How to take Amiksin for children, dosage for adults, analogues. Amiksin for prevention, what you need to know

"Amiksin" promotes the synthesis of interferon. The drug stimulates and enhances the formation of antibodies, thereby increasing immunity.
"Amiksin" is available in tablets in dosages of 60 mg and 125 mg.

Indications for use

"Amiksin" is indicated for the treatment of ARVI, influenza, and their prophylaxis in and. The drug is also prescribed for therapy viral hepatitis A, B, C, neuroviral, chlamydial and herpetic infections. In addition, Amiksin is used in complex therapy pulmonary tuberculosis.

Instructions for use of "Amiksin"

Adults take a dosage of 125 mg. The treatment regimen depends on the disease.

For the treatment of ARVI and influenza, 1 Amiksin tablet per day is prescribed in the first two days, then 1 tablet every 48 hours. To prevent these diseases, take 1 tablet once a week. The course in both cases consists of 6 tablets.

For the treatment of viral hepatitis A, take: on the first day - 1 tablet 2 times a day, then - 1 every 48 hours general course of 10 tablets. For prevention, 1 tablet of the drug is prescribed once a week. Course - 6 tablets.

For hepatitis B and C acute form take: in the first 2 days - 1 tablet per day, then - 1 tablet every 48 hours (16 tablets in total). At chronic form take a course of 20 tablets: days 1 and 2 – 2 per day, then – 1 every 48 hours.

When treating neuroviral, herpetic and chlamydial infections, the following is prescribed: in the first 2 days - 1 tablet per day, then - 1 tablet every 48 hours. The drug must be taken for 3-4 weeks.

When treating pulmonary tuberculosis, take a course of 20 tablets: on days 1 and 2 - 2, then every 48 hours - 1. For violations of interferon status and secondary immunodeficiencies Prescribe 1 tablet twice a week for a course of 2-4 weeks. Prescribe 1 tablet of the drug every 48 hours (10 tablets in total).

Children over 7 years old take 60 mg tablets. For ARVI, the following is prescribed: in the first 2 days - 1 tablet per day, then - 1 tablet on the 4th day of treatment. If complications develop, the medicine can be taken on the 6th day of illness.

The drug is taken after meals.


Contraindications to taking Amiksin are hypersensitivity to its components, period. The drug is contraindicated in children under 7 years of age.

Side effects

When taking Amiksin, side effects from the digestive system may occur, in particular dyspepsia. Sometimes short-term chills and allergic reactions may occur.

With the onset of cold weather, bacterial and viral infections often attack the child’s body. And if antibiotics effectively fight bacteria, then for viral diseases it is necessary to use completely different medications. A drug that acts directly on viruses is amixin.

Amiksin is available in tablet form. Different packages of the drug contain different concentration active ingredient. This makes it possible to select the appropriate medication to combat a particular disease.

Amixin tablets have round shape, convexities on both sides and an orange shell. The package may contain 6 or 10 tablets.

The active component of amixin is tyrolone. The concentration of this substance can be 60 (for children) or 125 mg (for adults).

Excipients included in the pill:

  1. Beeswax;
  2. Aerosil;
  3. Talc;
  4. Titanium dioxide;
  5. Magnesium carbonate;
  6. Tropaeolin O;
  7. Sugar;
  8. Vaseline oil;
  9. Gelatin;
  10. Calcium stearate.

The principle of action of the medicine

The medicine is made on the basis of tilorone. This substance is an antiviral agent, therefore it acts as an indicator of the production of endogenous interferon. In turn, interferon is an effective biological compound produced immune system person. Interferon has a protective effect aimed at preventing the development of viruses in cells by blocking the process of their translation.

Such features of amixin make it possible to use it to treat viruses, as well as stimulate the immune system and enhance its activity.

