Treatment of nonspecific interstitial pneumonia. Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia. Causes of pathology

Interstitial pneumonia is often the result of viral diseases, influenza, that provoke the destruction of lung tissue. Inflammation disrupts the functionality of the lungs, changing the process of exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen. Interstitial pneumonia has an unclear etymology, which is characterized by shortness of breath, dry cough with a small amount of sputum, and general malaise.

Interstitial pneumonia is considered serious and dangerous disease lungs, which is difficult to determine for the pathogen. Inflammation is difficult to treat and often ends unfavorably.

Important! Incorrect therapy leads to patient disability or death.


The outcome of the disease directly depends on the manifestation of pulmonary fibrosis and the type of disease. According to statistics, patient survival does not exceed 5 years, and due to the manifestation of pneumosclerosis or cardio- pulmonary insufficiency life expectancy is no more than 3 years. Interstitial pneumonia is serious illness, which even with proper therapy has maximum performance lethal outcomes - 50-70%.

Improvement and normalization general well-being Interstitial pneumonia occurs in only 75% of cases; the remaining 35% of patients have a 10-year survival rate. In the case of desquamative pneumonia, improvement occurs in 2/3 of cases, 5-year survival is observed in 93%, and 10-year survival in 69%. You can get rid of RB-ILD by completely quitting cigarettes; in certain cases, progression of the disease with subsequent relapses may be observed. Patients are systematically vaccinated against influenza and pneumococcal infection.


Due to the advanced stage of the disease and with improper treatment of pathology, against the background of interstitial pneumonia in adults and children, dangerous consequences which may pose a threat to life. The most common consequences include:

  • Fibrosis – changes in gas exchange occur, irreversible sclerotic processes are observed in the affected area.
  • Respiratory failure
  • Heart failure.

In addition, pneumonia may be associated with bacterial infection, and at a late stage of inflammation, a serious pathology such as lung cancer may occur.

Qualification of pneumonia

There are several forms of interstitial pneumonia:

Additional information. Smoking is the main cause of respiratory bronchiolitis and desquamative pneumonia.


Interstitial pneumonia in children and adults is rare occurrence, therefore it has not been thoroughly studied by specialists. The disease can manifest itself as a result of changes in homeostasis on the part of the immune system, and the provoking factor is an antigen, for which the body produces certain antibodies.

Pneumonia occurs under the influence of infectious agents, as well as certain types of dust. In addition, smokers, people who quit smoking, and people with AIDS or HIV are prone to the disease. Lymphoid pneumonia can be caused by immunopathy or autoimmune diseases. The peculiarity of the inflammatory process in interstitial pneumonia is that it is non-infectious in nature. Most often, the connective tissue of the lungs and the walls of the alveoli are destroyed, in which fluid can re-emerge. This type of pneumonia is marked by primary inflammation of the interstitial tissue with the accumulation of cells in it that are immunocomponent. It is these cells that contribute to the release of a damaging mediator at the initial stage of the disease. Fibriogenic factors provoke fibroproliferative reactions at the last stage.

Symptoms of interstitial pneumonia

IN initial stage The disease has the following symptoms:

  • Febrile fever
  • Significant shortness of breath
  • Cough with a small amount of sputum and streaks of blood.

When listening you feel hard breathing, but there is no wheezing. In most cases, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, arthralgia, myalgia, acute headache, sometimes kidney or liver damage is observed.

Each form of interstitial pneumonia has different symptoms:

  • Lymphoid pneumonia - shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, temperature increases, sweating increases, weight decreases.
  • Cryptogenic pneumonia - cough, fever, fatigue.
  • Desquamative pneumonia - gradual onset of cough, loss of appetite, heavy breathing.
  • Idiopathic pneumonia - shortness of breath, cough that does not disappear after taking antitussives, and when listening, crackling and noise are felt.
  • Acute pneumonia – pain in joints and muscles, high temperature, respiratory failure.
  • Nonspecific pneumonia - increasing cough, weight loss, shortness of breath, constant fatigue.

