Functional purpose of potassium chloride additive. Food emulsifier E508 Potassium chloride. Benefits and properties of emulsifier E508. Calcium chloride for adults

Potassium chloride is better known to the public as a food emulsifier under the number E508. Its properties as a stabilizer and salt substitute make it very useful in food industry. Sometimes potassium chloride is called by other names: potassium salt hydrochloric acid, sylvin, potassium hydrochloride, potassium chloride, Potassium chloride, sylvine or kalium chloratum.

In my own way appearance Potassium chloride looks like white crystals, odorless, but with the characteristic taste of ordinary salt. IN natural environment Potassium chloride can be found in the rock sylvinite, as well as in the minerals sylvin and carnallite.

For the food industry, potassium chloride is obtained chemically as a result of mixing hydrochloric acid and potassium hydroxide. Another way to obtain this substance is to extract it from sylvine using halurgy and flotation. Once potassium chloride has been prepared, it has the chemical formula KCl. The substance is highly soluble in water, but completely insoluble in alcohol. Potassium chloride melts at a temperature of 770 degrees and boils at 1407 degrees Celsius.

Use of potassium chloride in medicine

In addition to its widespread use in the food industry, potassium chloride is also actively used in medicine. Its use helps in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmia. This is explained by the properties of the substance - not large doses Potassium chloride dilates coronary vessels, and in large ones, on the contrary, narrows them.

Also, the use of potassium chloride is useful in case of a lack of potassium in the body, as well as in treating the consequences of poisoning after the administration of cardiac diuretics and glycosides. The substance helps activate many cytoplasmic enzymes, regulates intracellular pressure, helps protein synthesis, conduction of nerve impulses and contraction skeletal muscles. Increasing potassium levels reduces the risk of spreading toxins after the use of cardiac glycosides.

In limited doses, potassium chloride helps normalize acid-base balance body, and also replenishes insufficient quantity potassium in the body. Potassium chloride helps transport essential amino acids and has a beneficial effect on the conduction of nerve impulses.

If a person has oxygen deficiency in his blood vessels, he can use potassium chloride as a dietary supplement. Its use has shown good preventive and therapeutic results.

Other uses of potassium chloride

Emulsifier E508, known to us all as potassium chloride, is widely used by confectionery and dairy enterprises as a stabilizer in the production of powdered and condensed milk, cream and other similar products. Potassium chloride is also often used as a salt substitute as an additive in dietary products. In addition, this substance stimulates the creation of a nutrient medium for the growth of yeast cultures. Potassium chloride is also widely used in agriculture as part of the vast majority of potash fertilizers.

Contraindications to the use of potassium chloride

If the patient has hypersensitivity to certain drugs containing potassium chloride, or has chronic or acute renal failure, it is better to avoid using this substance. It should also not be used in cases of complete heart block or during therapy with potassium-sparing diuretics. metabolic disorders body (hypovolemia with hyponatremia, acidosis), and during acute attacks diseases gastrointestinal tract Gastrointestinal tract.

The effect of potassium chloride on pregnancy and the effectiveness of the substance in treating children under 18 years of age have not yet been established.

Video about potassium chloride

Most often, various chlorides are offered as salt substitutes, primarily potassium and magnesium, which also have a salty taste.

The important thing is that we, as a rule, do not get enough of these minerals (unlike sodium), and they are the main elements of the electrolyte balance of our body. Meanwhile, a simple mechanical replacement of sodium chloride ( table salt) for magnesium and potassium chlorides is not always possible, especially in technological process manufacturing meat products long-term storage(sausages, ham, sausages, etc.).

At the Department of Animal Products Technology, University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Nagpur, India, the various parameters meat products with reduced content table salt. The problem is that the technology for manufacturing meat products requires a fair amount of salt, the presence of which affects the taste, smell, functional indicators, safety and security (microbiological indicators). Potassium chloride is most often used as a salt substitute; other chlorine salts, flavor enhancers, and bitterness blockers are also used. There are many products with reduced salt content on the market, but consumers are very reserved about them. Developments towards the creation of new low-salt meat “healthy” products are an extremely urgent task (Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2012).