Basic positive features amiksina:

  1. Strengthens the production of antibodies.
  2. Provides stimulation of stem cells bone marrow, resulting in an increase in the number immune cells V circulatory system baby.
  3. Optimizes the ratio of two types of lymphocytes with their maximum protective abilities.

Active substance The drug is absorbed into the blood from the intestines within half an hour after taking the tablet. Thyrolone penetrates all cells of the body and effectively fights viruses. Half-life of amixin from child's body occurs within two days.

Indications for prescribing the drug

Due to its pronounced immunomodulatory and antiviral properties, amixin is prescribed to young patients for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. These include:

  • Herpetic viral diseases;
  • Shingles;
  • ARVI;
  • Infectious processes in the child’s body that are caused by cytomegalovirus.

Amiksin is also prescribed as part of complex treatment tuberculosis, chlamydia, infectious and viral encephalomeningitis.

At what age are children allowed to take amiksin?

The instructions for use of children's amixin warn that the medicine should not be given to children under seven years of age. Older children can be given medication without fear, after consulting with a pediatrician. The drug is usually prescribed to children for the treatment of influenza and ARVI, as well as for their prevention.

Contraindications and possible side effects of the drug

Despite the fact that amixin is a completely safe drug, there are some contraindications for its use:

  1. The child is allergic to substances contained in the drug.
  2. Age little patient up to 7 years.

Before giving the drug to a child, you must make sure that there are no contraindications listed above.

  • Nausea;
  • Pain in the stomach area;
  • Vomit;
  • Hives;
  • Itchy skin;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • Anaphylactic shock.

If at least one of the above symptoms appears, you must stop taking the medicine and immediately consult your pediatrician.

Dosage for children according to instructions

The drug should be taken after meals. The dosage and duration of use of amixin depend on the type of disease, its severity and the age of the child. The instructions for children's amiksin determine the recommended doses.

Before giving your child pills, you must consult your pediatrician. For the treatment of small patients, amixin is used with a dosage of 60 mg. For influenza and viral diseases respiratory organs the drug is used as follows:

  1. A single dose of the drug is no more than 60 mg.
  2. Amiksin is given to children once a day.
  3. The medicine must be taken immediately after meals.
  4. The tablet must be swallowed whole, as damage to the coating reduces medicinal properties drug.
  5. Amiksin is given to babies for two days in a row, and then one tablet every other day.

The course of taking the medication is 6 tablets.

Interaction of amixin with other drugs

No drug interactions of the reviewed drug with other medications intended for the treatment of viral and bacterial infections (including antibiotics) have been identified. Therefore, the simultaneous use of amixin with drugs for the treatment of infections during complex therapy must be carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Special instructions

Amiksin should be stored in a dry, cool place, protected from direct contact sun rays. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years.

Before use by children medicine Parents should definitely read the instructions for its use. There are several features of taking amixin:

  1. The drug should not be given to children under seven years of age.
  2. The medication is usually well tolerated by the young patient and does not interact with other medications.
  3. There is no information about the ability of the medication to reduce the child’s concentration and the speed of his psychomotor reactions.


If necessary, the doctor can replace Amixin with another drug with a similar active substance. Such drugs include:

  1. Ingavirin is an antiviral drug that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Kagocel. This drug promotes the body's production of interferon, as a result of which the baby's immunity increases. Kagocel can be prescribed to children from the age of three.
  3. – an immunostimulating agent that is prescribed for rotavirus, ARVI, and influenza. Used to treat children from 3 years of age.
  4. Ergoferon is an antiviral medication with anti-inflammatory activity. The drug can be prescribed to six-month-old babies.
  5. Orvirem is a drug whose active substance is rimantadine. Orvirem is produced in the form of syrup and can be prescribed to children from one year of age.
  6. Lavomax. An antiviral drug based on tilorone is used to treat and prevent a variety of viruses.
  7. Tiloram is an analogue of amixin, produced in tablets. It has an immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect on the baby’s body.

