How many months do babies' teeth grow? What home remedies relieve pain? Dental development is a long-term process

Some natural processes cause a lot of trouble for the baby, as well as some anxiety for his young and inexperienced mother. It would seem that the period of tummy problems is behind us, but the baby does not stop whining and acting restless. Many parents have scoured a lot of literature in search of an answer to the question: “How many months is the baby?”, while others have stocked up on all sorts of remedies to eliminate pain during teething.

How many months do teeth start cutting?

The answer to this question is ambiguous. It all depends on individual characteristics the child's body. Most often occurs between five and eight months of age. However, there are babies whose first tooth appears at three months, but there are also those who cannot boast of it even at ten months.

How many months and what is their release order?

First, the baby's first two lower incisors come out (this happens at 6-9 months). After this, it is the turn of the appearance of the two upper incisors (at about 7-10 months). A pair of second lateral lower and upper incisors erupt closer to 9-12 months. The first molars below and above appear in the period from one to one and a half years. The canines emerge between 15 and 22 months, while the second ones above and below will appear at two to two and a half years. Consequently, by the first anniversary the baby will have about 8 teeth, and by the age of two - about 20. If your baby’s teething process occurs at three or ten months, do not panic! A baby who does not have a single tooth at the age of one year should cause concern.

What time do teeth cut and what does it feel like?

The timing of eruption depends on nutrition, heredity and characteristics of the body. Teething symptoms can also be different for each child. Some children's teeth come out without causing any inconvenience, while other children experience discomfort and painful sensations.

How many months and what are the symptoms accompanying this process?

Symptoms can vary widely. However, we list the most common and common ailments during teething:

Stool disorder;

Sleep disturbance;

Increase in temperature;

Skin rashes;

Refusal to eat;

Irritability, tearfulness;

Runny nose;

In case of fever, vomiting and diarrhea, you should call your local doctor! The most obvious and surest signs of the imminent appearance of teeth are profuse salivation, swelling and redness of the gums.

How to help your baby during teething?

First of all, the baby should be surrounded with affection, attention and love. To relieve pain, the following may help:

Gum massage index finger a hand with a piece of sterile bandage wrapped around it;

Specially created teething toys. Before use, you should leave them in the refrigerator for a few minutes, and then give them to your baby;

Cooling gels that will eliminate soreness and itching.

Now you know how many months teeth are cut, as well as how you can help your baby alleviate his suffering.

The birth of a baby is an indescribable joy for new parents, but the baby’s health problems are frightening and alarming. A serious and difficult period in a child’s development is the period when the first teeth appear.

The baby becomes restless and the body temperature rises. Don’t be afraid of these symptoms; you need to properly help your baby survive this difficult period.

Formation and development of teeth

The laying of teeth begins at the 6th week of intrauterine development of the baby and ends when the first tooth erupts.

Step-by-step diagram of teething.

The development of a baby's first teeth involves various tissue elements. The development of teeth begins from rudiments, which are formed with the help of mesoderm and ectoderm.

Tooth germs have main components:

  • enamel organ (formed by epithelial lining);
  • papilla (forms mesenchyme);
  • tooth sac (mesenchyme envelops the enamel organ).

So that the child has healthy teeth, future mommy should eat quality food, namely, regularly include fish meat in your diet; it is rich in fluoride, which protects mother’s teeth from falling out during pregnancy.

When does a child get his first teeth?

During teething, inflammatory processes or infections are possible. The child feels discomfort in the mouth and constantly pulls something there.

The baby's first teeth erupt at six months of age, but if they are late, this is also part of the norm. Teeth have the ability to grow in pairs, that is, they grow in twos or four at a time.

Because of this feature, the gums become inflamed, cause discomfort and painful sensations.

If work is disrupted endocrine glands your baby, the first teeth appear much earlier than expected (a month, sometimes two), in history there have been cases of children being born with a pair of teeth already present.

The timing of the eruption of the first teeth does not in any way affect their longevity, and in the future the milk teeth will be replaced by permanent teeth in due time.

If the child suffers from illness of various etiologies(the most common option is rickets), then until 12 months the baby will not have a single tooth. In this case, consultation with a specialist is necessary.


