What are the benefits of chamomile flowers? How to make chamomile tea. Traditional medicine recipes

Chamomile is a medicinal plant whose components have a positive effect on the body. The flowers contain a rich assortment valuable substances, suitable for preparing teas, infusions, compositions for internal and external use.

Many herbalists and urologists for inflammatory processes in the bladder, kidneys, urethra, and problems of the female genital area recommend such a simple, accessible herbal remedy as chamomile. Medicinal properties and the patient should know the contraindications before starting therapy or using flowers for prophylactic purposes.

Composition of a medicinal plant

Chamomile flowers contain many beneficial ingredients:

  • choline;
  • valuable essential oil;
  • salicylic acid;
  • minerals;
  • coumarins;
  • flavonoids;
  • fatty acids.

Useful action

The rich composition of chamomile explains the complex effect on organs and systems. The medicinal plant has few side effects and is suitable for use in childhood.

Beneficial properties of chamomile:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • lowers blood sugar levels;
  • suppresses the activity of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • restores the quality of microflora in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduces the level of fermentation, prevents bloating;
  • reduces the severity of inflammatory processes in the stomach, intestines, and urinary tract;
  • reduces spasms;
  • facilitates the discharge of sputum;
  • after taking chamomile herbal tea, the headache weakens;
  • reduces sore throat with dry cough, sore throat, pharyngitis, other diseases of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract;
  • reduces irritability;
  • softens skin, removes redness of the epidermis;
  • exhibits a moderate bactericidal effect when used externally and internally;
  • exhibits a mild diuretic effect.

What does chamomile treat? The plant is used as the main component for the preparation of medicinal herbal remedies; the flowers are also used as an ingredient in preparations for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Herbal infusions effective in therapy, acute and chronic, for problems with the genital area. Chamomile tea is suitable for preventing exacerbations after eliminating inflammation in the urinary tract. Pregnant chamomile tea do not prescribe: The production of hormones increases, and problems with bearing a fetus are possible.

Note! Decoctions are suitable for external and internal use for illnesses genitourinary system, kidneys, urethra. Chamomile has a positive effect on different parts of the body - from the respiratory tract to the digestive tract.

The use of chamomile for kidney and urinary tract diseases

Principles of herbal medicine:

  • Application for early stages diseases. The use of herbs at the first symptoms of inflammation often gives positive result. At a moderate and severe stage, it is impossible to suppress the active one with the help of medicinal plants alone. inflammatory process: antibacterial agents are needed.
  • Consultations with a doctor, selection of ingredients on an individual basis. The body of patients reacts differently to the same components: it is important to take into account contraindications, health status, and the severity of the pathology.
  • Move from simple to complex: start with herbal remedies based on one ingredient, later use multi-component preparations.
  • Continuity of treatment, compliance with the optimal duration of therapy. Unlike taking antibiotics and other potent drugs, herbal medicine means weeks and months of use herbal compositions. A break is required between courses. The doctor selects all terms individually, taking into account general rules use of phytoraw materials.
  • At acute form For pathologies with severe symptoms, plant raw materials cannot be used as the basis of treatment. Often running forms diseases urinary tract, kidneys, respiratory organs develop when refusing synthetic drugs in favor of phytocomplexes. Important to know: no antibiotics dangerous bacteria do not destroy.

Recipes for effective herbal remedies

Proven recipes:

