How long do external stitches hurt after childbirth? Stitches after childbirth: how to treat them, how long it takes to heal

No woman is immune from ruptures during childbirth. Some new mothers do not pay enough attention to them, because with the birth of the baby, more important things arise. However, any suture placed by a doctor after a rupture must be monitored and cared for.

What are the types of stitches and when are they applied to a woman in labor?

During childbirth, for one reason or another, there is a high risk of ruptures. The doctor may use an episiotomy (cut in the perineum) to avoid injury to the fetus in the following cases:

  • when there is a threat of perineal rupture;
  • during premature or rapid labor;
  • with breech presentation of the fetus;
  • with inelasticity of the perineal tissue or the presence of a scar remaining from a previous birth;
  • due to problems for which you cannot push.

Doctors are forced to stitch:

How to treat stitches after childbirth

Typically, sutures located on the vagina and cervix do not require treatment, but for perineal sutures it is required. The main thing is to respect your personal postpartum hygiene and don't lift heavy things. Self-absorbing threads will disappear in 2-3 weeks (depending on the extent of the stitch), and the scars will heal quickly and painlessly.

Stitches after caesarean section require special care. While the woman is in the maternity hospital, the nurse treats them with antiseptics and then applies a sterile bandage. After a week, the non-absorbable sutures are removed, and the sutures continue to be processed.

Treatment of seams with Vishnevsky ointment

Vishnevsky ointment is used for inflammation of sutures. Sterile gauze wipes are impregnated with it, which are changed 2-3 times a day for three days. The ointment has an antiseptic and local irritant effect and accelerates regeneration processes. A contraindication to the use of the drug is its individual intolerance.

The price ranges from 20–40 rubles.

Vishnevsky ointment is used for inflammation of sutures

Use of Chlorhexidine

Disinfection is important for internal and external seams. Chlorhexidine is applied to a sterile gauze pad and then applied to the suture. Such procedures are carried out 2-3 times a day until the suture heals. Chlorhexidine - effective drug, used as a disinfectant. However, it is better not to use it for dermatitis and hypersensitivity.

The cost of Chlorhexidine is about 10 rubles.

Chlorhexidine is used to disinfect external and internal postpartum sutures

How to use Bepanten ointment

Bepanten can be applied to the seam after each treatment. If you no longer need it, then use the ointment after each procedure. hygiene procedures. Apply it using a sterile gauze napkin, and if the seam has almost healed, then use regular cotton swabs for application. Bepanten helps within a few hours after use, and a contraindication to its use is individual intolerance.

The cost of the drug ranges from 400 to 800 rubles.

Bepanten can be applied to seams after each hygiene procedure

I only used Bepanten ointment, which will definitely come in handy when caring for the baby (it will help with heat build-up, etc.). I had a small tear in my perineum that started to itch a few months after giving birth. After using the ointment, everything went away quickly. My daughter has very delicate skin, which sometimes causes problems. And again Bepanten ointment came in handy for me: I applied it to damaged areas of the skin under a diaper, and my daughter’s skin quickly recovered.

How long does it take for stitches to heal after childbirth?

The healing process of sutures can occur in different ways. It depends on the following factors:

  • general condition of the body;
  • correct care;
  • size of damage;
  • materials used for suturing.

If synthetic absorbable materials are used for suturing, the wound will heal in 10–14 days, and the stitches themselves will dissolve in about a month. If metal brackets and non-absorbable material are used, they are removed in the maternity hospital, approximately on the fifth day. This usually happens before discharge. In this case, the wounds will take longer to heal: from two weeks to a month.

When using metal braces, the sutures are removed in the maternity hospital - on about the fifth day

I only had a small perineal tear once in all my pregnancies. I was discharged from the maternity hospital on the third day, and it bothered me for another week: it was painful to sit, I could only sit down on one side of my buttocks. And then everything suddenly passed and I forgot about the breaks.

How long do stitches hurt and how to prevent it?

Be prepared for what discomfort and pain may be present for a long time. This is due to the following pathological reasons:

  • formation of adhesions;
  • internal suppuration;
  • rejection of the stitching material by the body, etc.

On average, a postoperative suture may hurt for two weeks. All situations are individual, but there are averages depending on the type of operation and location of the suture:

  • postpartum incessant pain in the area of ​​sutures in the perineum disappears after the wounds heal (approximately 10 days after birth);
  • after caesarean section outer seam It is removed on the sixth day, and it heals within two to three weeks.

Before the stitches heal, get ready for the fact that they will remind you of themselves, although not regularly. You can alleviate the condition using the recommendations below:

  • if pain occurs when squatting or lifting heavy objects, then you need to limit the weight of objects lifted and try not to sit on both buttocks;
  • when pain in the suture area is accompanied by constipation, you need to drink more fluid:
    • green tea;
    • warm milk;
    • herbal infusion;
    • juice;
  • During sexual intercourse, there is a natural load on the perineum, vaginal dryness may occur, and as a result, the stitches begin to hurt. Use a moisturizing gel or change your position to a more pain-free one;
  • When tissues become inflamed, the sutures can pull and hurt. These sensations are accompanied by redness and purulent discharge. Contact your gynecologist and do not take risks by using self-medication methods.

Pain in the suture area in the first weeks after childbirth is normal reaction body. If there are no complications, the doctor will recommend:

When the weather changes, the seams will remind you of themselves for a long time. They may “whine”, which is quite normal, but over time all unpleasant sensations should pass. Many young mothers have itchy stitches. This happens due to antiseptic treatment or wound healing.

Postpartum sutures hurt when the weather changes and itch when wounds heal

Possible complications and what to do about them

A young mother should regularly examine the stitches and “listen” to her feelings. This will help to recognize complications in time and take timely measures.

Bleeding stitches

Most often, bleeding occurs due to suture dehiscence due to the following reasons:

  • frequent sitting down;
  • violations of sterility;
  • sudden movements;
  • poor comparison of tissues during suturing;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules.

This complication is rare and most often occurs in women with deep perineal tears. In this situation, you need to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible to prevent the occurrence of a purulent infection. The doctor will treat the wound with special antiseptics, and in some cases surgery will be required.

Bleeding at the suture is not always due to its divergence: perhaps you just move a lot and disturb it. But if the appearance of the suture or its pain bothers you, then it is best to visit a gynecologist.

Continuous pain in the area of ​​the stitches

If you are worried about pain in the area of ​​the sutures, then it is better to play it safe and consult a specialist. He will help solve the problem by prescribing warming up. The procedure can be performed two weeks after birth, one session lasts no longer than ten minutes.

