Edema during PMS. Edema during menstruation

Edema before menstruation - common occurrence. The mood and well-being of a woman depend on changes hormonal background. It is for this reason that many ladies are irritable before and during menstruation. The reason for this situation is that a few days before the start of the process, the level of progesterone in the blood rises to a maximum level, which leads to the development of some unpleasant symptoms.

Menstruation may be accompanied by such symptoms: a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, acne on the skin, growing appetite, state of drowsiness, swelling of the chest. Legs swell before menstruation. Edema before menstruation occurs as a result of fluid retention in the uterus and nasal mucosa during the so-called premenstrual syndrome. After that, they begin to spread to those parts of the body that contain fatty tissue, namely, the thighs, abdomen or buttocks. As a result, many of the women may observe that the usual clothing size is small these days. Puffiness before menstruation occurs due to a reduction in urination, since the hormone progesterone is considered an anti-diuretic. At the moment when the menstrual cycle ends, swelling of the legs and face is observed, which causes a lot of inconvenience in the heat season.

Causes of the phenomenon

It should be noted that puffiness is the most common form of premenstrual syndrome. Some women, along with edema, may also experience neuropsychic form syndrome.

The swelling of the beautiful half of humanity before menstruation can be explained hormonal imbalance. The female sex hormone estrogen leads to salt retention in the body, causing fluid to be removed from the body much more slowly than usual, leading to excess fluid accumulation in the breasts and other parts of the body. Before the onset of menstruation, progesterone announces itself, interacting with estrogen. And the weight gain that women complain about during menstruation has nothing to do with the deposition of fat. This is a consequence of fluid retention in the body.

Before the beginning menstrual cycle moisture can also accumulate due to a deficiency of magnesium, which provides control over water balance. In practice, for the appearance of puffiness before menstruation, there may be more compelling reasons that are not related to hormonal changes in the body. This may be due to diseases of the veins, joints, kidneys and heart, or lymphatic vessels. It is for this reason that you should not self-medicate. You should visit a specialist who will identify true reason states.

It should be noted that puffiness does not occur in every woman. Just some are included in the so-called risk group. In this case, the predisposing factors include:

  • overweight;
  • a large number of transferred pregnancies;
  • many artificial interruptions of pregnancy, as a result of which the hormonal balance is disturbed;
  • late generic activity and lack breast milk after her;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • inflammation and pathology of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • received brain injuries;
  • wrong diet;
  • use of tobacco products;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • kidney pathology;
  • heart disease;
  • menopause or puberty, which is characterized by hormonal imbalance.

How to get rid of puffiness?

Foreshadowing the appearance of puffiness before menstruation, you can take necessary measures to relieve premenstrual syndrome. Of course, only a specialist will be able to prescribe adequate treatment. After all, puffiness can indicate the development of a serious pathology, for example, kidney failure. However, there are a number of tips that will help, if not avoid, but reduce swelling before menstruation.

A mild diuretic, such as Veroshpiron, will lead to an increased withdrawal of fluid from the body, which will relieve swelling. To enhance the transport of moisture, you can resort to using various medicinal herbs with diuretic properties.

  1. In case of swelling of the eyelids and the area under the eyes, you can apply chilled green tea bags moistened with water.
  2. Cotton pads soaked in milk, where ice cubes are placed in advance, will help relieve eyelid puffiness.
  3. A beaten egg white applied to the site of edema will help eliminate this syndrome.
  4. If you chop parsley, then mix it with a few tablespoons of sour cream and use it as a face mask, then this is also an effective tool in the fight against puffiness.
  5. From a decoction of chamomile and coffee, it is required to prepare ice cubes, and then lubricate the skin of the legs with them. This will help relieve puffiness lower extremities. Useful in this case is their ablution with a salt solution with a few drops of iodine.
  6. A decoction of wild rose or chamomile and lingonberries can also prevent the condition.

