How long do internal sutures dissolve and how do they heal after childbirth? Can internal seams come apart after childbirth? Postpartum sutures: how to care for them to prevent complications

One of the complications after caesarean section is the seam divergence. The external seam may come apart, and this will immediately become obvious, or the integrity of the internal seam may be compromised, and this can only be seen with the help of diagnosticians. A discrepancy can occur after the operation and years later, when the woman wants to feel the joy of motherhood again. In this article we will talk about why seams come apart, what to do if this happens, and how to prevent such a situation.

Inner and outer seams

During surgical delivery, the surgeon cuts not only the abdominal wall, but also the anterior wall of the uterus. Immediately after the birth of the fetus and removal of the placenta, each incision is stitched with its own stitches. For seams inside and outside are used various techniques suturing, as well as special materials.

When the operation is planned, most often a horizontal section is made just above the pubis (in the lower segment of the uterus). Emergency caesarean section can be performed with incision abdominal wall both horizontally and vertically - it depends on how urgently the child needs to be removed.

When forming an internal suture, the surgeon has no room for error - the edges of the wound must match as accurately as possible. Even a slight displacement can lead to the formation of rough and incompetent scar. Threads for suturing the uterus are usually self-absorbing; these sutures do not need to be removed or processed later. Most often, the uterus is sewn with a single-row continuous seam.

External seams can be stitched. Materials for the external suture can be different - silk surgical threads, self-absorbing threads, medical alloy staples. IN lately practiced in a number of clinics new method soldering the seam liquid nitrogen, that is, without the use of threads at all.

External stitches can be cosmetic or regular. The first ones then look more aesthetically pleasing. If we talk about external sutures, then the horizontal section according to Pfannenstiel is always more preferable, since the likelihood of its divergence is much lower than with the corporal section (vertically from the navel to the pubic area). Horizontal external sutures heal better than vertical ones.

The healing process takes place in different ways. Internal sutures on the uterus take about 8 weeks to heal. After this time, the long, almost two-year formation of a strong and reliable scar begins. If this process is not interfered with negative factors, he will be quite strong and will be able to withstand pregnancy without any problems. next child and even in some cases physiological birth in the most natural way possible.

If more coarse material is formed during formation connective tissue, then the scar may be insolvent. This will pose a risk of divergence in the future if the woman becomes pregnant.

External seam It heals in just over a week, after which the sutures are removed if they are not self-absorbing. A vertical suture after a corporal cesarean section takes about 2 months to heal and requires more careful care.

Types of violation

All problems with the condition of the seam can be divided into early and late. Early ones are those that make themselves felt in the coming days or weeks after surgery. Late problems include problems that are significantly distant in time from the moment of surgical intervention.

Early complications may be:

  • bleeding from the external suture area;
  • internal bleeding;
  • formation of hematomas in the area of ​​scars;
  • inflammatory process (both internal and external);
  • divergence of the internal or external seam.

Late complications– this is the formation of fistulas, hernias and divergence of the uterus along the scar during next pregnancy or during childbirth.

Reasons for the discrepancy

There are quite a lot of reasons that can lead to divergence of seams both inside and outside, but the leading place is given to violation of the recommended rehabilitation period mode. So, both external and especially internal seams may suffer due to improper motor activity postpartum women.

It is recommended to get up after surgery only after 8-10 hours, but some try to do this earlier, which leads to early injury to the sutured areas. Careless attempts to stand up and sit down after surgery, and subsequently ignoring the requirement to limit lifting weights to 3-4 kilograms are the main reason why the suture came apart.

Reason for discrepancy postoperative sutures It could also be an infection. Both the internal and external wound surfaces may become infected. At all, infectious complications after caesarean section - one of the most dangerous and most likely, despite the sterility in the operating room and technical progress. Inflammation or suppuration disrupts the process of fusion of the wound edges, which may well result in a violation of the integrity of the suture.

Another reason, not the most common, but very likely, is the woman’s body’s immune reaction to the surgical material used for sutures. It is generally quite difficult to understand immunity, and therefore you can never say in advance whether sutures, especially internal self-absorbable ones, will take root. If the immune system begins to reject them, an inflammatory process will inevitably begin, which will lead to a violation of the integrity of the scar. A certain negative immune reaction may also occur to external suture material.

The reason for the violation of the condition of the internal sutures may be too active contractions of the uterus after surgery. But hypertonicity reproductive organ It is quite rare after surgery.

