Why are nipples hidden? Flat nipple - how to breastfeed a baby? How to stretch out flat nipples: recommendations from specialists and nursing mothers. Surgery to correct inverted nipples

The “special” nipples themselves do not pose a danger if they are not accompanied by any inflammation or disease.

When flat nipples are present from birth, the reasons may be as follows:

  • heredity. If someone in the family had such a problem (mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, etc.), there is a possibility that the newborn girl will have the same thing;
  • underdevelopment of the milk ducts. They are very short and it turns out that the nipple is pulled inward;
  • breast diseases or pathologies of the reproductive system;
  • disorders at the genetic level.

In 90% of cases, this phenomenon is bilateral, i.e. both on the left and right chest.

If the nipple becomes inverted during life, then this can be facilitated by:

  • improper breast care, poor hygiene;
  • wearing a tight bra;
  • infections, inflammatory processes, diseases of the mammary glands;
  • consequences of surgical interventions;
  • endocrine system disorders.

In most cases, this is a one-sided phenomenon.

What does an inverted nipple look like?

Flat nipples are considered when they are at the same level with the areola, and retracted nipples are completely pressed inward. Normal ones should rise above the areola.

There are two types of inverted nipples: inverted nipples (which cause more problems and discomfort) and hidden nipples. The former are deeply drawn in and always remain so, despite any mechanical irritation. The second ones are located at the level with the areola, but can protrude during breastfeeding, nipple stimulation, and during sexual intercourse.

Indented nipples look like a pit or slit in the center of the areola. You can see a photo of inverted nipples below.

Rice. Inverted nipples, photo

If the inverted nipple of the mammary gland begins to change, swell, hurt, if discharge and discomfort appear from it without any reason, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Problems and solutions

Let's consider what consequences the presence of pathology can lead to and how to deal with them.

Breast-feeding. To fully feed your baby, it is necessary that he latch onto the breast correctly, and with inverted nipples this can be problematic. Therefore, both the baby and mother experience discomfort.

How to deal with this? If the nipple is hidden, then when stimulated by hand or when the baby’s lips touch it, it will stretch out and everything will return to normal. The main thing is to prevent the mammary gland from overflowing with milk, because then it becomes very elastic and it is harder for the baby to latch onto the breast and suck on it. And if it is still full, then it is better to express a little before feeding so that it becomes softer.

If the nipple is inverted, then a different approach is needed. In pharmacies and stores for newborns and young mothers, special silicone breast attachments are available that imitate a normal, elongated nipple. They should be put on immediately before feeding, and not worn all the time. In many cases, such attachments can correct the nipple to a normal state and then you can do without them. The most important thing is to be patient and encourage the baby to attach correctly to the breast. Make sure that the toddler covers the entire areola, and not just the nipple. Choose a position so that you have free hands to help the baby.

Rice. Cover for inverted nipple, photo

You can also prepare your breasts for feeding during pregnancy by doing a simple exercise: hold your breasts with one hand and use your thumb to ring fingers With the other hand we grab the nipple and carefully, but with some effort, twist it, trying to pull it out. Do the exercise a couple of times a day for 15-30 seconds. Or rhythmically squeeze the nipples with your thumbs, first horizontally, then vertically for a minute, 2 times a day. These manipulations should not be performed in the first two trimesters of pregnancy, as well as if there is a threat of miscarriage and premature birth.

Infections and diseases of the mammary glands. To avoid such troubles, first of all, it is necessary proper care behind the chest.

To do this you need:

  • wear underwear that fits properly to avoid squeezing, chafing and diaper rash;
  • carry out daily hygiene procedures, paying attention to special attention inverted nipples, because dirt and beads of sweat can collect in them, which can lead to inflammation and infectious diseases; use a contrast shower;
  • perform self-massage of the breast, supporting it with one hand, and with the other, perform circular movements along the entire periphery, using stroking and kneading;
  • self-examine your breasts for lumps;
  • visit a gynecologist and mammologist 1-2 times a year for preventive purposes undergo an ultrasound examination;
  • for any changes in the breasts that you notice (changes in appearance, shape, appearance of lumps, painful sensations, discharge, wounds), you should immediately consult a doctor. After inspection, if necessary, he can prescribe delivery necessary tests, undergoing ultrasound and mammography, MRI or computed tomography. It is important to diagnose the disease in time and begin treatment.