E.O. Komarovsky says that your baby’s first teeth erupt in the following sequence:

  • First of all, the lower incisors should appear in the center in half a year;
  • The upper incisors appear at 8 months;
  • Incisors, which are located on the sides of the central ones at the top - at 10 months;
  • Lower ones - when the baby reaches one year old;
  • Between one and 15 months of age, the first molars will appear;
  • Fangs will erupt no earlier than the 17th month, in some children at the 20th month;
  • By the end of 24 months, the second molars will appear.

First signs

The first signs of teeth appearing are whims for no reason and excessive salivation.

There are a number of signs when the first teeth begin to emerge:

  1. The gums become inflamed and swollen. If they touch the gum, the child will be in great pain, he cries and screams. There are night pains that bring discomfort to the baby;
  2. The baby loses interest in food and decreases appetite;
  3. Excessive irritability of the baby;
  4. The main symptom of the appearance of teeth is profuse and constant salivation, against which a wet cough appears;
  5. There is congestion in the nasal sinuses, but the discharge from the nose is clear, without admixtures of pus or blood;
  6. At night, body temperature rises to 38C°. If the temperature rises higher, consult a doctor immediately;
  7. The baby’s desire to chew on everything that comes his way, from his toys to the bars of the crib;
  8. Your baby may experience symptoms of body intoxication – stool disorders and vomiting;
  9. Before the first tooth is about to come out, a white line appears at the eruption site.

How to help and what to do when teeth start to come out?

You must be prepared for this difficult period, have enough patience, it will be difficult for everyone, both the child and loved ones.

First of all, it is necessary to relieve the child’s pain as much as possible.

To do this, you can use homeopathic medicines: Dentokind or Dantinorm Baby are homeopathic medicines, effectively relieve pain and also prevent the appearance of dyspeptic disorders, can be used regardless of how many months teeth come out. Dental gels provide excellent pain relief:

  1. Pansoral “First Teeth” is a herbal medicine based on chamomile. Contraindicated in children under six months of age.
  2. Cholisal - perfectly relieves signs of inflammation and has an antiseptic effect. Use with caution, may cause allergic reactions.
  3. Baby Doctor "First Teeth". Relieves pain in a very short time.

Let your child also chew on specialized teethers; they are safe, easy to clean and sterilize. When a child chews actively and frequently, teeth erupt faster and easier. There are teethers that are filled with water and stored in the refrigerator; the pleasant coolness on the gums relieves pain well.

Traditional methods

If you are a supporter traditional medicine, use the tips that our grandmothers used:

  • During this period, the baby needs to feel the warmth and care of mom and dad. Carry him in your arms more often, cradle him, caress him, especially at night, when the pain intensifies;
  • Distract your baby from pain with games, walks fresh air in the company of other children;
  • Lubricate the place where teeth begin to creep in with a small amount of honey, which is wonderfully soothing. But before using honey, ALWAYS do a skin test for allergies. To do this, apply a drop of honey to the inner surface of the baby’s forearm, leave for 15 minutes, if there is no redness, honey is safe for the child;
  • Teethers will replace refrigerated objects (spoon, pacifier and others);
  • To avoid irritation of the skin around the baby’s mouth, it must be wiped with vegetable oils;
  • Productively relieves inflammation by rinsing the mouth with a decoction of chamomile, which also has a calming effect;
  • To calm the baby, you need to put him to the breast more often;
  • Wrap your index finger in a sterile bandage, previously soaked in peroxide, and carefully massage the gums. This good way relieve inflammation.

The most painful time does not last long, after a couple of days all symptoms will disappear, the baby will calm down and restful sleep will return.

In most cases, when teeth come out, the help of a pediatrician is not required.

A temperature higher than normal that lasts for more than a day is a reason to call a doctor.

But you must immediately call a doctor or ambulance in the following situations:

  • The child’s body temperature is above 39C°, continues to rise and remains high numbers for a long time.
  • The baby is worried about long and obsessive cough more than a week, with the discharge of purulent, “rusty”, foamy sputum, in large quantities accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  • IN stool baby presence of mucus or blood, frequent diarrhea.
  • Change in the color of stool, the appearance of a sour, sweet, fetid odor;
  • The stool is not formed, watery.
  • The appearance of rashes and spots on the skin.
  • Discharge of cloudy liquid from tear ducts eyes, swelling of the eyelids.
  • A baby's runny nose lasts 3-4 days or more.
  • The discharge from the nose has become purulent, greenish in color, or mixed with blood.
  • The child suffers from constipation for more than a week.
  • Ulcers or a “cheesy” coating appeared on the child’s oral mucosa (which indicates the onset of candidal stomatitis).
  • There are spots on the enamel of new teeth yellowish color, the tooth is “shrouded” in a black border.
  • If, when the child reaches the age of one year, there is not a single tooth.

