How to care for external sutures after childbirth. Polyps on the suture, what they are, treatment. What types of stitches are there and when are they applied to a woman in labor?

Childbirth is a natural process, but it is painful and traumatic for a woman. During passage through the birth canal, the child stretches the maternal tissues, which leads to small wounds and serious ruptures. If there is a threat of rupture, as well as premature birth, the fetus is too large and other problems, the doctor performs an incision (episiotomy). Incisions and tears are sutured for rapid healing. How to behave, how long it will take to recover, what complications there may be with sutures on the perineum - look in this material.

Sutures on tears after childbirth

Rapid labor, insufficient tissue elasticity, and incorrect behavior of the woman in labor (starting to push too early) lead to the appearance of ruptures. Correctly and timely episiotomy is much more better than a breakup: The doctor uses a sharp scalpel to make a neat incision that is easy to stitch up. Lacerations that occur during childbirth require more stitches, can leave behind an unsightly scar, and take up to 5 months to heal ( internal seams).

Types of postpartum sutures:

  1. Internal - located on the walls of the vagina, cervix. Usually performed with self-absorbable threads.
  2. External - located on the perineum. They are performed with both self-absorbable and regular threads.

External seams on the crotch

The longest and most painful process in childbirth is the dilatation of the cervix. She needs to go long haul from about 1 cm of dilation (this is how women usually end up in the maternity hospital) to 8–10 cm. The process is accompanied by strong contractions and can last from several hours to several days.

Compared to dilation of the cervix, the birth of the baby itself takes a matter of minutes. At the midwife's signal, the woman begins to push, helping the baby pass through the birth canal, and soon he is born. Attempts take on average from 20–30 minutes to 1–2 hours. This process should not be delayed; it can lead to asphyxia in the newborn. Therefore, when the doctor sees that independent birth is impossible or difficult, he makes an incision.

An incision (episiotomy) is a surgical incision of the perineum and back wall vagina. There are perineotomy (incision from the vagina to the anus) and mid-lateral episiotomy (incision from the vagina to the right ischial tuberosity).

Types of episiotomy: 1 - child’s head, 2 - mid-lateral episiotomy, 3 - perineotomy

For some unknown reason, women in labor try their best to avoid tears and especially incisions. On women's forums you can often come across the proud “it didn’t break”, which generally implies that the mother was well prepared, the course of childbirth was normal, normal sizes fetus and high tissue elasticity. But when the doctor talks about the need for an incision, and the woman in labor actively protests, is indignant and even screams, this is fraught negative consequences primarily for the baby.

Possible consequences for the child:

  • Damage cervical spine spine.
  • Damage nervous system due to lack of oxygen.
  • Hematomas on the head, fractures and cracks, hemorrhages in the eyes due to excessive pressure on soft bones skulls

An even and neat cut 2–5 cm long will help mother and child get to know each other faster. After childbirth, the doctor will close it with a continuous cosmetic suture, which, if properly treated, heals very quickly, in about a month. After healing, it looks like a thin “thread”, slightly lighter in color than the skin.

It's a completely different matter if we're talking about breaks. Firstly, it is impossible to predict in which direction the fabric will tear and to what depth. Secondly, it has an irregular shape, torn, even crushed edges are difficult to connect as they were. In this case, several stitches are required; in some cases (for third-degree tears that reach and extend to the vaginal walls), general anesthesia may be required.

What are they stitching with?

Episiotomy incisions and minor perineal tears are sutured with self-absorbable sutures. They are much more convenient, they do not need to be removed, and within 2-3 weeks the threads dissolve without a trace (depending on the material!). Small debris and nodules may come out with the discharge and remain on the pad or underwear.

Deep injuries and cuts are sutured with nylon, vicryl or silk threads. The doctor will remove them in 5–7 days. They tighten the wound tightly and ensure good healing.

In some cases (for severe tears), metal staples are installed. They are removed in the same way as nylon or silk threads, but can leave small scars and holes.

Example of a seam after removing metal staples - holes in the skin are visible

Seam care

While you are in the maternity hospital, under the supervision of specialists, a nurse takes care of the suture. It is usually treated daily with a solution of brilliant green. After discharge, you should continue to care for your suture as directed by your doctor. If everything heals well, it is enough to follow the rules of hygiene, wash yourself after each visit to the toilet, do not wear tight underwear, use natural pads, and provide air access. For inflammation and suppuration, the doctor prescribes therapy (levomekol, solcoseryl, and in especially severe cases, antibiotics).

