Eating small meals frequently can be harmful to your health. About the symptoms and changes that accompany the transition to proper nutrition

How to eat properly: often, but little by little, or rarely, but heartily?

The idea is that When we eat regularly throughout the day, the body knows that food is coming soon, and the calories consumed are more likely to be burned rather than stored as fat. Eating at regular intervals helps stabilize blood sugar levels and maintain energy balance.

But, in practice, the conditions for reducing the amount of food are often not met, or two snacks are added to the three main meals. However, it is difficult to blame people for this: the same theory states that in no case should you bring your body to extreme hunger, otherwise you will be at risk of overeating at the next meal.

Thus, considering hunger as a terrible enemy, a person does not allow himself to become completely hungry. . A The digestive system, instead of receiving relief, is in constant work .

The long-standing ideas that fractional nutrition “speeds up metabolism” and “opens fat burning windows” have no basis in reality. evidence base, and is not true.

Besides this, modern research showed that from the point of view of metabolism and calorie expenditure there is no difference between fractional meals and eating large amounts of food once or twice a day (with the same daily calorie content).

Recent hormone research tells us that this is actually the most worst way What to eat can affect your blood sugar balance and weight loss and can actually be dangerous to your health.

If we talk about research, a 36-hour fast did not reveal any changes in the metabolism of the subjects.

Researchers say: “Eating only breakfast and lunch reduces body weight, liver fat, plasma glucose, C-peptide and glucagon. These results suggest that for patients with type 2 diabetes, splitting meals into only breakfast and lunch may be more beneficial than splitting into six servings."

Ancient Indian wisdom, according to Ayurveda and Yoga Shastra, says: yogis (seek happiness within) eat once a day, bhogi ( ordinary people who are looking for happiness outside) - twice a day, rogi (sick people- one who cannot achieve satisfaction, and therefore is always in suffering) - three times a day.

But, to then he eats four times a day, he is a DROKHI (greedy person).

Yes, the amount of food consumed by wealthy people today far exceeds the necessary needs. Overeating has become a fashion.

Until the beginning of the 19th century, people ate 2 meals a day. The first meal took place at about 10 o'clock in the morning, and the person woke up at sunrise. We had dinner at about 6 pm. Thus, there was quite a long period of time between meals.

The ancient Greeks and Romans ate once a day. You can verify this by studying historical sources. Ancient Persia and ancient Israel were also characterized by such nutrition.

However, it cannot be said that people in those days were fat. But this is exactly what, according to nutritionists, threatens those who eat “not often enough.”

Understanding why fractional meals are wrong

Hunger, satiety, and blood sugar balance are all under hormonal control. And we're not talking about reproductive hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone. We're talking about how hormones are for survival.

Eating multiple meals (5-6 times a day) changes the hormonal signal, interferes with the mechanism that burns fat for fuel, liver metabolism, and sends calories to fat stores.

Snacking between meals is sure to stress the liver and is simply not recommended. The liver must relearn how to normally use gluconeogenesis again when you are asleep or awake. Snacking simply destroys time and the circadian clock, which works in unison with leptin.

The total digestion time for an average portion of food is approximately 5-6 hours. The very idea that skipping one meal can affect metabolism and muscle loss is fundamentally illogical - the body does not rebuild itself so quickly.

In addition, you often have to force yourself to eat food in fractional meals, since your appetite is dulled and there is no feeling of hunger.

Hormone Recovery Solution

So, now you understand that fractional or frequent meals in small portions negatively affect hormonal balance. What's the solution?

It is important to remember that fat burning is not possible when insulin levels are elevated. It takes about 3 hours after a meal for insulin levels to return to baseline, even if you just ate a small snack.

If you want to lose weight, eliminate fatigue, are concerned family history heart disease, cancer or diabetes, use critical time for burning fat.

3 hours after eating, exercise, and do your best to hold off your next meal for as long as you can.

It may only be 3 hours and 15 minutes to start, then 4 hours, and then eventually you will be able to go at least 5 to 6 hours without eating.

As you stretch out the time between meals and change foods to foods that require less insulin, you will see fewer numbers on the scale. Reconsider food than just Glycemic index when you want to lose weight or just for health. And maybe even more importantly, you will protect yourself from the top 3 deadly diseases in modern world(, Oncology and).