The problem of introducing such “chemical” co-substitutes is being actively addressed in China, where the problem of a high level of diseases is extremely acute. cardiovascular system. First of all hypertension. A report on the China Salt Substitute Study Collaborative Group was published in the journal J Hypertens in 2007. The authors reported the results of a randomized, double-blind, comparative study evaluating the long-term effects of regular salt (100% sodium chloride) and a salt substitute (65% sodium chloride, 25% potassium chloride, and 10% magnesium chloride) on health outcomes. blood pressure(BP) in persons with high group risk of developing hypertension. 608 people with an average age of 60 years (56% women) were recruited, of whom 64% were found to have cardiovascular diseases, and 61% took some antihypertensive drugs. The mean blood pressure was 159 at 93 mm Hg. Some of those involved used regular salt at home, while others used a salt substitute. In the second group, systolic blood pressure decreased by an average of 5.4 mm Hg; no changes in diastolic blood pressure were detected. The authors consider the use of a salt substitute of the specified composition as effective and inexpensive remedy lowering blood pressure in a wide range of consumers with high risk development of arterial hypertension.

At the Institute International Health The George University of Sydney, Australia studied the effect of a sodium-reduced, potassium-enriched salt substitute (composition listed above) on food taste and tolerance in rural population North of China. The effect of such salt on lowering blood pressure is known, but Unfortunately, it worsens the taste of food. A full-scale randomized study assessed the effect of a salt substitute and regular table salt on salinity, food flavor, and overall food quality. taste qualities. Assessments were carried out at baseline, 1, 6 and 12 months. Determined indicators various types homemade food and soup of standard salinity. It turned out that the feeling of saltiness of all dishes was lower in those who used the salt substitute, and the taste of the food was also changed, which did not change its overall attractiveness (Br J Nutr. 2009).

At the Institute of Pathology of the Cardiovascular System, Fuwai Clinic of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China, the effect of a salt substitute of the above composition on pulse wave indicators in people with high level development cardiovascular pathology- rural residents of China. Consumption of sodium-reduced, potassium-enriched salt substitutes is known to lower blood pressure, but may also have direct effects on vascular structure and arterial function. To test the hypothesis, a special China Salt Substitute Study was organized for 12 months, during which the effect of a salt substitute compared with regular table salt on blood pressure and heart rate in 600 rural residents of Northern China with an average age of 58.4 years (41% men) was studied ). Mean blood pressure at baseline was 150.1 to 91.4 mm Hg, and 75% of participants had cardiovascular disease. After 12 months of the study, systolic blood pressure decreased by an average of 7.4 mm, diastolic blood pressure by 2.8 mm. The pulse pressure level decreased by 4.5 mm and improvements in pulse rates were noted. The authors conclude that using a salt substitute for 12 months not only helps lower blood pressure, but also reduces the “stiffness” of the vascular walls (Hypertens Res. 2009).

Recently, another study was launched by researchers at The George Institute of International Health, University of Sydney, Australia, and the Health Center of the University of Beijing, China, on the effects of replacing salt with a salt substitute. Residents of 120 settlements in Northern China were involved in the work, where the level of cardiovascular pathology and. primarily hypertension, the highest. The authors believe that when positive result This study will implement the program throughout China and recommend it for use in other countries (Am Heart J. 2013).

Potassium, magnesium and manganese chlorides have been studied as a salt substitute in the production of the famous Spanish Jamon hams. The research was carried out by the Department of Food Technologies of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. The resulting product was assessed for its physicochemical and microbiological data. These indicators did not worsen when replacing up to 45% of table salt with potassium chlorides (25%), calcium (15%) and magnesium (5%). But when replacing 70% sodium chloride with these compounds, the hardness of the product increased significantly (Meat Sci. 2010).

Another article was published by employees of the same institute in the journal Meat Sci. in 2012. The authors again studied the biochemical (activity of protease enzymes that promote protein breakdown) and taste qualities of ham with partial replacement of table salt with potassium, magnesium and calcium chlorides. Two mixtures were used - 50% sodium chloride and 50% potassium chloride, or 55% sodium chloride, 25% potassium chloride, 15% calcium chloride and 5% magnesium chloride. In all respects, the product made using both mixtures corresponded to those using regular salt, but potassium chloride gave it an unpleasant bitterness (Meat Sci. 2012).

The Department of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University, New York, USA, also assessed the taste of food by partially replacing table salt with potassium chloride. The study showed that the addition of this compound slightly increased taste perception saltiness and this mixture was more often chosen by consumers to improve the taste of food. At the same time, an excess of potassium chloride was regarded as worsening the taste of food, which became bitter, “chemical” and metallic taste(J Food Sci. 2012) .

The School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia, studied the effects of partial substitution of potassium chloride for table salt on the texture, microstructure, palatability, and calcium, potassium, sodium, and phosphorus content of mozzarella cheese. The cheese was prepared in various options: only with sodium chloride or potassium chloride, as well as with salt ratios of 3:1, 1:1 and 1:3, in all samples 46 g/kg of cottage cheese and 4% brine containing the above salt mixtures were used. There were no differences in hardness, stickiness or other organoleptic indicators. Using electron microscopy (!), it was shown that on the 27th day of storage all samples had the same microstructure. There were also no differences in taste, sensation of saltiness, taste of vinegar, bitterness, or acidity (J Dairy Res. 2013).

