Carotene jaundice in adults. Carotene jaundice - symptoms. The main reasons for the development of jaundice

Carotene jaundice in children is a disease in which the skin and mucous membranes acquire an orange or bright bronze hue. Eye sclera do not undergo changes, it is this factor that distinguishes this form of jaundice from others. In addition, this type does not pose a threat to the child’s health and does not require serious treatment.

Causes of the disease

The development of carotene jaundice is triggered by the accumulation of b-carotene in the child’s blood. This disease may occur due to the consumption of certain vegetables, fruits and medicines. Many parents, if their child has vitamin deficiency, go too far and start giving him healthy products V large quantities.

The main sources of carotene jaundice in children include:

  • Overdose of b-carotene. Excess vitamin A in a child’s body is fraught with changes skin, that is, the appearance of pigmentation.
  • Consumption of foods containing beta-carotene in large quantities. These include: tangerines, oranges, pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, beets and persimmons.
  • Taking medications containing quinine.
  • If complementary foods are introduced incorrectly to children under one year of age, when the baby tries this or that product for the first time.

Most experts call this jaundice a false disease because it does not develop due to a liver disorder or inflammatory process. The level of bilirubin in the blood remains within normal limits.

Differences between carotene jaundice and other forms

Carotene jaundice in children is not considered a serious disease and does not require drug treatment. Its main symptom is considered to be the appearance of pigmentation on the child’s body, which some experts call this state carotenoderma.

The main differences between carotene jaundice and other forms include:

  • the child’s general condition remains normal, body temperature does not rise or fall;
  • feces and urine do not change color;
  • the skin tone is closer to orange, and the pigmentation itself spreads unevenly;
  • The sclera of the eyes does not change color.

According to symptoms, of this disease this form of jaundice is the mildest and most harmless. In addition, it does not carry any consequences or complications.


Despite the fact that this disease does not require drug treatment, you should not neglect the consultation of a specialist. Self-diagnosis and self-medication may be incorrect. Each parent must take into account that, first of all, we're talking about about the health of their child.

Measures to restore the body from carotene jaundice include:

  • exclusion from the diet of foods high in b-carotene (carrots, oranges, tangerines, apricots, prunes, tomatoes, rose hips and green onions);
  • excluding products containing retinol (cheese, fatty cottage cheese, chicken and beef liver, fish oil, red and black caviar, cod liver);
  • should also be excluded from the child’s diet meat broths, pickled foods and spicy dishes.

Positive impact on children's body During this period, walks in the sun and balanced diet. The child must be switched to porridge during treatment, stews and pasta.

This lifestyle will allow you to bring your beta-carotene levels back to normal within 2 months. But still, experts recommend sticking to it for one year, during which time excess b-carotene will leave the child’s body, and the likelihood of a recurrence of the disease will decrease significantly.

To summarize, we can say that this form of jaundice is not a serious pathology requiring drug treatment or other therapy. This type, if you follow the recommendations of a specialist, goes away on its own, without causing any consequences or complications. Carotene jaundice does not have negative impact on the liver, and the bilirubin level is within normal limits.

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If your face and hands are yellow, don't panic; it may be carotene jaundice. But in order to distinguish such an ailment from a serious one liver pathology, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Carotene jaundice is an apricot-yellow discoloration of the skin due to the accumulation of beta-carotene (a source of vitamin A) in the skin cells.

There are many varieties of true jaundice, and it can occur due to the following reasons:

  • Liver cells do not bind bilirubin well.
  • There is a process of rapid breakdown of red blood cells, due to which bilirubin enters the blood in high concentrations.
  • blocked bile ducts, and bilirubin is not excreted through the gastrointestinal tract.

All these reasons can cause serious pathologies, external symptoms which is a change in the color of the skin, mucous membranes and whites of the eyes to golden yellow. When they appear, it is required urgent treatment.

But there is another form of jaundice - carotene jaundice. Its symptoms are in many ways similar to those pathological lesions liver and gall bladder. But still, the reasons for its occurrence are completely different, and the degree of harm to the body in most cases is insignificant.

Many doctors call this type of jaundice false.