Psychological factor. Most often, teenage girls face this problem. Most girls who have this anatomical feature consider it unaesthetic, which is why many complexes arise, self-esteem and self-confidence decrease. And the girls are already leading sex life, during sex they experience discomfort, shyness and even disgust, which prevents both the girl and her partner from fully enjoying intimacy. This directly affects the relationship as a whole.

What to do? First of all, you need to love yourself for who you are. You need to understand for yourself that an inverted nipple is not a sign of deformity or inferiority, but simply distinguishing feature your body, which could well be considered a highlight. If you stop focusing on this nuance, it becomes clear that you are no different from others, you lead the same lifestyle, and there will be one less problem in your relationship with your loved one. If you are not able to cope with the complex on your own, you can visit a psychologist or seminars to increase your own self-esteem.

Many women want to correct inverted nipples of the mammary glands to a normal state. In this case, you cannot do without consulting a professional doctor who will help you decide on the correction method. For hidden nipples it is recommended special exercises, massages and the use of vacuum attachments on the chest.

Rice. Vacuum nozzle

This method aims to gradually lengthen the milk ducts and release the nipple. It is imperative to periodically remove them and observe your breasts to avoid irritation and injury. If this suddenly happens, you should abandon this method. When the nipples are inverted, doctors agree that this procedure is completely ineffective. In this case, the problem can only be solved by resorting to surgery. Before this they carry out full examination mammary glands for the detection or absence of any diseases that may be a contraindication for this method. The operation is carried out both under general and under local anesthesia. It lasts about one hour. Recovery occurs quite quickly. IN rehabilitation period which can last several months, you should avoid going to baths, saunas, visiting a solarium, and taking sunbathing, as well as excessive physical activity.

Inverted nipples are anatomical feature mammary glands. Many women live with this throughout their lives, enjoying their bodies without encountering any problems or inconveniences. The main thing is to monitor your health, properly care for your breasts, and just love yourself.

Inverted nipple – pathological or physiological feature development of the mammary gland, during which the nipple is located at the same level as the areola or is located even deeper. This problem entails cosmetic defects and psychological discomfort. In addition, inverted nipples interfere with the normal process breastfeeding, reduce sexuality. Treatment for this condition can be done different methods, but first it is necessary to identify the exact causal factors its occurrence.


Provoking factors leading to this pathology are different character and nature. Among the most common phenomena are the following:

  • heredity (genetic predisposition);
  • mild pathological disorder during puberty;
  • trauma in the chest area;
  • disease caused by the growth of mammary glands and ducts;
  • wearing uncomfortable, tight and chafing underwear;
  • diseases in the chest area.

Pathological processes in the mammary glands are the most common causes due to which retraction may occur. These include conditions such as:

  • consequences of mastitis,
  • purulent inflammatory phenomena,
  • oncology and tumors.

In addition to the inverted nipple, some other symptoms begin to progress:

  • compaction in the area of ​​tissue structures of the mammary gland,
  • change in shape and volume,
  • covering the skin with “orange peel”,
  • disturbance of the vascular pattern.

Inverted nipple may occur in the case of other underlying diseases:

  • progression of contact dermatitis,
  • inflammatory processes,
  • eczema.

Benign tumors in the body can also lead to changes in the nipples.

The way this phenomenon occurs can be easily explained: any ducts end near the papillary area and are attached to it through a special connective tissue. Pathological processes that form in the breast lead to the appearance of sclerotic or fibrous tissue, which provokes nipple retraction. If the pathology is congenital, the connective tissue is shorter than in in good condition, which provokes additional tension.

