What can you drink for fever while breastfeeding? Temperature during breastfeeding

Human body temperature is a complex indicator of the state of the body. At a temperature of 36.6°C, with possible fluctuations of up to several tenths of a degree, normal blood circulation is maintained and an optimal work environment is created internal organs. Therefore, a temperature within the range of 36.5°C - 37.2°C is considered normal. This individual indicator, which can fluctuate throughout the day. An increase in temperature indicates the presence of inflammatory processes and the manifestation of diseases.

A woman during lactation should be careful about her health, so it is an alarming symptom for a nursing mother. You should not immediately stop feeding, because with mother’s milk the baby receives the necessary nutrients. early period antibody development. But, if the temperature has increased during lactation, you must definitely find out the reasons; undoubtedly, it would not be superfluous to consult a doctor.

The most common cause of fever and feeling unwell There may be a seasonal viral infection, from which it is not always possible to protect yourself. In this case, the temperature of the nursing mother, as well as all other sick people, is accompanied by a cough, runny nose or sore throat.

In addition, a very common cause of elevated temperature can be the development of lactostasis in the chest. In this case, first there are painful sensations in the chest, and then the temperature of the nursing mother rises. This can be caused by various injuries, poor nutrition, hyperlactation or compression of the mammary glands. Without treatment, lactostasis can lead to the development of a more serious disease - lactation mastitis, and sometimes you may even need surgery. The temperature of a breastfeeding woman, in such cases, is above 38°C, and relief does not occur upon release from milk.

The main treatment for lactostasis is complete liberation breasts from milk during and after feeding. After feeding, it is recommended to apply cold compress from cottage cheese or chopped cabbage. If possible, it is better to consult a doctor and take the physiotherapeutic procedures prescribed by him. With timely proper treatment The temperature of a nursing mother should quickly stabilize. As preventive measures You should avoid tight clothing, try not to sleep on your chest, avoid temperature changes, and feed the baby on demand. If after a short period the temperature of a breastfeeding woman rises again, it is possible that previous lactostasis was not treated.

Breastfeeding women should lower their temperature carefully, preferably after consulting a doctor. The safest medications are those containing paracetamol and ibuprofen, but even their use is recommended in the event that all medications from the mother’s blood penetrate into the milk and can harm the baby. In addition, the temperature should be lowered if it exceeds 38°C, since a slight increase in temperature is considered defensive reaction body. If the temperature rises during lactation and the cause of this is a viral infection, it is advisable to bring it down by drinking plenty of drinks made from natural products. For example, raspberry tea can help
or a drink made with honey or lemon. You can bring down the temperature by wiping your body with a vinegar solution or applying cool compresses to your forehead. Don't get too carried away and folk remedies, so they can have negative side effects on both the mother and the child.

When breastfeeding, a mother needs to be very careful about her health, since the baby’s well-being depends on it. But rarely does a mother manage to avoid illness during lactation. When the mother’s body temperature rises, first of all, it is necessary to find out the reason for the development of this condition. The temperature may rise, for example, due to seasonal ARVI or the development of lactostasis. In addition, the cause of an increase in body temperature may be poisoning, back problems after childbirth, other inflammations and infections. How to reduce a high fever in a nursing mother?

Causes of high temperature during breastfeeding

Before you begin to lower your body temperature, it is necessary to determine the cause of the high temperature during breastfeeding. To do this, you should pay attention to the symptoms of the disease that accompany the temperature.

  • For ARVI there is general weakness, nasal congestion, a runny nose, coughing, sneezing, and enlarged lymph nodes.
  • If lactostasis has developed, then lumps are felt in the chest, pain appears at the site of the lump, redness of the skin in this area of ​​the chest, the chest becomes hot to the touch, weakness appears, and blood pressure decreases.
  • If lactostasis turns into mastitis, then to the above characteristics can be added sharp increase body temperature up to 39.5-40 degrees. In the area of ​​compaction, the redness of the skin intensifies, a bluish tint may appear, and soft areas form. If you press on the skin of the chest, then indentations will remain on it.
  • If the cause was poisoning, then it is usually accompanied by headache, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, pale skin, drowsiness, and loss of consciousness.