Internal seams on the vagina, on the cervix, on the clitoris

Internal sutures are placed on the cervix and vaginal walls in case of ruptures during childbirth. Doctors say the main cause of injuries is improper behavior of the mother in labor. Early attempts, when the cervix has not yet opened, lead to its rupture. “Aggravating” circumstances - cervical surgery, age-related decline elasticity of fabrics. Ruptures of the vaginal walls are provoked, in addition to the above reasons, by the presence of old scars, emergency childbirth, and a high position of the vagina relative to the anus. Of course, one cannot deny the possible guilt of the obstetrician - incorrect tactics also lead to injuries.

In some cases, after applying internal sutures to the vagina, mothers complain of pain in the clitoris. The clitoris itself is not sutured, but the seams and ends of the threads may be located next to it, stretching and injuring the delicate area. In general, if the discomfort is too severe, it is best to see a doctor. Gradually the threads will dissolve and the pain will go away.

What are they stitching with?

Internal seams are made only with absorbable threads. The reason is complicated access to injuries. Most often, catgut or vicryl, sometimes lavsan, are used for this. The final dissolution time for all types of self-absorbing materials is 30–60 days.

Seam care

Internal seams do not require special care. It is enough for the mother to follow the doctor’s recommendations, not lift heavy objects, abstain from sexual activity for 1–2 months, and maintain personal hygiene. Be sure to visit the gynecologist at the appointed time, even if nothing worries you, only a doctor can assess the condition of the tissues, the speed of healing and other factors.

Read more about caring for internal and external scars in the article -.

How long do stitches take to heal?

Be prepared for discomfort and discomfort in the area of ​​the incisions and tears for about 2-3 months. The recovery process is individual for each woman, depending on her well-being, state of health, pain threshold, and age. Some people already feel like they were before pregnancy after two weeks, while others need a year or more to recover.

Take your time to return to an active sex life! Restrictions are not the whim of the doctor and not his reinsurance, but primarily concern for your health. For 2–3 months after childbirth, sexual intercourse will be painful until the injured area with a fresh scar restores sensitivity.

Something went wrong if:

  1. The suture site bleeds after discharge.
  2. Even at rest, you feel pain inside, a feeling of fullness (may be a sign of a hematoma).
  3. The seam becomes inflamed, discharge appears with unpleasant smell, the temperature may rise.

All these signs, as well as other changes in the condition that seem suspicious to you, are 100% reason to consult a doctor immediately.

Self-absorbing internal sutures

The recovery time depends on the material and severity of the tear. Catgut disappears within 30–120 days, lavsan - 20–50 days, vicryl - 50–80 days. If you feel good, there is no pain or discomfort inside, you are full of strength and energy - everything is fine. Pay attention to your diet, you need to avoid constipation. If necessary, take a laxative as directed by your doctor.

External seams

With proper care and no complications, the sutures in the perineum heal completely within 1–2 months. To do this, the mother should rest more, it is recommended to stay in bed if possible, and maintain hygiene. One of the reasons frequent inflammations external sutures are postpartum discharge from the uterus. Change your underwear as often as possible, provide access to air (if possible, you can avoid underwear, at least at home), use special pads with antibacterial impregnation.

External seam with episiotomy (usual) it stops bothering you after about 2 months

When to remove threads from external seams

Staples and threads are removed 3–7 days after birth, most often on the fifth. The doctor assesses the condition of the woman in labor, the speed of healing and, based on the information received, makes a decision on discharge.

Does it hurt to remove the threads?

It all depends on your pain threshold. The procedure is unpleasant, but quick. If you are afraid of pain, ask your doctor to spray a local anesthetic on the stitch.

When can you stand up and sit down with stitches after childbirth?

For two weeks you can only lie down or stand. Sitting is strictly prohibited! A reclining position, leaning on the headboard of the bed, is allowed. This also applies to check-out; warn your relatives in advance that the entire back seat of the car will be occupied by you and the baby.

Why such strictness? If you try to sit down ahead of schedule, it is quite possible for the seams to diverge. And this is not only painful, but will also require re-suturing, doubling the wound healing time.

How long do stitches hurt?

Pain, pulling sensations and discomfort from external and internal stitches should subside within two weeks after birth. If three weeks have passed and you still have a lot of pain where the stitches were placed, be sure to tell your gynecologist. Do not delay, in this case it is better to be on the safe side to avoid possible consequences.

Symptoms of complications on sutures after childbirth:

  1. Pain (for external seams), sensation of pulsation and twitching inside (for internal seams).
  2. Swelling of the suture, suppuration, often accompanied sharp increase body temperature.
  3. Seams coming apart.
  4. Continuous bleeding.