Inverted nipples are for women global problem. It significantly reduces sexual function, and also entails a number of problems and difficulties associated with hormonal levels, metabolic processes. In addition to this, there is a possibility of various forms inflammatory process due to swelling of the areola and the formation of areas of maceration.

Types and degrees

Plastic surgeons have proposed distinguishing between two types of nipple retraction.

  1. Tightly inverted nipples. They never protrude beyond the areola.
  2. Hiding nipples. In this case, stretching is observed during sexual stimulation and breastfeeding.

If within the second group we're talking about only about the presence of a serious cosmetic defect, then with tightly inverted nipples a woman suffers from functional consequences in the form of the inability to breastfeed, the likelihood of an inflammatory process and irritation. Depending on the ease of removing the nipple and returning it to starting position(and this depends on the stage of fibrosis and the nature of the damage that provoked the problem), there are three forms of the disease.

  1. First class. This includes nipples that can be easily removed using finger force by pressing on the area around the areola. If the nipple is initially retracted, then it maintains the extracted position for a long time and rarely goes back. In some situations, it is possible to remove the nipples yourself. Milk ducts within this class are not subject to violation, and the mother can breastfeed her child without any special obstacles or consequences.
  2. The second class is due to a less simple process of nipple extraction. After all, after pulling manipulations, they are instantly retracted back. It is possible to carry out breastfeeding in such a situation, but it is often accompanied by certain difficulties. The milk ducts are susceptible to minor damage, but the surrounding tissues do not put pressure on them. Histological diagnosis shows many bundles of smooth muscle elements. This type of pathological process affects the fairer sex most often.
  3. Third class - in this case, an essentially inverted and absent nipple is described, which does not lend itself to physical traction and implies the need surgical intervention. The milk ducts are often noticeably narrowed, which interferes with the normal process of lactation. Women who have this class of disease often have to fight infectious processes and others unpleasant consequences. Histological examination clearly shows the fact that it started active process proliferation of fibrous tissue, which compresses the muscular parts of the nipple and neutralizes its natural (physiological) functions.

Thus, retraction has a broad classification, and each type is accompanied by a specific group of symptoms.

Negative consequences of inverted nipples

Despite the fact that pathological condition seems easy to cure, there is a possibility of formation large quantity problems. In addition to the cosmetic defect affecting a woman with psychological point vision, problems with breastfeeding may occur, as well as complete impossibility of breastfeeding. Key factor formation of pathology - the compressive effect of hard tissues on thin smooth muscles. In addition, the connective tissue puts pressure on the milk canals and ducts, which prevents the full outflow of milk from the breast.

How to breastfeed with inverted nipples

Following the principles and techniques of breastfeeding is another optimal way to correct a flattened nipple shape. Below is a list of recommendations that will help a nursing mother solve this difficult problem.

  1. Breastfeeding should occur only after the baby has fully opened his mouth. This will promote complete capture of the nipple and areola.
  2. Before attaching the newborn to the mammary gland, it is necessary to carry out preliminary stimulation. This can be done using special vacuum devices, breast pumps, and self-massage.
  3. If mommy has already encountered unsuccessful attempts putting a baby to the breast does not mean you need to stop them. With each new feeding the problem will be resolved in favor of the woman.
  4. Pump a little before feeding. This will make your breasts softer and more “obedient”, amenable to manipulation.
  5. A woman who is in the lactation period can experiment with positions for feeding her baby every day. The newborn can be placed on top of the mother, as well as on the side.
  6. An important role is played by maintaining tactile contact between the baby and the nursing woman. During feeding, it is recommended to release top part body from clothes so that the baby can fully feel the mother’s skin. This will improve the sucking reflex in the baby.
  7. As the baby is applied to the breast, smudges will constantly form on it, which must subsequently be wiped off using a clean cloth or napkin. If you ignore this aspect, the baby's lips will constantly lose the nipple, sliding off it.

Important to know! Plays a special role emotional state women during contact with the baby. Therefore, to ensure emotional comfort for the child and yourself, a number of rules should be followed.

