How many calories are in 100 grams of chicken hearts. Preparing stewed chicken hearts. Health benefits of stewed chicken hearts

Undoubtedly, many types of meat, such as pork, beef or chicken, are in stable demand and extremely popular among most people, but the offal obtained from these animals is no less tasty and healthy. Thus, chicken hearts are considered one of the favorite types of giblets. Dishes prepared using them turn out to be quite satisfying, tasty, tender and very healthy. You can make it from chicken hearts large number a variety of dishes - salads, soups, kebabs, pates or pilaf. In addition, they can be fried and stewed with various vegetables or other additives.

Today you can buy chicken hearts both chilled and frozen. This product should not be defrosted at room temperature, but always in the refrigerator, after which they should be thoroughly rinsed under cold running water. The calorie content of chicken hearts is 158.9 kcal per hundred grams.

To one of the most popular recipes cooking chicken hearts includes the option of cooking this offal in sour cream. And in order to give the finished dish originality and a touch of piquancy, you can add Korean-style carrots or pre-fried eggplants, champignons, and chopped pickles to the semi-finished hearts. In addition, not only sour cream, but also ketchup or tomato sauce. You can also use heavy cream as an additive, seasoning the finished dish with ground dried ginger.

Absolutely any side dishes go perfectly with fried and stewed chicken hearts - rice, vegetables, cereals, pasta and many others. By the way, before frying, offal can be marinated in soy sauce or table vinegar for half an hour. If you use vinegar, then it must be diluted with water in equal quantities, while when using soy sauce there is no need to salt the hearts. After such a marinade, the product is laid out in a heated frying pan, and practically no oil can be added, since it itself is fatty, despite the low calorie content of chicken hearts.
The benefits of chicken hearts

Quite a lot is known about the benefits of chicken hearts, much more than about other types of offal, not counting the liver. With regular use of this product, the body receives a considerable amount of macro- and microelements, as well as many natural vitamins.

Delicious dishes prepared from chicken hearts are especially valuable for certain diseases, such as anemia, as well as for disorders of the heart. vascular system and after traumas suffered. The benefit of chicken hearts lies in the content of magnesium, which has the ability to regulate blood pressure, as a result of which the human nervous system returns to normal.
Calorie content of Chicken hearts 158.9 kcal.

Energy value of the product Chicken hearts(Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 15.8 g (~63 kcal)
Fat: 10.3 g (~93 kcal)
Carbohydrates: 0.8 g (~3 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 40%|58%|2%

One of the smallest offal products is chicken hearts. But this in no way diminishes their value. The benefits of chicken hearts are great, even if the product itself weighs mere trifles - only 25-30 grams. It reaches about 3-5 cm in length.

To choose a fresh product, you need to purchase hearts with a very dense structure and dark red color. It is better to give preference to the chilled product; before cooking, they are thoroughly washed and the fat from the top is cut off. Cook the hearts - boil or stew with vegetables - you can cut them into two halves or whole.

Chemical composition

Rich in vitamins and mineral composition this by-product. Thus, chicken hearts contain the most vitamins of group B, and the leader of this group is vitamin PP. However, there is also a lot of vitamin B6 and B2, B1, as well as A. As for minerals, then after a person dines on such a dish, the body will receive cobalt and molybdenum, manganese and chromium, zinc and copper, phosphorus and iron, magnesium and sodium, potassium and calcium.

Calorie content of chicken hearts

It is this type of offal that has the highest nutritional value. Dishes prepared from chicken hearts are pleasant and delicate in taste, and they are easy to prepare. Nutritionists recommend including the product in your diet at least 2 or 3 times a month. However, you should not consume this dish more than three times a week. The calorie content of chicken hearts is low - it is only 158-159 kcal per 100 grams of product. It's about about boiled hearts. If the product is fried, its calorie content increases significantly.

The benefits of chicken hearts

Man has never given up eating chicken hearts. And let's talk about the benefits of chicken hearts medical point They started talking about it not so long ago, this dish has always been in price.

Dishes made from such an offal are indicated for anemia, as well as for such ailments as work disorders cardiovascular system. It is recommended to prepare such a dish for people after receiving injuries.

A product rich in sodium normalizes work nervous system, and also regulates and normalizes blood pressure.

Chicken heart is one solid muscle that is rich in proteins and amino acids. These are easily digestible and low-calorie proteins, which means that the body will only benefit from consuming such a dish.

The by-product contains numerous vitamins and minerals that regulate the functioning of many organs and systems of the body. Hearts also contain a lot of amino acids, which are also necessary for humans. One of these acids is isoleucine, which can have a beneficial effect on the body - regulate blood sugar levels, and also have a beneficial effect on hemoglobin synthesis. It is isoleucine that helps the body recover from injuries and becomes one of the sources of energy.

