STD aneurysm with perforation. Types, causes and treatment of atrial septal aneurysm. Symptoms of aneurysm of the bladder in children

Aneurysm interatrial septum in children - pathological underdevelopment or changes in the structure of the interatrial septum due to disruption of formation vascular system. Most often, this damage occurs in newborns, but it can also appear in older children due to delayed closure of part of the interatrial septum under the influence of increased physical activity.

A little anatomy

While the fetus is in a state of formation, the septum between the ventricles is open - it has an opening in the form of an oval window. When a baby is born, the window normally becomes overgrown. But in some babies, the developing septum has a heterogeneous structure, and at the point of thinning it stretches and bulges.

Septal bulge most often occurs from left to right, but can occur in reverse side or formed in an S-shape - one part from left to right, the other from right to left.

The defect is classified according to the location and size of the protrusion.

On the partition it can be located in front, behind, in the center, below and above.

The only symptom of an atrial septal aneurysm in a newborn at an early stage is such mild pallor of the skin that even the symptom “cyanosis” cannot be characterized by the symptom.

Developmental delays and severe weakness make themselves felt from 3-4 months, but if the size of the aneurysm is small, then the disease is usually diagnosed only when the baby is 3-5 years old. When protruding up to 15 mm per physical development and behavior pathology is not reflected.

The danger of the defect lies in the fact that the risk of blood clots forming in the cavity of a convex area increases. They can break off at any time and travel through the bloodstream to any area of ​​the body, causing a stroke if they enter the brain, or necrosis if they penetrate the limbs. A history of aneurysm increases the likelihood of dangerous diseases.

Symptoms of the disease

In most cases, symptoms of cardiac aneurysm in newborns appear by age 3. With a mild defect, they may not be very noticeable, but it should be indicative for parents when children begin to lag behind in growth and physiologically begin to differ from their peers - they look younger.

They are underweight and get sick more often - viral infections They are constantly put to bed in the off-season.

How older age children, the more pronounced the symptoms. Starts to lag sexual development, complaints of pain in the chest area appear, arrhythmia occurs, the skin becomes pale to blue.

All this is caused by the fact that when increased loads– physical and mental – blood flow increases. The volume of the right ventricle increases and the pulmonary circulation is rebooted. This causes a deviation of the pulmonary trunk from the norm - respiratory function is impaired.

When there are changes in work cardiovascular system is happening partial atrophy heart muscles, and they protrude. At medical examination There is low blood pressure and a low pulse.

Distolic and systolic sounds intensify, with the most pronounced change in systolic tone - most often cardiac murmurs appear. The border of the heart is shifted - usually to the right and up.

An aneurysm can rupture - this in most cases happens when the child has matured, but the perforation of the defect should not be confused with a rupture of the heart. Fatal outcome does not follow damage. A sign of rupture is acute pain in the heart at this moment, which gradually weakens.

Subsequently, the following symptoms appear:

  • constant feelings of fatigue and weakness, which can also be observed at rest;
  • discomfort, pronounced inconvenience - the patient characterizes it this way: “ I always feel like I have a heart, I can't forget»;
  • During physical activity, shortness of breath and increased fatigue immediately occur.

Subsequently, the defect heals, connective tissue forms at the site of the tear, and you can live – subject to certain restrictions – for many more years.


Currently, the defect is detected in a newborn immediately after birth. An aneurysm is most easily seen during an ultrasound of the heart. To confirm the diagnosis, an electrocardiogram is done - it shows whether the functions of the cardiovascular system are impaired.

As additional examinations are carried out:

  • cardiac catheterization;
  • Ultrasound through the esophagus using a sensor;
  • computed tomography.

These procedures help determine the nature of the aneurysm: size and location, determine the presence accompanying pathologies.

How is a cardiac aneurysm treated?

A small aneurysm does not need to be treated. Most often, a patient with such a diagnosis is registered, and during routine examinations the dynamics of the disease are monitored, noting and evaluating positive and negative changes. To do this, procedures are carried out that do not require preparation - ultrasound and ECG.

If the size of the defect increases, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital, where the cardiologist develops a further therapeutic regimen.

Treatment of septal aneurysm operational methods try not to carry it out. Operation and rehabilitation period pose a greater danger to the patient’s life than rupture of the defect, so cardiologists prefer to take a wait-and-see approach.

The only indication for surgical intervention is the possibility of development pulmonary hypertension due to increased blood discharge due to its irreversibility. In this case, the septum is sutured using synthetic materials - non-absorbable, since the growth connective tissue may provoke dangerous symptoms- blood flow disturbance. The rupture site is sutured with plastic surgery of the vascular wall.