Small or frequent meals may be beneficial for the following categories of people:

People with certain disabilities.

For example, with disorders of the digestive system. For them, as a rule, normal portions of food cause some negative consequences, therefore, fractional nutrition for them is the optimal regimen.

People who need smaller meals to control their appetite.

Such people also cannot be called healthy, since initially each of us has self-regulation of appetite, which controls the correspondence of calories consumed to calories spent.

People who want to reduce fat under intense exercise.

The key point here is intense physical activity. The fact is that with such a diet, the body often receives amino acids that can accelerate the body’s protein synthesis. Meanwhile, protein synthesis itself is an extremely energy-intensive process. Thus, with the help of amino acids, you can increase the body's energy expenditure from several hours to several days.

For athletes to build muscle.

Eating 5-6 times a day is the preferred method for many athletes and bodybuilders. This may be the optimal way to eat for those who want to gain muscle or maintain high levels of muscle mass. physical activity. Insulin is an anabolic hormone that enhances cell division and tissue growth. In fact, it is even more anabolic than growth hormone. The problem is that he is an indiscriminate anabolic and does not care whether he stores fat or increases muscle mass. But insulin should not be blamed for this. This hormone is simply doing its job. And its main job is to maintain a safe and stable glucose level in the region of 80-100 mg/deciliter. When blood glucose levels rise above 100, the pancreas begins to produce insulin. Always ready to help, insulin “selects” excess glucose from the blood and sends it to storage.

Therefore, to build muscle, you will have to take care of high insulin levels throughout the day, therefore, eat 5-6 or even 7-8 times a day.

It is especially important to ensure high insulin levels immediately after training because... at this time, the membranes of muscle cells are especially permeable to insulin and everything that it carries with it (for example, glucose, BCAA).

But, if our goal is only fat loss, then we need to ensure that insulin levels are low throughout the day. Physiologically speaking, it is impossible to burn fat and build muscle at the same time, because one process is catabolic (fat loss) and the other is anabolic (muscle building).

However, if you eat little every 2 to 3 hours, as some experts advise, your insulin levels will never return to normal levels and you will never start burning fat.

On the other hand, even if you are not interested in building muscle, it is still very important to initiate at least some insulin production after. This will stop exercise-induced catabolism and also direct glucose and amino acids into muscle cells. Otherwise you will find yourself losing valuable muscle tissue, and therefore interfere with the metabolic mechanism that burns fat.

But still, it is better to eat 2-3 times a day without snacking between meals for weight loss, rejuvenation and longevity.

The path of nature is the only direct path to health and longevity.

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Where did it come from
After seeing how clear the conclusion of this study is, many of you will wonder why some people, “certified nutritionists” by the way, keep harping on about “firing up the metabolic furnace” by eating frequent, smaller meals. My smartest guess about this is that maybe they misunderstood TEF a little. Whatever one may say, theoretically they are right that metabolism always remains increased if you eat often. They really missed the most important point that TEF is strictly directly proportional to the calorie content of each meal.

Another option is that this story is based on epidemiological studies that found an inverse relationship between the number of meals and the weight of the population. This means that researchers looked at the diets of thousands of individuals and found that those who ate more frequently tended to weigh less than those who ate less frequently. It is very important to note that these studies do not take into account calorie intake, and were conducted on average Vanya (i.e. normal people who do not count calories, and their nutrition is more spontaneous, like most people)

There is a saying “correlation does not imply causation”, which makes further explanation inappropriate, because explains many other stories about nutrition. Just because there is a link between eating more frequently and being lighter does not mean that eating less often causes weight gain. The same studies clearly show that people who tend to eat less often:

They also have an irregular diet; This is the type who replaces breakfast with a donut on the way to work, is undernourished all day and gorges himself in the evening. Most often, they pay less attention to nutrition and health in general than those who eat more often.

One strategy for losing weight is skipping meals. This could be another reasonable explanation for the link between eating less frequently and being overweight. People with overweight It is much more common to diet and skip meals.

The link between eating less frequently and increased weight in the general population is behavioral rather than metabolic.