Very often, symptoms of diseases such as acute respiratory infection, work disorders digestive system, is taken as the beginning of teething. Parents should be very attentive to their baby so as not to miss a dangerous infection.


With the arrival of a baby, young parents have more and more reasons to rejoice, because every day brings something new: the first smile, the first “aha,” and, of course, the first, and so long-awaited, tooth! It is he who is awaited with great impatience, since for many parents he is a symbol of the next stage in the development of their baby.

Most often, the first tooth appears at the age of six months.

A newborn boy's first tooth appears at six months.

However, it is worth noting that the development of boys and girls is somewhat different, and the timing of teething is no exception. Due to the characteristics of your body boys may be somewhat behind their peers .

Standards for teeth

Eight baby teeth are considered a normal indicator.

The norm is considered to be eight baby teeth , who managed to “hatch” during the first year of the baby’s life. All the rest will definitely appear in the next one and a half to two years.

Nature also provides a certain sequence of teething. In this case, milk teeth may appear together with molars. So that the child has correct bite, it is necessary to ensure that the natural arrangement of the teeth is not disrupted.

Sequence of teething

The lower central incisors appear first.

The correct sequence of tooth growth looks like this:

  • The lower central incisors appear first, usually on 6–10 months child's life.
  • Central upper incisors8–12 months .
  • Upper lateral incisors – 9–13 months .
  • Lower lateral incisors – exposed to light a little longer, 10–16 months .
  • First upper molars13–19 months , and then the lower ones - 14–18 months .
  • Upper canines – 16–22 months , lower – 17–23 months .
  • Second lower molars – 23–31 months, and the second upper molars complete the process of formation of the dentition - 25–33 month.

Symptoms of teething in boys

Starting from 4–8 months of life, the baby’s behavior and well-being begins to change noticeably.

This suggests that a difficult period for the baby and his parents begins when the first teeth begin to cut.

This is easy to notice by the following signs:

  • swelling and inflammation of the gums;
  • increased salivation;
  • the desire to constantly gnaw something, bite, pull foreign objects into the mouth;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased tearfulness, frequent change moods, whims;
  • restless sleep;
  • diarrhea or, on the contrary, vomiting;
  • cough, nasal congestion, increased body temperature.

When teeth begin to cut, increased salivation occurs.

Each child experiences teething differently: some cause virtually no trouble to their parents, while others experience the most painful period in infancy.

Why do teeth cause such pain to babies? The fact is that a tooth, before appearing outside, must “cut” its way through bone tissue, and then through the mucous membrane of the gums.

What dangers does teething pose?

Increased body temperature often accompanies the appearance of teeth.

Indeed, such unpleasant symptoms as cough, elevated temperature body, diarrhea often accompanies the appearance of teeth in a baby. However, you should not be dismissive of their appearance. During teething, the child’s body is most vulnerable, since immune forces are noticeably reduced and the risk of infection with various viral diseases increases.


Salivation coupled with slight wet cough are considered within normal limits for a child whose first or next tooth is soon to appear.

The saliva, which he simply does not have time to swallow, collects in the throat, and the baby has no choice but to clear his throat in order to be able to breathe normally. As is correct, such a cough lasts no more than 2-3 days and does not require drug treatment.

Cough during teething lasts no more than 2-3 days.

It’s a completely different matter if the child coughs strongly, often, with anguish and sputum production.. In this case, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and wheezing are observed. In this case, you should not attribute the malaise to teething - you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Runny nose

During teething, not only salivation increases, but also the amount of mucus released from the nose.

During teething, the amount of mucus from the nose increases.

Within normal limits, it is transparent in color, liquid, and the runny nose itself lasts no more than a few days. In this case, it will be enough to rinse your nose to remove accumulated mucus.

But if the mucus becomes thick, greenish or whitish in color, you should consult a specialist.


The appearance of a tooth is accompanied by increased production active substances in the gum area. This leads to the fact that the baby’s body temperature can rise to 38 C, which lasts no more than a day.

If you have a high temperature, do not delay your visit to the pediatrician.

To alleviate the child’s condition, you should give him an antipyretic drug intended for newborns.