In addition to detection accompanying symptoms, you should consult a doctor to confirm the diagnosis and discuss with him possible ways treatment. It should be taken into account that everything medications and other treatment methods that will be prescribed by a doctor must be allowed for use when breastfeeding. Breastfeeding should continue as usual.

Antibiotics for breastfeeding

If the mother was prescribed antibiotics or holding special treatment, which is not recommended to be combined with breastfeeding, and the effect of the drug lasts for several hours, then before taking it you should express a portion of milk so that it can be fed to the baby from a spoon or from a syringe without a needle. After reception medicine, after waiting several hours, during which time the drug turns out to be active action, you need to express a portion of milk from both breasts and pour it out. After another 1 hour, you need to put the baby to the breast. If the duration of treatment will be several days, then during this time it is necessary to feed the child with pre-expressed milk, taking into account the right ways its storage, or temporarily transfer the baby to the mixture. It is not recommended to use a bottle for feeding, as this may cause the baby to refuse the breast altogether in the future. Lactation must be maintained through periodic pumping.

Medicines to lower fever

How to reduce a high fever for a nursing mother? To lower body temperature during breastfeeding, a mother can use Paracetamol or Nurofen. These drugs have minimal side effects, are relatively safe for children and are approved for use during lactation. You can use suppositories based on Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. Unlike tablets, they are less effective, but their undoubted advantage is that the substances they consist of do not pass into breast milk. To reduce high body temperature during a cold, you need to drink plenty of fluids plain water, fruit drinks, teas. If you have lactostasis, you should not abuse the liquid.

A nursing mother should take measures to reduce her temperature when it exceeds 38°C. If the thermometer shows a value below this mark, then you should not try to lower the temperature, since this indicates that the body is resisting viruses, is fighting them and should not be disturbed.

Folk remedies for lowering fever

During a cold, it is good to remember such folk restorative and antipyretic remedies as raspberries, honey, black currants, lemons, medicinal herbs . These products do not contain substances harmful to the child, and they can significantly improve the mother’s condition during the period colds. During treatment, a woman can drink tea with raspberry jam or raspberries, fresh herbal infusions, juices and compotes. Cool compresses applied to the forehead help lower body temperature. You can dilute the vinegar and wipe the elbows and knees, neck, armpits. Alcohol should not be used for wiping, as it easily penetrates into milk and can cause poisoning in the child.

Just a few years ago, any illness with an increase in body temperature in a nursing mother put an end to continued breastfeeding. According to the recommendations of pediatricians, the child was protected from his mother and transferred to artificial formulas. Today, doctors are not so categorical and a woman can combine treatment with breastfeeding. How to choose antipyretics during breastfeeding, and which drugs are prohibited during this period.

Causes of high temperature

A nursing mother may experience an increase in body temperature when various diseases. A jump in temperature can be caused by both a viral disease and a disease of the mammary glands. Also, high temperature can be caused by intoxication of the body, the development of inflammatory processes and postpartum complications.

In any case, the thermometer does not show high numbers just like that. Our body is designed in such a way that it reacts to any failure by producing antibodies. It is this process of fighting infection that causes the temperature to rise.

Today modern medicine does not recommend taking antipyretic drugs if the thermometer does not exceed 38.5 degrees. Typically, this temperature is easily tolerated and does not require treatment. However, if the fever is strong, you need to take action and bring it down.

Symptoms of diseases

Every woman with a small child in her arms is prone to panic when the temperature rises. This is understandable, because every mother fears for the health of her baby and fears that the baby may become infected. However, panic is not best friend in the treatment of diseases. First of all, you need to find out the cause of the fever and take appropriate measures.

  • Fever in combination with a runny nose and cough signals the development of acute respiratory viral infection.
  • Heat in combination with lumps and pain in the mammary glands indicates the onset of lactostasis.
  • Intense fever combined with breast pain and indentations when pressing on the breasts characterize mastitis.
  • Nausea, vomiting and pain in the intestines combined with fever may indicate poisoning.

