When can you knit brooms? We knit bath brooms from birch. When to prepare brooms for a bath? We collect the “right” harvest

If you are fond of bathing or simply have a desire to tie brooms for the next season, do not miss the opportunity to do it yourself. Having invested soul and inspiration into the process, Russian invention- bath broom - must be knitted at a certain period of time and in a special way. This is exactly what we're talking about we'll talk in this material.

Knitting brooms with your own hands: is the game worth the candle?

Let's start with the fact that a broom is an a priori valuable attribute of a bathing holiday. Firstly, it functions as a massage tool. Secondly, essential oils, which are contained in it, have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nourish it and, among other things, prevent aging. And thirdly, it is much more pleasant to go to a Russian bathhouse with your own broom or to “treat” your friends, loved ones, relatives with a broom of your own “own preparation” - this is about the same as uncorking a jar of delicious cucumbers from the garden in winter and saying: “This prepared by me personally!”

At first glance, harvesting birch brooms is a simple and not at all difficult task. In fact, this process must be approached with responsibility and soul. People say that the desire to knit brooms comes with time, one might say, with age. We note that this desire can also come when a person acquires his own bathhouse or simply becomes a bathhouse regular.

Birch broom is a real therapeutic and prophylactic remedy. It helps with pain in joints, muscles, body aches, promotes relaxation after stressful physical activity. In addition, birch broom has excellent cosmetological properties. In particular, the essential oils contained in birch leaves perfectly cleanse the skin, help to remove marks from wounds, and heal skin rashes, prevent the occurrence of pimples and other unpleasant moments. Birch broom provides excellent therapeutic effect. For example, in birch steam the bronchi expand magnificently - the respiratory system is cleansed, phlegm is removed, and ventilation of the lungs improves.

Birch leaves contain vitamins A and C, the so-called tannins, essential oils. Birch broom tincture (the water in which it was soaked) is very beneficial for hair and scalp - douse yourself with this liquid to feel the aroma and pamper your skin with vitamins.

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Which birch to choose?

A young birch tree that has never bloomed before is perfect for a broom - the leaves of such a birch tree are the most delicate and pleasant. Weeping birch, whose branches do not break, are soft and flexible, is also perfect for a broom. Pay special attention to birch leaves - the top of the leaf should be velvety, tender and in no case rough. The branches are straight, thin, without cracks.

When a birch leaf is already worth a pretty penny

So, as a rule, in Russia the best time period for knitting birch brooms is considered to be from the end of June to mid-July. It's simple: brooms begin to knit when the leaf ripens. In our case - when a birch leaf is already worth a pretty penny.

An ancient custom says: “Knit brooms on Trinity Day,” that is, on the 49th day after Easter. As a rule, this day falls at the beginning or middle of the first summer month. Well, in general, you need to focus on the condition of the birch leaves, because in some latitudes of Russia on Trinity Day, the birch tree may not bloom at all, and in other places it will already throw away its earrings.

Branches must be taken with strong, whole leaves, but without earrings. These attributes of a bath relaxation are prepared exclusively on a dry day. Birch brooms are usually broken after the dew has disappeared, that is, in the first half of the day.

To prevent the birch from suffering, cut off the components of the brooms from different trees. Choose those trees that stand on sunny edges. Two or three so-called “forks” should be on each broom.

Birch broom is a real therapeutic and prophylactic remedy for pain in joints, muscles, and body aches.

We knit bath brooms from birch

Branches of leaves must be cleared of small knots in the place where the handle is planned. Then required quantity The branches are wrapped with a special rope (twine). It is recommended to lay thicker branches in the middle, and surround them with thinner ones, and always bend inward. When the knitting of the broom has already been completed, you should use a sharp hatchet to chop off the ends of the branches in the area of ​​the handle so that they do not stick out in different directions.