Features of the disease in children

Interstitial pneumonia in children implies an inflammatory process of connective tissues lung areas and the likelihood of subsequent recruitment of bronchioles and alveoli. Viruses and mycoplasmas are the causative agents of the disease. Pneumonia often begins with the manifestation of slight shortness of breath, and not with catarrhal symptoms.

Pneumonia occurs in severe forms in children, as high temperature can be held for more than 10 days. This condition helps to reduce blood pressure, arrhythmia, heart failure occurs, shortness of breath and cyanosis appear, which rapidly

are progressing. Often the cough is minor and small highlight sputum. The prognosis may worsen due to the likelihood pulmonary edema and emphysema.

In the case of intermediate pneumonia, it is difficult to determine any significant changes by auscultation and percussion. On the radiograph, children have no foci, the transparency of the lung tissue increases and the broncho-vascular pattern is significantly pronounced.

Important! Treatment of interstitial pneumonia in a child is always carried out in a hospital with the use of oxygen support.

For infants, the inhalation method of gas administration is used. Antibiotics are selected depending on the pathogen present in the body. Complex treatment consists of general strengthening techniques and physiotherapy.


Interstitial pneumonia is characterized by imprecise and vague symptoms, so diagnosing the disease is difficult. To determine the presence of inflammation, perform the following procedures:

  • Measuring Functions external respiration– allows you to determine existing pulmonary ventilation disorders.
  • X-ray chest– provides information about noticeable changes in the lung area.
  • Analysis gas composition blood
  • EchoCG, ECG – carried out in case of suspected heart failure
  • Lung biopsy - this procedure allows you to determine the morphological form of pneumonia. A biopsy is performed only if it is impossible to perform other studies, and the disease is rapidly progressing.

Treatment of interstitial pneumonia

Treatment of interstitial pneumonia is based on anti-inflammatory therapy, which involves the use of cytostatics, glucocorticoids, hormonal drugs. The duration of drug treatment varies from 3 months to several years. Radiological and clinical improvements occur in a third of patients.

Determining the effectiveness of therapy is based on combining several indicators with a frequency of 3-6 months:

  1. The strength of cough decreases, shortness of breath disappears
  2. X-ray features are reduced
  3. Blood gas exchange is stabilized.

If there is no dynamics in any direction during the treatment process, this indicates a normalization of the process. If general condition over the course of six months it worsens, the X-ray results do not change - this indicates the ineffectiveness of the chosen technique.

When sclerosis of lung tissue develops, experts recommend the use of oxygen therapy, which can significantly prolong the patient’s life.

Important. Severe cases of the disease require a lung transplant .

Interstitial pneumonia is a group of diseases that interfere with the diffusion of the respiratory organs, impeding the process of gas exchange in them. Pneumonia most often occurs as a consequence viral infection, influenza, which leads to damage to lung tissue. This infectious disease of the lungs is represented by a number of disorders that spread throughout the entire organ, with inflammation of the alveoli and connective tissue of the parenchyma.

Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia can develop in acute or chronic form with damage to the interstitial tissue of the respiratory organs of unknown cause, which is characterized by fibroproliferative disorders and decreased work of breathing.

The clinical classification identifies interstitial inflammation of the respiratory organs as separate group diseases. Why they spread is difficult to calculate, due to their rare occurrence correct diagnosis. These diseases can be distinguished from each other based on the results of histological examination.

Among many pulmonary problems, an important place is played by interstitial disease lungs, as it has a long, severe development. Often with fatal, due to the continuously developing fibrous and sclerotic restructuring of the respiratory organs.

The interstitium, where inflammation develops, is located in the septa in the middle of the alveoli of the lungs and blood vessels. Due to exposure infectious factor swelling occurs, which leads to changes in gas exchange.

When the course of the disease is protracted, the lung tissue is subject to irreversible fibrosis.

With this disease, the quality of life and disability of the patient almost always decreases.

Why does the disease occur?