“Dermal nutrition helps you lose weight, improve metabolism and digestion, it fights hunger and helps you not store excess,” dietology gurus explain to us. True, they do not explain why millions of people, despite all the fractions, still struggle with excess weight, painful hunger, lethargy, drowsiness and brain fog. Maybe because all these statements are vegetable oil bullshit? And we have already said that it is better to eat butter rather than lean. A nutritionist examines from the point of view of physiology, evolution and common sense why there is no point in eating small portions every three hours. Unless, of course, you are a chicken.

Yulia Bogdanova
NANP Certified Nutritionist
A second blog about the influence of nutrition and lifestyle on health“Spinach and Buckwheat”

For a long time, the issue of intervals between meals was relevant in my life. family life. Over the course of a year in France, my husband became imbued with the format of the local eating style: only 3 meals at a given time. Missed it - wait for the next one. I had more democratic views - I loved having “fruits”, nuts and even candies with me for a rainy day.

At that time it was not clear to us how to resolve the dispute. On the one hand, it is known that the French diet has a beneficial effect on health - these were the times when the entire Western world was envious ““: very low level cardiovascular diseases and excess weight. On the other hand, throughout my adult life, eating small meals with frequent snacks has been standard medical advice.

And then I became interested in the topic, received an education, and a completely new wonderful world opened up to me. And now the question that really worries me: why do many nutritionists still recommend split meals?


Imagine our ancestors even several centuries ago. Could they expect to eat breakfast in the morning and have a snack between lunch and dinner? Perhaps a couple percent of the nobility who had unlimited access to food.

Even less common was the practice of eating regularly among people of Paleolithic times - before the advent of agriculture. The contents of the “plate” and the frequency of filling it depended on how successful the hunt was, the time of year, and weather conditions, at a minimum.

That is, it is logical to assume that the routine and frequency of food intake is nothing more than a social convention, but not a physiological necessity, which appeared quite recently, if we consider it within the framework of two and a half million years of evolution of the genus homo.

In just the last 100 years, we've gone from regularly having fairly long periods of fasting to having to put something in our mouth every couple of hours. If our recent ancestors were content with 1-2 meals a day, and sometimes went days and even weeks without proper lunches and dinners, today many of us perceive the 5-hour interval between lunch and dinner as a serious deprivation. Why?

Our physiology was formed in conditions of constant food scarcity - that is, it was critical for human survival and dominance as a species to enjoy food, give preference to those foods that best satiate, and store calories for a “rainy day” in the form of fat sediments.

At the physiological level, the love for sugar is supported, among other things, by the release of dopamine, the hormone of pleasure and satisfaction, the love of fat by the release of the hormone leptin, an increase in the level of which is necessary for a feeling of satiety, and storage by insulin, which converts all energy excesses into adipose tissue.

In other words, our entire physiology is designed to survive at any cost in conditions of food shortage. And with this “old system” we found ourselves in a new one. environment, which, as a species, has never been encountered before - with the dominance of universally accessible and attractive hormonal level sugar and fat, also packaged in processed foods that are designed to further stimulate addiction and dependence.


Digestion, which starts every time, even if we eat a couple of nuts and an apple, is complex physiological process, which involves the brain, intestines, endocrine system, liver.

In particular, let's look at the impact of food intake on one of the aspects of health that is now much talked about - blood sugar balance.

When we eat almost any food (the exception may be fats, such as coconut, butter, olive oil), the body's reaction is an increase in blood sugar levels - to a greater or lesser extent. In response, our pancreas begins to produce the hormone insulin, which is responsible for using the energy that has entered the body - spend it now for urgent cellular needs or store it for later: for quick access - in the liver and muscles (in the form of glycogen) or for the “hunger year” - in adipose tissue.

With frequent meals, the fundamental health process of regulating blood sugar levels, and with it the regulation of hunger and satiety, is disrupted:

  • high blood sugar levels cause cells to lose sensitivity to insulin, which is delivered to the cells,
  • in order to reach the deaf cells, the pancreas has to produce more and more insulin and its resources are depleted,
  • increased level blood sugar leads to physical damage to the walls of blood vessels and the development of inflammatory processes,
  • Elevated insulin levels lead to “hearing loss” of the hypothalamus, due to the death of neurons and disruption of the feedback that the hypothalamus provides in regulating feelings of hunger and satiety
  • Elevated sugar levels are a signal to the body that there is a source of energy. This blocks the synthesis of hormone-sensitive lipase, an enzyme that is responsible for the breakdown of fatty tissue.