Within two weeks after natural birth pain in the area of ​​the stitches is quite justified, because the tissues have not yet healed. In the case of a cesarean section, pain in the suture area may bother the woman for a month. If after this time they do not stop, then the young mother needs to see a doctor and tell him about the problem.

Feeling of heaviness in the perineum

If a young mother feels fullness, heaviness, or pain in the perineum, this may indicate accumulation of blood and the formation of a hematoma at the site of injury. Most often, the problem manifests itself in the first three days after childbirth, when the woman is still in the maternity hospital. She should notify the doctor about her feelings.

Painful swelling of wounds

Any deviation from the norm should be shown to a doctor. Swelling in the area following an episiotomy is called a keloid and is normal. This complication is classified as cosmetic and does not pose a health hazard. This scar does not cause painful sensations. Subsequently, it can be eliminated using laser technology or special ointments.

The cause of swelling at the seam may be an inflammatory process. Unlike keloid scars, this complication is accompanied by severe pain. The seam also changes its appearance: it becomes dense and sometimes turns red. In advanced cases, pus is released from the wound. Sometimes the complication is accompanied by an increase in temperature. With all these manifestations, you need to urgently consult a gynecologist. The problem with this complication is that it can show itself for a long time only as a slight redness and at the last moment become aggravated.

Fistula after childbirth

A fistula may appear at the site of the suture - a canal that connects body cavities or hollow organs to each other or to external environment. In appearance, it resembles a post-burn blister of liquid, which periodically bursts and reappears.

The fistula resembles a post-burn blister of fluid, which periodically bursts and reappears

This complication most often occurs after episiotomy due to inflammation of the suture. If a fistula appears, you need to consult a specialist.

The fistula can also be ligature (ligature is the threads with which the suture is applied). Ligature fistula is a neoplasm that sometimes occurs after inflammation and suppuration of non-absorbable surgical threads that are used to sew together skin or mucous tissue.


This complication is always noticeable immediately, but it is not necessary to wait for purulent discharge to determine it. If slight redness appears at the suture site, then in this case you should consult a gynecologist. Usually suppuration is accompanied by high temperature and swelling in the suture area. On initial stage complications, the gynecologist will treat the wound, and in advanced cases will be required surgery.

Seam granulation

This is a neoplasm at the suture site that does not develop into malignant tumor. With such a problem, you need to contact a gynecologist: usually the granulation is excised, but it can grow back. However, as practice shows, it is not recommended to have surgery in the first year after childbirth, because the body will begin to recover and the complication will resolve on its own. It is not necessary to excise the tumor: it is recommended to do this only in case of discomfort.

I had no complications after giving birth, but my friend had suppuration of the internal sutures, because of which she was kept in the maternity hospital for a long time. After each suture treatment, she left the office and climbed onto a chair standing next to the door. On this chair, the woman stood on all fours and howled in an inhuman voice. I felt very sorry for her, and it was difficult for me to imagine her pain, because I myself gave birth without ruptures.

Prevention during pregnancy to prevent ruptures during childbirth

Any expectant mother wants to avoid breakups. To give birth without them, pay attention to some recommendations:

  • do everything possible to give birth to the child on time;
  • take care of local “nutrition” of the perineum;
  • learn to control your muscles pelvic floor and vagina, so that when pushing, you can control the process of your own birth.

Premature birth can be associated not only with physical, but also with psychological problems women. But in any case, throughout pregnancy, a woman should not forget about exercises for pregnant women.

The expectant mother needs to take daily leisurely walks and generally be constantly on the move. If you feel unwell, on the contrary, the load should be limited.

To prepare the perineum for childbirth, you can carry out the oiling procedure. Moreover, experts advise oiling not only the perineum, but the entire body. To do this, you need to purchase a special oil for perineal massage. However, the procedure can be carried out using any vegetable oil. Almond is the most valuable, but you can also use sesame, olive, sunflower, flavoring it with a few drops of aromatic oil.

To avoid gaps, you need to try to give birth to the baby on time

Prepare the oil and lubricate your entire body with it, including intimate area. Sit for 10-15 minutes, then apply the oil again, and after 5-10 minutes begin to wash it off. To do this, prepare the composition in advance " warm water+ oatmeal, corn and pea flour.” Thanks to this “porridge” the skin will be nourished useful substances In addition, the product will absorb excess oil.

Special intimate gymnastics will help prepare the perineum for childbirth: alternately tensing and relaxing the vaginal muscles, which requires maximally squeezing the muscles of the anus and the entrance to the vagina.

I think that childbirth without ruptures is possible thanks to the correct behavior of the woman in labor: she needs to focus on the process and think about the baby. I did exactly this: I tried to relax and breathe, and the pain went away. Thanks to this, everything unfolded quickly. This allowed me to be distracted for a while, which was enough, and I did not call the doctors several times. But I immediately realized when it was really time to go to the chair. If you wait until the right moment, then delivery itself occurs quickly.

A woman is ready to endure the most terrible breakups in order to receive the long-awaited baby, whom she managed to fall in love with while the baby was under her heart. But a young mother is simply obliged to take care of her health: she must not only know what to do if a particular complication occurs and how to care for stitches after childbirth, but also protect herself from possible problems through careful preparation during pregnancy.

Any surgical intervention is a forced measure associated with varying degrees of trauma to body tissues. The recovery time of the body after surgery and the speed of healing of the sutures determine how quickly the patient can return to active life. Therefore, questions about how quickly the sutures will heal and how to avoid postoperative complications are so important. The speed of wound healing, the risk of complications and the appearance of the scar after surgery depend on the suture material and the method of suturing. We'll talk more about seams today in our article.

Types of suture materials and suturing methods in modern medicine

An ideal suture material should have the following characteristics:

Be smooth and glide without causing additional damage. Be elastic, stretchable, without causing compression and tissue necrosis. Be durable and withstand loads. Tie securely in knots. Be biocompatible with body tissues, inert (do not cause tissue irritation), and have low allergenicity. The material should not swell from moisture. The period of destruction (biodegradation) of absorbable materials must coincide with the time of wound healing.

Different suture materials have different qualities. Some of them are advantages, others are disadvantages of the material. For example, smooth threads will be difficult to tighten into a strong knot, and the use of natural materials, so valued in other areas, is often associated with increased risk development of infection or allergy. Therefore, the search for the ideal material continues, and so far there are at least 30 thread options, the choice of which depends on specific needs.

