Bakuleva dispensary observation of a single-chamber pacemaker. Cost of surgery and price of pacemaker. Indications for use

What is a pacemaker? How is implantation surgery performed and what are the risks? We will talk about the types of devices (single-chamber, double-chamber or triple-chamber) and pathologies that require the installation of a pacemaker.

What is a pacemaker

A pacemaker is artificial electromedical device several centimeters in size (6 or 7), which emits electrical impulses and can stimulate/regulate heartbeat.

It is implanted when electrical system the cardiac muscle (sinus node) is unable to ensure the physiological functioning of the heart.

Too much low frequency heart rate, as well as too high, is not able to provide the proper distance for blood to pass through the tissues, which leads to serious problems.

The pacemaker consists from an electrical circuit enclosed in a sealed titanium box, which is powered by a battery and is located under the skin in the area chest in close proximity to the heart.

The impulses generated by the device must, however, act inside the cavities of the heart and, therefore, require the installation of veins, which in medical language are called electrocatheters.

Pacemakers can be used during the transition period if it is necessary to stabilize the heartbeat after a traumatic event - this could be a heart attack; or permanently if the heart is no longer able to maintain a physiologically normal rate.

The most common reason why there is a need for pacemaker implantation, - This bradycardia heart rate , that is, an anomaly that changes the physiological rate of contraction of the heart.

What does a pacemaker consist of?

The first pacemaker model appeared in 1950. It was developed by Canadian physician John Hopps. Since then, along with the development of technology, heart stimulation devices have changed significantly.

A pacemaker essentially consists of made of three separate parts:

Electrical pulse generator

Currently, this part consists mainly of programmable microprocessor.

The first pacemakers were designed to treat sudden fainting caused by insufficient blood flow to the brain, and continuously generated an electrical pulse (voltage ranging between 5 and 8 volts) at a rate of 70 beats per minute.

Currently, pacemakers, using special sensors, able to monitor electrical impulses of the atria and ventricles, as well as a number of other parameters: such as breathing speed and body movement. Therefore, they can intervene in the regulation of heart rhythm only if necessary. They can also increase the heart rate if necessary, as happens during exercise.

One battery

Modern batteries, such as lithium-ion, have remarkable durability, but require regular testing and replacement. The lifespan of the battery that powers the generator cannot be precisely determined in advance, but it depends on how often and for how long the generator must interfere with the heart, but generally varies between 10 and 15 years.

All generators and batteries are enclosed in a titanium box measuring 7x6x1 cm, weighing about 20 grams.

Row of electrical wires - from 1 to 3

As I said, these wires (one, two or three, depending on the type of pacemaker) are called electrocatheters and through a vein or artery from placed in the heart chamber, which is necessary to stimulate contractions.

They move away from the box and reach the cavities of the heart through subclavian artery on the right (thoracic artery located below the collarbone) or through the iliac vein (near the neck), which flows into the vena cava. All these actions, of course, are carried out by catheterization under the control of an X-ray machine.

Types of pacemakers: one-, two- and three-chamber

Types of pacemakers can be distinguished depending on the number of electrodes, which connect at the center, so we have:

  • Single chamber pacemaker: with one electrode connected to only one cavity, which can be the right atrium or the right ventricle.
  • Dual chamber pacemaker: In this case, two electrocatheters are connected to two chambers of the heart (for example, the right ventricle and the right atrium).
  • Three-chamber pacemaker or biventricular: In the latter case, the device has three wires. Such a pacemaker can stimulate both the right atrium and both ventricular cavities. In this way, the heart pumps blood in the most efficient manner, which significantly improves the patient's quality of life.

The type of pacemaker can be determined by a sequence of 5 letters, namely:

  • The first letter identifies the cavity in which stimulation occurs: A - atrium, V - ventricle, D - both.
  • The second letter defines the cavity, in which, if necessary, a sensor is implanted: A - atrium, V - ventricle, D - for both, O - without sensor.
  • The third letter determines the type of response to sensor signals.
  • The fourth letter determines the type of programming: P - programmable, M - multi-programmable, R - pulse frequency adapts to the received data.
  • The fifth letter determines the type of antitachycardia function: O - absent, P - stimulation to combat arrhythmia, S - defibrillation, D - both functions.