Amiksin promotes quick elimination the child has acute respiratory symptoms viral diseases due to strengthening the immune system. IN for preventive purposes the drug must be used if there is a sick family member in the house.

One of the most popular immunostimulants is Amiksin. It activates four types of interferons and has a wide spectrum of action, although it does not have an international quality certificate.

The main ingredient is tilorone, a synthetic compound used in former USSR to get rid of viruses, tumors and inflammation, in amounts from 60 to 125 milligrams. In addition, each tablet contains potato starch, cellulose, povidone-30, hypromellose, titanium dioxide.


Children and teenagers from 7 to 18 years old. For colds, flu, hepatitis and other acute respiratory viral infections "Amiksin" for children, one tablet - 60 grams. Sold in 10 tablets. Adults over 18 years old. For all types of ARVI and herpes "Amiksin", tablets 125 grams. From viral infections Sold in 5 tablets, for herpes - 10 tablets.

"Amiksin" can be combined with other drugs for herpes, for example, acyclovir.

"Amiksin" is not used for preventive purposes in children, as it can cause harm to an organism that has not fully developed. You should also be careful if your child has delayed development. In all cases, it is better to go to the hospital, even though Amiksin is given without a prescription.

Instructions and dosage

Take orally, that is, swallow, immediately after meals, so as not to irritate the capricious stomach. Children and adolescents from 7 to 18 years old take one tablet on the first, second and fourth days after starting treatment. The entire course consists of 180 grams of tilorone, that is three tablets. No cases of overdose have been recorded.

For prevention, take one pill a week, course - 2 months. Repeat every six months.

If symptoms of ARVI: cough, throat spasms, runny nose, headache, lethargy, stay longer four days, you need to consult a doctor.


  • Allergy to any of the substances included in the drug: tilorone, potato starch, cellulose, Kollidon-30, primellose, hypromellose, titanium dioxide, macrogolol-4000, dyes;
  • For tablets 60 milligrams - up to seven years of age, 125 milligrams - up to 18 years.

Side effects:

  • Allergic reactions;
  • Digestive disorders: nausea, vomiting, heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea, heartburn;
  • Chills.

If you notice other side effects in your child, you should immediately tell your doctor about it.


Pack of 6 pieces of 60 milligrams:

  • Rigla Pharmacy - 581 RUR;
  • Pharmacy from the warehouse - 591.20 rubles;
  • ZdravCity - 563 RUR;
  • PharmacyService - 595 RUR;
  • White medicines - 555 RUR;
  • Medtorg - 542 RUR;
  • Oduzhuite Shvidshe - 82.85 UAH;
  • Ridna pharmacy - 49.75 UAH;
  • Lycia - 54.85 UAH.

In online stores the price is as follows:

  • - 599 RUR;
  • - 537 RUR;
  • - 607 RUR;
  • Good afternoon - 105.70 UAH.


To choose any medicine, you need to consult a doctor, since the patient often does not know about his intolerance to the substances contained in the medicines.

Based on tilorone:

  • "Lavomax". Activates only three types of interferons. Has an international quality certificate and is stored longer. Some doctors believe that comparing drugs based on the same substance is nonsense. How to compare salt from two stores. But still, the analogues are different: Lavomax activates only three types of interferons, while Amiksin activates four. "Lavomax" has an international quality certificate and is stored longer, but does not have a dosage intended for children. It costs about the same: 555 rubles in Russia, 457 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  • "Tiloron". Domestic medicine, leader on Russian market. This is what doctors are advised to take so as not to become infected from the constant flow of patients. 10 tablets - 570 rubles, 215 hryvnia.
  • "Tiloran". Can be used to prevent ARVI for children from 7 to 18 years old.