The causes of the development of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia have not been fully studied. A change in immunological homeostasis is sometimes associated with the disease, and the triggering cause of the disease is an unknown agent to which the body produces antibodies.

The disease pulmonitis can be caused by such infectious agents:

  • mycoplasma;
  • chlamydia;
  • pneumocystis;
  • legionella;
  • rickettsia;
  • respiratory viruses;
  • herpes virus;
  • certain types of dust.

People who smoke or have previously smoked, people with HIV, and AIDS are susceptible to inflammation of the respiratory system.

The lymphoid form is characterized by a combination with autoimmune diseases and immunopathies.

  1. Sjögren's syndrome.
  2. Hypo and hypergammaglobulinemia.

One of the main causes of desquamative disease and respiratory bronchitis is smoking.

Cryptogenic organizing disease often has an idiopathic course, and may be associated with collagenosis or treatment with medications - amiodarone, gold drugs.

Inflammatory process occurs as pneumonitis, has an immune non-infectious development, affecting the alveolar walls, extra-alveolar connective tissue organs, with possible secondary formation of exudate inside the alveoli.

This disease is characterized by initial damage to interstitial tissue with the accumulation of immune cells in it, which release a variety of wounding mediators to primary stage and fibrogenic causes, which give rise to the occurrence of fibroproliferative effects at a later stage.

Characteristics and signs of lung diseases

Interstitial pneumonitis is an infectious disease characterized by a slow onset of symptoms followed by impaired gas exchange. Visible on a chest x-ray typical violations in the respiratory organs.

Based on morphological changes, idiopathic diseases are divided into types.

  1. Non-specific.
  2. Cryptogenic organizing.
  3. Desquamative.
  4. Lymphoid.
  5. Respiratory bronchiolitis.
  6. Acute lung disease.
  7. Pulmonary fibrosis.

Common symptoms of interstitial disease are shortness of breath. Its manifestation and increase will depend on the phase of the disease and the severity of development. The cough is often dry and may produce a small amount of mucus and pus.

The severity of development and outcome of the disease depend on the type of pathomorphological disorders.

Pneumonia of nonspecific form

Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia develops slowly. From the beginning primary signs before installation accurate diagnosis sometimes years pass. This disease It is more often observed in adults aged 40-50 years. These are also smoking patients and those patients who have connective tissue diseases. Cough and shortness of breath increase gradually.

The main symptoms of pneumonia include:

  • weight loss;
  • weakness;
  • low tolerance for physical activity.

On x-ray symmetrical lesions appear, often appearing in the peripheral regions.

For most patients, nonspecific interstitial pneumonia is characterized by adverse consequences.

Cryptogenic disease

This lung disease is determined by the overlap of the bronchiole lumen and alveolar ducts granulation tissue, which leads to the formation chronic form lung lesions.

Organizing pneumonia manifests itself equally in men and women aged 45-55 years.

Symptoms appear as follows:

  • nonproductive cough;
  • increased body temperature;
  • malaise;
  • fatigue.

IN pathological lesion in addition to the interstitium, the alveoli are involved. During auscultation, dry rales can be heard. The main symptom is sound when breathing.

Patients often come to a specialist when they develop severe shortness of breath, which occurs with a slight physical activity. The symptoms are similar to ordinary inflammation of the respiratory system, which is why unsuccessful therapy with antibacterial medications is often prescribed.

If the formation of cryptogenic pneumonia is suspected, a physical examination, radiation and histological examination are prescribed. The inflammatory process often affects both lungs. Rarely, darkening of the alveolar region of one lung occurs. The X-ray image reveals darkening in the lower sections, as well as nodular shadows along the vessels.

Treatment is carried out using glucocorticoid drugs. Full recovery noticeable after 2 weeks. Often the disease recurs, so additional therapy is required.

Desquamative disease

The disease is characterized by the proliferation of alveolar cells and thickening of their walls. Destruction of cells in the cellular layer of the alveoli occurs quite often. However, dead cells are able to partially maintain viability and become nicrotic.