  • herbal remedy for cystitis. Combine 3 tbsp. l. , calendula and chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, yarrow. Take a couple of tablespoons (without a slide) of healthy raw materials, add a liter hot water, let it boil, remove from heat, leave covered for 30-40 minutes. Use the herbal remedy 4 times a day, 100 ml;
  • chamomile for pyelonephritis. Prepare tea: add a tablespoon of flowers to 250 ml of boiling water, stir, cover with a lid. After thirty minutes healing tea You can drink from it. Dosage - 25 ml three times a day before meals;
  • herbal remedy with diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. You will need 15 g of licorice root, plantain leaves, chamomile flowers and marigolds, 10 g of horsetail and bearberry. Also add 20 g. Combine the ingredients, take 4 dessert spoons of the raw material, pour in 1 liter of boiling water, then leave the herbal remedy in a thermos for four hours, filter. Drink the finished infusion twice a day, 50 ml;
  • microenemas with chamomile infusion. An excellent remedy for cystitis. To enhance the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, combine flowers with yarrow (a tablespoon each), add half as many hop cones. Place the collection components in a thermos, immediately pour in 450 ml of boiling water, set the container aside for 45 minutes. Use the strained liquid for microenemas (50 ml is enough for one procedure). The same composition is suitable for douching. Time: morning and evening. Treatment lasts until the signs of cystitis disappear, then another 4-5 days;
  • collection for chronic pyelonephritis. You will need the following ingredients: birch leaves, St. John's wort, marshmallow, fireweed. You also need flowers of clover, calendula, and chamomile. Be sure to take an equal amount of each component. To prepare the composition, measure out a couple of tablespoons of plant material, place in a thermos, add 500 ml of boiling water. After a couple of hours healing agent ready. Take before each meal (maximum 4 times a day), duration of therapy is 90 days;
  • steam baths with chamomile. Home physiotherapy helps with. Before performing steam baths, it is important to consult a urologist. For the procedure you will need 5 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers, 2 liters of boiling water. Pour the herbal raw materials into an enamel bowl, pour in boiling water, wait until the liquid emits steam, but do not burn the genitals. Sit on a container with chamomile infusion, cover yourself with a blanket. The duration of the steam bath is 20 minutes. Repeat treatment sessions with herbal raw materials throughout the week;
  • collection for urolithiasis(). For delicate dissolution, removal of salts, and normalization of urination, herbalists recommend a proven remedy from four types of plants. Take 3 tablespoons of corn silk, bearberry, chamomile, knotweed, and combine the ingredients. To prepare the infusion, take 3 dessert spoons of the herbal remedy, add 300 ml boiling water, leave for 6 hours. Directions for use: 1/3 glass an hour after meals, frequency - three or four times a day.

How to treat in women? Check out the selection effective options therapy.

About the features of treatment frequent urination during pregnancy written on the page.

Go to the address and find out about the rules for collecting urine according to Nechiporenko for children and adults.

Chamomile to prevent inflammation

Helpful Tips:

  • use useful infusion for morning and evening hygiene procedures: washing the face, toileting the external genitalia;
  • drink a decoction of chamomile with honey immediately after hypothermia. Prophylaxis should be carried out throughout the week;
  • ingesting chamomile tea in courses lasting 2 weeks with a break of 1 month;
  • To prevent cystitis, take a mixture of yarrow, lingonberry leaves, chamomile and calendula flowers, and St. John's wort two to three times a year.

How to properly store collected flowers

Some people prepare their own medicinal plant. If the region has a good environmental situation, then this option is no worse than purchasing dry raw materials from a pharmacy.

It is important to know a few secrets:

  • collect flowers in dry weather;
  • carefully sort through the raw materials, remove blades of grass, insects, debris, soil;
  • take only good flowers for drying;
  • place in a dry, ventilated room (attic) or under a canopy;
  • It is advisable to dry the plant out of direct sunlight;
  • you can use an electric dryer, but set the temperature no higher than + 40 degrees;
  • periodically turn the flowers over, make sure that the drying process takes place in a warm place, and does not rot due to excess moisture and shade;
  • Only completely dried raw materials can be packaged: properly prepared flowers can be easily rubbed in your hands;
  • Optimal storage conditions are in cardboard packs or boxes, in a ventilated area.

Improper collection of flowers, keeping the herbal remedy in a damp room, or using chamomile after the expiration date does not benefit the body. Violation of the rules reduces the value of the herbal remedy, positive influence weakens. The simple recommendations described above will help you prepare and preserve flowers. medicinal plant for maximum therapeutic effect.

Chamomile infusion is a storehouse of valuable substances. The herbal remedy is used to treat many diseases as an adjuvant, and for prevention - as the main component. It is important to properly prepare the raw materials or purchase dried flowers at the pharmacy. The use of all herbal remedies for diseases of the kidneys, urethra, bladder, other organs, it is important to coordinate with your doctor.

