Remedy for swelling of the upper eyelids. Swelling of the eyelid (inflammatory, non-inflammatory, allergic, traumatic) - causes, types, treatment

Date: 01/03/2016

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  • Eyelids and causes of their swelling
  • Influence negative factors on the condition of the eyelids
  • Swelling of the eyelids after sleep
  • Methods for eliminating eyelid swelling

Many pathological processes in the human body are reflected in the condition of his eyelids. Why do the eyelids swell? To answer this question, it is necessary to consider what this body is.

Eyelids and causes of their swelling

It's called a century skin fold, covering the eye and protecting it from dust, wind, sun rays, light, etc. The tissues of this fold are divided into 2 main layers:

  • musculocutaneous (superficial), consisting of the orbicularis muscle responsible for blinking;
  • conjunctive-cartilaginous (posterior), consisting of thin plates connective tissue located under the eye muscles.

It's no secret that 70% human body constitutes a liquid. A significant part of it accumulates in fat cells, which are located not only on the stomach or thighs, but also in the eyelids. In addition, when in excess, it can fill the intercellular space. When this happens, swelling appears for some reason. The main reasons are:

  • increased pressure in the capillary vessels of the organ;
  • a decrease in the level of proteins and the subsequent release of fluid from the vessels into the intercellular area;
  • increased permeability of vascular walls caused by toxic lesions, disruptions in the nervous regulation system, inflammatory processes.

Depending on the location, the swelling can be bilateral or unilateral. The most common swelling is located in one eye. As a rule, the symptoms of edema are pronounced and can include:

  • skin tension and tension;
  • redness, pallor or bluishness of the skin at the site of the lesion;
  • expansion of saphenous veins and blood vessels;
  • small rashes;
  • closing or narrowing of the palpebral fissure;
  • pain when palpated;
  • tissue density of the eyelid;
  • itching, burning or tingling in the eye area.

Usually color change skin and tissue density is a consequence of excess blood flow. In this case, blood penetrates through the walls of the capillaries and fills the tissue gaps. Since the skin of the eyelids is extremely sensitive, even a slight increase in blood flow can cause swelling. Blueness of the skin is explained by venous stagnation and possible oxygen starvation fabrics. When hypoxia occurs, the blood darkens and shines through the delicate skin, giving the eyelid a blue appearance.

Often, swelling in the eye area can be accompanied by a headache, which, like pain when pressing on the affected area, indicates a pathological process.

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The influence of negative factors on the condition of the eyelids

A tumor of the eyelids can be caused by the following factors:

If the eyelid is swollen, first of all it is necessary to suspect diseases that lead to disruption of the processing and removal of fluid from the body. These may be pathologies of the urinary, digestive or circulatory systems.

Then diseases of the eyes and eyelids are considered, which, if treatment is refused, can lead to the most disastrous consequences. For example, blepharitis is manifested not only by swelling, but also by ulcers, loss of eyelashes, and eversion of the eyelids. In its advanced state, the pathology causes eye damage and blindness.

A tumor of the upper eyelid caused by allergic reactions most often occurs in children. In this case, there are two types of allergies and are divided into congenital atopy or acquired anaphylaxis. The most dangerous condition is Quincke's edema, which affects not only the eyelids and other areas of the skin, but also the gastrointestinal tract.

Particular attention should be paid to eyelid tumors that arise after tattooing. Swelling is caused by trauma to the skin and with proper treatment goes away in 2-3 days. The severity of swelling depends on individual characteristics body, quality of injected materials and anesthesia, skin type.

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Swelling of the eyelids after sleep

When a person is in a horizontal position, the process of filling the intercellular tissues with fluid occurs faster. During wakefulness, blood flow increases, due to which accumulated fluid is absorbed. But sometimes swollen eyelids cannot be hidden either with makeup or dark glasses.

The most common cause of eyelid swelling in the morning is pathology of the urinary system.

Healthy kidneys process about 2000 liters of fluid per day, maintaining the body’s water-salt balance. When kidney function is impaired, excess fluid is no longer excreted. It is squeezed out through the stacks of blood vessels into the tissue and creates swelling.