Suture materials are divided into synthetic and natural, absorbable and non-absorbable. In addition, materials are manufactured consisting of one thread or several: monofilament or multifilament, twisted, braided, having various coatings.

Non-absorbable materials:

Natural - silk, cotton. Silk is a relatively durable material, thanks to its plasticity it ensures the reliability of knots. Silk is a conditionally non-absorbable material: over time its strength decreases, and after about a year the material is absorbed. In addition, silk threads cause a pronounced immune response and can serve as a reservoir of infection in the wound. Cotton has low strength and can also cause intense inflammatory reactions. Stainless steel threads are durable and produce minimal inflammatory reactions. Used in operations on abdominal cavity, when suturing the sternum and tendons. The best characteristics have synthetic non-absorbable materials. They are more durable and their use causes minimal inflammation. Such threads are used to connect soft tissues, in cardiac and neurosurgery, and ophthalmology.

Absorbable materials:

Natural catgut. The disadvantages of the material include a pronounced tissue reaction, the risk of infection, insufficient strength, inconvenience in use, and the inability to predict the timing of resorption. Therefore, the material is currently practically not used. Synthetic absorbable materials. Made from degradable biopolymers. They are divided into mono and polyfilament. Much more reliable compared to catgut. Have certain deadlines resorption, which differs for different materials, is quite durable, does not cause significant tissue reactions, and does not slip in the hands. Not used in neuro and cardiac surgery, ophthalmology, in situations where constant strength of sutures is required (for suturing tendons, coronary vessels).

Suture methods:

Ligature sutures - they are used to ligate vessels to ensure hemostasis. Primary sutures - allow you to compare the edges of the wound for healing by primary intention. Sutures can be continuous or interrupted. According to indications, immersed, purse-string and subcutaneous sutures can be applied. Secondary sutures - this method is used to strengthen the primary sutures, to re-close the wound with a large number granulations, in order to strengthen the wound, healing by secondary intention. Such sutures are called retention sutures and are used to unload the wound and reduce tissue tension. If the primary suture was applied in a continuous manner, interrupted sutures are used for the secondary suture, and vice versa.

How long do stitches take to heal?

Every surgeon strives to achieve wound healing by primary intention. In this case, tissue restoration takes place in as soon as possible, swelling is minimal, there is no suppuration, the amount of discharge from the wound is insignificant. Scarring with this type of healing is minimal. The process goes through 3 phases:

Inflammatory reaction(first 5 days), when leukocytes and macrophages migrate to the wound area, destroying microbes, foreign particles, and destroyed cells. During this period, the connection of the tissues has not reached sufficient strength, and they are held together by seams. The phase of migration and proliferation (up to the 14th day), when fibroblasts produce collagen and fibrin in the wound. Thanks to this, granulation tissue is formed from the 5th day, and the strength of fixation of the wound edges increases. Phase of maturation and restructuring (from the 14th day until complete healing). During this phase, collagen synthesis and formation continues. connective tissue. Gradually, a scar forms at the site of the wound.

How long does it take for stitches to be removed?

When the wound has healed to the point that it no longer requires the support of non-absorbable sutures, they are removed. The procedure is carried out under sterile conditions. At the first stage, the wound is treated with an antiseptic, and hydrogen peroxide is used to remove crusts. Grasping the thread with surgical tweezers, cross it at the point where it enters the skin. Gently pull the thread from the opposite side.

Suture removal time depending on their location:

Sutures on the skin of the torso and limbs should be left in place for 7 to 10 days. Stitches on the face and neck are removed after 2-5 days. Retention sutures are left in place for 2-6 weeks.

Factors influencing the healing process

The speed of healing of sutures depends on many factors, which can be divided into several groups:

Features and nature of the wound. Definitely, wound healing after minor surgery will be faster than after laparotomy. The process of tissue restoration is lengthened in the case of suturing a wound after an injury, when there has been contamination, penetration of foreign bodies, and crushing of tissue. Location of the wound. Healing occurs best in areas with good blood supply, with a small thickness of the layer of subcutaneous fat. Factors determined by the nature and quality of the services provided surgical care. In this case, the features of the incision, the quality of intraoperative hemostasis (stopping bleeding), the type of suture materials used, the choice of suturing method, compliance with aseptic rules, and much more are important. Factors related to the patient’s age, weight, and health status. Tissue repair is faster at a young age and in people with normal body weight. Chronic diseases, in particular diabetes mellitus and other endocrine disorders, oncopathology, prolong the healing process and can provoke the development of complications. vascular diseases. At risk are patients with foci of chronic infection, with reduced immunity, smokers, and HIV-infected people. Reasons related to the care of the postoperative wound and sutures, compliance with diet and drinking regimen, and the patient’s physical activity in postoperative period, following the surgeon’s recommendations, taking medications.

How to properly care for seams

If the patient is in the hospital, the sutures are cared for by a doctor or nurse. At home, the patient should follow the doctor's recommendations for wound care. It is necessary to keep the wound clean, treat it daily with an antiseptic: a solution of iodine, potassium permanganate, brilliant green. If a bandage is applied, consult your doctor before removing it. Can speed up healing special drugs. One of these products is contractubex gel, containing onion extract, allantoin, and heparin. It can be applied after epithelization of the wound.

For the speedy healing of postpartum sutures, it is required strict adherence hygiene rules:

  • washing hands thoroughly before using the toilet;
  • frequent change gaskets;
  • daily change of linen and towels;
  • within a month, taking a bath should be replaced with a hygienic shower.

If there are external seams on the perineum, in addition to careful hygiene you need to take care of the dryness of the wound, you should not sit on a hard surface for the first 2 weeks, constipation should be avoided. It is recommended to lie on your side, sit on a circle or pillow. The doctor may recommend special exercises to improve blood supply to tissues and wound healing.

Healing of sutures after caesarean section

You will need to wear a postoperative bandage and maintain hygiene; after discharge, it is recommended to take a shower and wash the skin in the suture area twice a day with soap. At the end of the second week, you can use special ointments to restore the skin.

Healing of sutures after laparoscopy

Complications after laparoscopy are rare. To protect yourself, you should follow bed rest days after the intervention. At first, it is recommended to stick to a diet and give up alcohol. For body hygiene, a shower is used, and the suture area is treated with an antiseptic. The first 3 weeks limit physical activity.