If you experience any or all of the symptoms, consult your doctor. Don’t wait, don’t use advice from the internet, don’t trust recommendations from friends and acquaintances. Frivolity is unacceptable here!

The seam has come apart - reasons:

  • Mom tried to sit up before her due date.
  • Lifted weights (more than 3 kg).
  • Returned to sexual activity.
  • Accidentally caused an infection in the wound.
  • Didn't follow hygiene rules.
  • I suffered from constipation.
  • She wore tight synthetic underwear.
  • Didn't take proper care of the stitches.

The problem can be recognized by a burning sensation or itching at the suture site, swelling (perineum), pain and tingling, bleeding, increased temperature, general weakness. What to do? Immediately go to see your doctor, and in especially serious cases, call an ambulance.

"Microlax" after childbirth with stitches

Let us separately dwell on the problem of constipation. Strong efforts during defecation can lead to divergence of the external and internal seams. A laxative will help you, but if you are breastfeeding, your pediatrician should prescribe the drug. As emergency remedy Microlax microenemas are suitable, they are safe for nursing mothers, they will quickly and painlessly solve a delicate issue. They have a mild effect, the result occurs within 10–15 minutes after use.

The stitches hurt

If everything is in order, the healing process is going well, the gynecologist finds no problems, but the stitches hurt - what is the reason? Perhaps you have low pain threshold, your tissues need more time to recover, or your rhythm of life is too active for at the moment. In any case, if you are confident in your doctor (it may be worth consulting with another specialist), allow your body to rest a little. You should not return to active training, lift weights, sit on a hard chair for a long time and arrange daily general cleaning. All this will have to wait.

Does pain occur only during sexual intercourse? This is a temporary phenomenon, try changing your position, use lubricants. Gradually, your body will return to its previous shape and adapt to the changes.

Sutures become inflamed and festered, causes, treatment

Inflammation and purulent discharge appear when an infection enters the wound. It can penetrate both from the woman’s body (postpartum discharge, infections not treated before childbirth) and from the outside, if hygiene rules are not followed. Your doctor should prescribe the final treatment regimen for you.

Drugs used:

  1. Anti-inflammatory and healing ointments: levomekol, syntomycin, Vishnevsky ointment and others. They will relieve swelling, have antiseptic and antibacterial effect, will stop the inflammatory process.
  2. Suppositories, in particular, “Depantol”, “Betadine” - accelerate the healing of mucous membranes, treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital area.
  3. A course of antibiotics, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs - the doctor will select therapy in such a way that breastfeeding can be maintained.

Suture granulation, what is it, treatment

Granulations are new tissue that grows during wound healing (healthy cells are formed, blood vessels etc.). Normally, this is a natural process, but sometimes granulations grow at the site of the sutures after childbirth and can cause discomfort, feel like small growths. Treatment is at the choice of the gynecologist. Most often, granulations are removed locally or in a hospital.

Polyps on the suture, what they are, treatment

A polyp usually refers to the granulations or pathologies already mentioned above during the formation of a scar. They can also disguise condylomas and papillomas. They look and feel like strange growths (one or more formations) at the suture site and around it. Treatment is usually surgical.

Seal (bump) on the seam

If a fairly large lump is felt on the seam, the first thing you should do is visit your gynecologist. Most often, a nodule from a self-absorbing suture is mistaken for a lump, which will disappear fairly soon. But there may be other options. In addition to the granulations and papillomas listed above, an abscess with purulent contents may form at the suture site. This dangerous symptom, which signals improper suturing, infection of the wound, or rejection of the threads by the body. Seek help immediately.

How to speed up the healing of stitches

First and foremost: none of the methods should be used before consulting a doctor!

Avoid wearing underwear, especially while sleeping. If there is heavy postpartum discharge, you can sleep on a special absorbent diaper.

Take care of your diet. You need enhanced nutrition, forget about extra calories for a while. The body has experienced stress and needs healthy, high-quality products.

Perhaps the recipes will help you traditional medicine. Oil promotes healing of injuries tea tree, sea buckthorn oil.

When can you wash after giving birth with stitches?

Showering is allowed and recommended after each visit to the toilet. But with a bath, and even more so with a visit to the bathhouse and sauna, you will have to wait a little longer. On average, doctors allow you to take a bath two months after birth, if the healing process is successful, without any problems. You can also focus on your body, if postpartum discharge has not stopped yet, you should not rush to take a bath. The fact is that for a long time after childbirth the cervix remains slightly open, bleeds, and tap water cannot be called sterile. Bacteria entering favorable environment, begin to actively multiply, triggering inflammatory processes in a weakened body.