The birch branches need to be tied not very tightly, then they are laid out on the surface so that a straight line falls on the brooms. sunlight, you can even put it in a draft. After 6-7 days, when the brooms have already dried thoroughly in the sun, they are tightly tied and placed in a dressing room or a dark, dry, but well-ventilated place. Birch brooms are stored very well in a haystack.

It is best for the broom to take the form of a sort of “Russian fan”, and not a “frail panicle”. The main thing is not to overdry it so that the leaves do not fall off.

Very important on initial stage Do not tie the brooms too tightly. If you do it the other way around, after drying you will notice how the leaves in the middle have lost their color, darkened and acquired an unpresentable appearance. Such a broom will not emit a smell at all - in Rus' these brooms were called “burnt”.

Collecting brooms at the beginning of summer is also justified from the point of view of the fact that ripened leaves contain a lot of essential oils, which are very beneficial for health and wellness. One broom should be enough for several visits to the bathhouse.

By the way, when the main bath accessories dry out, as a rule, the second binding weakens (outer branches) - in this case you can bandage this part again. It is believed that only those brooms that are tied correctly are able to provide healing effect in the bathhouse. Nevertheless, each bath attendant has his own technology for collecting branches, knitting, and storing birch brooms. This attribute is always at the center of all major bath procedures.

And one more important point - if you knit brooms yourself, you save significantly. Judge for yourself, when collecting, knitting and storing brooms, you spend exclusively your own time, but family budget remains inviolable. Isn't this saving?

Is it possible to knit a birch broom in May?

IN lately The question is often asked: is it possible to knit a broom in May? Theoretically - yes. It all depends on the condition of the birch leaves. If a birch leaf, as they say, is worth a pretty penny, and there are no earrings on the birch tree yet, you can safely begin the procedure. The fact in which latitudes you live is also important. According to tradition, birch brooms are knitted for Trinity, and Russian traditions, as they say, are a whole science, a set of truths and rules, tested over centuries and millions of people!

What could be better than a Russian bathhouse? The Slavs visit the bathhouse to cleanse the body, provide moral relief and relaxation, and an integral attribute of the procedure is a bathhouse broom. Of course, you can buy a broom at a public bathhouse, but experts prefer to prepare birch, linden, oak or nettle brooms themselves. We will tell you in this article about when and in what timeframes the preparation of bath brooms is carried out.

When are birch brooms prepared for a bath?

The brooms are prepared depending on the type of plant from which the bath accessory is planned to be made. Traditionally, harvesting begins on Trinity Day, the date of which is floating:

  1. In 2015 it falls on May 31st.
  2. In 2016, Trinity Day is celebrated on June 19th.
  3. In 2017, the holiday falls on June 4th.

Birch broom

The first 2 weeks after Trinity, as it says folk wisdom, are most favorable for the procurement of raw materials. The leaves on the trees and plants have accumulated juice and concentrated high concentration useful substances.

Depending on the plant species, the broom has a number of distinctive characteristics.

Linden bath broom and nettle broom: beneficial properties and preparation time

The linden broom can be diluted with branches of alder, rowan or willow. Such a broom is prepared from the first days of July to the beginning of August, choosing trees that grow away from the industrial zone. A linden broom strengthens the skin, improves sweating, and helps relieve headaches.

Linden broom

The nettle bath broom is truly healing. It is used to treat joint pain, break up salt deposits, skin diseases and muscle weakness. Nettles are harvested before or during flowering - this is approximately mid-summer. Remember that nettle broom can be used once; if you want to treat radiculitis with it, then stock up on medicinal herbs during the season.

Advice! To prevent the nettle from stinging, give the broom a contrast bath by immersing it in boiling water for 3 minutes, then in cold water for 3 minutes, repeating these steps 2-3 times. To enhance the effect, steam the broom in boiling water and use immediately.

When are oak brooms prepared and what are they used to treat?

Oak broom – magic remedy For oily skin, reducing the number of rashes and reducing the intensity of skin secretions. Regular use of an oak broom in a bath will give the skin matte and freshness.