Possible complications

The main complications during wound healing are pain, suppuration and insufficient sutures (dehiscence). Suppuration can develop due to the penetration of bacteria, fungi or viruses into the wound. Most often, infection is caused by bacteria. Therefore, after surgery, the surgeon often prescribes a course of antibiotics for prophylactic purposes. Postoperative suppuration requires identification of the pathogen and determination of its sensitivity to antibacterial agents. In addition to prescribing antibiotics, the wound may need to be opened and drained.

What to do if the seam comes apart?

Insufficiency of sutures is more often observed in elderly and debilitated patients. The most likely timing of complications is from 5 to 12 days after surgery. In such a situation, you must immediately contact medical care. The doctor will decide on further management of the wound: leave it open or re-suture the wound. In case of evisceration - penetration of an intestinal loop through a wound, emergency surgical intervention is required. This complication may occur due to bloating, severe coughing or vomiting.

What to do if the stitch hurts after surgery?

Pain in the suture area for a week after surgery can be considered normal. During the first few days, the surgeon may recommend taking a painkiller. Following your doctor’s recommendations will help reduce pain: limitation physical activity, wound care, wound hygiene. If the pain is intense or persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor, since pain may be a symptom of complications: inflammation, infection, formation of adhesions, hernia.

You can speed up wound healing using folk remedies. For this purpose, herbal mixtures are used internally in the form of infusions, extracts, decoctions and local applications, herbal ointments, rubbing. Here are some of the folk remedies used:

Pain and itching in the suture area can be relieved with the help of herbal decoctions: chamomile, calendula, sage. Treatment of the wound with vegetable oils - sea buckthorn, tea tree, olive. The frequency of treatment is twice a day. Lubricating the scar with a cream containing calendula extract. Applying a cabbage leaf to the wound. The procedure has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect. Cabbage leaf must be clean, it must be doused with boiling water.

Before using herbal remedies, you should definitely consult a surgeon. He will help you choose individual treatment and will give the necessary recommendations.

What will you learn from the article about postpartum stitches:

  • 1

    Types of postpartum sutures;

  • 2

    How long does it take for sutures to heal after childbirth?

  • 3

    Features of caring for sutures on the perineum;

  • 4

    How to care for a suture after a caesarean section;

  • 5

    Features of the regime for seams on the perineum;

  • 6

    How long should you not sit down with stitches in the crotch;

  • 7

    In what position to feed a child with stitches in the perineum;

  • 8

    Features of the regime for sutures after cesarean section;

  • 9

    How long do stitches bother you after childbirth?

  • 10

    Possible complications postpartum sutures.

First, let's figure out what kind of seams there are, since each type of seams may require its own restrictive measures and care features.

So, after childbirth the following types of sutures are possible::

  1. suture after caesarean section- a transverse incision is currently being made in the lower abdomen, which corresponds to the lower segment of the uterus, 12-13 cm long and contains 2 sutures: an internal one - the uterus is sutured, and an external one, which we see on the skin.
  2. stitches on the cervix- This internal seams, which are applied in the event of its rupture during physiological childbirth. The reason for this may be incomplete dilatation of the cervix, rapid labor.
  3. stitches on the vaginal walls- internal sutures that are applied in case of vaginal rupture, which also occurs when rapid labor and with inflammation of the vagina - in this case the walls become inelastic and are easily injured.
  4. crotch seams - external. Apply in cases of perineal rupture to varying degrees and with episiotomy (artificial incision of the perineum). The cause of rupture and episiotomy is rapid labor, high position of the perineum, breech presentation fetus and others.
Regardless of location, seams can be divided into internal and external. No care is required for the internal ones; they are performed with absorbable threads and heal on their own.

External seams differ only in the suture material with which they are made, and regardless of the location of the seam and the technique of its implementation, they require proper care.

How long does it take for stitches to heal after childbirth?

The speed of healing of sutures depends on several factors. Whether the wound is lacerated or cut. From suture material, which may or may not be absorbable (threads that require removal, or metal staples). From some concomitant diseases, which impair the healing of any wounds. And also from seam care and personal hygiene.

Seams on lacerations always heal a week longer than cut ones. Postpartum sutures with the application of absorbable materials heal in about 10-15 days, and dissolve in another week. Sutures using threads that require subsequent removal heal after 15-20 days, and dissolve within a week after healing. Sutures for which metal staples are used heal in 3-4 weeks and dissolve within 1 week.

The healing of sutures can be worsened by: concomitant diabetes mellitus, massive blood loss, anemia, flabby muscles and skin, etc.

How to care for a postpartum suture?

Internal seams do not require special care. The internal suture after a cesarean section is covered with skin and does not come into contact with the environment.

And if there are stitches on the cervix and vagina, it is necessary to empty them in a timely manner bladder, intestines, observe intimate hygiene and do not lift heavy objects. In most cases, these sutures are applied with absorbable sutures and do not require removal, but heal and scar on their own.

External seams are in contact with the environment, so there is a risk of infection, and such seams require careful care.

The suture after a cesarean section is looked after by medical personnel for the first few days while the woman is in the maternity hospital. The suture is treated daily with an antiseptic and a sterile bandage is applied. On average, the sutures are removed after a week, after which treatment is continued until complete healing.

The woman is very worried about the stitches on the perineum. These stitches cannot be stitched aseptic dressing, these seams make themselves felt during any emptying and require very careful care. After each urination and defecation, you must wash yourself with running water at room temperature without soap.

Twice a day, morning and evening, wash the seam with soap, but do not rub them with a washcloth. Then dry the skin in the seam area using blotting movements. It is best to use disposable paper towels for this. But you can get a towel only for the crotch, and change it every day. After water procedures Don’t rush to put on underwear; air baths promote tissue regeneration.

You cannot wear synthetic underwear - only cotton, or special disposable underwear is a good option.

You should not wear shapewear; it interferes with proper blood flow, which is necessary for the healing of the seam.

It is necessary to change the gasket at least once every 2 hours, even if it is not full, microorganisms simply multiply in it.

These sutures do not need to be treated with antiseptics and antibiotic ointments without indications; they are used only when the suture is suppurated. For care, you can use products that promote rapid tissue regeneration, but do not contain an antiseptic or antibacterial component: bepanten, sea buckthorn oil, etc. When suppuration occurs, the suture is treated with antiseptics (brilliant green solution, chlorophyllipt, chlorhexidine, etc.) and ointments with antibiotics (levomekol, oflocaine, etc.). But if the suture becomes infected and inflamed, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor, since inadequate treatment can lead to complications in the form of inflammation of the internal genital organs.

If a dense, inelastic scar is formed, the doctor may prescribe special absorbable ointments that are applied daily to the scar area for several months.