As a result, it turns out that the food has arrived, but the body - due to high level sugar and insulin - I immediately put it aside in reserve. And from his point of view, there is not enough energy for normal activity, which means he turns on the hunger mode and forces us to go back to the refrigerator or the junk food machine. Even after eating, we often go hungry cellular level and at the same time we accumulate energy in the form of fat mass. At the same time we launch inflammatory processes, we injure the heart and blood vessels.


Among the adherents fractional meals There are a lot of arguments, let’s look at why they all fall apart against science.

“The more time has passed since the last meal, the more hormones and the more stronger appetite. And, accordingly, the more you will want to eat at the first opportunity” –

Indeed, many people find it incredibly difficult to last more than three hours without food. This is due to the fact that the traditional “Western” diet is rich in sugars and often causes metabolic disorders, in particular, carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

This leads to frequent and acute feelings of hunger, which are caused by surges in blood sugar and insulin levels. When healthy carbohydrate metabolism and the body’s adaptation to burning fat, an acute feeling of hunger does not occur even after 5 hours - many can comfortably afford not to eat for longer. This happens due to the fact that in the absence of sugar, the body smoothly switches to burning its own fat reserves. Over time, the feeling of hunger, even with prolonged fasting, becomes even milder, while the energy level does not decrease.

IMPORTANT:The state of hunger when adapted to burning fat must be distinguished from the state of a constant calorie deficit. It is a long-term calorie deficit that leads to a state of stress (and this, in turn, leads to impaired regulation of blood sugar levels due to increased cortisol levels), chronic hunger andreducing energy costs .

“Fracial meals allow you not to overload digestive system, since due to the absence of a strong feeling of hunger, the portion eaten will be significantly smaller than usual. Moreover, with this approach gallbladder will be able to defecate regularly, which means bile will not stagnate and the likelihood of developing cholelithiasis will be significantly reduced. The main thing is that the intervals between meals should be on average three hours, in extreme cases - 2-2.5” –

As for cholelithiasis, according to a number of experts, one of the main risks of its development is a diet withhigh carbohydrate And low content fats, whilesome research demonstrate that a diet with high content fat can prevent the development gallstones. But if bile, which is necessary for digesting fat, is not fully used, as on low-fat diets, then it stagnates - with all that it implies.

In other words, your risk of developing gallstones is determined primarily by the quality of your diet, not by how often you eat. Otherrisks of developing cholelithiasis overweight, diabetes, metabolic syndrome– in general, most of the bouquet chronic diseases, whose development is to blamemodern experts assign for use large quantity Sahara.

Fractional nutrition has a place and time - for example, it works well for gastrointestinal diseases such as colitis, low acidity stomach, bacterial overgrowth syndrome.

However, it is important not to confuse therapeutic diets, that is, a nutritional format that is used to restore health, with a diet, a lifestyle that maintains health and even helps to strengthen it. Therapeutic diets can be compared to a crutch - the leg has healed, you need to develop it and get rid of the support. So it is with our gastrointestinal tract: as its work is restored, we need to strive to increase the load - how to introduce healthy products that formerly man I couldn’t stand it, and increase the intervals between meals, which will help the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body recover further.

“Meanwhile, a constantly fed body, according to various sources, requires about 15 percent fewer calories than an occasionally hungry body.”

There are two problems here. Firstly, there is no scientific evidence for such claims. On the contrary, even refusing breakfast - “the most important meal of the day” -does not lead to overeating . Secondly, all this is based on the caloric theory: eat as much as you spend - and you will not gain weight. If you want to lose weight, reduce the number of calories you consume so that your consumption exceeds your intake. You can read about this topic why the first law of thermodynamics does not work. More precisely, it works, but not in the way we think. But in short: what matters is not how many calories you eat, but what exactly you eat and what hormones are released in response to this food. As I explained above, even a filling, low-calorie meal can cause your body to store everything as fat and think it's still hungry.


Don't be afraid to eat "rarely" - skip popular snacks and maybe even one of the three main meals. Taking breaks not only makes it much easier to control your weight. Proper hunger helps you work more productively, train better and improve your health.