Signs and symptoms

There are usually no issues with identifying problems in the condition of an external seam. The area where the threads are applied is red, hematomas may be observed, ichor or blood oozes from the wound, and pus may be discharged. In this case, the body temperature usually rises. The suturing area hurts, the seam “burns”, it pulls, it bothers you even in a lying position. The discrepancy itself is manifested by the formation of a hole of a certain size (depending on how many stitches did not take root or were torn off as a result of inflammation or mechanical trauma).

It is more difficult to understand that there are problems with the inner seam. In this case, the picture will be somewhat blurry and similar to a number of other complications after surgery. But an experienced doctor will first of all suspect the discrepancy of the scars and check these suspicions using certain diagnostic methods.

If there are problems with the healing of the suture on the uterus, the woman will keep high temperature. Discharge from the genitals will be much more abundant than after a normal uncomplicated operation; large fragments of suture material may be present in it. The general condition of the pregnant woman will rapidly deteriorate. Decreasing blood pressure, episodes of loss of consciousness and rapid heartbeat may occur. Skin become pale, sweating increases.

The appearance of bumps on the external scar area cannot be ignored. This can be either a hernia or a fistula, if the bumps themselves are filled with pus and ichor.

Divergence during re-pregnancy

The danger of a suture after a cesarean section on the uterus lies in the fact that it may not withstand the next pregnancy and will separate. The risks of discrepancy especially increase when:

  • pregnancy that occurred too quickly after the first operation (less than 2 years have passed);
  • incompetent heterogeneous internal scar;
  • large fruit.

To monitor the stretching of the internal scar on the uterus during pregnancy, a woman repeatedly undergoes an ultrasound to determine the thickness and areas of thinning of the internal suture. But, alas, it is impossible to stop the uterine rupture that has begun.

The danger of such a discrepancy is quite obvious - the death of the fetus and its mother. Moreover, the woman dies from massive bleeding in abdominal cavity, and the fetus - from acute sudden hypoxia, which occurs due to disruption of the uteroplacental blood flow at the time of uterine rupture.

The first stage, the stage of a threatening rupture, cannot be felt in any way. She has no symptoms, and only a specialist ultrasound diagnostics able to detect this condition. In this case, the woman undergoes an emergency caesarean section.

The onset of rupture of the suture on the uterus is characterized by sharp abdominal pain, the development of painful shock. Blood pressure drops, tachycardia appears. The baby's normal heart rate suddenly slows down.

The completed rupture may be accompanied by the development of severe, heavy bleeding. If this happens during childbirth, if a woman decides to give birth with a uterine scar on her own, then an emergency caesarean section is also performed. In most cases the uterus is removed.

How to behave in such cases?

Given the seriousness of the situation, if any problems with the stitches are detected, the woman should immediately report them to the doctor. If problems are discovered in the maternity hospital, the woman’s temperature rises and becomes more abundant. postpartum discharge, there are signs of trouble with the external scar, then you cannot hide this from the medical staff. The woman will be helped. If the problem is detected at home, after discharge, the woman needs to take a horizontal position, call " ambulance"and wait for the brigade to arrive. You should not go to clinics and antenatal clinics on your own, as the discrepancy may increase, and if we're talking about about the inner seam, the clock counts.

When calling the ambulance, you need to inform that that you suspect scar divergence and describe in detail your current state of health. This is important, because in this case, an obstetrician on duty will definitely be included in the medical team.

Suture infections are usually treated with antibiotics, both systemically and locally. If there is an internal discrepancy, the woman is given surgery to apply new sutures or remove the uterus if it is not possible to close the rupture.

If a rupture of the internal scar is detected at any stage during a subsequent pregnancy, it cannot be prolonged. A delivery operation is performed. If a child is very premature, he, alas, may not survive. If a woman is brought late to medical institution, unfortunately, she may not survive either.


Stitch problems are easier to prevent than to treat. Considering the seriousness of the consequences of postoperative suture dehiscence, a woman must strictly follow the recommendations after a cesarean section:

  • lifting weights is strictly prohibited, the limit is 3-4 kg for at least six months;
  • you cannot squat, fall, or jump sharply, you should not pump your abs until six months after the operation;
  • after discharge outer seam needs to be treated every day - dry with hydrogen peroxide, lubricate the area around it with brilliant green;
  • Before removing the sutures, you must wear a surgical bandage on the wound; after removal, the decision to wear it is made individually, depending on the condition of the suture;
  • To learn how to care for a suture after a caesarean section, watch the following video.

