How to measure a kitten's temperature with a mercury thermometer. How to correctly measure a cat's body temperature at home. Rules for measuring temperature rectally

An attentive person will immediately notice that a four-legged pet is sick or feels unwell, and will try to help his beloved cat. Before you panic and take your cat to the vet, we recommend taking his temperature. The result will show whether it is worth rushing to veterinary clinic or you can take a wait-and-see approach.

The only one worthy the right way animal thermometry - rectal.

Shown here is an insufficiently reliable method of measuring temperature under the armpit, which shows the temperature with an error.

Other methods veterinarians are considered uninformative or unreliable.

Preparing for measurement

The following types of thermometers are used to measure animal body thermometry:

  • rectal;
  • electronic digital;
  • mercury;
  • infrared (laser).

In practice, veterinarians use household mercury and special veterinary thermometers.

For reasons of hygiene, it is best to store your pet in home medicine cabinet separate thermometer.

Temperature measurement

Remember that a person’s excitement is transmitted to the pet. The cat reacts sharply to a person’s mood and becomes nervous if he himself is afraid of the upcoming procedure. During manipulations, the owner needs to speak kindly and reassure the pet, but act clearly and confidently.

The device is inserted with light rotational movements into anus to a depth of 1 centimeter. If the animal is restless and breaks out, it is restrained with a blanket or towel. To do this, it is good to work with an assistant who will hold the cat.

The thermometer should not be moved sharply, so as not to cause damage to the cat’s rectum from the thermometer itself or from fragments if it is damaged.

If a sick animal is aggressive and reacts poorly to touch, it is better to carry out the procedure with an assistant. He will hold the cat, and the owner will perform the manipulations (or vice versa).

How to determine a cat's temperature without a thermometer?

Rate thermal state animal can be done without using special devices. The owner diagnoses a fever or decreased temperature in four-legged friend by palpation (feeling) the nose and body of the animal and subjective feelings"hot" or "cool".

Place your finger on the nose: if the cat is healthy and the temperature is normal, then the nose is cool and moist.

With hyperthermia, it becomes dry and hot.

Remember that immediately after sleep or active play, the cat’s nose may be hot, and this is normal.

Pros and cons of devices

Device type





Household mercury thermometer

Available in any home medicine cabinet

Special rectal electronic thermometer

The device is sold only in specialized stores

Universal electronic thermometer

The thermometer is equipped with a hard tip, so when inserting into the rectum you need to be extremely careful

Infrared ear thermometer

Infrared laser thermometer

Can be used without an assistant

Normal body temperature in cats

For felines, a normal temperature is considered to be between 38 and 39 °C.

For older kittens - from 38.5 to 39.5 °C, for newborn babies - within 40.0-40.5 °C.

Deviations from the standard of half a degree are considered conditionally acceptable. If a furry friend's temperature is slightly increased or decreased, it is measured over time at intervals of 3-6 hours. If your health does not return to normal or the temperature is more than one degree higher or lower than normal, it is better to seek help from a veterinarian.

Cats, like people, often have a fever when they are sick. Unfortunately, the methods used for humans are not suitable for cats. So, by touching an animal’s forehead, you cannot judge its temperature. The only one reliable way To accurately determine a cat's body temperature is to place a thermometer in her ear canal or rectum. Naturally, the animal will be against such a procedure, and you will have to force it. However, there are certain symptoms that indicate a high fever. They will advise you whether to measure your cat's body temperature, keeping coercive measures to a minimum. And then, if the temperature exceeds 39.44 degrees Celsius (103 degrees Fahrenheit), you should contact your veterinarian.


Symptoms indicating a high temperature

    Take a closer look at changes in behavior. If a normally playful, active and friendly cat tries to be alone, this could be a sign of illness. A sick animal often tries to hide under a bed, sofa, table and other places where it will be difficult to find. Cats are cautious creatures, remaining cautious even during fun games. Once sick, your pet will feel vulnerable and want to hide in a secluded place.

    Monitor your cat's appetite. If an animal is accustomed to eating at the same time, while absorbing a certain amount of food, then changes in this habitual schedule may indicate that it is sick. Check your cat's bowl throughout the day to monitor the amount of food in it.

