How to care for a turtle. Red-eared turtle: how to care for it at home

When considering how to care for a land turtle, there are several key points to highlight. It is important to properly organize the reptile’s habitat, regularly carry out all hygiene measures, and also carefully monitor the diet.

What does it take to keep a land turtle?

One of necessary conditions Maintaining a home for land turtles involves arranging a comfortable habitat for it - . Many owners make the mistake of allowing turtles to crawl freely on the floor; this method of keeping pets has negative aspects:

  • low levels of temperature, humidity and light;
  • dustiness, against which allergic reactions may occur;
  • possibility of injury.

While being kept in a terrarium, turtles dig in the ground, gnaw objects made of a special abrasive material, and overwinter in conditions specially created for this. Terrariums are equipped with devices for creating correct temperature, shelters that allow land turtles to feel comfortable, taking a break from excessive human attention, and give owners the opportunity to more easily care for the animals.

Land turtle - maintenance temperature

Keeping a land turtle at home is not difficult; these animals are resilient and unpretentious, easily adapt to a new habitat, and caring for them is not difficult. But some rules that bring reptiles closer to natural conditions accommodation must be provided. Turtles accustomed to warm climates will be most comfortable in a terrarium where the temperature is maintained at +25-35°C. For this purpose, use an incandescent lamp, placing it in the corner opposite the shelter house.

Terrarium for a land turtle

Before you set up a terrarium for a land turtle, decide on the number of future inhabitants, this will affect its size, also take into account the growth of the turtles and purchase a terrarium with a reserve. Provide reptiles free space for movement that should not be cluttered with unnecessary objects. It is easier to maintain and care for land turtles, and their living will be as comfortable as possible in a spacious horizontal terrarium, which is two to three times as wide more width, located in it, the largest pet.

Equipment for a land turtle terrarium

To create good conditions in the terrarium land turtle, it should be equipped with special equipment:

  • heating lamp;
  • feeder;
  • drinking tray and water procedures;
  • shelter house;
  • ultraviolet lamp;
  • hydrometer, thermometer;
  • ground.

Special terrarium lamps are installed to illuminate and heat the terrarium; they also help produce vitamin D in reptiles and better absorb calcium. If you deprive land turtles ultraviolet rays, their shells will soften, there will be a danger of rickets, and there will be a risk of getting fractures. Fill the bath container warm water 1-2 times every 10-14 days, for water procedures, its level should reach the turtle’s neck. Place the feeder away from the lamp, filling it with food for 2-3 hours.

Soil for a land turtle in a terrarium

Keeping a land turtle at home requires the presence of soil in the terrarium, otherwise the animal’s limbs will be deformed, claws will wear off, abrasions may appear, and danger arises. colds. The optimal soil thickness is a layer of 3-8 cm, consisting of coarse gravel, sawdust, hay (or a mixture of them), it needs to be changed once every 3-4 weeks. You can use ready-made, purchased soil; it is easier to change, so it becomes easier to care for the turtles, and the terrarium will be cleaner.

When preparing a home for turtles, make sure that no dangerous objects that could injure the animals get into it. To keep your pets entertained, place flat pebbles or driftwood in the terrarium that will be easy for reptiles to climb on. When choosing a suitable soil for land turtles, pay attention to the size of its components; they should be such that the animal cannot swallow.

Caring for a land turtle

Caring for a tortoise at home, like other pets, includes some necessary rules, providing correct image life:

  1. Bathing. It is necessary as a cleanser from dirt; in addition, it brings great pleasure to turtles.
  2. Grinding and trimming claws. To care for claws, you will need a special nail clipper; the light area of ​​the claw should be removed; the dark area contains blood vessels.
  3. Keeping the terrarium clean. Timely replacement of soil, treatment of the terrarium itself using detergents, soda solution will ensure order and prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases.
  4. Providing a microclimate. Maintaining stable temperature and humidity is essential for comfortable stay in the terrarium.
  5. Exercise. IN summer time, in dry, warm weather, give the turtles a walk on a lawn where soft grass grows or gravel is poured.
  6. Rational selection of proper nutrition.

