ECG or ultrasound of the heart - which is better?

) are effective methods diagnostics of the circulatory system. Comparing these two studies will show the differences between them.

The heart beats using electrical impulses sent at a constant frequency by a part of the heart called the sinoatrial node. An electrical impulse passing through a muscle is not able to maintain the same speed, which depends on the shape of the organ. This feature of the impulse is recorded by an ECG device, and as a result of information processing, an electrocardiogram graph is constructed and displayed.

The cardiogram shows a graph of heart contractions, which is displayed when the device records electrical impulses of the sinoatrial node

EchoCG (ultrasound of the heart) is an ultrasound diagnostic that involves scanning an organ and displaying its image. Ultrasound examination different organs and tissues occurs by reflection from their surface of ultrasonic waves that the sensor emits. At this time, an image is being constructed on the monitor. An ultrasound specialist assesses the condition of the heart, its structure, and checks for abnormalities.

What is electrocardiography?

The method is based on recording the vibrations caused by the beating of the heart muscle. The received information is transferred through electrodes to a cardiograph. Leads are the difference between the potentials of heart oscillations. The leads are fixed after installing the electrodes on the patient’s body: both arms and the left leg.

All leads have poles - plus and minus. The total number of leads is 6. One lead is also installed on right leg. It is used only as a ground and its data is not recorded. In addition to these leads, chest leads are also used during the procedure, total quantity of which there are 9, but only 6 are used. These leads have one pole and are attached to specific areas of the chest.

Preparatory measures for an ECG

No preparation is required for an ECG. General recommendation for patients - avoid anxiety during the examination. The electrocardiography technique is harmless and does not cause discomfort.

There is one condition before the procedure: you should not apply the cream to the skin, as it will interfere with getting the correct readings. Therefore, the skin is first wiped with alcohol to remove fat from the areas for installing electrodes. After this, a conductive gel is applied to the skin. If necessary, the gel is replaced with damp pieces of gauze.

Then the specialist begins the examination and interpretation of the results. This is usually done by the same doctor. When found severe violations, subsequent treatment is carried out by a cardiologist. The duration of the procedure is several minutes. The patient should remember that the suction cups are attached to the skin, therefore, you need to dress for the procedure in practical clothes that can be easily removed. The presence of shortness of breath will complicate the procedure, so the patient should take a sitting position.

What diseases does an ECG detect?

Frequent abnormalities detected on ECG:

  1. arrhythmia and heart block - deterioration associated with pulse rate and impulse conduction in the heart;
  2. tachycardia – rapid heartbeat, an increase in heart rate, can be physiological (periodic) and pathological (constant);
  3. bradycardia – reduced heart rate (up to 70 per minute);
  4. extrasystole - a deviation in cardiac activity, manifested in the form of additional beats;
  5. atrial fibrillation– rapid heartbeat, consisting in unstable excitation of the myocardium.

An ECG allows you to see various cardiac pathologies - heart block, arrhythmia, tachy- and bradycardia, extrasystole, atrial fibrillation. The data obtained by this research method are considered absolutely reliable.

Abnormalities in the functioning of the heart on an ECG are examined by a specialist; however, this type of study is not always a complete method of obtaining information about the disease. In this case, an echocardiography is required, i.e. ultrasound examination. This diagnostic method provides comprehensive information about cardiac activity, traces blood flow, and allows you to evaluate the structure of the valves. The doctor will determine which technique the patient needs. During a routine medical examination, only a cardiogram is performed.

Ultrasound examination

Ultrasound can reveal various violations at work, excessive or insufficient activity of the myocardium (which indicates a heart attack), allows us to detect atherosclerotic changes in the aorta and heart valves, and identify fluid accumulation in the pericardium. Most often, an ultrasound is performed after an ECG examination. These two types of examinations together provide more full information about possible disorders and diseases.