  1. 15 minutes before the start of the procedure, the new mother should take her baby in her arms. This measure will allow you to establish tactile contact between them, and breastfeeding will be not only more effective, but also more pleasant.
  2. A breastfeeding woman needs to be as relaxed as possible before breastfeeding. To do this, before the procedure you should take a warm shower, bath, self massage, listen to pleasant music, meditate.
  3. Self-massage is a tactic that will help relax the mammary glands and correct the shape of the nipples. In order for it to give the desired effect, it is necessary to regularly stroke and knead the breasts, working on the nipple area with the help of the thumb and index finger.

All these measures will allow mommy to feel great and solve the problem as quickly and easily as possible.

What to do with inverted nipples

There are two ways of action - application therapeutic tactics without surgery or undergoing surgery.

Non-surgical treatment

To correct retracted papillae, you can use non-surgical methods of therapy, namely, attachments made of vacuum material that are applied to the breast.

  1. First, the nipple is lubricated with Vaseline.
  2. Then the air is pumped out of the device.
  3. The top of the bowl is fixed with adhesive tape.
  4. The attachment must be worn throughout the day.
  5. You can remove it only to examine the breast for irritation, cracks and other damage.

In just a few weeks of this therapy, short bundles of connective tissue are lengthened, and the nipple is pulled forward. But if the nipples are tightly inverted, even prolonged use of this method may not bring any effect. In this situation medical specialists It is recommended to use surgical intervention – plastic surgery.

Correction of inverted nipples

Before referring a patient for such an operation, the doctor conducts thorough examination, since a change in the shape of the nipple can be a clear witness to certain pathologies of the mammary gland, including tumor processes. When choosing one or another operating technique, the patient must immediately decide whether she will subsequently perform breastfeeding, since the doctor will either preserve the integrity of the milk ducts or violate it.

Corrective measures are simple and are carried out under local or local anesthesia. general type. If breastfeeding is no longer planned, during the operation the bundles of connective tissue that hold the nipple are dissected. In addition to this, there is a crossing of the milk ducts, which creates an obstacle to breastfeeding.

If it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the ducts and canals, as well as their functionality, microsurgical correction is performed. At the base of the areola, the doctor makes a small incision and then cuts through the connective tissue cords that pull the papilla inward. In this case, the integrity of the milk ducts is preserved and the nipple is pulled forward.

Corrective measures to change the shape of the nipples can be carried out independently or in combination with other methods of therapy, including lifting and reducing breast size. The total duration of the operation does not exceed 1 hour. If we are talking about isolated correction of inverted nipples, then the procedure lasts about 1 hour. The shape and size of the breast remain intact.

The speed of the recovery process is also a plus. Swelling along with bruises goes away after a few weeks. There are no traces of surgical intervention left. During the rehabilitation period, there is a possibility of decreased nipple sensitivity. Restrictions after surgery include:

  • exception excessive loads physical nature,
  • avoiding saunas,
  • refusal of solarium services and tanning on the beach.

The aesthetic effects of the operation traditionally last for a long time. Thus, an inverted nipple is a serious cosmetic and functional problem that requires comprehensive solution. In the article we looked at general recommendations regarding improving this situation.

The female body is very susceptible to any changes occurring in the body, and the breasts are the most sensitive part. Any woman will notice when her breasts change shape and become different from what they always were; you especially can’t miss the moment of sunken nipples.

Deviations in structure cause a lot of complexes in a woman. She becomes withdrawn and tries to hide her breasts. Of course, this condition also negatively affects intimate life. The sunken person not only causes aesthetic dislike, this condition brings a lot of discomfort and can cause serious pathologies. The pain may go away on its own for a while, but sometimes it is so strong and unbearable that you have to call an ambulance.

What causes pain

Unfortunately, today every third woman seeks help from a specialist for breast health problems. Breast disease has become very common, and this is primarily due to hormonal imbalances, wrong lifestyle. Because the breasts react to any minor changes in the body.