How does this form differ from more serious types:

  1. Skin tone is closer to orange than bronze.
  2. The coloring spreads unevenly, the brightest areas appear on the feet, palms, on the cheekbones near the ears and in the area of ​​the nose and lips.
  3. The whites of the eyes practically do not change color, which immediately hints at the likelihood of this particular form of jaundice.
  4. General condition corresponds to the norm, feces and urine have not changed color.

Symptoms of this physiological reaction of the body to carotene can appear in both adults and children. Reasons large quantity substances in the body are simple - excessive consumption of beta-carotene-rich vegetables and fruits, for example, tangerines, oranges, pumpkins, carrots, persimmons, beets. Also, such coloring can arise as a response to excess intake picric acid or pharmaceuticals with Akrikhin.

More often, such jaundice still occurs in children. Some mothers and grandmothers go too far in trying to save their child from vitamin deficiency. The same most useful carrot juice in large quantities can cause hyperpigmentation.

And the second reason for the occurrence of such icteric syndrome concerns the youngest children.

This skin tone may be a reaction to trying a product for the first time with high content coloring matter.

Their moms and dads may have something similar with exotic fruits: I tried papaya on vacation, liked it, got carried away, and then my face became the color of a tropical fruit.

Children in the first year of life are brought to unusual color skin caring parents. The mother offered the baby carrot puree as complementary food, he ate it all, and the mother was happy to give him a healthy treat all the time.

The result is carotene jaundice.

How to get rid of an unpleasant condition?

Such jaundice is not classified as a pathology, and treatment with medications is not necessary.

How to return normal skin tone:

  • Completely exclude beta-carotene-rich foods from your diet and stop taking appropriate medications. It is not difficult to calculate the vegetables and fruits that affect skin pigmentation: they are yellow-orange or orange-red. It is worth remembering: the unnatural color will not go away quickly, after a couple of months it will become quite pale, but it will take a year to completely eliminate the reserves of the pigmenting substance. It is especially important to control the nutrition of children: one of their good relatives can treat them to tasty fruits.
  • Get out into the sun more often or sign up for a solarium. This is not a treatment, but rather a cosmetic recommendation - tanning will even out the complexion of the face and body.

Many medical experts believe that this type of jaundice goes away on its own and without consequences for the health of adults and children, which means that treatment is not necessary.

It occurs due to an excess of pigment - carotene. It colors the skin and mucous membranes orange. The disease is called false jaundice because the pigmentation is not caused by bilirubin, as in the true form. Carotene jaundice does not cause changes in the blood picture and is not accompanied by dysfunction internal organs.

True jaundice occurs due to liver damage or accelerated breakdown of red blood cells. The released bilirubin is not bound in the diseased organ. It circulates through the blood, settles in tissues and stains the skin.

Carotenoderma is a consequence of the accumulation of pigment, and it enters the body through nutrition (with food). The breakdown of food ends with absorption useful substances. But if there are not enough enzymes, not all compounds are broken down. In this form, they are not absorbed by the body; unprocessed molecules circulate through the blood and can change the functions of organs.

For carotene to appear under the skin, its concentration must be high, but small child A few weeks of a diet rich in provitamin A is enough. Changes in skin color in a child occur due to several factors:

  • excess beta-carotene (provitamin A) in the diet;
  • violation of the rules for introducing complementary foods;
  • taking certain medications;
  • non-compliance with diet by a nursing mother.

To enrich the child’s diet, parents and other loved ones begin to regularly give him orange-colored fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of beta-carotene. Daily use Such products lead to the accumulation of natural dye and its entry into the epithelium.

The introduction of complementary foods should occur gradually - domestic pediatricians and the WHO warn about this.

First, give the least allergenic vegetables, green and white, next on the list is pumpkin. After some time, the baby can try carrots. The timing of the introduction of a new product is 1-2 weeks from the previous one. If you increase the rate, carotene can provoke false jaundice.

Mothers who give carrot or pumpkin puree day after day, based on the fact that the child likes them, do the wrong thing. Dishes must be distributed so as to provide the baby with everything necessary substances and introduce them gradually.

If you give it once (for the first time) large dose(not 0.5 tsp, but 30-50 g) of new puree, this can cause infant reaction.