Oak broom

Proper preparation allows you to use a broom from this breed 3 times. The procurement of raw materials begins in mid-August, continuing until mid-September.

Advice! For oak bath brooms, trees are selected under which burdock grows. It is believed that the leaves will not fall off during use.

How and when to harvest birch brooms

For the procurement of raw materials, birch trees growing in wet lowlands are selected. Preparations begin to be collected after Trinity until August 2 (Ilyin’s Day). It is better to cut branches from a young birch tree that has not yet had time to become covered with buds. The branches should be young and flexible, and their length should be about half a meter.

1 birch broom takes about 20-30 branches, which are folded in the shape of a fan so that the leaves lie in the same direction. At the base, the broom is tightly tied with natural rope; remember that the branches will dry out and must initially be firmly fixed. It is best to tie the broom in two places.

The broom has restorative properties, relieves muscle pain after a long workout, heals wounds and soothes irritated skin. Using a birch broom, lung diseases are “knocked out”, which is especially useful for smokers.

Fans of bathing procedures tie brooms as needed, and stack the collected raw materials in layers so that the upper branches protect the middle ones. Such a sheaf is placed in a barn or on a warm balcony, covered with hay or natural fabric. Direct knitting is done as follows:

Tie the broom tightly before drying

  • The branches are selected according to length and laid. Thicker branches are placed inside, thin ones frame the broom. Where the handle will be, the branches are leveled, sharp branches are removed from them.
  • A cord is applied and the broom is pulled together.
  • Next, a knot is knitted and a handle is formed. The handle is made using twine, then the ends of the branches are additionally wrapped with fabric, which will protect the bathhouse attendant’s hands from calluses.

The size of the broom is a matter of taste, but it should not be less than 40 cm and no more than 80 cm. Otherwise, using the broom will simply be inconvenient.

How to properly dry finished brooms?

Drying is done outside, but the brooms are hung in the shade. In direct sunlight, the leaves curl, wither, and lose their color and aroma. After steaming an “overheated” broom, all the leaves will fall off and empty vines will remain.

It is most preferable to hang brooms on the veranda or under trees on a simple rope. Note that drafts also have negative impact on the branches of a broom. After drying, the brooms are removed, folded tightly together and sent for storage. As a result, the broom becomes flattened and during bathing procedures one gets the feeling that it is “hugging the body.”

How to steam bath brooms correctly?

Steaming determines the hardness of the broom, and it is carried out well. hot water, but not in boiling water. To obtain stiffness, the broom is dipped in a basin of water for 15-20 minutes, and for lovers of soft brooms, it recommends steaming for 40-50 minutes. After this procedure, the broom is slightly dried by hanging it over the stove. Bathhouse attendants recommend holding the broom for about 20 minutes. cold water, and then sharply immerse it in hot water.

Important! The water in which the broom is steamed receives some of the beneficial properties, so it is used for aromatic steam in the bathhouse, rinsing hair and bathing.

If you have overdried the broom, then before using it you should cover it overnight with a damp towel or put it in a container of cool water.

Storage rules

Places with low humidity and temperature are selected for storage. A barn, garage, or insulated balcony are suitable, because under pressure high temperature the broom loses its freshness and leaves.

Steaming a broom

You can also store a broom using Finnish technology, subjecting it to shock freezing at temperatures above -40 C. The brooms are first packaged in sealed bags, for example, cling film.

The preparation of bath brooms must begin within the specified time frame, otherwise you will receive a broom with too young or old leaves that will fall off the branch on the way to the bathhouse. Properly prepared brooms will give you a boost of energy and health until the next season!