Reading time: 6 minutes

During childbirth, a woman receives many microtraumas, which do not cause discomfort and heal on their own within a few weeks. But it’s not uncommon to see more serious injuries. For example, hemorrhoids or ruptures of the cervix and perineum. Sometimes doctors have to stitch up torn tissue. Stitches after childbirth require mandatory care. Otherwise, this can lead to serious problems.

Internal seams

Internal sutures are called sutures that are placed on the cervix or vaginal walls during birth injuries. When suturing these tissues, anesthesia is not used, since the cervix has no sensitivity - there is nothing to numb there. Access to the woman’s internal genital organs is difficult, so sutures are placed with a self-absorbing thread.

To prevent complications, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene. These include the following activities:

  • Regular change of sanitary pads.
  • Wearing comfortable underwear that is loose-fitting and made from natural materials. The best option There will be special disposable panties. This also applies to towels.
  • Regular genital hygiene with warm water and baby soap. You can use infusions medicinal herbs, such as chamomile or calendula. It is important to wash yourself after each visit to the toilet.

Internal seams do not require treatment. After their application, it is only obligatory for the woman to observe the rules of personal hygiene. It is recommended to abstain from sex for 2 months, not to lift heavy objects during this time, and to avoid problems with bowel movements. The latter include delayed bowel movements, constipation and hard stools. Taking a spoon is useful sunflower oil before eating. Usually, before giving birth, a cleansing enema is given, so stool appears on the 3rd day.

The reasons for rupture of the cervix and subsequent suturing, as a rule, are the woman’s incorrect behavior during birth process. That is, when a woman in labor is pushing and the cervix has not yet dilated, the baby’s head puts pressure on it, which contributes to rupture. Often, the subsequent application of internal sutures after childbirth is facilitated by: a woman’s history of cervical surgery, a decrease in its elasticity, or childbirth in adulthood.

External seams

External sutures are applied when the perineum is torn or cut; this also includes those that remain after a cesarean section. Depending on the nature of the wound, doctors use both self-absorbing material for suturing and one that requires removal after some time. Behind external seams it is necessary ongoing care, the absence of which can lead to complications.

While you are in the maternity hospital, the external sutures left after childbirth are processed by a procedural nurse. To do this, use a solution of brilliant green or potassium permanganate. After discharge, you will have to do the daily treatment yourself, but you can do this at the antenatal clinic. If non-absorbable threads were used, they will be removed within 3-5 days. As a rule, if no problems arise, this is done before discharge from the hospital.

Precautions required when caring for external seams:

  • You cannot take a sitting position, you can only lie or stand.
  • You can't itch.
  • You should not wear underwear that will put pressure on the perineum. Loose panties made from natural materials or special disposable underwear are a good choice.
  • Do not lift weights for 1-3 months.
  • On the first day after birth, defecation should be delayed.
  • You should not have sex for 2 months after giving birth.

The hygiene rules are the same as when caring for internal seams. You can add to them the use special gaskets who have natural base and coating. They will not cause irritation or allergies and will promote fast healing. After a shower, it is advisable to walk around a little without clothes. When air enters, postpartum sutures will heal much faster.

Reasons for making an incision in the perineum during childbirth:

  • Threat of perineal rupture. Incisions tend to heal faster and cause less discomfort and negative consequences.
  • Inelastic vaginal tissue.
  • Presence of scars.
  • Inability to push for medical reasons.
  • Incorrect position of the child or its large size.
  • Rapid birth.

How long do postpartum sutures take to heal and is it painful to remove them?

Many women in labor are interested in the question of how long it takes for sutures to heal after childbirth. Healing time depends on many factors. These include medical indications, suture technique, materials used. Postpartum sutures produced using:

  • Self-absorbable material
  • Non-absorbable
  • Metal brackets

When using absorbable material, healing of the damage takes 1-2 weeks. The sutures themselves dissolve after childbirth in about a month. When using braces or non-absorbable threads, they are removed 3-7 days after birth. Complete healing will take from 2 weeks to a month, depending on the cause of the tears and the size. Large ones can take several months to heal.

Discomfort at the suture site will continue for about 6 weeks. At first there may be some pain. The suture placed after childbirth hurts, just like any operating one. This usually goes away in up to 10 days. Removing the seam is practically painless procedure, which is not something to be afraid of.