    Check to see if your pet is suffering from vomiting or diarrhea. Many cat diseases - ranging from mild cold and ending with much more serious ones - are accompanied not only elevated temperature, but also other symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. Inspect litter tray and the space around it. As a rule, cats try to hide traces of discharge. If your pet roams freely in the yard, try to follow him. Take a closer look at the places frequently visited by the cat to see if she has buried traces of her secretions there.

    Take a closer look at the animal to see if it is showing signs of excessive apathy and lethargy. It is quite difficult to notice these signs, since cats are already quite lazy creatures. However, if the cat does not get up when you rustle the bag of food, this most likely indicates its apathy and lethargy. You should also be wary if the animal sleeps all day in the back room, although usually it loves company and accompanies you from one room to another. If your pet is excessively lethargic and apathetic, contact your veterinarian.

    Lubricate the thermometer liquid oil or other water-based lubricant. KY Jelly brand lubricant or Vaseline work well. The process should be made as least unpleasant as possible for the animal. Lubrication will significantly reduce the risk of abrasions, tears and other damage.

    Place the cat correctly. Take the animal under your arm (hold it like a soccer ball, the tail should be in front of you). Make sure your cat is resting his paws on a table or other hard surface. This will reduce the risk of being scratched.

    Insert the thermometer into the animal's rectum. Push the thermometer about 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) into the intestine. Do not immerse it more than 5 centimeters (2 inches). Hold the thermometer at a 90-degree angle so that it points parallel to the animal's rectum. Be careful not to tilt it at a different angle, as this may increase your cat's pain and discomfort.

    Keep the thermometer in this position for about 2 minutes. The mercury thermometer should be held a little longer. If you are using a digital thermometer, wait for the digital signal indicating the end of the measurement.

    • Hold the cat firmly in place. She may squirm, try to scratch and bite. Try to hold her in place so she doesn't hurt herself or hurt you.
  1. Find out the result. For a cat ideal temperature body temperature is 38.55 degrees Celsius (101.4 degrees Fahrenheit), but the temperature of a healthy animal can vary from 37.78 to 39.17 degrees Celsius (100 - 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit).

    • If your pet's body temperature is below 37.22 degrees Celsius (99 degrees Fahrenheit) or above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit), it is an indication that he is sick and requires medical attention.
    • If the temperature is close to 39.44 degrees Celsius (103 degrees Fahrenheit) or higher and your cat is showing signs of illness, you should also contact your veterinarian.
  2. Clean the thermometer. Wipe it down warm water with soap or rubbing alcohol. If you used a disposable sleeve, remove it and wipe the thermometer. Before you put the thermometer where it is stored, you must clean it completely.

If a cat lives in the house, the owner is obliged to monitor its health fluffy pet. Numerous diseases are accompanied feverish state. Therefore, the owner needs to know how to measure the cat’s temperature on their own. Timely identification of this parameter will help to quickly take measures to help qualified assistance animal.

Read in this article

Types of thermometers and their features

You can measure your pet's body temperature using special measuring devices - thermometers. There are various modifications and types of thermometry devices.

Based on the measurement principle, there are mercury, electronic and infrared thermometers. Depending on the method of measurement, there are universal, rectal and ear devices.

Until recently, the most common one was the mercury thermometer. The device is inconvenient because in order to measure the temperature correctly, the animal must be held for at least 5 minutes. If the device is in contact with the body for less time, the readings may be incorrect. When performing thermometry using a mercury device, it is necessary to securely fix the pet to avoid injury to the rectum.

The danger of such a measuring device lies in the toxicity of mercury vapor if its integrity is damaged. If you don't have a safer device in your home, you can measure your cat's temperature by mercury thermometer, being careful.

Before being puzzled by the question of how to measure a cat's temperature, the owner should know that there are modern thermometers based on electronic principle. Such devices are characterized by accuracy and simplicity of the procedure. Electronic gadgets for measuring temperature can be of the following types:

Types of electronic thermometers Brief description Photo
Rectal The device is inserted into the anus, then the button should be pressed. After approximately 60 seconds, a beep will sound indicating the completion of the measurement.