Oak broom for a bath: video

Bath brooms: photo

In the bath science, a Russian person cannot have trifles. Moreover, if we're talking about about a bath broom made of birch branches, it’s hard to call it a trifle. It is important to know when to prepare birch brooms for a bath in 2019 so that the brooms are of the best quality.
It’s hard to imagine a full trip to the bathhouse without a broom. It should not only be beautiful appearance, but also strong. It is for this reason that birch branches need to be collected from the tree at their special time, when they have a lot of sap and strength. And also useful in the summer.

  • How to understand that the time has come
  • How to tie a broom correctly

How to understand that the time has come

So, many experienced bathhouse owners say that the best date to prepare birch brooms for a bathhouse in 2019 is the date after Peter’s Day. That is, you can collect branches for brooms sometime after July 10th.
But in the old days in Rus' it was believed that the best brooms were harvested from those birches that were in bloom. That is, there should be earrings on the birch tree. It was then that the branches were cut off to collect them into strong brooms for the bath. That is, they made preparations somewhere in early June.

IN modern world When preparing bath birch brooms, you need to pay attention to the climate. So, it is difficult to identify a universal time when to prepare birch brooms for a bathhouse in 2019. But it is definitely believed in modern bath art that branches with earrings are not suitable for making brooms. Perhaps they were suitable for royal baths, but today everything has changed. So, it is best to harvest branches on a broom in mid-July: this will be the most optimal solution.

About the correct preparation of brooms

When you have chosen the date to prepare birch brooms for a bath in 2019, then you need to collect the twigs. After this, you need to properly dry them and collect them into brooms, which really...

What is important to know when harvesting birch branches for bath brooms:

It is best to collect those branches that are closer to the ground;
Harvesting should be carried out exclusively in warm and dry weather;
The branches that are closest to the ground are the youngest. These are exactly what are needed to prepare strong brooms;
If the foliage is wet, then when drying the product it will become dark and curl, which is very bad for the quality of the broom;
Wet branches collected in a broom can quickly fly off;
If you collect branches for a broom incorrectly, the birch bath broom will lose most of its beneficial properties;
It is also important to choose the right birch tree from which you will take branches. Ideal option It is considered to be when twigs are collected from a young tree. In general, it is ideal if the tree has not bloomed even once, and its leaves are delicate and silky.
The birch tree itself should be beautiful and smooth, there should be no growths on it: after all, trees, like people, are susceptible to various diseases. A sick tree's foliage and branches will also be weak and will not bring the maximum benefit that every person expects from going to a Russian bathhouse.

There is no need to collect branches from birch trees that grow next to roads. They absorb dirt from cars. So, it is best to go to the forest or clean grove for supplies. It is ideal if the birch tree grows near a stream or river.

To feel the tree and its strength, you need to pick one leaf. Next you will need bottom part leaf: it should not be rough (otherwise the broom will be rough and hard when used). The appropriate leaf is velvety and smooth.

How to tie a broom correctly

In this case, words will be superfluous, and especially for you we found a step-by-step photograph. A correctly assembled broom is half the success, and the other half is to choose the right period when to harvest birch brooms for a bathhouse in 2019, as well as to choose the right tree to collect the material.

Most amateurs baths express their warmest sympathy for birch broom- the symbol of the Russian bathhouse. Birch is a real biological miracle of our nature. In a forest where there are many birches, breathing is easy and pleasant, because birch leaves emit volatile substances that purify the air and kill pathogens. The birch broom, as already mentioned, is the most popular among lovers of the Russian bath, its decoration and symbol. Birch leaves are porous, and when you steam in a bathhouse with a birch broom, they fit tightly to the steamed body and absorb sweat well.

When to cut a broom?

A birch broom is cut on Trinity Day, but in fact, experience suggests that birch brooms are cut before the “earrings” appear; by that time, the leaf on the birch will have grown stronger and gained strength.

Oak brooms are cut in July. Oak brooms are prepared as soon as the leaves are strong. The earlier the oak broom is harvested, the more delicate the foliage and, accordingly, the less strength. Acorns on an oak tree are a sure sign of harvesting too late.