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However, it must be remembered that determining the disease based on these symptoms is only a primary diagnosis. These are the things you should tell your doctor about. correct setting diagnosis. Do not self-medicate, because incorrect therapy can provoke the development of serious complications.

How to bring down the temperature

Taking any medications while breastfeeding is highly undesirable. However, if you have high fever and visiting a doctor is impossible, you can use some antipyretic drugs that will single dose will not harm the child.

Allowed antipyretics during breastfeeding:

Paracetamol. This drug can be used during lactation. It does not pass into breast milk well and does not have a harmful effect on the baby. However, if used uncontrolled, the drug can have a detrimental effect on the health of the mother’s liver. Has contraindications, including increased sensitivity to the drug. It should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor in the recommended dosage.

Ibufen. Modern drug, which has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Today, experts recommend it for the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women. Ibufen and its derivatives do not pass into breast milk and have no effect on the baby. However, the drug has contraindications, including: stomach and intestinal diseases, diseases cardiovascular system, liver and kidney dysfunctions, hemophilia, etc.

It is preferable for nursing mothers to use these drugs in the form of suppositories.

This will protect the baby from possible side effects.

Prohibited antipyretics during breastfeeding:

Acetylsalicylic acid. Famous antipyretic drug Aspirin is strictly prohibited for use during pregnancy, lactation and in children under 15 years of age. Aspirin passes into breast milk and can cause internal bleeding. The drug is also contraindicated in case of renal and liver failure.

How to cope with a fever without drugs

The first rule when elevated temperature body is to drink plenty of warm fluids. You can drink warm milk with honey, raspberry tea, fruit compotes and juices if the child is not allergic to these products. You can also drink chamomile tea (if you are not constipated) or plain water. You need to drink often and a lot. Every 30 minutes you need to drink 200 ml of liquid.

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Besides drink plenty of fluids watch how you dress. There is no need to wear warm sweaters, robes or double socks. If the room temperature is not lower than 18 degrees, you need to dress as lightly as possible so as not to provoke even more heating of the body.

At high temperature forbidden:

  1. Drink hot tea
  2. Rub yourself with warming ointments
  3. Dress warmer than usual
  4. Cover yourself with warm blankets

At extreme heat The temperature can be reduced with plain water. Need to wipe the body warm water and wait until the moisture dries. Special attention need to be given to areas where major arteries(groin, stomach, head, legs, arms). After wiping, you need to lie down and cover yourself with a sheet. You can dress only after complete drying. The procedure can be repeated if necessary.

To combat respiratory viral infections it is very important to ventilate the room and observe temperature regime. The temperature in the room should not exceed 18–19 degrees. Also make sure that the air in the room is sufficiently humid.
At high temperatures, appetite often decreases. There is no need to force yourself to eat; eat light foods only when you feel hungry. Do not overload your body with fried and fatty foods, eat more fruits and vegetables, you can eat light soups and cereals.

Should I stop feeding?

Today, experts do not recommend stopping breastfeeding, even if the mother has a high temperature. If you catch a viral disease, then the child may have already become infected, and in this case, he can receive antibodies to this disease through his mother’s milk.

In the case where the temperature is caused by lactostasis or mastitis, breastfeeding will the best medicine for mom. For these diseases, doctors, on the contrary, recommend putting the baby to the breast as often as possible. After all, it is the baby who will be able to remove stagnation of milk and prevent the inflammatory process in the mammary glands.

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Based on recommendations World Organization For health reasons, a child can be weaned only if the mother’s treatment poses a risk to the baby’s health. Thus, as long as you are not taking drugs that are dangerous to the baby, you can and should breastfeed.

With your milk, your baby will receive valuable antibodies that will form his immune system.

Fever and illness can affect anyone, but during breastfeeding these diseases cause great concern among mothers. At the first signs of illness, you should immediately consult a doctor and calm down. Take only medications that are safe for your child and do not exceed the recommended dosage. Remember that your child’s health depends on your condition. With proper treatment, the disease will subside in the shortest possible time.