Chamomile infusion and decoction has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antiseptic, mild astringent, analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsant, diaphoretic, choleretic effect. In combinations with other plants, chamomile is also used for prostate adenoma, chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic prostatitis and cervical cystitis. Learn more about the use of medicinal plants in the following video:

Echinacea purpurea, gerbera, chrysanthemum grandiflora are all varieties of daisies. Against their background, chamomile looks modest and inconspicuous, but it has no equal among medicinal plants in terms of healing properties. We will tell you in our article what diseases this flower can cure and where it is used.

Chamomile in the history of medicine

Chamomile, better known to us as a medicinal plant, is an annual herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, reaching 60 cm in height. The yellow cone-shaped core and the petals framing it form a flower, considered the most useful part of this herb. Since there are many varieties of daisies in nature, medicinal daisies are identified by a longitudinal section: its stem and inflorescence are hollow inside.

Chamomile - photo:

The healing properties of this plant were known back in the 5th century BC. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates recommended using it to relieve seizures, Pliny the Elder advised making an antidote for snake bites from it, and Avicenna argued: chamomile infusions are capable of breaking stones gallbladder, cure liver diseases and fight flatulence.

Chamomile is a leader among medicinal herbs, as it is the most used medicinal plant in medicine. In Argentina, Brazil, Egypt and Hungary, entire plantations of this flower are grown, which are exported to other countries.

We are used to buying chamomile at the pharmacy, but nothing prevents us from collecting and drying its flowers ourselves. It usually grows on forest edges and fields. Flowers need to be collected in the mornings in mid-June, when photosynthesis processes are most active.

Collection should be carried out in dry weather; the grass should be dried in a place protected from direct sun rays. In 5-7 days it reaches the desired state and is put into cloth or paper bags. The shelf life of chamomile is 2 years, but experts advise renewing the supply of medicinal herbs annually.

Chamomile: medicinal properties

The chemical composition of chamomile contains polyin compounds, flavonoids, polysaccharides, coumarins, free organic acids, phytosterols, carotene, glycosides and many others. useful substances, which make this herb highly sought after in the pharmaceutical market.

It is worth noting that the most pronounced healing properties have chamomile flowers. The stems, leaves and roots of chamomile are practically not used in medicine. Therefore, if you decide to make supplies of this medicinal herb yourself, cut off only the flowers, leaving a small stem - about 3 cm. They should be dried in a shaded place, away from sunlight.

What properties have earned chamomile the reputation of the most widely used medicinal herb? When doctors begin to describe the areas of application of this plant, it seems that it cures almost everything. Judge for yourself.

Chamomile - beneficial properties:

  • antiseptic. The ability of chamomile flowers to destroy microbes has found application in gynecology, where chamomile douches are used, in pediatrics for the treatment of sore throats, and in traumatology for lotions that relieve inflammatory processes;
  • analgesic. Chamomile removes well headache and painful cramps in the stomach;
  • anti-inflammatory agent. Most often it is used to treat vaginal inflammation in women;
  • sedative. Teas and decoctions of chamomile flowers have a beneficial effect on nervous system, providing a mild sedative effect;
  • choleretic activity. A decoction prepared from medicinal herbs increases the secretion of bile and promotes its fall into the duodenum;
  • fight against worms. Giardia, roundworms and pinworms cannot be tolerated chamomile infusion;
  • adsorbent. With the help of chamomile teas and decoctions, the body is cleansed of toxins, removing toxins from it.

Amazing healing properties this grass was provided to her wide application in pharmacology. Perhaps there is not a single branch of medicine where decoctions, infusions or medicines, made from chamomile flowers.

Chamomile: application

We have already mentioned above where chamomile is used, now we will dwell on its use in more detail and give recipes for the most common infusions and decoctions from this plant.

Chamomile decoction

Chamomile decoction will be useful for sore throat (gargle with it), gas formation and strong spasmodic pain in the intestines. Douching with chamomile decoction helps fight thrush, cervical erosion (on initial stage) and cystitis.

To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers into an enamel bowl, pour 150 grams of boiling water over them and place in a steam bath for half an hour. After this time, allow the liquid to cool and strain.

Camomile tea

Pediatricians advise using chamomile infusion when bathing children infancy. This prevents diaper rash, inflammation and irritation. It is prepared simply: one tablespoon of dried flowers is poured into a liter of boiling water and left until the grass settles to the bottom. The infusion is filtered, mixed with water and used during hygiene procedures.