Previously, it was about the weakening of puffiness before or during menstruation. However, it is better to prevent the occurrence of such a syndrome than to deal with it. For these purposes, you should adjust your lifestyle and diet. In order to avoid the development of such a syndrome, medical treatment is resorted to.

Edema before menstruation occurs in almost every woman. They can appear both in certain parts of the body, and affect only some of its parts. Why is this happening, what affects these processes, and what measures to get rid of unpleasant symptoms exist - about this in our material.

Causes of swelling during and before menstruation

The cause of swelling can be anything, and there is a lot of controversy about this. All of them can only approximately explain the manifestation of edema. In addition to edema, during PMS, women may experience neuropsychiatric disorders, cephalgic, etc.

Consider the main causes of edema and fluid retention in the body, which doctors talk about.

Too much estrogen

This is the main hormonal cause, due to which edema may appear. different parts body during PMS. Excess female sex hormone can also provoke other ailments. Due to an excess of this hormone, fluid is retained in the body, swelling appears on the face, chest, or all over the body.

lack of estrogen

It can also “cause” premenstrual edema, adversely affect general state health, and provoke a lack of progesterone. Together, these problems make the situation even worse.


According to studies, it promotes sodium retention, which also leads to the accumulation of excess fluid. But, even if this hormone remains within the normal range, a person may have a banal sensitivity to this hormone, which contributes to the occurrence of edema.

Other reasons

constant stress, nervous breakdowns, heart disease, and pressure problems lead to an excess of ACTH - the pituitary hormone. The result is reabsorption of fluid by the kidneys.

Immunodeficiency, imbalance of vitamins, lack of zinc can act indirectly, which leads to improper production of biologically active substances. The result is general malaise and swelling.

Why edema may appear before menstruation (moreover, in most women) is a question that has not been thoroughly studied. But, doctors clearly distinguish certain categories of women who are most susceptible to such an “effect”:

  • FROM overweight(fat deposits are sources of estrogen);
  • Those who have kidney, heart and liver disease;
  • People after 40 years of age or at the age of stopping the menstrual cycle.

How edema manifests itself

Most often, during PMS in women, the face or certain parts of it completely swell. At the same time, a weight gain of 2-3 kg is clearly visible. The body becomes pasty and heavy. If only certain parts of the face swell before menstruation, then serious discomfort and pressure will be felt in these areas.

Often a woman may complain of swelling and pain in the chest area. Along with this syndrome, an increase in the waist. Such a problem can be complicated up to intestinal bloating.

If the body swells completely, then the problem can be both purely individual in nature and be a sign serious illnesses not associated with PMS. Moreover, even the eyes can swell.

Why does the breast swell

What is the reason for breast swelling most often before menstruation? Such edema occurs in almost 93% of all cases. But, discomfort can manifest itself in completely different ways:

  • Some experience only slight swelling of the mammary glands;
  • Someone feels severe or tolerable pain in the nipples;
  • Others complain of simply unbearable pain in the entire chest;
  • Fourth may suffer from an increase in the mammary glands;
  • Etc.

It doesn’t matter what kind of sensations a woman has in the chest area at the time of the second half of the cycle - this normal reaction, which manifests itself due to physiological characteristics.

After menstruation, 12-14 days later, ovulation occurs. During this period, sex hormones begin to actively produce. And without this process, pregnancy will be simply impossible.

The uterine walls change their structure in order to be able to accept a fertilized egg, the fat masses of the mammary glands accumulate more and more. Therefore, it appears sharp sensitivity in the region of the mammary glands.

If conception does not occur, then gradually the level of hormones that are responsible for its normal course gradually begins to fall. Gradually, all unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Conclusion: swelling before menstruation in the chest area - normal phenomenon, and each woman can manifest it in her own way. Doctors note that if the symptoms are tolerable, then nothing should be done. Otherwise, they may prescribe pain medication.

swollen feet

If the legs swell before menstruation, then the reasons can also be very diverse. The most common of these is problems with the excretion of salts from the body.