How to treat stitches after childbirth?

Treatment of sutures after discharge from the maternity hospital is carried out either independently or in a antenatal clinic. In hospitals they use brilliant green or potassium permanganate. The doctor will explain how to apply sutures at home. The following ointments are usually recommended: solcoseryl, chlorhexidine, levomekol. Hydrogen peroxide can also be used. At proper care And correct processing, the sutures heal quickly, without negative consequences and pronounced cosmetic effects.

How long can you sit?

The minimum period during which you cannot take a sitting position is at least 7-10 days. A longer time limit is also possible. This does not apply to sitting on the toilet while going to the toilet. You can sit on the toilet and walk from the first day after stitches are applied.

What are the complications of sutures?

If the sutures are not properly cared for and precautions are not taken during the healing period, complications may arise. This is suppuration, discrepancy and pain in their locations. Let's consider each type of complications in order:

  1. Suppuration. In this case, severe pain occurs, swelling of the wound is observed, purulent discharge. Body temperature may increase. This outcome occurs when there is insufficient attention to personal hygiene or an infection that was not treated before birth. If you suspect that the sutures are festering, you should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment.
  2. Pain. This does not apply to the painful sensations that occur in the first days after the suture is applied. Pain often indicates infection, inflammation, or some other problem, so it's best to see a doctor. It is not advisable to self-medicate; only a doctor can prescribe necessary procedures and medicines.
  3. Discrepancy. This rarely happens with internal seams; they often come apart if they are located on the crotch. The reasons for this may be early sex life after childbirth, infection, sitting down too early and sudden movements. When the stitches diverge, the woman experiences severe pain and there is swelling of the wound, which sometimes bleeds. Sometimes the temperature rises, which indicates infection. A feeling of heaviness and fullness indicates the presence of a hematoma.

Video: Suture for caesarean section

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.

Not always everything goes well for a woman after giving birth. In addition to the fact that she has to take care of the baby every minute, a woman has other worries. And their number will depend on how the birth proceeded. Over the past few years, no one has been surprised by tears or incisions during childbirth. And, of course, in the end, the woman gets stitches. And it is precisely on this occasion that many pregnant women have a variety of questions. Internal seams deserve special attention, because many do not understand what they are.

The appearance of internal seams

The causes of internal sutures are rupture of the uterus or vaginal walls. Very often, when the cervix opens too slowly, it soft fabrics This organ, unable to withstand the pressure, simply ruptures. At the same time, the woman, without waiting for instructions, begins to push. Premature pushing occurs in most women, but you should try to hold them back until it is safe to push. During pushing, the baby's head presses very hard on the cervix and if it is not fully dilated, it simply ruptures. Because of this, the walls of the vagina may also rupture.

Quite often, internal breaks are almost invisible. But after giving birth, the doctor must carefully examine the woman and, if necessary, apply stitches. During this process, the woman is not given anesthesia, because the cervix has no receptors and does not cause any painful sensations. Sutures are usually placed in two ways. And the doctor decides which one to choose depending on how serious the situation is. Self-absorbable threads must be used for sutures - in most cases it is catgut or vicryl. They are made from natural materials and dissolve soon after the wound heals.

What to do with seams?

Don't bother them. This is why internal seams are considered better because they do not require any special care. Also, these sutures do not need to be removed and over time they will become completely invisible even with a detailed examination by a doctor. Usually, after 90 days, the threads have already disappeared, and the seams have grown together as tightly as possible. Of course, there are threads that cannot be detected before, but not until the breaks have healed well. Sometimes the threads do not fall out at all, but there is no need to worry about this if you do not feel any discomfort.

The main rule for internal stitches to heal quickly is personal hygiene. It is also worth taking care of foods that will not cause constipation. After all, then you will have to strain your muscles once again, and this is not at all good for the wounds, which should “grow together.” You should also not lift weights and not have sex for 1-2 months.

When should you go for a check-up with a doctor?

You can’t put off a visit to a specialist if your symptoms don’t stop. constant pain, there is a feeling of heaviness in the uterus or vagina, high body temperature rises, discharge is purulent in nature and bad smell. This may be a sign that the seam has ruptured or that inflammatory processes have begun. In this case, the doctor should prescribe you antibiotics or ointments, and he may advise you to apply ice. In some cases, even repeated surgery is possible.

