Is there a nicotine addiction? Stages of nicotine addiction

Nicotine addiction is a pathological craving for tobacco that occurs over time in the vast majority (about 90%) of smokers. Interestingly, up to 60% of total number Chronic smokers recognize themselves as addicts and want to get rid of pathological desire, but only a few of them have the willpower.

Smoking addiction develops due to nicotine’s ability to affect acetylcholinergic receptors in the brain, which provokes the release of adrenaline and dopamine. The combination of these two substances causes a person to experience mild euphoria, cheerfulness, and improvement. mental activity, increased breathing. However, after a few weeks, the body’s ability to produce these substances without the “help” of nicotine decreases. Therefore, a smoker who does not receive the next portion of tobacco smoke in a timely manner receives a failure of the regulatory systems and a kind of nicotine addiction.

Manifestations of nicotine addiction

Symptoms of this pathological condition appear in three forms:

  1. Physiological reactions;
  2. Emotional manifestations;
  3. Behavioral deviations.

Physiological reactions

A smoker who decides to treat his addiction may begin to suffer from hypotension and a decrease in blood glucose levels, which makes the person lethargic, tired, and with a feeling of “stuffed up” ears. However, the patient’s objective indicators improve - vascular spasms disappear, oxygen concentration in the blood increases, heart function, potency and tolerance to physical stress improve.

Emotional manifestations

The feeling of loss of strength that occurs during nicotine withdrawal can reduce the patient’s self-esteem and lead to the development of depression. Also, people who are thinking about how to get rid of nicotine addiction, must be prepared to deal with their irritability during the period of possible withdrawal.


The method of treating this pathology is selected based on the degree of nicotine addiction in a person. As a rule, psychotherapeutic methods are effective, as well as the prescription of nicotine replacement drugs.

Treatment of mild addiction

Its presence is confirmed by a test for nicotine addiction; another confirming sign can be considered the fact that a person smokes up to one pack of cigarettes per day. It will be enough to work on psychological aspect, group classes and personal consultations with a psychologist have a special effect.

Treatment of moderate addiction

At this stage of the disease, the smoker is already beginning to experience moderate withdrawal symptoms while quitting his habit. bad habit. As for the quantitative aspect, we are talking about smoking one pack of cigarettes every day. In this case, psychotherapy is effective, in parallel with which nicotine replacement drugs are taken, produced in the form of lozenges, chewing gum, nicotine-containing patch. Pills for nicotine addiction are also quite popular. "Tabex", With active substance cytisine.

Treatment of severe addiction

Smoking more than a pack of cigarettes per day indicates that the patient has a severe degree of the disease. Manifestations of psychological discomfort, and later withdrawal syndrome, in those patients who decided to quit smoking at this phase of the disease are very noticeable. This stage involves adding nicotine to psychotherapeutic assistance and nicotine replacement, the use of which should be monitored by a narcologist.

Alternative Treatments

IN lately treatment of nicotine addiction with acupuncture, body cleansing, homeopathic medicines, coding certainly have a positive effect on some patients, but do not have an evidence-based scientific basis. Many patients are interested in how long does nicotine addiction last? It all depends on individual characteristics the patient's body, but on average the consequences of failure are felt for about one month.

Consequences of nicotine abuse

The consequences of nicotine addiction for the human body are quite serious. This is a decrease in immunity, the formation of lesions in the lungs and throat oncological diseases, stomach ulcers and duodenum, and also malignant formations in these organs. As for the consequences of quitting smoking, it can lead to an increase in a person’s body weight by a maximum of 4 kilograms.

Smoking is a bad habit, everyone knows about it. However, the number of smokers does not stop growing, because it is much easier to start “smoking” than to quit, since the addiction only intensifies day after day. Doses and the need for cigarettes change at each stage of nicotine addiction, and, with “overcoming” each of them, it becomes more and more difficult to part with a cigarette.

Why does nicotine addiction occur?

