Maintenance of thermal energy metering devices. Once again on the issue of technical maintenance of heat metering units

After commissioning of the metering unit, a contract for the maintenance of thermal energy metering units is drawn up. As a rule, this is done by the design and installation organization that carried out the installation, carrying out ITP maintenance.

We carry out all routine maintenance work, as well as installation of UTE at a high professional level.

Technical (service) maintenance of ITP and UUTE is necessary to maintain the operability of the equipment, prevent accidents, ensure uninterrupted reading of indicators and control over the parameters of the equipment and coolant.

Maintenance of thermal energy metering units allows you to avoid possible misunderstandings in the event of a discrepancy between the calculated and actual consumption of thermal energy. Such situations sometimes arise when heat and power enterprises somewhat distort indicators and try to write off additional costs at the expense of consumers. In such cases, the price of UTE and costs for UUTE maintenance quickly pay for themselves.

As practice shows, professional and competent maintenance of equipment allows not only to reduce operating costs, minimize the risk of breakdowns, but also significantly reduce electricity consumption. It is calculated that regular maintenance at ITPs with UUTE makes it possible, in some cases, to reduce the average annual electricity consumption by 30%.

Routine maintenance of UUTE includes the following services.

  1. Scheduled follow-up inspections.
  2. Unscheduled control inspections.
  3. Maintenance of UUTE components.
  4. Daily remote (if technically possible) recording and analysis of readings from metering devices.
  5. Interaction with representatives heat supply organization.
  6. Monitoring the timing of verification of control and metering devices.

Maintenance of thermal energy meters

The thermal energy metering unit consists of a heat quantity calculator, resistance thermal converters, primary flow converters, pressure converters, sensors, measuring instruments and auxiliary equipment (power supplies, controllers, etc.).

Maintenance of heat metering devices is carried out during one of the control inspections at least once a month. It is divided into external inspection and preventive maintenance of heat meters.

During external examination carried out:

  • visual inspection to identify mechanical damage and malfunctions;
  • checking for the presence and integrity of seals;
  • checking for changes not included in the project;
  • checking the operating conditions and condition of the place where the UTE was installed;
  • taking readings and recording them in a journal.
  • cleaning the room and installation site of the UUTE from foreign objects that interfere with maintenance.

Preventative maintenance includes:

  • cleaning equipment from dust;
  • testing the counting mechanism;
  • checking the configuration (settings) of the computer;
  • setting and testing converter output signals;
  • checking the computer for the presence of programmable distortions;
  • checking the mains voltage;
  • checking the grounding and pipeline for absence of voltage and potential difference;
  • eliminating possible leaks and checking shut-off valves;
  • release of water from the general valve to the unit.

Violation of the frequency or schedule of maintenance of thermal energy metering devices can be costly. Minor, easily repairable damage that is not detected in time can, after some time, cause a serious accident requiring the replacement of expensive ITP and UTE elements.

Ph.D. S.N. Kanev, associate professor, general manager,
Khabarovsk Center for Energy and Resources Conservation, Khabarovsk

The purpose of this publication: to draw the attention of heat supply organizations licensed to repair measuring instruments (MI) and engaged in technical and service maintenance of thermal energy metering units, to the aspects that arise when checking licensed activities for the repair of measuring instruments included in the metering unit.


In January 2008, the territorial body of state metrological supervision (inspectorate of Rostekhregulirovanie for the Khabarovsk Territory) inspected all enterprises in Khabarovsk that have a license to repair measuring instruments and are engaged in the maintenance of thermal energy metering units.

Based on the results of the inspection of licensed activities for the repair of measuring instruments, protocols were drawn up, which were then transferred to the Arbitration Court of the Khabarovsk Territory to initiate proceedings to bring the licensee to administrative liability.

Note that during the audit, the actual activities of repairing the measuring equipment were not considered, only the formal (paper) side was checked:

■ availability of regulatory-technical and regulatory-technological documentation;

■ availability of repair logs and transfer of measuring instruments for verification;

■ availability of working instruments used in instrument repair;

■ availability of standard measuring instruments used for verification of repaired measuring instruments.

The main comments of the inspection body, in particular for the group of enterprises of the Khabarovsk Center for Energy and Resources Conservation, were as follows.

1. The licensee violated the technology for repairing measuring instruments, namely: in a timely manner (before the end of verification) did not provide verification of measuring instruments used in the repair process.

2. The licensee did not submit a List of measuring instruments and a schedule for verification of measuring instruments for 2008.

3. The licensee violated the terms of the repair - did not enter into an agreement with the State Metrological Service for verification of measuring instruments after repair: measuring pressure sensors (pressure gauges and pressure gauges).

4. The licensee repaired and sent for verification the restriction devices that were not included in the licensed type of activity.

5. The licensee did not inform the licensing body - the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology - of its new legal address registered in the State Register.

All comments will be discussed in detail below, but for now we note that the Arbitration Court of the Khabarovsk Territory in the first instance recognized all the arguments of the inspection body as unsubstantiated and decided to refuse to satisfy the requirements of the inspection for state metrological supervision of the Khabarovsk Territory.

The purpose of this publication: to draw the attention of organizations licensed to repair measuring instruments and engaged in technical and service maintenance of thermal energy metering units to the aspects that arise when checking licensed activities for the repair of measuring instruments included in the metering unit.

Let's consider the following concepts:

■ service;

■ maintenance;

■ repair;

■ verification.


The concept of “service” is absent in the regulatory and technical documentation,

but it can be qualified as follows. After-sales service is a set of services aimed at meeting the specific needs of each specific client.

The concept of servicing a heat metering unit includes maintenance, repair and additional service functions provided to the consumer - owner of the metering unit:

■ taking readings and analyzing data on the subscriber’s heat consumption;

■ analysis of emergency situations arising during operation;

■ preparing a report on heat consumption for the subscriber and providing assistance in disputes arising between the subscriber and the energy supply organization;

■ training of subscriber personnel;

■ provision of consulting services to the consumer on issues of heat supply to his facility;

■ carrying out work to improve the operation of the subscriber’s heat supply system (regulation, adjustment, etc.).


In accordance with maintenance, maintenance is a set of operations to maintain the functionality of a product when used for its intended purpose, waiting, storage and transportation. According to maintenance, this is the operation, repair, adjustment and testing of equipment. Operation - systematic use, maintenance and repair of heat-consuming installations.

Thus, maintenance in accordance with includes repairs, and to carry out repairs in accordance with it is necessary to have a license for SI repair.

In relation to thermal energy metering units, maintenance is carried out in order to monitor the correct operation of the metering unit and includes the following types works:

■ systematic monitoring of the operation of devices included in the metering unit and diagnostics of their technical condition;

■ current repair and adjustment of measuring instruments;

■ if necessary, dismantling measuring instruments, their repair and subsequent verification.


In accordance with repair - a set of operations to restore the functionality of a product and restore the resources of products or their components. The following types of repairs and repair methods are distinguished.

Types of repair:

■ major - repairs carried out to restore the serviceability of a product to full or close to full service life with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including basic ones;

■ medium repair - repairs performed to restore serviceability and partially restore the service life of a product with the replacement or restoration of components of a limited range and monitoring the technical condition of the components, carried out to the extent established in the regulatory and technical documentation;

■ current (minor) repairs - repairs performed to ensure or restore the functionality of the product and consist of replacing and/or restoring individual parts;

■ repairs based on technical condition - repairs in which monitoring of the technical condition is carried out at intervals and to the extent established in the regulatory and technical documentation, and the volume and moment of the start of repairs is determined by the technical condition of the product.