Indications for pacemaker implantation

Indications for implantation...

Most common indications for pacemaker implantation are:

  • Nonphysiological bradycardia. That is, a decrease in heart rate of less than 50 beats per minute. Typical for older people experiencing aging muscle tissue hearts.
  • Heart failure. Clinical syndrome(a set of symptoms and signs) when the heart cannot provide the range of blood flow that is necessary for proper saturation of tissues with oxygen. Implantation of a biventricular pacemaker, in many cases, significantly increases the efficiency of the heart.
  • Atrial fibrillation . Arrhythmia, which occurs in the atria. Its peculiarity is the lack of coordination of atrial contraction.
  • Long QT interval. This is an arrhythmia caused by a delay in the repolarization of myocardial cells during heart contractions. Manifests itself in fainting caused by arrhythmia and, in particular, tachycardia.
  • Diseases sinus node . If there is a malfunction of the sinus node, which is located in the right atrium, implantation of a pacemaker can eliminate bradycardia.
  • Left ventricular atrium block. Anomalies of the electrical impulse conduction system in the area between the atria and ventricles. The effect causes abnormal impulses that originate from the atria and do not reach the ventricles or the signal pathways undergo changes. It follows that the atria and ventricles do not work sequentially. If the problem is chronic, pacemaker implantation is very important.

How is a pacemaker implanted?

Surgery to install a pacemaker Well tolerated even by older people and patients in poor health.

The box, which is small and made of titanium, a biocompatible material, is inserted under local anesthesia into a pocket of skin near the collarbone.

  • Afterwards, under local anesthesia, to numb the insertion site, electrocatheters are inserted through an artery or subclavian vein, under X-ray control, and then fixed in the cavities of the heart.
  • Next, the electrocatheters are connected to a generator, which is programmed in accordance with the detected pathology.

The intervention usually takes about an hour. The patient then spends the night in the hospital to have their heart activity monitored to ensure the device is working properly.

The battery replacement operation is even easier.

Course of treatment after surgery

In conditions normal life, the next day the patient is discharged from the hospital and after a few days he can return to normal activities. To full recovery It is necessary to avoid heavy physical effort (approximately 15-30 days from the date of installation of the pacemaker).

In any case, the doctor must check patient and device at regular intervals.

There are modern pacemakers for which you can exercise remote control using a mobile phone. They can transmit various data regarding the functioning of the heart muscle to the appropriate application.

Thanks to this, you can check parameters such as heart rate, heart rate deceleration, battery life, etc. on your mobile phone.

Risks and complications of pacemaker implantation

Possible complications of pacemaker implantation are:

  • Allergic reactions to anesthetic.
  • Infections in the pocket in which the device box is located.
  • Injuries to nerve endings and muscles in the implant area.
  • Possible bleeding. Especially if the patient is undergoing anticoagulant therapy.
  • Perforation of the muscular layer of the heart at the sites where electrocatheters are placed.
  • Possibility of separating a blood clot from the walls blood vessels during insertion of electrocatheters.

Precautions for persons using pacemakers

Some electrical and electronic appliances may interfere with the function of the pacemaker. The most common are:

  • Mobile phones. The radiation from a nearby mobile phone can be perceived by the generator as a heart rhythm and cause a corresponding change in stimulation. Therefore, it is recommended to use the mobile phone on the other side of the generator insert.
  • Metal detector. The magnetic fields of a metal detector can interfere with a pacemaker, so you should not walk through a metal detector at train stations or airports.
  • Microwave ovens. Microwave ovens can also “conflict” with pacemakers, so you must maintain a distance of at least one meter from these household appliances.
  • Electricity generators. They form intense magnetic fields that interfere with the operation of the device.

Newer pacemaker systems have almost completely eliminated these risks, however, there are still tools that can interfere, such as MRI.

More than three hundred thousand electrical pacemakers (pacers) are installed annually around the world, operating on a permanent basis, since patients with some severe lesions hearts need an artificial pacemaker.