However, be careful: daily use of “chamomile” baths can cause allergies in your baby, so alternate them with baths made from chamomile decoction.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile collection is great for brewing medicinal tea, which is recommended to drink with honey. It has a calming effect, helps cope with insomnia, prevents gum inflammation and the appearance of ulcers. oral cavity, and also normalizes blood glucose levels.

Chamomile tea with mint, in addition to the above properties, also helps prevent cholelithiasis. It’s easy to brew such a drink: put a teaspoon of chamomile and mint herbs in a cup, pour in 200 milliliters of boiled water and let stand for 20 minutes.

Recipes for chamomile teas can be very diverse: with lemon balm, sweet clover, St. John's wort and other medicinal herbs.

Contraindications for use

Like anything remedy, chamomile has contraindications. Firstly, it is not recommended for pregnant women. The substances contained in this medicinal herb provoke the production of estrogen, which can lead to miscarriage.

Secondly, chamomile teas and infusions can cause allergies in some people. Moreover, such a reaction can also occur to the external use of lotions, compresses and rinses using this herb.

Thirdly, chamomile causes an increase in acidity levels. Therefore, it is contraindicated for those who have relevant problems.

In any case, before using a medicinal herb, it is better to consult a doctor. This will help avoid many unpleasant consequences.

What is the difference between chamomile and chamomile, watch the video:

Chamomile, or in other words, medicinal chamomile, has been used since ancient times in alternative therapy as excellent remedy from many diseases. Our grandmothers often prepared decoctions from it or simply added flowers to tea.

Chamomile infusions were used as a preventive measure for various ailments, as well as their treatment, since this plant has a very powerful anti-inflammatory effect.


Chamomile is a simple annual plant with a highly branched stem about 35-50 cm high. It has a pleasant, rather specific smell. You can find it in almost all European countries, as well as in various regions of Asia and North America.

It grows in steppes and meadows, as well as along roadsides. Many countries specifically cultivate chamomile as medicine. Breeders have developed several varieties with an increased content of essential oils.

Medicinal properties of chamomile

Chamomile contains many unique substances. Among them are:

  • many organic acids;
  • glycosides;
  • choline;
  • gum and others.

The healing properties of chamomile have been proven by various scientists. It has a persistent sedative effect.

It is often prescribed as an additional antidepressant for certain neurological diseases. Also regular pharmaceutical chamomile has vasodilating, antispasmodic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory properties.

The essential oil contained in the composition helps to significantly reduce gas formation and eliminate the symptoms of flatulence. It helps stabilize work gastrointestinal tract with various deviations in his work, and also provides positive impact on the gastric mucosa.

Beneficial properties of chamomile:

Use for the treatment of ENT diseases

Pharmaceutical chamomile is considered the best means for infectious diseases of the oral mucosa and pharynx. decoctions will help get rid of laryngitis and other infectious diseases the upper part of the respiratory tract.

Chamomile infusion can be used to wash the eyes for conjunctivitis. In the form of tea, it is taken orally for problems with the bronchi and asthma, as it has good vasodilating properties.

The photo shows the release form of chamomile:

How to use

Chamomile can be used in alternative medicine in a variety of ways. At colds Steam and decoction rinses are useful. To eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is consumed in the form of regular tea. For many, rinsing and lotions from the infusion will help.

How to prepare infusion and decoction: recipes

The rules for preparing chamomile infusions are quite simple. This doesn't require many ingredients.

1 tablespoon of prepared dried flowers is poured cold water(1 glass), then bring to a boil on a candle (low heat).

The mixture cannot be boiled for a long time; it is best to immediately remove it from the heat to prevent the destruction of some useful elements. After this, the broth is removed, left to infuse for about a quarter of an hour, and filtered through sterile gauze.

The finished drug quickly loses its positive properties. It is recommended to store the broth at room temperature for no more than 10 hours, and in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

There are two ways to prepare chamomile infusion: cold, hot. The first one is the simplest. 10 tablespoons of flowers are poured into two glasses of cooled boiled or bottled water and left for 8-10 hours. The resulting liquid is filtered.

This infusion - effective remedy for rinsing and lotions. With the hot method, a tablespoon of dried raw material is poured with boiling water.