An increase in temperature in a nursing woman is one of the most common complaints in the postpartum period. The appearance of fever becomes a cause for concern about the health of not only the mother, but also the child, who vitally needs breast milk. In addition, there are many prejudices against mom. It is important not only to determine why it arose febrile state, but also to choose the optimal treatment tactics that will not harm either the patient or the child.

Causes of fever during breastfeeding associated with the mammary glands include:

  • accumulation of excess milk, or lactostasis;
  • lactation mastitis;
  • thermometry error.

Temperature in a nursing mother is also often due to the following reasons:

  • spicy respiratory infections(ORI);
  • acute intestinal infections (AI);
  • postpartum complications;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

We can talk about the error of thermometry when body temperature is measured in the armpit (axillary) cavity and remains within the subfebrile range. At the same time, there are no symptoms of local changes (enlargement, tenderness of the mammary gland, appearance pathological discharge from the nipple) or signs of a cold (cough, runny nose). A systemic temperature of 37 °C in a nursing mother is absolutely normal, since the axillary temperature during filling of the mammary glands can be much higher than low-grade fever, and decreases during feeding and a decrease in the amount of milk.

To avoid misidentification of fever, it is recommended to perform rectal or oral thermometry (in the rectum, in the mouth) or measure the temperature in the elbow.

Temperature rise at breastfeeding is not always due to lactation and can be explained by infection with bacteria or viruses that provoke ARI, AII and any other spicy options infectious diseases. If a nursing mother has a temperature of 40 °C, this indicates severe course disease, suggests the presence of a purulent focus. Any chronic pathology can worsen both during pregnancy and after the birth of a child - although they are not always associated with bacteria or viruses (for example, nervous diseases, endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract etc.). Causes of fever in a nursing mother also include endometritis, infection of the surgical wound after caesarean section and other postpartum purulent-septic diseases.

Temperature during breastfeeding in the mother of a newborn is sometimes explained by “milk fever”, or lactostasis. This condition occurs when milk stagnates in the ducts of the mammary glands. Pathological lactostasis, in which bacterial flora (pathogenic staphylococcus) is present, is considered a latent stage of mastitis, since the accumulation of milk that is not excreted is a fundamental factor in the development inflammatory process in the mammary gland.

Causes of lactostasis:

  • producing a volume of milk that exceeds the child’s needs;
  • anatomical features ( flat nipples, sagging breasts, etc.);
  • lack of a feeding schedule, unnecessarily expressing yourself;
  • incorrect position of the child when feeding;
  • chest injury;
  • sleeping in a prone position;
  • wearing a tight bra.

With lactostasis the following is observed:

  1. Swelling and enlargement mammary gland in volume.
  2. The appearance of areas of compaction that are determined by palpation.
  3. Fever (temperature during feeding, before and after it is above 38–40°C).

Breast milk is a pyrogen (a substance that causes fever) and may contribute to increased body temperature during breastfeeding due to damage to the milk ducts.

With lactostasis, there is no redness and swelling of the mammary gland, which are characteristic of mastitis as an inflammatory process. After the breast is emptied of milk, fever and pain disappear without additional treatment.

What to do if a nursing mother’s temperature is caused by lactostasis? The baby should be fed at intervals of 1.5 to 2 hours, including at night. It is recommended to express milk and massage the mammary glands. May be shown drug reduction milk secretion (parlodel, dostinex), ultrasound therapy. A consultation with a doctor is required to determine treatment tactics.

Lactation mastitis

Lactation mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland that develops during lactation. This is one of the most common causes of fever in a mother during breastfeeding. There is a large list of risk factors for development (decreased immune reactivity, presence of chronic pathology, nipple injuries, lactostasis, neglect of hygiene rules, etc.). The start of the infectious-inflammatory process is caused by the penetration of bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes) through microcracks or wounds on the chest.

Mastitis is classified as:

  • serous;
  • infiltrative;
  • purulent.

At serous mastitis The temperature of a nursing mother rises to 38–39°C, weakness and chills are observed. The mammary gland swells and turns red and becomes painful. If left untreated, there is a risk of the disease becoming infiltrative.