But even if you don’t experience any discomfort, it’s still better to go to the gynecologist and check if everything is okay. After all, sometimes it happens that in the absence of symptoms, very serious complications arise that can cause both chronic inflammation and illnesses, as well as complications during subsequent pregnancies and childbirth.

During childbirth, pressure from the baby's head occurs on the internal and external genital organs, as a result of which the tissues may not withstand the load and tear. Doctors find it difficult to name the exact cause of the ruptures, since the elasticity of the tissue depends on many factors. Some women manage to avoid stitches, while others remember childbirth for a long time due to the pain that arises at the sites of ruptures. A woman should know how to care for sutures, how long natural pain lasts and when to consult a doctor.

Types of postpartum sutures

During labor, tears may appear in the genitals. Causes of tissue damage:

  • Untimely attempts. If a woman pushes the baby hard and the cervix is ​​not dilated, this increases the stress on the non-elastic tissue, causing it to tear.
  • Presence of scars. In the place where stitches (internal and external) were placed during previous births, the skin quickly tears due to a lack of connective tissue.
  • Rapid labor activity. Due to the rapid passage of the fetus, the tissues do not have time to prepare and stretch. The increased pressure ruptures them.
  • Premature birth. Preparation of the cervix and vagina for the birth of a child begins in the 7th month of pregnancy. If labor begins ahead of schedule, the cervix will not have enough time to prepare.
  • Individual features of the structure of a woman’s skeleton.
  • Big baby.
  • Pathological position of the fetus at the time of birth. With breech presentation, ruptures often occur.
  • Insufficient elasticity of the skin of the expectant mother. Elasticity depends on general condition epidermis, its hydration and the woman’s age. The older the woman in labor, the less elastic her tissues are.

Indoor and outdoor

The procedure for suturing the uterus is carried out without the use of painkillers. The absence of pain is explained by the low sensitivity of the tissues. Stitches do not cause discomfort. Due to the lack of access to the lesions, internal sutures after childbirth are applied with self-absorbing threads. According to doctors, ruptures appear due to early attempts. When a child is pushed out forcefully, the pressure on the tissues increases and they rupture. That's enough rare occurrence, since the muscles have a strong and elastic texture that can withstand the pressure of the fetus.

The procedure for suturing the vagina is performed under local or general anesthesia. The fabrics are held together with strong threads that do not need to be processed. To avoid the development of complications, a woman should follow the following recommendations:

  • change gaskets as often as possible;
  • do not use tampons;
  • ensure that your panties are fresh and comfortable;
  • wash the genitals;
  • do not make love for 2 months (more details in the article:);
  • refrain from lifting heavy objects;
  • monitor your stool (if problems arise, tell your doctor).

The sutures after the rupture, applied to the perineum, are called external (look at the photo). For the stitching procedure, both self-absorbable threads and threads that need to be monitored and processed can be used. If healing occurs without complications, the suture is removed in the maternity hospital 5 days after healing. Under the supervision of doctors, scars are treated daily nurse. For processing use antiseptic solutions. If necessary, this continues to be done at home.

Some doctors perform the procedure of cutting the perineum. The operation is called an episiotomy. It is worth noting that many experts adhere to natural birth and do not interfere with labor. It is carried out in the following cases:

  • there is a risk of severe perineal rupture when various diseases skin;
  • the woman has pathologies in which strong pushing is prohibited;
  • labor began ahead of schedule;
  • the child is overweight;
  • a woman is expecting two or more children;
  • The fetus is positioned abnormally and there is a risk of injury.

Self-absorbable and synthetic

Self-absorbing sutures are applied with special threads that do not need to be removed, as they dissolve on their own and gradually come out of the tissue. They are used for internal breaks in the absence of care. After application, the threads dissolve under the influence of water and tissue protein, and the edges of the damage are sutured.

Synthetic seams are used for external tears. They must be removed when the tissue becomes scarred. They look like regular threads, but have a stronger texture.

How long do stitches take to heal?

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In all women, the scar heals with at different speeds. The effectiveness is influenced by genetic factors and characteristics of the epidermis. Some women suffer from healed wounds several months. Typically, sutures on the uterus and vagina heal within 2 weeks after birth. The scars disappear after a month.

Doctors believe that leading a normal lifestyle speeds up the healing process, which is why women with internal stitches deliver their babies already on the second day after birth. However, the woman in labor should be attentive to her condition and inform the doctor about any changes that appear. Severe pain and changes in discharge should alert you.

What are the consequences?