Repair methods:

■ aggregate repair method - a repair method in which faulty units are replaced with new or pre-repaired ones;

■ repair method by a specialized organization - a method of performing repairs by an organization specialized in repair operations;

■ proprietary repair - a method of performing repairs by the manufacturer.


In accordance with the verification of measuring instruments - a set of operations performed by the bodies of the State Metrological Service in order to determine and confirm compliance of measuring instruments with established technical requirements. Measuring instruments subject to state metrological control and supervision are subject to verification upon release from production or repair.

So, if the concept of service, maintenance and repair can be combined, then “verification” is in no way connected with these concepts. There is only an indirect connection between repair and verification: verification is carried out after repair, i.e. repaired measuring instruments must be verified. Although this is a controversial statement, as will be shown below.

The author spoke about the need for maintenance of thermal energy metering units, especially those based on domestic heat meters, 13 years ago. At that time, most manufacturers of heat metering devices accepted the idea of maintenance metering units with hostility. They motivated this by the fact that their products do not require maintenance, because... the performance of their products is maintained throughout the entire calibration interval (MTI), which, as a rule, ranges from 3 to 5 years. After completion of the MPI, planned repairs of instruments and their subsequent verification are carried out. However, this myth was debunked after 1-2 years of operation of this equipment.

Operating practice has shown: none of the domestic heat meters have an actual MPI that matches the passport one, approved during tests for SI type approval.

For the vast majority of domestic metering devices, the actual MPI does not exceed 1 year (although sometimes there are samples in which the MPI is 2 years) with a declared MPI of 3-5 years.

Today, all domestic manufacturers of heat metering devices tacitly recognize this fact by adding the column “maintenance” to the normative and technical documentation for metering devices. In this column there are interesting entries like:

■ “If the heat meter is used in conditions of coolants having a physical and chemical composition that differs from the requirements of regulatory documents, it is necessary to periodically flush the flow part of the flow converters without abrasive materials; Carry out washing regularly in service mode, avoiding metrological failure; the frequency of flushing the flow part depends on the specific operating conditions”;

■ “If sedimentation is possible in the measured medium, the flow transducer must be periodically flushed to remove deposits; do not allow mechanical damage inner surface converter and its electrodes";

■ “If detected during operation yellow plaque on the inner surface of the flow transducer, it must be dismantled and the inner surface of the measuring section wiped with a soft cloth so as not to damage the electrodes.”

Isn't it funny? Firstly, how to determine whether the quality of the coolant complies with regulatory documents or not. Even if the quality of the coolant complies with GOST at the outlet of the source, it is not at all necessary that its quality will not change when flowing through the “rusty” pipes of the heating supply system. Secondly, how to “rinse” the flow part and with what solution - nothing is said about this in the technical documentation. And most importantly: how to determine at what point it is necessary to rinse (clean) the measuring section? How often should this be done under operating conditions? Will this change the metrological characteristics of the device? You will not find the answer to these questions in the technical documentation for these SI.

Currently, the need for maintenance of heat metering devices during their operation is not discussed. In almost all regions of the Russian Federation, heat metering units are not allowed for commercial metering unless they are under technical or after-sales service, although 13 years ago it was considered a crime.

Before returning to the verification materials, let us once again dwell on the concepts of repair and verification of measuring instruments.

To repair flow converters, heat meters and heat calculators, no reference measuring instruments are required. For repairs, the following can be used: a set of wrenches and screwdrivers, a tester (multimeter), an oscilloscope, etc. Moreover, it is not necessary that these funds be verified.

After repair (in order to determine the quality of the repair), these measuring instruments can be diagnosed (adjusted, calibrated) using standard measuring instruments on special stands. This may or may not be done - if you are confident in the quality of the repair and have not damaged the state verifier's seals. Moreover, this operation can be performed either by the repair organization itself, or by any other organization.

And finally, the third stage - verification of repaired measuring instruments on special stands using standard measuring instruments, which is carried out by the authorities

state metrological service. If, based on the results of verification, the product is found to be suitable, this means that the repair was carried out with high quality.

Note that although it is written that measuring instruments are subject to verification when they are released from repair, not all measuring instruments need to be verified after repair. So, for example, if a current (minor) repair of the measuring instrument is carried out (replacement of the battery, power supply, fuse, etc.) and the state verifier seal is not damaged, then this product may not be verified after repair.

This raises interesting questions.

1. Washing and cleaning the flow part of the flow converter during operation - is this repair or maintenance? If during operation the metrological characteristics of the device have changed, i.e. If a metrological failure occurs (it is not clear, however, how to check this), then this is a repair that requires a license and after which it is necessary to carry out an extraordinary verification. If the metrological characteristics have not changed, then this maintenance and a license to repair the measuring instrument are not needed.

2. Adjusting the device - is it a repair or not a repair? The question is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Let's say the device is adjusted and its class is changed to a lower one, for example, from 0.25 to 0.5. However, the device remained operational. If this qualifies as a repair,

then a repair license is required for this, and if it is not a repair, then a license is not required.

It is on such ambiguities and inaccuracies that the regulatory authorities are trying to play when checking licensed activities for the repair of measuring equipment.

About comments from regulatory authorities

Let us return to the comments of the regulatory authorities, which are given at the beginning of this publication. The first gross violation, which, from the point of view of the inspection body, falls under point “b” is a violation of the repair technology, which consists in the fact that the licensee, during the repair process, used untimely verified reference measuring instruments with the help of which, supposedly, the repair was carried out . Note that in fact we were talking about standard measuring instruments (pulse generator, frequency meter, resistance store, etc.), which are used when checking repaired measuring instruments, and not when repairing them. At the time of inspection, some of these standards had been submitted for verification, which was confirmed by a letter from the metrological service that accepted these instruments for verification.

The essence of this remark, which the inspection body incriminated the licensee, boiled down to the following.

1. In accordance with the Schedule for verification of measuring instruments for 2007, the standard measuring instruments had to be verified in December 2007, and submitted for verification in January 2008, but before the end of the MPI period. Since the licensee violated the Schedule, this, in the opinion of the inspectorate, is a violation. Let us note that in the contract for the provision of metrological services there is a clause: “The Contractor undertakes, in agreement with the Customer, to carry out verification of measuring instruments not included in the Schedule, presented outside the Schedule or with violations of the deadlines specified in the Schedule.” However, the inspection did not take into account the reference to this clause of the contract.

2. The inspection also accused the licensee of the fact that part of the reference measuring instruments, which, in its opinion, are used for repairs, was missing at the time of the inspection (was being verified at the All-Union Center for Materials and Mathematics). Consequently, during the period of time when the reference measuring instruments were being verified, the licensee did not have the opportunity to carry out licensing activities. He should have warned the licensing authority about this - the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, but he did not. The licensee drew the attention of the inspectorate that during this period he did not carry out any repairs or verification, but

this was not taken into account. And although the inspection did not prove the fact of repair and, therefore, a violation of the repair technology, it still considered it a violation and demanded that the licensee be punished. From the point of view of a normal person, this is absolute nonsense: to punish not for committing a crime, but for the potential possibility of committing a crime. According to the logic of the inspection, it turns out like the classic: “If a gun hangs on the wall, then it will definitely fire someday,” which means it can kill someone.

The court dealt with this issue as follows. Let us quote the court decision: “Based on the definition of “ process", given in GOST 3.1109-82 "Terms and definitions of basic concepts", violation of the technology and production and repair of measuring instruments means the presence of a violation production process in the manufacture and repair of measuring instruments. The inspection did not provide evidence that the untimely delivery of instruments for verification led to a violation of the measuring instrument repair technology. At the time the instruments were being calibrated at the KhTSSM, the latter could not be used by the licensee when repairing measuring instruments and, as a result, there could be no violation of the repair technology.”