The electronic rectal device is characterized by measurement accuracy. This thermometer has high speed parameter measurement, ease of use and safety.

Some devices allow you to measure for 10 seconds. If the thermometer is damaged or dropped, unlike its mercury counterpart, the electronic device does not pose a danger to others.

Universal These electronic gadgets can be used not only rectally, but also measure the temperature in the cat’s armpit.

However, it should be borne in mind that measurements with such a device should be carried out for at least 3 minutes. Only in this case the indicator will be correct. The device, as a rule, has a liquid crystal display that displays readings in hundredths of a degree.

Some electronic device models are equipped with additional useful features: storage of last measurements, timer, ability to measure room temperature, automatic shutdown.

All devices are safe and shock resistant.

Infrared ear thermometers Tip of this device designed in such a way that it safely allows you to measure the temperature in the auricle.

The advantage of a modern measuring device is fast speed measurements (up to 30 seconds), ease of use and safety. Thermometry in the auricle does not cause the animal much concern.

In addition to ear devices, there are non-contact infrared thermometers that allow you to determine the body temperature of an animal at some distance from it.

Normal indicators for a cat

Every competent owner should know what the normal temperature of cats is in order to sound the alarm in time and receive timely help in a specialized institution in case of a serious illness.

Veterinary experts believe that in adult domestic cats normal temperature should be in the range from 37.7 to 39.4 C. In young kittens aged from 3 weeks to 4 - 5 months, the normal temperature can be 39.5 C.

When doing thermometry, you should be aware that deviations of several tenths of a degree can occur due to the following factors:

  • Pet pregnancy. The body temperature of many cats is interesting position is slightly higher than in non-pregnant females.
  • Hot season or conditions of detention. Overheating of an animal can lead to a short-term increase in body temperature.
  • Times of Day also affects the measured indicator. By evening, the temperature of some individuals may increase by 0.3 degrees.
  • Overeating in young kittens often accompanied by an increase of 0.5 degrees.
  • Development of the pathological process. Typically infectious and inflammatory diseases are accompanied by a feverish state due to irritation of the brain by waste products of viruses and bacteria.

If found high temperature the cat has hyperthermia, don’t panic right away. An increase in the indicator may be due to heatstroke in the hot season, when the pet is pregnant. Often an increase in body temperature of several tenths of a degree occurs in animals when stressful situations, in kittens - during weaning from the mother, during overeating. However, if the indicator is exceeded by one degree or more, you should not hesitate to visit a veterinary institution.

A specialist will advise you on how to lower your cat’s temperature after necessary diagnostics and identifying the cause of hyperthermia in the animal. The owner's task is timely detection pet's ailments.

You should not give your cat antipyretic medications on your own. Many human fever medications are contraindicated for use in animals.

In addition, by lowering the temperature without using specific treatment In case of infectious diseases, you can waste time and worsen the condition of a sick pet.

The owner should be alerted low temperature in a cat (hypothermia). This phenomenon is observed when the body is weakened, there is malignant tumors, problems with cardiovascular system, with bleeding. Hypothermia is often observed against the background of immunosuppressive processes in infectious diseases.

Signs in an animal that should alert you

Thermometry domestic cat should be carried out upon detection the following signs and symptoms:

  • the animal avoids communication, tries to retire, hides in secluded places, often the cat looks for a cooler place;
  • decreased or completely absent appetite;
  • vomiting and other signs of indigestion accompany not only infectious diseases, but also a cold;
  • watery eyes;
  • frequent ;
  • the coat is dull and tousled;
  • rapid or difficult breathing;
  • trembling throughout the body, chills;
  • mucous membranes are pale or yellowish;
  • The nose and paw pads are dry and hot to the touch.

If the owner detects at least one symptom, he should show concern and wonder how to measure the cat’s temperature on his own.

Rules for measuring temperature

You can carry out thermometry on an animal at home either independently or with the support of an assistant. It is best to place your pet on a non-slip, flat surface, turning it sideways. If the manipulation is carried out with an assistant, then he can hold the cat in this position by the withers.