The benefits of chamomile tea and how to prepare it, see our video:

Contraindications, side effects

Chamomile is strictly contraindicated for people with individual intolerance any components included in its composition. It is forbidden to use decoctions when chronic diarrhea, other gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage.

Long-term use of chamomile tea may cause side effects. They are mainly expressed, nervous disorders, and decreased muscle tone.

How to prepare

The plant is collected during the flowering period, when the white petals have not yet dropped and are located horizontally. It blooms from May to August, but more useful properties It is preserved in the spring harvest.

Flowers are dried on outdoors in a shaded place or in a regularly ventilated room.

Store the collected and dried plant in a tightly closed container, for example, in a glass container. The product has a shelf life of 12 months. Flowers can also be purchased at the pharmacy.

Efficiency and reviews

From childhood, many grandmothers are taught to use chamomile infusion for various viral and colds. The effectiveness of this remedy is quite high. Even if the result is always positive, treatment is often done without taking it.

Young mothers introduce chamomile teas to the menu of little children. This is beautiful harmless remedy Excellent helps with and fight against many infectious diseases.

Also many positive feedback treatment with chamomile is reported by patients who suffered from gynecological problems, gastrointestinal pathologies and various skin diseases.

Chamomile decoction has been used since ancient times to overcome many ailments.

Currently, the decoction is used in cosmetology, gynecology, and also for the treatment of certain gastrointestinal diseases.

Chamomile decoction has a huge number of beneficial properties, but there are still some contraindications that you should definitely familiarize yourself with before use.

Benefits and harms of taking chamomile decoction internally

Healing properties of chamomile

As mentioned above, chamomile decoction is widely used in medical field and this is not surprising, because this plant has many healing properties.

This should include:

  • soft sedative effect, which is shown to both adults and children;
  • stimulation of bile secretion, due to which this decoction is used for ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • healing of ulcers;
  • relieving spasms;
  • reduction of swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • eliminating depression;
  • sleep restoration;
  • improving blood circulation in the brain;
  • elimination of toothache;
  • prevention of various diseases;
  • protection from stress.

Chamomile has antiseptic, diaphoretic and astringent properties.

Based on the above healing actions, it should be noted that chamomile decoction is simply an indispensable help for many troubles.

Side effects and contraindications

Like any other remedy, chamomile decoction has its contraindications, and if used incorrectly, it can cause harm to a person.

So, chamomile can be harmful when taken in a decoction along with:

  • aspirin;
  • sedatives;
  • medications that thin the blood;
  • alcohol.

Besides, side effects when taking a large dose, they may appear as:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • irritation.

If we talk about contraindications, then it should not be taken in large doses during pregnancy, and it is also best to avoid:

  • with anacid gastritis;
  • in case of individual intolerance.

Chemical composition of the decoction

Chamomile is a plant that is widely used in the medical field.

This useful plant has the following chemical composition:

  • Acids: nicotinic, ascorbic and salicylic;
  • Phytosterol;
  • Gum;
  • Choline;
  • Essential oil;
  • Wax;
  • Sugar;
  • Tannins;
  • Fats;
  • Dioxycoumarin;
  • Pectins;
  • Slime;
  • Glycerides;
  • Glycoside.

Chamomile decoction contains essential oil, which contains more than 40 components. In addition, as part of this medicinal plant some other substances were found.

This applies to:

  • flavonoids;
  • apigenin derivatives;
  • quercetin;
  • luteolin.

It is thanks to these substances that chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties.

Chamomile components such as:

  • beta-carotene;
  • carotene;
  • polysaccharide;
  • organic acids;
  • glycoside;
  • coumarins;
  • sitosterol.

Use of the plant for various diseases

The use of chamomile decoction can be beneficial not only if it is taken internally, but also during external use.

So, if a person has been diagnosed with a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, then he should resort to internal use.

In this case, the mechanism of action of the decoction will be as follows:

  • normalizing the functioning of the stomach;
  • normalization of the gallbladder;
  • relieving the inflammatory process;
  • cleansing the mucous membrane.

In addition, when this decoction is taken orally, the mechanism of action is determined by the following factors:

  • increased secretion of the digestive glands;
  • choleretic effect;
  • reducing the fermentation process;
  • relieving spasms.