Let us further consider the second remark made to the licensee by the regulatory body: The licensee did not provide a list and schedule for verification of measuring instruments for 2008. The verification schedule was sorted out: the verification schedule for 2008 was at the time of the inspection for approval at the KhTSSM and was later submitted to the court trial. But regarding the list, the controlling body insisted on its position, which was as follows. In accordance with, “Measuring instruments in operation or storage are subject to periodic verification; lists of measuring instruments subject to verification are compiled by the owners of measuring instruments and send them to the body of the State Metrological Service.”

Those. according to the logic of the regulatory authorities, the licensee had to present to the inspection a list of all measuring instruments on its balance sheet and in operation or storage: electricity meters, heat and water meters, by which utility bills with resource supply organizations, etc. Moreover, in what form this list should be compiled and for what period it should be compiled is not specified.

The licensee did not have this list, but the court considered that this did not apply to licensed activities for the repair of measuring equipment. However, the inspectorate insisted that the licensee had violated normative act, namely , and

This means that he thereby violated the terms of licensing activities. However, the court did not accept the arguments of the supervisory authority on this issue.

I would like to draw the attention of everyone who owns and operates measuring instruments to the fact that it is necessary to have a List of measuring instruments that are subject to verification. This is the first thing that the inspectorate for metrological supervision and control checks. Moreover, this does not necessarily apply to verification of MI repair activities.

According to the author, this list It is not needed either by the enterprise holding the balance sheet, or even more so by the body of the state metrological service (SMS) that carries out verification of measuring instruments. Both parties verify these measuring instruments in accordance with the deadlines established in the technical documentation for these measuring instruments and on the basis of an agreement for the provision of metrological services concluded annually between these parties. Therefore, the presence of a list in is an extra hook for the territorial bodies of Rostekhregulirovaniya, on which they are trying to catch the organization being inspected - the owner of the SI.

Let's consider the third remark: “The licensee violated the condition of the repair - did not include pressure gauges and vacuum gauges in the contract with the State Migration Service for verification after repair.”

Firstly, as stated above, repair and verification are different things and cannot be mixed. If the SI data were not included in the Verification Schedule for 2007, then this did not violate the repair conditions.

Secondly, the licensee drew the attention of the inspectors to the fact that these measuring instruments were not repaired by him, but were submitted for verification, because MPI has expired.

Thirdly, in the licensee’s agreement with HMS for the provision of metrological services there is a clause according to which the Contractor (HMS) undertakes, in agreement with the Customer (licensee), to verify measuring instruments not included in the schedule. Therefore, the court did not take this remark into account and rejected the inspectorate’s arguments.

The fourth observation of the inspection was that “the Licensee repaired and sent for verification the restriction devices (SU) that were not included in the licensed type of activity.” According to the inspection, this is a very serious violation, because the licensee carried out activities to repair the control system without having the right to do so. During the inspection, the licensee drew the attention of the inspectors to the fact that he did not repair the control systems, but only submitted them for verification to the State Migration Service.

Note that only standard diaphragms are used as control systems in Khabarovsk, which, in principle, cannot be repaired. The licensee, at the request of the consumers for whom he services heat metering units, actually handed over the control system - standard diaphragms, after having previously cleaned them of dirt and washed them in kerosene, but this is not a repair! Since the inspection was unable to prove the fact of repair of the control system, the court considered its arguments unfounded.

And finally, the last - fifth remark: “The licensee did not inform the licensing authority about the change in his legal address».

In accordance with: “In the event of a reorganization of a legal entity, a change in its name or location, as well as in the event of a change in the address of the place where the licensed type of activity is carried out, the licensee is obliged to submit an application for re-issuance of a document confirming the availability of a license.”

Since neither the actual nor the postal address of the licensee has changed, the address of the place where the licensed activity is carried out has not changed, and there has been no reorganization of the legal entity - the licensee, the licensee considered that he acted in strict accordance with and therefore did not notify the licensing authority about the change in legal addresses. The court sided with the licensee and found the inspectorate's arguments unfounded.

In conclusion, we can quote the Decision arbitration court Khabarovsk Territory:

“In accordance with clauses 1.4 and 1.5 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations, a person is subject to administrative liability only for those administrative offenses for which his guilt is established; irremovable doubts about the guilt of a person brought to administrative responsibility are interpreted in favor of this person. Provisions of Art. 65 and 210 of the Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation establish rules according to which the burden of proving the obligations that served as the basis for bringing to administrative responsibility rests with the administrative body that made the contested decision (in our case, this is the state metrological control inspection).”

This decision also follows from, namely: clause 3 of Art. 12 “Towards relationships related to

When the licensing authority checks the licensee’s compliance with licensing requirements and conditions when carrying out the licensed type of activity, the provisions apply.”

In accordance with Art. 3 laws on the basic principles of protecting the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when conducting state control (supervision) are: presumption of good faith, i.e. innocence of a legal entity, and, therefore, the controlling body must prove the guilt of the person being inspected, and not vice versa.

Based on the above, the following can be done: conclusions.

1. An organization engaged in the maintenance of thermal energy metering units must have a license from Rostekhregulirovaniya for the repair of measuring instruments included in the metering unit.

2. If the territorial bodies of Rostekhregulirovaniya check your licensed activities for the repair of measuring equipment and during this check they conclude that you have violated the conditions for carrying out this activity, then they will have to prove your guilt by presenting the relevant facts, and you are not obliged to them help by incriminating themselves, providing them with the information they request, sometimes even illegally.


1. GOST 18322-78. Equipment maintenance and repair system. Terms and definitions.

2. Rules for the operation of heat-consuming installations and heat networks of consumers, State Institution of State Energy Supervision, 1998.

3. Federal Law No. 128-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities”.

4. Law on ensuring the uniformity of measurements (as amended Federal Law dated January 10, 2001 No. 15-FZ).

5. Glukhov A.P., Kanev S.N., Putyatin V.I. Experience of the Khabarovsk Center for Energy and Resources Saving in servicing heat metering devices at enterprises // Industrial Energy. No. 2, 1995.

6. Regulations on licensing activities for the production and repair of measuring instruments, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 No. 493.

7. PR.50.2.006 “Procedure for verification of measuring instruments.”

8. Federal Law on the Protection of Rights legal entities and individual entrepreneurs during state control (supervision) No. 134-FZ of 2001.

Service installation of common building metering units in apartment buildings, homeowners associations, housing cooperatives, management companies, organizations and enterprises.

The warranty period for the devices included in the metering unit ranges from 1.5 to 4 years. As a rule, the device manufacturer indicates that it bears warranty obligations if installation and commissioning work is carried out by a specialized organization.

If the installation of metering units is carried out within the framework of a municipal program, then, based on a competitive selection: a municipal contract is concluded with several such specialized organizations, the terms of which include the requirement to provide a five-year guarantee for the work and equipment performed.

Specialized organizations, often service centers of manufacturers, sign such a contract, thereby extending the warranty period to five years at their own risk. At the same time, they expect that they will be the ones to carry out the technical maintenance of the metering units installed by them.

The other side of the municipal contract presents a different perspective: the components are new and in good working order, and if something breaks, there is a five-year warranty. Hence, further operation in the next five years seems no more difficult than collecting readings from meters at the end of the reporting period.

Apparently, the very idea of ​​paying money for the maintenance of metering units to the company that performed the installation and gave a five-year guarantee for the work performed seems absurd.

Based on such a simplified idea of ​​​​the further operation of metering units, the tariff includes 16 kopecks per square meter for service. This is approximately 500 rubles per month for servicing the metering units of one apartment building.