The quality and composition of the foods a woman eats affects her milk. A nursing mother should limit her intake of “dangerous” vegetables and fruits. Such products are exotic fruits (papaya, mango), as well as more common oranges, prunes, dried apricots, apricots and peaches, tomatoes, sweet pepper, rose hips, offal.

In children and adults, carotenoderma may occur due to intake medicines containing quinine or picric acid. In an infant, the color of the skin changes from daily bathing in a series rich in provitamin A.

Symptoms of carotenoderma

The condition is characterized by the fact that the color of the skin changes, but the child feels well. Carotene jaundice differs from true jaundice in that the sclera and other mucous membranes remain unchanged.

Yellowing of the skin and sclera is the first sign of hepatitis, but safe skin coloring can be distinguished by other signs. The doctor reassures the parents if

  • general condition is not impaired;
  • the temperature remains unchanged;
  • there is no discoloration of feces;
  • laboratory data unchanged;
  • skin itching is observed only occasionally;
  • the color is distributed unevenly;
  • lack of treatment does not lead to complications.

The skin with jaundice caused by hepatitis has a bronze tint. The color is distributed equally. Urine becomes the color of beer, and feces lose color. Bilirubin circulates through the blood and does not enter the intestines, which is why the stool has a lighter shade.

In case of carotene intoxication. Skin discoloration appears more on the palms and soles, approx. thumb and little finger, on the cheekbones, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

A laboratory sign of true jaundice is , for the binding of which the liver is responsible. If the indicator remains normal, the disease is not associated with dysfunction of this organ.

Carotene, since this category has an imperfect enzyme system. Because of this, the speed of digestion of fats and other substances is difficult. If there is a malnutrition, problems often arise: carotene undigested by the liver enters the blood, staining the skin.

Carotenoderma can be combined with Reye's syndrome, the targets of which are the liver and brain. The cause of the pathology is infection by viruses that cause chicken pox, respiratory disease or diarrhea. Taking aspirin can provoke the disease. In this case, it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible. Delay is dangerous and lethal.


Diagnosing jaundice in a child, especially a small one, is often difficult. Any health disorder produces a generalized reaction. To understand the situation, the doctor prescribes general and biochemical analysis blood and urine.

If you consume excess beta-carotene in foods special treatment not required. It is necessary to exclude pigmented foods, broth, spicy dishes and pickled vegetables from the diet. Meals should consist of cereals and pasta, stewed meat and green vegetables. It takes several months for the skin color to become paler, and it takes a year to eliminate the consequences.

The diet should be long-term.

There is no drug treatment for carotenoderma; this type of jaundice is the mildest type. A visit to a solarium or natural tanning can help even out your skin tone. If itching bothers you, wipe the skin with water and lemon juice.

Symptoms of carotene jaundice can appear suddenly, sometimes even within 1 day, and it will take a year to eliminate its consequences, so you need to be careful about the nutrition of children, especially in the first year of life.

Gospel disease, or jaundice, is a condition in which the skin and visible mucous membranes become stained yellow. This phenomenon is due high content bilirubin in the body.

Carotene jaundice, or pseudojaundice, differs from the true disease in that, along with icterus (staining of the skin), the visible mucous membrane does not change color and the functioning of the internal organs is not disrupted. Why and how does pathology develop? Is it necessary to treat carotene jaundice, and what tests do victims undergo?

What kind of illness is this?

Carotene jaundice develops due to excessive concentrations of beta-carotene (provitamin A) in the blood. This substance accumulates due to overconsumption in foods containing it. Products that cause such jaundice include: carrots, tomatoes, sea buckthorn, pumpkin, oranges, bell pepper, apricots, garlic, sorrel, etc.

To cause the deposition of provitamin A in tissues, you need to try hard. But, according to experts, many people succeed in this. At the same time, children most often suffer from carotene jaundice, which indicates an unhealthy desire of parents to feed them vitamins.

But how not to confuse carotene jaundice with true illness or hepatitis B? The most a clear sign Pseudojaundice is an unnatural yellow coloration of the feet, palms, and fingers, but such jaundice does not cause:

  • changes in the color of stool;
  • spider veins on the body;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the hypochondrium on the right;
  • staining of the tunica albuginea;
  • increased bilirubin in the blood.