This form of the disease is rarely observed. Predisposed to developing the disease smoking men aged 40-50 years.

The following symptoms have been observed for several months or weeks.:

  • dry cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss.

It is not always possible to identify the disease during an initial examination, because the symptoms are identical to those of a cold.

To clarify the diagnosis, an x-ray is performed. Therapy is carried out using corticosteroids. It's important to get rid of addiction- smoking.

Lymphoid disease

The disease is rare, especially in autoimmune diseases, in women over 40 years old, and in children with HIV.

The following symptoms gradually appear over several years::

  • cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • increase in temperature;
  • night sweats;
  • pain in the joints and chest;
  • weight loss;
  • anemia.

In children, cough can result in bronchospasms. With weakened protective function body and not during the assistance provided can lead to asphyxia.

The result of lung damage is positive with proper therapy. In this case, the development of diffuse fibrosis is possible in some patients.

Respiratory bronchiolitis

The disease occurs with manifestations of inflammation of the pulmonary parenchyma and bronchioles. The disease has been observed for a long time smoking people. With complete refusal bad habit the onset of the disease can be completely smoothed out.

Timely treatment starts leads to a favorable outcome. A relapse cannot be ruled out.

Pulmonary fibrosis

Is one of the most severe types interstitial disease. Intermediate pulmonary fibrosis can be observed in adults after 50-60 years of age, more often in males.

Symptoms of the disease appear as follows::

  • dyspnea;
  • dry paroxysmal cough.

During auscultation, noises and crackling sounds are heard, which is similar to the sound of Velcro being torn off.

Time incubation period often protracted, from 5 months or more. In this case, the process of inflammation in the lung develops, which leads to serious changes in it and other organs.

At pulmonary fibrosis An important organ of the body suffers quite severely, which subsequently leads to its transplantation.

Therapy is often untimely due to the absence of signs early stage development of the disease. Therefore, this form of the disease often has an unfavorable ending.

Acute form

For acute illness characterized by swelling of the alveolar walls with the formation of interstitial fibrosis. Pneumonia can affect adults with severe immune system who adhere to healthy image life.

Statistics show that people over 40 years old suffer from pneumonia. Interstitial pneumonitis develops quite quickly. Symptoms of the disease occur as follows::

  • nonspecific muscle pain;
  • chills;
  • temperature;
  • brokenness;
  • severe shortness of breath, followed by respiratory failure.

How to treat the disease?

When interstitial pneumonia develops, treatment may be given before full examination, since the disease tends to develop rapidly, therefore the patient needs urgent treatment.

To treat idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, drug and non-drug methods are used.

K not medicinal methods treatments include:

  • quitting smoking helps improve the outcome of the disease, especially in people with respiratory bronchiolitis and desquamative interstitial pneumonia;
  • physical therapy – will be beneficial, thanks to breathing exercises ventilation of the lungs will improve. It is also used to prevent the occurrence of respiratory failure;
  • oxygen therapy, artificial ventilation lungs - used at a late stage of the disease with severe respiratory failure;
  • vitamin therapy – involves the intake of vitamins into the body through food and medicine.

A number of groups of drugs are used for drug therapy.

Corticosteroids are best medicines for the treatment of this pneumonia. Prednisolone is most often prescribed.

Cytostatics are prescribed if corticosteroid therapy does not help.

  1. Methotrexate.
  2. Cyclophosphamide.
  3. Colchicine.
  4. Glutathione.
  5. Cyclosporine.

A combined treatment method is also used. To reach better effect It is recommended to combine corticosteroids with cytostatics.

Surgical treatment requires organ transplantation. This method is used when acute manifestation lung diseases in young people.

Prevention of the disease consists of following a number of rules:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • proper nutrition;
  • quitting smoking;
  • vaccination.

Since people with lung disease lose a lot of weight, they need balanced diet, rich in vitamins and minerals. The nutritionist will give instructions on further nutrition and select necessary products to restore the body.