The situation is much more serious if the temperature rises to 39 C or higher, lasts more than two days and is accompanied by other alarming symptoms. Do not delay your visit to the pediatrician, as this may be a sign serious illness requiring immediate treatment.

Video about a child's first teeth

Cutting the first teeth is a difficult period not only for the child, but also for his parents. The baby's behavior changes, unpleasant and painful symptoms. Many adults do not immediately understand the reason for such changes and attribute everything to some kind of disease.

It is important not to confuse the symptoms of teething with more serious disorders in the child’s body. First of all, he needs to be shown to a pediatrician. If the problem of alarming symptoms is the appearance of teeth, you need to take all measures to alleviate the child’s condition and make the process more comfortable and painless. There are a number of methods for this, including gum massage, medications and folk remedies.

Approximate timing of appearance of baby teeth

Teeth begin to form during the period of intrauterine development (several months before birth). Teething is a long process. They first move inside the gums several months before appearing outside. The time of teething in a child is a relative norm. The age at which they appear is influenced by various factors:

  • race;
  • heredity;
  • environmental situation;
  • maternal nutritional characteristics.

But pediatricians highlight approximate dates appearance of teeth. Approximately, the first tooth should appear at 6-8 months. and by 1 year there may already be 8 of them. All milk teeth (20 pieces) should normally appear by 3 years.

Sometimes teething symptoms can be observed in children at 3 months, and the tooth itself appears at 4-7 months. If a tooth “comes out” 2-3 months earlier than the average, this should alert parents a little. The appearance of teeth before 3 months is a reason to spend a child additional examinations. He may have mineral metabolism disorders and hormonal imbalances. Sometimes children are born with only 1 tooth, some have their first teeth after a year. If at least 1 tooth has not appeared by the age of one year, the baby needs to be examined to rule out developmental defects.

Teething order

Baby teeth should be fully formed by approximately 3 years of age. These are average data and some deviations from the norm are allowed. Sometimes teeth may erupt in a different order, depending on the individual characteristics of the baby. A violation of paired growth should alert you– the appearance of one tooth from a pair, and the absence of another after the eruption of other teeth. You need to see a doctor to rule out congenital anomalies.

Reasons for delayed teething in infants:

  • rickets;
  • abnormalities of mineral metabolism;
  • weak and often sick children;
  • premature babies;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • poor nutrition and late complementary feeding for some reason;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (poorly absorbed and digested food);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • edentia – congenital absence of the makings of milk teeth.


Signs and symptoms of teething can be more or less pronounced and occur with different frequencies. Some people's teeth come out without much trouble. discomfort, in others - all symptoms are present in full ( inflammatory process on the gums, fever, diarrhea, anxiety).

Gum inflammation

The edge of the tooth, which is growing, presses on gum tissue, traumatizes them. This causes inflammation. First, the gums swell, which can be seen when examining the child’s mouth. Swollen gums cause a burning sensation and a desire to scratch them. Baby keeps putting things in his mouth various items, bites her chest. At the moment of tissue eruption, the gums are separated. They are hyperemic, painful, susceptible to injury, and may bleed when chewed. Sometimes, during the eruption of molars, a hematoma can form, which is removed surgically.


The temperature during teething in children rises due to the action of biological active ingredients, which are produced against the background of inflammation of the gingival tissues. If 1-2 days before the tooth appears, the outside temperature fluctuates around 37.5-38.5 o C and drops to normal indicators after eruption, this is considered normal. If the temperature rises above 39 o C and lasts for a very long time, then the cause should be looked for in other pathologies that the child may have.


Unpleasant symptoms such as burning, temperature, increased salivation The baby is very tormented. He becomes moody, restless, and has trouble sleeping. Often children react painfully to any external stimuli (loud sound, light).

Runny nose and cough

Teething is accompanied by copious amounts of saliva. It gets into the nasopharynx, causing irritation of the mucous membrane and soreness. The child is coughing. At the same time, the glands of the nasal mucosa are activated. The cough is normally wet and infrequent. When the child lies on his back, it may get worse. Nasal discharge is thin and clear. The nose should not be stuffy.

Digestive disorder

As teeth appear, the child's appetite may decrease or disappear completely. This is due to the deterioration of his health and sore gums. As soon as the tooth erupts, the pain should stop and your appetite will return. Breasts may refuse the breast, or, conversely, require it very often (every 20-30 minutes).