The first thing to do in such a situation is to eat less sweet, salty and starchy foods. It is better to drink as much liquid as possible to help the body with the excretion of salts.

Fluid retention can also cause unpleasant swelling of the lower extremities. Insufficient content in the body of magnesium or vitamin B6 are other common causes.

They are followed by diseases of the veins, problems with the work of any internal organs and systems, as well as the use of certain drugs or side effects appearing against their background.

So, if you notice that before menstruation your legs often begin to swell, then you should consult a doctor, undergo the necessary examinations, and identify the cause of this problem.

How to get rid of swelling during menstruation

Knowing your body and its manifestations against the background of menstruation, it is better to prevent the occurrence of edema and other unpleasant symptoms. Qualified ways to eliminate diseases can only be determined by a doctor.

But, often there are no problems with the body, and swelling with discomfort is just an individual reaction of the body that occurs during PMS. What to do in this case, and how to deal with these problems?


The most “light” drugs are a diuretic, for example, Veroshpiron. The medicine will help to quickly remove fluid from the body, thereby removing the swelling of certain parts of the body.

In addition to this drug, in the pharmacy you can buy a lot of harmless herbs, which also have a diuretic effect.

Folk methods

Verified folk methods getting rid of edema before menstruation:

  • If the area under the eyes is swollen, then you can apply green tea bags to these places;
  • You can moisten cotton swabs in milk, after placing small ice cubes in them. Such lotions should be put on the eyelids;
  • Egg white can also be good helper in such a problem. It must be beaten well and applied to the site of swelling of the face;
  • Parsley (both fresh and frozen) can also come in handy. It needs to be cut into small pieces, mixed with sour cream, and make a face mask out of these ingredients;
  • With swelling of the legs on the eve of menstruation, you can prepare cubes with coffee and chamomile, after which everyone cleans their legs with them;
  • A solution of salt mixed with iodine and soda can also relieve leg swelling. You can make baths from it;
  • Infusions of chamomile, rose hips, lingonberries, etc. will help relieve swelling;

One of the most effective recipes with bay leaf: it is necessary to pour several pieces of the leaf with boiling water, insist for 3 hours, and drink 100 ml three times every day.

Lifestyle and nutrition

It's trite but true balanced diet, which is dominated by healthy meals, will also help to cope with puffiness of different parts of the body before menstruation.

Foods rich in vitamins A, B and C deserve the most attention. Meat, fish, pumpkin seeds, leafy salads, dairy products are the basis for women's health.

If you exercise moderately, this will also allow the body to quickly remove excess liquid. But, it is strictly forbidden to cut down on the drinking regime, so as not to lead to dehydration.

Almost any physical exercise stimulates intestinal peristalsis and diuresis, which, in turn, affects the speed of the urge to urinate. Sport contributes to balancing the nervous system, which helps to establish communication between tissues and organs, puts hormonal balance in order.

It is also important to pay attention to excess weight, since when it is overabundant, fats accumulate in the body, which can be the main cause of edema before menstruation.

Premenstrual syndrome occurs in many women, and it can be accompanied by a variety of unpleasant symptoms. The most common is swelling. Is it possible to fight it, and how to do it right?

Norm or not?

The work of the female body is highly dependent on hormones. And their number throughout the menstrual cycle changes. For example, during the luteal phase, which begins after ovulation and ends with the onset of critical days, corpus luteum(previously it was a follicle from which a mature egg came out) actively produces estradiol, progesterone and androgens.

And it is these hormones that have the most direct effect on the functioning of the female body, which explains the changes observed before menstruation, which are called PMS ().

Many girls and women meet with PMS: according to statistics, one or another of its manifestations is observed monthly in 70-80% of all the fair sex. But if some do not attach importance to them or simply do not pay attention to the symptoms, then others experience discomfort or even seek help from specialists.