Food is the basis of our life. Quality products, especially in Moscow, have become rare. And even in stores that position themselves as “Eco” or “Farm”, you must carefully read the composition on the label.

In search of eco-friendly dairy products, you have chosen the most recognizable and respected store in Moscow... And now on the table is a treasured piece of cheese, or maybe cottage cheese, languishing in anticipation of a meal. But take your time and read the ingredients carefully again. Maybe you missed something? Or maybe you just don’t know about the effects of certain substances? Nothing bothers you? If you find food E508 additive otherwise potassium chloride, then postpone your meal a little and think about the effect of this chemical on the body.

There are about a dozen other names for this component: potassium salt of hydrochloric acid, potassium hydrochloride, sylvite, potassium chloride, sylvine, Potassium chloride, kalium chloratum, sylvine, chloride de potassium and Kaliumchlorid. Many resources on the Internet contain articles about using this connection in medical purposes and in the form of a dietary supplement.

Potassium chloride(KCl) is a salt of hydrochloric acid. This additive is obtained in several ways from rock sylvinite* and some impurities. Do not confuse potassium chloride with calcium chloride - additiveE509 , which turns out like by-product, as a result of the production of soda. By the way, soda ash is very toxic substance with good cleaning properties. Therefore it is necessary to distinguish baking soda and economic.

But let's return to potassium chloride. It is used in the production of dairy products - powdered milk, condensed milk, cheeses, cream, etc. It is widely used in the production of other food products, for example, canned vegetables and fruits.

Also, potassium chloride is a potassium fertilizer that increases the yield, but after its use the fields are hopelessly poisoned. It is interesting that gardeners classify it as a moderately dangerous substance that irritates and promotes inflammation of damaged skin; potassium chloride prevents wound healing.

But that's not all. The effect of potassium chloride on the human body is simply kept silent. It is believed that in small doses it is harmless and even beneficial. But upon closer examination, everything is not as rosy as it is written on most Internet resources.

Managed to find some information about the dangers of this compound, but this “slightly” greatly outweighs all the advantages of this supplement. Some articles talk about this in passing or have no direct explanation at all. At the same time, we can talk about the harmlessness of calcium chloride only for completely healthy person without disruption of the heart, digestive system, kidneys, etc.

Small doses of the substance in this case are harmless and are easily eliminated from the body. Getting into the body, E508 (potassium chloride) is easily absorbed into the walls of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and absorbed by cells, the remainder is excreted by the kidneys. Excretion from the body through the gastrointestinal tract is difficult. Thus, potassium chloride can accumulate in the body if it is consumed in small doses if there are problems with the kidneys. It is unknown whether this component is excreted from cells.

The danger is use large quantity potassium chloride. Simultaneous intake of more than 15 g of the substance causes weakness; confusion (in this case, the drug constricts blood vessels and impedes blood flow), speech impairment; cardiac arrhythmia; bronchospasm. Potassium salt poisoning can be fatal. In the United States this is well known, since in some states potassium chloride is used as a component of lethal injection. Its effect on the body is to stop the heart and breathing.

Finally, one more fact: the isotope of potassium - 40 K(0.0117%) has a half-life 1.251 billion years. And a small dose of salt, located directly next to the window of the Geiger counter, gives a radioactive background at a level of about 30 microroentgens/hour, i.e. twice the normal background.

There is another additive, the name of which many are accustomed to. This is an anti-caking agent, also called a stabilizer or emulsifier, the additive is used to prevent clumping of bulk products. Wide Application she got in instant coffee, cocoa, hot chocolate, milk, cream, dry flavors and others. Even amateurs low alcohol may wonder, since these substances are used in the production of wines. Most often, you can find anti-caking agents in regular table salt. The designation of such an additive by the European code is E536 and E535.

The name anti-caking agent is misleading and does not cause alertness; it is just a marketing ploy. In some countries, these food additives are prohibited and there is a reason for this.

From a chemical point of view, these substances are classified as cyanides, and they are poisonous. They differ in composition: E535- sodium ferrocyanide, E536- potassium ferrocyanide. These are derivatives of hydrocyanic acid, and hydrocyanic acid is a strong poison.