Traditional healers offer the following basic infusion to treat aneurysms and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.


  • roots of calamus;
  • rose hips;
  • dried hawthorn berries;
  • valerian roots.

Plant materials are mixed in equal proportions, then poured with boiling water and infused wrapped like tea - a teaspoon per 2 glasses of water. After 30 minutes, the base infusion is considered ready and, after it has cooled, is put into the refrigerator.

1 teaspoon diluted in a glass of water daily herbal tea and drink this amount 30 minutes before meals during the day.

One of the heart abnormalities is the curvature of the wall between the right and left atrium. This disorder is called atrial septal aneurysm. Typically, this anomaly occurs in children in the place where the septum between the atria is thinnest. The fact is that during intrauterine development the embryo has an open hole here, which closes immediately after the birth of the child.

But in some cases, thickness equalization does not occur, so a “thin place” remains between the atria, where an aneurysm of the interatrial septum occurs. Pathological changes in the interatrial septum manifest themselves in three forms:

  • Curvature from left to right, which is the most typical case;
  • Bulging in left side right atrium;
  • S-shaped curvature, when the upper and lower parts of the partitions bend in different directions.


According to the modern medical classification, aneurysm of the interatrial septum belongs to the group of heart diseases, known in medicine as minor cardiac anomalies. This disease was discovered a long time ago, but serious research into this cardiac anomaly has not yet been carried out.

Consequently, aneurysm of the interatrial septum, which most often is congenital, has not been sufficiently studied and the exact causes of this heart disease have not been established. Today, scientists defend two theories explaining the development of this cardiac anomaly in children:

  • Hereditary factor;
  • Disruption of the formation of cardiac connective tissue of the embryo, due to some destabilizing factor, for example, intrauterine infection.

Also, according to medical practitioners, it can develop in adults due to suffered a heart attack myocardium.


Today this disease is diagnosed in a child in early age, when taking the first electrocardiogram or performing an ultrasound. These examinations are now mandatory for newborns. If necessary, additional examination may be prescribed to clarify the diagnosis.

As a rule, this is necessary in cases where the signs indicate other cardiac pathologies, for example, an aneurysm. interventricular septum. See an accurate picture of changes in the heart of children, and, therefore, put accurate diagnosis The following examination methods allow:

  • Transesophageal echocardiography;
  • Cardiac catheterization;
  • Computed tomography.

Modern equipment allows you to accurately determine the type of anomaly and its size, as well as exclude the presence of other heart diseases, for example, an aneurysm of the interventricular septum, which is a very serious and dangerous disease.

Symptoms of the disease

There are practically no external symptoms of curvature of the septum between the atria in newborn children. Only an experienced pediatrician can suspect the presence of a cardiac anomaly by bluish skin or, in accordance with medical terminology, cyanosis.

But even if the child was diagnosed with a deviated atrial septum, the symptoms of the disease, unlike an aneurysm of the interventricular septum, may long time do not appear. Of course, it should be understood that children at every age experience characteristic changes in the body, so the course of the disease may change.

So, at the age of 1-3 years, children may experience:

  • Inhibition of physical and mental development;
  • Susceptibility to seasonal viral infections.

For older children, signs of disease progression usually include:

  • With a lag in weight and height;
  • With problems in puberty;
  • With physical weakness and fatigue;
  • With chest pain.

IN dangerous stage As the disease progresses, its symptoms in children become pronounced and manifest themselves:

  • Noticeable pallor of the skin;
  • External defects in the chest area, namely, a small bulge in the heart area;
  • An increase in the size of the pulmonary trunk and right ventricle;
  • Decrease blood pressure and pulse.

Advice! A child who has been diagnosed congenital anomaly atrial septum, must be registered at the clinic and regularly examined in order to monitor the dynamics of the disease.

This disease can occur after myocardial infarction. Based on the speed of progression, the disease is classified into the following types:

  • The chronic form is observed in the sixth week after the attack and is expressed by heart failure.
  • The acute form persists for a couple of weeks after a heart attack, while against the background of heart failure, the body temperature rises and the heartbeat fails.
  • The subacute form occurs between the third and sixth week after the attack and manifests symptoms such as severe shortness of breath, fatigue and palpitations.

Treatment of atrial septal anomaly

At the beginning of the development of atrial septal aneurysm in children, no treatment is required. The disease becomes dangerous to health if the curvature increases in size, which threatens its rupture. For many children, the critical period for such changes is adolescence, during which major changes occur in the body.