The ultrasound is performed in the lying position on the left side. This is how ultrasound scanning works best. Before the procedure, the patient should not prepare for an examination. An ultrasound examination is carried out using a small sensor, which the doctor places under the rib. There is also an ultrasound option called transesophageal echocardiography. This type of examination requires insertion of a certain type of probe into the esophagus. As a rule, this type of examination is not preferable for patients, however, there is a need for it.

Comparison of both methods

The general objectives of conducting a survey do not mean the same quality of the study. Electrocardiography and EchoCG differ in the following types:

  • by the method of conducting the survey;
  • by type of violations detected;
  • on the effectiveness of monitoring the circulatory system.

A cardiogram shows and records the electrostatic activity of the heart muscle in the form of a graph. It shows whether there is a stable pulse rhythm, its numerical indicators, and the presence of arrhythmias. Arrhythmias on electrocardiography are visible quite clearly, so this particular method of diagnosing the circulatory system makes it possible to detect deviations in time and take health-improving measures.

Echocardiography is performed by the device special purposeultrasonic sensor. The waves emanating from the sensor penetrate the intracardiac cavity, are reflected from the tissues and return back to the device, where the data is analyzed and displayed on the screen.

Unlike ECG, the method ultrasound examination allows you to visualize the heart on the monitor. Ultrasound is performed using a special sensor and conductor gel

Which method is preferable?

While electrocardiography examines the electrostatic activity of cardiac tissue and examines heart rhythms, ultrasound evaluates the ability of the circulatory system to move blood throughout the body. Although electrocardiography is a more affordable examination method, ultrasound diagnostics is also not expensive.

Thanks to ultrasound diagnostics Doctors identify and prevent the occurrence of disturbances in cardiac activity. Ultrasound machines can detect a number of heart diseases better than electrocardiography.

In addition to imaging, current ultrasound machines provide mobile diagnostic capabilities. three-dimensional image. It is used when there is a need to clarify the information obtained on the electrocardiograph.

Which is better - ultrasound or ECG of the heart– it’s difficult to say for sure. These are two similar procedures. They allow you to conduct early diagnosis and identify abnormalities in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. What better than ultrasound heart or cardiogram - determined by the doctor.

Heart studies using ultrasound

This type of examination is an excellent preventative tool. It allows you to identify the disease early stages development. This is a quick and easy way to get information about the state of the cardiovascular system. Diagnostics are carried out using modern equipment. Ultrasound (echocardiography) allows you to see not only the structure of blood vessels, but also observe the movement of blood in them.

This study is applicable to:

  • detection of the disease at an early stage;
  • making an accurate diagnosis.

This method completely replaces x-ray research methods. Thus, a person completely gets rid of radiation radiation. The technique is absolutely safe and has no side effects.

Main indications for using ultrasound:

  • heart murmurs of unknown origin;
  • symptoms of congenital or acquired heart defects;
  • heart failure;
  • suspicion of a tumor;
  • assessment of the results of previous surgical intervention;
  • general condition cardiovascular system;
  • study of arterial hypertension.

There are no contraindications for the study. It is widely used to assess the state of the cardiovascular system in both adults and children.

Ultrasound allows you to determine the structure of the heart, accurately showing the sizes of all its components. When researching special attention is paid to the parameters of the organ and the frequency of beats. The general condition of the myocardium and pericardium is assessed, large vessels and atria. This allows us to identify pathological changes in the development and functioning of the heart muscle.

Ultrasound is widely used to detect cardiac arrhythmias, vegetative-vascular dystonia, rheumatism and coronary disease. This technique is informative and safe, so it is one of the leading ones in the field of cardiology.

heart electrocardiogram

This method allows you to identify diseases of the cardiovascular system in the early stages. The human heart works in a certain rhythm, producing electrical impulses. A failure in this process is recorded by an electrocardiogram. Thanks to this study, it is possible to record the language of the myocardium.

Any deviations in the development of the P, Q, R, S and T waves make it possible to determine possible diseases cardiovascular system.