As a rule, it is accompanied by general malaise and discomfort throughout the chest. The first thing a woman might think about is reproductive age, about approaching menstruation (very rarely). Therefore, it is very important to monitor your cycle in order to exclude a symptom associated with this particular condition.

Why do sunken nipples need urgent mammological examination, because this phenomenon occurs from normal intake hormonal drugs, antidepressants, antibiotics, and also during pregnancy? Unfortunately, sometimes clinical picture may be more dangerous, and such changes in the breast are a sign of:

  • mastopathy;
  • breast cysts;
  • oncology.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Juice deformation is a structural feature of the mammary gland. The reason for the deviation may be:

  • heredity;
  • underdevelopment of the genital organs and hypofunction;
  • insufficient development of the milk ducts;
  • breast diseases;
  • wrong underwear.

Usually changes occur on both sides simultaneously. If the nipple on one breast has sunken, you need to urgently go to a mammologist - this is one of the first signs. It is important to understand that such negative factors, like drinking alcohol, smoking, drugs, poor environmental conditions, greatly affect health and can affect the condition of the breast.

The female nipple has quite complex structure. On its surface there are up to 25 milk ducts that go to the mammary gland. Connective tissue cords located between the small milk ducts pass into the deeper layers. The threads of these threads that are not long enough pull the nipple inward. In some cases, breastfeeding promotes the return normal shape due to beam stretching.


Inverted nipples do not rise above the areola; they become flat, as if pressed into the chest. The woman herself may not notice such a flaw until she becomes pregnant or the moment of breastfeeding comes. During this period, nipple deformation is very noticeable. It may look like this:

  • medium retraction;
  • short and flat;
  • long and strong retraction.

Externally, sunken nipples look different. The photo may not show serious differences; only the doctor will notice this when examining the patient.

Plastic surgeons distinguish 2 types of sunken nipples:

  • hiding;
  • inverted.

The former return to the desired position during breastfeeding or sexual arousal. The latter do not protrude beyond the aureole during any manipulation. Often this condition is accompanied by pain throughout the chest.

If sunken, they cause a lot of problems when feeding the baby. It is uncomfortable for him to grasp the breast, which is why the child cannot eat normally. Numerous attempts to cope with this process lead to the areola being injured, painful cracks and abrasions appearing, into which infection can penetrate, which will lead to the development of mastitis. When feeding suddenly stops, and the mother undergoes surgery.

Such a defect can cause the following complications:

  • accumulation of foreign particles or fat in the cavity;
  • maceration of halos;
  • During pregnancy, milk leaks from the breast.

How to deal with pathology?

Many women, noticing such a pathology in themselves and not realizing the seriousness of the problem, try to “solve the problem” themselves: they pull out the nipples with their hands, different objects, rub them, massage them. When is it diagnosed? sunken nipple, you absolutely cannot do this. Firstly, there will definitely not be an effect, and secondly, the nipples have close connection from all over neuroendocrine system, which provides support for the body during pregnancy. And such irritation stimulates the production of hormones that tone the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage.

It doesn’t matter at what period of her life (during pregnancy or just in preparation for it, while breastfeeding) the woman noticed that her nipple had sunken. Be sure to visit a mammologist at the first symptoms. After the examination, the doctor will advise how to restore the previous appearance of the breasts.

Special overlays are produced that are designed to stretch connective tissue bridges. The Brava device for sunken nipples has proven itself well. However, it doesn't always help conservative treatment, in some cases, surgery is required.

Surgical correction

Nipple correction is performed using minor surgical intervention under local anesthesia. Such procedures may be contraindicated if a woman plans to give birth and breastfeed in the future. Accurate diagnosis placed after the examination. This anomaly is a purely individual problem.

Any intervention in the body carries certain consequences, complications and discomfort. But in a number of cases, this procedure saves a person’s life and normalizes it psychological state and returns to the previous existence. During the operation, all attention is paid to maintaining the integrity of the milk ducts. A small incision is made under a microscope at the base of the areola, and the cords that pull the nipple inward are cut, after which it is pulled forward.