Chicken heart is also rich in lysine, which regulates the synthesis of enzymes and hormones, and also has another valuable quality - antiviral. It is recommended to consume the dish during the rehabilitation period after colds.

Chicken hearts are classified as by-products and are considered a less valuable part of the chicken than white meat. However, they are quite popular because they are affordable and easy to prepare. Hearts have high nutritional properties and are quickly absorbed.


Chicken hearts have low calorie content, so they can be included in dietary nutrition. By consuming the product 3-4 times a week, you can significantly lose weight and enrich the body with essential chemical elements. It should be borne in mind that the calorie content of cooked hearts is affected by other ingredients of the dish, so the amount of extraneous additives should be strictly limited.

The beneficial properties of chicken hearts are due to their rich composition.

  • easily digestible protein;
  • the amino acid isoleucine, which is a source of energy for cells involved in the production of hemoglobin, stabilizing blood sugar;
  • lysine - an amino acid that is the main component of bones, muscles, skin, hair;
  • vitamin B1, regulating carbohydrate metabolism, restoring immune protection, indispensable for diseases of the nervous system;
  • vitamin B2, providing normal functioning organs of vision, promoting the healing of skin damage, regulating gas exchange in body cells;
  • vitamin B6, which helps in the proper absorption of fats and protein, reduces cramps and muscle numbness, fights nausea, acts as a natural diuretic;
  • vitamin PP, which promotes the production essential hormones, reducing the amount bad cholesterol regulating the work digestive organs and the nervous system, reducing cravings for alcoholic beverages;
  • iron, which prevents severe fatigue, anemia, deformation nail plate, hair loss;
  • sulfur, which ensures healthy intestinal microflora, protects the body from microbes, slows down the aging process in cells;
  • copper, which is involved in growth processes, improves the condition of hair and skin, normalizes appetite, prevents weight loss, anemia, and baldness;
  • zinc, which is an indispensable element for combating viral diseases, eliminating loss of taste, helping in the treatment of infertility, reducing cholesterol deposits;
  • phosphorus involved in the formation skeletal system, normalizing metabolic processes, helping in the fight against apathy and depression.

Chicken hearts should definitely be included in the diet during the period of recovery from injuries and protracted illnesses. They are indicated for any disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. It is important to consume hearts in old age to improve sleep and memory, increase brain activity, regulate blood sugar levels, and lower blood pressure.


Chicken hearts that have been stored or transported in violation of sanitary standards can be harmful. To avoid poisoning, it is necessary to consume only fresh offal. If the hearts have been frozen, their shelf life should not exceed 2 days.

Calorie content

Energy value 100 g chicken hearts equal to 158.9 kcal. This is 7.63% of the recommended daily intake. Data on the calorie content of 1 medium heart are presented in the table:


Provided normal tolerance, chicken hearts are not contraindicated during pregnancy.

Children under 8 months should not be given chicken hearts. If an older baby has no digestive problems and tolerates it well meat feeding, you can add this product to its menu.

Chicken hearts have virtually no contraindications for consumption.

They should be excluded from the diet only in case of individual intolerance.

Nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

To choose a product that has the most valuable nutritional properties, you should pay attention to appearance chicken hearts. The freshest ones have a very dense structure and a dark red hue, similar to the color of blood. To use it profitably, you need to choose only a chilled product, since the quality of the hearts deteriorates significantly when frozen.

Chicken hearts - the benefits and harm are due to their composition, which contains both vitamins and special properties. Thanks to studying chemical composition, it turned out that these parts of the bird are very necessary for feeding the body. And what their task is, we will find out further from the article.

What are the benefits of chicken hearts?

The hearts contain iron and calcium compounds, which have a beneficial effect on bone tissue. There is also magnesium, copper, zinc and phosphorus - and this is a real reserve of minerals. Amino acids and proteins ensure proper and rapid transfer of substances to organs human body. They supply cells with vitamins:

When observing anemia, it is useful for children and adults to eat steamed or oven-baked hearts. Chemical elements, which we will discuss below, help ensure hematopoiesis by saturating the molecules with hemoglobin. It is good to divide meals into several stages during heart failure and diseases of the vascular system. Such by-products are very useful for injuries and after operations - when nothing animal is allowed, chicken hearts, as an element of animal meat, are allowed in the patient’s diet. They restore strength and muscle tone.

Sodium and magnesium, as well as salts, help restore water balance and normalize blood pressure. Primary amino acids help you fall asleep by affecting the nervous system and calming it. Secondary acids regulate the synthesis of hormones and enzymes.