Features of the mode when postpartum sutures

Our biggest fear is that the seam will come apart. Therefore, with postpartum sutures, it is necessary to take precautions to prevent their divergence. Two components play a leading role here: timely bowel movements And preventing constipation, and limiting physical activity.

Constipation leads to the need to strain when defecating, and this poses a risk of suture dehiscence. Constipation also leads to the proliferation of saprophytic flora, which increases the risk of infection of the suture.

You should try to regulate your stool as much as possible with your diet, but with the need to adhere to a strict diet, this is not always possible. To soften the stool, a nursing woman can eat at least a glass of any fermented milk product (yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, acidophilus, etc.) and 1 tsp milk thistle fiber every day. up to three times a day with meals and drink plenty of fluids. In the first three days, you can do an enema or put a glycerin suppository with every urge to defecate. If constipation still occurs, then it is necessary to do an enema to empty the intestines.

A woman should not lift weights for two weeks. Also, with stitches on the perineum, the most important restriction is a ban on sitting for at least 2 weeks. And this is perhaps the most difficult moment. This would be easier if a woman after giving birth did not have to care for a newborn baby and a family. And you also need to somehow get home from the maternity hospital. It is recommended to ride in a car lying down, standing or reclining on your healthy side. From supine position In a standing position, you need to rise without sitting. You need to get up in a position on your side through healthy side(opposite from the one on which there are seams), then get on all fours and thus go down to the floor.

You can sit down slightly on the toilet, but place the main support on your healthy side.

You cannot squat or make any sudden movements. All movements should be soft and smooth.
You can start sitting down after two weeks, if there are no concomitant diseases that impair tissue regeneration, and only on a hard surface. And only after a week - to the soft one.

If a woman gave birth through a cesarean section, then for the first 2-3 days, as a rule, analgesics are administered to reduce the intensity of pain in the area of ​​the postpartum suture, and then it is recommended to wear a special bandage or tighten the abdomen with a diaper or, even better, a long elastic bandage.

After any abdominal operations surgeons do not recommend lifting weights more than 2 kg. It would be ideal to follow this recommendation for the postpartum woman. But this can only be done with outside help, if someone close to you takes full care of the baby, and the mother is brought in only for feeding. And so on until the suture heals - on average 2 weeks. If this is not possible, then it is recommended not to lift anything more than the child’s weight (3-4 kg).

In what position should you feed a baby with stitches in the perineum?

It is also necessary to feed the baby while lying down. A very comfortable position in which the mother lies on her side and places the hand on this side behind the baby’s back or behind her head. And the baby is on the other side, facing his mother, with his tummy pressed against her. In this case, you need to put a comfortable pillow under your head. You may also need a pillow or bolster made of any fabric under your back in the pelvic area or between your knees.

1.5-2 weeks after birth, you can feed the baby in your arms, reclining, but very carefully.

How long do stitches bother you after childbirth?

The stitches may continue to bother you for months after healing. And the intensity of pain decreases on days 5-7 with successful healing. But if the pain lasts longer, or has intensified, if there is suppuration of the suture, bleeding from the suture, or a rise in temperature, then this is a mandatory reason to consult a gynecologist.
After 2-3 weeks, itching and a slight feeling of tightness may occur, which indicates resorption of the suture.

With stitches in the perineum, discomfort, a feeling of tightness and pain during intercourse are possible for several months to six months.

Within two weeks, the pain in the area of ​​the sutures should stop, but sometimes it happens that after this time, the sutures continue to bother the woman, accompanied by pain, discomfort, bloody discharge, unpleasant smell, suppuration, or suture dehiscence. And any of these conditions is a reason to consult a doctor.

Possible complications of postpartum sutures:

  1. Pain. If pain persists after two weeks and is not detected during a medical examination objective reasons pain, then in this case warming up using an infrared, blue or quartz lamp may be prescribed. The session lasts for 5-10 minutes from a distance of 50 cm. Warming up can begin no earlier than two weeks after birth. If procedures are started earlier, this may cause uterine bleeding. Warming can be done independently at home, but only with a doctor’s prescription after an examination.

    Special ointments for scar resorption may also be prescribed.

  2. Seam divergence. If the seam comes apart, then two options for further tactics are possible. It depends on whether the wound has already healed or not and on the degree of suture divergence. In most cases, stitches are not re-applied, and healing occurs by secondary intention. This creates a less elastic scar. In some cases, new sutures are placed, but a new section of the skin must be made, since the sutures do not cover infected wounds. After this, local use of drugs that promote rapid regeneration is recommended.
  3. Itching. In most cases, about two weeks after the suture is applied, the woman begins to experience itching, sometimes very severe. But, as a rule, this is not a deviation, but, on the contrary, indicates healing of the suture. Itching is accompanied by scar resorption. In this case, it is recommended to wash yourself as often as possible. cool water, but not hot!

    But in some cases, if there is itching not only in the scar area, but also in the area of ​​all external genitalia and in the vagina, this indicates inflammation or dysbiosis of the vagina.

  4. Suppuration. If there is purulent discharge from the suture, which can be from gray to green in color, with an unpleasant odor, then this condition is very dangerous due to its spread purulent process and requires mandatory examination by a doctor. In most cases, external treatment with antiseptics and antibiotic ointments, which should be prescribed by a doctor after examination, is sufficient. In more severe cases or with concomitant diabetes mellitus or thyroid diseases, systemic antibacterial drugs may be prescribed.
  5. Bleeding. If there is bleeding from the postpartum suture, this indicates its insolvency, that there are areas where the edges of the wound do not close and, exposed during movements, bleed. This occurs when the seam diverges after early sitting. In most cases this is not required special measures, and the seams heal on their own. In some cases, re-suturing is required.

During labor activity Women in labor experience tears and cracks in the vagina, cervix and perineum. Today this is not a big deal; obstetricians quickly eliminate the unpleasant consequences of childbirth. Internal stitches after childbirth are painful and take a long time to heal. To speed up the process as much as possible, they need to be cared for and processed.

Based on the place being sutured, the internal (uterus, vagina) and external seams(crotch). Each option is performed differently and uses special material, so scars require careful care and proper hygiene.

Internal sutures on the cervix occur due to the large size of the fetus. Anesthesia is not used, because the pain threshold after the child passes through the birth canal has not yet decreased. Sew with catgut, self-absorbing threads that do not need to be removed.