Caring for a land turtle's shell

Having wondered how to care for a land turtle at home, many inexperienced owners try to lubricate the turtle's shell with cosmetics or cleaning products. Let us immediately note that these actions are harmful, since the beauty and health of the shell depend on correct content, care and diet. Various oils, lotions can get clogged under peeling layers or remain in the pores of the shell, blocking air access and attracting bacteria due to their stickiness.

Knowing how to properly care for the shell of a land turtle when plaque appears on it white remove it by wiping the surface lemon juice or Lugol's solution. If individual scutes on the turtle's shell begin to peel off, this is a signal that an infection or fungus has entered the body. At the first signs of detachment, contact your veterinarian, you may be prescribed special means, intended for lubricating the armor of reptiles.

Diet of the land turtle

How better care If you care for a land turtle at home and the more varied the feeding, the fewer problems will arise regarding its health. The main (up to 85%) is food plant origin(vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries). In order for reptiles to feel normal and develop properly, add up to 5% of the total volume to their food animal food(earthworms, snails). Vitamin supplements and cereals can account for up to 10% of the volume; be sure to add calcium supplements to your food, they are necessary for correct formation shell.

By observing your pet's behavior, over time you will understand how to care for a land turtle, what it likes and what causes inconvenience. By gradually changing your living conditions and improving the contents of the terrarium, creating a rational and tasty menu, you will find optimal solution to create comfortable living conditions for your pets.

Before you decide to get a cute turtle, consider whether you can create suitable conditions for him to live a full life. Thoroughly study the requirements for keeping an animal and only then buy yourself such a pet.

So where will your turtle live? The home for the red-eared turtle is an aquaterrarium or an aquarium with a dry area. The shore should be equipped with a convenient ladder so that the reptile can climb onto it without any problems. The bank should be designed so that water cannot stagnate in it, and the turtle can dry out bottom part shell. An incandescent lamp of 40-60 W should be located above the shore at a level of 25-30 cm (not lower!).

The size of an aquatic turtle’s home is calculated based on the size of the reptile and the number of inhabitants in one aquaterrarium - from 10 liters for one five-centimeter turtle and up to 400 liters for a large adult turtle. If two or more animals live in a terrarium, the size should increase.

When choosing a house for your pet, keep in mind that the animal will grow. An adult turtle reaches an average height of 18-28 cm. Males are smaller, females are larger. To save money, buy a large aquarium right away, “for growth.”

How to Care for Aquatic Turtles: Aquarium

You can buy an aquaterrarium made of glass or plastic. It should have an aquarium heater and a filter that matches the volume of water. The acceptable water temperature for the red-eared turtle is 26-27 degrees, the air temperature in the aquarium is 26-30 degrees, and on land 30-32 degrees.

Normal height and full life turtles are provided with a special ultraviolet lamp for reptiles with 5% UVB. Sunlight replaced ultraviolet radiation. It helps in the absorption of vital necessary for the pet calcium.

The turtle must permanently live in an aquaterrarium. If you decide to clean the aquarium, place it in a bowl of water. Many people let the turtle walk on the floor. This is a big mistake. Reptile can get serious injury or catch a cold.

What to feed a water turtle?

The main food of the red-eared turtle is low-fat raw fish. It is very important that the bones are not sharp. Buy fish: hake, cod, perch, blue whiting, navaga, crucian carp. Cut it into small or large pieces, depending on the size of the turtle.

Experts recommend alternating fish with seafood, beef liver aquarium snails, earthworms. Rarely, but you can give beef and chicken. All products, without exception, must be given raw. Adult red-eared turtles should occasionally receive plant food (cucumber, lettuce, apples, pears, bananas). You can use special dry food for turtles as complementary food, but this should not become the main diet.