Diseases also have a great influence on the appearance of edema after sleep. cardiovascular system or a metabolic disorder in which tissue cell damage occurs, their drying out and pathological reduction in size. Sclerosis develops, during which healthy tissues are replaced by compactions with a large number liquids.

But morning swelling may not always signal severe disorders. internal organs. Sometimes the reason that the eyelid is swollen is the consumption of alcohol, salty foods at night, or the use of low-quality cosmetics.

Swelling of the eyelids is a fairly common phenomenon and is characterized by an abnormal increase in fluid in the tissue of the eyelids. People over 30 years old are the main age group, but in childhood this also happens sometimes.

With infrequent manifestations, such swelling of the eyelids does not provoke serious consequences, but gives their owner a state of discomfort.

Why do eyelids swell?

Swelling of the eyelids can happen for a reason. Such a symptom may indicate some serious violations, for example:

  • An allergic reaction that manifests itself as Quincke's edema. It is characterized by both rapid manifestation and rapid disappearance. Such swelling is clearly visible and is rarely accompanied by discomfort. Various allergens can provoke swelling: strawberries, citrus fruits, dairy products, fish, various plants. Swelling usually upper eyelids.
  • Systemic pathologies such as heart disease, kidney disease, thyroid gland.
  • Injuries;
  • Improper daily routine, lack of sleep;
  • Impaired lymphatic drainage;
  • Leakage of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • Insect bites.

Also, the eyelids may swell due to physiological characteristics: strong extensibility of the skin, abundant blood supply to the eyelids, too loose fiber structure in the subcutaneous fatty area. That is why fluid accumulation occurs there.

Swelling of the eyelids may occur inflammatory nature or occur for other non-inflammatory reasons. When they become inflamed, the skin of the eyelids turns red, the temperature rises, and when pressing on the eyelid, a painful sensation occurs. It could be furunculosis erysipelas, barley or dacryocystitis, some compaction is felt on palpation.

If the eyelids swell not due to any inflammation in them, the skin becomes pale and cold, and there is no painful sensation on palpation. This is especially noticeable in the morning, both eyes swell at once. At the same time, the arms or legs also swell, and ascites is observed.

Also, swelling in the eyelid area may indicate a disease of the orbit and the eyelids themselves. The upper area of ​​the eyelids may swell due to an existing eyelid tumor, or rather squamous cell carcinoma.

Swelling of the eyelid in a child

The main cause of swelling of the eyelids in a child is genetic predisposition. If a parent or close relatives previously had this pathology, then in most cases it will also manifest itself in a small child.

Lack of sleep and excess salt intake are other reasons why a child's eyes may swell. Therefore, you should ensure that the child goes to bed on time and eats salty foods in moderation.

Swollen eyelids in a child may indicate the following pathologies:

  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • urinary tract disorders;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • high intracranial pressure and other diseases.

You should be very careful about your child’s daily routine and lifestyle. You should go for walks as often as possible fresh air, sit less at the computer or TV. If symptoms do not go away on their own, you should seek medical attention. medical assistance. This will allow timely identification serious illness and begin treatment as quickly as possible.

How to treat the disease

Treatment of eyelid edema is carried out depending on the cause this pathology. And first of all, the source of the disease is treated. Either these are diseases of the internal organs, an allergic reaction or infectious processes in the eyes. Staging accurate diagnosis determines further steps in eliminating eyelid swelling.

The effect of treatment will be positive if a person follows his daily routine, sleeps enough time to rest, eats right and abstains from drinking alcohol. A number of cosmetic procedures are also carried out throughout the day.

If swelling of the eyelids is caused by allergies, the patient is prescribed desensitizing drugs. For infectious or inflammatory processes, they are prescribed various ointments or eye drops with an antibacterial component. In the case of dilated blood vessels, it is most advisable to take sedatives or antibacterial drops, which contain substances that constrict blood vessels.