The main component of cigarettes is nicotine, a natural but psychoactive substance that has a stimulating effect and has narcotic properties. By activating the part of the brain responsible for pleasure, nicotine, like cocaine, causes mild euphoria. After powerful stimulation, there comes a sharp decline, fraught with strong nervous disorders, hence physical nicotine dependence and an increase in the need for cigarettes arises. After each puff, the smoker receives reinforcement of the satisfaction effect: if on average there are 10 puffs per cigarette, then a pack per day is 200 reinforcements.

Then an association arises that with or after a cigarette it is easier to work, think, communicate and even wake up. This is called psychological dependence, and it is much more difficult to get rid of it.

Nicotine addiction is also a disease accompanied by disturbances in life important processes the body as a result of the consumption of substances that can cause persistent addiction. The harm of nicotine exposure lies in the inhibition of mineral metabolism, hormonal status, stimulation of production gastric juice, weakening of blood vessels, development of tumors. This list can be continued for a long time. The point is that the components of a cigarette, of which there are dozens, turn into toxic when burned. chemical elements and mercilessly spoil health.

Stages of addiction to cigarettes

From the first time, smoking rarely gives anyone true, uncorrupted pleasure: coughing, nausea, dizziness - the sensations that come with the first puffs. After such an experience, some are no longer interested in cigarettes, others smoke occasionally or turn it into a daily activity. Depending on the frequency of the desire to smoke and the amount necessary cigarettes per day, there are three stages of nicotine addiction.

The first stage is the initial stage

The initial stage is characterized by systematic cigarette sipping. Smokers feel cheerfulness, improved mood and abilities, comfort - the first signs of desire. The symptoms that occurred when you first became acquainted with cigarettes are no longer present; day after day, the need for them increases more and more. People go through this stage between 2 and 5 years.

Although, there is an opinion that, although harmless at first glance, smoking 1 – 3 cigarettes a week is already the initial stage of addiction.

The second stage is chronic

At the stage of chronic addiction, the need to smoke continues to change upward and gradually takes on a stable form. Now people reach for the pack under any pretext - bad and wellness, overexertion, unobtrusive conversation, walk, etc. Here we are already observing manifestations of withdrawal syndrome, a component of the dependence syndrome that occurs if you suddenly stop smoking or reduce the amount of tobacco.

The picture is complemented by the appearance of a cough in the morning, pressure surges, a feeling of discomfort, problems with sleep, aggressiveness, and some lethargy. I want to smoke all the time, the thought of smoking comes to me at night, a pack of cigarettes a day is already the norm. How long the second stage will last depends entirely on the person, on average it is 6 – 10 years, but they also talk about 15 – 20 years.

The third stage is late

On late stage There is no meaning put into the smoking process, sometimes this happens unnoticed even by the smoker himself. There are no specific reasons or intervals between smoke breaks, there are no brand preferences, the process is “adjusted” to the point of automaticity. Forgetfulness, anxiety, irritability, apathy appear, headaches often begin, and appetite disappears.

The respiratory, digestive, and heart organs suffer, and the elasticity of blood vessels is weakened. Distinctive feature An experienced smoker has a yellowish tint to the skin.

Of course, the described division is conditional; the development of addiction is influenced by the type of cigarette, age, gender differences, health, and personal resistance to toxic substances.

Determining the presence of cigarette addiction

In most cases, smoking is an addiction, sometimes it’s a habit, when you want to smoke a cigarette after a feast, severe stress, experiences, etc.

The presence of dependence on the part is determined by the length of time and intensity of the desire to smoke, as well as the following signs:

  • Nervousness and anxiety if cigarettes are excluded or their quantity is reduced;
  • The desire to smoke does not stop growing, the previous doses no longer bring satisfaction;
  • Smoking is allowed for large periods of time;
  • After one cigarette, the thought of the next immediately arises;
  • The reason why smoking started has been eliminated, but the habit of smoking remains;
  • Smoke breaks are taken to the detriment of work, rest, etc.;
  • Be aware of the full extent of the harm caused to health by smoking, but do not think about quitting;
  • I really want to quit, but I have no willpower.