Turtles up to 10 cm long eat daily, those from 10 cm and more eat every other day, and very adult ones eat three times a week. The amount of food is measured according to the volume that the reptile eats in half an hour. During feeding, it is better to place the turtle out of the aquarium in a separate container with water so that food debris does not clog the water in the terrarium. The turtle is fed only in water.

How can you tell if your turtle is unhealthy?

Beginners ask: how to care for a small turtle, how to create it ideal conditions. They follow all the recommendations, but suddenly the pet gets sick. You shouldn’t reproach yourself, because even in very good conditions keeping the animal may get sick.

Signs of the most common diseases:

  • soft or twisted shell;
  • lack of appetite;
  • swollen or constantly closed eyes;
  • flaky skin;
  • runny nose;
  • mouth breathing;
  • injury to the shell or limbs.

If the animal has become passive, sits on land all the time, and does not want to eat, consult a herpetologist. Unfortunately, not every veterinarian knows how to treat turtles, so the diagnosis is often made incorrectly. Treatment, accordingly, will also be incorrect.

How to care for a turtle in winter:

  • keep your pet only in an aquaterrarium;
  • the incandescent lamp is turned on for 10-12 hours during the day;
  • the water part of the aquaterrarium should be heated using a thermostat that maintains the water temperature at 24-28 degrees around the clock;
  • there should be a “cold corner” in the terrarium, where the temperature is set at 24-26 degrees;
  • An ultraviolet paw for reptiles should be installed, turned on for 10-12 hours during the day;
  • you cannot keep the aquaterrarium on the floor;
  • You can’t put a turtle to hibernation;
  • If the turtle has become passive and does not want to eat, the temperature in its home should be increased.

How to care for turtles in summer?

In the warm season, caring for a turtle is easier. Monitor the optimal water temperature and feed your reptile on time. At proper care The red-eared slider will live up to 40 years.

Before you bring this exotic animal into your home, you need to think carefully and familiarize yourself with the recommendations for caring for these unpretentious pets. If it was given as a gift, you should immediately think about arranging a separate corner for it. Nowadays it is not difficult to find out how to do this if you have Internet at home.

Since there are aquatic and, their care is somewhat different. It is easier to care for a land turtle than an aquatic one, but the principle is the same. To make a land turtle feel comfortable, you need to have:

  • or a spacious, clean drawer.
  • Availability of varied food.
  • Take a warm bath once a week.
  • Constant trimming of claws and beak.

As for the aquatic turtle, for its normal maintenance it needs to constantly have water, and therefore it has to be kept in an aquarium. Moreover, in the aquarium you need to arrange a place where the turtle can eat and rest.

Costs per turtle

If you decide to have a turtle at home, then you need to know and be prepared for the fact that you will have to shell out certain funds:

  • Terrarium with additional equipment – ​​3000 rubles.
  • Heating lamp – from 1000 rubles per six months.
  • Feed costs – from 500 rubles per month.
  • Examination by a veterinarian – from 1000 rubles.

As you can see from the list, the funds are not small, as for maintaining such a small animal. But that's not all: in addition to funds, she needs ongoing care and attention.

For normal development turtles needed varied diet, which includes fresh vegetables(lettuce, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin), greens (dandelion, plantain, coltsfoot). At the same time, we must not forget that the turtle loves most - fruits (watermelon, melon, apple) and berries (strawberries, raspberries, cherries).

She is not averse to dining on cooled semolina or buckwheat porridge, and will also not refuse oatmeal prepared in the traditional way.

So that she doesn't get sick from lack of nutrients, cottage cheese should be added to the main diet, boiled eggs, raw minced meat. At the same time, there is no need to give her something to drink, since she gets the main liquid from vegetables and fruits, and besides, she can drink while taking a bath.

The diet of an aquatic turtle is mainly meat and fish, but it will not refuse snails, worms, mice, etc. But this does not mean that she should not be given food of plant origin. It should be at least 30% in the diet of an aquatic turtle.