Types of pacemakers

A pacemaker is an electronic device that generates electrical impulses using a special circuit. In addition to the circuit, it contains a battery that supplies energy to the device and thin wires-electrodes.

There are various types heart pacemakers:

  • single-chamber, which are capable of stimulating only one chamber - the ventricle or atrium;
  • dual-chamber, which can stimulate two cardiac chambers: both the ventricle and the atrium;
  • Three-chamber pacemakers are required for patients with heart failure, as well as in the presence of ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia and other life-threatening types of arrhythmias.

Indications for installation of a pacemaker

Are you still wondering what a pacemaker is for? The answer is simple - an electrical pacemaker is designed to impose the correct sinus rhythm on the heart. In what cases is a pacemaker installed? To set it, there can be both relative and absolute indications.

Absolute indications for a pacemaker

Absolute indications are:

  • bradycardia with pronounced clinical symptoms– dizziness, syncope, Morgagni-Adams-Stokes syndrome (MAS);
  • episodes of asystole lasting more than three seconds, recorded on the ECG;
  • if during physical activity the heart rate is recorded below 40 per minute;
  • when persistent atrioventricular block of the second or third degree is combined with two-bundle or three-bundle blockades;
  • if the same blockade occurs after myocardial infarction and manifests itself clinically.

In cases of absolute indication for the installation of a pacemaker, the operation can be performed either planned, after examinations and preparation, or urgently. At absolute readings contraindications to the installation of pacemakers are not taken into account.

Relative indications for pacemaker

The relative indications for a permanently implanted pacemaker are as follows:

  • if third-degree atrioventricular block occurs at any anatomical site with a heart rate under a load of more than 40 beats, which is not clinically manifested;
  • the presence of atrioventricular block of the second type and second degree without clinical manifestations;
  • syncope of patients against the background of two- and three-fascicle blockades, not accompanied ventricular tachycardias or transverse block, while it is not possible to establish other causes of syncope.

If the patient only has relative readings In order for an operation to install a heart pacemaker to be performed, the decision to implant it is made individually, taking into account the patient’s age, physical activity, concomitant diseases and other factors.

When is the installation of a pacemaker not justified?

In fact, a pacemaker has no contraindications for its installation, except in the case of its unjustified implantation.

Such insufficient grounds for implantation are:

  • first degree atrioventricular block without clinical manifestations;
  • proximal atrioventricular block of the first type of the second degree, without clinical manifestations;
  • atrioventricular block that can regress (for example, caused by medication).

Now let's talk about how a pacemaker is placed. If you watch a video of how a pacemaker is installed, you will notice that a cardiac surgeon performs it under X-ray control, and total time The procedure varies depending on the type of implanted device:

  • a single-chamber pacemaker will require half an hour;
  • for a two-chamber pacemaker – 1 hour;
  • A three-chamber pacemaker requires 2.5 hours to install.

Typically, surgery to install a pacemaker occurs under local anesthesia.

The operation to implant an pacemaker consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparing for surgery. This includes processing surgical field And local anesthesia. An anesthetic drug (novocaine, trimecaine, lidocaine) is injected into skin and underlying tissues.
  2. Installation of electrodes. The surgeon makes a small incision in the subclavian region. Next, the electrodes under X-ray control are introduced sequentially through the subclavian vein into the desired cardiac chamber.
  3. Implantation of the pacemaker housing. The device body is implanted under the collarbone, and it can be installed subcutaneously or deepened under the pectoral muscle.

In our country, the device is more often implanted in right-handed people on the left, and in left-handed people on the right, which makes it easier for them to use the device.

  1. The electrodes are connected to the already implanted device.
  2. Device programming. It is produced individually to suit the patient’s needs, taking into account the clinical situation and the capabilities of the device (which also determine the cost of the pacemaker). In modern devices, the doctor can set the basic heart rate, both for the state of physical activity and for rest.

Essentially, this is all the basic information about how a pacemaker is installed.

Complications after pacemaker installation

It is worth knowing that complications after the installation of a pacemaker occur in no more than 3-5% of cases, so you should not be afraid of this operation.

Early postoperative complications:

  • leakage pleural cavity(pneumothorax);
  • thromboembolism;
  • bleeding;
  • violation of insulation, displacement, fracture of the electrode;
  • infection of the surgical wound area.