An undoubted symptom of cigarette addiction is the appearance of headaches, weakness, insomnia, poor health, and severe nervousness when trying to quit smoking. Also, if at least three of the above symptoms occur within a year, this is called nicotine addiction.

What is nicotine withdrawal?

overcome bad habit Not everyone can do it on their own. Having put out a cigarette, after about two hours a person feels the inconvenience associated with nicotine starvation. After another 6–7 hours, it becomes difficult for the smoker to concentrate; any little thing can set him off. After another two days, the thought of smoking does not leave me for a minute, a depressive mood sets in, I even feel physical pain- this is how they describe nicotine withdrawal- a consequence of an acute lack of nicotine.

The duration and severity of this condition directly depends on the stage of nicotine addiction. Receptors in the brain formed during smoking gradually cease to function, but in smokers with the second and third stages this process occurs for more than one year.

Stages, forms and degrees of nicotine addiction. Fagerström test

nicotine addiction stage

Vivid emotions, sports, traditional methods(in the form of seeds, coffee, sweets) and medicines facilitate the adaptation process.

As soon as arrival toxic substances in the body stops, the body begins to recover. It turns out that it is possible to get rid of the smoking habit at any stage of addiction; it is important to realize that every smoker only benefits from this.

According to the latest statistics, Russia now ranks seventh in the world in terms of cigarette consumption per capita and the third largest market for their sales. Every year, smoking addiction affects an increasing number of our compatriots: if in the mid-80s of the last century, approximately 48% of men and about 5% of women were smokers, now these figures are 65% and 20%, respectively. Recently, the government has been taking various anti-tobacco measures, but they have not yet brought any serious effect.

Many people want to quit smoking, but not everyone succeeds. The reason for this, according to doctors, is that the substances contained in tobacco smoke have a serious effect on human body, and a very negative one at that.

Is smoking a habit or an addiction?

Among the broad masses of the tobacco-consuming population, there is an opinion that this, although harmful, is still a habit, and not an addiction that, for example, causes smoking weed. However, doctors categorically disagree with this and talk about addiction, both psychological and physical. The fact is that smoking tobacco is addictive to it at the physiological level, and main role A substance such as norepinephrine, produced when nicotine enters the body, plays a role in this. It artificially constricts blood vessels, after which increased blood circulation begins in the main vital organs, resulting in a short-term aggravation of the reaction and mobilization of forces.

Norepinephrine is produced in certain quantities in the body even without smoking, for which an appropriate physiological mechanism, since it is necessary for the implementation of some important metabolic processes. When consuming nicotine, this process is disrupted, and therefore, having smoked one cigarette, which provides the body with this substance for some, quite short, time, a person reaches for the next one: the “failure” of his own “production system” is affected. This is the basis of physiological addiction to tobacco.

It should be noted that tobacco smoke contains a huge amount of other substances that are harmful to health. Thus, it turns out that nicotine “accustoms” the body to cigarettes, and the remaining ingredients (tars, carcinogens, etc.) begin to slowly but consistently kill it.

In addition to physiological, smoking also causes psychological dependence, which is determined primarily by social factors, and this has also been proven by experts. In many ways, this is why it is so difficult for people with a weak will to quit smoking when their immediate environment consists mainly of avid tobacco users, and only extraordinary circumstances can motivate them to do so.

Is smoking a drug addiction?

Thus, it can be stated that smoking is a psychological and physical addiction, and, as many researchers say, it is akin to a drug addiction, since it has all its characteristics. Tobacco consumption is, first of all, addictive, and one of its main consequences is increased (albeit short-term) psychoactivity.

In addition, those who smoke tobacco also tend to social degradation, although it is, of course, not as pronounced as in “real” drug addicts. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough just to look at how these people behave: despite the prohibitions, they smoke in public places, litter with bulls, etc. Addiction to smoking dulls the sense of responsibility for one’s actions, and this is expressed, first of all, in the fact that smokers do not care at all that, by creating smoke in the surrounding area, they harm those who are not inclined to consume tobacco.