Thermometer tip after treatment disinfectant solution(preferably alcohol) should be generously lubricated with Vaseline or baby cream. The animal's tail must be raised and moved to the side.

When taking thermometry with an electronic device, press a button before insertion. In this case, the measurement time will be automatic - until the sound signal of the end of the measurement. The mercury thermometer must be shaken before use.

Using a screw-like motion, carefully insert the tip of the thermometer into the opening of the animal's rectum. The depth of insertion of the device depends on the age of the patient. For small kittens, the thermometer is inserted to a depth of no more than 1 cm, for adult animals - up to 2 cm. The device should be inserted parallel to the animal’s spine, trying not to tilt the tip to the sides. Correct insertion of the measuring device, as a rule, does not cause resistance in the pet. However, overly nervous cats may perceive this procedure negatively.

If a mercury thermometer is used, it is necessary to ensure that the animal remains motionless for 5 minutes. Particularly obstinate individuals should be wrapped in a towel, securely back bodies. It is important to maintain the necessary time for measurement in order to avoid obtaining an incorrect result.

We recommend reading about. You will learn about the signs that the inevitable is approaching (pulse, breathing, temperature) in your pet, the actions of the owners, and the need to visit a veterinarian.
Find out more about why your cat’s eyes are watery and what treatment she needs.

Knowing how to take a cat's temperature rectally, if available ear device there shouldn't be any difficulties. When measuring the temperature in the auricle using an infrared device, the tip is also pre-disinfected. The animal must be secured; you can enlist the help of an assistant. The tip is inserted into auricle. The design of the thermometer prevents injury to the eardrum.

However, in particularly sensitive animals, even this type of thermometry causes concern. Depending on the modification of the device, the measurement will take from a few seconds to 2 minutes.

A responsible owner of a furry creature must not only notice a change in the cat’s health in time, but also independently measure the temperature. If there is a deviation from the norm, either in the direction of an increase in temperature or when hypothermia is detected, a visit to a veterinarian should not be postponed.

To learn how to measure the temperature of animals, watch this video:

Body temperature - the most important indicator state of the animal's body. The indicators in cats are comparatively higher than in humans, so some owners begin to panic when they feel a fever in their pet. In order not to expose the cat to stress and not to take it to the clinic, the temperature can be determined at home with or without a thermometer.

Normal indicators for a cat

Almost all diseases in animals are accompanied by a febrile state, so you must first measure the cat’s temperature and determine whether it corresponds to normal indicators. According to allegations veterinary specialists, normal temperature in adult cats should range from 37.7 to 39.4 degrees. For young kittens aged from 2 weeks to 6 months, the figure reaches 39.5 degrees.

Before measuring your cat’s temperature, you should know that deviations of a few tenths of a degree occur due to the following factors:

  • pregnancy of a cat - the value sometimes reaches high levels;
  • being in a hot room - overheating sometimes leads to a significant increase in body temperature;
  • time of day - in the evening, the indicator for some females increases by 0.2-0.3 degrees;
  • overeating in kittens - increase by 0.5 degrees;
  • pathological processes - infectious diseases are accompanied by a febrile state as a result of irritation of a part of the brain by waste products of viruses and bacteria.

Reason to doubt in good condition The pet has a low temperature (hypothermia). Similar phenomenon observed during weakening of the body, cardiovascular diseases and bleeding. Hypothermia often occurs in the presence of infectious diseases.

An increase in temperature of several tenths is often observed during stressful situations, heat stroke, separation of a cat from her kittens and pregnancy. If the indicator is exceeded by one degree or more, then it is recommended to show the cat to a specialist.

It is possible to reduce a cat's temperature only after diagnostics and determination of the cause of hyperthermia.

Measurement methods

A mistake in measuring a cat’s temperature can cost the animal’s health and cause problems with treatment for the owner.

You can determine the temperature level at home using the following devices:

  • rectal thermometer - electronic device, which works instantly and shows accurate results;
  • electronic thermometer - often used as the main device for determining the temperature of pets;
  • mercury thermometer - used in extreme cases and gives readings after 5 minutes.