If the symptoms of the disease do not worsen with growing up and no complications are detected during regular examinations, which are mandatory, then no medical or surgical treatment is required.

Treatment methods

Treatment in a conservative way is prescribed to patients who, after examination, have been diagnosed with a chronic or constantly developing form of the disease. In this case, as a rule, special complex agents are used that can improve heart function and lower blood pressure.

If the disease progresses, that is, there is an increase in the size of the deviated septum, then the cardiologist may decide to eliminate the anomaly surgically. It should be understood that this is a very dangerous event.

The complexity of the operation is the same as that of eliminating any other heart defect, for example, an aneurysm of the interventricular septum. The danger is that complications after surgery can be very serious and life-threatening.

Often, cardiologists wait, leaving the patient under observation, and decide on surgical intervention only if they see the risk of developing pulmonary hypertension, which can arise from a strong discharge of blood.

During the operation, plastic surgery of the septum between the atria is performed or the rupture site is sutured. For this purpose, special anti-allergenic synthetic materials are used.

Disease prevention includes measures aimed at preventing the development of myocardial infarction. They are very useful for children healing infusions, strengthening the heart. With a positive attitude in life, healthy way life, as well as in case of exclusion stressful situations this cardiac anomaly is not dangerous and allows full life without any restrictions.

An aneurysm of the aneurysm is usually called a curvature of the wall separating the right and left atrium. This pathology refers to minor anomalies in the development of the heart and does not pose a particular danger. The essence of the deviation is as follows: changes occur in the interatrial septum as a result of which it protrudes and takes on one of the forms described below.

Forms of anomaly

STD aneurysm in a newborn develops in different ways, and today three forms are known:

  1. Right-sided curvature.
  2. Left-sided curvature.
  3. S-shaped curvature.

Aneurysm of the interatrial septum was detected in people several decades ago, but despite this, it has still not been possible to study the disease and reliably determine the factors that provoke its occurrence. No serious research has been conducted in this area.

Experts are inclined to believe that the anomaly in adults is a consequence of a myocardial infarction. But what is the background against which an aneurysm of the sac occurs in a child who has just been born? There are several opinions on this matter:

  • The cause of the development of pathology is genetic predisposition(heredity).
  • The curvature of the wall between the atria can be affected by disturbances in the formation of cardiac connective tissue during fetal development.
  • The deviation may be caused by the presence infectious diseases at the mother's.
  • Various destabilizing causes can serve as risk factors.

Such explanations are not supported by significant facts, but they contain some grain of truth.

STD aneurysm and its signs

Symptoms of the anomaly can be either mild or pronounced. In the case of an adult who has had a myocardial infarction, curvature of the interatrial wall may be accompanied by signs characteristic of heart failure. STD aneurysm in a newborn rarely makes itself felt and is detected, in most cases, by chance, when planned implementation Ultrasound of the heart. This pathology in a baby is quite clearly visible when ultrasound examination. To fully confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct additional differential diagnostics.

What does an aneurysm lead to?

As the anomaly develops, a hole is formed in the damaged area of ​​the septum, which prevents normal blood flow. This occurs due to the fact that blood from the left atrium splashes not only into the left ventricle, but also partially enters the right atrium. This causes an increase in the load on the right-sided parts of the heart muscle, which entails the development of compensatory hypertrophy of the right atrium, which extends to the ventricle. In addition, everything goes into the lungs more blood, the load on the vessels increases accordingly, which is manifested by symptoms of pulmonary hypotension. This pathology in children develops quite slowly, but at the same time, the blood flow in the right circle can increase significantly.

STD aneurysm in newborns may be asymptomatic and not bother the child. In the first stages of development, the pathology does not require the use of medications or surgical measures. The baby should be regularly examined by a pediatrician and cardiologist, and undergo ECG and ultrasound examinations to monitor the dynamics of the disease. If there are no signs of complications of the anomaly, and it is under constant and strict control, then even over time, already in adulthood, the disease will not affect the child’s health.

Surgery is required in very extreme cases, as the effect of the application surgical technique can be the most unpredictable.

Experts consider heart surgery for atrial aneurysm inappropriate and dangerous measure. This is due to the fact that complications arising after the intervention pose a greater threat to the patient’s life than the anomaly itself.

Surgical treatment may be prescribed to a child at an older age if he or she develops irreversible pulmonary hypotension due to the constant reflux of a large volume of blood.