Based on other active substances:

  • " ". Based on the drug vitaglutam. Cannot be used under 18 years of age, for prophylaxis, regardless of age. Allowed only for influenza and ARVI. It is not as expensive as Amiksin, an excellent choice for adults. 413 rubles, 191 hryvnia.
  • " ". The base is acridoneacetic acid and methylglucamine. Allowed for use from 4 years. Exacerbates diseases gastrointestinal tract. 194 rubles, 89 hryvnia.
  • " ". The active substance is umifenovir. Can be used with three years, the range of uses is narrower. Tablets - 162 rubles, 74 hryvnia, capsules - 242 rubles, 111 hryvnia.
  • " ". The speed of impact is lower than that of Amiksin. Used for herpes infections, influenza, ARVI, cannot be used for prophylaxis. It is allowed to take a course of treatment from the age of three. 239 rubles, 110 hryvnia.
  • "Orvirem." Can be taken by children from 0 to 7 years old in syrup form. 269 ​​rubles, 124 hryvnia.
  • " ". 239 rubles, 115 hryvnia.
  • " ". It acts more slowly than Amiksin, and the duration of administration is longer. Can be taken to treat bacterial infections. Based on homeopathy. 220 rubles, 109 hryvnia.
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The antiviral drug Amiksin is included in the list of vital drugs Russian Federation and is widely used in medicine for the treatment and prevention of various viral infections. The list of indications includes not only ARVI, but also hepatitis, encephalitis, influenza, herpes and even chlamydia. However, this drug is registered only in the territory of some republics of the former USSR, and abroad, studies of its clinical effectiveness were stopped in the last century. How effective and safe is this drug really?

Amiksin adult - instructions for use

The drug is a tablet for oral use as a prophylactic and remedy. The drug combines immunostimulating and antiviral effects, and therefore the list of indications for use is quite wide. The manufacturer states in the instructions that there are minimal side effects, but the list of contraindications indicates pregnancy, breastfeeding and age under 18 years (for children over seven years of age, there is separate species tablets with a dosage of 60 mg).

Pharmacological group

Despite the therapeutic effect in some bacterial infections, Amiksin is not an antibiotic. According to international classification it is an interferon inducer and belongs to the group of antiviral immunostimulating drugs.

Group - interferon inducers.

Composition of Amiksin

The active ingredient Amiksin is tilorone. It is a dibasic lipid-related chemical compound, containing hydrophilic groups and an aromatic system. Tiloron is part of the group of low-molecular synthetic interferon inducers

The antiviral and immunostimulating properties of tilorone were discovered back in the late 60s of the 20th century. Increases immunity, as it stimulates the production of endogenous alpha, beta and gamma interferons by cells of the intestinal epithelium, liver, as well as granulocytes and T-lymphocytes. Overcoming the blood-brain barrier, it activates the synthesis of interferons by neurons.

Amiksin tablets for adults are most active against viruses such as:

  • Herpes simplex most common types 1 and 2;
  • Varicella zoster, which causes chickenpox and shingles;
  • cytomegalovirus.

The manufacturer also declared the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza caused by any type of pathogen, non-gonococcal urethritis, chlamydia and hepatitis of all three types.

Release form Amiksin

For the treatment of viral infections in adult patients, tablets containing 125 mg of tilorone are intended. They are packed in blisters and cardboard boxes of 6 or 10 pieces. The cost depends on the number of tablets and ranges from 600 to 1000 rubles. The manufacturer of the drug presented in pharmacies is currently domestic pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard.

Photo of packaging 6 tablets 125 mg adult Amiksin (tilorone)

Recipe in Latin

When prescribing this drug, the doctor draws up a special prescription form, indicating the patient’s name and age. Next, information is written for the pharmacist with the name of the medicine, its dosage and quantity. Information about the method of use is provided for the patient in Russian. For example, for the treatment of flu, a package of Amiksin 6 tablets is prescribed:

Rp.: Tab. "Amixin" 0.125

D.t. d. No. 6

S. One tablet every 24 hours for the first two days, then the same amount at intervals of 48 hours.

Indications for use Amiksin

The manufacturer claims therapeutic effect medicines for diseases such as:

  • respiratory viral infections, including influenza;
  • hepatitis of all three groups;
  • herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections;
  • encephalomyelitis of viral and allergic origin;
  • urogenital and respiratory types of chlamydia, tuberculosis (as part of combination therapy).