It is important to remember that by identifying the disease at the stage of development and promptly contacting a specialist for help, who will prescribe competent treatment, will prevent serious consequences and get rid of the disease.

Nonspecific intrestial pneumonia (NSIP, English NSIP) is the second most common morphological and pathological pattern of interstitial lung lesions and is characterized by a histological picture of uniform interstitial chronic inflammation to varying degrees severity or fibrosis. NSIP comes in two subtypes:

  • fibrous (fibrotic) type: more common, has poorer outcome
  • cellular (cellular) type: less common, but characterized by a more positive prognosis due to a better response to therapy

On imaging, the most common features are relatively symmetrical and bilateral ground-glass areas associated with subtle/subtle reticular changes and decreased lung volume leading to the formation of traction bronchiectasis. Sparing of the immediate subpleural regions, when encountered, is considered very specific for NSIP.


Pathology usually occurs in middle-aged men, 40-50 years old. Distributed in the European population.

Clinical picture

Symptoms are nonspecific and include insidiously progressive dyspnea and dry cough with a restrictive pattern of decreased pulmonary function and decreased gas exchange function.


Spatial and temporal homogeneity in the material is the main feature of NSIP. Histologically, NSIP is divided into three groups; however, due to the similar outcome of II and Group III(mixed cellular and fibrous and, accordingly, predominantly fibrous) are now classified as fibrous type:

  • fibrous(fibrotic, from English fibrotic): more frequent, thickening of the interstitium is greater due to homogeneous fibrosis with an average severity of chronic inflammation, despite fibrotic changes, the architecture of the lung tissue is preserved
  • cellular(cellular, from English cellular) nonspecific interstitial pneumonia: less frequent; interstitial thickening is mostly secondary to infiltration inflammatory cells and type II pneumocyte hyperplasia. The architecture of the lungs is preserved.

Absence of such important histological signs: hyaline membranes, granulomas, invasion by microorganisms, signs of primary damage respiratory tract or organizing pneumonia, as well as eosinophils and gross fibrosis - indicates the absence of acute lung injury.

Combined pathology

NSIP - predominantly idiopathic disease, but the morphological pattern can be combined with numerous diseases:

  • connective tissue diseases
    • systemic lupus erythematosus
    • scleroderma
    • Sjögren's syndrome
    • polymyositis 5]
    • dermatomyositis 5]
  • other autoimmune diseases
    • Hashimoto's thyrioiodide
  • drug-induced lung injury: especially drugs used in chemotherapy
  • slow recovery for diffuse alveolar damage
  • recurrent organizing pneumonia
  • immunodeficiency (mainly due to HIV)
  • host versus graft reaction 13]
  • Castleman disease
  • myelodysplastic syndrome 13]


Computed tomography

Characteristic signs on imaging are similar to cellular, fibrous NSIP, as well as AIP, in up to 30% of cases. Temporary progression of changes during repeated HRCT examination in 28% of cases makes it possible to change the preliminary diagnosis from AIP to NSIP. Changes usually affect peripheral parts(with stinging directly subpelural), generally symmetrical with a cranio-caudal gradient of severity. Isolated or predominant involvement upper lobes, or rare unilateral involvement - make the diagnosis of NSIP less likely.

Common manifestations include:

  • reduction of airiness like frosted glass
    • usually a dominant feature: can be symmetrical or diffusely distributed throughout all sections or localized predominantly in the basal sections
    • Sparing the immediate subpelural areas is a relatively specific sign of NSIP
    • in most cases bilateral and symmetrical (~86%), but may be bilateral asymmetrical (10% of cases), and rarely unilateral (3%)
    • in most cases in peripheral areas (~68%) but can be chaotic (21%), diffuse (8%), and, rarely, in central departments lungs (3%)
  • reticular densities and irregular linear densities (sometimes minimal subpleural reticular changes) mainly in fibrous NSIP
  • thickening of the axial interstitium/bronchovascular bundles: in fibrotic NSIP
  • traction bronchiectasis: found in fibrotic NSIP
  • decrease in lung volume: mainly in the lower lobes
  • with pronounced course

Interstitial pneumonia is a chronic inflammatory disease lungs, affecting the walls of the alveoli, connective tissue of the parenchyma, endothelium of the pulmonary capillaries and perilymphatic tissues. The pathology causes shortness of breath, dry cough, and can be complicated by pneumosclerosis and heart failure.