Beta-carotene is considered a fat-soluble substance that requires animal fats and plant origin. The modification of carotene molecules into easily digestible vitamin A occurs in hepatocytes, where they are utilized after cleavage. With an increased beta-carotene diet and a lack of fat, carotene accumulates. As a result, it enters the blood and gives the body a peculiar color, causing jaundice.

With an uncontrolled carotene diet, both adults and children are at risk of suffering from false jaundice. If the child is breastfeeding, then the cause of its yellowness may be wrong diet mother's nutrition. The main factors of carotene jaundice include the following:

  • inclusion of carrot puree in complementary feeding for infants. Icterus may not begin when you first encounter a carotene dish, but later the symptoms will become more pronounced. Provitamin A, accumulating in tissues, will change their color;
  • consumption of carotene-containing foods in large quantities;
  • taking medications and biological additives, which contain provitamin A.

Often, false jaundice is detected in children under six months of age. This is explained by the lack of bactericides in their body, without which the breakdown of lipids is impossible. Hepatocytes cannot cope with excess provitamin, and its particles move around circulatory system. At the same time, the liver itself suffers, since the prolonged presence of carotene in the blood becomes toxic and disrupts the production of proteins, which negatively affects blood clotting.

Doctors consider carotene jaundice to be harmless. Even in children it is not subject to drug therapy. Icterus occurs unevenly, the color is most noticeable on the feet, palms, around the nose, ears, and mouth. At the same time, the liver works normally with such jaundice. The patient's health remains normal, there are no signs of toxic poisoning.

But if other symptoms occur (yellowness of the tunica albuginea, fever, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, lethargy), you must consult a doctor, since liver pathologies are dangerous to human life.

Diagnostic and treatment methods

The main principle of identifying pseudojaundice is to exclude other diseases that cause icterus of the skin and sclera. There are many factors that pathologically affect the color of the skin, which need to be excluded in the process of differential diagnosis:

  • compression of the biliary tract of hereditary or acquired origin;
  • hepatitis (toxic or infectious);
  • intoxication leading to accelerated destruction of red blood cells;
  • genetic pathologies caused by liver failure and enzyme synthesis.

In these conditions, we are not talking about false jaundice. To understand this and diagnose the disorder, doctors refer patients to:

  • biochemical blood test that detects the level of proteins, transaminase, phosphatase and other indicators indicating liver dysfunction;
  • tests for hepatitis markers;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of the liver and spleen, which do not change in size with pseudojaundice.

A gastroenterologist treats patients with carotene jaundice. Considering that, in addition to yellowing of the skin, the disease does not cause any other unpleasant symptoms, A laboratory tests do not reveal any pathological conditions liver and blood, no therapy is carried out.

The only indication for patients with carotene jaundice is a balanced diet.

  • vegetables, fruits, berries with dark green, yellow, orange, red color;
  • beef liver and some dairy products;
  • natural butter.

During the manifestations of jaundice, you will have to stop using:

The diet of a patient with jaundice should be filled with cereals, cereals, fish, and light soups. We must not forget about drinking: tea, apple, grape juices, compotes, mineral water. Every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid, including teas and soups.

If you follow a strict diet, jaundice will disappear in 2-3 months. If a person does not listen to the recommendations of doctors, the disease will drag on for a long time.

Parents whose children have developed carotene jaundice must exclude mixtures and foods with carotene from the diet and adhere to this diet until the end of adulthood. Over time, the baby’s metabolism will improve and will be able to remove excess substances, preventing such disorders.

In addition, ultraviolet light is good remedy in the fight against jaundice. Therefore, patients are advised to take sunbathing, walk on fresh air, lead healthy image life to strengthen the immune system.

Complications and prognosis

Carotene jaundice often proceeds smoothly, leaving no consequences. But if it is accompanied by another disease, for example, Reye's disease, then the prognosis is not so comforting. This form of jaundice is severe and causes pronounced symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • convulsions;
  • depression of consciousness.

At the same time laboratory tests serum levels indicate increased bilirubin. Ultrasound diagnostics fixes lipid degeneration of the liver due to the accumulation of fats. It is very important not to confuse false jaundice with hypervitaminosis A, in which there is an excess of retinol.