To provide maintenance services, a new organization“The best service organization in the city of Vladimir” (conditionally), which, under an agreement with management companies, undertakes to monitor the condition of seals and shut-off valves twice a month, as well as collect meter readings at the end of each month.

Service centers, of which we are one, offer real necessary set services average cost 1500 - 3500 rub. per month for an accounting unit, but most management companies give preference to “five hundred rubles” without delving into the contents of the contracts.

However, after two or three months, a massive refusal of the services of “The Best Service Organization of the City of Vladimir” began and a transition to the services of service centers, that is, to the services of specialized organizations trained by the manufacturer.

What is the reason? The reason was that the energy supply organization refused to accept for calculations the readings of many metering units, which were taken by the “Best Service Organization of the City of Vladimir”, we note, with a preliminary inspection of the condition of the seals and shut-off valves.

If the “Best Service Organization of the City of Vladimir” has fulfilled its contractual obligations in full, the warranty on devices and installation is valid, and there is no commercial accounting, then the reason is apparently the malfunction of the service organization.

Considering that the country is undergoing a massive introduction of metering units, I believe that this story may turn out to be useful topics who will be involved in servicing metering units or organizing maintenance.

How to organize maintenance so that meter readings are accepted by the energy supply organization?

Let's start with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2010 No. 190-FZ “On Heat Supply”. Article 19. Organization of commercial metering of thermal energy, coolant, establishes that the organization of commercial metering may include:

1) installation of metering devices;

2) operation of metering devices, including taking readings from metering devices and transferring them to customers of this service, verification, repair and replacement of metering devices.

Another document. Rules for accounting of thermal energy and coolant from 1995. Clause 9.3. “maintenance work on the metering unit associated with the dismantling, verification, installation and repair of equipment must be carried out by personnel of specialized organizations...”.

It follows that in addition to taking readings from metering devices, the responsibilities of the service organization must include the provision of services for the repair and replacement of metering devices, regardless of the availability of guarantees from the installation organization and the manufacturer. Warranty repairs will be made free of charge, but first the service organization must determine that the cause is a malfunction of the device. Next, correctly fill out the complaint report, dismantle the device, and replace the device sent for repair with a working device from your reserve replacement fund.

Verification of measuring instruments, in accordance with Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements,” is carried out by legal entities accredited in the established manner in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Service organizations do not have such accreditation, but for devices to be verified, they must be properly dismantled, prepared for verification, and after verification, reinstalled in the metering unit. Therefore, it is advisable to include this position in the responsibilities of the service organization.

But that's not all. Heat supply is a complex technological process. Hence the complex commercial accounting. The readings from working instruments cannot always be accepted for commercial calculations. Reasons?

Article 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2010 No. 190-FZ “On Heat Supply” establishes the following concepts:

The quality of heat supply is a set of heat supply characteristics established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and (or) a heat supply agreement, including the thermodynamic parameters of the coolant.

Thermal energy consumption mode is the process of consuming thermal energy, coolant with the thermal energy consumer observing the mandatory characteristics of this process in accordance with legal acts, including technical regulations and the terms of the heat supply contract.

Article 15 of the same law establishes that the heat supply contract must determine, among other things:

The magnitude of the heat load of the consumer’s heat-consuming installations, the parameters of the quality of heat supply, the mode of consumption of thermal energy;

Responsibility of the parties for non-compliance with the requirements for heat supply quality parameters, violation of the thermal energy consumption regime, including responsibility for violation of the conditions on the quantity, quality and values ​​of the thermodynamic parameters of the returned coolant.

Rules for accounting of thermal energy and coolant from 1995. Clause 1.3. establishes that calculations for the received heat are carried out on the basis of readings from metering devices and control of coolant parameters. Clause 1.4. establishes that mutual obligations for payments for thermal energy and coolant, as well as for compliance with the supply and consumption regimes of thermal energy and coolant are determined by the agreement....

Since it is obvious that non-compliance with consumption regimes will negatively affect energy efficiency, we will also point to Article 9.16. Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences, which establishes liability for non-compliance with requirements energy efficiency required for MKD.

From the given links it follows that the consumer can pay the energy supplying organization according to meter readings only if there are no violations of the consumption regime, there are no violations of the “conditions on the quantity, quality and values ​​of the thermodynamic parameters of the returned coolant.” Otherwise, there will be a fine or an additional charge, it all depends on the heat supply agreement. There is another option - decommissioning metering devices, with the ensuing consequences. Let us consider this option in more detail, since it relates to the maintenance of metering units.

So, the energy supplying organization determines the presence of mode deviations based on meter readings. There is a legitimate doubt here. Are there really violations in the intra-house system that the device registered, or is the device lying, but everything is in order in the system?

Let's turn to everyday experience. Do we know of cases of coolant leaks in intra-house systems? Yes. What should the device record? It will record the difference in mass between the coolant received from the system and returned back to the system. Is this a violation of the regime? Yes.

Are there known cases of unbalanced hydraulics in an intra-house system? Yes, many people know that when it is cold in some apartments, you need to complain, then the nozzle that limits the coolant flow will be drilled out. It will become warm in “cold” apartments, and hot in “warm” apartments, but excess heat can be easily removed through the window. What will the device register? Violation of “conditions on the quantity, quality and values ​​of the thermodynamic parameters of the returned coolant.”

Is there another solution known - to drain the coolant from the return pipeline into the sewer? What should the device record? The difference in mass between the received and returned coolant. Is this a violation? Certainly.

If everyone knows that the state of in-house engineering systems is far from perfect, then can it be said that guaranteed, verified devices with seals can be trusted without a doubt?

Alas, no. If there are malfunctions of in-house systems, then there are repairs. When carrying out welding and plumbing work, scale, rust, pieces of rubber, and other foreign objects enter the system: they get stuck in the metering unit and create conditions unacceptable for the operation of the devices, which leads to loss of measurement accuracy. The device does not require repair, but it is necessary to restore its operating conditions.

We conclude that the reason for instrument readings that are unsatisfactory to the energy supply organization may be either a malfunction in the system or a loss of measurement accuracy.

How does the energy supply organization resolve these doubts? Just. When monitoring the consumption regime for commercial metering purposes, the energy supplying organization is indifferent to the real cause of the malfunction; it considers only the actual readings of the devices, and not the reasons that led to such readings.

If the reliability of instrument readings is in doubt, then the energy supply organization can remove the unit from commercial accounting, referring to clause 9.10. Rules for accounting for technical and technical equipment “work outside the accuracy standards.”

For example, in a closed system, by definition, there should be no difference in mass between the supply and return pipelines. If there is a difference, then the device is faulty. This is the logic. The logic is acceptable, since both the devices and the in-house system are beyond the responsibility of the energy supply organization.

We've reached a key point. The energy supplying organization removes metering units from operation only when it has reason to doubt the reliability of the instrument readings, because these readings do not meet the expectations of a normal process.

Conclusion. This means there should be no evidence that can be doubted. No falsifications! There is another only correct solution. We need a maintenance technology that allows us to monitor readings and eliminate the causes of questionable readings immediately as they arise.

This conclusion underlies the organization of servicing of metering units by our enterprise.

The main task of maintenance is to ensure normal, continuous work accounting units, in which all parties trust the accounting results. Whether you like or dislike the accounting results, and the parties trust (are forced to trust) the results are different concepts.

Let's move on to the practical implementation of this task.

To eliminate the causes of questionable readings as they arise, it is necessary to detect them as they occur. This means that software and hardware are needed that allow continuous monitoring of the parameters of all metering units at a pace acceptable for solving the task. Without the ability to monitor, the task is impossible!