Classification of the disease

IN medical practice Interstitial pneumonia is distinguished by morphological, pathogenetic characteristics and nature of the course. Most often, patients suffer from a nonspecific form of the disease of unknown etiology. Less commonly diagnosed, it is characterized by the rapid onset and progression of pathological processes.

Diagnostic methods

Establishing the correct diagnosis for interstitial pneumonia is difficult. Patients are given:

  • X-ray examination;
  • HRCT (high resolution computed tomography);
  • open lung biopsy.

The images reveal characteristic foci of infiltration, increased pulmonary pattern, ground-glass changes, and fibrocystic pathologies.

While listening to the chest, wet or crepitus sounds are heard, reminiscent of the cracking of a plastic bag. On late stages signs of disease are observed pulmonary heart, swelling of the extremities occurs. Fibrous changes progress, and a “honeycomb lung” is formed. Based on the results of the gas composition and the acid-base state of the blood, hypoxemia and respiratory alkalosis are determined. carried out with bacterial pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, distress syndrome, drug pneumonitis.

Treatment methods

For interstitial pneumonia, therapy begins with the elimination of provoking factors. Smokers need to give up their bad habit; people working in hazardous industries are advised to change their occupation.

Drug treatment includes:

  • administration of glucocorticoids in high and medium doses over long courses;
  • for autoimmune reactions, cytostatics are prescribed;
  • additionally use antifibrotic agents: Colchicine, D-penicillamine;
  • to eliminate symptoms pulmonary hypertension vasodilators are used;
  • antiplatelet agents, prostaglandins, antioxidants improve the functioning of the endothelium.

Patients with acute pneumonia are provided with emergency medical care, connect to the device. When a “honeycomb lung” is formed, transplantation of the damaged organ is required.

The prognosis of interstitial pneumonia depends on the type of disease and degree fibrotic changes. The average survival rate is 5 years; if complications develop, life expectancy is no more than 3 years. The most unfavorable outcome is acute inflammation, mortality reaches 75% even with timely provision of medical care.

The term “idiopathic interstitial pneumonia” is used to refer to a group of lung diseases of unknown etiology. Diseases of this group differ from each other in the type of pathomorphological non-infectious inflammation and fibrosis in the lung instertium. The difference is noticeable in the clinical course and prognosis. Diseases may be in acute form and lead to death, but can also be completely cured or form a chronic “honeycomb lung”.


Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia was first diagnosed and classified in 1935. In 1964, the diagnosis of fibrosing alveolitis was first made. This is where the synonymous name “idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis” comes from. There is also a name for cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis. The last name is most common in Europe.

In 1965, the disease was first differentiated into five the following types: giant cell interstitial pneumonia, lymphoid interstitial pneumonia, bronchiolitis obliterans with interstitial pneumonia, desquamative interstitial pneumonia and usual interstitial pneumonia.

Over time, the first two variants left the group as their etiological factors were established.

In 1998, D. Myers and A. Katzenstein identified four variants of the disease: nonspecific, acute, desquamative and usual interstitial pneumonia. Bronchiolitis obliterans was not included in this classification because it is caused by viruses or inhaled toxins.

In the end, in 2001, by international agreement, 7 types of pneumonia of interest to us were adopted. The classification included: lymphoid interstitial pneumonia, desquamative interstitial pneumonia, respiratory bronchiolitis, acute interstitial pneumonia, cryptogenic organizing pneumonia, nonspecific interstitial pneumonia, idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis.