The peculiarity of fried hearts is their ability to neutralize viruses - especially useful for children school age. For babies, they will be a source of microelements for the structure of muscle tissue. This helps a person recharge with energy for the whole day. Muscle tone is restored and brain activity. The appearance of your skin and nails becomes better and brighter.

Contraindications are available only for those people who have severe individual intolerance However, it is better not to consume hearts more than 3 times a week.

Composition of chicken hearts

The composition of the hearts also includes other elements:

  • Lysine;
  • Isoleucine;
  • Methionine;
  • Leucine;
  • Valin.

There are also vitamins and minerals. Most chemical compounds helps transport substances to organs and tissues.

How to clean chicken hearts?

Purchase a package of hearts at the store or weigh the amount you need. Next, rinse them like you would any other meat.

  1. Next, you need to clear the hearts of the film, which is practically invisible without close attention.
  2. Sort through the hearts, inspecting them for the presence of third-party by-products.
  3. Pieces of liver or stomach that are in the bag should not be cooked together with the hearts. Their shelf life is different.
  4. Separate the fibers and long threads that remain on your fingers.

Cooking time for chicken hearts

You need to cook the hearts over low heat until the water boils. Duration – 30-40 minutes. Half an hour after boiling, add spices, sour cream or cream. They cook in the sauce for another 5 minutes, at most. When the water has almost boiled away, start simmering the dish. This will make the hearts softer and juicier.

Calories in chicken hearts - BZHU

The calorie content of hearts is 165-170 kcal per 100 g. They are sometimes recommended for consumption by people on a diet. After frying, the calorie content increases, and so does the addition of ingredients. Add the calorie content of other foods and find out nutritional value ready-made dish.

Chicken hearts on a diet - how to consume them?

To prepare hearts for a dietary dish, you first need to repeat all the above-mentioned procedures for cleaning them. Then you should cut off the fatty fibers, and they can make up about ¼ of the total weight. Next cooking is steaming. In a slow cooker or similar technique, they will not be thoroughly baked, only fried.

If a fiber or vessel with a bloody clot is caught inside the heart, nothing bad will happen. There is no need to remove or cut it. Neither the vessels nor the clots are palpable to the taste.

Chicken hearts during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, a woman may be intentionally prescribed chicken hearts, since they are safer from meat for the woman and the fetus. Closer to the birth of the baby, you should limit your consumption of meat, but after birth, use only chicken breast and "white meat".

In the first week after giving birth, a nursing mother really needs a panacea - chicken, especially its offal. They will help the mother recover faster and ensure milk flow. You should choose chicken only according to following criteria:

The product should be administered during lactation from broth. Try it and watch your child's reaction. If all is well, you can steam, stew or bake your meat. Especially in the first 4-6 months, you should completely exclude everything fatty varieties poultry and animal meat. Even though the chicken dietary dish, it is better to abandon it after childbirth.

Chicken hearts for diabetes and pancreatitis

During periods of remission and exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, you should be especially careful about your diet.

For diabetics, meat is very useful - it saturates the body with acids and microelements.After the food is processed by enzymes, the hearts still remain tough. And this can negatively affect the condition.
Many enzymes are produced that help relax muscles.Pancreatitis will make itself felt - colic and spasms will begin, it will be difficult to straighten up.
If you eat 300 g of hearts a week, you can reduce spasms and cleanse blood vessels. The risk of stroke is minimal, and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract is excluded.The patient will need to do a gastric lavage, swallow the intestines and take medications to reduce irritants and inflammatory processes.

Chicken hearts can be useful for adults and children, but you should not abuse them during acute outbreaks.

As you can see, chicken by-products are not as minimal in value as their weight. It is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that can be beneficial for healthy people, and those who experience problems with obesity, kidney and gastrointestinal diseases. It is important to clean and prepare correctly, and then the dishes may seem more satisfying and tastier. There are many cooking options, and each is unique in its combination of other ingredients.

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The basic definition of the source of our food should be its nutritional value. Chicken hearts fit the bill. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, serve good source protein and many other beneficial nutrients. Small chicken by-products are not always allowed to be classified as illiquid goods. Indeed, in many world cuisines, very tasty signature dishes are often created from this waste part.

Therefore, the benefits of this by-product chicken meat there is no doubt. So it’s worth taking a closer look at small chicken hearts not only for culinary reasons, but also for medical reasons.

Chicken heart is the smallest chicken by-product with a fairly dense structure. Often, one unit weighs no more than 30 g and is 3–5 centimeters long.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Particularly dense structure (after all, it is pure muscle);
  • Dark red color;
  • No foreign odor.