Eyelid treatment includes various medical procedures, which are capable of performing active lymphatic drainage. The electrical stimulation method is a procedure in which the subcutaneous tissues are stimulated lymph nodes using thin electrodes with low frequency electric current.

The procedure allows you to speed up metabolism, normalize blood circulation, restore lymph exchange and physiological cell movement.

There are also a number effective ways used in modern beauty salons:

  • microcurrent therapy;
  • dermotonia;
  • mesotherapy and others.

They are also very effective cosmetic masks. You can do them yourself at home or in a beauty salon.

IN initial stage swelling of the eyelids is treated with lymphatic drainage massage. They can not only be done by a specialist, but also done independently: the skin around the corners of the eyes is massaged with light and gentle pressure for two minutes.

Then use your fingertips to tap around the eyes. To achieve the desired result, you should conduct a course of such a massage in combination with the methods described above.

Self-medication and folk remedies

Many patients begin treating eyelid swelling on their own, without resorting to medical care. This is a clear mistake. After all, without identifying the actual cause of the disease, self-medication can only complicate the situation and aggravate the condition of the human body. Many begin to apply a warm cloth to their eyes for relief, while others take antihistamines - all these measures can lead to negative complications.

There is also the so-called blepharochalasis - when a sagging fold forms under the skin and it forms in the outer part of the upper eyelid. This trouble mainly affects older people as a result of weakened connective tissue of the upper eyelid. Such a defect can only be eliminated through cosmetic surgery.

Only after visiting a doctor and determining the cause of swelling of the eyelids can home treatment swelling in ways approved by your doctor. For example, after sleep, you can apply a cooling eye gel, which contains herbal ingredients, to your eyelids.

You can use ice masks made of plastic filled with a special gel. The mask is usually stored in the refrigerator. As soon as swelling appears on the eyelids, it is applied to the eyelids for a few minutes.

Modern methods and examinations can help get rid of swelling on the eyelids, while maintaining the beauty of the face and healthy skin. Therefore, you should not neglect a visit to the doctor and obvious symptoms turn to him for help.

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You can often encounter such a phenomenon as swelling of the upper eyelid of one eye, the causes of which can be different. The disease can be with inflammation, without inflammatory process, as well as reactive, which appears suddenly and without visible reasons. Swelling of one eyelid most often does not provoke serious consequences, but at the same time it indicates some kind of concomitant illness and causes great discomfort to the victim.

Possible causes of the condition

Swelling of one eyelid may be the result of an infectious, viral or allergic eye infection. The phenomenon can also happen due to internal diseases. Most often, edema of the 1st century is inflammatory in nature and is manifested by pain on palpation, severe hyperemia, induration, and local elevated temperature.

The inflammatory process in the eyelid can be caused by colds, ailments paranasal sinuses nose, as well as various eye diseases. For example, very often swelling of the eyelid is accompanied by diseases such as conjunctivitis, stye, various types blepharitis, iridocyclitis, ciliary demodicosis, hernia of the eyelid and others eye diseases. In case of inflammation of the eyelid, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, since the process can worsen even to the point of an abscess. Treatment of such edema may be accompanied by antibiotics, as well as UHF therapy.

If there is swelling of the upper eyelid of one eye, the causes are mainly an allergic reaction of the body. This allergy can be caused by low-quality cosmetics for eyes, eyelid skin care product, insect bite, dusty environment, plant pollen. Sometimes allergies in the eyelid area are provoked by eye drops. Under treatment this type swelling, usually with the help of antihistamines.

Non-inflammatory edema of the eyelid (also called passive edema) is largely a consequence of diseases of the internal organs. For example, the condition may be caused by kidney disease or cardiovascular disease, severe hypothyroidism, or impaired lymphatic drainage. Symptoms of swelling are observed to a greater extent in the morning. In this case, swelling almost always appears in the lower eyelid. It is also worth noting that when internal medicine swelling is always bilateral, so a symptom on only one side is rather an exception. Swelling of the lower eyelid is often the first signal of internal ailments, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

Another reason for swelling in one eye is injury. Usually this condition is also accompanied by a hematoma, since upon impact (bruise) they often rupture small vessels. If there are no deeper injuries, then the swelling caused by the injury goes away on its own within a short time and does not require treatment.