Contraindications to the use of Amiksin

Strict prohibitions on use include:

  • hypersensitivity to tilorone;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children's and adolescence(up to 18 years for 125 mg tablets and up to 7 years for 60 mg tablets).

Dosage and method of use Amiksin for adults

The drug is rapidly absorbed from digestive tract, absorbed by no less than 60%. Since it takes quite a long time to be eliminated from the body, to maintain therapeutic concentrations it is used no more than once every 24 hours. It is recommended to take Amiksin after meals with a glass of water. clean water. Treatment regimens for each disease from the list of indications:

  • ARVI or flu - one tablet every 24 hours in the first two days, then the same amount, but once every two days (total - 750 mg per course). As a preventive measure, the same six tablets should be taken for one and a half months - one per week.
  • Cytomegalovirus and herpetic infections are treated according to the same scheme, but the course dose is from 1.25 to 2.5 grams.
  • Hepatitis A treatment - schedule and single doses are similar, you will need a total of 10 tablets. Prophylactic administration is carried out in the same way as for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Hepatitis B in acute form - 16 tablets of Amiksin according to the dosage regimen for ARVI, chronic process is treated with a course of 2.5 g of active ingredient. Moreover, the first half is consumed as usual, and the second - 125 mg per week.
  • Hepatitis C is chronic – the full course is 5 grams and lasts six months. The acute variety is treated with 20 tablets (as always, one in the first two days, then the same number every two days).
  • The respiratory or urogenital variety of chlamydia will require a course of 10 tablets, which should be taken in the same way as for the flu.

An antiviral drug in combination with other drugs for neuroviral infections and tuberculosis - 250 mg twice, then 125 every other day. The duration of therapy is determined individually.

Amiksin - side effects and effects

The manufacturer very briefly lists the body's likely negative reactions to the drug: allergies, chills, dyspepsia. In fact, full-fledged studies of the drug in clinical conditions have never been carried out in the post-Soviet space. The available information is predominantly promotional in nature, and the few trials were carried out without placebo control groups. At the same time, the condition after taking the drug was assessed subjectively (that is, by sensations), and not on the basis of the virological tests necessary in this case.

However, abroad, in vitro studies and animal experiments were carried out immediately and according to all the rules. According to the results, tiloron and medicines based on it, they have never been clinically tested, much less put into circulation due to its high toxicity. Here is a list of real side effects drug: keratopathy, osteopenia, mucopolysaccharidosis, liver cell lipidosis. Pathologies arise due to disruption of cellular lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. But the drug is most dangerous for pregnant women.

Amiksin during breastfeeding and pregnancy

The manufacturer, again, very succinctly indicates that pregnant and lactating women should not take the pills, without going into the reasons. And they are as follows: tilorone blocks the synthesis of prostaglandin necessary for bearing a fetus, and the embryo simply dies (this result was obtained in the vast majority of animal tests). Penetration of the drug into breast milk during lactation it is fraught with the development of the diseases listed in the previous section in infants.

Amiksin and alcohol - compatibility

There is no information in the instructions for the drug about the interaction of ethanol and tilorone.

Incompatibility of antiviral drugs with alcoholic drinks not confirmed, however, it can be assumed that the severity of the side effect and the adverse effect on the body, weakened by infections, in general. However, given the very likely hepatotoxic effect of tilorone, the consequences of the combination of Amiksin and alcohol can be quite severe. Therefore, it is extremely undesirable to take risks and combine them, so as not to increase the load on the liver. It's also possible toxic effect on the kidneys and nervous system.