The main symptom of infiltrative mastitis is the presence of a painful infiltrate in mammary gland and redness of the skin above it, which in a nursing mother is accompanied by a temperature above 38 °C. If you do a blood test, you can find significant increase in ESR, moderate leukocytosis. There is severe malaise and headache. Without adequate therapy, purulent mastitis develops.

Purulent mastitis is characterized sharp deterioration the patient’s condition, persistent fever: the nursing mother has chest pain and the temperature rises to 38–40 °C. Weakness, chills, and sweating are noted. In the small amount of milk that can be expressed, pus is found. The mammary gland swells, the skin upon examination is hyperemic with areas of cyanosis. The patient is concerned about pain in the breast area, which intensifies when trying to change body position. At gangrenous form purulent mastitis Necrosis of breast tissue occurs, and there is a risk of developing septic shock.

What to do when a nursing mother has a temperature of 39 °C? Mastitis – dangerous disease, therefore the patient should be examined by a doctor immediately. Before treatment begins, breast milk and breast secretions are collected for bacteriological research in order to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial agents. Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes that a fever in a nursing mother should not be ignored even in the absence of symptoms of mastitis. Its significant increase is the basis for immediate action.

In serous mastitis, it is necessary to eliminate lactostasis; in the infiltrative form, lactation suppression is practiced (bromocriptine, dostinex). Physiotherapy (ultrasound, ultraviolet radiation) is also used. antibacterial therapy(oxacillin, lincomycin), antihistamines(cetirizine, tavegil).

In the case of purulent mastitis, a mother’s temperature during breastfeeding is observed before treatment, as long as there is a cavity with pus. In progress surgery for the purpose of opening and draining the purulent focus. Also required:

  • suppression of lactation;
  • antibacterial therapy (claforan, amikacin);
  • infusion therapy (reopolyglucin, hemodez).

Dr. Komarovsky reminds: temperature during breastfeeding in case of swelling and redness of the breast cannot be an indication for the use of hot compresses, heating pads or any other warming procedures.

Treatment of fever during breastfeeding in the mother is carried out according to the form of mastitis, taking into account the general condition of the patient.

Postpartum thrombophlebitis

To postpartum infectious diseases include pathologies directly related to pregnancy and childbirth and resulting from infection bacterial infection. Temperature in a nursing mother is one of the main symptoms mentioned by Dr. Komarovsky when describing the complicated course of the postpartum period. Postpartum thrombophlebitis is an inflammation venous wall, in which blood clots form in the lumen of the vessel. Predisposing factors for development are:

  1. Massive blood loss.
  2. Prolonged labor.
  3. Formation of hematomas as a result of tissue trauma.
  4. Need for manual separation placenta.
  5. Long waterless period.
  6. Performing surgical interventions.

Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins lower limbs manifested by weakness, nagging pain, slight swelling and redness in the area of ​​the affected vessel, as well as low-grade fever - the temperature of a nursing mother rises to 37–37.9 °C. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged. General condition almost doesn't get worse. Upon examination, you can identify a painful cord-like infiltrate located along the venous trunk.

Thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities usually develops 2–3 weeks after birth. The patient is concerned about weakness, fever, intense pain in the leg, severe swelling and enlargement of the thigh, as well as enlargement and soreness of the inguinal area. lymph nodes. On examination, the skin of the limb is pale, with areas of cyanosis; dilatation of the superficial veins can be seen.

The temperature of a nursing mother rises to 38–39 °C. Is it possible to breastfeed at this time? Much depends on the woman’s condition; Stopping breastfeeding is a last resort measure that may be recommended if complications develop, antibacterial agents and other drugs that pass into milk and pose a danger to the child’s health.

What to do if there is thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins and fever in a nursing mother? The patient needs bed rest, the affected limb is given an elevated position. Also recommended:

  • gel dressings with heparin-containing drugs;
  • venoprotectors, venotonics (troxevasin, detralex);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments, gels (ketoprofen, diclofenac);
  • physiotherapy.