The most common signs of PMS are such as increased appetite or cravings for certain products, a slight increase in body weight (by two to three kilograms), mood swings, apathy or, conversely, increased nervous excitability, sleep disturbances, dizziness, decreased performance, chronic fatigue pain in the head or in the muscles, discomfort in the lower abdomen, stool disorders and many others.

How can edema appear?

As a rule, edema is localized on the limbs, especially the feet and fingers. You can detect them by suddenly becoming tight or uncomfortable shoes, as well as difficult-to-remove rings. But fluid can also linger in the face area, especially in the eye area. And some feel heaviness and some puffiness in almost the entire body, this also occurs.

Usually swelling increases in the evening, especially after labor day. Fluid can also be retained in large volumes due to a decrease in activity, for example, after prolonged sitting or being in a different position. But some people notice swelling in the morning, and they usually appear after drinking a large amount of liquid the night before or eating a salty dish.

What causes swelling?

Why does swelling occur before menstruation? There may be several reasons, but many of them are associated precisely with the changes caused by the action of hormones produced in this phase of the menstrual cycle.

So, possible reasons puffiness:

  • Fluid retention. She, oddly enough, is a kind of defense mechanism. female body thought out to the smallest detail, and nature itself protects women from various troubles. So, hormones produced during the luteal phase provoke a violation of the water-salt balance, as a result of which salt accumulates and retains fluid. Also, the body begins to synthesize the substance vasopressin, which has an antidiuretic effect and reduces the frequency of urination, which also helps to slow down the excretion of water from the body. And all this happens only in order to protect the woman from dehydration and large blood loss, which can be observed during menstruation.
  • The use of foods that contribute to fluid retention in the body. If PMS is accompanied by changes in appetite and taste preferences, then this is also the reason. The products that provoke puffiness, first of all, include salty, because salt literally attracts water, absorbs it and does not allow it to come out naturally. But edema can also occur with overuse sweets, various bakery products, starchy and fatty dairy products, as well as various canned food and marinades.
  • Decreased activity. It is also associated with PMS and is due to its symptoms such as apathy and fatigue. And if you are constantly in one position, then the liquid will inevitably linger in the tissues and increase their volume.

How to fight?

What to do if swelling occurs before menstruation? Slight fluid retention is normal and due to some hormonal changes phenomenon, so it is not easy to eliminate it. But if you follow some tips, you can make the swelling less pronounced or almost invisible.

So, how to minimize fluid retention in the body before critical days?

  1. Drink more fluids. This advice may seem strange, but it is relevant nonetheless. The fact is that water consumed in sufficient quantities normalizes the water-salt balance and promotes the dissolution of salt. So it is recommended to drink at least 1.5-2 liters per day, but most of it should fall in the first half of the day.
  2. Change your diet. Eliminate from it all products that provoke water retention (they were listed above). If you really want something forbidden, then you can afford to eat it, but only in the first half of the day and on condition that you plan to spend the day actively and move enough. In addition, you can and should eat foods that stimulate the excretion of fluid. These include watermelons (they are a kind of champions in this regard and powerful natural diuterics), tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, cranberries, Brussels sprouts, parsley, and beets.
  3. Use proven generations folk remedies, for example, decoctions, teas and infusions based on bearberry, buds or birch leaves, staminate orthosiphon, horsetail, lingonberry leaves, parsley. Regular green tea can also help. But it is better to give up coffee or at least reduce its consumption. It is also a natural diuretic, but can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms.
  4. areas where swelling is most pronounced. Patting, kneading, and rubbing can stimulate the removal of fluid from the tissues.
  5. Help and physical exercise such as running or exercising.

Preventive measures

If you prepare in advance for critical days, then PMS will be less pronounced, and swelling will be almost invisible. But what to do for this?

Main preventive measures that will help you avoid severe edema before menstruation:

  • Provide for your body beneficial substances contributing to the normalization water-salt metabolism and natural fluid excretion. These include calcium, magnesium, potassium, as well as B vitamins. To replenish your reserves, include green vegetables and herbs in your diet, dairy products as well as berries and fruits.
  • Resist premenstrual sluggishness and try to lead active image life, so that all body systems work smoothly and fully, and weight does not increase.
  • In advance, exclude from the menu all foods that contribute to fluid retention in the body: salty, sweet, flour, pickled and canned food.