Cheap analogues of Amiksin in tablets

Full structural analogues this drug, that is, created on the basis of the same active substance, are:

  • (10 capsules of 125 mg);
  • Lavomax (3, 6 or 10 tablets with the same dosage);
  • Tiloram (6 and 10 tables);
  • Tilaxin (10 tablets of 125 mg).

Each of the listed analogues of Amiksin in tablets or capsules, like the original, is produced domestically pharmaceutical companies. However, the price difference between them can be either minimal or quite significant. For example, Lavomax produced by Nizhpharm JSC costs about 450 rubles for 10 tablets, Tiloram - more than 600 for the same quantity. The most affordable substitute for Amiksin is Tiloron in capsules for 130 rubles, produced by the Moskhimfarmpreparaty company. Tylaxin from Dalkhimfarm is also inexpensive, and is offered in pharmacies at a price of 220 rubles.

Amiksin - reviews from medical specialists

Buyers know about the effectiveness of this antiviral drug, first of all, thanks to the large-scale and long-term advertising campaign and recommendations of pharmacists. Most often, it is these tablets that are recommended at the pharmacy in response to a request for advice on something for the flu or a cold. But here’s what experts think about Amiksin for colds – reviews from doctors:

Gynecologist Cherepanova O. A from Pskov:“In my opinion, it helps a lot with colds and flu. I think it will cope with herpesvirus and cytomegalovirus infections. Since the drug is taken infrequently, the price seems quite reasonable to me.”

Chiropractor Komissarov V.B. from Izhevsk:“An effective, but expensive remedy. It copes with both influenza and infections caused by herpes viruses without causing side effects. I take it myself in combination with antipyretics in case of flu.”

Bessmertnaya D. A., pediatric otolaryngologist from Odintsovo:“I cannot recommend the drug, since its effectiveness has not been clinically proven. In addition, I studied foreign scientific publications about toxic effects, so I never prescribe it to children.”

Pyastolova A.N., otolaryngologist from Chelyabinsk:“Over the years of practice, I have never noticed any immune-stimulating effect of Amiksin. Its antiviral activity is also questionable. I consider it at least inadvisable to buy a dubious (and possibly dangerous) product for that kind of money.”

Patients antiviral drug Amiksin is also ambiguously assessed. About half of them consider the pills a panacea for both common herpes and any respiratory viral infections. It is noted not only highest efficiency, but also the absence side effect. Others characterize the drug as completely useless in treatment and prevention and often describe unexpected “side effects” in the form of activation of herpes in the first days of use.

Thus, the drug is very ambiguous. There is no reliable information about clinical studies and, accordingly, effectiveness has not been proven. Experiments on animals conducted abroad made it possible to establish a dose that actually stimulates the synthesis of interferons - 150 mg/kg of body weight. At the same time, the toxic effect of tilorone was revealed. Domestic research and publications on this topic are commercial and dubious. In addition, many practicing doctors do not recommend Amiksin as a potentially dangerous and too expensive remedy.

3.4 out of 5

Amiksin is widely known and quite popular antiviral drug , developed by Russian pharmacists and produced by OJSC Dalkhimfarm. International name medicine - tyrolone, since this substance is the main active ingredient of the drug.

Amiksin is available in the form of biconvex round tablets yellow, covered with a shell. Amiksin tablets may contain 125 or 60 mg of active ingredient. The 125 mg tablets have an orange core, while the 60 mg tablets have an orange core. The medicine goes on sale in polymer jars containing 6 or 10 tablets.

Amiksin 125 mg tablets are available in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Amiksin 60 mg (intended mainly for children) - prescription only.

Composition and principle of action of the drug Amiksin

The main active ingredient of the drug is tyrolone (also known as tilaxin). Thyrolone stimulates the synthesis of interferons (special proteins) of three main types in the body: alpha, beta and gamma. Each type of interferon counteracts viruses of a certain type. In response to the introduction of tyrolone into the body, interferons begin to be produced especially actively in leukocytes, intestinal epithelial cells, granulocytes, T-lymphocytes, hepatocytes, and neutrophils.