We have different types of birch trees, about 50 of them, so the residents of our country have the opportunity to choose their own type of birch for a broom.

Weeping birch brooms are very good, whose branches hang down in long strands, the branches of this birch are flexible and not brittle. The best time to harvest birch branches for brooms is early to mid-July; They are harvested in dry weather by cutting branches 50-60 cm long. It is advisable to cut branches from trees growing in damp, damp places, near water. Twigs should be thin, straight and flexible. When cutting branches, be sure to pay attention to the condition birch leaf: if the leaves on top are smooth, tender, as if velvety, this is what you need. Do not cut branches with rough leaves; they will make a rough and hard broom.

In a birch forest, choose a low-growing, fluffy young birch tree. Carefully bend its trunk and cut off a few branches 50-60 cm long. Only the side shoots should be cut, without touching the top of the tree. A true Russian bath lover will never destroy a tree! Twigs growing from old stumps or birch roots are also good; they are very flexible and tender.

How to knit a broom?

First, you need to clear the branches of twigs and leaves in the place where the broom handle will be, collect them together, giving the broom a flattened shape. The broom should not be made heavy, it should be light and comfortable for the hand. Then the collected branches are wrapped with twine at the handle, squeezing them with the left hand. The end of the broom handle is carefully cut off and wrapped with a bandage or a strip of cloth, so as not to get calluses on your hands in the steam room. Brooms must be dried in a dry, dark place, in the attic of a bathhouse, country house or garage. You can also store prepared brooms in the garage, in the attic of a bathhouse or at home, preferably in a small heap of hay. In urban environments, brooms can be stored on the balcony or mezzanine in paper or plastic bags. The above methods for making and storing a birch broom are also suitable for all other brooms.

Preparation of brooms:
a – laying branches;
b – application of the cord;
c – wrapping the handle;
d – contraction of branches;
d – knot tying;
e – tightening the knot;
g – trimming;
h – storage of the finished broom.

Oak broom- harvested in June-August in damp, dark oak forests.

Oak broom good in the bathhouse, it is very durable, the leaves do not fall off, and it is enough for 3-4 visits to the bathhouse. This broom can easily blow steam onto the body; it is usually used by those who like to thoroughly warm up in a steam room and douse themselves high fever. In general, an oak broom is fun and comfort for healthy and hardy lovers of the Russian bath.

Cherry broom
- very soft, it is pleasant to steam with it and gives off a delicate cherry aroma. It is harvested in early June, cutting off young unnecessary shoots and root shoots. At the same time, you can make brooms from black currant. Although cherry-currant brooms are not as durable as birch and oak brooms, they do give off an amazing aroma. Cherry and currant brooms are very beneficial for the skin.

Fir broom This broom is not dried; it is used in fresh, i.e. once. In a hot steam room, a fir broom helps with joint pain, radiculitis, and various neuralgia; improves condition blood vessels. Fir needles are rich in phytoncides, and steam saturated with them acts as an inhalation for the prevention of acute respiratory infections and colds.

Eucalyptus broom A broom made from twig-shaped eucalyptus branches is very useful for the treatment and prevention of diseases respiratory system. Like the fir broom, it relieves joint and neuralgic pain, and also promotes fast healing small wounds and scratches on the skin, healing skin diseases. But eucalyptus branches are too flexible and soft. To steam with such a broom it was more convenient, several oak branches were added to it. Or you can simply steam a eucalyptus broom and inhale its vapors, and “whip” with some other, less exotic one.

Linden broom Using this broom in a bath cleanses the bronchi, softens the skin, increases sweating (and therefore cleanses the body of toxins), reduces headaches and soothes. In addition, linden broom improves kidney function.

Brooms made of willow, alder, rowan and other trees are harvested at the zenith of summer - from early July to mid-August. In all cases, branches for brooms are cut from trees located no closer than 1 km from busy highways and 2-3 km from industrial zones.