About how much more long periods without food affects health, read. And about the benefits of intermittent fasting.

The causes of illness, for example, headaches, irritability or ineffectiveness in the fight against excess weight, may lie in consumption various products, while we don't even suspect it.

How does nutrition affect health?

Frequent mood swings

Probably each of us has noticed sudden change sentiments, at first glance, unfounded. But the justification may lie in diet.

Most diets involve a strong reduction in carbohydrate foods in the diet, but this can cause illness. It is the refusal of bread and pasta that can provoke a deterioration in mood and the appearance of irritability. And all because carbohydrates are necessary for the production of the happiness hormone serotonin.

How to get rid of irritability

Choose for your diet complex carbohydrates, which will not harm your figure. This could include whole grain cereals, pasta, vegetables and fruits.

Weight gain

One of the most acute problems modern man- this is the fight against excess weight. Childhood obesity may serve a shining example how nutrition affects health.

One of the main reasons for weight gain is the taste enhancer monosodium glutamate, which provokes appetite and makes us eat more. Glutamate is a constant component of fast food and processed foods. Very often, manufacturers disguise the presence of monosodium glutamate in products by using synonymous names - yeast extract or hydrolyzed vegetable protein.

How to lose weight without dieting

Avoid fast food and purchased food. If you start eating homemade food made from... natural ingredients, you can lose weight without dieting while improving your well-being.


Some foods can trigger headaches or migraines. These include ripened cheeses (such as blue cheese or cheddar cheese), as well as red wines. Even a few hours after consuming these foods, you may experience a headache.

How to get rid of headaches

Before taking a headache pill, remember what you ate the day before. Perhaps it was a food that rarely appears in your diet, but systematically makes you feel worse. In this case, just avoid it in the future. You can also take tests to identify food allergies. The reason may lie in this.

One of the basic commandments is frequent (5-6 times a day) meals in small portions. Almost at the same time, I came across a publication where fractional nutrition was subjected to fierce criticism. I decided to check everything carefully and figure out for myself what the correct, healthy eating regimen is. The result of my research work- in front of you. This post took me a total of 26 hours, but it seems to me that it managed to dot the i’s. I hope you find it interesting and useful!

You can't trust anyone. I can. "Seventeen Moments of Spring"

I love articles in which doctors debunk dangerous misconceptions about health. It’s nice to follow the thoughts of an intelligent practitioner and think: well, the world has become a little better. Reason triumphs, home-grown experts bat their eyelashes in puzzlement.

Recently I came across an interesting publication. She interested me in an unexpected topic.

In search of the ideal regime

Fractional meals - eating food small portions 5-6 times a day. It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

This opinion, I emphasize, came to the people not from the notes of “yellow” journalists, but from applied medical literature.

For an example, take a look at the description of the good old tables according to Pevzner. You should eat little and often in case of esophagitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, reflux disease, cholecystitis...

Personally, I, Marina Belyaeva, first heard about fractional nutrition when several years ago I came to one of them (an excellent specialist, candidate of sciences) with suspicion of gastritis.

Fractional power system - is it dangerous?

Shall we translate? "High-calorie diets with increased meal frequency but no increase in food intake increase intrahepatic triglyceride levels: a randomized controlled experiment." Pay attention to the first word. This refers to high-calorie (!) frequent meals.

Participants in the experiment received fat and sweet food (consisted of fat and sugar or sugar only) in addition to main dishes. The scientists who conducted this study proved a rather obvious thing - that constantly snacking on sweets is harmful.

Beloveshkin also supports his theses with a quote from the materials of the International Society of Endocrinology: “Fracial nutrition, usually recommended for obesity, not only does not lead to increased metabolic processes and weight loss, but it’s even dangerous for health.”

I found information about this study. It turned out the following:

  1. the “quote” was taken not from the scientists’ report, but from a journalist’s note about it;
  2. obesity is mentioned not just by the way, but because the alarming results of the experiment apply specifically to people with significant excess weight (the level of endotoxins against the background of fractional nutrition jumped only these people);
  3. It was not possible to detect the influence of the frequency of meals on the number of calories burned per day - both those who ate often and little by little, and those who ate rarely a lot, spent approximately the same amount of energy resources.