Let's first consider E535 sodium ferrocyanide. This substance belongs to the group of moderately hazardous chemicals. The E535 stabilizer itself is believed to be non-toxic. However, many toxic substances can become poisonous when reacting with other substances. For example, incense itself is a harmless substance. When burned, the smoke enters the body and becomes a weak drug. Likewise, sodium ferrocyanide - harmful effects begins when interacting with gastric juice containing hydrochloric acid.

This releases hydrogen cyanide, a highly toxic compound known as hydrocyanic acid. When hydrocyanic acid or its cyanide salts enter a living organism, a special enzyme, cytochrome oxidase, is blocked. This enzyme is responsible for cell respiration. As a result, tissue is not received required quantity oxygen. This leads to the development of asphyxia, that is, suffocation. First of all, it affects the brain. As a result, central paralysis develops. nervous system and as a consequence complete violation activities of the whole organism. All this leads to a quick fatal outcome. With large doses, death occurs almost immediately within a few minutes.

With small dosages, symptoms appear gradually: For initial stage cyanide poisoning is characterized by dizziness, acute and rapidly increasing headache, rapid heartbeat and breathing, feeling of heaviness in frontal lobes, rush of blood to the head. Conditions such as insomnia, decreased memory functions, and periodic pain in the heart area occur. Possible sexual dysfunction, increased urination, increased sweating, swelling and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, weight loss. Psychoses appear. The liver is affected. If the heart and respiratory organs are affected - hypotension, expansion of the borders of the heart and pulmonary emphysema. When the digestive organs are damaged, digestion becomes difficult and painful. Cyanides that get inside have a negative impact on the condition thyroid gland, which is manifested by facial puffiness, decreased metabolic processes, development of goiter. Cyanide poisoning can also occur in skin- itching, development of eczema, peeling.

If it comes into contact with the skin, the sodium ferrocyanide solution is also unsafe and causes irritation and may cause skin diseases, causes the formation of poorly healing and deep ulcers.

In Russia, this additive is classified as unauthorized (the final decision on this additive has not yet been made), but not prohibited. Therefore it is more often used E536 potassium ferrocyanide sometimes the name is changed, for example, potassium iron sulfide - since it is allowed on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In addition to the products listed above, this additive is used in cottage cheese, sausages, rye and yeast-free bread, etc.

The principle of action on the body is similar to its “sister” - E535 sodium ferrocyanide. When hitting digestive system and interaction with gastric juice, hydrocyanic acid is released. The consequences are described above. Here are some problems that can be caused by food additive E536:
. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
. liver and gallbladder diseases;
. skin problems ( purulent inflammation, acne, dermatitis);
. nervous system disorders;
. diseases lymphatic system;
. serious intoxication of the whole body.

There is another additive that you may come across - calcium ferrocyanide. E538 often used in “Extra” table salt.

Remember, any cyanide is deadly to your health.

Next time you go to the store, be sure to read the label before you buy the product. Unfortunately, many manufacturers simply remain silent about the composition of the goods they produce, and it can sometimes be very difficult to distinguish a quality product.

Remember that the quality of your diet directly affects your health and longevity.

*sylvinite - sedimentary rock, consisting of alternating layers of halite and sylvite (nNaCl + mKCl)

Alexander Karakulko

Potassium chloride (Potassium chloride, potassium chloride, potassium salt of hydrochloric acid, E508) is a white, odorless, crystalline substance. Chemical formula KCl.

Potassium chloride is the most common potash fertilizer.

Used for the production of potassium hydroxide by electrolysis.

Sometimes used as an additive to table salt (so-called “reduced sodium salt”).

It is possible to form holograms on potassium chloride crystals. In a number of US states it is used as an injection for death penalty.

Potassium chloride (food additive E508) is a white crystalline substance, odorless, potassium salt of hydrochloric acid. Soluble in water, practically insoluble in alcohol. It is found in nature in the form of minerals - sylvite and carnalite. Get this stuff chemically- the interaction of potassium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid, as well as from sylvite using the method of halurgy and flotation. In the first case, the process is based on the difference in the rate of solubility with increasing temperature, in the second - on the different ability to remain at the interface in a liquid medium. Chemical formula: KCl. When taken orally, potassium salts are easily absorbed and quickly excreted by the kidneys. Does not have carcinogenic or other dangerous properties. In very small doses it is used in medicine as a drug that strengthens the heart muscle. In the food industry it is used as a gelling agent, an additive to table salt, to produce “salt with low sodium content.” Added to various products nutrition to prevent clumping. Other uses of potassium chloride: - in the agricultural industry, as potash fertilizer; - V chemical industry, for the production of potassium hydroxide by electrolysis; - to form holograms on crystals of this substance; - as an injection for capital punishment, in some US states.