We use an automated information collection system as a system top level and data transmission equipment. Communication with some metering nodes is carried out via modems. Data collection is carried out automatically every day at night after midnight. At the operator's request, you can download readings at any time.

The key figure is the person performing dispatch functions. This is an analyst who is able to see the process of heat and water supply and deviations in consumption patterns behind columns of numbers and multi-colored graphs of parameters. The program automatically detects some deviations in parameters, but the human brain remains the most powerful analytical apparatus.

Control is not reduced to a primitive assessment - “there is evidence” or “there is no indication”. The absence of indications is an unpleasant, but the simplest case when the cause can be easily identified and quickly eliminated. It’s more difficult when there are indications. How to determine that these readings can be trusted?

Since the metrological characteristics of devices cannot be determined at the place of operation, the “quality factor” of the readings is continuously assessed. By “quality factor” of readings we mean compliance with expectations of the magnitude and dynamics of changes in controlled parameters over time, as well as the relationship of changes between dependent parameters.

If readings are detected that do not meet the “quality factor” criteria, the dispatcher sends operational personnel to the site, who on the spot finally determine what was the cause of such readings - incorrect measurements of the normal mode or correct changes in the abnormal mode.

Thanks to monitoring, personnel sent to the site know in advance what actions they must take and have with them components for replacement, if necessary.

It is important that the staff knows not only the devices, but also knows how to identify and convincingly prove a malfunction in the in-house system, obtaining a confirmation signature from a representative of the management company. This encourages (but does not guarantee!) prompt elimination of faults in the intra-house network and protects the service organization from claims against metering devices.

So, key point service is that the service, management and resource supply organizations equally trust or distrust the readings of metering devices, assessing their quality factor.

If the service and management organizations promptly eliminate the causes that resulted in bad readings, then commercial accounting becomes continuous and long-term.

Let's summarize minimum requirements, which must be met by a service organization capable of providing long-term and continuous commercial accounting:

The organization must have the technical ability to continuously monitor serviced metering units;

The organization must have trained personnel capable of assessing the “quality factor” of the readings obtained during monitoring;

The organization must have trained personnel capable of distinguishing on-site malfunctions of the heat supply process from malfunctions of metering devices;

The organization must have personnel trained by the device manufacturer and authorized to service and minor repair these devices;

The organization must have a sufficient reserve fund for the prompt replacement of faulty devices;

The organization must be service center the manufacturer's plant whose devices it services;

The organization must have many years of experience in this area.

If anyone today is experiencing difficulties in choosing a service organization to organize the maintenance of metering units, then I recommend taking into account the stated requirements or simply contacting our organization Energouchet LLC. This will save you from many unnecessary problems that interfere with real energy saving.

Based on the above, we carry out the following work:

1. Periodic maintenance of thermal energy metering unit devices (inspection, taking and analyzing readings, additional settings, adjustments, minor maintenance, checking electrical connections, checking the oil level in temperature sensor sleeves).

2. Printing heat consumption statements, drawing up a report and protecting it at the heat supply organization.

3. Preventive maintenance: dismantling, installation, cleaning of devices.

4. Verification and pre-verification preparation of instruments (monitoring the timing of state verification).

5. Replacement of devices.

6. Repair of devices.

7. Commissioning work at the thermal energy metering unit. Commissioning by the inspector of the heating supply organization. Drawing up a readiness report.

8. Calling the inspector of the heat supply organization to hand over the heat metering unit (presence of a representative when checking the heat meter by the energy supply organization).

9. Correct operation of the heat meter, leaks, overheating, underheating.

10. Monthly analysis of meter readings.

11. Analytical work to identify non-standard (new) causes of device failure and restore functionality, etc.

At the moment, the price of service is in the range from 500 to 5500 rubles per month for one heat meter. The price is formed from the specific wishes of the Customer and the quantity and types of work that he wants to see at his facility. We are ready to adapt to each of our Customers.

Tesco LLC offers design, installation and maintenance of thermal energy metering units. You can't get by with just installing meters. There is no need to neglect the maintenance schedule. Any equipment requires attention. Regular inspection allows you to identify minor problems and correct them in a timely manner. Ignoring periodic maintenance of UUTE - thermal energy metering units - means risking equipment and money.

Operating heat meters costs little, but eliminates a lot of hassle and financial losses. By contacting our company, you will receive technical service for thermal energy metering units that complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

What is included in instrument maintenance?

Scheduled maintenance includes:

  • regularly taking readings and transferring them to employees of the heat supply company;
  • analysis and processing of the information received, allowing us to recommend the optimal equipment maintenance scheme;
  • development of the required documentation with specialists from the heat supply company;
  • direct maintenance of UUTE - thermal energy metering units, including checking the state of sealing, grounding connections, wiring to thermal resistors and elements that record heat consumption and electrical power; this may also include minor installation and dismantling work;
  • preliminary check of the state of the UTE - assessment of how well the system functions;
  • basic check of the state of the UTE:
    • analysis of the accuracy of measuring instruments - assessment of the deviation of instruments from the reference reading of instrument data;
    • analysis of comparative temperature data of thermal resistance converters relative to similar indicators on other similar devices;
    • obtaining information about incorrect operation of equipment and various emergency situations- followed by data analysis;
  • minor repairs (if necessary):
    • replacing fuses;
    • replacement of control and measuring elements;
    • analysis of elements recording data regarding pressure in the system;
  • in the very advanced case- in case of major equipment breakdowns that are not compatible with local repairs - dismantling work with subsequent shipment of the equipment to the manufacturer; after repair - installation and commissioning work with official recording of the activities carried out by an employee of the heat supply company.

Terms of cooperation with our organization

Maintenance of UUTE - thermal energy metering units - is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the received diagnostic information and the requirements of the documentation defining the operating procedure of the devices. The routine maintenance performed must be reflected in the UUTE passport. The results of verification activities are documented in the format of an act signed by three parties:

  • fuel consumer;
  • employees performing maintenance of devices;
  • specialists of the heat supply company.

Tesco specialists have extensive experience in servicing heating appliances. If necessary, the list of routine maintenance can be expanded. Before starting work, our employees first inspect and assess the condition of the heating equipment.

To order technical maintenance of UUTE - thermal energy metering units - in the capital or Moscow region, contact our managers. The adequate cost of the service is complemented by the guaranteed quality of its provision.

Common house metering devices (CDMU) are used to record the consumption of water, gas, electricity or thermal energy in the entire apartment building. Today, their installation cannot be called a whim; it is a necessity dictated by law. It has been in operation for six years, but equipping with such meters apartment buildings happens extremely slowly.

In this article you will learn:

  • What are the features of installing communal metering devices?
  • Who pays for the installation of the ODPU.
  • Who provides maintenance of communal metering devices in apartment buildings.
  • What services are included in the maintenance of common house metering devices?
  • What is maintenance of common house metering devices?
  • In what order is the ODPU checked and replaced?
  • Who pays for the maintenance of communal metering devices?
  • What is the liability for poor quality maintenance of common house metering devices?

A serious topic remains the maintenance of common house metering devices: who does it and who pays for the work. On August 6, 2017, housing inspectors began checking the presence of common building meters in apartment buildings. If the ODPU is not found, they issue orders to install it or fine it. To avoid getting a fine, study the arguments for inspectors in your favor.

Installation and maintenance of common house metering devices

Typically, ODPU are used for water, thermal energy, electricity, and gas. Their installation is carried out in technical rooms, such as basements and utility rooms. That is, where strangers cannot penetrate and harm the devices.