Sometimes Vicryl or Capron are used. The sewing material is hypoallergenic, does not feel, and does not cause discomfort. The procedure does not require special care, because the scar is located deep in the middle of the vagina.

Internal and external sutures on the vagina appear through injuries during childbirth, with small and deep ruptures. When applying sutures, local anesthesia is used with novocaine injections. Postpartum internal sutures on the vagina are made with catgut threads, which do not need to be removed. The scars are felt and remain painful for 2-3 days and do not require special care.

Sutures are placed on the perineum due to cracks, injuries during childbirth and after episiotomy. Internal and external seams on the perineum are made with special material, based on the degree of complexity of the rupture or cut.

Use catgut for light cracks, and silk or nylon for deep wounds. Use local anesthesia by injecting the desired area with lidocaine. Scars on the perineum hurt for a long time, cause discomfort, require sexual rest, proper hygiene(after every trip to the toilet), treatment with septic tanks.

Healing time

After suturing the injured area, the mother in labor should know how long the recovery process is. After all, everyone wants to quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations after childbirth.

How long does it take for internal stitches to heal? It depends on the material used to sew. If absorbable threads are used, everything will go away in 12-14 days, the scars will heal within a month after delivery.

When using a material that will not dissolve on its own, the sutures are removed after 5-6 days. The inner seam is healed with silk or vicryl. The characteristics of the organism play a big role. In women with good tissue regeneration, recovery is much faster.

How long it takes for the scar to heal completely depends on the contact of microorganisms with the wound. Good hygiene is required to prevent infection from entering fresh scars.

Many women do not wait for the internal sutures to heal after childbirth; mothers are looking for ways to quickly recover after the birth of the baby. But the most important rule in this case is hygiene and compliance with the obstetrician’s recommendations.

Diagnostics. Before discharge from the hospital, the doctor examines the internal stitches. Next, the woman is sent for an ultrasound, where the sutured areas are examined. The way the internal seams look after childbirth determines whether the woman in labor will go home or not.

Usually the sutures on the uterus are not removed; they remain for life. If catgut was applied, the internal sutures will dissolve on their own after childbirth.

  • do not get up for the first 2-3 days after the birth process;
  • sit on the floor - lying down for the first week;
  • feed the baby only from the “lying down” position, so as not to create additional pressure on the uterus;
  • resume sexual activity after 2-2.5 months;
  • change the pad no later than after 3 hours to prevent infection from getting into open wounds.

In a month, the internal and external sutures will quickly heal, and the feeling of discomfort will leave the woman forever. After the birth of the child, you need to come to an appointment with a local gynecologist at your place of residence. He will conduct an examination and make a conclusion about the condition of the postpartum scars.


The internal seams do not require special attention. Due to postpartum lochia, the woman in labor does not have the opportunity to disinfect wounds and insert sterile tampons.

By following simple recommendations, it is possible to reduce the period during which ruptures and scars after childbirth heal. You should not be overloaded with homework, you need to get enough sleep and not get too cold. If you experience discomfort in the area of ​​the postpartum scar, you should consult a gynecologist, this may be a symptom of complications.

To ensure that the internal seams do not take too long, you need:

  1. maintain personal hygiene (wash frequently, change sanitary pads);
  2. do not use panties to avoid squeezing the uterus;
  3. empty the bladder in time so that it does not interfere with the contraction of the uterus;
  4. do not lift anything heavier than your child;
  5. carry out bowel movements in a timely manner, because constipation affects the muscles of the perineum, which causes additional pain and discomfort.

You need to eat right for timely bowel movements, drink a teaspoon of vegetable oil or flax to prevent constipation. If the internal seams itch, this is good; the sensations indicate tissue fusion.

To relieve discomfort, it is recommended to wash your face frequently. warm water no soap. It happens that the mother feels discomfort or pain at the scar site. This means that the recovery process did not go as expected.

Possible complications

Can internal seams hurt? The phenomenon is quite possible, it is caused by difficulties with healing open wounds. Then it is required medical intervention, including medication and antiseptic treatment. The obstetrician must take action and prescribe adequate treatment for scar healing pathology.

Why do internal stitches hurt after childbirth:

  • due to discrepancy (complete or partial);
  • through the peculiarity of the wound healing period;
  • there is suppuration;
  • due to bleeding

How long do internal stitches hurt after childbirth? This depends on the nature of the wound, its location and the ability of the body tissue to recover quickly. If the internal sutures hurt for a long time, due to slow cell regeneration, the woman in labor is prescribed warming.

The procedure is performed no earlier than 2 weeks after birth, when the uterus has shrunk to its original size. The scar is heated for 10 minutes for 14 days, or until the discomfort goes away completely.

What to do if internal stitches hurt after childbirth:

  • contact a gynecologist;
  • undergo examination;
  • take treatment.

If hospitalization is necessary, do not hesitate, otherwise the consequences will be dire. By ignoring the advice of an obstetrician, a woman provokes complications in the postpartum period.

When a seam comes apart, it’s scary, it opens up internal bleeding which is difficult to stop. You need to react quickly and go to the gynecologist. If there is a complication, treatment is prescribed for partial discrepancy and re-overlay seams at full.

When the scar inside the vagina festers, a woman develops red-green discharge with an unpleasant odor. You need to notify your gynecologist about the pathology, because the presence of infection in postpartum sutures is dangerous for infecting the body. Anti-inflammatory drugs, wound treatment with septic tanks and healing ointments are prescribed.

If the internal scar bleeds, this is abnormal. The case was provoked by neglecting the doctor’s recommendations. For example, when a woman began to sit down or lift weights earlier than expected. In this situation, you need to immediately seek help so as not to miss the moment. Uterine bleeding can be stopped in the first hours after its appearance.

Scars after cesarean section

During surgical delivery there are also internal and external sutures. This is a scar on the uterus, abdominal wall and lower abdomen. As a rule, during such births the woman spends longer in the maternity hospital. A nurse takes care of the wounds, changes the bandages and treats the scars with cutasept.

The first week a woman wears postoperative bandage, which supports the internal seams. On the first day you should not take a shower, then this is not prohibited, you just need to blot the wound dry after each trip to the bathroom. For faster tissue restoration, women in labor are prescribed healing ointments or suppositories.

With poor quality scar care, complications associated with infection occur. Then the adhesive begins to ooze and a high temperature appears. The doctor prescribes antiseptic therapy for several days, then everything goes away. It happens that the seams come apart, this is a sign that the woman has lifted weights. This complication is eliminated by suturing the injured area.

