain this to your children so that they do not feel guilty about the death of their pet.
  • Allow your child to verbalize his grief or cry. Even if you were generally indifferent to the animal, there is no need to devalue children’s feelings and say that it was “just a hamster, we’ll get you another one.” Show your child that you are ready to listen and understand. In general, this is a good reason to discuss issues of life and death with your child at the level for which he is ready due to his age.
  • Let your child bury the hamster or say goodbye to him in some other way. Perhaps for some time he will want to visit the place where his pet is buried or put a photo of the hamster in a visible place at home.
  • Don’t rush to get another animal; children may be indifferent or even aggressive towards the “replacement”. It is better to wait until all family members have experienced the loss and are ready for a new pet.

Pets in the room are always a joy for a child. However, not everyone decides to buy a cat or a puppy; many limit themselves only to fish, turtles or hamsters. This situation arises due to the fact that such animals require less maintenance, they do not need to be constantly walked or the toilet changed. And children simply adore soft and fluffy hamsters. The only drawback in such small animals is their relatively short life span. Today we will talk about how many years hamsters live at home, as well as how to choose a healthy animal and what differences exist in care different breeds hamsters

The lifespan of your pet largely depends on the right purchase. To increase this period, you need to approach the choice of a rodent responsibly and carefully. Hamsters live relatively short lives, so it is best to choose a young animal, or a very small one.
When purchasing hamsters you should consider the following:

  • The hamster must be active and mobile. In this case, you need to turn close attention on motor activity of this animal, the more active and nimble it is, the greater the likelihood that it is healthy;
  • It is required to select young hamsters. If the breed of hamsters is large, then you can distinguish the babies without special effort. If the breed is small, then the help of a professional, or at least the integrity of the seller, will be required;
  • Purchases should only be made in specialized stores. The fact is that sellers in a pet store are responsible for the animals they sell, so for the most part the animals are vaccinated and healthy. Highest probability buying a full-fledged and healthy hamster means making a purchase at a pet store;
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the appearance of hamsters - the coat should be uniform, smoothly adjacent to the body, and the eyes should be healthy.

Thus, buying a hamster is quite easy task, the main thing is that maximum attention of the buyer is required.

How many years do hamsters live at home?

Typically, hamsters live on average two to three years. But it should be noted that the care of the owner can prolong the life of the hamster. There are individuals that live even five to six years. However, to extend your pet's lifespan, consider the following tips:

  • You need to purchase a spacious cage for hamsters. And also put it in a fairly bright place that is ventilated, but without drafts and direct sun rays. The place for hamsters should be calm so that they are not constantly disturbed;
  • It is necessary to periodically change the bedding for hamsters;
  • It is necessary to feed the animals with special food purchased at a pet store;
  • It is necessary to walk your pets daily. To do this, you don’t need to walk them in nature; it’s enough to let the hamsters crawl around your apartment or room. But you need to be very careful, because hamsters love to look for secluded places;
  • The room where the hamsters are kept must be ventilated daily;
  • You need to walk with your pets and talk. However, constantly holding them in your hands and petting them is harmful for hamsters, since they cannot easily tolerate such affection. It should be noted that hamsters are very timid creatures, from sudden movements and loud screams hamsters can get very scared, which will clearly affect their life expectancy;
  • Hamsters should not be bathed; they can catch a cold and die. Hamsters clean themselves and that's enough for them.

Therefore, how many years hamsters live at home is a very individual question. There are individuals that do not even live to be two years old. Life expectancy also depends on the breed of hamsters.

How long do Djungarian hamsters live at home?

Their lifespan is approximately three years. However, after two years of life, dzhungarikas become less mobile.
Dzhungariki is a fairly small breed of hamster, but very sociable. These hamsters require maximum of your attention and care, they love to sit in your hands, love to be stroked and caressed. Such animals can hardly tolerate loneliness, so it is best for you to buy a pair for your pet, but keep them in separate cages so that they do not fight in the same cage. It is necessary to organize constant meetings of comrades, but on a different territory - not in their cells, otherwise they will compete for their territory.

In this case, Djungarians can live up to four to five years, but you shouldn’t delude yourself too much, as mentioned above - this is all strictly individual.

A little more useful information You can learn about dzungarians in the video below:

How long do Syrian hamsters live at home?

The Syrian breed of hamsters is significantly different from all the others, since they are more similar to guinea pigs. However, despite the fact that this breed is slightly larger than the previous one, Syrian hamsters live less - on average up to two years. But life expectancy can be extended if the following conditions are met:

  • For Syrian hamsters, it is necessary to install an active zone in the cage, for example, a wheel, so that the baby can intensively train and develop his motor skills;
  • Syrian hamsters love solitude, so they must be kept alone in their cage, otherwise they will not live long.