Prevention of pathology

If there is a diagnosis of “inferior aneurysm in a child,” then you should not panic and look for possible methods eliminating deviations. Many people live happily ever after with this disease. Most children grow up and do not even suspect the presence of an anomaly, since it does not manifest itself in any way. The main measure to prevent complications in the future will be to limit physical activity. This disease is not dangerous, but annual examination is considered mandatory.

Characteristic symptoms of cardiac aneurysm in a newborn

If the pathology is not detected by routine ultrasound during pregnancy, in the first weeks of life the reason for prescribing special examinations may be caused by the baby's bluish skin, pathology anatomical structure body in the chest area (protrusion due to the enlarged border of the heart). Blood pressure may be slightly low.

Diagnostic methods:

  • Consultation with a cardiologist;
  • Urine and blood tests;
  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • Chest X-ray;
  • Radioisotropic venticulography;

In cases where it is planned surgery, coronary agnography and X-ray contrast ventriculography are prescribed.

Treatment of cardiac aneurysm in newborns

Elimination of this pathology is possible only surgically. If the aneurysm does not increase in size and does not pose a clear threat to the child’s life, surgery is scheduled after the child reaches one year.
IN in rare cases If the aneurysm of the bladder in a newborn is very small, or surgery is contraindicated, treatment is carried out using conservative methods.

First of all, this is compliance with the regime, based on the right combination rest and physical activity. Special attention deserves the baby's diet. The entire first year of his life is recommended breast-feeding. This will reduce the likelihood of infectious diseases and strengthen the immunity of the newborn baby.

A little anatomy

While the fetus is in a state of formation, the septum between the ventricles is open - it has an opening in the form of an oval window. When a baby is born, the window normally becomes overgrown. But in some babies, the developing septum has a heterogeneous structure, and at the point of thinning it stretches and bulges.

A bulging septum most often occurs from left to right, but can be in the opposite direction or form in an S-shape - one part from left to right, the other from right to left.

The defect is classified according to the location and size of the protrusion.

On the partition it can be located in front, behind, in the center, below and above.

The only symptom of atrial septal aneurysm in a newborn at an early stage is such mild pallor of the skin that even the symptom “cyanosis” cannot be characterized.

Developmental delays and severe weakness make themselves felt from 3-4 months, but if the size of the aneurysm is small, then the disease is usually diagnosed only when the baby is 3-5 years old. When protrusion is up to 15 mm, the pathology does not affect physical development and behavior.

The danger of the defect lies in the fact that the risk of blood clots forming in the cavity of a convex area increases. They can break off at any time and travel through the bloodstream to any area of ​​the body, causing a stroke if they enter the brain, or necrosis if they penetrate the limbs. A history of aneurysm increases the likelihood of dangerous diseases.

Symptoms of the disease

In most cases, symptoms of cardiac aneurysm in newborns appear by age 3. With a mild defect, they may not be very noticeable, but it should be indicative for parents when children begin to lag behind in growth and physiologically begin to differ from their peers - they look younger.

They are underweight, they get sick more often - viral infections constantly put them to bed in the off-season.

The older the children are, the more severe the symptoms. Sexual development begins to lag behind, complaints of pain in the chest appear, arrhythmia occurs, and the skin becomes pale to blue.

All this is caused by the fact that with increased stress - physical and mental - blood flow increases. The volume of the right ventricle increases and the pulmonary circulation is rebooted. This causes a deviation of the pulmonary trunk from the norm - respiratory function is impaired.

With changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, partial atrophy of the heart muscles occurs, and they protrude. During a medical examination, low blood pressure and a rare pulse are noted.

Distolic and systolic sounds intensify, with the most pronounced change in systolic tone - most often cardiac murmurs appear. The border of the heart is shifted - usually to the right and up.

An aneurysm can rupture - this in most cases happens when the child has matured, but the perforation of the defect should not be confused with a rupture of the heart. Death does not follow the injury. A sign of rupture is acute pain in the heart at this moment, which gradually weakens.

Subsequently, the following symptoms appear:

  • constant feelings of fatigue and weakness, which can also be observed at rest;
  • discomfort, pronounced inconvenience - the patient characterizes it this way: “I always feel that I have a heart, I can’t forget”;
  • During physical activity, shortness of breath and increased fatigue immediately occur.

Subsequently, the defect heals, connective tissue forms at the site of the tear, and you can live – subject to certain restrictions – for many more years.


Currently, the defect is detected in a newborn immediately after birth. An aneurysm is most easily seen during an ultrasound of the heart. To confirm the diagnosis, an electrocardiogram is done - it shows whether the functions of the cardiovascular system are impaired.