Nowadays, only the spread of idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis is known with certainty. According to statistics, approximately 20 men out of one hundred thousand and 13 women out of the same number suffer from it. With age, the risk of the disease increases. Most often it occurs after 60. Mortality is directly proportional age category. The older the patients, the higher it is. 3 people per 100 thousand people die from this disease. In turn, average duration survivors' lives this type pneumonia is from 2.5 to 5 years. It should be clarified that about 90% of cases of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia are a disease of idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis.


Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia is classified according to the characteristics of the clinical picture, pathomorphological and radiological signs. Pathomonological disorders for each separate form has not yet been identified. All patients experience a decrease in lung volume due to physiological changes as a consequence of illness. In patients, the results of laboratory tests characteristic of all types of idiopathic diseases are highlighted.

Features of clinical and X-ray manifestations idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis

This type is characterized by increasing shortness of breath and unproductive cough of a paroxysmal nature with refractoriness to antitussives. A quarter of patients experience deformity nail phalanges. During auscultation, a “cellophane crackle” is heard starting from lower sections and ending with the top. In later stages, cor pulmonale is observed.

On radiography, darkening is most often observed in the basal regions. This is the reason for the decrease in the volume of the lower lobes and the formation of honeycomb changes in the lung tissue. The accuracy of diagnosis using an X-ray image is 50%.

Computed tomography shows predominantly bilateral changes associated with traction bronchiectasis. In most cases, “honeycomb lung” phenomena are observed, less often - “frosted glass”. Changes are visible mainly in the peripheral and basal parts of the lungs.

Features of clinical and radiological manifestations of nonspecific interstitial pneumonia

This disease develops very smoothly. Often people consult a doctor 1.5-3 years after experiencing the first symptoms. Shortness of breath and cough are not very pronounced and increase at a slow pace. Temperature and changes nail plates appear no more often than in 10% of cases. The disease is highly treatable.

The X-ray image shows bilateral infiltrative changes in the lower parts of the lungs. Areas with a “frosted glass” effect are located symmetrically. In most cases, this is the only sign of the disease. Repeated studies after treatment usually show positive dynamics.

Features of clinical and radiological manifestations of cryptogenic organizing pneumonia

For this type of pneumonia pathological changes occur in the alveolar ducts and alveoli in combination with polypoid bronchiolitis. The symptoms are similar to the flu. The cough may be productive and produce clear sputum. Wheezing can be heard. The shape of the nail phalanges never changes. In addition, a blood test also takes part in the diagnosis. HSC therapy leads to complete recovery of the patient.

During X-ray examination, unilateral darkening in the form of nodular shadows is most often visible. The lung area may decrease by up to 25%.

Computed tomography shows subpleural and peribronchial consolidations in the lower lobes of the lungs.

Features of clinical and radiological manifestations of acute interstitial pneumonia

With this type of disease, after the symptoms of a viral infection, rapid development shortness of breath. Later cyanosis develops. Over time, the patient requires artificial ventilation. The mortality rate exceeds 50%.

On radiography, thickening of the walls of the central and peripheral bronchi, “frosted glass,” is very noticeable.

Features of clinical and radiological manifestations of desquamative interstitial pneumonia

Most often, the disease occurs in smokers and is characterized by a dry cough and increasing shortness of breath.

The x-ray shows a nodular ground glass structure in the lower lobes of the lungs.

Features of clinical and radiological manifestations of lymphoid intertial pneumonia

Symptoms of the disease include weight loss, fever, arthralgia, and sometimes anemia.

X-ray images can show both diffuse ground-glass lesions and mixed alveolar-interstitial infiltrates.

Full diagnosis

In modern medicine, a complete diagnosis can only be made using a surgical lung biopsy. At different types For idiopathic intertial pneumonia, both open and video-assisted thoraxoscopic biopsy can be used. A complete diagnosis of this group of diseases allows us to avoid not only death from the disease itself, but also the consequences of improper treatment with difficult-to-tolerate drugs that are used due to the complexity of the disease.