Long-term complications:

  • EX syndrome - shortness of breath, dizziness, decreased blood pressure, episodic loss of consciousness;
  • pacemaker-induced tachycardia;
  • premature failures in the ECS.

Surgery to insert a pacemaker must be performed experienced surgeon under X-ray control, which allows you to prevent most of the complications that arise during early stage. And in the future, the patient must undergo regular examinations and be registered with a dispensary.

If there are complaints about deterioration in health, the patient should immediately consult with the attending physician.

What can and cannot be done if you have a pacemaker?

Living with a pacemaker has limitations regarding physical activity and electromagnetic factors that may prevent the device from working correctly. Before any examination or course of treatment, it is necessary to warn doctors about the presence of an pacemaker.

Living with a heart pacemaker imposes the following restrictions on a person:

  • undergo an MRI;
  • engage in hazardous sports;
  • climb high-voltage power lines;
  • approach transformer booths;
  • put a mobile phone in your breast pocket;
  • stay close to metal detectors for a long time;
  • undergo shock wave lithotripsy without preliminary adjustment of the pacemaker or do it during surgical operation electrocoagulation of tissues.

Cost of installing a pacemaker

Basically, since pacemaker implantation is paid for by the compulsory medical insurance fund, the cost of installing a pacemaker is usually zero.

But sometimes patients pay for it themselves and additional services(this applies to foreigners and persons who do not have compulsory medical insurance).

The following prices apply in Russia:

  • implantation of a pacemaker – from 100 to 650 thousand rubles;
  • implantation of electrodes – minimum 2000 rubles;
  • surgical manipulations – from 7,500 rubles;
  • Staying in the ward costs at least 2,000 rubles per day.

The overall cost is most influenced by the ECS model and the prices of the selected clinic. For example, in provincial cardiology center simple implantation an outdated domestic ECS model can cost at least 25,000 rubles. In large vascular clinics who use modern imported devices and provide additional services, the cost jumps to 300 thousand rubles.

How to behave after installing a pacemaker?

First postoperative week

  • The postoperative wound should be kept clean and dry according to the recommendations of the medical staff.
  • If the early postoperative period is favorable, five days after surgery it is already permissible to take a shower, and a week later most patients return to their usual work schedule.
  • To prevent the seams from coming apart, you should not lift more than 5 kg for the first time.
  • You cannot do heavy housework, but when doing lighter work, you need to listen to how you feel and immediately put off work if you experience discomfort. You can't force yourself.

One month after surgery

  • Exercising after having a pacemaker installed is not only useful, but also necessary. Long walks are beneficial. But tennis, swimming pool and other strenuous sports will have to be postponed for a while. Over time, the doctor monitoring the patient's health may remove some restrictions regarding sports.
  • You need to visit the doctor according to plan: after 3 months - the first examination, after six months - the second, and then every six months or a year.

If a person feels discomfort or anxiety about the operation of the pacemaker, then they should consult a doctor immediately.

Life after pacemaker implantation

  • Electrical appliances. Although ECS are equipped with protection from interference from others electrical appliances However, strong electric fields should still be avoided. The use of almost all household appliances is allowed: TV, radio, refrigerator, tape recorder, microwave oven, computer, electric razor, hair dryer, washing machine. To avoid interference, you should not approach the pacemaker implantation site closer than 10 cm to an electrical appliance, lean against the front wall of the microwave (and generally avoid it) or the screen of a working TV. You should stay away from welding equipment, electric steelmaking furnaces, and high-voltage power lines. It is not advisable to go through control turnstiles in shops, airports, and museums. In this case, upon discharge from the hospital, the patient is given a device passport and an owner’s card, which must be presented during the search, after which it can be replaced by a personal search. The KS is also not afraid of most office equipment. It is advisable to develop the habit of grasping appliance plugs and other voltage sources with the hand further away from the pacemaker.
  • Mobile phone. Long conversations on it are undesirable, and you need to hold the receiver 30 cm or more from the CS. When talking, hold the tube to the ear on the opposite side of the implantation site. Do not carry the handset in your breast pocket or around your neck.
  • Sport. It is prohibited to engage in contact and traumatic types sports, that is, team game types, martial arts, since any blow to abdominal cavity or chest may damage the device. For the same reason, shooting with a gun is not recommended. With a pacemaker you can return to walking, swimming and such physical exercises that allow constant monitoring of well-being and allow you to comply with safety rules.