The data from the last point is really important. They they really refute existing myth that switching to fractional meals without changing the calorie intake allows you to lose weight. Here's a screenshot from Google, pay attention to the many discussions that talk about fractional meals as independent method weight loss:

In general, the obvious was confirmed: count calories and keep track of energy value diet is important. By the way, my online calculator can help you with this: (calculates guidelines for required quantity calories according to 3 formulas, and also gives recommendations for the consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates).

Returning to the topic: danger frequent use food experiments of the International Society of Endocrinology in no way prove. Let's move on.

Small meals, insulin is normal. Tested on rats

Beloveshkin’s article states:

Remember that every meal leads to a rise in insulin. And the increased level of insulin in the blood prevents the breakdown of fat in the subcutaneous fat. you need to understand that whenever insulin levels rise, fat burning will stop.

There is no need to dispute the fact that insulin levels increase after each meal - this is as natural a process as, say, the release of saliva during chewing. But: this “insulin rise” is normally short-term.

Does it become long-term with fractional meals? No.

Meal frequency has almost no effect on the level of insulin production. Let's take a look at the article The Effect of Meal Frequency on Serum Immunoglobulins Profile, Insulin and Weight in Rat, authors - M. Shahraki, J. Majidi and others.

Scientists conducted an experiment on 30 healthy adult female rats. The rats were divided into groups. For 60 days, animals in one group regularly received food on an eight-meal regimen (nibbling regimen), while the other group received food on a two-meal regimen (gorging regimen).
As a result:

although, in the two regimens serum insulin level was non-significantly decreased but the percentage of decreasing in nibbling regimen was more than gorging one (-5.3% vs -2.3%) (in both cases serum insulin levels slightly decreased, and the percentage of decrease in the nibbling mode was greater than in gorging. (-5.3% vs -2.3%).

Be especially wary of believing articles in which any phenomenon is viewed as unequivocally “bad” (or, conversely, 100% “good”). Even misconceptions usually contain a grain of common sense.

The real disadvantages of frequent meals

I defended fractional meals for a long time. The time has come to recognize its real disadvantages. Andrei Beloveshkin does not write about them.

Eating four to six meals a day is a troublesome task. It requires attention: you have to think through not only breakfast and lunch, but also snacks.

And split meals also take a lot of time. Lots of cooking. Mountains of dirty dishes. Alas, this is the harsh truth of life - in order to provide quality food for your family, you must either work from home or not work at all.

The nibbling mode also has one disadvantage: deviations from it are very unpleasant. When I go to, say, a conference that lasts three hours, plus an hour traveling there and back, by the end of the event I can't help but dream about food. If I had eaten in reserve before going out, I would not have felt this hunger, but it doesn’t work. I'm unaccustomed to heroic portions.

As for my weight, over the course of several years of partial nutrition, it remained consistently normal. I have not turned into either a kolobok or the immortal Kashchei.

I hope I was able to offer you a sober and unbiased look at the concept of fractional nutrition. Health to everyone!


A balanced diet is a hot topic. In the modern world, it is fashionable to be healthy and successful. Dr. Stanley Bass devoted almost his entire life to the topic of healthy nutrition.

The scientist began experimenting with foods at the age of 19, reasoning that “A person is what he eats.” This is perhaps the longest-running study by an American naturopath, and has been going on for 80 years.

According to Stanley himself and his associates, the main difficulty in the transition to healthy eating, is intermediate physiological state person.

How to become healthy through nutrition?

At first glance, everything is clear: sprouted cereal grains are healthier than buns, and fresh vegetables will give the body more vitamins than thermally processed ones. Beef is not as fatty as pork, and, therefore, is easier to digest and puts less work on the liver. Even more useful substances will enter the body with nuts and legumes.

Moving up the food priority scale, we include in our diet food rich in proteins, but does not require heat treatment. Healthy: cheese made from raw milk no salt, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, raw nuts.

By eating fresh foods, we recharge the body vitality. Absence heat treatment
guarantees the supply of enzymes, amino acids, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates to the body in maximum volume. Thus, the process of tissue repair is activated.

In an effort to heal the body by improving the quality of food products, one should say goodbye to such not-so-good ones. useful supplements like salt, sugar and pepper, and also to say “goodbye” bad habits: alcohol and tobacco. Coffee, cocoa and chocolate are essentially toxins and hinder healthy transformations.