Cosmetic stitches after childbirth

The cosmetic seam after healing is almost invisible on the skin. He came to gynecology from plastic surgery. Main features: passes inside the tissue, has no visible signs of needle entry and exit.

For cosmetic seam Self-absorbable threads (lavsan, vicryl) are usually used. It is performed on smooth, neat cuts and passes through the thickness of the skin in a zigzag manner, called continuous.

Regular and cosmetic suture after childbirth during execution and after healing

Caring for sutures - a reminder for a woman in labor

  1. Change the sanitary pad every two hours, regardless of the presence of discharge. If possible, avoid wearing underwear.
  2. Do not forget about treatment with antiseptics if prescribed by a gynecologist.
  3. After visiting the bathroom, take a shower, and if this is not possible, wipe the perineum with a sterile napkin using gentle blotting movements.
  4. Do not sit down for two weeks.
  5. Monitor your diet, exclude gas-forming and fixing foods (baked goods, cereals, etc.). If necessary, take a laxative and do microenemas in consultation with your doctor.

With proper care, external and internal seams, regardless of the material with which they are made, heal quickly and do not leave large scars. Take care of yourself, follow the recommendations of the gynecologist, and very soon you will be able to return to normal life.

The happiness that engulfs a woman cannot be expressed in words; all the pain, all the torment experienced just a few minutes ago is forgotten. But in order to calmly hold the baby in your arms, you will have to work a little and suffer.

The most unpleasant, painful and for a long time takes first when the cervix dilates. But the second one - the birth of a baby - is a matter of minutes, which, however, can be overshadowed by or (even worse) a rupture of the perineum. Some women resist the cut as best they can: they are indignant and even scream. But you need to understand that this manipulation is sometimes simply necessary.

The birth canal may be narrow for the baby, and if the doctor does not make the incision, the child himself will do it. Then it will already be tear with torn edges irregular shape , and it will be quite difficult to sew it up, not to mention the fact that it will heal for a long time and painfully.

But the cut made with a scalpel is smooth and neat, will allow just a few stitches to bring the edges together. Such a seam will heal quickly and will not cause much trouble if it is properly cared for and treated.

External (external) and internal sutures after childbirth

Internal seams are applied when the cervix and vaginal walls are ruptured. Since the cervix loses sensitivity after childbirth, When stitches are applied, the woman in labor feels almost nothing.

But when stitches are placed on the vagina, it's quite noticeable, so it's done local anesthesia . Internal seams are made with self-absorbing threads that do not require additional care and removal of sutures.

To external seams include stitches on the perineum, and here everything is a little more complicated. A woman can tear on her own and the stitches on the tears take longer to heal.

However, Mostly doctors manage to make an even (and absolutely painless) incision towards the anus. Putting stitches in this place is a little painful, so local anesthesia is given here too.

You should take special care of the sutures on the perineum after childbirth, because this is a place where you cannot apply a sterile bandage, and the sutures come into contact with external environment and can easily become inflamed.

Self-absorbing sutures

IN lately Almost all stitches are applied using self-absorbing threads. This is very convenient: you don’t need to remove them, and already in 7-10 days there will be no trace left of them.

The only thing a woman can notice is pieces of threads or knots on the pad. Don't be alarmed, know that these remnants of thread mean that the stitches have almost dissolved. In a month, during an examination with a doctor, you will be able to verify this.

Let's look at some features

In order for the stitches to heal quickly and not become inflamed, they need to be properly cared for. Internal seams during normal course are not processed at all, since sterile self-absorbable sutures are used. There is enough hygiene care here.

But if the internal seams are inflamed or festered, then use tampons with levomikol or any other anti-inflammatory ointments.

External seams require special care.. They should be processed 2 times a day. In the maternity hospital this is done by a nurse.

First, the seams are treated with hydrogen peroxide, and then brilliant green or iodine. In addition to this, physiotherapy procedures are carried out to promote speedy healing.

The woman in labor should change sanitary pad every 2 hours, in the maternity hospital they use sterile disposable panties. You should wash yourself at least 2 times a day and after each act of defecation (and do this long after discharge). After washing (with potassium permanganate), the seams should be carefully blotted with a towel., but under no circumstances rub it with it, then treat it with peroxide, and then brilliant green or iodine.

A woman always has a lot of troubles after giving birth. And problems with seams are only a small part of them. But believe me A healthy baby snoring sweetly in your arms will atone for all your hard work and make you forget about all the difficulties associated with childbirth.