The body fully recovers after a cesarean section no earlier than 2-3 months from the date of birth. All this time you should limit yourself in sports, sex life and large physical activity. Then the postpartum period will pass quickly and without any pathologies.

Childbirth is always a risk of tears and cracks, as well as an emergency caesarean section. Therefore, when choosing an obstetrician-gynecologist, you need to be sure that he will perform high-quality suturing. Caring for postpartum scars is also important. Neglecting the doctor's recommendations provokes the appearance of serious complications postpartum period.

Childbirth may be accompanied by ruptures of the tissues of the birth canal or special incisions made by the doctor. This procedure is called an episiotomy or perineotomy, depending on the direction of the incision. Wounds are carefully sutured, and sutures in the perineal area require special care.

Types of postpartum wounds

Vaginal birth can result in tissue from the cervix, vagina, or perineum. Injuries more often occur on altered tissues if there is acute or chronic inflammation. The cervix or vagina acquires a loose structure, the epithelium becomes thinner. Therefore, during childbirth, at the moment of friction, cracks or deeper tears occur. There is no way to prevent injury to the vagina or cervix. The only prevention is timely treatment inflammatory diseases and correct behavior during childbirth.

Perineal ruptures can occur when the tissues are insufficiently elastic and the fetal head is large. An incised wound heals better than a lacerated one, a neat scar is formed and there is less risk of complications or deep ruptures. Therefore, when signs of tissue spreading appear, the doctor makes an incision in the direction of the ischial tuberosity -.

Depending on the location of the wound, suture material is selected:

  • internal sutures are placed on the cervix and vaginal tissue, using absorbable catgut material;
  • external ones are done on the perineum with non-absorbable threads.

Features of cervical and vaginal ruptures

The cervix ruptures during rapid labor, a large baby, or in cases where the woman in labor begins to push while not fully dilated. Tears appear on the neck, altered by scar tissue after treatment of erosion and previous injuries. A rupture can be suspected by the appearance of a small amount of blood during childbirth. But most often they are discovered during examination of the birth canal after the birth of the placenta.

Typical places for ruptures on the neck are at 3 and 9 o'clock on the conventional dial. Anesthesia is not needed during suturing; the tissues lose sensitivity. The doctor may apply continuous or separate interrupted sutures. The choice of technique depends on the depth of the rupture and the individual characteristics of the wound.

Vaginal tears are also found during examination. They can have different depths, but most often affect the integumentary tissue. Anesthesia is used for suturing. Apply local remedies in the form of an injection of Novocaine or Lidocaine. Self-absorbing sutures are applied. Their threads will come out naturally along with the discharge.

For deep vaginal ruptures, as well as for women who have undergone manual release placenta or examination of the uterine cavity, tissues are sutured under anesthesia.

How long after childbirth do stitches on the cervix or vagina dissolve?

It depends on individual characteristics, the depth of the rupture and the absence of complications. Most often, complete healing of the cervix takes 2-4 weeks, and the vagina - up to 3 weeks.

Wound after episiotomy

A neat incision in the perineum can have different depths. The length of the incision ranges from 4 cm. Sometimes the doctor cuts only the skin and subcutaneous tissue, this turns out to be enough for normal continuation of labor and prevention of rupture. But in severe cases, the incision affects the edge of the muscle. This affects the nature of the seams:

  • a small incision is closed with one row of sutures;
  • The deep incision is sutured in 2 stages: first, the deep tissues are connected with absorbable threads, then the skin is connected with non-absorbable threads.

Similar tactics for those who did not have time to warn. The provision of assistance differs if a deep rupture has formed that affects the tissue of the rectum. In this case, the help of proctologists or abdominal surgeons is required; the operation is performed under anesthesia.

Episiotomy and perineotomy differ in the direction of the incision

External sutures are applied in separate knots. The doctor begins to sew from the corner of the wound towards the vagina, matching its edges to form a vulvar ring. The number of nodes depends on the length of the wound.

Sometimes they impose cosmetic stitches, which are performed with a continuous thread that is applied inside the skin in a zigzag pattern. After healing and removal of the stitches, the scar becomes almost invisible. But most often this type is used during cesarean section.

How long does it take for stitches to heal after an episiotomy?

The healing time is determined by the depth of the wound. The smaller the incision, the faster the tissue integrity is restored. The suture material is removed during the normal course of the postpartum period before discharge on the 5th day. But after ruptures and deep cuts, it may take up to 10 days. Then the nodes will be removed in antenatal clinic or when contacting emergency department maternity hospital

But removing the threads does not mean the full formation of a scar; this process lasts for a month or more in case of deep wounds.

Features of wound care

Avoid infectious complications Proper stitch care helps.

Internal wounds do not require special treatment. In some maternity hospitals, they are lubricated with a solution of potassium permanganate during examination on the chair, but most often doctors try not to interfere with the vagina during healing. This is accompanied by pain and increases the risk of infection.

The first treatment of postpartum sutures on the perineum is carried out in the delivery room, they are lubricated with a solution of brilliant green. After returning to the room and a short rest, the young mother should go to the shower and clean herself up. Enough ordinary water without the use of soap and gels. The episiotomy area will hurt, this area is washed carefully and dried with a sterile diaper using blotting movements.

Wounds on the perineum require careful hygiene. During the first round, the doctor tells the postpartum woman how to care for the sutures after childbirth. So that the wounds dry out and do not develop anaerobic infection, necessary permanent access air. It is recommended that a woman spend as much time as possible without underwear, lying on her back in bed with her knees bent. If you need underwear, you need to follow these tips:

  • choose panties from natural fabrics;
  • use disposable panties made of non-woven materials;
  • use sterile pads or pads.

Sterile pads are changed after each visit to the toilet. in the first days there is a lot, so you can use urological pads. They are long and absorbent. The pads are changed every 3-4 hours so that the wound has minimal contact with vaginal discharge. Lochia is a breeding ground for bacteria that can cause complications.

In the maternity hospital they try to smear the seams with a solution of brilliant green. Some clinics use strong solution potassium permanganate, iodine is used very rarely for this procedure. The treatment is carried out daily by a nurse. During a daily round, the doctor must examine the sutures in order to monitor their healing and notice signs of complications in time.

Special treatment of sutures at home is not required unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor. It is enough to maintain hygiene, change pads and wash yourself after each visit to the toilet.

How much stitches hurt depends on the individual. pain threshold. Expressed pain syndrome For most women, it goes away within a few days. You can reduce it using a heating pad with ice or special chilled gel pads. For sensitive patients, irrigation with local anesthetics and anesthetic gels are prescribed for pain relief. Analgin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used less frequently.