In women, eyelid swelling may be a consequence of permanent eye makeup procedures. Usually this condition is after of this event is normal and goes away within two days. However, if along with the swelling there is also pus, then it is necessary to urgently contact an eye specialist.

Very harmless reason The formation of swelling in the eyelid area is caused by an uncomfortable posture during sleep. A person falling asleep and waking up on the same side may notice slight swelling of one eyelid.

Swelling of the eyelid can also occur due to the individual structure of the eye. For some people, the symptom appears as they age, when the thin membrane located between the skin of the eyelids and subcutaneous tissue, unable to retain fluid in the fiber.

Main signs

If the swelling of the eyelid is caused by inflammation, then the following symptoms are noted:

  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • pain when touched;
  • increased tissue density;
  • increased skin temperature.

With this swelling, the upper eyelid of the eye is mainly affected. Interestingly, people over 30 years of age most often suffer from this disease.

Allergic swelling can appear on both the upper and lower eyelids. The reaction from the allergen appears immediately or after a short time. Distinctive features are:

  • painlessness;
  • itchy sensations;
  • burning sensation;
  • pallor (sometimes cyanosis) of the skin.

In individual cases, except characteristic symptoms Other signs may also be observed: irritation, general weakness, low-grade fever.

Reactive edema that occurs suddenly and for no reason generally indicates an allergic reaction. This condition mainly speaks of Quincke's edema or as it is also called angioedema. The condition is characterized by limited or diffuse swelling, which can extend to the cheek and go down. The victims do not experience any painful sensations as such. Patients may complain of tissue tension and severe itching. Being a reaction immediate type, Quincke's edema disappears on its own through short time. However, in the presence of an allergen, such swelling of the eyelid may periodically recur or become more severe. severe form, involving other membranes of the eye and mucous membranes of the body. Treatment involves eliminating the allergen, as well as using antihistamines and corticosteroid drops.

The degree of swelling of the eyelid after tattooing depends on a number of factors:

  • quality of the pigment used;
  • depth of injection;
  • pain relief method;
  • thin, dry epidermis;
  • individual tendency to edema;
  • allergy to the pigment used;
  • addition of infection.

If the quality of the pigment used is poor, irritation and allergic reactions accompanied by swelling of the eyelids are quite likely. Symptoms include redness, enlargement of the eyelid, and itching. There are often cases when sloppy tattoo artists neglect the rules of disinfection, resulting in swelling of the eyelid with signs of pain. The woman herself can become infected if she does not follow the rules of hygiene after the procedure. In this situation, a visit to the doctor is required. In most cases, if you follow the tattooing technique, the slight swelling goes away within one to two days and no treatment is required.

Diagnosis of the provoking disease

If one eye is swollen, you need to contact a medical practitioner without wasting time. The ophthalmologist determines the severity of swelling, the location of its concentration and other symptoms to identify the cause. The diagnosis is most often made immediately by visual examination. The exception is those types of edema that are provoked internal reasons. In this case, the ophthalmologist sends the patient to additional examinations with the involvement of doctors such as a cardiologist, endocrinologist, nephrologist, surgeon, etc.

Attention! Regardless of the reasons, self-medication is unacceptable. Do not try to use different folk remedies, warm compresses, massage and other actions without finding out the reason for the enlargement of the eyelid. Using such methods, as well as various medications and ointments based on hormones and antibiotics, you can seriously harm yourself.

How to eliminate eyelid swelling

Treatment of the disease begins with an accurate diagnosis. All treatment steps are determined by an ophthalmologist or other specialist if the cause is internal. If the sign of swelling is caused by an allergy, then the patient is prescribed desensitizing agents, for example, antihistamines. Often used and hormonal drugs For best effect. An important measure is to eliminate the allergen.