Many women who encounter stitches for the first time after childbirth do not know how to behave correctly so that the seams do not come apart.

The most important thing is a woman in labor with stitches should not sit for 7-10 days no way. That is, eating, feeding the baby, swaddling and other work can only be done in supine position or standing.

At first it will be difficult to get used to this, and the desire to sit down will appear all the time. It is important not to do such a stupid thing, otherwise the seams will come apart.

Previously, it was much simpler, because the baby was brought only for feeding and immediately taken away, so the woman in labor could rest and get used to her new position. Women in labor with stitches were generally forbidden to stand up unless necessary, which is why the healing of the stitches after childbirth occurred much faster.

But now, when the baby is brought in on the first day and left with the mother until discharge, it is quite difficult to maintain bed rest, because you need to get up and swaddle the baby, wash him, and feed him. Well, how can you not forget and sit down out of habit?

Remember: you will be able to sit down no earlier than after 10 days (and this is provided that the stitches heal well without causing complications), and then only on a hard chair, and after another 10 days - on a soft chair, bed or sofa.

Since the woman in labor is being discharged for 5-7 days, then the trip home will not be very comfortable, you will have to ride in a reclining position in the car. Warn your relatives in advance that only one passenger can travel with you in the car, since you will need more space.

There is one more point: in the first week after suturing, you need to go to the toilet correctly “in large quantities”. It is best to give an enema at the first urge, otherwise the sutures may also come apart due to tension in the pelvic muscles.

What to do if...

The seams have come apart

If the seams do come apart, it is important to determine this quickly.

Internal seams come apart in very exceptional cases. It is simply impossible to notice this on your own. This can only be seen by a doctor during an examination. Such seams, as a rule, are no longer touched.

Most often this occurs with external seams in the crotch.. Sudden movements, improper defecation, or if a woman sits down can cause the stitches to come apart.

If this happens literally the next day after birth, then repeated stitches are applied. It’s a different story if the edges of the wound have already healed and the stitches have come apart. Then the doctor decides about re-application seams.

If it is just a couple of stitches and there is no threat to life, then the seams can be left as they are. But it also happens that the seam has come apart fully. Then the edges of the wound are excised and the sutures are reapplied.

While the woman is in the maternity hospital, the doctor examines her every day, and if he finds that the seams are starting to come apart, he will take action. But if after discharge the young mother feels that the stitches have come apart, then she should immediately contact antenatal clinic, where the gynecologist after the examination will tell you what to do.

The stitches hurt

The stitches may hurt for the first couple of days, then the pain should go away. Internal stitches heal much faster, and the pain is felt weakly, going away after a couple of days. But the external seams can bother you for a long time if you do not follow the regime.

Painful sensations when trying to sit down are quite natural, but if the pain appears in calm state, this may signal inflammatory process.

That's why you must not endure the pain, but consult a doctor. If you manage it in time, the inflammatory process can be easily eliminated, but if you delay it, the stitches will fester, and treatment will have to be long and tedious.

When are sutures removed?

The situation is more complicated with ordinary stitches that need to be removed. This can only be done after the wounds have healed. IN best case scenario this happens on day 6-7.

But if the sutures become inflamed after childbirth or the sutures fester, then healing is delayed and you have to fight the inflammatory process and only then remove the sutures.

So when are stitches removed after childbirth? All this is decided individually. Before being discharged from the maternity hospital, the woman is examined by a doctor and, if all is well, the stitches are removed (the process is almost painless). If it’s too early, the doctor will tell you when you need to go for an examination at a consultation.

After childbirth, many women are faced with the phenomenon of stitches on the cervix, vagina or perineum. Let's look at what types of sutures there are, what complications can be encountered after their application, and what care they require after childbirth.

Depending on where the sutures are placed, they are divided into internal and external.

Internal seams

Internal ones are considered to be those that were applied for ruptures of the cervix or vaginal walls. Such sutures are applied after childbirth, when the doctor examines the genital organs. The procedure for suturing the uterus does not require anesthesia, since after childbirth the organ is absolutely insensitive. When suturing the vaginal walls, local anesthesia is given. Sutures are applied with self-absorbing threads that do not require removal.

External seams

External stitches include sutures placed on the perineum. They are applied when ruptures of the perineum appeared during childbirth or an artificial incision was made. If necessary, doctors give preference to incisions, preventing ruptures, since their edges are always smooth, which means they will heal faster. External sutures after childbirth are performed under local anesthesia.