Currently, devices are provided for the following resources:

  1. Thermal energy– tachometer, vortex, ultrasonic, electromagnetic counter. In our country, their installation began in 2009, after the advent of the law on supplying buildings with heat energy meters. The increase in tariffs also served as an incentive for the population to control heating in this way. Please note that the collective meter is installed solely by decision of the residents’ meeting.
  2. Electricity. The devices are individual and multi-tariff. The second option really allows you to reduce energy costs. The principle of its operation is that at night the tariff is significantly lower than during the day. During the hours of most active use of the resource, that is, 7:00 - 10:00 and 17:00 - 19:00, the payment increases.
  3. Cold, hot water. The system records the volume of liquid consumed per all residents, and not just those registered in the apartment.

In 2009, Federal Law No. 261-F3 was issued on the mandatory installation of public meters. As a result, 2012 was set as the deadline for equipping high-rise buildings with them. However, in a considerable number of houses this procedure has not yet been carried out.

For this reason, in 2015 it was decided that it was time financial methods influence citizens who refuse to install such devices.

If an apartment building meets all the standards for installing communal meters, but there are no devices themselves, when calculating utility bills, the actual amount is multiplied by a multiplying factor. Please note that costs may increase by 10–60%. Such stringent measures were taken solely in order to quickly complete the process of equipping apartment buildings with public housing units.

The difficulty is that the installation of devices is carried out on the basis of a decision of a meeting of homeowners. The management company is obliged to inform the owners that it is necessary to install a common house meter and that it is beneficial. And also convey information regarding possible penalties and other sanctions for refusing to use it.

The management company does not have the right to force homeowners to make a certain decision. This means that when the management company is unable to explain the need for ODPU, the meeting will not give consent to the installation of equipment. The reason is simple: usually the decision is made taking into account the fact that payment for the device and installation are carried out at the expense of the owners.

But we note that the collective meter is included in the common property of the house, its use is for the benefit of the residents, that is, it is fair that they bear the costs of purchase and installation. Let us also emphasize the fact that high cost when distributed into apartments it turns out to be acceptable.

Price including installation, but without maintenance, for example, a common house meter cold water changes under the influence of several characteristics:

  • cross-section of pipes of the water supply system;
  • volume of passing fluid;
  • area of ​​the house, number of apartments;
  • technical conditions recorded in the installation design;
  • size, type, equipment of ODPU;
  • technical and other installation nuances.

All necessary documentation and calculations are prepared by the company responsible for supplying the resource (in our example, cold water). Or the work can be carried out by a specially hired contractor.

Let us remind you that communal meters are installed in the basements, next to the main communications of most houses. An exception is sometimes made for general electricity metering devices; they can be located in equipped switchboard rooms if they are available.

Expert opinion

Why is installing ODPU beneficial for management companies?

Lyubov Chesnokova,

editor-in-chief of the magazine "Management of Apartment Buildings"

Without the use of metering devices, calculations are made according to standards for the consumption of utility resources, because of this the cost turns out to be higher.

In August, two more reasons appeared to install meters and an automated information and measurement system for accounting for the consumption of energy resources and utilities in the apartment buildings.

  • Firstly, it is currently allowed to start using it using the capital repair fund. There is only one condition - the subject of the Russian Federation must include the service in the list of works for the overhaul of common property in the apartment building, which is specified in Part 2 of Art. 166 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Secondly, if the MKD has an automated information-measuring accounting system with the ability to simultaneously take readings, the fee for CD on SOI is set in accordance with these data. That is, residents no longer need to meet and discuss this issue separately.

Who pays for the installation of ODPU

According to the Federal Law “On Energy Saving”, the costs of installing communal metering devices are fully covered by homeowners.

They are required to pay bills, in addition to situations where these costs are included in the amount for maintenance, repairs of residential premises and (or) mandatory payments and (or) contributions for maintenance, current, major renovation common property (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 No. 491, clause 38).

An invoice for payment of common house metering devices is presented to each owner. This document includes the total cost and details of how much is required from the specific owner.

Expenses here are determined in the form of a portion proportional to the share in the right of common ownership of joint property. To calculate it, the total area of ​​the premises is divided by the entire footage of the house, multiplied by the area of ​​​​the common property.

Let’s say the area of ​​the apartment is 100 m², the area of ​​the house is 9,000 m², the area of ​​common property is 1,500 m². Then the owner’s share will be: 100 / 9000 x 1500 = 16.67 m².

According to the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, ODPU represent joint property, being part of the intra-building engineering systems. That is why, in order to install these metering devices, it is necessary to hold a meeting of premises owners, which we have already discussed more than once. The management company informs the apartment owners about this.

Although the management company is only required to inform residents at the meeting, it will face a fine if the owners do not receive information about the need to install metering devices.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 9.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, if companies responsible for the maintenance of apartment buildings avoid developing and communicating information about energy saving measures to homeowners, the regulatory authority sends an order to impose administrative liability in the form of a fine against UK, HOA:

  • for an official 5,000–10,000 rubles;
  • for a legal entity 20,000–30,000 rubles.

Payment for installation even before the stage of maintenance of common house metering devices can be made in one of the following ways:

  1. One-time payment. The entire amount is paid before or after installing the meter.
  2. Installment plan for 5 years. Then the owner’s share for paying for such a device is divided into equal parts and included in the receipts for public utilities for 5 years. But we emphasize that, in addition to the price of the device, you will have to spend money on interest on installments corresponding to the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  3. At the expense of the utility service provider funds allocated for energy saving measures and increasing energy efficiency.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” establishes that the provider of utility services must spend the difference between the standard and the payment amount, taking into account the increasing factor, on energy saving measures.

Since these funds can be used exclusively for energy saving activities, they have a targeted nature of spending. That is, the rules accounting require that they be reflected separately from other income.

Let's discuss an example. Let’s imagine that according to the standard, 7 m³ of water is required per person per month. If the increasing coefficient is 1.4, with a tariff of 14.63 rubles. for 1 m³ we get the following figures: 7 x 1.4 x 14.63 = 143.37 rubles.

Whereas the amount without overpayment, according to the standard rate, would have been different: 7 x 14.63 = 102.41 rubles.

This means the difference between the two above amounts: 143.37 - 102.41 = 39.96 rubles. The contractor is obliged to use these funds for energy saving measures.

The installation of a common house meter is included in the list of energy saving measures. If the owners decide to implement it, and the utility service provider has targeted funds, they must be invested in paying for the ODPU and its installation.

Now let’s imagine a different picture: the owners refuse to pay for the implementation of the meter. In this case, the devices are forcibly installed by the resource supplying organization.

Clause 12 of Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Energy Saving” obliges owners to provide RSO employees with access to the installation sites of metering devices and pay the costs of the work. If they refuse, the owners will also have to spend money on forced collection of funds.

  • Three rules for concluding agreements with resource supply organizations when accepting/transferring MKD

Who provides maintenance of communal metering devices in apartment buildings

The Housing and Communal Services Department of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation explained in its letter that the provider of utilities, that is, the management company, must service the common property of the owners of premises in the house, ensure the constant readiness of utilities, including common house metering devices, for the supply of resources for the provision of utilities to the population.

Regardless of the form of the MKD manual: management company, HOA, housing cooperative or other specialized cooperative, the person responsible for maintaining the common property in the house is responsible for ensuring the operation of collective metering devices and compliance with all requirements for them. The role of residents in this case is limited to monthly payments for housing and communal services.

If any malfunctions are identified, being responsible for the maintenance and commissioning of such a device, the contractor is obliged to ensure their elimination within 2 months. This is enshrined in Federal Law No. 261 of November 23, 2009 “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (current edition dated July 13, 2015).