At rapid spread process may be required surgical treatment, antibacterial therapy.

What to do if the temperature during feeding is caused by deep vein thrombophlebitis? Strict bed rest, elevated position of the affected limb, prescription of anticoagulants (heparin, warfarin), antiplatelet agents ( acetylsalicylic acid), vein protectors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. IN acute stage diseases in the presence of a floating thrombus, the risk of complications, thrombolysis (urokinase, streptokinase) is performed. Can also be applied surgical methods treatment.

Temperature in a nursing mother is a symptom that requires clarification to determine the presence and type pathological process. If you have a fever while breastfeeding, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, without relying on self-medication methods that can harm the health of the mother and baby.

What to do when the temperature rises during lactation? Is it possible to take antipyretics, and which ones? In what dosage and form is it better to use the drugs? Is it possible to continue feeding the baby? Rules for a mother's behavior in case of fever and illness.

An increase in body temperature serves as a signal of the immune system fighting the pathogen. If we're talking about about a nursing mother, doctors immediately clarify the age of her baby. When less than six weeks have passed since birth, there is a risk of developing postpartum complications, especially if the birth itself was difficult. Temperature may indicate inflammation of postpartum scars or the development of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system.

In this case, you will definitely need the help of a doctor. Moreover, for an appointment you must contact the specialist who delivered the birth. “For six weeks after childbirth, the gynecologist is responsible for the woman’s health,” comments Doctor of Medical Sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist Nana Ordzhonikidze. - If fever occurs during this time, please contact antenatal clinic or to “your” doctor in the maternity hospital.”

Reasons for rising temperature

After the postpartum period, the reasons why the temperature rises during breastfeeding may be as follows.

Despite the differences in the causes of illness, the question of how to bring down a temperature during lactation that has risen to 37 or 39 degrees is solved by the same means.

Mom's tactics

So, the temperature rose during lactation. What to do? Lactation consultants recommend the following tactics.

1. Determine the cause

Usually it lies “on the surface” if the mother has symptoms of acute respiratory infections, lactostasis or intestinal infection. Contact your doctor to get professional advice on choosing treatment tactics.

2. Don't stop feeding

Doctors often recommend stopping breastfeeding if the mother's temperature is 38 degrees or higher. There is no reason for this, warns lactation consultant Natalya Razakhatskaya. According to the methodological guide for doctors “Breastfeeding” by lactation expert, doctor Ruth Lawrence, it is not allowed to stop breastfeeding if the mother has the following diseases:

  • acute respiratory infections, influenza;
  • lactostasis, mastitis, breast abscess;
  • diarrhea;
  • hepatitis A, B, C;
  • herpes (except for the area around the nipple);
  • staphylococcal infection of various localizations;
  • rubella;
  • measles;
  • autoimmune diseases.

They can be treated with drugs compatible with breastfeeding, including “loyal” antibiotics. Moreover, during the period viral diseases Antibodies to them are produced in the woman’s blood, with which breast milk is saturated. By continuing to breastfeed, you protect your baby from illness. And if the baby is also infected, you ease the course of the disease.

3. Measure your temperature correctly

Usually the armpit area of ​​a breastfeeding woman feels hotter. This is due to the fact that milk, accumulating in the mammary glands, slightly increases their temperature. Normally, the temperature during breastfeeding is 37.1-37.3 degrees, sometimes a little higher. To get reliable result, you need to feed the baby, wait about half an hour, wipe the skin of your armpits dry and only then use a thermometer.

4. Use antipyretics correctly

There is an opinion that the best antipyretic during lactation is necessarily in suppositories, since active substance remains in the intestines and does not pass into breast milk. This is not true. Regardless of the method of introducing the drug into the body, it is concentrated in the blood plasma, and from there it is sent to the mammary glands. The only difference is that tablets and syrups are absorbed in the stomach much faster than in the intestines, since the interaction area medicinal substance with mucous membrane more. Therefore, if you want to quickly bring down the temperature, use tablets. If you need a prolonged effect, for example, during the night, use candles. The active substance from them enters the blood gradually.