The perineum can be sutured with threads, which require removal on the 5th day, or with self-absorbable threads. Also in this area, doctors can use a cosmetic suture, which came to gynecology from plastic surgery. This type of suture is characterized by the fact that the thread passes subcutaneously, and only its entrance and exit from the wound are visible.

How to treat and care for stitches after childbirth

During the first days in the maternity hospital, midwives handle the sutures. 2 times a day they treat the seams with a solution of brilliant green or potassium permanganate. You will continue processing at home. This will need to be done after each water procedure.

External seams are treated this way. Internal seams do not require special care, provided that you do not have any infectious diseases. And this needs to be taken care of even before pregnancy.

In the first days after childbirth, when stitches were placed, you need to be careful with bowel movements so as not to overstrain the fused tissues. Ideally, at the first urge to ask for an enema or glycerin suppository.

After every trip to the toilet you should wash yourself. You can use the product in the morning and evening intimate hygiene. It is better to wash yourself in the shower, rather than in a basin of water. Sanitary pad need to be changed every 2 hours. Even if you think it can still serve.

A good option for underwear would be disposable panties, which are made of breathable material. If there are none, then use cotton clothes. Do not put on underwear immediately after showering.

Air baths are good not only for children's skin, but also for your healing wounds. You should not rub the seams with a towel; it is better to blot them or wait until they dry completely.

Shapewear should not be used. The tightening effect cuts off blood flow and interferes with healing. Yes, you want to look good immediately after the baby is born, but wait a couple of months, and then you will be able to wear both a corset and panties.

And most importantly. When applying postpartum sutures, you will not be able to sit for about 10 days - this is at least. After this period, if the stitches heal without complications, you can begin to sit on a hard surface. You need to rest while the sutures are healing while lying down or half-sitting. You cannot make sudden movements.

Previously, when newborns were separated from their mothers, those who had postpartum sutures, were not allowed to get up until discharge. This allowed the sutures to heal much faster. Now, when children are with their mothers in the ward, compliance bed rest impossible. Therefore, you need to follow the recommendations regarding sitting as much as possible so that the seams do not come apart or become inflamed.

Complications of postpartum sutures

If a woman has had stitches after giving birth, she is examined by a doctor every day. If no violations are found, then the treatment procedure is standard: hydrogen peroxide and a solution of brilliant green or potassium permanganate. If deviations from the norm are noticed, then a decision is made depending on the situation.

The seams have come apart

If the wound has not yet healed and the stitches have come apart, they are reapplied. If the wound has healed, but several stitches of the suture have come apart, then the doctor can leave the situation as is (provided that there is no threat to the woman’s life). If the entire seam has come apart, then you will need to cut the wound and sew it up again. The stitches may come apart when the woman is already discharged from the hospital. This fact requires immediate appeal to the hospital and call an ambulance.

The stitches are festering

ABOUT correct processing sutures that heal normally, as mentioned above. If inflammation or suppuration of internal or external postpartum sutures is detected, the doctor will prescribe additional measures to treat the wounds.

Hygienic care will be supplemented with tampons and ointments for sutures. Levomikol, Vishnevsky ointment or other ointments that relieve inflammation and suppuration can be used. If you discover uncharacteristic vaginal discharge while at home, then the next day you should consult a doctor for advice.

The stitches hurt

Painful sensations after applying both external and internal sutures will occur in any case. Normally, internal pain should go away within 2 days after birth. Discomfort when applying external sutures will persist for much longer. Especially if you don't follow a routine and try to sit down early.

If the pain only appears when you sit, this is normal (unless it is very severe and can be tolerated). But, if you feel discomfort while standing or lying down, then this may indicate an inflammatory process. In this case, the pain cannot be tolerated. Seeing a doctor should be done immediately.

Postpartum sutures are sutures after surgery. In order for them to heal quickly and safely, you must take proper care of them. Of course, after the birth of the baby there will be plenty of other worries. But believe me, your baby needs a healthy mother. The more carefully you take care of your stitches, the faster they will heal and will no longer require attention.


In this article:

During childbirth, a woman receives many microtraumas, which heal on their own within a few weeks. They do not cause discomfort to a young mother and do not require specific treatment.

Often occur serious breaks perineum and cervix, which leads to sutures, which can cause complications if not properly cared for.

Why are stitches needed?

Sutures are placed after childbirth if ruptures occur as the baby moves through the birth canal. Despite the elasticity of the cervix and vaginal walls, it is quite difficult to avoid injury. Most often, ruptures occur with a large fetus, rapid labor when the tissues have not stretched enough, due to improper behavior of the woman in labor. The last point concerns women who begin to push ahead of schedule or strain the pelvis, creating an obstacle to the passage of the child.