Even if the issue is not resolved within the above-mentioned period from the date of discovery of the malfunction, RSOs must begin to use and maintain common house metering devices. And all expenses will go to the owners of the premises in this apartment building.

Provisions of Part 12 of Art. 13 Federal Law No. 261 must always be complied with when regulatory authorities detect violations of the requirements for accounting for consumed energy resources using ODPU. And also if the person who committed them fails to eliminate them within 2 months from the moment of their detection.

Owners of ODPU must provide RSO access to metering devices and pay operating costs. If citizens do not agree to voluntarily contribute these amounts, the latter will be collected by force.

Expert opinion

How to automate data collection from ODPU

A. A. Matveev,

Key Account Manager at Teleoffice OJSC

If you want energy consumption to be calculated without errors, you need to submit correct data from the common house meter on time. You can simplify your work, facilitate access to these indicators, and even save money by installing an automated information collection system.

As the name suggests, this system operates automatically. It can collect information at a certain time from all household metering devices connected to it at once. Thanks to this, balancing the balance for all consumers is very convenient.

An automated system usually includes the following components:

  • metering devices equipped with a digital interface, allowing readings to be taken automatically;
  • communication device (modem) for transmitting data to the server;
  • server for storing information on metering devices;
  • software that allows you to collect information and calculate payments.

Communication within the framework of servicing a common house meter can be used in different ways:

  • via a wired connection;
  • using a wireless connection;
  • via local networks;
  • using the Internet.

The most in an efficient way Of all the above, they call connecting the metering device to the Network. This is done using an Ethernet adapter or modem.

An Ethernet connection makes it possible to use the Internet available in the house to connect devices. In this case, it is possible to avoid the costs of other communication options with the metering device.

Then the Ethernet converters (adapters) connected to the meters are connected via the Network to the data collection server, where they transmit the readings.

Of course, the described method is effective; it does not require installing expensive additional equipment, but the MKD must have access to the Internet.

Another option for connecting to an automated data collection system necessary for servicing communal metering devices would be GPRS terminals. They are used if the site does not have an Internet connection. Such a device establishes a connection between meters and the Network almost everywhere where there is cellular communication. In other words, this is a universal, reliable, proven method.

If we compare GPRS terminals with a connection via an Ethernet cable, we can highlight several of their indisputable advantages:

  • the cellular communication used here is constant and does not depend on the infrastructure of the facility;
  • this option cannot become a reason for downtime for technical reasons;
  • does not require additional investments in maintenance or repairs in case of accidents;
  • The mobile operator guarantees reliable communication.

Of course, we must not forget that you have to pay for cellular communications. However, it is required no more than twice a month solely for transmission small messages when servicing communal metering devices. That is, the cost of a connected meter is calculated in several rubles.

Let's look at the capabilities of automated software using the example of an ATM system.

It allows you to remotely:

  • receive information from water, gas, electricity, heat meters;
  • automatically prepare reports at a certain time;
  • make amendments, create new templates for reports;
  • locate objects on an interactive map;
  • access the system from any computer, tablet, if it has Internet access.

What services are included in the maintenance of common house metering devices?

In accordance with the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491 of August 13, 2006, common property must be maintained and operated in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, maintained in a condition that ensures the constant readiness of utilities and metering devices for the provision of utilities to residents MKD. Let us remind you that the meter is part of the common property. This means that the operation and maintenance of common house metering devices includes:

  • commercial registration of the device;
  • control readings on a monthly basis;
  • operation control, visual inspection of devices to prevent and eliminate malfunctions;
  • periodic testing of equipment;
  • repair of failed devices;
  • compiling reports on energy consumption.

What does maintenance of communal metering devices mean?

The rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building and the Rules for the provision of utility services to citizens, approved by resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, determine the following: the operation of common property must be ensured in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a state of constant readiness of utilities and metering devices to provide utilities to residents of apartment buildings.

The owner's responsibilities include ensuring that meters are used in accordance with their technical requirements. That is, the owner of the metering unit must enter into a maintenance agreement with the appropriate organization. So, it could be a company that installs recording equipment, an energy supply company, or a management company.

Maintenance, which involves the repair of common house metering devices, is carried out at a specialized enterprise in accordance with approved technology. After restoration work An extraordinary verification of the device is carried out.

Maintenance of general house consumption meters for cold, hot water, gas, and thermal energy can be divided into two categories: periodic inspection and preventive measures.

In the first case, the following actions are carried out:

  • visiting the site (within one district, council);
  • receiving keys from the control room (ODS);
  • transition from the control room to the facility, opening the premises, access to the installation site of the common house metering device;
  • determining the compliance of the operating conditions of measuring instruments, instruments, assemblies, and their parts with the standards of technical documentation of manufacturing enterprises;
  • visual inspection to check for the absence of mechanical damage, presence, and integrity of seals;
  • checking the reliability of mechanical and electrical connections, the presence of supply voltage;
  • determination of the fact and degree of operating condition of the node;
  • taking readings and recording them in a journal;
  • preliminary assessment of measurement results, errors, identification of the causes of their occurrence, printing, final analysis;
  • study of readings of measuring instruments, determination of compliance of qualitative and quantitative parameters of heat and water supply with contractual conditions and regulatory documents;
  • collecting tools and equipment, closing the premises, moving from the facility to the UDS, handing over the keys, transferring the subscriber's questionnaire and recommendations for operating internal networks to the UDS and the resource supply organization.

In the case of preventive maintenance of common house metering devices, the following actions are required:

  • getting rid of dust;
  • checking the presence of oil in the protective sleeves of thermal converters, adding it to make up for losses due to drying out;
  • checking the functionality by closing to failure and opening the control parts of gate valves;
  • washing the flow part of flowmeters;
  • cleaning filters from sediments, sand, scale with disassembly and inspection;
  • starting water from common valves to the corresponding device;
  • checking the operation of the device's counting mechanism.

If the integrity of the seals is broken, 24 hours are given to call representatives of the supplier and the resource-consuming organization and draw up a tripartite act.

If there is a malfunction of measuring instruments, instruments, parts and components included in the metering unit, an application for repair is prepared. If a leak is detected in the area of ​​flange connections with pipelines, it is necessary to tighten them; if this step does not help, install new gaskets.

  • Direct contracts with resource supply organizations and direct payments for utilities

Maintenance of common house metering devices: checking and replacing meters

Along with other complex devices, a common house meter requires maintenance, periodic monitoring, repair and sometimes even complete replacement. And since it is part of the common property, the issue of operation is the responsibility of all residents.

But the responsibility does not fall on them privately. They should be helped by the management company, which has the right to attract qualified specialists from organizations of the required profile. That is, it is the management company that must maintain the technical condition of the ODPU, promptly monitor, repair and replace this device.

The company involved in the work must have a certificate for their implementation, permission to carry out verifications, service, repair, and replacement of these devices. Typically, such companies provide maintenance of communal metering devices on an ongoing basis.

They monitor the serviceability of devices, repair them if they break down, and if restoration is impossible, replace old equipment with new ones.

After the check, a report is prepared that includes all deviations in the operation of the device, malfunctions (if any), and existing options for eliminating them. This document signed by both parties: the representative of the management company and the employee who carried out the control measures.

We emphasize that the benefits of installing an ODPU are obvious, however, you will have to invest in the device. Residents should take this issue seriously. And even if they have the slightest doubt, they have the right to demand from the Criminal Code a report on the actions taken in this area.

The fact is that the use of an untrusted device is prohibited and is equated by the resource provider to the absence of such device. That is, the consumer will feel all the ensuing consequences. During the period of control activities, payment for services at an average cost is allowed.