It should be noted that Syrian hamsters are active at night, and during the day they usually sleep. Therefore, you should not wake up your hamster during the day to play with him, as this will disrupt his resting and waking patterns. Wait until the evening, when the animal is ready for such contacts, and spend time with your pet.

So, today we looked at how many years hamsters live at home, as well as basic tips and recommendations for purchasing these animals. When purchasing hamsters as a favorite pet for your child, you should consider their lifespan. Hamsters live relatively short lives, so their rapid death can cause psychological trauma to your child. To avoid such a situation, you must immediately pay attention to the breed of the hamster, and also explain to your child about short term the life of this animal.

The Djungarian hamster is an extremely attractive, cute rodent that most animal lovers happily keep at home. What conditions does such a pet require? What do these creatures feed? How long do they live? Djungarian hamsters? How do they reproduce? What are they sick with? I would like to talk about all this in our publication.

General information

Djungarian hamsters are rodents that can grow up to 10 centimeters in length. Their fur is short and smooth. As a rule, hamsters have a grayish-brown color. However, in the off-season their fur may lighten or darken.

These creatures have a good disposition and almost instantly get used to the hands of their owner. Such pets never refuse human contact. Hamsters are extremely playful, which children like.

Djungarians do not belong to the category Representatives of the species are true loners. To exist normally in captivity, they do not require company, like rats and other rodents. Such hamsters prefer to completely control the territory under their control. And if necessary, they are ready to zealously defend their own home.

How long does a Djungarian hamster live?

In natural habitats, representatives of the species rarely survive to old age. After all, they have to face numerous dangers every day. These miniature creatures are prey to a wide range of predators. They are hunted not only by carnivorous mammals, but also by some birds. In addition, miniature animals have to withstand harsh climatic conditions, suffer from lack of food and disease. All this, of course, affects how long the Djungarian hamster lives in the wild. Difficulties in survival lead to rodents dying at the age of 1.5-2 years.

In captivity, these creatures do not suffer from food shortages and do not risk ending up in the jaws of a predator. Thanks to this, the answer to the question - how long does a Djungarian hamster live at home - can please their owners, since some rodents are able to remain healthy and energetic until the age of more than 4 years.

How to choose a house for a hamster

Since Djungarian hamsters are rodents, it is absolutely not recommended to house them in a cage. After all, rods made of plastic or wood will very soon be chewed and completely damaged. The use of cages with metal partitions, which will also be seriously damaged by powerful jaws and strong hamster teeth.

You should use a spacious glass aquarium as a house for your pet. It is best if the container has a length of about 70-100 centimeters and a height of at least 40 centimeters. There is no point in choosing an aquarium of smaller dimensions. Because the hamster will suffer from a deficiency free space and insufficient fresh air circulation.

The bottom of the rodent's home should be lined with an impressive layer of sawdust. It is desirable that such a pillow have a thickness of about 3-4 centimeters. As an alternative, you can use special hamster pellets made from recycled, compressed wood.

Features of care

Now let's discuss how to care for a Djungarian hamster. It's quite simple. First of all, you need to regularly clean your pet’s home. His house should be cleaned at least 2 times a week. In places where the litter has become wet, you need to use new litter. Once a month, it is recommended to transfer the hamster to another container, carrying out a comprehensive cleaning of the home. It is important not only to throw away the old filler, but also to treat the walls of the container disinfectant. This approach to cleaning will help prevent the spread of pathogenic bacteria and the development of infectious diseases in the animal.

There are other rules on how to care for a Djungarian hamster:

  • The animal's house should be located away from windows, heating devices and household appliances, in particular computers and televisions. Loud sounds, drafts and an abundance of light - all this will cause nervous stress in a pet, which can be fatal for him.
  • Don't hesitate to bathe Djungarian hamsters. There is no point in resorting to such procedures. After all, the rodent performs its own hygiene own body. To do this, the hamster licks itself with its tongue and uses its paws to comb out its fur.
  • When keeping Djungarian hamsters, it is important to create conditions that will allow them to splash out the abundance of accumulated energy. For this reason, it is recommended to install a special running wheel with transverse rods in the rodent’s house.
  • Among other things, the hamster will need a shelter where he can hide if he senses danger. It would be a good idea to install a special feeder and drinking bowl in your pet’s home.