As for such a sign of drug addiction as intellectual impoverishment, it does not occur in smokers, as scientists have found, but the fact that people, knowing about the harmful consequences of their addiction, nevertheless do not give it up, causes many non-smokers are at least perplexed. Thus, we can state with a high degree of confidence that smoking is one of the types of drug addiction, but less dangerous.

Nicotine addiction and its signs

Like any other addiction, nicotine addiction has its own rather pronounced signs, by which one can determine whether a person has become thoroughly involved in smoking or is simply “playing around”. Perhaps the main one is that a person becomes unable to give up tobacco consumption even when he really wants to, or when his family asks him to. This means that at a minimum, a persistent physiological dependence caused by nicotine has formed in the body, and it is already quite problematic to overcome it on your own.

The fact that a person is addicted to smoking is also expressed in the fact that immediately after sleep there is a strong need to “smoke” a cigarette with pleasure. This means that a person urgently needs to replenish depleted reserves of norepinephrine, the production of which without the participation of nicotine has serious problems.

Another sign that there is a persistent nicotine addiction is the continuation of smoking even when wheezing and coughing appear. Finally, the fact that it is already difficult for a person to give up cigarettes is manifested in the appearance of irritability and headaches during long breaks from smoking.

Determining the degree of physical dependence on cigarettes

Smokers depend on nicotine intake varying degrees, which depends on many factors (for example, length of tobacco use, individual physiological characteristics body, etc.). There is a test for determining the Fagerström dependence, which is quite widely used in medical practice and allowing us to determine with a fairly high degree of accuracy how serious it is. It includes six questions, each of which has multiple answer options, for which points are awarded. Their total amount and determines how dependent a person is on tobacco use. Everyone can pass it.

Psychological addiction to smoking

Psychological dependence on smoking, according to experts, is no less a serious problem than physical dependence, and it is precisely this that is the reason why people cannot give up the addiction. It arises from various reasons, and in most cases - for several of them at once. After smoking a cigarette and during the smoking process, short-term euphoria occurs, your mood improves, and this is often very difficult to give up.

Smoking is a ritual that helps people who have communication problems feel like part of the company. In addition, in the process of smoking, the illusion of being busy with something arises, and in conversations, a cigarette helps to withstand pauses.

IN youth environment There is a “cult of smoking”, and those who profess it are considered (falsely, of course) “cool” and “advanced.” It's no secret that many people's addiction to cigarettes begins in adolescence precisely because they do not want to look like “black sheep” among their peers. Finally, some researchers believe that a lack of maternal love that a person experienced in childhood may well lead to smoking, and a cigarette is an “adult” version of a pacifier.

Persistent smoking addiction is a problem that many people who are susceptible to it try to get rid of with the help of doctors. To date, many methods have been developed to allow you to give up cigarettes, and some of them demonstrate very good results. However, before using one of them, a person must clearly and firmly decide for himself that he needs to stop being a slave to a cigarette.

In practice, methods of drug treatment for smoking are often used, in which patients take various drugs containing nicotine. They allow you to first significantly reduce the “nicotine hunger” that occurs when quitting smoking and restore normal functioning norepinephrine production system in the body. For this purpose, special nicotine patches are now widely used, as well as chewing gum containing this substance. Both of them significantly alleviate the so-called “withdrawal syndrome” that occurs when quitting cigarettes. In addition, they reduce the psychological dependence on smoking, and this also helps to, as they say, “quit” it.

In particularly severe cases it is used clinical therapy, which involves carrying out a whole range of procedures in inpatient conditions. They include not only drug treatment, but also various psychological trainings.