Chamomile decoction is used internally for diseases that have infectious nature and are associated with the oral cavity or upper respiratory tract, which helps relieve inflammation.

This remedy is used for diarrhea, as well as during flatulence. External use of the decoction is necessary for acne and other skin problems.

Videos about the benefits of chamomile tea

Basic usage patterns

It depends on the disease:

  1. If a person has problems with the stomach or intestines, then he needs to take 70 g several times throughout the day, and the decoction should be warm.
  2. For stomach diseases, you can also drink iced chamomile tea; it is used in the same way as in the previous case.
  3. In order to relieve inflammation during boils and ulcers, as well as during eczema and stomatitis, it is necessary to moisten a compress in the decoction and apply it to problem areas, and during stomatitis, the mouth must be rinsed with chamomile.
  4. At skin rash you need to resort to internal use, in which case a bath is prepared from a chamomile decoction, and if a person has rashes on the face, then you need to wipe the skin with the decoction or wash your face in the morning.
  5. Chamomile decoction for hair is used if the hair has lost its shine and silkiness, and has also begun to fall out intensively. In this case, the decoction should be used as a rinse after the head has been washed with shampoo.

How to prepare and use correctly

When treating a particular disease with chamomile, it is important to follow all the rules of use, and you also need to learn how to properly prepare such a decoction.

So, the preparation scheme is as follows:

  • Take a teaspoon of dried flowers;
  • She's pouring hot water in a size of 200 ml;
  • The container is placed on the fire and boiled over low heat for up to 5 minutes;
  • After 5 minutes, the broth is removed from the stove and infused for 20 minutes;
  • Using gauze or a bandage, the liquid is filtered and it is ready for use.

It is important to remember this preparation scheme, since such a decoction is used not only for internal use, but also external.

Do not prepare this remedy in large quantities, because even if it stays in the refrigerator, it will spoil after three days. Moreover, freshly prepared decoction always works better.

As for the rules of use, if it is necessary to eliminate stomach problems, then the decoction should be drunk in small doses throughout the day. When a person has problem skin, then a special approach is needed.

In this case, chamomile decoction can be used as:

  • Washing. You should wash your face daily with a cool chamomile decoction, which will tone the skin and have a positive effect on its color;
  • Rubbing. To do this, take chamomile tea at room temperature and wipe your face with a cotton pad, which helps activate metabolic process in the skin;
  • Moisturize with ice cubes. Ice cubes are prepared from the decoction, which must be used to wipe your face every morning. This procedure will not only relieve inflammation, but will also have a rejuvenating effect;
  • Compresses. To do this, you need to take a cold decoction, in which a gauze mask is moistened, and place it on your face for 20 minutes;
  • Lotions. This method is especially effective for problem skin. They need to be done twice a day and after 2 weeks the body will be completely cleared of acne.

Use of decoction for intestinal pathology

A decoction of chamomile flowers has been successfully used in complex therapy intestinal pathologies:

  • acute and chronic colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • infectious intestinal diseases;
  • intestinal manifestations as a result of endogenous intoxication.

Main mechanisms of action:

  1. Having an anti-inflammatory effect, it helps to soothe the irritated mucous membrane of the intestinal wall. The process of inflammation subsides. The accompanying abdominal pain disappears. Digestive processes are normalized. General condition the patient is improving.
  2. Relieves spastic phenomena in the intestines indirectly by relieving inflammatory phenomena.

Treatment begins only after clarification of the diagnosis and consultation with the attending physician. Self-medication can cause harm instead of benefit clinical picture and make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis in the future.

Therapy is carried out in courses lasting two to three weeks. More long-term use Instead of a positive effect, the decoction may cause a side effect.

Chamomile decoction can be prescribed:

  1. For internal use.
  2. In the form of medicinal enemas.

Preference is given to performing enemas with chamomile decoction when intestinal infections and endogenous intoxications. Enemas effectively cleanse the intestines, while simultaneously having a beneficial effect on the inflamed mucosa. Unlike the most commonly used solution of potassium permanganate, chamomile does not have a detrimental effect on the endogenous flora and does not lead to the development of dysbacteriosis.