What to feed Djungarian hamsters? These rodents must eat twice a day. Moreover, feeding should be done at approximately the same time. In the morning, it is recommended to offer your pet succulent food. In the late afternoon, provide dry food and all kinds of treats. The basis of the daily diet of Djungarians is:

  1. Special dry food that can be purchased at pet stores.
  2. Boiled and fresh vegetables With low content starch.
  3. Fruits, berries.
  4. Cereals and grains.
  5. Nuts, seeds.
  6. Crackers.

When deciding what to feed, do not forget to offer them fresh leaves of fruit trees, as well as squirrels, as treats. boiled eggs. Several times a week, pets should be given cottage cheese, low-fat kefir or yogurt, boiled fish and chicken fillet.

If we talk about pregnant females, they are periodically fed with infant formula without added salt and sugar. And in case of indigestion, it is important to include sticky in the hamster’s diet. boiled rice and a small amount vegetable oil.

How to determine the sex of a Djungarian hamster

As a rule, it is not difficult to distinguish a female from a male among Djungarians. If difficulties arise when such a need arises, it is worth paying attention to several points.

So, in order to determine the sex of a Djungarian hamster, it should be noted that the male gonads look more textured, since they are noticeably lowered in the scrotum area. In addition, in males, the urethra and anus are located quite far from each other. For females it's the other way around. These holes are in close proximity.


To mate and successfully reproduce Djungarian hamsters, you will need a female about four months old and a three-month old male. For breeding purposes, they need to be transplanted into a separate container for a while, protected from their relatives.

Pregnancy among Djungarians takes about 20 days. After the specified time, from 4 to 12 cubs can be born. Hamsters are born blind and helpless. Over the next month, they are under the care of their mother, regularly drinking milk.

There are a number of other important points when breeding Djungarian hamsters. So, shortly before giving birth, it is necessary to place the female in a pre-cleaned, disinfected cage. And after the babies are born, you should not pick them up or touch them. Smelling from the cubs foreign odors, the female may reject the offspring. IN similar situations There are often cases of cannibalism.


The danger for these pets lies in high probability receiving accidental injuries. The fact is that dzhungariks are extremely energetic, active animals. During the endless running, they can fall, get bruised and damage their limbs. To help your pet in such situations, you need to take him to the veterinarian.

A common disease of Djungarian hamsters is damage to the body viral infections. In such situations, the animal becomes lethargic and inactive. The pet has difficulty breathing and sneezes frequently. Unfortunately, there are no medications for hamsters that will get rid of viral disease. The only thing the rodent owner can do in this case is to provide the pet with an abundance of fresh drink, as well as saturate its daily diet with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Among the diseases of Djungarian hamsters, conjunctivitis is also worth noting. Therapy in such a situation should be carried out using lightly salted water, which is used to wash the pet's eyes.

Often hamsters begin to sharply refuse food offered by the owner. The cause may be dental damage. The owner should check whether the animal’s incisors have broken off. Sometimes this behavior is caused by excessively long teeth, which interfere with grinding food. It is not recommended to perform the procedure of trimming or filing down incisors yourself. It is better to entrust the operation to an experienced veterinarian.

In conclusion

As can be seen from the above, keeping Djungarian hamsters is quite simple. To do this, you only need to choose suitable housing, provide your pet with fresh drink and food, and regularly clean the cage. Paying attention important points noted in our publication, you can give the animal a happy life and continue to enjoy the cute creature for many years.

Hamsters are one of the most commonly kept pets. These cute fluffies are loved by both children and adults. Most current question The question that arises before purchasing rodents concerns their life expectancy. How to find out the age of the animal, and how long does the Djungarian hamster live?

Having decided to start pet we certainly look forward to him being with us for many years to come. This is especially important if the furry is purchased for a child, for whom the death of a beloved animal can be a huge stress. IN natural conditions Djungarians extremely rarely live more than one and a half years, since they are always exposed to various dangers. They are exposed to diseases, larger predators prey on them, and rodents also suffer from lack of nutrition. By receiving the necessary care and love from people at home, these animals can live much longer than the specified period. So how long does a Djungarian hamster live at home?

Determining the age of the pet

The life expectancy of Djungarian hamsters is 2-3, sometimes 4 years, but this is in exceptional and very in rare cases. And although this is not as much as, for example, cats or dogs, do not be sad about this, and feel free to get yourself a little furry friend, even if for such a short period of time he will become your faithful companion. Before buying an animal in a store, it is important to determine how old it is. This is quite difficult to do; even zoologists will not be able to give you an accurate answer to this question. There are several factors by which it is still possible to distinguish a small dwarf from its more adult counterpart.