If you put in the effort and learn important rules, then you can prevent the development of edema before menstruation.

Premenstrual syndrome is a set of symptoms that occur in women during the second phase of the menstrual cycle. The changes are due to hormonal fluctuations. As a rule, all manifestations do not bring much joy, but, on the contrary, interfere active life and worsen general well-being. Edema before menstruation is familiar to almost every woman. Most often, the mammary glands are filled and disturbed, but excess fluid can accumulate throughout the body. Why is this happening and how to get rid of the problem?

Read in this article

Reasons for the appearance

How to get rid

Knowing about the propensity of the body to such changes, it is better to try to prevent premenstrual syndrome. the most appropriate and effective treatment only a doctor can prescribe. But often you have to fight with what you have. To do this, there are some tips to reduce puffiness on the eve of critical days.


It is recommended to take the lungs, for example, veroshpiron. The drug will contribute to an increased release of fluid from the body, thereby removing puffiness from the tissues. You can also use various diuretic herbs. These include lingonberries, cranberries and others.

Folk methods

  • With swelling of the eyelids and the area under the eyes, you can apply chilled green tea bags moistened with water.
  • It is recommended to take cotton pads and soak in milk, where ice cubes should first be placed. Cold mini-compressions should be applied to the eyelids.
  • Egg white also helps in these cases. It must be beaten and applied to the site of puffiness on the face.
  • Sometimes fresh or frozen parsley is effective. To do this, grind it and mix with a few tablespoons of sour cream. The resulting mixture should be used as a face mask.
  • If on the eve of menstruation the legs swell, then you can prepare cubes from a solution of chamomile and coffee. And then daily lubricate the skin of the limbs. It is useful to wash your feet with a solution of salt, soda with the addition of a drop of iodine. You can also make baths from it.
  • It is also recommended to drink infusions from rose hips, lingonberry leaves.
  • There is interesting recipe with bay leaf. To do this, you need to take three or four pieces of it, pour a glass of boiling water and insist for several hours. And then take 100 ml three times a day. It is useful to drink it, even if the hands swell before menstruation.

Prevent swelling before menstruation

But it is most effective to deal with the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome in advance. Be sure to undergo an examination by specialists, since a serious pathology, such as kidney failure, can be hidden behind ordinary edema.

All methods of therapy can be divided into several groups: lifestyle and nutrition changes, medications, means of traditional medicine.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but it is more effective to use complex treatment. How to get rid of swelling before menstruation, some more time-tested tips will tell you.

Lifestyle and nutrition

No matter how trite it may sound, but proper nutrition, enriched with fresh fruits and vegetables, helps a woman fight edema as well. Special attention should be given vitamins B, A, C and zinc. A large number of them are found in lettuce, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, meat and dairy products. Therefore, the diet of any woman should always contain these ingredients.

Dosed physical activity will also help remove excess fluid from the body. But in no case should you limit your drinking regimen otherwise you can get dehydrated. Any physical exercises stimulate diuresis and intestinal motility in any woman, therefore, as a rule, after training, the urge to go to the toilet always appears in speed.

Sports also balance nervous system, and this establishes connections between tissues and organs, balances the hormonal profile of a woman. After all, an excess of estrogens and a lack of gestagens are the main cause of the development of edema.

A woman should adjust her body weight. It is known that adipose tissue is a source of estrogen. The more extra pounds, the more pronounced swelling and other manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

It should also be understood that if concomitant pathology in a woman can exacerbate manifestations of PMS. For example, swelling of the legs before menstruation will be brighter in those who have varicose veins of the lower extremities. Therefore, it is worth considering treatment, sometimes even surgery, in order to improve the quality of your life.