Quite good results are also demonstrated by increasingly popular methods of treating smoking, such as coding, the use of hypnosis, Zakharov’s cigarettes, and the Carr method. An increasing number of people are trying (and in many cases not without success) to overcome their addiction to tobacco using Zerosmok magnets, drugs plant origin"Tabex" and "Champix", as well as "Dias" inhalers.

For those who are serious about quitting smoking, you can give a few useful practical advice. First of all, you need to inform your relatives, friends and colleagues about this decision, which will psychologically “cut off the way back”: starting to “smoke” will simply be ashamed. All tobacco supplies available at home must be destroyed. In addition, it is very advisable to engage in physical exercise, as well as drink more fluids in order to quickly remove it from the body. harmful substances. Another important point: You should, if possible, avoid the company of smokers to avoid exposing yourself to temptation.

In conclusion, it should be said that in order to avoid becoming addicted to smoking, it is best to simply not start smoking. Those who have already become involved in this process need to remember that it is not a simple bad habit, and those who want to quit smoking should first of all have the will and determination.


Then download the smoking cessation plan.
With its help it will be much easier to quit.

Nicotine addiction is considered a type of drug addiction, and it occurs when using tobacco, more often when smoking cigarettes. In terms of the rate of addiction formation, nicotine is only slightly inferior to heroin, and it successfully “conquers” all other drugs.

Nicotine addiction

In medicine, systematic smoking or nicotine addiction is understood as a complex of mental, physiological, behavioral disorders that are provoked by the consumption of tobacco in any form. This addiction is widespread, which is largely due to the legality of the sale of cigarettes and their easy availability even for teenagers. Nicotine addiction is very strong, and currently almost every third inhabitant of the Earth suffers from it.

One cigarette contains approximately half a milligram of nicotine (this is an average number; in some brands the figure may be higher than a milligram). This substance has narcotic properties, so it quickly becomes addictive and turns into an irresistible craving.

Nicotine stimulates the pleasure center in the brain, leading to a kind of euphoria, but with its long absence there is a decline, stress and depression.

Nicotine has the following effects on the body:

  • Narrows the lumen of blood vessels;
  • Increases heart rate, blood pressure;
  • Increases the level of pleasure hormones.

With a long history of smoking, a person’s pleasant sensations from consumption are weakened. cigarette smoke, and they become brighter only when smoking the first morning “portion”. But the majority still continue to smoke, because when the level of nicotine in the blood drops, the sensations will not be the most pleasant - there will be withdrawal syndrome, « ».

Reasons for formation

The habit of smoking does not develop from the first use of tobacco, but after a certain period of time, which depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Also, the habit arises with the participation of a number of social factors - smoking of parents and relatives, friends in the company, problems in the family, the presence of extra pocket money, etc. Typically, the formation of addiction occurs already in adolescence - up to 16 years. But why is smoking so addictive and what kind of addiction can a person who likes to indulge in a cigarette or another expect?


The formation of physical dependence on tobacco occurs with the participation of the central nervous system. The main substance that transmits impulses between the nuclei and cells of the central nervous system is the neurotransmitter dopamine. If a lot of dopamine is released, a person experiences pleasure, and when the amount of dopamine drops, he experiences withdrawal symptoms. After initial consumption, nicotine increases dopamine transmission, giving a pleasant sensation and causing addiction. Regular smoking changes the dopamine transmission complex, nicotine becomes part of this complex, that is, without this substance, dopamine transmission will not be normal. There is a strong craving for smoking, or nicotine addiction.


Predilection formed on physical level, is complemented by psycho-emotional dependence. A person looks for arguments to continue smoking, and any stress or negative events lead to support for nicotine cravings. For any smoker, the process of smoking is a method of communication with other people, a means of distraction, concentration, etc. Most addicted people associate smoking with different situations– a break from work, waking up, going outside, meeting friends, excitement. Smoking becomes a powerful ritual that is not easy to overcome.
In the video about the reasons for the development of nicotine addiction:


There are three stages of addiction, but before the real development begins, the smoker has a preparatory stage, when smoking is still sporadic. For a certain period of time, a person smokes not constantly, but from time to time (1-15 times a month). The process of smoking in such people is still accompanied by a cough, and also causes nausea and dizziness (symptoms).