Additional examinations are carried out:

  • cardiac catheterization;
  • Ultrasound through the esophagus using a sensor;
  • computed tomography.

These procedures help determine the nature of the aneurysm: size and location, and determine the presence of concomitant pathologies.

How is a cardiac aneurysm treated?

A small aneurysm does not need to be treated. Most often, a patient with such a diagnosis is registered, and during routine examinations the dynamics of the disease are monitored, noting and evaluating positive and negative changes. To do this, procedures are carried out that do not require preparation - ultrasound and ECG.

If the size of the defect increases, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital, where the cardiologist develops a further therapeutic regimen.

They try not to treat septal aneurysm with surgical methods. The operation and rehabilitation period pose a greater danger to the patient’s life than rupture of the defect, so cardiologists prefer to take a wait-and-see approach.

The only indication for surgical intervention is the possibility of developing pulmonary hypertension due to increased blood discharge due to its irreversibility. In this case, the septum is sutured using synthetic materials - non-absorbable, since the growth of connective tissue can provoke dangerous symptoms - impaired blood flow. The rupture site is sutured with plastic surgery of the vascular wall.

Traditional healers offer the following basic infusion to treat aneurysms and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.


  • roots of calamus;
  • rose hips;
  • dried hawthorn berries;
  • valerian roots.

Plant materials are mixed in equal proportions, then poured with boiling water and infused wrapped like tea - a teaspoon per 2 glasses of water. After 30 minutes, the base infusion is considered ready and, after it has cooled, is put into the refrigerator.

Every day, dilute 1 teaspoon of herbal tea in a glass of water and drink this amount 30 minutes before meals during the day.

Gradually, the strength of the daily mixture is increased, increasing the strength - up to 2 tablespoons per glass of water.

Treatment is interrupted for 5 days and resumed at the minimum dose if the following side effects are experienced:

  • nausea;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • intestinal colic;
  • increased flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • constipation;
  • the occurrence of arrhythmia or tachycardia.

The therapeutic course is exactly one year.

The prognosis for a pediatric aneurysm is usually favorable, but the condition of a small patient is largely affected by the size of the defect and the presence of other changes in the heart muscle.

The only preventive measures are to avoid overload. If it was carried out surgery, the baby must be registered with a pediatric cardiologist.

Causes of aneurysm of the bladder

In the development of this pathology, many scientists assign a large role to hereditary predisposition. Very often, MPP aneurysm occurs in children who are born from a problematic pregnancy (threatened miscarriage, attempts to get rid of pregnancy).

Another cause of this congenital heart disease is diseases suffered by a woman during pregnancy (especially infectious nature). Therefore, before conception, you should cure all existing infections, and during pregnancy, strengthen your immune system and eat right.

In a newborn, an aneurysm can occur due to prolonged, frequent and severe crying, as well as constipation. In both cases, the patient’s blood pressure increases, which can lead to overstretching of the heart septum.

Clinical signs

The only symptom of an aneurysm of the interatrial septum in a child in the first days of life may be pronounced cyanosis (cyanosis) of the nasolabial triangle, or weak diffuse cyanosis of the skin (which is quite rare due to physiological characteristics in newborns).

If the size of the protrusion is relatively small (up to 10 millimeters), then deviations in development will not be observed. But in the case when the aneurysm has large sizes, symptoms of the disease appear already at the age of 3–5 months. But the diagnosis is most often made after the age of two.

In children with an aneurysm of the interatrial septum, up to three years of age, a lag in physical and mental development. Such a child does not gain weight well, this is especially noticeable in the first year of life. He gets sick often. At an older age, a child with a defect in the MPP experiences noticeable growth retardation and underdevelopment of the reproductive system. Prolonged physical activity is difficult.

The mortality rate of newborns with this pathology is about 10%.

Patients may rupture an atrial septal aneurysm and complain of sharp pain. Then appears constant weakness, shortness of breath physical activity and chest discomfort. But rupture of the protrusion is not as terrible as it might seem at first glance. In this case, blood from the left atrium enters the right atrium through the resulting hole. There is no left ventricular overload observed.