Medical treatment

In the fight against premenstrual syndrome, and edema in particular, a large number of drugs are used, usually of a hormonal nature.

Oral contraceptives

They are one of the most effective means. But only a gynecologist can choose the right medicine, taking into account the age and health of the woman. Modern contraceptives often include hormones that have a diuretic effect. For example, "Jess". As a result, there is a significant decrease in engorgement of the mammary glands, pastosity of tissues and even swelling of the abdomen before menstruation disappears.

But conventional contraceptives, by creating an artificial hormonal background in a woman, can minimize the manifestations of PMS.

Sometimes it is possible to prescribe only gestagens in the second phase. Often used "" or "". It should be taken from 16 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle.

Prolactin Correction

If an increase in the level of prolactin is determined in the analyzes, its correction often leads to a decrease in the severity of puffiness as well. The most effective drugs such as Dostinex or Parlodel.

Vitamin preparations

Given the fact that certain vitamin deficiencies play a role in the pathogenesis of edema, regular intake of the complexes will also help reduce the severity of PMS. Particularly effective are special formulations for correcting hormonal levels. For example, "" and the like. Often they help relieve breast swelling before menstruation and her.


Reception diuretics with the beginning of the second phase, it also helps women to effectively deal with edema. The most suitable mechanism of action is "Veroshpiron".

Dietary supplements and homeopathic remedies

It is impossible not to take into account the effect of patented products alternative medicine. As a rule, at the time of taking dietary supplements and homeopathic medicines all PMS symptoms, including edema, are minimally expressed or do not bother the woman at all.

One of the most popular and effective is "", "" and others. But often with the abolition of drugs, a return of all symptoms is observed.

Folk remedies

Many women still prefer the use of plants for treatment and prevention, so they are interested in how to relieve swelling before menstruation using them. The following herbs have proven to be effective in these situations:

  • Melissa,
  • acacia,
  • mint,
  • calendula,
  • cornflower and others.

To prepare ordinary infusions, you need about 2 - 3 tablespoons of leaves or flowers, pour 400 - 500 ml of them hot water. It should be taken 20-30 ml several times a day. You can use one type of plant, a combination of several is also useful, for example, valerian, mint and chamomile or cornflower, lemon balm and calendula.

If swelling occurs before menstruation, the doctor will effectively tell you how to deal with them. Of course, a woman should be examined and examined by a specialist to identify diseases that can aggravate or provoke such conditions. Since the main reason for the appearance of puffiness lies in the violation of the hormonal background, the most effective wayhormonal correction in combination with vitamin and phytotherapy. But only a qualified specialist will be able to select the most suitable schemes after examining and determining the level of a woman’s health.

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  • The mood and well-being of a woman is completely subject to fluctuations in the hormonal background, therefore, in the period before menstruation and during them, the fair sex cannot boast good health. The thing is that a few days before menstruation, the level of progesterone in the blood is as high as possible, which provokes a number of unpleasant symptoms in a woman. This is heaviness in the lower abdomen, skin rashes, excessive appetite, drowsiness, swelling of the mammary glands and swelling. As for the last symptom, fluid retention occurs during premenstrual syndrome (hereinafter referred to as PMS) in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and uterus. Then the edema spreads to parts of the body containing fatty tissue (thighs, abdomen and buttocks), which is why many women find with horror that the usual size of trousers becomes tight. Puffiness also provokes a decrease in the number of urination and the volume of urine produced, because progesterone is considered an antidiuretic hormone.

    During the end of the menstrual cycle in women, in most cases, the face and legs swell, which causes significant discomfort, especially in the heat. It is worth noting that edema during PMS is subject to:

    • women with overweight body;
    • women with vegetovascular dystonia;
    • women with kidney disease;
    • women in the premenopausal period.

    How to deal with swelling of the legs and face with PMS?