In stores and at market outlets, hearts are sold in chilled and frozen form. Experts strongly recommend choosing the first option. And defrost frozen products (if it so happens) gradually over 12 hours in refrigerator mode. That is, do not immediately place it on the kitchen table at room temperature. So the dense surface becomes sluggish soft look and characteristic mucous stickiness.

Useful properties and composition of chicken hearts

Despite their rather small size, chicken hearts are like pure protein product, additionally boast the presence of:

  • B vitamins (for example, thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin);
  • Vitamin A and beta-carotene synthesized by the human body;
  • Niacion (or nicotinic acid);
  • Amino acids represented by isoleucine, lysine, leucine, valine and methionine;
  • Minerals in the form of potassium, manganese, copper, iron, zinc, molybdenum, magnesium, calcium, sodium and cobalt.

Protein is one of the main components of our body, and we must get it from food. Many people choosing a product with high content squirrels, opt not for beef or pork, but for chicken and completely ignore chicken hearts.

Meanwhile, one serving of chicken hearts (about 100 grams) contains 26 grams of highly digestible protein. In addition, they contain all the necessary amino acids: isoleucine, valine, leucine, lysine, methionine.

Isoleucine is involved in the production of hemoglobin and energy, necessary for growth and development muscle fibers, normalizes blood glucose levels.

The essential amino acid valine is involved in the formation of new cells and cell growth. It is needed for energy production and regulation of nervous processes, for normal hormonal levels.

Leucine is especially important for people who engage in intense sports and professional athletes. It helps to quickly recover after intense exercise. Leucine also takes part in the synthesis of ATP, restoration of muscle cells, skin and bones.

With a lack of lysine in the body, a protein metabolism disorder develops.

Methionine takes part in many processes in the body, in particular in the functioning of the liver, helping it cope with toxins and other harmful substances. Without it, the functioning of the nervous system is disrupted, which is necessary for immunity.

B vitamins are the main vitamins involved in the energy metabolism of the human body. In addition, vitamins of this group take part in the processes of hematopoiesis, brain function, and in the production of many enzymes and hormones.

Vitamin A is needed not only for the eyes and mucous membranes, but also for strong immunity, warns premature aging skin.

Chicken hearts contain minerals that are involved in the production of red blood cells.

Copper takes part in the production of collagen and improves hair condition.

Phosphorus and calcium are needed for the health of the skeletal system and are involved in many other processes, including the nervous system.

Potassium is important for normal operation heart, normalizes blood pressure.

Hearts are a low-calorie product: 159 kcal per 100 grams of product. The calorie content of fried hearts increases due to fat.

The advantages of chicken hearts include the presence of coenzyme Q10, which is not often found in products.

The benefits of chicken hearts

Due to their nutritional value and rich vitamin and mineral composition, the use of ready-made chicken hearts is recommended for:

  • Development of anemia, especially during the cold season;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Receiving various injuries;
  • The recovery process after a protracted illness;
  • The need to improve the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • Arterial hypertension (that is, high blood pressure);
  • Dietary nutrition (proteins are low-calorie and easily digestible);
  • The need to improve immunity and enrich organs with oxygen (isolecin has an excellent effect on the synthesis of hemoglobin);
  • Elevated blood glucose levels;
  • Hormonal and enzymatic disruptions (lysine will bring hormones and enzymes into normal balance);
  • Influenza epidemics (hearts have antiviral properties);
  • Desire to optimize brain function ( main role here thiamine performs);
  • The need to improve appetite and increase muscle tone of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Prevention negative impact free radicals;
  • Cleansing intestinal microflora and the body as a whole;
  • Creation of phosphatases, which are the “engine” of all cellular biological reactions of the human body;
  • Formation of the constituent tissues of the human skeleton.

In a word, complete exclusion of this product from the diet is strictly prohibited.

The use of chicken hearts in cooking

Usually chicken hearts are boiled or stewed with onions. The basic rule in this case remains the mandatory removal of the greasy film from a small heart.

The fried version of the product (especially in egg or bread batter) adds more calories than boiled and stewed.

Some chefs put the hearts on skewers and bake them in the oven like a shish kebab.

Some people prefer to produce from chicken by-products(hearts, ventricles, liver) mince and make cutlets, adding only an egg.

The most delicious are those stewed in sour cream with carrots, eggplant and herbs. They can be eaten with side dishes of rice, buckwheat or potatoes.

Contraindications to eating chicken hearts

It can be argued that this by-product has unique and exceptional benefits for humans.

True, we must not forget about the rules of consumption. As nutritionists advise, it is best to introduce chicken hearts three times a month.

In addition, the only harm the offal can bring is to allergy sufferers who may react to this product.

Watch the video of the “Live Healthy” program about the benefits of chicken hearts.