Sutures are also applied in case of dissection of the perineum (episiotomy). The reasons are similar - the position of the fetus is incorrect, its large sizes, poor muscle elasticity. Dissection of the perineum is also necessary during prolonged labor, when the waters have broken and the child has difficulty passing through the birth canal. In these cases, episiotomy saves the fetus and the woman from getting lacerations, which take much longer to heal than a surgical incision.

Types of seams

There are two types of postpartum sutures:

  1. Internal - applied to the walls of the vagina and cervix when mechanical injuries. Internal sutures after childbirth heal quite quickly and consist of self-absorbable material. When applying, no anesthesia is required, since the cervix has no sensitivity.
  2. External - applied when there is a cut or rupture of the perineum. Depending on the wound, either self-absorbable material or conventional material used in surgery and required to be removed on the fifth day can be used.

How long do stitches take to heal?

If a woman follows all the doctor’s instructions, the postpartum sutures will heal within 3-5 weeks. In case of large ruptures and failure to comply with basic hygiene rules, the healing process may take several months.

The self-absorbable material completely disappears from the wound approximately in the second week after birth. Regular surgical sutures are removed 5 days after birth.

Woman's feelings

Unfortunately, sutures almost always leave an unpleasant mark. It is impossible to avoid pain and discomfort, but if you follow a few important rules, which will be discussed below, you can reduce the healing time of sutures.

The first few days in groin area There may be a feeling of burning, itching or bloating. If there is no bleeding, then there is no cause for concern. The main thing is not to put too much stress on your body, and if you have severe pain, be sure to see a doctor.

You may experience discomfort during sexual intercourse. Until the stitches are completely healed, you must abstain from sex! The woman will not only be in pain, but there may also be complications.

How to care for wounds?

If internal stitches are not required after childbirth special care, then external wounds must be monitored with special care. The first treatment is carried out in the maternity hospital, then repeated 2-3 times a day. Typically, brilliant green or potassium permanganate is used for this.

After being discharged for stitches, a woman needs to handle the stitches herself and follow a few simple rules:

  • Change the gasket every 2-3 hours, at least. Postpartum discharge worry every woman in labor, so the use hygiene products Necessarily. If possible, it is better to use special gaskets that have natural base and a soft, non-synthetic material as a covering. They prevent allergies, irritation and promote fast healing seams.
  • Wash yourself with warm running water, and after a shower walk around for a while without underwear. In the air, sutures after childbirth heal much faster. You should not wipe your perineum with a towel after a shower. It is better to blot lightly with a cotton cloth or wait until it dries completely.
  • After a shower, treat the seams with brilliant green.
  • You cannot lift weights for a month and sit for at least 10 days.
  • You need to wear underwear only made from natural materials, or even better - disposable cotton panties. At first, you need to avoid tight underwear, which interferes with blood flow in the genitals.

Possible complications

In most cases, sutures heal well after childbirth, without causing unnecessary discomfort to the woman. But there are several diseases that can result from non-compliance with hygiene rules and a weakened immune system of a young mother:

  1. The seam has come apart. If the sutures are placed incorrectly, bowel movements with effort and heavy lifting, the sutures may come apart. Most often this happens within the first three days after birth, but it can happen later. Treatment consists of repeated suturing.
  2. The seam has festered. If a woman has an infection that is not cured before delivery or does not maintain hygiene, then the suture may become suppurated. In this case, there is severe pain, the wound swells and pus is released from it. Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor; you should not try to get rid of inflammation on your own!
  3. The stitches hurt a lot. As mentioned above, at first the external seams cause painful sensations. Within normal limits, when a woman feels discomfort when sitting or washing her face. If the pain does not stop, but intensifies, a burning sensation or pressure appears when walking, then we can talk about an inflammatory process. The disease cannot be neglected; you need to see a gynecologist and get recommendations for treatment.

There is no need to be afraid of stitches during childbirth. This is common in modern medicine a manipulation that allows you to preserve the health and life of a child, and for a woman to prevent the appearance of ugly, unaesthetic wounds.

Useful video about perineal plastic surgery

During childbirth, situations often arise when stitches are required. The presence of stitches requires increased caution and, of course, certain skills in caring for this temporary “risk zone.”

When are stitches necessary?

When childbirth was natural birth canal, sutures are the result of restoration of the soft tissues of the vagina, cervix, and perineum. Let us recall the reasons that could lead to the need for sutures. Most often, cervical ruptures occur if the cervix has not yet fully dilated and the woman begins to push. Pressure is applied to the cervix baby's head , tearing it apart.