In case of inflammation, antiviral or antibacterial medications are prescribed. In addition to internal medications, medications for external use may be prescribed at the same time. Physiotherapy procedures, as well as measures for washing the eyes with antiseptic solutions, are very effective.

If the causes of swelling are organ diseases, then the doctor first of all prescribes optimal therapy for the internal organ itself. That is, having eliminated the main cause, the signs of swelling also disappear.

Swelling caused by poor sleep patterns, diet, drinking regime They easily go away on their own or can be treated at home. For example, you can treat with light massage using ice cubes or applying peeled fresh potatoes to the eye. Treatment with tea lotions helps well: you can use black, green or chamomile tea.

Enlargement of the eyelid due to poor lymph drainage is treated with lymphatic drainage. For this, the method of electrical stimulation is used, which perfectly restores lymph exchange, normalizes blood circulation, as well as metabolism. Subcutaneous lymph nodes are stimulated using electrodes that are passed to the nodes electric current low frequency.

Swelling caused by a fatty hernia usually disappears surgical method. To do this, you need to visit a surgeon and get the appropriate referral. The manipulation is carried out by a plastic surgeon, removing excess adipose tissue. After the event everyone disappears unpleasant symptoms, and the look is significantly refreshed.

What not to do

  • Heating the inflamed area;
  • Squeezing out an abscess or piercing exudative edema;
  • Application decorative cosmetics during signs of illness.

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If the upper or lower eyelid swells, it looks like an accumulation of fluid under the skin. Why does the eye swell? This phenomenon can occur as a result of various diseases of general or local character.

Swelling of the eyelid indicates a loose structure of the subcutaneous tissue, muscle weakness, a large number blood vessels surrounding the eyelids and eyes.


Bags in the eyelid area can appear for a number of reasons:

  • inflammatory diseases of the eyes and other organs, infectious or viral nature– abscesses of the eyelids, conjunctivitis, barley, iridocyclitis, blepharitis, pseudotumor, dacryocystitis, phlegmon of the lacrimal sac, abscesses of the orbit or lacrimal gland, endophthalmitis, inflammatory diseases paranasal sinuses, ARVI, etc.;
  • allergic reactions – to skin care and cosmetic products, insect bites, medicines, food, pollen and the rest;
  • bags in the eyelid area occur as a result of systemic diseases - diseases of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, heart and blood vessels, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract;
  • oncological eye diseases;
  • disruption of lymph flow;
  • injuries;
  • bad habits;
  • bags appear when there is an excess amount of salt in dishes and dietary irregularities;
  • leakage of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • congenital structural features of the eyelid.

If the upper eyelid swells

Bags may be on the upper eyelid, in which case it increases in size and becomes swollen. This swelling can be allergic, inflammatory or non-inflammatory. The eyelid reaction occurs in people over 30 years of age. The reason lies in the inflammatory processes of the whole body, infectious diseases eyes, injuries, allergic reactions, diseases of internal organs, as well as poor lifestyle choices.

Often, swelling of the eyelid appears as a result of congenital or age-related physiological characteristics of the structure of the eye. This is due to the fact that the very thin membrane that is located between the skin of the eyelid and the subcutaneous tissue is not capable of retaining liquid in the latter.

Swelling of the lower eyelid

During such swelling, bags appear under the eyes. Most often, bags appear on both sides at once; they are not inflammatory and can be caused by the most different features physiology or diseases of internal organs. In some cases, pimples under the eyes occur as a result of allergic or inflammatory processes. The causes of swelling of the lower eyelid may be:

  • single – incorrect lifestyle and diet, injuries, incorrect selection of cosmetics;
  • chronic – systemic diseases blood vessels, heart, kidneys, pituitary gland and thyroid gland, allergic reactions, fatty hernias, age-related and congenital features eye structure.

If the bags under the eyes do not go away throughout the day, then this indicates the presence of a fatty hernia. For all other reasons, the bags disappear or become smaller during the day. The bags become more noticeable immediately after a night's sleep, but after the body is in an upright position and motor activity may gradually disappear, and by the evening they may completely disappear.