Electrocardiograms are prescribed by a doctor. Most often, the need for examination arises after a visit to a cardiologist. Main indications for the procedure:

  • expressed pain syndrome in the area of ​​the heart, chest and back;
  • discomfort;
  • constant shortness of breath;
  • unstable heart function;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • rheumatism;
  • previous stroke.

Electrocardiography can be performed as part of preventive examination. This is necessary during pregnancy, before surgical intervention and active sports. People over 40 years of age need to be examined annually. This will allow you to monitor the functioning of the cardiovascular system and determine in the early stages possible deviations in it.

A cardiogram allows you to obtain information about the functionality of the heart (beat frequency, condition of the heart muscle and general condition of the organ). These parameters are the main ones in the work of the heart. The examination allows you to obtain accurate data regarding heart rate. It shows what rhythm the heart beats. This information can be obtained using special electrodes that are attached to the human body. During the examination, the condition of the heart muscle is assessed.

Despite the effectiveness of the study, you should not limit yourself to these data only. To confirm the preliminary diagnosis, it is necessary to resort to additional diagnostic techniques.

Ultrasound or ECG – what determines the choice?

Or what is the difference between an ECG and an ultrasound? There is no particular difference in these methods. They are aimed at identifying pathological processes V cardiovascular system. During conducting an ECG A special device called an electrocardiograph is used. It is an ultrasound generator, passing them through the chest and recording data on different areas hearts. The technique is aimed at determining the condition of the soft tissues, as well as the thickness of the organ itself. There are no contraindications to the use of ECG.

An ultrasound examination is performed for certain patient complaints. It is used for pain, heart murmurs and increased fatigue. All of these symptoms, including drowsiness and shortness of breath, may indicate serious abnormalities in the heart. During the procedure, the patient must be in a lying position. A special sensor is attached above the heart, the location of which depends on the area of ​​concern.

After the procedure, based on the data obtained, the specialist determines the functionality of the heart, the anatomical location and movement of the valves. This allows you to record possible abnormalities in the organ.

ECG and ultrasound are almost identical procedures; their action is aimed at identifying diseases of the cardiovascular system. The doctor decides which diagnostic method to use depending on the patient’s complaints and condition. Overall, these research methods work together to produce informative data.

What is better, an ECG or an ultrasound of the heart, is decided by the cardiologist individually. If you ask a doctor this question, he will most likely answer that this formulation is not entirely correct, since both of these diagnostic procedures very important. ECG or electrocardiography can detect some heart diseases that can be life-threatening, and ultrasound can detect others. Doctors often prescribe both procedures to obtain complete information about the functioning of the heart.

Diagnosis using electrocardiography

An ECG is a simple and painless procedure which is carried out using a cardiograph. The Dutch scientist Willeim Einthoven designed the first apparatus for electrocardiography in 1903. This method diagnostics is based on recording fluctuations caused by the work of the heart. Information is transmitted through electrodes to the cardiograph. The difference between the oscillation potentials of the heart muscle is the leads that are recorded after applying electrodes to the chest in the area of ​​the heart and limbs.

An ECG machine records electrical impulses and displays them as a graphical curve on thermal paper. There are 12 leads in total that allow you to see the work of different parts of the heart muscle. Electrocardiography is effective for detecting heart diseases and is in demand for medical examinations, is necessary before surgical intervention. An ECG is also prescribed after treatment to see how effective the therapy was. In emergency cases, a person’s life depends on the speed of the procedure.

Indications for an electrocardiogram are;

  • routine examination;
  • hypertension;
  • IHD ( ischemic disease hearts);
  • myocardial infarction;
  • post-infarction cardiosclerosis;
  • heart defects of various etiologies;
  • cardiomyopathy caused by endocrine disorders;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • violation heart rate(tachycardia, arrhythmia, bradycardia);
  • pericarditis;
  • control after cardiac surgery.