The area of ​​the body where the pacemaker was implanted should not be exposed to direct sunlight. It should be kept covered with some kind of cloth at all times. Also, don't swim in cold water. It is especially important for car enthusiasts to remember that they should not touch live wires while repairing a car or replacing a battery.

Validity period and how long do people live with a pacemaker?

On average, the lifespan of a pacemaker is determined by the capacity of the battery, designed for 7-10 years of operation. When the battery life is approaching, the device will give a signal during the next scheduled examination. After this, you should replace the battery with a new one. Therefore, the question of how long people can live with a pacemaker also depends on the regularity of visiting the doctor. There is an opinion that, being foreign body, CS can harm a person. This is not at all true, despite the fact that often there is no alternative to installing it. In order to continue completely full life You have to put up with only minor restrictions that are worth it. In addition, it can be installed completely free of charge.

You can often hear the question of how long people can live with a pacemaker, especially from those for whom such surgery is recommended. Medical practice shows that people with an implanted pacemaker, subject to all doctor’s recommendations, live no less than other people.

In other words, having a pacemaker can only prolong life, not make it shorter.

Have you already had a pacemaker installed? Or do you still have to undergo this operation? Tell your story and feelings in the comments, share your experience with others.

Medicine does not stand still; new medicines and devices are constantly appearing that can extend human life. Heart disease remained incurable for several decades. But now cardiologists have the opportunity not only to “look” into the heart, to see how it works inside, but to make it work. The heart pacemaker became a real salvation; doctors and patients always received only positive feedback.

The device seems to give people a “second chance” to live a full life again. The operation is not considered complicated; it takes only a few minutes. But do not forget that at first, for the first time after the operation, you need to listen to your condition and not overwork. To avoid problems in the future, you must follow the recommendations of doctors.


An artificial heart pacemaker is a special electronic device. It has a built-in microcircuit that allows you to detect any changes in the functioning of the heart muscle. Thanks to the device, correction is made if necessary.

The device consists of the main elements:

  1. Titanium case.
  2. Connector block.
  3. Electrodes.
  4. Programmer.
  • batteries
  • microcircuits

The purpose of batteries is to produce the energy needed to create electrical impulses.

Microcircuits make it possible not only to obtain, but also to monitor electrodynamics.

The connection block is used to connect the electrodes and the housing. Electrodes are placed in the heart muscle, which allows information about the heart to be read. Bearers electric charges help to contract the heart muscle correctly.

The programmer or computer is in medical institution, in which the operation to install the device was carried out. Its role is to set or change pacemaker settings if necessary.

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Installation of the device

Many people are interested in how the device installation process occurs. The operation is considered simple. The patient is prepared in advance, the necessary examinations are carried out. The process does not take long.

The essence of the procedure:

  • insert a special device into the subcutaneous fat tissue
  • place the electrodes in the most different areas heart muscle

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The following is done:

  1. The patient makes an incision in the collarbone area.
  2. Electrodes are inserted through a thin vein.
  3. The device is connected to the heart.

Important! Despite the fact that the procedure is simple, all work on installing a pacemaker is carried out using special X-ray equipment.

After installing the device, people's lives change, new requirements appear, and some restrictions arise. But you can get used to everything. We must remember that the heart remains the same and must be protected.

The first days after installing the device

In the first days you need to adhere to the following:

  • monitor the postoperative wound to keep it clean and dry
  • if the person’s condition is good, there are no complications, then on the fifth day you can safely take a shower
  • Do not lift weights in the first week
  • give up heavy physical work in the house, for example, snow removal

Most people return to work within a week after surgery.

We must remember! No matter how well you feel after installing a pacemaker, you must listen to your body. If you feel tired, you need to put things aside and rest a little.