An incision in the perineum is usually made for the following reasons:

  • In a woman quick birth- in this case, significant loads fall on the fetal head, so the doctor simplifies the moment for the child to pass it through the perineum. This is necessary to reduce the likelihood of injury to the child’s head;
  • Premature birth - dissection of the perineum is performed for similar reasons;
  • child in breech- the tissue of the perineum must be cut so that there are no obstacles when passing the head;
  • For some anatomical features women (inelastic tissue or there is a scar left after a previous birth), due to which the head cannot be born normally baby ;
  • If a woman in labor cannot push for some reason, for example, severe myopia;
  • There are signs of a threat gap perineum - in this case it is better to make an incision, since the edges of a wound made with scissors heal better than torn ones.

For application to the perineum, as well as to the anterior abdominal wall different materials are used for seams. The choice of doctor depends on various circumstances. Natural or synthetic self-absorbable sutures, or non-absorbable sutures, or metal staples may be used. The last two types of suture materials are removed 4-6 days after birth.

Now let's talk about how to care for them. A young mother who has a suture should know how to behave in order to rehabilitation period passed safely, without leaving any unpleasant consequences.

Various seams on the crotch

Healing of small sutures and wounds occurs within 2-4 weeks after birth, while deeper injuries take much longer to heal.

Caring for sutures on the walls of the vagina and on the cervix requires only compliance with the rules of hygiene; no additional care is required. These sutures are always placed with absorbable material, so they do not need to be removed. Sutures on the perineum in the maternity hospital are treated by a midwife 1-2 times a day, using a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate or brilliant green.

Sutures on the perineum are also usually applied with self-absorbing threads. The nodules disappear on their own within 3-4 days. If a suture was placed with a non-absorbable material, it is also removed after 3-4 days.

When caring for sutures on the perineum, it is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene. To do this, you need to change the pad or diaper every two hours, regardless of their filling. You should use loose cotton underwear or special disposable panties.

It is necessary to wash yourself every two hours (necessarily after each visit to the toilet, and it is necessary to go to the toilet exactly with this frequency, without allowing an overcrowded bladder prevent uterine contractions).

In the evening and morning, when taking a shower, you should wash your perineum with soap; during the day you can wash it with plain water. The seam on the crotch should be washed especially carefully by directing a stream of water at it. After washing, the perineum and the area of ​​the seams should be dried with blotting movements of the towel.

A woman who has stitches in her perineum is not allowed to sit for 7-14 days(depending on the degree of damage). At the same time, you can sit on the toilet on the first day after childbirth .

Now about the toilet. Many women, fearing severe pain, try to skip bowel movements, which leads to increased stress on the muscles and increased pain.

Due to the cleansing enema that the woman was given before giving birth, and also because she did not eat during childbirth, stool usually appears 2-3 days after childbirth. To avoid constipation, you should not eat foods that have a constipating effect.

If the problem of constipation is not new to you, you should drink a tablespoon before each meal. vegetable oil. Then the stool will not affect the healing process of the sutures, since it will be soft.

On days 5-7 after childbirth, the woman is allowed to carefully sit down on the buttock, which is opposite to the side of the injury. You must sit on a hard surface. You can sit on both buttocks for 10-14 days.

Sometimes scars after healing of sutures cause painful sensations and discomfort. They can be treated by heating - but not earlier than 2 weeks after birth, until the uterus has completely contracted.

For this purpose, infrared “blue” or quartz lamps are used. The procedure should be carried out for 5-10 minutes from a distance of at least half a meter. If a woman has sensitive skin, the distance should be increased to a meter to avoid burns. After consulting a doctor, the procedure can be done at home on your own or in a physiotherapy room.

If the scar is too rough, then to reduce the volume of scar tissue formed and reduce discomfort in the scar area, you can use Contractubex ointment, after consulting with your doctor.

Sutures after caesarean section

Behind the seams after caesarean section should be observed with particular care. For 5-7 days after surgery, a nurse working in the treatment department treats daily postoperative suture antiseptic solutions and also changes the bandage.

Then the bandage and stitches are removed. If the wound was sutured with absorbable suture material (this material is used when applying a cosmetic suture), the treatment is carried out in the same mode, but the sutures are not removed (the threads are completely absorbed 65-80 days after surgery).

Caring for stitches after childbirth /

Approximately on the seventh day after the operation, a skin scar forms, so a week after cesarean you can take a shower. However, you should not rub the seam with a washcloth.

At caesarean section the incision passes through all layers of the abdominal anterior wall, so the young mother is bothered by pain in the surgical area.