    First of all, prevent swelling in last days Before menstruation, a correction of the daily regimen will help. On the eve of critical days, every woman should devote increased attention diet. It is recommended to limit the use fatty meat, dairy products, fried foods, smoked products, semi-finished products and spices. It does not hurt to temporarily exclude drinks containing caffeine (coffee, cola, energy drinks), as they excite the nervous system and exacerbate the problem of edema. In the menu, you can enter products with a diuretic effect. peaches, plums, apricots, citrus fruits, apples, cucumbers, zucchini, watermelon and pumpkin.

    Drinks to be preferred clean water, decoctions of herbs and natural juices. High-quality drinking and nutrition will help prevent swelling of the legs and face before menstruation.

    If swelling still appears, then you can get rid of them with the help of some simple tricks:

    1. If the face is swollen, then in the morning you can improve it appearance with the help of such a mask: a raw potato tuber is finely rubbed on a grater, and the resulting mass is evenly distributed over the eyelids. The mask is left for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water.
    2. Soak two cotton pads in chilled green tea and apply a compress on the eyelids for 15 minutes. Green tea perfectly tones the skin and relieves puffiness.
    3. Perfectly eliminates bags under the eyes mask from egg white. To perform the procedure, it is enough to whisk the protein with a whisk and apply it under the lower eyelids for 15 minutes.
    4. Raw protein mask perfectly eliminates puffiness under the eyes. It is done like this: beat the protein with a whisk and apply it under the lower eyelids for 15 minutes.
    5. Whole milk is poured into a cup and two ice cubes are added. Soak two cotton pads with milk and apply them as a compress for 10 minutes to the eyelids.
    6. One teaspoon of chopped parsley is mixed with two teaspoons of 20% fat sour cream. The mask is applied to the face and washed with cold water after 20 minutes.
    7. A few sprigs of fresh rosemary are crushed and poured into a glass of boiling water. The decoction is infused for seven days in a dark place. In the morning, the infusion is used instead of a cleanser.
    8. To relieve swelling of the legs during PMS, you can wipe them every evening with an ice cube made from a decoction of chamomile or strong coffee.
    9. In order for the swelling on the legs to subside, it is recommended to prepare such a bath: a glass of salt is dissolved in 10 liters of water, and then a tablespoon of soda and a teaspoon of iodine are added. The legs are lowered into the resulting liquid for 10 minutes. The procedure can be done at any time of the day.

    At home, you can also make some means for oral administration:

    1. Three bay leaves pour a glass of boiling water. The decoction is taken in a tablespoon three times a day. Important: if there is high probability the fact that a woman is pregnant, then this remedy for eliminating edema cannot be taken.
    2. A tablespoon of dried and crushed rose hips is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and the broth is insisted all night under the lid. Take three glasses a day. Rosehip not only helps fight swelling, but also strengthens the immune system, which becomes weakened before menstruation.
    3. Three tablespoons of unpeeled oats are poured over a liter of water and insisted overnight. In the morning, the infusion is boiled for 20 minutes. Take a remedy from oats 1/5 cup five times a day.

    During the end of the cycle, a woman should rest a lot, walk on fresh air and don't worry about trifles. To avoid swelling of the legs, it is recommended to walk in comfortable shoes, avoid physical inactivity and do simple exercises for the legs. To prevent swelling of the face, you should sleep on a high pillow, do not abuse salty foods in the evening, and also limit eye strain before bedtime (reading, working at a computer).

    When are medications prescribed?

    For some women, the symptoms of PMS require drug treatment. The decision to prescribe drugs is made by the gynecologist, but only if the woman has passed all the studies, in particular, a blood test for sex hormones. In most cases, with severe PMS, they are prescribed hormonal preparations, vitamins, potassium-sparing diuretics. vitamins and sedatives. Medicines are taken according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. Edema before menstruation cannot be treated with diuretics on its own!

    It is worth considering that severe swelling may not be associated with PMS. If, after the measures taken, the puffiness does not go away or worsens, then most likely it is caused by other reasons. For staging accurate diagnosis you should consult a doctor and undergo a complete examination.