According to experts, it is recommended to refrain from measuring temperature non-rectally. Sometimes you can do without a thermometer and use other accessible ways, which will be simpler but less accurate. This way you won’t be able to accurately determine the cat’s temperature, but you can find out possible violations in the pet's body.

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Rectal method

The indicators on the surface of the cat’s body and inside are different. Therefore, measuring the temperature under the arms or in the mouth does not make sense. The most popular method is rectal. Firstly, the measurements are the most accurate. Secondly, you may not have special skills to determine the temperature in the rectum. Rules for the procedure:

  • Measurements should be taken at a time when pet sleeping
  • The thermometer sensor must be clean to avoid injury and the possibility of infection.
  • Depending on the nature of the cat, the owner may need an assistant, since it will be problematic for one person to hold it.
  • Carefully wrap your pet in a regular blanket, leaving the head and hindquarters outside. It is important that all paws are secured.
  • It is recommended to lubricate the sensor only, and then slowly insert it into the anus.
  • It is not recommended to immerse the sensor too deeply (up to 0.5 cm) so as not to hurt the cat.
  • Then the device should be tilted until it touches the wall of the rectum.
  • After the sound signal, the sensor must be pulled out.

During the procedure, the cat should be calmed so that the animal does not perceive what is happening as a punishment. Finally, it is recommended to feed your pet a treat to prevent the effects of stress.

After measuring rectally, the device must be disinfected. Regardless of which thermometer for animals was chosen, it is enough to wipe the tip with alcohol.

If you suspect that your cat is sick, she is lethargic, eats poorly, and moves little, then the first thing to do is determine if her body temperature is elevated. If you haven't done this before, you'll have to learn how to measure a cat's temperature at home. This will also be useful if treatment has already been prescribed and you need to monitor it daily.

How and with what to measure correctly

The only sure way is rectal. Your nose, dry or wet, won't tell you anything.

For this manipulation you will need only one tool - a thermometer.

An electronic one with a thin spout is best. With him, the procedure will be quick and painless.

If you have to take frequent measurements, it is better not to torment the animal again and buy just such a one. For one or two times, a regular mercury thermometer is quite suitable.

How to measure a cat's temperature: step-by-step instructions

1. Wipe the thermometer nose with alcohol and then lubricate with oil or cream

If you use mercury, reset the previous value.

2. Place the cat on its paws and lift its tail

If she resists too much, you can wrap her in a towel and place her sideways on your lap. You may need to keep the animal together.

3. Gently insert the tip of the thermometer into the anus and hold it straight at a depth of approximately 2 cm

If you turn the thermometer slightly, it will go in softer.

Some tolerate the procedure quite calmly, while others categorically object. When resisting, you need to keep your lower back motionless. For example, with your left hand, firmly grab the cat by the withers, and with your right elbow, press down on the hips and bottom part back, holding a thermometer.

4. Take the necessary time

An electronic thermometer often beeps on its own, and this usually takes about 30 seconds (but it’s better to check the instructions). For mercury, it will take at least 7 minutes. As you can see, the time difference is enormous.

It’s unlikely that a cat will let you measure its temperature without resistance, so the longer you hold it, the more likely it is to damage the thermometer. soft fabrics rectum.

5. Take out the thermometer and determine the result

Normal temperature in adult cats is in the range of 38-39°C.

Permissible deviations (for example, due to stress or daily fluctuations) are from 37.8°C to 39.5°C.

For kittens, the normal temperature is slightly higher: from 38.4°C to 39.5°C.

If your pet has a temperature greater than 39.5°C, call your veterinarian urgently, because this may be a sign inflammatory processes, viral or infectious disease.

If the value is below normal, this indicates a weakening of the body, for example, due to hypothermia. 37°C or less is already dangerous for the cat’s health, then you also need to go to the clinic, but even faster.

Once you know how to take your cat's temperature, you can get an approximate estimate of the due date shortly before birth. The day before, the temperature rises by about 1°C.

Health to you and your pets!