  1. When examining a patient with an aneurysm, pale skin is observed, chest changes in the form of protrusion (“heart hump”) are possible. It occurs due to enlargement of the right ventricle.
  2. Percussion. The boundaries of the heart are expanded into right side due to enlargement of the right parts of the heart (ventricle and atrium).
  3. Auscultation. In children 7 years of age, a characteristic heart murmur (systolic) is heard.
  4. Pathology in a child can be suspected based on the results of a routine ECG, which will show signs of stress on the right side of the heart and changes in the boundaries of the ventricle. Interventricular pathology, as a rule, is not detected.
  5. If any abnormalities are detected on the ECG, the child is sent to ultrasound examination. This method helps to identify pathological changes the right and left parts of the heart, as well as determine the size of the protrusion of the MPP and the enlarged ventricle and atrium. The condition of the interventricular septum is also assessed.
  6. To clarify the diagnosis, use additional methods examinations: computed tomography and cardiac catheterization. For older children, transesophageal ultrasound of the heart may be prescribed. These methods will help you choose the right treatment.


Treatment is prescribed after diagnosis and assessment of the child’s condition. In children, treatment of atrial septal aneurysm is carried out surgically. In the case when the MPP aneurysm is small and the child feels well, treatment is postponed. The operation is performed when the child reaches 1 year of age. The patient should be monitored by a cardiologist all the time before surgery. Surgical treatment can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Resection of protrusion of the interatrial septum. This operation is performed on open heart within a few hours. Cardiac arrest is performed and the child is connected to the machine. cardiopulmonary bypass. The surgeon examines the left ventricle and the location of the defect. After opening the aneurysm, any existing blood clots are removed.
  2. Correction of the structure of the left ventricle. In this case, the changed area is replaced with an implant.

Surgical treatment of the IV defect has a number of contraindications:

  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • high temperature;
  • heart failure grade 3;
  • oncological, infectious diseases;
  • impaired liver and kidney functions.

According to research by cardiologists around the world, every tenth person suffers from congenital and acquired malformations of a muscular organ.

Apparently, this figure is even higher, given that many simply do not go to the hospital: no severe symptoms, and even if there is, the medical culture of the majority of the population is not sufficient for timely visits to doctors.

Atrial septal aneurysm is a rare anatomical defect in which the cardiac septum bulges to the right or left, and uneven curvature is also possible.

Due to unclear mortality, few specialized studies have been conducted. Therefore, it is not known in what number of cases deviation poses a threat to health. Best of luck Experts from Europe and the USA have achieved research on this issue.

It is extremely rare that the condition makes itself known by any symptoms. It is mostly a silent phenomenon. It is diagnosed accidentally, during echocardiography or tomographic examination. Restoration, as needed, is carried out using radical methods.

Due to the lack of specialized studies, the exact ways of folding the anatomical defect are unknown. There are several theories of pathogenesis.

The most common is perinatal. The heart and the entire system are formed in the first trimester, approximately in the second week. Of course, full-fledged cardiac structures are formed somewhat later, but problems are possible already at this stage.

The reason lies in genetic defects and syndromes. It is impossible to say in advance what kind of defect will be formed.

Aneurysmal protrusion of the interatrial septum (abbreviated ASP) is diagnosed in children from the first days of life during echocardiography. In other cases, it may take years before detection pathological process.

Another option is the acquisition of a developmental defect as a result of previous heart disease. Myocarditis, inflammatory lesions autoimmune nature, deviations leading to atrophy of cardiac structures, all these are factors in the formation of the defect.

A classification of aneurysm of the intercardiac septum as such has not been developed.

A standard anatomical layout is used, which is represented by three types of deviations:

  • Protrusion to the left side.
  • Right-sided aneurysm (the most common variant).
  • S-shaped curvature (occurs in 15-20% of total number cases).

This classification does not have great clinical significance. This is a statement of fact: there are three possible types of anatomical defect.

They are approximately the same in terms of probable symptoms, consequences, and solutions. The difficulties in healing are also identical.


Development factors have not been sufficiently studied. Based on the known data, the following conclusions can be drawn.

Congenital forms

They are represented mainly by genetic syndromes; spontaneous mutations occur less frequently as a result of exposure to the body expectant mother in labor negative factors(chemical reagents, ionizing radiation, drugs).

  • Down syndrome. Trisomy. Contrary to the possible beliefs of the average person, it is determined not only by severe mental retardation. Also cardiac problems, which turn out to be the cause early death among patients in this group. Interatrial aneurysm is considered a relatively common type of process, but far from the only one. At the same moment, there are several types of anatomical defects. All of them together cause increased mortality. Many patients do not live to see 10 years of age.
  • Pallister-Killian syndrome. Characterized by massive deviations from the cardiovascular system. Aneurysm of the interatrial septum is a clinically common variant that is part of a typical complex.
  • Cardiofacial syndrome. A relatively rare pathology. Characterized by heart lesions, as well as cosmetic defects (recovery is carried out under the supervision of an oral surgeon).
  • Sickel syndrome.