  1. Young animals are very active and inquisitive, always eager to communicate with people, enthusiastically run around the cage and happily eat various delicacies. Older rodents are calmer and slower. They live a measured life, love to sleep and try to hide in their house.
  2. Its appearance will also help determine the age of the hamster. The fur of fluffies acquires its first color within a week after birth. But after 14 days it not only becomes thick and smooth, but also, as a rule, changes color to a permanent darker color.
  3. The age of the animals is revealed by their weight and length. Usually at 2 months the size of babies does not exceed 8 cm, and already at 5 months old the hamster weighs up to 40 g. Therefore, if you want to determine the age of your pet, you should definitely weigh and measure it.

What affects mortality

In order for your rodent to live with you as long as possible, you need to surround it with care and attention. Most often, reasons that shorten life domestic rodent, become:

  • severe overeating;
  • serious injury;
  • incurable disease.

How many years Djungarian hamsters live is directly influenced by the conditions in which they live, what the rodents eat, and how healthy and active they are. Let's consider these factors in order, because following them will help to significantly increase the time that the animal can spend with you.

Djungarians do not get along with each other, so each animal definitely needs a separate house to live. If you nevertheless decide to place several animals together at once, expect constant quarrels and fights for territory. A properly equipped house will also help to increase the lifespan of a rodent to several years. Please note that cotton wool should never be used for these purposes, as it may cause serious harm to his health if the Djungarians decide to taste it and swallow the fibers.

It is best to use clean paper, shredded into small pieces. Just remember to change it as needed so that your pet feels comfortable in the cage. General cleaning should not be carried out more than once a week.

It is equally important that the cage with the rodent is located away from various household appliances. Loud noise from a radio, TV or computer can be very frightening to your furry cat and affect his life expectancy. Besides, they don't like direct sunlight. Therefore, so that your animal does not experience discomfort and feels safe, be sure to choose the right place to place its house. Remember, if you manage to create the conditions for your pet that it needs, this will help to significantly increase its lifespan at home, because with affection, care and love, dwarf hamsters can live a record number of years for hamsters.

Nutrition and activity

In order for your baby to live as long as possible, be sure to monitor his nutrition. If you don't have time to cook for him yourself vitamin mixture, buy it in a store that has a wide range of different foods for rodents. Most often, hamsters' diet includes vegetables and grains: nuts, corn, wheat, oatmeal, carrots, zucchini. Experts recommend excluding onions, cabbage and citrus fruit. Apples, apricots and bananas will delight kids. Please note that hamsters benefit from, firstly, solid food, and secondly, food rich in various minerals and vitamins.

Don't forget to change the water in the drinking bowl. It is necessary to constantly monitor its purity and quantity. It is also important to clean the cage from food debris in a timely manner, otherwise it may begin to rot, which will lead to spread in the house harmful bacteria and germs, which can negatively affect his health. It is also worth mentioning that hamsters pay great attention to their appearance. This type of rodent is very clean. They love to take sand baths. To pamper your pet, give him a bath day once a week. To do this, pour sand into a special container and place the animal there, while playing, it will clean its coat on its own.

For a long life, jungarians need constant active movement, otherwise they suffer from excess weight. To do this, equip the house with special devices in the form of a running wheel, stairs and tunnels, and your pet will definitely delight you with funny somersaults. The most important thing is that it will certainly help you prolong his life.

Rodent diseases

When wondering how long a Djungarian hamster lives, it is important to closely monitor the health of the animal, because for such a small creature any disease that can shorten its already short life span can be dangerous. Symptoms indicating the onset of the disease are:

  • weak activity of the animal;
  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • deterioration of coat condition;
  • poor appetite.

To help your fluffy live longer, avoid household injuries such as scratches that he can get in a fight with other rodents, and bruises on his paws from falling from a height. Dzungaria and colds, which, as a rule, manifest themselves in the form of sneezing and snoring. Please note that if an animal is poorly cared for, it may develop lice and worms, which can be transmitted to humans. Most often, children who love to squeeze and caress the animal are susceptible to these ailments. Rodents also suffer from more serious illnesses– diseases gastrointestinal tract, various types tumors.

If you want your baby to live with you for several years, carefully monitor your pet and at the first alarming symptoms, talking about a deterioration in his health, immediately contact a specialist. You should not treat your baby on your own without consulting a doctor, otherwise it can lead to dire consequences. If medical assistance It turns out on time, any disease is quite easy to cure, and then the pet will delight you with its presence for a long time, and will definitely live in your home from 2 to 4 years.