These diseases may be accompanied by shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue, coughing for no reason, dizziness, nausea, burning sensation in the stomach. With such complaints, the doctor may refer the patient to undergo electrocardiography.

In what cases is echocardiography necessary?

In cardiology, all diagnostic procedures are very important. The difference lies in the equipment and method of implementation. Each technique has its own indications that allow you to determine the state of the cardiovascular system. Before the advent of ultrasound accessible method Only electrocardiography was used, so some pathologies could not be diagnosed. With the advent of ultrasound, it became possible to obtain more information about the condition of the heart muscle.

Ultrasound examination is also safe method diagnostics Thanks to this procedure, the doctor sees in real time:

  • condition of the heart and valve apparatus;
  • the size of the cavities of the heart muscle;
  • wall thickness;
  • speed and direction of blood flow.

Thanks to echo diagnostics, pressure is measured in pulmonary artery, general and local are assessed contractile activity. The most common procedure is transthoracic echocardiography, which means the procedure is done through the surface of the body. For certain pathologies, transesophageal echocardiography, called transesophageal from lat. Oesophagus. Ultrasound allows you to perform stress tests called stress echoes.

The patient using drugs or physical exercise the load is specially increased to record changes occurring in the work of the heart in this mode. This method of examination helps to identify hidden pathological phenomena, which go unnoticed in the relatively calm state.Heart ultrasound is prescribed for:

  • signs of left-right ventricular failure;
  • the presence of pathological noises when listening;
  • IHD of a chronic or acute nature;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • septic conditions;
  • injuries chest;
  • chest pain of unknown origin;
  • thrombosis of the main deep veins;
  • treatment with antibiotics for cancer;
  • suspected aortic aneurysm.

There is a group of patients who complain of chronic headache. This procedure is carried out in order to exclude pathological change atrial septum, due to which microebola (blood clots) appear.

Which examination method is more important?

Although both diagnostic procedures described are important, sometimes there are nuances that doctors take into account before prescribing. IN critical situation When the ambulance team goes to a call, a cardiogram of the heart is taken. The device is located in the car, so in case of an accident, hypertensive crisis, suspected of myocardial infarction, it can be done at home or on the way to the hospital. An examination using an electrocardiograph in such a situation helps to assess the patient’s condition and provide the help you need right away.

When the crisis has passed, the patient is advised additional examination using ultrasound. You should not refuse this procedure. Modern equipment allows you to see the smallest disturbances that cannot be detected only with the help of an electrocardiogram. If the cardiologist prescribes only an ultrasound, check whether other procedures should be used.

Some patients are prescribed daily monitoring, that is, a small sensor is attached to the patient’s body, which records all indicators of heart function throughout the day. This method helps to see how the heart muscle works during the day during the patient’s everyday load. A regular electrocardiogram does not allow recording extrasystole, especially if it is an episodic phenomenon. Holter monitoring is performed for complaints of interruptions in the heart, myocardial ischemia, and tachycardia.

The study through the esophagus is abbreviated as TES (transesophageal pacing) and has been used by doctors for about 30 years. This diagnostic method differs in that a sterile electrode is inserted directly into the esophagus, closer to the heart. After its introduction to a depth of 40 cm, the doctor delivers weak electrical impulses, gradually increasing the frequency of contractions. All conduction system data is recorded and then deciphered by a specialist. If during the diagnosis a strong heartbeat occurs, the procedure is stopped.

EchoCG is one of the most modern methods conducting an examination of the heart and the contractile activity of its muscles. It is an echocardiographic study that helps to obtain visualization of a functioning organ and blood vessels.

It is based on the use of ultrasound, which is absolutely not perceived by the human ear. What kind of study is an echocardiogram, what does it show, and what does an ECG show, how to prepare for the procedure, how an ultrasound of the heart vessels is done: find out the answers to all questions from this article.