Other pathological processes. There are dozens possible deviations in development. All, one way or another, affect the condition of the atrial septum.

Acquired forms

Are determined more often. The ratio, according to a few studies, is 70% versus 30% (phenotypic and genetic pathologies, respectively).

We can name the following conditions preceding the defect in question:

  • Inflammatory lesions of the heart and surrounding structures. Usually has an infectious nature, somewhat less often autoimmune. The classic form is myocarditis. The deviation is accompanied by a prolonged increase in body temperature, chest pain, rhythm problems, shortness of breath, changes in objective blood indicators and instrumental techniques. Treatment should begin from the very first days of the pathological process. Delay can have catastrophic consequences. STD aneurysm is a clinical variant of an acquired defect that develops at an early stage. Outside medical care complete destruction of cardiac structures occurs.

  • Heart attack. Acute death of the heart muscle. Depending on the location of the process, a decrease in blood circulation of varying degrees of severity occurs. As the deviation develops, the elasticity of the septum decreases. There is a protrusion towards one or two atria at once. Such consequences are relatively rare and are detected only through objective means within the framework of early diagnosis cardiosclerosis and failure after an emergency.
  • Ischemic disease. Chronic disorder blood circulation in cardiac structures. Its character resembles a heart attack, but the decrease in hemodynamics does not reach a certain critical level. Outside timely treatment Myocardial necrosis will occur, but somewhat later. When - depends on the degree of ischemia. Such patients should be examined every 3-6 months. Lifelong treatment. The probability of an atrial septal aneurysm is about 30%, possibly higher; there is not enough empirical material for far-reaching generalizations.

  • Rheumatism. Autoimmune pathological process. It develops at any age and what causes it is not known for certain. It is assumed that viral agents play a major role, passing into cardiac structures from distant sources, but not provoking inflammation as such. Lifelong treatment with the use of immunosuppressants acute period. Aneurysm of the septum of the heart is a late acquired defect, eliminated surgical methods, if there is evidence for it.
  • Hypertensive process of any origin. Increased blood pressure. Creates a significant load on all cardiac structures. Malformations of cardiac formations, including septum, are possible. Stable headache with high performance tonometer.
  • Acquired cardiac malformations of a different origin. May cause an aneurysm. It is impossible to say for sure in what percentage of cases this occurs. However, there is a pattern. When or is detected, the pathology in question is diagnosed in almost 20% of cases. Which suggests a possible connection.

  • Atherosclerosis of large arteries. It occurs against the background of other conditions, that is, it turns out to be secondary. Accompanied by a generalized disturbance of circulatory processes in the body. Cardiac structures also suffer. The consequence is heart defects. It takes more than one year to develop, so there is enough time for prevention or high-quality detection.

  • . An increase in pressure in the corresponding artery. Characterized by an increase in the mass of the muscular organ (the so-called cor pulmonale). Against the background of the current process, additional deviations in the development of cardiac structures are possible.

The exact reasons, however, are not known. In some cases, the process occurs spontaneously, and diagnostics do not yield results. Then they talk about the idiopathic variety.

How does the disease manifest itself?

In most cases, no way. Signs are detected when the phenomenon is advanced, when secondary deviations in the functioning of other anatomical structures hearts.

An approximate list of symptoms in this case:

  • Chest pain to varying degrees intensity. From minor tingling to unbearable attacks, reminiscent of angina pectoris in nature. The duration of each episode is no more than 5-15 minutes. Passes without a trace. As the underlying disease progresses, relapses become more frequent.
  • Arrhythmias different types. From simple, when the heart rate reaches 150-200 beats per minute to others. Ventricular form especially dangerous to life. Other possible options- , . As the process moves forward, it becomes more and more difficult to restore the normal rhythm. Moreover, the patient stops paying attention to the manifestations, which complicates the diagnosis of initial appointment. Everything is solved using routine methods.
  • Discomfort in the chest. The symptom is directly related to the previous one. A sharp beat, heart flutters, skipping iterations, unequal time intervals between contractions. Here are the possible options.
  • Shortness of breath and other disturbances of normal gas exchange. It occurs spontaneously, sometimes in a state of complete rest. On early stages anatomical deviations only with intensive physical activity. It is difficult to catch the process from the first moments, perhaps through load tests.
  • Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle. Indicates tissue ischemia. Characterized by a bluish discoloration of the area around the mouth. Business card pathologies of the cardiovascular system in general. Nonspecific sign.
  • Paleness skin. The dermal layer becomes like marble. This is most often noticeable in patients with weak pigmentation.
  • Increased sweating, especially at night.
  • Advanced cardiac pathologies are characterized by hemoptysis. It's relative rare sign, it is necessary to differentiate processes of cardiac origin from tuberculosis and lung cancer.
  • Dizziness of unknown origin.
  • Cephalgia.
  • Nausea and vomiting. They are reflexive in nature. Therefore, relief does not come after episodes as with poisoning.