Setting up a terrarium for a land turtle

Firstly, it must be spacious so that the turtle can move more, and secondly, it must be clean.

Unsanitary conditions are absolutely unacceptable here.

Additional equipment:

  • Lamp for lighting and heating the recreation area.
  • Ultraviolet lamp for irradiation.
  • Floor covering.
  • A place to hide.
  • Thermometer for temperature control.

For an aquatic turtle you will have to make an aquarium with partial dry land. Typically the ratio is: 3 parts water and 1 part land.

Hibernation of domestic turtles

As a rule, all domestic exotic animals are representatives wildlife. For them, sleep is an opportunity to experience some abnormal natural conditions in the form of cold or great heat. If the turtle is kept at home under optimal temperature conditions, then it does not need it, and it will not. If the turtle moves little and eats poorly, then you need to reconsider its diet, or even better, show it to a doctor.

About once a week, your land tortoise should have a bath. To do this, put into a basin warm water, temperature 30-35°C and the turtle is placed there. The water level should be such that the turtle's head is above the water, nothing else is required, you just need to leave it in the vessel for half an hour.

A turtle's claws and beak can grow to such a size that it has difficulty moving and eating. In this case, you need to get sharp nippers and trim off the excess. To shorten a turtle's claw, it needs to be placed in the light where it can be seen blood vessel. Having retreated 2-3mm from the vessel, you can bite off the claw. The beak is bitten off in small pieces until the turtle's jaws close.

As for aquatic turtles, in this regard it is somewhat easier with them, since they do not need such procedures.

We don't take anyone as a pet - snakes, spiders, raccoons and other exotic creatures. It becomes so commonplace and normal that the turtle is not surprising at all. Despite this, not all owners of such an animal can properly care for it. It is for such owners that this article exists.

What are pet turtles and how to care for them

Humanity knows about 50 species of turtles, from the largest, weighing several centners, to the tiniest, which fit on your hand. At home The easiest way to raise regular (land) turtles y, which usually lives in the desert and steppe areas of Central Asia.

Although they live in sandy soils, they require moisture to survive. She looks for this moisture by digging holes until she comes across moist soil. Attempts to find such a place continue until she finds it, because this is the survival of the turtle - in the moist soil there is grass, which is its main food.

Turtles are most active in the early morning and evening. During the day, turtles prefer to sleep, hidden from the light. In unfavorable conditions, the turtle hibernates. This happens in winter, but if you create it comfortable conditions for life, she won’t have to fall asleep.

Appearance and dimensions

The most commonly kept as a pet, the land turtle is small in size. In males, the size of the shell is smaller than in females and is 14–22 cm. In females, the length ranges from 16 to 24. At home, the size of the shell grows to a size of 18–20 cm for females and males.

Shell - keratinized scutes, the number of which is 14 on top, and from 12 to 13 on bottom. There are shields not only on the bottom and top, but also on the sides. There are 25 of them there. The shell resembles an oval, slightly flattened on top. On my paws dark green there are four fingers with claws. The color of the shell resembles the environmental conditions in which the turtle lives - the middle of the shield dark color, and the edges are olive green. In the wild, it lives for about 50 years; at home, a turtle can live a little longer.

How, when and what to feed

IN natural environment turtle feeds on various vegetation: grass, shrubs, berries and fruits. The food she should be given at home is not much different from what she gets at home. environment. The choice in this case is determined by which vegetation is easier to obtain. The main thing is to have a varied diet:

  1. Fresh greens and hay - about 70% of all food consumed.
  2. Vegetables - 10%.
  3. Fruits - 20%.

The animal must have a separate tray from which it can eat. It is needed primarily to prevent the contents of the tray, such as sawdust or soil, from getting into the food. Hand feeding a turtle is not best option, because it is not very convenient for her and in addition to this, she can bite painfully.

When should you feed your pet? Young pet requires daily nutrition. An older individual needs rare, but more plentiful feeding - once every 2–3 days. The volume of the portion should be half the volume of the shell.