Diarrhea during teething occurs due to copious discharge saliva, which the child swallows, liquefying the stool. The frequency of bowel movements can increase by 2-3 times, but it should not exceed 6 times a day. The stool becomes looser but remains yellow or yellow-brown. Impurities of mucus, blood, and greens are not allowed. Against the background of bowel movements loose stools irritation may appear in the perianal area. Vomiting and regurgitation can be sporadic, as a reaction to an increase in temperature.

In what cases should you call a doctor?

Do not hesitate to call a doctor in the following cases:

  • high temperature (from 38.5 o C) for more than 1-2 days;
  • diarrhea with foreign impurities, and recurring more than 6 times a day;
  • the child cries continuously;
  • hematoma on the gum;
  • yellow or greenish nasal discharge;
  • vomit;
  • teeth growing out of order or out of place.

Ways to relieve your baby's condition

When teeth are teething, adults should pay as much attention to the child as possible. He needs to be picked up more often, given more liquid, and placed on the chest. Additionally, you can use other methods to alleviate the condition.

Gum massage

There is no need to stop your baby from scratching his gums. The main thing is to make sure that small objects or products do not fall into it. You can give your child a rubber toy or a corrugated teether to chew on. Teethers with water inside are especially effective. You can cool them and give them to your baby to chew on. You can moisten a clean, rough cloth with water and gently massage your gums. There are special finger pads with a brush that an adult puts on the finger and makes light massage movements.


You can briefly relieve the fighting sensations associated with teething by using local funds based on lidocaine, choline salicylate, benzocaine. To avoid side effects, the use of drugs must first be agreed with a doctor. The number of applications should be no more than 3 times a day.

Local ointments and gels for teething, approved for use by young children:

  • Kamistad;
  • Kalgel;
  • Holisal;
  • Dentinox;
  • Solcoseryl.

At high temperature It is allowed to give children antipyretics based on ibuprofen and paracetamol. Do not exceed the recommended dosage or take for more than 2 days without consulting your doctor. Effective drugs:

  • Panadol;
  • Nurofen;
  • Paracetamol for children;

Homeopathy is used in the form of gels, suppositories, and oral preparations.

The composition of such products is safer for children. Allowed means:

  • Dantinorm Baby solution;
  • Dentokind tablets;
  • Chamomilla granules;
  • Parodol EDAS-122 drops;
  • Viburkol suppositories.

Such funds provide soft action(relieve inflammation, fever, reduce pain), they have a minimum of contraindications.

Folk remedies and recipes

You can relieve teething symptoms with home remedies:

  • Treat your gums with a decoction of chamomile, sage, and mint.
  • Dilute 1 teaspoon of soda in 200 ml of boiled water. Wrap your finger in gauze and soak in the solution. Treat inflamed gums.
  • Pour 1 teaspoon of motherwort into ½ liter of boiling water. Stand and strain the infusion. Give the child 1-2 spoons orally.
  • If you are not allergic, carefully lubricate your gums with honey.
  • To speed up teething, you can enter prophylactic dose vitamin D, increase the mother’s menu of calcium-containing products (cheese, cottage cheese), if the child is on breastfeeding.
  • Do not introduce new foods into complementary foods during teething.
  • Do not vaccinate your child while teething.
  • For correct formation bite problem, you need to wean your baby off the pacifier and use a bottle with a drinking bowl. But do this after the moment of teething.
  • Do not press too hard with your finger on the gums.
  • Do not give your baby cookies or hard bread to massage the gums.
  • Do not use undissolved soda to rub your gums - you can cause an infection.

The appearance of the first teeth is a difficult period not only for the child, but also for the parents. Adults should help the baby as much as possible - make the process less painful and calm. You can't do everything alarming symptoms associated with teething. Behind them there may be others, more severe conditions. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and show the baby to a specialist.

During the first months of life, a baby smiles at its parents with a toothless smile. But moms and dads look forward to the appearance of baby incisors. This will mean that the baby has already grown a little and can prepare to eat solid foods. By the age of three, the child should have all of his baby teeth and be able to chew any food without any problems. Which teeth cut first? This process happens differently for all babies. However, there is a pattern, deviations from which may indicate a delay in the development of the baby.

When do the first teeth cut?