Swelling of the eyelid in the morning

In the morning, the eyelid may swell various reasons. This can occur either systematically or occasionally. If swelling occurs rarely, then the reason for this may be poor nutrition, as well as an introduction new diet, which does not suit you, bad cosmetics, lifestyle violations.

Factors that can trigger the occurrence of edema include: consumption in the evening large quantity liquids, eating salty foods, drinking alcohol, sleeping in an uncomfortable position, smoking, incorrectly applying fatty creams, lack of sleep and the rest. If the cause is eliminated, the swelling will go away on its own.

In order to facilitate general condition In this case, it is recommended to apply cold compress in the eye area, take a diuretic or do lymphatic drainage massage. If the eyelid swells systematically, this indicates diseases of the endocrine, urinary, digestive, and cardiovascular systems.

Symptoms are often severe stronger in the morning, swelling occurs on both sides, immediately after waking up in the morning, but becomes less throughout the day. To determine the cause of edema, you need to undergo comprehensive examination and appropriate treatment. In some situations, diuretics are prescribed.

Allergic swelling of the eyelids

If the swelling of the eyelids is allergic in nature, then in this case it is accompanied by a variety of reactions of a general or local nature. Allergies can occur as a result of using a variety of cosmetics, taking medications, insect bites and certain types of food.

Allergic swelling of the eyelids can be either bilateral or unilateral, occurring on the lower, upper or both eyelids. Main symptoms:

For some people, swelling extends from the eyelids to the cheeks and even the corners of the mouth. Almost always, swelling occurs immediately and after 12 hours (in some cases several days) completely disappears. In rare situations this can lead to worsening general well-being: low-grade fever, lethargy, feeling tired. If the swelling is very strong, then pinpoint infiltrates may appear on the cornea of ​​the eye.

In this case, chemosis of the conjunctiva begins, and there is a possibility of the formation of secondary glaucoma. Swelling of the orbit can cause exophthalmos, as well as outward displacement eyeball. Such serious swelling of the eyelid can only be treated in a hospital.

Over time, allergic swelling of the eyelids may reoccur. Their relapses at frequent intervals can cause permanent swelling, as well as severe enlargement of the eyelids.

Swelling of the eyelids after tattooing

There are many various factors, which can cause swelling of the eyelids after tattooing:

  • pigment quality;
  • individual tendency to edema;
  • depth of pigment introduction;
  • thin and dry eyelid skin;
  • allergic reactions to pigment;
  • addition of infection;
  • method of pain relief.

Often, if the procedure was performed truly correctly, the swelling goes away on its own within a day. The duration of edema is more than long time may indicate complications that have arisen or an individual tendency of the eyes to swell. If the pigment is of poor quality, it can cause skin irritation in this area and, as a result, the onset of swelling. In some cases, the cause of an allergic reaction is individual components or a pigment substance.

Thin, dry or pasty (prone to retaining lymph) skin of the eyelids is highly sensitive to injury, and if its integrity is violated, swelling and inflammation occur. Introducing pigment deep under the skin can also cause this kind of reaction.

Treatment of eyelid swelling

Treatment of eyelid swelling is aimed at eliminating primary causes its appearance or the irritants that cause it:

  • if the swelling is inflammatory in nature, caused by infection, then antiviral or antibacterial drugs. They can be used both topically (in the form of drops, soaks, ointments) and internally. Patients are often prescribed eye washes special solutions and physical procedures that are aimed at quick fix inflammation and swelling. In some cases, the cause of inflammatory edema is a variety of irritating substances. Eliminating the effects of these agents, as well as using a variety of solutions that relieve inflammation for eye rinsing, helps eliminate signs of swelling and inflammation;
  • in case of swelling of the eyelid caused by trauma or soft fabric in the eye area, it is necessary to make an effort to treat the injury. If not open wounds, but place an ice pack or cold compress on the damaged area. Subsequent treatment may include local treatment of the wound with antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as compliance with measures aimed at preventing the damaged area;
  • If the swelling is caused by allergies, then in some cases it may go away on its own. If the swelling is very severe, then in some cases the patient may be prescribed therapy, which consists of taking anti-allergy medications. At the same time, when an allergy is detected, it is extremely important to establish its cause, which caused the swelling of the eyelid. If contact with the allergen is eliminated, this will also speed up the healing process, thereby ensuring the absence of relapses in the future;
  • Treatment of eyelid swelling, which is non-inflammatory in nature, can be prescribed only after the cause of its occurrence has been discovered. If the cause of swelling is a violation of diet or sleep, as well as the introduction of a new diet, then you need to eliminate the problem, apply a cold compress to the eyes, drink diuretics and perform lymphatic drainage massage;
  • non-inflammatory type of edema, the cause of which is the presence of a fatty hernia, is eliminated surgically. During excision extra places with adipose tissue will allow you to refresh your look and completely get rid of swelling. Such an operation is carried out plastic surgeon, and minimally invasive and traditional techniques can be used for its implementation.

If the cause of non-inflammatory swelling of the eyelids lies in a systematic disease of the body, then the best option will be the collection of all diagnostic data on the main disease of the digestive, cardiovascular, urinary or endocrine system.

Sometimes the treatment of pathologies is complex and lengthy; a doctor can prescribe it.

Quite common swelling upper eyelids, the causes of which are very numerous, can sometimes serve as a symptom of a rather serious disease. Therefore, it is necessary to know at least its basic characteristics so as not to mistake a sign of a serious internal illness for an insect bite.

Classification of edema of the upper eyelid

The causes of which are numerous (about seventy), well known to medicine. Its types differ in color, size, the presence of a center of inflammation or some kind of compaction, the presence of temperature or itching, pain and, finally, localization (affecting two or one eye).

This disease is divided into several types:

Each of the above forms has its own specifics. Allergic swelling of the upper eyelids is most common. The reasons causing it:

  • intolerance by the body to external irritants, of which there are more and more;
  • polluted environment;
  • the presence of a large number of products, medicines, and cosmetics of dubious quality;
  • exotic plants and animals.

All these factors are causing an increase in the number of people suffering from allergies. of various nature. Edema belonging to this type has characteristic features. When it occurs, there is no pain, it appears and disappears suddenly, most often in one eye, and the color of the skin does not change.

  1. Swelling of the upper eyelid is common, the causes of which are unknown, but in appearance it resembles stye. People turn to a doctor only when all home options have been exhausted, but there is no result. Such delay can lead to at least. But this can also be a symptom of a serious illness, such as
  2. Traumatic edema of the upper eyelid (the causes of formation are indicated in the name of this type) also occurs with insect bites and with hemorrhages resulting from any damage. This also includes postoperative swelling, although it can also be caused by the body’s response to anesthesia.
  3. Swelling of the upper eyelids, the causes of which are organs. Characteristics in these cases there may be frequent recurrence, absence of pain, preservation of the natural color of the skin. This form is non-inflammatory. All these are sure symptoms of kidney, heart, lung and liver disease. People with diseased kidneys often experience general swelling of the body, including swelling of the upper eyelid. The reasons are the accumulation of fluid, its excess in the body.

With sinusitis, the upper eyelids also swell. The reason in this case is the filled ones in close proximity to the eyes.

Causes of swelling of the upper eyelid

It should be noted that with age, the likelihood of swelling increases, the appearance of which in any case requires contacting specialists to determine the true cause.

The reasons for the appearance of inflammatory edema can be any infectious diseases eyes (conjunctivitis, barley, furunculosis, etc.), as well as colds - everything that is associated with the occurrence of an inflammatory process, accompanied by an increase in temperature, a change in skin color, and the presence of pain.

It is argued that the computer does not cause swelling of the eyelids, but overwork and fatigue of the body as a result chronic lack of sleep may well provoke the occurrence of this disease. This is also facilitated by poor nutrition (abuse of alcohol, salty foods, absorption of large amounts of liquid).

It can be stated that there are many reasons for the occurrence of swelling of the upper eyelids, and none of them should be ignored.