Life a month after the device was installed

After a month, a person who has undergone surgery is allowed. But there can be no talk of heavy physical activity. Swimming, playing tennis and golf are allowed. Walking is especially useful.

You should visit your doctor regularly. The first appointment after surgery is three months after discharge. The second appointment should be after six months, and then a visit to the doctor should be at least once every six months.

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If you experience anxiety or discomfort, you should consult a doctor immediately.

How to live on after having a pacemaker installed. Recommendations

Despite the fact that the device is equipped with special built-in protection against the influence and interference of other electrical devices, you still need to avoid powerful electric fields. Do not be afraid of household appliances such as: microwave oven, tape recorder, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, computer and the like.

It must be remembered that in order to prevent interference, the devices must be located at a distance of no closer than a decimeter from the area where the cardiac device is installed.

There are a number of rules that must be followed in everyday life:

  1. Do not touch the area where the cardiac device is installed to the operating TV.
  2. Do not lean against the front wall microwave oven.
  3. Do not stay near high-voltage power lines.
  4. Do not stand near welding equipment.
  5. Stay away from electric steel furnaces.

Remember not to go through security controls, both at airports and in stores. To avoid trouble, you should always have your cardiac device owner’s card and passport with you. The card can always be obtained at the hospital.

If an examination is prescribed such as: radiation therapy, diathermy, magnetic resonance diagnostics, external defibrillation, then first of all you need to inform the doctors that you have a pacemaker installed.

Fluorography and x-rays are not contraindicated. Sometimes radiography is prescribed if there is the slightest suspicion of electrode failure.

Important! You should not sunbathe in the open rays of the sun. In hot weather, you should always wear cotton clothing on your body.

The battery in the device is designed to last for a decade. When the expiration date comes to an end, the device will give a signal. The signal will be recorded during a routine examination. The battery will be replaced immediately. Therefore, it is important to visit your doctor on time and regularly.

The main pump of our body - the heart - normally works unnoticed by us. We feel it only when it starts to fail. There are many heart diseases, and some of them (sick sinus syndrome, severe bradycardia, and others) may require a pacemaker. How to live after installation artificial driver rhythm?

The heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body. Any change in a person’s state (physical, emotional) is captured by the heart, and it changes the work (mainly in the form of an increase or decrease in heart rate) in accordance with the situation. This happens normally. If the heart is unhealthy, it cannot provide normal blood flow, and the person feels sick. For treatment, therapeutic and surgical methods treatment. Special attention The question of installing a pacemaker to help a sick heart deserves a question.

Pacemaker (CS) - an electrical device, the main function of which is to “impose” the correct heart on the heart, sinus rhythm. Diseases for which a pacemaker is installed:

- pronounced bradycardia - a decrease in the number of heart contractions (the norm is 60-80 contractions per minute);

complete blockade heart, in which the atria and ventricles contract individual rhythm, independently of each other;

- severe heart failure;

- cardiomyopathies - diseases in which, due to structural changes the contractile activity of the heart is impaired.

Installation of a permanent pacemaker - a pacemaker - is a minor surgical intervention that is performed in the cath lab. The patient is given only local anesthesia in the surgical area. The purpose of the operation is to pass one or more electrodes through a vein into the chambers of the heart, followed by fixing the body of the pacemaker itself in subcutaneous tissue on the chest. In Russia, right-handed people have stimulators implanted on their left side. Installation of the device on the right is carried out for left-handers in a number of other cases (for example, in the presence of skin scars on the left). However, the issue of placement of the device is decided in each case individually. The outer shell of the stimulator rarely causes rejection, since it is made of titanium or a special alloy that is inert to the body.

After installing a pacemaker, a person’s life, of course, changes: restrictions, new rules and requirements appear. But despite this, you can lead a full life with an artificial pacemaker. However, you need to understand that a pacemaker, even the most modern one, does not cure any coronary disease, neither from angina pectoris, nor from arrhythmia. This is not a new heart. The heart remains the same, so it must be spared.

First week after surgery

  1. It is important to contain postoperative wound dry and clean (doctors and nurses will tell you how to do this).

2.If early postoperative period will proceed well, then 5 days after the installation of the CS you can take a shower. And after a week, most patients return to work on their usual schedule.