To launch the recovery processes function, it is very important to follow the following rules:

  • balanced nutrition (proper combination of proportions and selection of the right products);
  • following the order of intake of foods (eat easily digestible foods first, complex foods second, and leave concentrated foods for last);
  • optimal volume of each type of product in a single dose;
  • meal schedule (based on the feeling of hunger).

Exacerbations during the transition to a healthy diet

Having cleared the refrigerator of food of dubious benefit and gone on a diet, a person expects a surge of strength, relief from ailments, the formation of a slender silhouette, clear skin, thick and shiny hair.

But in practice, amazing metamorphoses occur. A person, switching to eating healthy and high-quality products, begins to feel weakness and apathy, the body is tormented by nausea and diarrhea, and the skin is covered with a rash. I would like to forget about nutritional science bad dream, pour a good portion of coffee into your stomach and snack on a bar of chocolate.

Don't give up so quickly. The secret of an imaginary deterioration in health lies in the natural wisdom of the body. The evolutionary process is that every cell prefers good to bad, and best to good. Natural instinct pushes out accumulated rubbish from within: toxins, waste, residual elements of countless medicines. In the end, the tissues themselves become “morally obsolete components” that need to be replaced with qualitatively new substances coming from healthy products. Brick by brick, atom by atom, the body is being rebuilt. It’s like during a renovation: they rip off the wallpaper, scratch the walls, and the visual impression reveals complete destruction. But now the renovation is completed, the garbage has been thrown out, the floors and windows have been washed... the room becomes cozy, clean and beautiful. The same processes occur in the body.

Just as foam forms on the crest of a wave, so all hidden diseases are washed away by the new way of life. They go outside and are annulled. The temperature may suddenly rise. But, later short time everything will pass. This is how “dirt” comes out, diseases “nailed” by medicines. They simply leave the body. There is no place left for them in the new body.

How long does it take for the body to rebuild when changing its diet?

From infancy, every member of society is imposed a set of rules: you should eat at certain hours, you should drink coffee in the morning, best breakfast– scrambled eggs and bacon. The mentality that has been formed over years and decades requires adherence to traditions, and the process of renewal of the body is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

You're already drinking clean water And fresh juices, eat raw vegetables and nuts. Nutrients accumulated toxins are displaced, and the cells are renewed and healed.

Waste materials leave the body through sweat, vomiting, diarrhea and unpleasant odors. It is not a fact that the whole range of “delights” will fall on every follower of naturopathy, but it is quite possible.

You should be wise and rest more if you feel weak. When the body is prevented from healing, it always strives to “put to sleep” the consciousness so that it does not interfere with the fight for survival. Rest more and your body will rebuild itself faster.

For decades, the body has been stimulated by tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, alcohol and tobacco. And suddenly all these products disappeared from the diet. During the period of restructuring and adaptation this list there will be a shortage of food. Without doping, most people feel low energy and irritable. The main secret is that discomfort will soon pass, the joy of life will return. A physical condition will reach a qualitatively new level.

Changes occur not only in every cell of the body, but also in the brain.

If you know main secret- all difficulties can be overcome. It takes 40 days to form a habit. The brain, like an idle caretaker with a huge ledger, conducts a daily inventory: the habit of drinking coffee is eating... The habit is eating, but coffee is not. A feeling of discomfort arises in the body. For 40 days the body will require doping. But after the expiration of the specified period it will become easier and, on the contrary, an accidental cup of coffee will cause dizziness and rapid heartbeat. Why? Because now an item has been established on the list of habits: healthy eating.

You need to be prepared for things to get worse general condition within 40 days. But if the restructuring only takes a week,
so much the better, we can consider this a pleasant bonus from the body.

In some cases, the transformation occurs in spurts. The trend towards improvement is replaced by periods of malaise. This is fine. By being patient, you will be rewarded: good health and longevity, quality of life and high performance.

Renewal of the body is accompanied by high emotional pleasure. You begin to feel gratitude to God and unity with Nature. Call it what you want. Feel like a piece of the Cosmos, a component of the Universe. Happiness and pleasure from life will fill your entire being to the very edge.