  1. Initial stage. 3-5 years - as long as it lasts this stage from the beginning of a bad habit. Smoking is becoming systematic, the number of cigarettes per day is growing. After smoking a cigarette, a person feels better and feels comfortable. There are no somatic problems or mental changes.
  2. Chronic stage. Duration – 6-15 years and more. The number of cigarettes smoked can reach 2 packs per day, then it becomes constant and stable. At the slightest change in the situation, after a load, stress, or a change in the topic of conversation, the desire to smoke already appears. At night and in the morning there is a cough, heart pain, nausea, insomnia, decreased performance, etc. are periodically observed.
  3. Late stage. Duration – until the end of a person’s life or until the bad habit stops. Smoking is unreasonable and continues almost without stopping. A person may no longer be able to distinguish between the grade and quality of cigarettes, it doesn’t matter. Health problems become permanent, including diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, oral cavity and many other organs.

Video of the stages of nicotine addiction:

Signs of addiction

The first moments of nicotine consumption in some people can lead to the development of the following symptoms:

  • Pressure drop;
  • Weakness;
  • Nausea;
  • Dizziness;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Anxiety;
  • Sometimes - fainting.

Typically, such people do not become dependent on smoking, since they do not continue to smoke. Others experience mild dizziness from cigarettes with a pronounced feeling of satisfaction and pleasant sensations. Their risk of developing addiction is much higher.

At subsequent stages, when nicotine addiction already exists, symptoms after smoking are as follows:

  • Improved mood;
  • Increased performance;
  • Euphoria;
  • Relaxation;
  • Psychological comfort.

Over time, the brightness of sensations fades greatly, and the number tobacco cigarettes increases. When stopping a bad habit, a strong desire to smoke appears, blood pressure fluctuates sharply, there is hyperhidrosis, dry mouth, pain of unknown origin, cough, constipation or diarrhea, insomnia.

It is also difficult psychological state a person, even in his sleep he dreams of a cigarette. These sensations reach their maximum by 2 days from the moment of quitting smoking, then disappear after about 14 days, but can be present for several months.


To diagnose addiction and its severity, various psychological tests. One of them, the most famous, is the Fagerstrom test.

After answering a number of questions, the specialist summarizes the points received and makes a diagnosis:

  • 0-2 points – no dependence.
  • 3-6 points – moderate dependence.
  • 7-10 points – strong dependence.

If the patient is diagnosed with the latter type of craving for smoking, he will need medications to stop the habit.
Fagerstrom test to determine the degree of dependence:


The most popular, oldest and proven group of drugs against nicotine cravings is nicotine replacement therapy. In people with addiction, it reduces cravings by 2 times by maintaining the level of nicotine in the body and, at the same time, destroying the very stereotype of smoking. For this purpose, patches, chewing gum, tablets, lozenges, and inhalers are used. Famous brands - Nicorette, Niktivin.

Other medications for treating nicotine cravings include:

  • Antidepressants – , Nortriptyline. They help eliminate depression by normalizing reactions involving dopamine.
  • Nicotinic receptor antagonists – Cytisine, Varenicline. Helps reduce the need for nicotine.

Experts note that the reception is exclusively medications less effective than their combination with non-drug methods and methods of psychological and social rehabilitation.

Are relapses possible?

The most common reason why a person who quit smoking returns to this habit is any difficulty or problem that has arisen, even a minor one. Makes the situation worse depressive state, which one way or another exists after quitting cigarettes. Some people, on the contrary, light up again in high spirits, especially when drinking alcohol and “for company.”

One type of drug addiction is nicotine addiction. The cause of this dependence is considered to be tobacco use through smoking cigarettes. Not everyone knows how a strong addiction to cigarettes occurs. The rate of addiction to tobacco is much greater than to many drugs, it is second only to heroin.