  1. You cannot lift objects heavier than 5 kg (postoperative sutures may come apart).
  2. From severe homework(removing snow, trimming bushes and lawn in the yard) should be temporarily abandoned. When doing easier tasks (washing dishes, dusting), listen carefully to how you feel: if you feel uneasy, it is better to postpone work. There is no need to do something through force.

One month after surgery

  1. Sport. Walking is useful, and the more, the better. Swimming pool, golf, tennis and others, more severe types sports will have to be forgotten for a while. Depending on how you feel, the doctor may, after the next examination, remove some of the restrictions on sports.
  2. Visit the doctor regularly: the first examination is 3 months after discharge, the second examination is six months later, and then 1-2 times a year. But if you suddenly feel any discomfort or reasonable concern regarding the operation of the CS, contact your doctor immediately.

Life after having a pacemaker installed

Pacemaker and electrical devices. The CS has built-in protection against interference from electrical devices, but powerful electric fields should still be avoided. It is allowed to use the following household appliances: refrigerator, microwave oven, TV, radio, tape recorder, computer, hair dryer, electric razor, washing machine etc.

To avoid interference, it is recommended to place electrical devices no closer than 10 cm from the area where the pacemaker is installed. Do not lean against the screen of a working TV or the front wall of the microwave oven. In general, it is better not to be near a working microwave oven. You should not be near high-voltage power lines, welding equipment, or electric steel-smelting furnaces.

It is not recommended to go through control devices at airports, shops, and museums. In this case, you need to present the card of the owner of the pacemaker (the pacemaker passport and its owner’s card are issued upon discharge from the hospital) and replace this procedure with a personal search.

Most office equipment is absolutely safe for CS.

You should try to touch sockets and other voltage sources with the hand opposite to the side where the stimulator is located.

Pacemaker and mobile phone. It is better to keep phone conversations to a minimum. The phone should be located at least 30 cm from the pacemaker. When talking, you should hold the tube to your ear on the opposite side of the implant.

You cannot carry a mobile phone around your neck or in your pocket (especially your chest pocket); it must be in your purse or briefcase.

Pacemaker and medical research. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have a pacemaker when prescribing radiation therapy, diathermy, magnetic resonance diagnostics, Darsonval currents, electrocoagulation, external defibrillation. This rule also applies to cosmetic interventions that involve electrical influence.

If necessary ultrasound examination It is necessary to avoid directing the beam towards the pacemaker body. You can undergo fluorography and x-rays. Moreover, radiography is the first study that is prescribed if an electrode failure is suspected.

Pacemaker and sports. Contact traumatic sports should be avoided: diving, hockey, football, martial arts, as any blow to the chest or abdominal cavity can damage the pacemaker. Also, don't shoot a gun.

Do not expose the area of ​​the body in which the pacemaker is installed to direct sun rays. It should always be covered with some kind of cloth (towel, T-shirt). You should not swim in cold water.

It is important for motorists to know that when changing the battery or repairing a car, they should not touch live wires.

Pacemaker lifespan. On average, a pacemaker battery lasts 7-10 years. Before the end of its service life, the device will give a replacement signal, which will be recorded during a scheduled inspection. After this, the battery will be replaced with a new one. Therefore, it is extremely important to visit your doctor regularly.

Pacemaker and nutrition. The recommendations are absolutely the same as for patients with cardiovascular diseases. Fluid restriction and table salt. Eating only lean varieties of meat, from which all “visible” fat has been previously removed, and from poultry - the skin. It is necessary to completely exclude chocolate, spicy foods, smoked foods, flour products, fatty varieties meat, alcohol. It is advisable that meals be fractional 5-6 times a day.

  • Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of dried hawthorn fruit with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours in a warm place, strain and take 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day before meals.
  • A mixture that is prepared as follows is very good for helping the heart: beat 2 egg whites with 2 teaspoons of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of honey. This mixture should be eaten on an empty stomach.
  • Grind and mix 1 teaspoon of cumin fruits and 1 tbsp. spoon of hawthorn flowers, pour 300 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse in a thermos overnight. In the morning, strain the infusion and drink during the day in 4-5 doses.