This condition causes dangerous consequences, adversely affecting the organs and systems of the entire body. An excess of carotene causes not only carotene jaundice. There are known fatal cases of overdose of this substance among fans of the carrot diet.

In order to understand how dangerous such jaundice is, it is worth considering patient reviews:

Anna B.: “I am a responsible mother, so I always try to give my child only high-quality and healthy food. I always cook everything myself, grind cereals and purees in a coffee grinder. I am skeptical about pharmaceutical jars of baby food. But one day my mother-in-law decided to spoil us and bought pumpkin with cottage cheese from Heinz.

My daughter really liked it, so I started buying more and more. A month later the child turned yellow. My horror knew no bounds. The pediatrician said it was carotene jaundice and that we eat a lot of pumpkin and carrots. As soon as the jars were off the menu, the skin turned pale again. But we are still trying to follow the diet: less red and orange, more cereals and soups.”

Dina: “My son is 5 years old. He has yellowish skin, although my husband and I are white-skinned. I recently got into a conversation with a mom. She said that indeed, our skin is of an unhealthy color and, probably, it’s a problem with the liver. We immediately saw the doctor.

Based on the sclera of the eyes, he revealed that it was carotene jaundice and that it was necessary to limit the consumption of carrots and anything bright orange. We went on a diet and my skin became much whiter. Now I try not to get carried away with vegetables, although our family loves them very much.”

Dmitry Moroz: “To improve vision and general health, decided to take vitamins with beta-carotene. I drank every day for 3 months in a row. But when my wife noticed my yellowed hands, I got scared and went to the doctor. After the examination, it turned out that I have carotene jaundice. The doctor recommended a diet and Karsil. After a month, everything returned to normal, but I don’t touch vitamins anymore.”

Despite the mild course of jaundice, in which the spleen, liver and gallbladder remain intact, patients are advised to consult a specialist at the first symptoms of the disorder. Since false jaundice, although it differs from other pathologies in most of the signs, it is easily confused with dangerous illnesses, which flow into hidden form. The sooner the disease is detected, the faster the recovery will come.

There are options when familiar diseases are expressed by unfamiliar symptoms. For example, the same carotene jaundice. And in this regard, there are two options that should always be taken into account. The first option is types of diseases. The second option is an individual reaction to certain diseases. The first type is the question of this article: what are the symptoms and treatment of carotene jaundice?

Carotene jaundice - treatment

for Treatment of carotene jaundice is not difficult: you can cope with it by refusing these products. Carotene jaundice will last for about two months after completely stopping the consumption of typical foods.

There are options when complete leaching of carotene occurs only after years. The accumulation of beta-carotene in the epithelium can affect the natural complexion for a very long time.

Tanning is a good way to treat carotene jaundice; it somewhat veils the presence of an unnatural skin tone.

However, the most important thing in the matter is that, apart from skin pigmentation, this type of jaundice no longer has any consequences. Moreover, in the medical community, carotene jaundice is considered to be false jaundice. This is why doctors always reassure patients with symptoms of carotene jaundice and simply advise them to exclude pumpkin, because they overdid it in enriching the body, they overdid it.

Carotene jaundice - symptoms

The most important thing is not to be afraid if suddenly you or your child changes their usual skin color to orange-yellow. In this case, as it should be with carotene jaundice, pigmentation will affect the sclera, mucous membranes and only then the skin. The striking difference that will be evident cannot be ignored. And very often the symptoms of carotene jaundice scare people to death, because many believe that the intensity of the color indicates the seriousness of the problem. Although this is far from true.

Carotene jaundice - causes

Why can carotene jaundice occur, and what can be done to cope with it?

Symptoms of carotene jaundice indicate an oversaturation of the body with beta-carotene. This substance is at the basic stage of the formation of vitamin A. Moreover, many mothers try to do everything possible to increase the content of this substance in the child’s body - some succeed too well.

What exactly causes carotene jaundice? Vitamins and biologically active additives will not lead to such an effect. But carrots, pumpkin, oranges and other orange and red vegetables can cause a similar reaction.

Often this reaction occurs if previously unused orange-colored foods begin to dominate the child’s diet.