Nicotine addiction

Nicotine addiction (or the process of systematic smoking) is a complex of various types of disorders, both physical, mental and behavioral, provoked by tobacco consumption. The problem of nicotine addiction has become widespread due to the legality of the sale of cigarette products and their availability to minors. According to statistics, every third person suffers from nicotine addiction. One cigarette contains approximately half a milligram of nicotine. Nicotine can cause an irresistible craving, as it is very quickly addictive due to its narcotic qualities.

The use of nicotine leads to a kind of euphoria, stimulating the pleasure center in the brain. But if nicotine is absent from the body for a long time, this leads to a state of depression, depression and stress.

The effect of nicotine on the body:

  • narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels;
  • decreased metabolism;
  • increased heart rate;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased levels of pleasure hormones.

Long-time smokers no longer experience such pronounced pleasant sensations while smoking as before. A state of euphoria can only be observed when smoking the very first cigarette in the morning. Even in the absence of pleasant sensations, many still continue to smoke, since addiction has already occurred and giving up cigarettes will lead to withdrawal symptoms and “withdrawal.”

Causes of addiction

Why are cigarettes addictive? The craving for smoking cannot arise from the first cigarette smoked; it develops gradually with systematic smoking and depends on the characteristics of a particular organism. Some social factors can also affect the smoking habit. For example, if parents (or other relatives) smoke in the family, this may entail following their example. Teenagers may start smoking with extra pocket money. Another impetus for this bad habit can be problems in the family when the child is left to his own devices. There can be many such factors and, based on them, we can conclude that addiction to cigarettes can develop before the age of 16. What awaits those who like to smoke 1-2 cigarettes for the purpose of “indulging” and why does smoking entail such a strong, sometimes irresistible addiction?

Physical dependence

The CNS (central nervous system) takes part in the formation of physical dependence. The role of transmitting impulses between the cells of the central nervous system and the nerve nuclei is performed by the neurotransmitter dopamine. When released during smoking large quantities dopamine, a person is able to experience a feeling of pleasure, and when this substance decreases, withdrawal symptoms are felt. During the first smoking, the nicotine consumed significantly increases dopamine transmission, thereby giving a feeling of euphoria and, in the future, causing addiction. With regular smoking, the entire spectrum of sensations changes, because nicotine becomes part of the dopamine transmission complex, and without it, the transfer of the substance will no longer proceed normally. This is how a strong dependence on cigarettes and a further craving for smoking appears.

Our readers have discovered a guaranteed way to quit smoking! This is 100% natural remedy, which is based exclusively on herbs, and mixed in such a way that it is easy, without extra costs, without withdrawal syndrome, without gaining overweight and without stress, get rid of nicotine addiction ONCE AND FOR ALL! I want to quit smoking..."

Psychological dependence

Physical addiction is not the only feature of the effect of nicotine on the body; psycho-emotional dependence also arises with it. The smoker is constantly looking for reasons to continue buying, and any difficult situation in life, any stress provokes the maintenance of nicotine cravings. For smoking man The process of smoking itself is a way of communicating with other people, a method for distraction and concentration. Many dependent people They associate the craving for smoking with certain situations - with a lunch break, with the beginning of the day, with excitement, with going out, etc. Smoking is not just a habit, but also a ritual that is very difficult to fight.

Stages of exposure

In total, there are 3 main stages of severe cigarette addiction. But before the addiction itself, a smoker has a preparatory stage, which is characterized by episodic smoking, i.e. when he could easily do without cigarettes. At first, a person does not smoke constantly for some time; the number of cigarettes smoked per month can vary from 1 to 15. The process of smoking itself is unusual for them and can cause nausea, dizziness and cough. All these sensations are symptoms of nicotine intoxication.