There is an opinion that the CS is like foreign object may cause harm to humans. This is wrong. With a pacemaker, a person feels much better than before it was installed. Yes, life with an artificial pacemaker requires compliance with some rules, but even with such restrictions you can lead a full life.

By the way, the operation to install a CS is included in the list of free medical care. More detailed information can be obtained from the Health Committee at your place of residence.

When a pacemaker is installed, the lives of many people are divided into “before” and “after”. This important step forces you to take a fresh look at your habits and become more conscious. Implantation of the device may cause psychological problems, because the feeling that your health depends on a metal device does not add confidence. However, optimists can find advantages in this - without such an operation, many people could die.

What is a pacemaker

A pacemaker is a complex electronic device that helps the heart beat at the correct rhythm. Among the most common diseases that can be treated with it are:

  • bradycardia – a gradual reduction in the number of heartbeats (up to 45-50 beats/min);
  • heart block - a disease in which the atria and ventricles beat independently of each other, creating an abnormal rhythm;
  • heart failure resulting from chronic diseases;
  • cardiomyopathy – heart rhythm disorder;

The procedure for installing an artificial pacemaker is not complicated. surgical interventions. It is carried out under local anesthesia, A recovery period takes several months.

Connecting a pacemaker to the heart

A pacemaker cannot cure ischemia, angina or arrhythmia. It is not a panacea for cardiac problems; it would be more correct to call it a heart assistant. Don't forget important rule- Living with a pacemaker requires caution. Avoid excitement and outbursts of emotions so as not to trigger processes that are beyond the control of the device.

Rehabilitation period

After implantation, the doctor must take time to provide consulting services about the recommended lifestyle.

In the first week you will gradually get used to the idea that there is special device, helping the heart make correct rhythmic contractions. This postoperative period must be spent in a hospital. Your loved ones will be able to visit you, and doctors will monitor the dynamics of your rehabilitation and tell you how to continue living with a pacemaker.

In the first month you need to observe moderation physical activity and observe the operation site. You should immediately contact ambulance if blood or purulent discharge from the wound, seals have formed, or the stitches have begun to separate. An alarming symptom is an increase in body temperature.

This time is enough to return to the usual rhythm of life.

Many people ask about permissible load limits. There is no exact answer, but doctors do not recommend lifting weights over 5 kg.

You should listen sensitively to your feelings. If you suddenly feel tired during your usual physical work, it is recommended to stop and take a break. You must understand that the heart muscle has not become stronger, so do not abuse fatty and salty foods, alcohol, and follow a healthy diet.

Lifestyle after surgery

Many patients do not notice much difference in their lifestyle after pacemaker installation. Even avid athletes can continue to be active physical exercise 2 months after surgery.

Regular examinations with a doctor will be added to your usual routine. The cardiologist will need to make the first visit after 3 months after the operation, then every six months.

Restrictions are placed on the use of electronic devices. In particular, it is not recommended to have too much contact with mobile phone and carry it in your breast pocket. As for the microwave oven, there is also a limitation - it is undesirable to be near a working microwave oven. Other equipment can be used as before.

Certain inconveniences that patients encounter are associated with the customs inspection procedure at the airport. To avoid trouble, you can use a special pacemaker passport, which, by presenting it, will save you from going through a metal detector.

Psychological attitude

A lot depends on a person’s mood – for an optimist rehabilitation period will pass without any difficulties. Try to be less nervous, don’t overexert yourself, and don’t get hung up on problems. Try to find a new hobby in life, and you will notice that the operation was beneficial and opened up new opportunities.

A person may experience psychological discomfort from the fact that there is a foreign object in his body, but patients get used to this idea quite quickly, realizing that their lifestyle has not undergone drastic changes.

It is impossible to say exactly how long people live with a pacemaker, but improved health is guaranteed. As a rule, the indications for such an operation are critical conditions. However, the complexity surgical intervention minimal, so the procedure can be recommended for pregnant women and the elderly.

The stimulant does not add, but does not take away years of life. It simply helps a tired heart carry out its work and eliminates discomfort. Rehabilitation takes place best in a family atmosphere of love and tranquility.