Rehabilitation after surgery

During this period, hematomas, swelling and pain in the chest area will be observed. The complete rehabilitation period is 6 weeks. At this time, you need to give up heavy physical activity and avoid stressful situations, more time to visit outdoors and wear comfortable underwear.

After this time, you must continue to adhere to all recommendations and accept them as a way of life. The woman will gradually return to become elongated.


Diagnosis is carried out by a highly qualified mammologist or gynecologist, who prescribes an examination to understand why the nipple has sunken. To do this you need to submit:

  • general analysis of urine, feces and blood;
  • bacterial culture from the nipples;
  • scraping;
  • Ultrasound or mammography is prescribed.

Preventive measures

Every woman should monitor her health and pay attention to any changes in the body. It is necessary to periodically examine the mammary glands. Worth being wary and accepting urgent measures if the nipple on one breast is sunken. And even in the absence of pain and other unpleasant symptoms You urgently need to visit a specialist’s office.


Inverted nipples, or flat nipples, can form during the development of breast tissue, or become a consequence of certain diseases, and sometimes wearing tight underwear plays a role in the formation of this cosmetic defect. The existing pathology is determined if the nipples are at the same level with the areola, or are even pressed into it.

In most cases, inverted nipples are formed due to underdevelopment of the connective tissue of the mammary gland, however, various pathological processes in the mammary gland can lead to the formation of inverted nipples.

In the presence of inverted nipples, problems are first observed. psychological nature associated with the aesthetic side of the problem, however, inverted nipples can cause health problems, since the accumulation of skin secretions, sweat, fat and dirt can cause the development inflammatory diseases mammary gland. After the birth of a child, inverted nipples can become a reason that interferes with the process of natural feeding of the child.

Given cosmetic defect divided into two groups:

Hidden nipples may stretch and rise above the areola, for example, during sexual arousal, mechanical stimulation, or during breastfeeding. Moreover, this cosmetic defect does not bring any inconvenience to the woman, except for psychological problems.

Tightly retracted nipples, under no circumstances, rise above the areola. If this pathology is present natural feeding be rendered impossible.

Even in cases where the presence of inverted nipples does not cause any inconvenience to their owner, it is necessary to visit a doctor so as not to miss the onset of such serious illnesses, such as breast cancer.

Treatment of inverted nipples can consist of either correction of inverted nipples using special devices, or treatment of inverted nipples is carried out surgically.

To correct inverted nipples, a special vacuum attachment is used, which is attached to the chest. The inconvenience of this method is the duration of use of the attachment, which must be used every day for several weeks; in addition, the attachment must be worn throughout the day, periodically removing it to examine the breast for the appearance of cracked nipples and irritation.

It's worth saying that this method, unfortunately, is not very effective in the presence of tightly retracted nipples.

The surgical method is suitable for correcting inverted nipples, however, the decision to perform the operation is made after the woman has decided on the answer to the question whether she plans to have a child and breastfeeding in the future, since after this operation, natural feeding becomes impossible.


Breasts with inverted nipples - not such a rare pathology. According to statistics, one in ten women encounters it. And if some of them this problem excites only as an element of aesthetic imperfection, others inverted nipple begins to bother during pregnancy or lactation.

Undoubtedly, such a pathology complicates the process breastfeeding, but mammologists warn about more serious consequences. It is worth figuring out whether a nipple problem requires treatment, and what measures should be taken by women who are experiencing this for the first time.

General description of the problem and symptoms

There are several types of inverted nipples, the main ones being lurking and inverted.:

  • The hidden nipple moves out of the areola when exposed to an external stimulus - for example, when stimulated by fingers or when the baby latch onto the breast.
  • With an inverted form, the nipple never leaves the areola. Pathology has serious reasons and requires correction.

To speak more confidently about the type of anomaly, a woman only needs to do a little research. To do this, wrap two fingers around the base of the nipple and lightly squeeze it. Normally, the nipple should move forward; if there are deviations, it should be pulled inward. The shape of this flaw can be absolutely any, have a general retraction, flat and long view, other manifestations.