Scarring of the suture may be prolonged if the wound gets pathogenic microorganisms And various bacteria. The process occurs when damage is handled incorrectly. If postpartum scars hurt, this may indicate:

  • Suppuration of the suture. Symptoms of pus formation are severe pain and hissing when treating the surface with hydrogen peroxide. Without timely treatment The woman's body temperature rises. If suppuration occurs, it is necessary to take antibacterial agents.
  • Seam divergence. This dangerous complication which requires urgent medical care. It is worth noting that in some cases additional surgery is necessary. When there is a discrepancy, a woman appears bleeding and pain. The sooner you see a doctor, the fewer complications will arise.
  • Inflammation. At inflammatory process The woman has pain and pulls the seam in various positions of the body. Inflammation can lead to sepsis, so you need qualified assistance specialists.

How should I treat the stitches to make them heal faster?

To heal sutures after childbirth, you must:

  • Maintaining hygiene. Water procedures should be carried out every 2 hours and every time after urination. Soap should be used twice a day, otherwise clean water is sufficient warm water. This is necessary to prevent overdrying of the upper layers of the epidermis. You can use decoctions of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile and calendula. These plants have anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Ventilation of the seam. After water procedures It is enough to blot the perineum with a lint-free towel, then walk around for a few minutes without underwear. Air access significantly speeds up the healing process.
  • Wearing comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics.
  • Timely replacement of gynecological pads.
  • Dieting. It is necessary to eat foods that do not cause constipation.
  • Treating the perineum with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Lubricating the scar with brilliant green (you need to apply it near the wound).
  • Using special ointments such as Levomekol.

When strong pain It is allowed to take Ibuprofen or another drug that is not contraindicated during breastfeeding. You should consult a specialist about the possibility of using other means. Your doctor will explain why you should not take certain types of medications.

Is it painful to remove stitches after childbirth? Some patients feel the removal of the threads, while others experience pain. Complete healing occurs in 2-4 weeks.

Lifestyle with stitches after childbirth

In the first days of the baby's birth, a woman in labor should take into account her position, not sit and know how long it takes for the sutures to heal after childbirth. This is necessary for active life without consequences.

Women who have stitches should monitor their health more closely after giving birth. Minor changes in condition are a reason to visit an antenatal clinic.

To reduce the risk of complications, a woman should not:

  • Be in sitting position 14 days after birth. The chairs should be firm at first, as sitting on a soft surface increases the stress on the seam. You should sit down slowly and carefully.
  • Take a bath. After the baby is born, the cervix does not close completely. It takes time to return to the original position. Pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate through the open neck. It is better for a woman to take a shower.
  • Delay urination. Full bladder slows down uterine contraction. In addition, frequent presence of the bladder in a filled state can provoke the development of inflammation in the genitourinary system.
  • There are prohibited products. Following a diet has beneficial effect on digestive system baby and mother.
  • Take illegal medications.
  • Run, jump, ride a bike. The list of permitted exercises and the time after birth after which they can be done must be checked with your doctor.

What to do if the seams come apart?

If the stitches hurt after childbirth, this may indicate a discrepancy. Dehiscence of sutures after any childbirth is characterized by the appearance of sharp pain, fever, chills and specific discharge from the wound. Based on these signs, it can be understood that the woman has begun a pathological process.

If you notice these symptoms, you should visit antenatal clinic. If the seams come apart, it is easy to aggravate the situation with independent actions. The edges of the tissues may become separated due to the woman's early sitting, sex, and active sports.

During childbirth, it is not uncommon for a woman to experience a rupture of the vagina, uterus or perineum. This situation is not difficult, because doctors skillfully and quickly sew up such tears, without paying special attention to it.

In fact, all this is very unpleasant. First, the sewing process is quite painful procedure. Secondly, stitches after childbirth can cause a lot of worries and troubles for a young mother. You need to know how to minimize and reduce them undesirable consequences there are no breaks. Proper postpartum care for these “battle” scars will largely depend on where they are located.

Depending on where exactly the rupture occurred, there are external (on the perineum) and internal sutures after childbirth (on the cervix, in the vagina). They are made with threads from different materials, which means they require special care, which the young mother must be informed about.

Stitches on the cervix

  • reason: large fruit;
  • anesthesia: not performed, since the cervix loses sensitivity for some time after childbirth;
  • suture materials: catgut, which allows you to apply self-absorbing sutures that do not have to be removed later; as well as vicryl, caproag, PHA;
  • advantages: do not cause inconvenience, are not felt, do not cause complications;
  • care: not required.