Every mother should know how to help her child. First of all, parents should pay attention to changes in the baby’s behavior. If he has become restless and salivation has increased, we can expect the first incisors to appear soon. The moment when a child gets his first tooth depends on several factors. First of all, it is heredity. If mom and dad started teething late in infancy, you shouldn’t expect anything different from the child. The baby's nutrition is also important. A small body must receive a sufficient amount of calcium. If the child is breastfed, the mother should eat more dairy products.

Oddly enough, but climatic conditions may also affect teething. In hot countries, babies' first primary incisors appear much earlier. Also, if a child was born at the end of May and the first months of his life fall in the summer, his teeth may appear a little earlier. The process is also influenced by the gender of the child. As a rule, girls become the happy owners of their first baby teeth earlier.

Which teeth cut first for a child? All pediatricians are unanimous on this. The lower incisors appear first. Although, of course, there are exceptions to the rules. If the baby's molars begin to appear first or eye teeth, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Signs of teething

How do you know when your baby is starting to teethe? This question is partly rhetorical. It is impossible to judge by the baby’s condition alone. It is possible to say for sure that the baby’s incisors begin to erupt only when the first tooth appears. However, it is worth paying attention to some points. How do children cut teeth? The first signs of cutting will appear in the baby's mouth. It is necessary to pay attention to the child's gums. If they are red and swollen, you can expect the first teeth to appear soon.

The eruption of the first incisors is a long process. Your baby may become restless long before the first tooth appears. From the age of 3 months, babies begin to put everything in their mouth. In this way they try to scratch their gums. The baby may have increased salivation. It is also worth paying attention to the sour smell from the baby’s mouth. It appears due to the decomposition of particles of the mucous membrane. The first tooth literally breaks its way to the surface.

During teething, the child's immunity decreases significantly. Therefore, more alarming symptoms may appear, such as fever, redness of the throat, diarrhea, cough, etc. At this time, it is not advisable to visit with your child public places. The baby's body should get stronger. It is also undesirable to vaccinate at a time when the baby is erupting his first tooth. Result medical intervention may be unpredictable. Feeling unwell The baby cannot always be chalked up to teething. You definitely need to call a pediatrician at home. The specialist will supply accurate diagnosis and will tell you how to avoid complications.

Pattern and timing of teething

Any doctor can only approximately tell you how many months the first teeth start to appear. This process is individual for each child. However, there is an approximate diagram. Most babies develop their lower and upper incisors first. This usually happens by 8 months. There are also early babies whose teeth begin to erupt as early as 4 months. The next four incisors usually appear by the first birthday. Thus, at one year old child maybe already eight teeth. Before one and a half years of age, the first molars appear. Then the fangs erupt. Next come the second molars. They appear last.

Mom will immediately understand that the baby is teething. The timing of teething in children can be very different. If a baby's first incisor appears at 4 months, this does not mean that the remaining teeth will appear just as quickly. For some, the whole process takes no more than a year. But some children cannot get all their teeth even after three years. Late appearance the first incisors should not be a cause for panic. However, it is still worth seeking advice from a pediatrician. Perhaps the baby is using insufficient quantity calcium. And this is harmful for the entire bone apparatus.

Teeth cutting too early is also not a cause for pride. If the baby’s first incisors appeared before the age of 4 months, it is worth conducting an examination for endocrine disorders. There are cases when babies are already born with their first teeth. These incisors are removed so that the mother can fully breastfeed the baby.

Edentia in a baby

If after a year your baby still has not developed teeth, it is recommended to consult a dentist. In most cases, the specialist detects swollen gums at the appointment. Thanks to a small massage, it is possible to stimulate the process. The doctor will immediately notice which teeth are cut first. But in in rare cases a diagnosis of edentia may be made. This complete absence rudiments of teeth. There are several types of this disease. With complete edentia, the baby may be left without teeth altogether. There may be several causes of the disease. For example, congenital feature caused by genetic factors or an infectious disease suffered by the mother during pregnancy.

In case of complete or partial edentia, children undergo prosthetics from the age of three. Such children must be constantly registered with the dentist and come regularly for examinations. The fact is that the pressure of the prosthesis can contribute to a lag in jaw development. In the future, the child may have problems chewing food. When treating a disease with prosthetics, complications may arise. They are associated with jaw atrophy. Bedsores and inflammation may also develop. Parents will have to carefully monitor the child's oral cavity. Proper hygiene is of great importance.

Edentia - complex disease With unpleasant consequences. You can't let the disease take its course. First of all, the baby is at risk of psychological discomfort. A child without teeth will not be able to fully attend school and communicate with peers. Therefore, you should definitely think about installing a high-quality prosthesis.