5. Drink more

General recommendation for all diseases of a viral, bacterial nature, lactostasis. When the temperature rises, the body loses more fluid than usual. This can cause excessive viscosity of milk and impede its outflow, which creates a risk of developing lactostasis. Drink a glass of water regularly, every hour and a half, if your body temperature rises above 38o.

Often mothers wonder how to lower the temperature during lactation, when the thermometer shows just above 37. This is not necessary to do in order to allow the immune system to fully fight the disease. The basis for taking antipyretic drugs is an increase in readings on the thermometer to 38.5.

Safe and prohibited products

Only Paracetamol and Ibuprofen should be used as antipyretic drugs during lactation.


Compatible with breastfeeding, in accordance with the international reference book of medicines E-LACTANCIA, the reference book “Medicines and Mother's Milk” by Thomas Hale, and WHO recommendations. Passed clinical trials, tested during the study international center ALSPAC involving twelve thousand pregnant women.

Despite the fact that Paracetamol penetrates the placental barrier during pregnancy and has a high degree of secretion into breast milk (according to various sources, up to 24%), the active substance does not have any effect negative influence neither on the fetus during intrauterine development, nor on infant. There are Paracetamol preparations for use by children from two months of age, so its use is completely safe.

The dosage of Paracetamol to reduce fever during breastfeeding is 325-650 mg every 4-6 hours. Analogues of the drug are “Efferalgan”, “Panadol” in tablets and suppositories. Syrup forms are intended for use in childhood, their dosage is not suitable for an adult.


A non-steroidal drug that has an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to its complex effects, it is increasingly recommended by doctors for diseases accompanied by fever, pain, and the development of inflammation.

According to the International Classification of Medicines, compatible with breastfeeding, relieves well pain syndrome for lactostasis and mastitis, eliminates headache with acute respiratory infections. How does it act as an antipyretic? extended period action - up to eight hours.

The dosage is 200 mg 3-4 times a day. For quick relief condition, a single dose of 400 mg of the drug is allowed with a further dose reduction to 200 mg. Maximum daily dosage is 400 mg of Ibuprofen three times a day.

Analogues of the drug are “Nurofen”, “Ibufen”, “Ibuprom”. The intensity of penetration into breast milk is minimal, just over 1%, since the active substance binds productively to blood proteins. IN breast milk localized within an hour after administration.


The active ingredient of the popular antipyretic drug is acetylsalicylic acid. According to the international classifier E-LACTANCIA, it refers to drugs that should be taken with great caution during lactation, once, if there is no other, safer alternative.

There is evidence that mother's use of Aspirin while breastfeeding can provoke topical lesion liver and brain (Ray's syndrome). The drug can cause a deterioration in the baby’s condition if he is also sick during the mother’s illness.

Rules for taking antipyretics

  • Use only safe remedy . Your choice should be Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. Lack of them negative impact for a child has been proven in clinical trials.
  • Use the drug only when necessary. You should not take the pill “just in case” to prevent a fever. Despite the proven safety of Paracetamol, there is no data on its effect on infants when taken systematically.
  • Adjust your appointment time. It is best to take the medicine immediately after feeding. Then its level in breast milk at the next feeding will be insignificant.
  • Do not adjust the feeding schedule if you are using approved products. This is not necessary, feed as you and your baby need.

Use several products if the temperature does not drop. What medications can be alternated to reduce fever while breastfeeding? According to pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky, sequential use of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen is allowed. If two hours after taking the first one the temperature has not dropped, you can take the second one in a therapeutic dose.

Do not use combined agents. Paracetamol-based drugs may contain substances whose effects on the child’s body are unknown. These include Coldrex, Rinza, Terra Flue and others in powders and tablets. Take the active substance in its pure form.

Even if the temperature is high, nothing happens to your milk. It cannot “burn out” or “go sour”. Maintaining a normal breastfeeding regime in this situation is necessary for both mother and child. You - to protect yourself from lactostasis. For the baby - to receive a “dose” of antibodies to the disease.