Signs are nonspecific and may indicate a wide range of pathologies, which are determined by dozens of conditions.

Aneurysm of the interatrial septum in adults manifests itself more clearly, especially if it is caused by congenital defects.

What needs to be examined?

Diagnostic measures fall on the shoulders of the cardiologist. Duration ranges from several days to a week. IN inpatient conditions everything happens faster, and it is also possible to control the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

An approximate list of methods:

  • Interviewing the patient and collecting anamnesis. Previous diseases play a huge role cardiological profile, also the presence in the past or present of conditions of an autoimmune nature, genetic syndromes. It is necessary to clarify whether there were problems in the prenatal period.
  • Measurement of blood pressure and heart rate. An increase in both indicators indicates organic disorders. Subsequent diagnostic measures will allow you to find out more.
  • Daily monitoring using an automatic programmable tonometer. Conducted over 24 hours. The rhythm and dynamics of blood pressure are assessed. Possible repetition in doubtful cases.
  • Electrocardiography, EPI as needed. Study of the functional viability of cardiac structures. Even minor deviations in rhythm and activity are detected.
  • Echocardiography. Main diagnostic technique. Allows you to identify all defects and anatomical defects. This method is sufficient to state the fact.
  • MRI. As part of verification, in controversial cases.

It is also possible to prescribe a general blood test, biochemical test, coronography, stress tests (with caution).

Treatment methods

Therapy only as needed. In most cases, an aneurysm of the interatrial septum does not make itself felt; it is discovered by chance, during preventive diagnostics or examination for other diseases.

If there are no symptoms, it is also not detected organic pathologies, dynamic observation under the supervision of a cardiologist is indicated. The frequency of screening events is once a year or more often.

When symptoms and accompanying pathological processes are detected, complex treatment with the use of medications, and if the conservative route is ineffective - with surgical intervention.

An aneurysm itself cannot be cured with drugs. Basically, a maintenance technique is prescribed using potassium and magnesium.

A big role is given proper nutrition, With reduced content fats and quickly digestible compounds. Fried, smoked food, canned food and semi-finished products are completely excluded. More vitamins, minerals, protein. Salt no more than 7 grams per day.

Other recommendations include quitting smoking, alcohol, psychoactive substances, sleep 8 hours per night, avoid stressful situations, physical strain, negative climatic factors (sharp changes pressure, humidity, air temperature).

Traditional recipes are also applicable as part of prevention. Use 10% propolis tincture in the amount of 30 drops 2 times a day, horse chestnut(30 drops/day), decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, motherwort and peppermint in the system (prepared randomly, using the express method).

With caution to herbal treatment resort when available allergic reactions, especially of a polyvalent nature.

Forecasts and possible consequences

The outcome is generally favorable if the pathological defect is not complicated by concomitant processes. Mortality is minimal and amounts to 3-8% in its pure form.

If there is coronary or heart failure, a previous heart attack, or other congenital or acquired defects, mortality varies widely: 10-50% over a period of several years. You need to look at the fact, in detail. There are no generally accepted calculations.

Complications leading to fatal consequences are:

  • Cardiac arrest or. No pulse, no breathing. Resuscitation measures are immediate. The probability of death is maximum.
  • Cardiogenic shock.
  • Hypertensive crisis and subsequent stroke of hemorrhagic or ischemic type.
  • Repeated or primary infarction.
  • Fainting. Resulting in a fall. Often injury. Which is already dangerous.
  • It is also possible to develop vascular dementia, heart failure with the prospect of other complications.

Overall survival rate is good. Treatment is associated with an even better prognosis.

In conclusion

Atrial aneurysm is an anatomical defect in which the septum separating the atrium is bent to the right, less often to the left, and rarely has an S-shaped deformation.

There are virtually no symptoms, making diagnosis difficult. Detection of the pathological process is possible only by objective methods.

The find itself is not so dangerous, especially if there are no organic lesions cardiac structures.

Treatment is controversial, includes dynamic observation, and, if necessary, surgery. Maintenance therapy using vitamin-mineral complexes is constant. A change in diet and lifestyle in general plays a role.