To prevent the fermentation process from starting in the turtle’s stomach, you should feed it less fruits and other juicy foods. And also, the turtle’s food should initially be specially prepared for the animal. In this case, there will be less chance that she will be poisoned by poor quality food, for example, from the owner’s table. The turtle doesn't have to have permanent access to liquid, it is enough to drink it from time to time. But it would be useful to use bait containing calcium.

In terms of care and maintenance of living conditions, the animal is quite unpretentious, especially considering the lifestyle in wild conditions. In view of this, a turtle is often adopted by people who cannot pay much attention to caring for their pet. However, a turtle is not a cactus, so you still have to follow some recommendations for caring for it.

How to choose a house

Any container that will not restrict the turtle’s movements can serve as a home for a turtle. Of course, it is advisable to purchase a separate aquarium, but for the first time an ordinary box will do. The main thing is never do not leave the turtle on the floor unattended. A cold floor with many cracks cannot serve as a home for a turtle, even for the first time. In addition to the fact that the animal can get sick, it can hide in a hard-to-reach corner, from which it will be difficult to get it out.

How to furnish a house

Reproduction of turtles and caring for babies

Both in the wild and in domestic conditions, turtles reach sexual maturity by 10 years. Turtles breed between April and July. At this time, the female lays eggs in specially dug holes. One female can create up to three holes, each of which can hold up to 7 eggs.

Reproduction requires two males and one female. After fertilization the female needs to be isolated for three months while she is carrying her eggs. When she lays eggs, they will have to be taken away and placed in comfortable conditions. The temperature should be around 30 degrees Celsius. In this case, the turtles will be able to hatch within 60 days.

After hatching, turtles should be placed separately from adults, so that they cannot inflict on them serious harm. In addition, the floor for them should be spread with small sawdust so that children cannot swallow small pebbles, sand or clay.

Turtle diseases

A turtle, like any other animal, is susceptible to disease. Of course, it is better to entrust the treatment of turtle diseases to a professional, but the care that will help avoid these diseases will have to be provided by the owners.

The most common disease of turtles is rickets. This disease manifests itself at the very end, in the form of deformation of the shell and skeleton. The disease is caused by a lack of vitamin D.

To prevent this shortcoming from occurring, it is necessary use ultraviolet lamp , imitating the sun and feed the turtle food containing D vitamins.

Before purchasing any animal, the future owner is always interested in the features of caring for it. Before we look at how to keep an aquatic turtle at home, it should be clarified that several species of reptiles are classified as “aquatic”. These could be Chinese trionics, hawksbill turtles, snapping turtles or European marsh turtles.

But in this article, we will learn the features of keeping aquatic turtles at home using the example of red-eared turtles, since this is the most common species.

No matter how strange it may be, your care for your pet aquatic turtle begins with its purchase. Of course, there are often cases when people get a turtle as a gift. In such situations, you at least have an idea of ​​the conditions in which it was kept and how the previous owners treated it.

But when you come to a pet store or market, unfortunately, you don’t have this opportunity, since you have absolutely no idea how the animal was treated. For this reason, it is best to immediately take your pet to a veterinarian after purchase. full examination animal.

It is important to know: if you already keep reptiles, then after purchasing a new one, you should never allow it near turtles. A new pet must undergo a three-month quarantine before entering the main aquarium.

After transporting the turtle you purchased, its behavior may seem strange: the fact is that it will need several days to adapt. She can be either overly active or overly apathetic.

How to Handle an Aquatic Turtle

Proper care of an aquatic turtle at home means that you need to adhere to a number of rules regarding the handling of these beautiful animals. First, and most importantly, try not to pick them up often (only when necessary). Turtles are one of those animals that are best simply observed rather than touched.

But in situations where they need to be moved somewhere, be sure to hold the turtle with both hands. They are quite slippery and can easily slip out of your hands. And turtle falls are unacceptable, as this is fraught with injury.