How to help your baby?

Many people are familiar with the pain of wisdom teeth erupting. Young children who have their first incisors experience approximately the same sensations. Parents should know how to help their children get through such a difficult period. At what age do the first teeth cut? Symptoms may appear as early as 2 months. Pain syndrome Massage helps a lot. Parents can do it with washed hands. Use your thumb or index finger to press lightly on the gums. With such manipulations, most babies immediately calm down.

Cold helps relieve itching and pain. There are special teething toys on sale. They are a small container filled with liquid. Before giving this toy to the baby, you need to place it in the refrigerator. The baby will bite the teether and cool the sore gums.

There are also medications. It is recommended to use them in the most extreme cases. If the baby is very capricious and does not sleep well at night, you can use special cooling antiseptic gels. Before using any medicine, you should consult your pediatrician. The specialist will tell you at what age the first teeth begin to cut and how to alleviate the baby’s suffering.

How to care for your first teeth?

As soon as the first baby teeth emerge, parents have new responsibilities. Even one incisor needs to be properly cared for. Hygiene has great importance. In this way, adults form the correct habit of caring for the child’s oral cavity. In addition, the health of permanent incisors and incisors directly depends on the quality of baby teeth. molars.

For cleaning the first teeth, pharmacies sell special silicone attachments. It is not necessary to use paste. It is enough to wet the nozzle in ordinary boiled water. Toothpastes begin to be used when at least four teeth appear in the baby’s mouth. In this case, you should pay attention to pastes with a minimum fluoride content. Regardless of which teeth erupt first, they must be cared for with extreme care. The brush should be used with soft bristles so as not to damage the weak enamel of the first incisors.

Associated problems with teething

Many parents are concerned about the age at which the first tooth cuts. This can only be answered approximately. All children are individual. But problems with teething are the same for almost all babies. As soon as the first milk teeth begin to appear, infants' immunity is significantly reduced. As a result, the child becomes vulnerable to many infectious diseases. They can also appear in the oral cavity. The most common childhood disease is stomatitis.

During the teething period, it is worth limiting the child’s communication with peers. It is better to walk separately from large groups of children. It is also worth visiting the clinic in case of emergency. It is better to call a pediatrician at home. It is worth carefully monitoring the condition of the baby. If your body temperature rises, it is recommended to call emergency help.

Excessive salivation during teething

Increased salivation in a baby after the second month of life is absolutely normal occurrence. Regardless of which teeth erupt first, the child experiences discomfort in the gums. As a result, a copious amount of saliva appears. This symptom cannot be ignored. Saliva gets on the baby's chin, irritating the delicate skin. Itching and rash may appear, which will cause even more discomfort to the baby.

How to help a child? Parents should know how teething occurs in children. The pediatrician can tell you the timing and procedure. Informed mothers and fathers will be able to prepare in advance for such unpleasant symptoms, such as increased salivation and moodiness. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate discomfort in the gums. Special gels will help you cope with this task. If the baby does not experience pain, salivation will also decrease. Getting carried away at home medications undesirable. The gel can be used before a walk or night sleep. A regular pacifier will also come to the rescue. Thanks to this device, the child swallows saliva without any problems.

Caries of baby teeth

Regardless of which teeth erupt first (upper or lower), their quality depends on many factors. Some children do not even know who a dentist is. But others have to meet a doctor with early age. As soon as baby tooth If a dark spot appears, you should immediately go to a specialist.

Previously, it was believed that there was no need to treat baby teeth. After all, they fall out and are replaced by permanent incisors. In fact, the condition of permanent teeth directly depends on the quality of baby teeth. Damaged teeth are a source of infection. Not only does it suffer oral cavity, and already the whole body. To keep your teeth intact longer, you should eat less sweets and follow proper hygiene. It is advisable for your child to clean them after each meal.

You need to make it a rule to visit regularly pediatric dentist. Modern kids are no longer afraid to have their teeth treated. The latest equipment is used, which does not cause discomfort. During treatment, the dentist will tell the child’s parents which teeth are cut first and how to properly care for them.

Let's sum it up

The eruption of baby teeth is complex process, which causes discomfort for babies and anxiety for parents. It doesn't matter which teeth cut first in children. It is important to provide timely and correct oral care for the baby. An adult child will delight his parents with a snow-white smile.