ECG and EchoCG are among the most effective examinations of the cardiovascular system. They are characterized by common goals and tasks. But the methods and methods used to carry them out differ significantly from each other. What is the difference between EchoCG (ultrasound of the heart) and ECG and what does each of these studies provide?

Method of carrying out. To take an ECG you need to use a cardiograph and electrodes. At the same time, the electrostatic activity of the heart muscle is examined and recorded, and then the results are translated into a graphic drawing. It clearly shows:

  • whether the activity of the organ is characterized by a stable pulsation rhythm;
  • what are the numerical indicators of runout;
  • presence or absence of arrhythmia.

To perform cardiac echocardiography, it is necessary special electronic equipment, which is called a converter. It must be applied tightly to the chest, and then brought into working condition. This device is a generator of waves belonging to the ultrasonic spectrum. They are able to penetrate inside the organ, fight off its tissues and return back.

Special equipment helps process the received data and display it on the screen. At the same time on his monitor you can see a three-dimensional picture.

If the main purpose is to identify the electrostatic activity of heart tissue and study heart rhythms, then echocardiography is carried out to study the ability of the cardiovascular system to pump blood.

With the help of the latter, doctors are able to establish and prevent the occurrence of organ failure, check the activity of the valve, and determine the location of atrophied fractions of the heart muscle.

An echocardiogram is used to study the heart condition of a patient who has suffered an attack, identifying serious blood clots that are not moving. In addition, with the help of current echo transducers, it is possible to study the functioning of a vital organ in a 3D image.

In comparison with an ECG, the converter is able to provide a more understandable picture of the examination, as it detects the presence of almost all diseases of the organ.


There are several types of echocardiogram; let’s look at each one separately.


A standard type of echocardiogram, which is painless and somewhat similar to an x-ray, this procedure assesses the health of the child before birth.

To carry out this type of echocardiography, a sensor that transmits sound waves high frequency, applied to the chest. The heart muscles fight off these waves. In this way, images and sounds are created, by analyzing which the doctor determines the presence or absence of anomalies and diseases of the organ.


With transesophageal echocardiography, a sensor in the form of a swallowing tube connecting the stomach with the oral cavity inserted into the esophagus. Its close location to the heart helps to obtain a clear image of the structure of the organ.

When performing an echo-ultrasound of the heart through the esophagus, there is no effect on the lungs or chest.

Stress with stress test

An echocardiogram, which is performed during a stress test, using dobutamine or adenosine, refers to stress echocardiography. Only does not apply here physiological load on the organ, and the influence medical supplies stimulating the functioning of the organ.

With the help of this study, it is possible to evaluate the state of the organ in the case when there is no opportunity to use a path or bicycle for these purposes, load tolerance, the possibility of coronary disease, and the effectiveness of the therapy.


During sports activities patient using a jogging or cycling track perform stress echocardiography.

During this procedure, it is possible to visualize the movements of the heart walls and analyze its pumping function.

With the help of a stress echocardiogram, unlike other similar studies, it is possible to determine the lack of blood flow.


For use intravascular ultrasound used during cardiac catheterization. At the same time, into the cavity blood vessels a special sensor is introduced. A catheter is used for this.

In most cases, this procedure is performed in order to analyze the blockage inside the vessel.

Only experienced medical specialist will be able to determine which type suits you individually.

Types of echocardiography

There are 3 types of echocardiograms:

  1. One-dimensional in M-mode– the wave supplied by the device is placed along one axis. Therefore, the monitor shows a top view of the organ. By moving the ultrasound line, the ventricle, aorta and atrium can be examined.
  2. Two-dimensional An echocardiogram helps examine the heart in two projections. Therefore, when performing it, it is possible to analyze the movement of cardiac structures.
  3. Doppler echocardiogram carried out in order to assess such parameters of the organ’s functioning as the speed at which the blood moves and its turbulence. As a result of the accepted results, a conclusion can be made about the presence of defects and the degree of filling of the ventricle.