Uses and benefits for the eyes

  1. From dark circles under the eyes. Having a lightening property, a decoction of chamomile flowers helps get rid of this ailment. The prepared decoction, at the rate of a dessert spoon of medicinal raw material per glass of water, is divided into two parts. One is cooled, the other is kept warm. Using a cotton swab, warm and cold lotions are applied alternately. A month's course of such procedures before bed will help get rid of darkening under the eyes.
  2. For puffiness under the eyes. A handful of dried chamomile flowers are wrapped in natural fabric and dipped in boiling water for five minutes. Take it out, let it cool a little and apply it to the lower eyelid. The procedure is repeated two or three times a week.
  3. For wrinkles under the eyes. Pour a spoonful of dry chamomile into two glasses of water, bring to a boil and boil for ten minutes. Let it cool a little. Moisten a towel with a warm decoction and apply it to the eye area. Then wash and apply nourishing cream.
  4. From fatigue and pain in the eyes. Soothing and antiseptic properties chamomile decoction when washing the eyes with it will help cope with irritation and protect against the development of conjunctivitis.

Effective therapy for thrush

The use of chamomile in the treatment of thrush is an effective and safe addition to the main treatment unpleasant disease. Chamomile, having an aseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, gently fights the disease without disturbing the healthy microflora of the body.

  1. Baths with chamomile infusion. Drawing a bath on required level the maximum possible hot water and add 100 grams of dried flowers to it. Chamomile should be brewed for at least ten minutes. After the water has cooled to a comfortable temperature, you can take a bath. The procedure is carried out daily for twenty minutes.
  2. Sitz baths with chamomile infusion will be the method of choice for patients who do not like prolonged stays in warm water.
  3. Douching. Pour two tablespoons of chamomile into a glass of boiling water and bring to a boil in an enamel bowl over a fire. Remove from heat, strain and allow to cool to body temperature. The prepared decoction is injected into the vagina using a syringe. Douching is carried out for no more than 10 minutes.
  4. For oral candidiasis, rinsing with chamomile decoction is prescribed to treat thrush.

Add calendula to the mixture

Effect on the body:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • disinfectant;
  • hemostatic;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • relieves spasms and pain;
  • astringent;
  • stimulates bile secretion;
  • promotes wound healing.

Indications for use:

  1. Skin diseases and damage.
  2. Inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity.
  3. Conjunctivitis.
  4. Diseases of the digestive system.
  5. Cardiovascular diseases.
  6. Diseases of the female genital organs.

Recommendations for preparing the decoction and its use: mix chamomile and calendula flowers in equal quantities. The resulting mixture in the amount of one tablespoon is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and brought to a boil over heat. Leave for an hour and filter.

Prescribe a tablespoon three times a day. To achieve a choleretic effect, the dose is increased to 100 ml per dose.

For skin pathologies, the decoction is used topically for lotions.

Decoctions using chamomile, sage and mint

  1. From periodontal disease. Mix chamomile flowers, sage and mint in equal quantities, one tablespoon at a time. Pour in 300 ml of water and bring to a boil. Pour into a thermos and leave for eight hours. Rinse your mouth with a filtered solution up to five times a day.
  2. How aid in complex therapy of diseases of the liver and biliary tract. The collection is prepared from chamomile, sage, mint, wormwood, caraway and yarrow in equal proportions. Two tablespoons of the resulting mixture are poured into 300 ml of water and brought to a boil. Place in a thermos. After twelve hours the medicine is ready. The solution is filtered and drunk half a glass after each meal, about an hour later.
  3. For taking baths when insomnia develops as a result of nervous strain. A collection is prepared from the herbs of sage, chamomile, mint, thyme and lavender in equal quantities of five tablespoons. The resulting mixture medicinal herbs pour in a liter of water and cook over low heat for five minutes. The resulting broth is filtered and poured into a bath filled with warm water at approximately 40 degrees Celsius. The duration of the procedure should be fifteen minutes. Baths are taken daily just before bedtime.
  4. Cleansing decoction for facial skin. A decoction is prepared using chamomile and linden flowers, sage and mint leaves, dill herb, and rose hip flower petals. The decoction has a moisturizing and cleansing effect and nourishes the skin. Having an aseptic effect, it relieves inflammation. Promotes regeneration of epidermal cells. It helps well with skin problems, relieves dryness and inflammation.