How to understand that the nipple is retracted inward? There is nothing difficult in identifying the symptoms; the nipple is either located at the same level as the areola, or is completely hidden inside. Such phenomena should be classified as physiological abnormalities that require specialist consultation. These issues are within the competence of the mammologist.

As already noted, such nipples entail difficulties during feeding; the defect can lead to subsequent complications - maceration of the areola, the presence of fat in the cavity, and so on.

Causes of the problem

It is necessary to list the factors leading to such sensitive issue, How inverted nipple. Reasons The clinical picture can be varied, ranging from poor nutrition V adolescence and ending with genetic disorders.

  • Heredity and congenital pathologies.
  • Disorders of sexual development, provoked by various factors and resulting in incorrect formation mammary glands.
  • Using low-quality or incorrectly selected underwear. Women are let down by bra models that squeeze or pull the breasts too much and do not fit the shape of the mammary glands.
  • Infectious diseases of the tissues of the mammary glands or milk ducts.
  • Oncological diseases.

For most women nipple pulled inward precisely for the reasons stated above. Even if the pathology was inherited by them, it is dangerous. According to mammologists, such a flaw always carries the risk of developing a dangerous inflammatory process known as mastitis.

Treatment methods

What to do with inverted nipples? There are several opinions on this matter. Some experts advise not to do anything before the first pregnancy, since after the birth of the first child in most women the problem disappears on its own. Others recommend special diagnostics, allowing you to determine best practices correction of pathology. In any case, the woman will need to consult a qualified specialist.

Medicine provides two main ways to treat a defect - therapeutic and surgical. Non-surgical treatment has several simple techniques, including special exercises and stimulation. Surgery occurs by radically changing the shape of the nipple. Let's discuss methods for correcting the anomaly.

Non-surgical methods

Conservative treatment includes the following methods of dealing with the defect:

  • Performing a set of exercises.
  • The use of special “assistants”, including vacuum attachments for inverted nipples, silicone breast pads.

Exercises for nipple correction

The essence of the exercises comes down to active stimulation of the nipples using the phalanges of the fingers. As observations show, often the retraction of the nipple turns out to be false, then stimulation encourages the nipple to take its place above the areola like this.

If pathology is indeed present, complex stimulation helps to form the correct reflex of the breast skin in response to external stimuli, as a result of which the problem goes away over time.

The basis of the exercise is rhythmic compression of the chest at the very tips with two fingers, lasting for several minutes. The procedure is performed at least 3 times a day for a couple of months.

Such stimulation has been found to be quite effective, but its use is prohibited during pregnancy. The fact is that stimulation of the nipples provokes the release of the hormone oxytocin, which tones the uterus and triggers the labor mechanism. Thus, in order to avoid the risk of miscarriage or premature birth, a woman is forced to resort to other methods of correcting breast pathology.

"Helpers" for the breast

What to do with inverted nipples if pregnancy has already occurred? If a woman has decided to breastfeed, but does not want to resort to surgical methods nipple correction, modern devices will come to her aid. There are various nipple formers that not only help correct the abnormality, but also make breastfeeding easier by helping the baby latch onto the breast.

For young mothers of the 21st century, there are two main devices:

  • Silicone breast pads. They help get rid of cracks faster in the first days of feeding, but also make it easier for the baby to latch onto the breast. More expensive and advanced models offer women ventilated nipple “shells” with silicone membranes for additional stimulation.
  • Vacuum attachments for inverted nipples. Used for daily exercises, they not only shape the nipples, but also massage the breasts, opening the milk ducts completely.

Surgical methods

If a specialist decides that surgical intervention is necessary, there is nothing to worry about. Plastic surgery Correcting inverted nipples is carried out using a local anesthetic and takes a little time. It is performed in most modern clinics, but it is not cheap. Other disadvantages include postoperative swelling and pain, as well as the risk of complications.