Stitches in the vagina

  • cause: birth injuries, vaginal ruptures of varying depths;
  • anesthesia: local anesthesia using novocaine or lidocaine;
  • suture material: catgut;
  • disadvantages: pain persists for several days;
  • care: not required.

Stitches on the crotch

  • reasons: natural (damage to the perineum during childbirth), artificial (dissection by a gynecologist);
  • types: I degree (the wound concerns only the skin), II degree (the skin and muscle fibers), III degree(the rupture reaches the walls of the rectum);
  • anesthesia: local anesthesia with lidocaine;
  • suture materials: catgut (for I degree), non-absorbable threads - silk or nylon (for II, III degrees);
  • disadvantages: pain persists for a long time;
  • care: rest, hygiene, regular treatment with antiseptic solutions.

A particular problem is caused by external sutures after childbirth, which are performed on the perineum. They can cause various kinds of complications (suppuration, inflammation, infection, etc.), and therefore require special, regular care. The young mother should be warned about this even in the maternity hospital, and also informed about how to treat such wound surfaces. Usually women have many questions about this, and each of them is very important for her health and condition.

Every woman who has not been able to avoid ruptures is concerned with the question of how long it takes for the stitches to heal after childbirth, because she really wants to quickly get rid of the pain and return to her previous lifestyle. The speed of healing depends on many factors:

  • when using self-absorbing threads, healing occurs within 2 weeks, the scars themselves resolve in about a month and do not cause much trouble;
  • Much more problematic is the question of how long it takes for sutures to heal when using other materials: they are removed only 5-6 days after birth, their healing takes from 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and care for them;
  • The healing time of postpartum scars may increase when microbes enter the wounds, so the ability to treat wound surfaces and monitor their cleanliness is required.

In an effort to quickly return to their previous lifestyle and get rid of painful sensations, young mothers are looking for ways to quickly heal stitches after childbirth, so that they do not interfere with them enjoying the joy of communicating with their newborn. This will directly depend on how careful the woman is and whether she competently cares for her postpartum “combat” wounds.

How to care for seams?

If ruptures cannot be avoided, you need to find out in advance how to care for sutures after childbirth in order to avoid complications and speed up their healing. The doctor must give detailed advice and tell you how to do this correctly. This is included in his professional responsibilities, so don't hesitate to ask. Typically, caring for sutures after childbirth involves sedentary lifestyle life, compliance with hygiene rules and treatment with various wound healing and antiseptic agents.

  1. In the maternity hospital, the midwife treats external scars with “green paint” or a concentrated solution of “potassium permanganate” 2 times a day.
  2. Change your pad every two hours after giving birth.
  3. Use only loose natural (preferably cotton) underwear or special disposable panties.
  4. You should not wear shapewear that puts strong pressure on the perineum, which has a bad effect on blood circulation: in this case, the healing of sutures after childbirth may be delayed.
  5. Wash yourself every two hours, and after each visit to the toilet.
  6. Go to the toilet at such intervals that a full bladder does not interfere with uterine contractions.
  7. In the morning and evening, when you take a shower, wash your perineum with soap, and during the day simply wash it with water.
  8. You need to wash the outer scar as thoroughly as possible: direct a stream of water directly at it.
  9. After washing, dry the perineum with blotting movements of the towel in one direction - from front to back.
  10. Another important question is how long you can’t sit with stitches after childbirth if they are made on the perineum. Doctors, depending on the degree of damage, call the period from 7 to 14 days. In this case, you are allowed to sit on the toilet immediately on the first day. After a week, you can squat on the buttock opposite the side where the damage was recorded. It is recommended to sit only on a hard surface. This issue needs to be thought through when the young mother returns home from the maternity hospital. It is better for her to lie down or half sit in the back seat of the car.
  11. There's no need to be afraid severe pain and because of this, skip bowel movements. This creates additional stress on the muscles of the perineum, resulting in increased pain. To make this process easier, you can safely use glycerin suppositories after childbirth with stitches: they are rectal and soften the stool without harming the wounded perineum.
  12. Avoid constipation and do not eat foods that have a constipating effect. Drink a tablespoon before meals vegetable oil so that the stool returns to normal and does not slow down the healing process.
  13. You cannot lift weights weighing more than 3 kg.