Properties of food emulsifier E508 Potassium chloride, as well as its structure and distinctive features allow this additive to be classified as a substance intended for use in the industrial production of food products. In addition to the emulsifying ability, the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride is also known to act as good stabilizer and salt substitute.

Other names for this additive are used much less frequently - potassium salt of hydrochloric acid, potassium hydrochloride, sylvin, potassium chloride, sylvite, Potassium chloride, kalium chloratum and sylvine.

Food emulsifier E508 Potassium chloride in appearance is a white substance with a crystalline structure that does not have any odor, but has a pronounced salty taste. In nature, that is natural environment, potassium chloride is found in the composition of sylvinite, as well as in the minerals sylvite and carnallite.

E508 is obtained chemically by reacting hydrochloric acid with potassium hydroxide, as well as from sylvite using flotation and halurgy. In the first case, the production process is based on the difference in solubility rate with increasing temperature regime, while in the second - on different ability to retain at the phase boundary in a liquid medium.

The chemical formula of the resulting additive looks like as follows- KCl. Food emulsifier E508 Potassium chloride is highly soluble in water, but practically insoluble in alcohol. The melting point of potassium chloride is considered to be 770C, and the substance boils at 1407C.

In the food industry, emulsifier E508 Potassium chloride can be used as a stabilizer in the production of condensed and powdered milk, cream and a dry analogue of this product. The supplement appears in dietary nutrition as a salt substitute. In addition, the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride acts as a nutrient medium for yeast cultures.

The properties of the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride are also widely used for medical purposes. As a rule, it helps in the treatment of disorders heart rate, lack of potassium in the body, as well as intoxication due to the administration of glycosides and cardiac diuretics. In addition, E508 is one of the most popular and most commonly used agricultural potash fertilizers.

The benefits of food emulsifier E508 Potassium chloride

According to most scientists, the benefits of the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride for human health exceed the probable harm from its use. In this regard, the additive is recognized as safe and is not prohibited for use in the food industry by many world powers.

It has been established that in moderate quantities, the benefit of the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride is to normalize the acid-base state, as well as replenish the lack of potassium in the body. Potassium chloride is an activator of cytoplasmic enzymes that takes part in protein synthesis and transport of essential amino acids. In addition, this substance promotes better conduction of nerve impulses.

The properties of the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride, as well as its structure and distinctive features, make it possible to classify this additive as a substance intended for use in the industrial production of food products. In addition to its emulsifying ability, the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride is also known to act as a good stabilizer and salt substitute.

Other names for this additive are used much less frequently - potassium salt of hydrochloric acid, potassium hydrochloride, sylvin, potassium chloride, sylvite, Potassium chloride, kalium chloratum and sylvine.

Food emulsifier E508 Potassium chloride in appearance is a white substance with a crystalline structure that does not have any odor, but has a pronounced salty taste. In nature, that is, the natural environment, potassium chloride is found in the composition of sylvinite, as well as in the minerals sylvite and carnallite.

E508 is obtained chemically by reacting hydrochloric acid with potassium hydroxide, as well as from sylvite using flotation and halurgy. In the first case, the production process is based on the difference in the rate of solubility with increasing temperature, while in the second, on the different ability to retain at the phase boundary in a liquid medium.

The chemical formula of the resulting additive is as follows - KCl. Food emulsifier E508 Potassium chloride is highly soluble in water, but practically insoluble in alcohol. The melting point of potassium chloride is considered to be 770C, and the substance boils at 1407C.

In the food industry, emulsifier E508 Potassium chloride can be used as a stabilizer in the production of condensed and powdered milk, cream and a dry analogue of this product. The supplement usually appears in dietary nutrition as a salt substitute. In addition, the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride acts as a nutrient medium for yeast cultures.

The properties of the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride are also widely used for medical purposes. As a rule, it helps in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, lack of potassium in the body, as well as intoxications due to the administration of glycosides and cardiac diuretics. In addition, E508 is one of the most popular and most commonly used agricultural potash fertilizers.

The benefits of food emulsifier E508 Potassium chloride

According to most scientists, the benefits of the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride for human health exceed the probable harm from its use. In this regard, the additive is recognized as safe and is not prohibited for use in the food industry by many world powers.

It has been established that in moderate quantities, the benefit of the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride is to normalize the acid-base state, as well as replenish the lack of potassium in the body. Potassium chloride is an activator of cytoplasmic enzymes that takes part in protein synthesis and transport of essential amino acids. In addition, this substance promotes better conduction of nerve impulses.

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