Expert opinion

The difference between checking the ODPU and checking its readings

Ivan Molchanov,

Verification is a metrological event, and ODPU is a measuring instrument. If we talk about our case, then we are talking about determining the volume of spent communal resource. Verification of measuring instruments involves a set of operations performed to confirm the compliance of devices with metrological standards. This is established by Federal Law No. 102-FZ of June 26, 2008 “On ensuring the uniformity of measurements” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 102-FZ). From a technical point of view, during verification, common house metering devices are serviced with specialized equipment. Measuring instruments (MI) received from production, after repair, sent from abroad, in use and in storage must be verified.

Verification of these devices can be carried out exclusively by accredited legal entities, individual entrepreneurs. This rule established by Law No. 102-FZ. Periodic verification of meters included in the list approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 20, 2010 No. 250 can only be carried out by state regional centers metrology FBU TsSM.

Now let's talk about checks. As a CP performer, you carry out checks of metering devices. But these devices do not belong to ODPU, these are individual meters. You are responsible for checking the status of the IPU, the fact of their presence or absence, and the accuracy of the information provided by the consumer. This norm is enshrined in clause 82 of the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354.

Expert opinion

Incorrect operation of the ODPU is one of the reasons for unreliable readings

Pavel Nikitin,

General Director of the consortium "LOGIKA-TEPLOENERGOMONTAZH"

The problem of the reliability of data from resource consumption meters always remains pressing for RSO, for the management company, for the end consumer. There are incredibly many reasons why instrument readings may be inaccurate. The main one can be called not malicious intent certain person, but lack of professionalism.

Manufacturers of metering devices, fighting for the market and the consumer, have learned to produce fairly accurate, secure devices. But life cycle the latter does not end at the factory. Poor installation, violation of operating standards easily neutralizes all the efforts of the manufacturer. This problem is most acute when servicing communal heat metering devices. The fact is that they are much more complex than household electricity meters and water meter units, and to check their working condition it is often necessary to use additional specialized equipment.

Who pays for the maintenance of common house metering devices?

If an apartment building has such devices, residents must pay for their maintenance every month. According to the technical passport of the meter, once every few years it is necessary to carry out metrological state verification of this device. At whose expense is it being held?

Clause 29 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in apartment buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491, establishes: the costs of maintenance and repair of residential premises must ensure the maintenance of common property in accordance with the norms of the laws of the Russian Federation. This includes the costs of maintaining operability and restoring in-house engineering systems of electrical, heat, gas, water supply, sewerage, costs of collecting arrears of payment, obtaining information from meters, maintenance information systems necessary for taking readings, processing, storing information about payments, preparing all necessary payment documents.

Subparagraph “k” of paragraph 11 states that ensuring the required operation and maintenance of common house metering devices is carried out as part of the maintenance and repair of common property.

We emphasize that the required list of measures established by section 2 of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/03/2013 No. 290 “On the minimum list of services and work necessary to ensure the proper maintenance of common property in apartment buildings, and the procedure for their provision and implementation” includes serviceability checks, working condition, adjustment, maintenance of common house metering devices.

Part 1 art. 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation defines the list of objects that fall under the concept of common property. Collective meters are included in it, and the management company is responsible for their functioning.

It turns out that, in accordance with the norms of the law, the management company carries out verification and routine maintenance of common house metering devices using funds paid by residents for the maintenance and repair of residential premises.

The systematic interpretation of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Rules for the maintenance of common property in apartment buildings, the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock is as follows: all current, urgent, mandatory seasonal activities are provided for in the apartment management agreement and are carried out by the management company, regardless of whether such work is included in the above list.

In other words, it is impossible to require the residents of the house to pay for repairs and verification of common house meters, since this money is included in the maintenance and repair of the common property of the apartment building. This norm is established by Part 1, Part 2.3 of Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, subp. “k” clause 11, clause 29 of Rules No. 491, section 2 of the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock.

Such actions of the Criminal Code run counter to the requirements of subsection. “g” clause 4 of the Rules for the implementation of activities for the management of apartment buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 No. 416. The fact is that according to this document, the management of a high-rise building is carried out in accordance with the standards for the organization, calculation of payments for services, and maintenance work , repair of common property in the apartment building, this also includes house management activities and utilities. Accruals are taken into account mandatory payments for the maintenance and repair of common property in the apartment building, utilities.

Article 7.23.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation establishes administrative responsibility officials, legal entities in case of non-compliance by organizations, individual entrepreneurs, managers of apartment buildings under the relevant agreements with the rules of conduct entrepreneurial activity aimed at servicing MKD.

The State Housing Inspectorate is responsible for suppressing such illegal actions, which issues orders to the Criminal Code to eliminate non-compliance with standards and draws up protocols on administrative violations. Responsibility for the latter is provided for in Art. 7.23.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and implies an administrative fine of 50,000–100,000 rubles for officials. or disqualification for up to 3 years. For legal entities, the amount is 150,000–250,000 rubles.

  • Is the resource supplying organization a partner of the management company and the homeowners association or vice versa?

Responsibility for poor quality maintenance of common house metering devices

Article 9.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation states that in case of non-compliance with the requirements of the law on the installation of ODPU, a fine is imposed on:

  • legal entities: 500–600 thousand rubles.

Failure of energy suppliers to comply with the requirements for offering the installation of communal meters to owners of premises in apartment buildings and their representatives entails a fine:

  • officials: 20–30 thousand rubles;
  • legal entities: 100–150 thousand rubles.

Unreasonable refusal or evasion of the management company responsible for the installation, replacement, maintenance of general house energy metering devices from signing an agreement and/or its execution, as well as violation of the procedure for its conclusion or non-compliance with the requirements for installation, replacement, operation of metering devices is punishable by a fine for:

  • officials: 20–30 thousand rubles;
  • Individual entrepreneur: 20–30 thousand rubles;
  • legal entities: 50–100 thousand rubles.

If the requirements for equipping apartment buildings with communal meters by persons responsible for management are not met residential buildings, the fine will be for:

  • officials: 10–15 thousand rubles,
  • legal entities: 20–30 thousand rubles.

In other words, the responsibilities of the management company include monitoring the serviceability, working condition, readiness of meters for the supply of energy resources and providing utility services to the population.

Information about the experts

A. A. Matveev, Key Account Manager at Teleoffice OJSC. TELEOFIS is a Russian manufacturing company offering a wide range of wireless equipment for building dispatch, control and industrial communication systems.

Ivan Molchanov, leading specialist in energy audit and standards of the Yurenergo Group of Companies. LLC "CJSC "Yurenergo" is the parent company of the group of companies "Yurenergo" (which also includes LLC "EnergoAuditConsult" and LLC " Law firm"VIG-BusinessConsulting") and one of the leaders Russian market energy auditing, consulting, legal services. The company was founded in August 1995 and during this time has managed to turn into a large organization offering wide range services in all regions of Russia. The Yurenergo group of companies today consists of more than 60 energy auditors, consultants, lawyers, energy and legal consulting experts with advanced knowledge and modern technologies.

Pavel Nikitin, General Director of the LOGIKA-TEPLOENERGOMONTAZH consortium. Consortium "LOGIKA-TEPLOENERGOMONTAZH" is a powerful association that provides comprehensive solution tasks of commercial accounting of energy resources and energy saving in general in industry and public utilities. More than 27 years of experience, a high-tech production base, knowledge of leading industry experts and an accumulated portfolio of standard solutions provide systematic approach to the implementation of a project of any degree of complexity and open up opportunities for our customers to obtain maximum effect and significantly reduce energy consumption.