Freshly cut branches must be dried for an hour in a shaded corner of the forest, avoiding straight lines. sun rays. Branches should not be transported tightly packed, as they may overheat, which will lead to the leaves falling off.
Fir, spruce and juniper brooms cannot be harvested for future use; long term due to the fact that after drying all the needles fall off. Fans of such brooms use them only freshly cut.

nettle broom harvested in mid-summer before flowering and during the flowering of nettles. Nowadays it is rare to see a steam room lover with a nettle broom, but in the old days this broom was a success. Our ancestors successfully treated radiculitis, rheumatism, and gout with it.

Combined broom made up of branches of various trees and herbs: birch, oak, linden, cherry, ash, eucalyptus, currant, tansy, etc. Every lover of a Russian bath can, according to his desire and experience, create one or another bath “bouquet”. The broom is composed in a certain sequence: thicker branches are placed inside. This is the frame, the base of the future combined broom. Then, around these thick branches, thinner branches are laid with a bend inside the broom different types trees.

In the old days, the art of making brooms was highly valued. Healers who master this skill and know healing power herbs, enjoyed great honor and respect among the people.

Ways drying brooms a lot, but there are prerequisite, which applies to everything: must be dried in the shade. In the sun, the leaves curl and quickly burn out. From the sun's rays, everything that is fragrant and volatile is carried away into the air. The leaves lose color, aroma and fly off. After the first steaming, such a broom will leave all the leaves in the basin.

It is also not recommended to dry brooms in a strong draft. The drying area should ideally be dark, cool and dry. Dry brooms by hanging or folding. The brooms must be turned over every day so that the branches dry evenly.

Drying a broom, in which it is hung under a canopy on an ordinary rope or on poles so that direct sunlight does not fall in, is the simplest. At first they are tied loosely so that they do not fall apart.

We built a bathhouse on our summer cottage and really want to start using it next season.

And, of course, we need brooms. Where is the best place to get them, what raw materials should they be from? How to knit and store them?

Igor Sergeevich DUBOV, Pskov

Although they say that there are no generals in the bathhouse, real steamers consider a broom to be such. It enhances the effect of the procedure by promoting greater opening of skin pores, regulating the distribution of heat over the surface of the body, massaging its surface and removing even deeply ingrained impurities.

The right broom contains phytoncides - specific organic matter, destroying viruses and microbes. Evaporating, they enter the air of the steam room, making it possible to breathe cleanest air. And the essential oils contained in the broom penetrate the skin and produce a rejuvenating effect. By the way, it can be strengthened if you add it to a broom medicinal herbs.

Now let's figure out where to get brooms. The simplest thing is to buy it near the bathhouse or in a specialized department of the store. However, there will be no confidence in quality, because it is not known how and when the branches were cut, or in what conditions the raw materials or finished products were stored. The best option you will be purchasing brooms from “your” seller, the quality of which you have no doubts about.

What are bath brooms made from?

Many people prefer to cut the brooms themselves. But for this you need to have conditions for their storage, and also know certain rules blanks.

First of all, you need to determine what to make brooms from. Now the raw materials used for them are birch, wild rosemary, oak, heather, linden, maple, chestnut, poplar, viburnum, willow, alder, hazel, rowan, ash, eucalyptus, coniferous trees, juniper, laurel, currant, cherry, sweet cherry, plum, lilac, bird cherry, nettle, fireweed. In addition, you can make all kinds of mixes (mixtures) both from traditional crops and by weaving medicinal herbs into them.

Raw material collection time

The timing of cutting raw materials is of no small importance. IN Orthodox tradition The period for preparing brooms is a period of two weeks after Trinity (50 days after Easter), but I believe that since Easter moves annually according to the calendar, this guideline can be used conditionally - to the extent that you trust folk signs and traditions. In fact, one must proceed from the actual phase of crop development, which depends on a large number of factors (soil conditions, average temperatures, abundance of precipitation, etc.).