By the time of discharge, there may be a slight tingling sensation and a feeling of discomfort, but there should not be acute or unbearable pain. This is a sign of inflammation.

Lifestyle during healing

To prevent the tissue in the wound from spreading, doctors do not allow you to sit on your buttocks.

How long can you sit after giving birth with stitches?

The period depends on the size of the incision. Many doctors follow the old rule that the number of weeks corresponds to the number of stitches. Therefore, with a small incision that required 3 stitches, you cannot sit down for 3 weeks. Those who received 5 stitches need to lie down or stand for 5 weeks. The ban on sitting makes the way of life in the maternity hospital special:

  • the baby will have to be fed while lying on its side;
  • you need to get out of bed or an examination chair with an emphasis on lateral surface hips;
  • you need to eat while standing; in the canteens of maternity hospitals there are special high tables at chest level for this purpose;
  • At home, you will also have to eat standing or reclining.

You need to think about the moment of discharge from the maternity hospital and transportation home in advance. For a young mother, you will need an empty back seat of the car so that she can freely recline on her side.

Hygienic procedures during the healing of sutures are carried out after each visit to the toilet. If there is a bidet in the room, this makes washing up easier. In other cases, you need to use a shower. The water jet is directed from front to back. You should not try to pour it into the vagina or wash this area with your fingers. To wash the perineum, use a separate sponge, not intended for the rest of the body.

In the first month of the postpartum period, you should not lie in a hot bath; this is harmful to the contracting uterus and the scar on the perineum. The main way to wash is the shower.

Blot the perineum with a separate towel, which is changed each time after use.

After being discharged home, you should not immediately switch to lace, synthetic or shapewear underwear. It does not allow the body to breathe, and tight models disrupt microcirculation and impair healing.

After giving birth, women may have problems with bowel movements. Pain in the perineum also occurs after normal childbirth, and for those who have had an episiotomy, the discomfort is stronger. Therefore, many are afraid to empty their bowels.

The first urge to defecate appears on the 2-3rd day. They cannot be contained. Otherwise, the stool loses water, becomes compacted, and constipation occurs. Then going to the toilet will be much more painful.

If the desire to empty your bowels does not appear on your own or there is fear due to an episiotomy, you can use laxatives:

  • castor oil;
  • lactulose solution (Duphalac);
  • microenemas Microlax.

An alternative to laxatives is a cleansing enema. It can be avoided by proper nutrition. Women are advised to exclude foods that contribute to the constipation of stool and the development of constipation:

  • baked goods, baked goods made from white flour;
  • potato;
  • strong tea.

IN daily diet there should be foods that contain fiber and can speed up the passage feces in the intestines:

  • vegetable oil;
  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • beet;
  • bread with bran.

A young mother should eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, consume fermented milk products, lean meat so that the stool remains normal. A nursing mother's need for fluid increases. Lack of water will lead to constipation and poor healing, so you need to drink 2-2.5 liters per day.

Removing threads

The suture material on the perineum is removed on the 5th day on the day of discharge, if there are no complications. The removal date will be delayed in case of deep tears or cuts in the tissue.

In case of ruptures of the cervix or vagina, the threads are not removed; they will dissolve on their own. Threads come out of the seam along with lochia. They can be seen on the pad a few weeks after birth.

Whether it hurts to remove stitches after an episiotomy is assessed subjectively by each woman. Some people feel a tingling or burning sensation.

The doctor removes the threads from the perineum during the examination before discharge or entrusts this to the midwife. To do this, use tweezers and sterile scissors. The procedure is carried out on a gynecological chair. Each knot is carefully lifted above the skin and one thread is trimmed, the remainder is pulled out. At this moment, an unpleasant painful sensation may occur.

Cosmetic threads are removed differently. The retaining beads are cut off from the ends and carefully pulled out of the skin. This may also be accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

After removal, the wounds are treated with brilliant green.

Possible complications

The first complications may arise already in the maternity hospital. The most common conditions that occur are:

  • infectious;
  • hematoma;
  • divergence.

The appearance of redness in the wound area, swelling, and increased pain is a sign of infection. In the initial stage, physiotherapy is prescribed in the maternity hospital. The use of quartz treatment on a wound, ultraviolet or infrared irradiation is effective.

Sometimes a white coating appears on the seams. This is a sign of a fungal infection. To prevent the wound from becoming separated, it is necessary to treat it with antifungal ointments. Preparations based on Clotrimazole and Pimafucin are effective. They act locally.

If the sutures fester after childbirth, then antibiotics are necessary. Tactics depend on the severity of inflammation. In severe cases, the wound is opened under local anesthesia, remove purulent contents, wash with antiseptic solutions:

  • furatsilin;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • potassium permanganate.

Sometimes wipes soaked in solutions of proteolytic enzymes are used. They help clean the surface of the wound and speed up healing. After treatment, the perineum heals by secondary intention without tightening the edges with threads.

If a vessel is damaged, blood may accumulate in the area of ​​the episiotomy wound and a hematoma may form. Blood can accumulate in the labia area and soak into the tissue. The woman feels increased pain in the perineum, a feeling of fullness in the wound area. Large hematomas can put pressure on the rectum, bladder and make it difficult to go to the toilet. Body temperature remains normal.

Treatment for a hematoma depends on its size. For small sizes, apply an ice pack to the lesion. Large hematomas require surgical treatment.

Dehiscence of the edges of the scar may occur in the maternity hospital or after being admitted home. This condition only affects wounds on the perineum. Worries about whether the internal seams might come apart are in vain. Signs of a dangerous condition are as follows:

  • increased pain;
  • swelling;
  • the seams seem to be “pulling”;
  • redness in the wound area.

What to do if the seams come apart?

You need to tell your doctor about this. If symptoms appear in the maternity hospital, the tactics will depend on the duration and severity of the pathology. On days 1-2, the wound is treated with antiseptics and repeated stitches are applied. If there are signs of suppuration, antibiotics and wound cleansing are necessary. What to process postpartum sutures in this case, it is decided individually. Antibiotic ointments and antiseptics can be used.

Women whose discrepancy occurred at home do not undergo re-suturing. They recommend treating with antiseptics, maintaining hygiene, and prescribing antibacterial drugs in the form of ointments.

2 weeks after giving birth, some young mothers begin to complain that the stitches itch. This symptom is a normal part of the wound healing process. If no additional signs of inflammation occur, then special treatment not required.