Under the influence of Amiksin, bone marrow stem cells are activated and the production of antibodies is enhanced., the ratio of T-helpers and T-suppressors is optimized. This is the name given to lymphocytes that are “responsible” for the adequacy of the immune response. If there is a lack of T helper cells, the immune response may be insufficient. If there is a lack of T-suppressors, the immune response, on the contrary, may be excessive, which can cause consequences such as allergic reactions.

In addition to tyrolone, Amiksin tablets include excipients: Magnesium hydroxycarbonate (or magnesium carbonate basic), povidone, talc, calcium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, sugar, medical gelatin, beeswax, tropeolin O (color), Vaseline oil(125 mg tablets only).

Indications for use of Amiksin

As indicated in the instructions, Amiksin is used for adults for the prevention and treatment of influenza, acute respiratory viral, cytomegalovirus and herpetic infections, for the treatment of viral hepatitis (A, B, C). In complex therapy, the drug is used to combat diseases such as multiple sclerosis and leukoencephalitis, respiratory and urogenital chlamydia, pulmonary tuberculosis.

For children over 7 years of age, Amiksin tablets are used in the treatment of ARVI and influenza.

The drug is intended for oral administration. It is recommended to take Amiksin after meals.

According to the instructions, children with influenza and acute respiratory viral infections that are not accompanied by complications are prescribed to take Amiksin 60 mg once a day, a total of 3 times: on the 1st, 2nd and 4th day of the disease. A course of treatment requires 3 tablets. If there are complications, take 60 mg on days 1, 2, 4 and 6 of illness. The course of treatment is 4 tablets.

To prevent influenza and ARVI, adults should take 1 tablet (125 mg) once a week for 6 weeks. The preventive course will be 6 tablets.

For the treatment of influenza and ARVI, according to the instructions, Amiksin is taken in the first two days, 125 mg, and then every other day, 125 mg, at the same time. The course will require 6 tablets.

To treat hepatitis A, take 1 tablet (125 mg) daily in the first two days, and then 1 tablet every other day. The full course will be 10 tablets.

When treating hepatitis B (acute), the same regimen of taking the drug is followed, but the course of treatment should be longer - 16 tablets. In the chronic form of the disease, the course is extended to 20 tablets.

For acute hepatitis C, Amiksin is prescribed 1 tablet daily in the first two days., and then 1 tablet every other day. A course requires 20 tablets. At chronic hepatitis C treatment should consist of two phases. The first phase fully corresponds to the treatment of acute hepatitis C. In the second phase, it is prescribed to take the drug 125 mg (1 tablet) per week. The total duration of the course of treatment is 6 months, the course dose is 5 g.

Contraindications to the use of Amiksin and side effects of the drug

The drug is contraindicated in children under 7 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with increased sensitivity to any component of Amiksin.

Side effects of the drug may include:

  • Short-term chills;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Allergic reactions in the form skin itching, redness, rash.

Amiksin can be taken simultaneously with antibiotics and other drugs, which are traditionally prescribed for the treatment of viral diseases.

Reviews about Amiksin

Judging by the reviews about Amiksin, today he is one of the most effective means for the prevention and treatment of ARVI and influenza. When using it, the symptoms disappear within 3-4 days.

As reviews of Amiksin testify, if the dosage is followed, side effects rarely occur. When you first take the medicine, you may experience chills, which quickly pass and do not appear in the future.

The vast majority of cases of Amiksin use, accompanied by side effects, observed during self-medication with the drug. In people prone to various allergies, the likelihood of side effects increases. Before taking the medicine, you should consult a doctor and warn him about your tendency to allergic reactions. Perhaps he will prescribe another drug or one of the Amiksin analogues.

The most famous analogues of Amiksin are Tyrolone, Lavomax, Tilaksin. The main active ingredient of these drugs is also tyrolone.