Immediately after contact with your pet, wash your hands with soap and water. Its habitat often becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, so it is important to pay due attention to the cleanliness of the aquaterrarium. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to keep a reptile in the kitchen or other places where you eat or cook.

As practice shows, the vast majority of turtles that appeared as pets are babies. Caring for an aquatic turtle infancy must be used with extreme caution, as they have high level mortality due to improper maintenance.

Do not place the aquaterrarium with newborns in drafts or under the influence of direct sun rays. Make sure that your little pet aquatic turtles have uninterrupted access to the island, which is heated to 32℃. The acceptable water temperature in the aquarium is 26-27℃.

List of things needed for a turtle

As you already understand, to keep a reptile at home you will have to acquire certain equipment. You will definitely need to buy:

  • Aquaterrarium with a volume of 200 liters
  • Water heater
  • Filter
  • UV lamp
  • Incandescent lamp
  • Lamp
  • Thermometer
  • sushi island

The list is quite impressive and requires material costs. But believe me: these things are really necessary and without them the pet will die. Let's look at the most important items listed above.

The first is an aquaterrarium. That is, a place where there is both land and water. Try to choose as many of them as possible. At first glance, a small turtle does not need a 200 liter tank. But given their intensive growth and life expectancy, it is better to immediately acquire a large aquarium, since you will still have to buy it.

An important part of the aquaterrarium is the shore - the pet will climb out onto it to warm itself. You can either purchase it at a pet store or make it yourself. In the second case, be sure to use environmentally friendly materials and make sure that the reptile can easily climb on it.

Experts recommend maintaining the following proportions: dry 25% and water 75%. The optimal temperature on the island is 30-35℃. To do this, you will need to design a lamp for it. The thermometer will allow you to control temperature regime. Overheating is harmful for a pet because it can cause burns. Position the lamp so that it is as far away from the water as possible: this will prevent moisture from getting on its surface.

Also for an aquatic turtle you need to install an ultraviolet light bulb. They need to receive a dose of UV radiation to normal operation body, namely calcium absorption. Ultraviolet deficiency will lead to the development various diseases. The lamp should work throughout the daylight hours (about 12 hours). Make sure that there are no obstacles in the form of plastic or glass in the path of the rays.

It is important to monitor the cleanliness of the water in the aquarium. Contaminated water often causes infections and diseases. It is prohibited to pour water directly from the tap: it must be left to stand for 24 hours. It is also necessary to change the water twice a week.


Domestic aquatic turtles eat almost everything except human food (cottage cheese, bread, eggs). It is best to use fish fry, vegetables, and insects as food. It is better to avoid nutritional mixtures from the pet store: it is much healthier for your pet to eat natural food.

Plant-based foods should be provided regularly. It is advisable to make various mixtures of vegetables, as they are a source of calcium, vitamins and fiber. Ideally, aquarium plants and vegetables should make up ¾ of the diet. In moderation, pamper your pets with live food - fish, worms, snails.


In its natural habitat, this reptile hibernates in winter. If you keep it at home, it is highly not recommended to allow this to happen. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • Often, owners of red-eared turtles do not have enough experience to care for the animal during hibernation
  • Lack of conditions for hibernation
  • Weakened pets due to illness may not come out of hibernation
  • The animal simply does not need hibernation

Thus, this process is quite difficult to adapt to home conditions. If you maintain the water temperature around 25℃, the body can be “deceived” and the pet will forget about hibernation.


On puberty animals indicate their size and age. Females are traditionally larger than males: they become mature between two and five years with a size of 12-13 centimeters. Boys are aged from two to four years with a shell length of more than 10 centimeters. When kept at home, reptiles can mate at any time of the year. This process is accompanied by mating games: the male tries in every possible way to court the female.

After mating, the female must be provided with a special place in which she can lay eggs. If this is not done, the eggs will harden inside the female, which will cause infections or even result in death.