An echocardiogram must be performed if the following symptoms are present:

  • pain in the chest or heart;
  • noises and rhythm disturbances during organ activity;
  • or ;
  • symptoms that indicate the presence of heart failure;
  • shortness of breath, rapid fatigue, lack of air, increased paleness of the skin.

An echocardiography procedure is mandatory for patients who have undergone surgery with an injured chest. Also A referral for a cardiac ultrasound can be obtained by those who have:

  • chronic headaches;
  • artificial valve;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • actively involved in sports.

EchoCG is used to diagnose congenital or acquired defects, as well as in case of improper weight gain in newborn babies.

Preparing the patient for the study and features of the study

Preparation for the procedure is not unusually difficult. The patient must take off your clothes to the waist and lie on your left side. This position ensures that the chest is closest to the top of the organ being examined. This helps ensure the clearest possible image.

After this, the sensor locations are lubricated with gel. Their various positions contribute to the most visual identification of the cardiac sections, as well as the measurement and recording of the results of their activity.

Attaching these sensors not painful and does not cause discomfort. Actually, with their help, ultrasound is sent, which changes while passing through the tissue, is reflected and returns.

Then the sounds are converted into signals that enter the echocardiograph. sound wave changes when exposed to modifications in the state of organs.

After signal processing a clear picture appears on the monitor, according to which the doctor makes appropriate conclusions about the patient’s condition.

Learn how to do an ultrasound of the heart from the video:

Decoding the results

A continuation of the echocardiographic study is. Accurate and comprehensive Only a cardiologist can analyze them.

And despite the fact that to an ordinary person it seems simple and understandable; as a result, the doctor sees a complete picture of the condition of the organ. In addition, the result of the study is influenced by the condition and age of the patient, as well as the purposes for which it was carried out. this study.

In any conclusion of an ultrasound examination there are unchanged, constant parameters that are characteristic of good condition and organ functioning. According to their values ​​and the features of the functioning and structure of the heart chambers are determined. These include data characterizing the ventricles, interventricular septum, valves and pericardium.

When performing echocardiography, the following questions are set: normal indicators ventricular activity. Depending on the degree of deviation real results from these indicators the development or presence of the corresponding pathology is established.

Simpler, in comparison with the parameters of the ventricles, is deciphering the results of examinations of the heart valves. In case of deviation from the norm, one can say about the development of either insufficiency or stenosis. A reduced diameter of the lumen, at which pumping of blood becomes significantly more difficult, indicates the presence of stenosis.

Formation of insufficiency provokes a slightly different process: leaky valves allow blood to return back into the chamber, which significantly reduces the efficiency of the heart.

The most common pathology of the pericardium is pericarditis - between the pericardium and the myocardium, which significantly complicates the functioning of the organ.

The cost of echocardiography has a very wide range. Its performance is greatly influenced by the qualifications and reputation of the specialist who conducts this research, as well as the level and location medical institution. This is due to the fact that only a highly qualified specialist can fully and correctly decipher the information received.

In addition, only a specialist can establish the correct diagnosis based on the results obtained and prescribe the correct treatment. If you start to figure all this out on your own, this will lead to incorrect conclusions and erroneous treatment.

And since the heart is practically the most important human organ, which provides vital activity to our entire body, then there is no need to risk his condition. Because very often it ends in death.

ECG and ultrasound of the heart - two independent method examinations that should not be divided into worst and best.

ECG – electrocardiogram

ECG is an examination method based on the conduction of heart impulses. Previously, 100 years ago, when the invention of the ECG machine was awarded Nobel Prize, patients had to immerse their arms and legs in a container of water to record a cardiogram. Currently, science does not stand still and more compact devices have been invented, but the number of wires, electrodes and holders has not decreased.

Taking an ECG

There are only 5 electrodes that are used to record the ECG at rest, but a lead and ground are also present. Each of these elements is important and the absence of at least one may not only prevent the device from registering normal cardiogram, but also cause physical harm to the patient.