Since brooms are made from various trees and crops, the harvesting time will depend on the selected source material. For example, the last ten days of June and the first ten days of July are ideal for harvesting birch brooms - the leaves are in their juice, the concentration of nutrients is at its peak, and the branches are quite flexible and strong. For the heather best time– from mid-May to mid-June, the same period is acceptable for making viburnum brooms. The time for harvesting oak branches is August and September. Willow reveals its qualities best in May.

The best time for maple is from late August to early September. Linden must be harvested before active flowering (May-June), then you can be sure of the maximum healing effect. It is best to harvest nettle brooms at the beginning of summer, as later the plant becomes coarser and loses some of its leaves.

The good thing about juniper brooms is that they can be prepared at almost any time. But if it is not possible to get to this plant in winter period, you can collect its branches for future use during the summer. Alder is harvested from May to July, and rowan - in June and July, at the same time you can harvest lilacs and bird cherry.

It is better to prepare a plum broom in early June. Currants and cherries can be used fresh all summer, and are best harvested in June-July. Personally, I use cherries throughout the period while they are covered with leaves. I tear off a couple of branches and steam them together with the main broom, and when it’s time to steam, I apply the cherry to a broom from another crop.

Rules for preparing bath brooms

It is best to harvest most crops in dry, sunny weather - branches collected at this time hold the leaves better. The best time to go for brooms is in the morning, but after the dew has fallen. Remember that in the forest you should not stop at one tree and pick it. what is called sticky: it can harm him. Therefore, spare no time and your feet, walk around and try to cut branches from as far as possible more trees.

It is best to use the middle part of the tree, where the branches are already quite strong, but still retain their elasticity. Preference should be given to two-year-old trees.

When harvesting branches, do not break them with your hands, but use a sharpened pruner. Cut branches 50-60 cm long, although this will depend on your preference for the length of the broom and how the leaves have grown at the time of harvesting.

There are two ways to prepare brooms: the first is when the branches are not knitted immediately, but are collected into a large sheaf, which is stored in a special place, and only before going to the bathhouse, part of the shoots is taken from it for knitting a broom: the second method is the immediate “release® of the finished “ products”, which is convenient to take to the bathhouse without additional hassle.

The “firm” knits brooms

Regardless of the chosen harvesting method, before you start knitting a broom, you need to clear the branches of twigs and leaves where the handle will be located (about a third of the length). Then they begin to assemble the broom - thicker and coarser branches are placed inside, they will serve as the core base. Then they begin to apply smaller and thinner branches to it - always bending inward (then the broom does not fall apart so much), do not forget that the resulting structure must be dense. Having finished assembling the broom, we begin knitting the handle: we wrap the ends of the branches with rope (flax hemp works well), pulling it as tight as possible. After this, it is necessary to trim the edge of the handle so that no knots protrude from it. It is best to wrap a small cloth around the area where you are going to hold the broom. Do not use wire for tying - you can scratch your hands or burn your skin.

Drying and storing brooms

It is very important to dry the broom correctly; this determines how it will be stored and how much it will save beneficial properties and how long will it last in the bathhouse? Agree, it’s not very pleasant when a purchased broom, beautiful in appearance, loses half of its leaves even after soaking, but as soon as you hit it several times, it turns out that there’s nothing to steam with.

Drying must be done in a dry, well-ventilated area without direct sunlight. The ideal place is the attic of a bathhouse or barn. Brooms are dried in a suspended state; to do this, they are tied in pairs and thrown over a stretched rope or wire.

Very important rule– use loosely laid brooms, then the drying process goes faster and molding of the leaves is avoided. After drying for a week, when the brooms begin to rustle, they are tied more tightly and placed in piles, pressing them against each other so that they take on the shape of a fan. Then the finished products are stored in a dry, ventilated room. Villagers can store brooms in the hay, while city dwellers can store them in paper bags.

Do-it-yourself bath broom - an interesting old-fashioned way

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