After the preparatory stage, there are 3 main stages of cigarette addiction. Moreover, during the transition to the next stage, both physical and psychological cravings intensify:

  1. Initial stage. The duration of the first stage is from 3 to 5 years from the beginning of the development of this bad habit. The number of cigarettes smoked per day is steadily increasing. It is characterized by systematicity and comfort that comes after smoking a cigarette. Mental changes and no physical problems are noted.
  2. Stage chronic addiction . It lasts for 6-15 years or more. A smoker smokes on average 2 packs of cigarettes per day. The desire to smoke a cigarette can appear spontaneously, with minor changes in mood, after light exertion, stress, even when changing the topic of conversation. On the physical side, problems are also observed - a periodic cough appears, regardless of the time of day, pain in the heart area, insomnia, nausea, and the level of performance decreases.
  3. Late stage. The last stage lasts until the end of the smoker’s life or until he quits the bad habit on his own. Smoking is very frequent, without reason. A person may not even pay attention to the quality of tobacco products; the grade no longer matters to him. Health problems caused by this bad habit are becoming more frequent and becoming almost permanent. The most common diseases are oral cavity, heart disease and gastrointestinal tract, as well as other organs.

Main signs of addiction

How does cigarette addiction manifest itself? During the early stages of nicotine use, some people may experience following symptoms development of severe dependence on cigarettes:

  • low blood pressure;
  • general weakness;
  • nausea;
  • feeling of anxiety;
  • dizziness;
  • muscle weakness;
  • presyncope and fainting.

People who notice these symptoms usually do not develop a cigarette smoking addiction because they stop smoking. For others, the possibility of developing a bad habit is many times higher, since they do not face such a deterioration in their health.

At the following stages, when addiction already takes place, the symptoms also change:

  • mood improves;
  • performance increases;
  • euphoria sets in;
  • the body is in a relaxed state;
  • psychological comfort sets in.

But time will pass, and the number of cigarettes smoked will only increase, and the brightness positive emotions and sensations - fade. If a person decides to quit a bad habit, then he will experience a strong desire to smoke, pressure surges, dry mouth, incomprehensible pain, insomnia, and cough. These sensations reach their apogee on the 2nd day after stopping smoking. It will be hard with psychological point In view, a former smoker will dream about a cigarette even in his sleep. After about 14 days, the storm of consequences will subside, and the craving will be able to go away completely in a few months.


In order to diagnose the severity or presence of strong dependence on cigarettes, various psychological tests are used, for example, the Fagerstrom test.

The subject is asked questions, and then the specialist makes a diagnosis based on the sum of the data received: - if the result is from 0 to 2 points, then this indicates the absence of dependence; — from 3 to 6 points — moderate level of dependence; - from 7 to 10 points - this indicates a strong dependence. If you are heavily dependent on cigarettes, you will need to resort to medication to stop the habit.


The most effective group of anti-nicotine drugs is nicotine replacement therapy. This therapy maintains the level of nicotine in the body, which helps reduce the desire to smoke by 2 times. For these purposes, various tablets, patches, inhalers, lozenges, and chewing gum are used. Among famous brands we can highlight Niktivin and Nicorette.

There are other drugs for treating nicotine addiction:

  • Antidepressants that help eliminate depression and normalize reactions (Nortriptyline, Bupropion).
  • Antagonists of nicotinic receptors, helping to reduce the need for nicotine (Varenicline, Cytisine). According to experts, the combination of medications with non-drug methods is more effective in social and psychological rehabilitation than the separate use of these methods.

Possibility of relapse

Often, even minor difficulties can cause a person who has quit smoking to return to cigarettes. The desire to smoke again is also influenced by the stressful state that arises after quitting tobacco. Often people can start smoking again “socially” or under the influence of alcohol.

Relapse into tobacco addiction is characterized by the rapid onset of symptoms characteristic of chronic stage. Although, it would seem, psychological comfort comes first. It happens that a person who has started smoking again experiences a state of depression, as he feels that he has made a mistake. According to experts, severe dependence on cigarettes is chronic disease, which is almost impossible to completely cure.

When a person quits smoking, he goes into remission for a while. How long it will last is up to him to decide.

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