These are the basic rules of hygiene, which allow the young mother’s body to quickly recover and return to normal, even with ruptures. But what to do if the stitches hurt for too long after childbirth, when all the deadlines have already passed, but it still doesn’t get any easier? Perhaps some factors provoked complications that will require not only additional care, but also treatment.

What complications can occur when suturing?

Very often, a woman continues to feel pain and discomfort even after two weeks after giving birth. This is a signal that something has interfered with healing, and this is fraught various complications- in this case you will need medical intervention, treatment, treatment of sutures after childbirth special drugs. Therefore, a young mother should be extremely attentive and sensitively listen to her own feelings, and monitor the healing process of postpartum injuries very carefully.


  1. if the scars do not heal for a very long time, they hurt, but during a medical examination no pathologies or special problems were identified, the doctor may recommend warming up;
  2. they are carried out no earlier than 2 weeks after birth to allow the uterus to contract (read more about);
  3. For this procedure, “blue”, quartz or infrared lamps are used;
  4. heating is carried out for 5-10 minutes from a distance of 50 cm;
  5. it can be done independently at home after consulting a doctor;
  6. Kontraktubeks suture healing ointment can also relieve pain: applied 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

The seam has come apart:

  1. if after childbirth separated seam, it is strictly forbidden to do anything at home;
  2. in this case, you need to call a doctor or an ambulance;
  3. if suture dehiscence was actually diagnosed after childbirth, most often they are reapplied;
  4. but if the wound has already healed, this will not require any medical intervention;
  5. in such cases, after examination, the doctor will prescribe how to treat the sutures after childbirth: usually this is wound healing ointments or candles.
  1. very often women complain that their sutures itch after childbirth, and very much so - as a rule, this does not indicate any abnormalities or pathologies;
  2. itching is most often a symptom of healing, so it should not cause anxiety in a woman;
  3. in order to somehow alleviate this unpleasant, albeit favorable symptom, it is recommended to wash yourself more often with water at room temperature (the main thing is not hot);
  4. This also applies to those cases when the seam is pulled: this is how they heal; but in this case, check yourself to see if you started sitting down too early and if you have to carry weights.


  1. if a woman notices unpleasant, abnormal discharge (not to be confused with), bad-smelling and suspiciously brownish-green in color, this may mean suppuration, which poses a serious health hazard;
  2. if the suture festers, you should definitely tell your doctor about it;
  3. This is how complications such as inflammation of the sutures after childbirth or their divergence can occur - both cases require medical intervention;
  4. if infection occurs, antibiotics may be prescribed;
  5. For external treatment, it is recommended to smear with Malavit shvygel, Levomekol, Solcoseryl, Vishnevsky ointments;
  6. if the scars fester, only a doctor can prescribe what can be used to treat them: in addition to the above-mentioned anti-inflammatory and wound-healing gels and ointments, chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide are also used, which disinfect wound cavities.


  1. if after childbirth there is sutureitis, most likely, the basic rule was violated - do not sit during the first weeks: the tissues are stretched and the wound surfaces are exposed;
  2. in this case, it is not recommended to treat the problem area yourself with something, but to contact a specialist directly;
  3. alterations may be required;
  4. but most often it is enough to use wound-healing ointments and gels (Solcoseryl, for example).

If the first days passed without complications and special difficulties described above, there will be one more procedure left - removal of sutures after childbirth, which is performed by a specialist in outpatient setting. You also need to mentally prepare for it so as not to panic or be afraid.

How are stitches removed?

Before discharge, the doctor usually warns on what day the sutures are removed after childbirth: in the normal course of the healing process, this occurs 5-6 days after their application. If a woman’s stay in the maternity hospital is prolonged, and she is still in the hospital at that moment, this procedure will be performed on her there. If the discharge occurred earlier, you will have to come again.

And yet, the main question that concerns all women undergoing this procedure is whether it hurts to remove stitches after childbirth and whether any anesthesia is used. Of course, the doctor always reassures that this procedure It just reminds me of a mosquito bite. However, everything will depend on pain threshold women, which is different for everyone. If there were no complications, there will actually be no pain: only an unusual tingling mixed with a burning sensation is felt. Accordingly, anesthesia is not required.

Childbirth is an unpredictable process, so anything can happen. However, ruptures are not uncommon and are not perceived by doctors as a complication or difficulty. Modern medicine involves professional, competent suturing after childbirth, which subsequently causes a minimum of discomfort with proper care.