What will an ECG reveal?

  • Rhythm disorders

Arrhythmia (pathology associated with rhythm disturbances, which manifests itself in the form of irregular heartbeats), tachycardia (disorder associated with an increase in the number of heartbeats), bradycardia (disorder associated with a decrease in the number of heartbeats), atrial fibrillation, extrasystole (extraordinary heartbeat with a long pause after).

Various heart rhythm disturbances

  • Disturbances in the trophism of the heart muscle

The phenomenon of insufficient oxygen supply and nutrients into a muscle, when it is increased, strengthened or normal operation called ischemia. Acute manifestation it is myocardial infarction, which in most cases leads to fatal outcome or serious problems in the future and even disability.

  • Impaired conduction of impulses

Disturbances in the conduction of electrical impulses through the conduction system are expressed in blockades, which are clearly visible on the cardiogram. The heart has several nodes that generate an electrical impulse, thanks to which automation is carried out ( self-reduction). The main one is the atrioventricular one. If it is damaged, the impulse does not reach some structures of the heart, which can subsequently lead to atrophy. Therefore, it is important to know about the operation of the conduction system.

  • Heart axis displacement

A displacement of the axis indicates hypertrophy of some sections and resulting pathologies.

  • Thickening of the muscle wall of the components (ventricles or atria)

Hypertrophy of individual components indicates pathologies and problems in the cardiovascular system. Early detection of wall thickening will prevent the development of serious illnesses, which have not yet shown themselves clinically.

Increasing the thickness of the heart muscle

  • Heart defects

Basically, a cardiogram allows you to identify already advanced stages of defects associated with the valve apparatus.

What can't an ECG detect?

  • Disturbances in the functioning of the heart that do not manifest themselves in at the moment. For such cases when failures occur at the moment emotional stress or physical activity, there is Holter or long-term 24-hour monitoring.
  • Heart defects, especially the valve apparatus, in the early stages of development.
  • Sometimes it's possible false positives, which require separate consideration.

Ultrasound of the heart - ultrasound examination

Ultrasound is a relatively new technique for examining patients with cardiovascular diseases. But despite its young age, it is highly informative, reliable and safe. Only ultrasound allows you to see all the components and structures of the heart in real time. Allows you to see the operation of the valve apparatus, contraction and relaxation of the ventricles and atria, and the movement of blood through the vessels.

What will a heart ultrasound allow you to see?

  • Heart defects

The main task of ultrasound is to identify defects that have not yet manifested clinically and are not visible on the cardiogram.

  • Detection of coronary artery disease and damage to the outer and muscular lining of the heart

Damage or the degree or stage of development of diseases such as ischemic disease (one of the outcomes of which is myocardial infarction), angina pectoris, pericarditis, myocarditis (inflammation of the muscular membrane or pericardium) are assessed.

  • Dimensions and volumes of components

Ultrasound allows you to determine the thickness of the walls of the ventricles and atria down to millimeters, find out their volumes, and see damage to the valves.

  • Assess contractility

Allows you to visually see the severity of contractions and relaxations of the heart components.

  • Presence of fluid in the pericardium.

Echocardiography procedure

What can't an ultrasound detect?

The possibilities of ultrasound examination are so great that almost all pathologies can be identified using this examination method. The exception is disorders that are associated with the conduction of electrical impulses through the conduction system of the heart. This type of violation plays, if not the main one, then one of the the most important reasons in the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Heart ultrasound and cardiogram are two independent examination methods that every patient with heart problems should undergo. If your doctor prescribed it to you, but you don’t have clinical manifestations– should not be ignored, ultrasound and ECG make it possible to identify diseases and pathologies in the early stages of development and correct treatment will prevent the development serious complications. Ultrasound and cardiogram are complementary methods of examination - if the pathology is not diagnosed in one case, it is not a fact that it will not be expressed in another.