Why does a person remain thin with high cholesterol? Which cholesterol is high and which is normal? What affects cholesterol levels?

Increased cholesterol levels are one of the most well-known risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis and related complications, such as ischemic disease heart, myocardial infarction, stroke, etc. At the same time, important role plays not only the fact of hypercholesterolemia, but also changes in the content of low and low lipoproteins high density(LDL and HDL, respectively), which will be discussed further. High cholesterol in the blood of women is most often observed in old age, since before this stage, their body is relatively protected by the action of female sex hormones. However, cholesterol can increase at any age, so it is recommended for every woman to know the normal values ​​​​of lipids in the blood.

Cholesterol and lipoproteins

Most cholesterol is produced in the liver

Cholesterol (cholesterol) is a simple lipid molecule essential for normal functioning cells of our body. Therefore, it is impossible to treat her as unambiguously “bad”. Daily requirement cholesterol is compensated due to its synthesis in liver cells (about 80%) and intake along with food components (no more than 20%).

Cholesterol is an essential lipid that ensures the integrity of cell membranes in the human body.

Any lipids, including cholesterol, cannot be transported in the blood in free form, since they do not dissolve in liquid. For their transport, there are a number of special proteins - lipoproteins, which are protein-lipid complexes. They are divided into several classes:

  • Low and very low density lipoproteins (LDL and VLDL), transporting cholesterol and other lipids from the liver to peripheral organs and vessels. It is the increase in these molecules that is associated with an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis in women and men, which is associated with the ability of these molecules to be deposited in the vascular wall.
  • High-density lipoproteins (HDL) transport cholesterol and lipids in the opposite direction - from the walls of blood vessels and organs to the liver, where they undergo modification or transformation. HDL is considered a protective factor and is called “good” cholesterol.

IN healthy body, the content and ratio of cholesterol, LDL and HDL is constantly in a dynamic balance, which is necessary to ensure the normal functioning of cells and organs.

Normal cholesterol values

The ability to evaluate the results of a biochemical blood test is important not only for medical workers, but also for ordinary people. After all, they are the ones who face their own health problems.

High cholesterol in women is not always a clear sign of the development of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, it is important to measure not only the level of cholesterol in the blood, but also to evaluate the content of LDL, HDL and the so-called atherogenic index, which is the ratio of two classes of lipoproteins.

Table of normal lipid metabolism values:

Interpretation of test results should only be carried out by the attending physician.

Elevated cholesterol levels in women should be considered as a factor increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular pathology, primarily atherosclerosis.

Causes of high cholesterol

Increased cholesterol levels in women can be associated with several factors, the key ones being the following:

  1. Genetic predisposition. It has a number of inherited situations when its own cholesterol and lipid metabolism is disrupted. However, one this factor not enough to cause hypercholesterolemia.
  2. Old age. To menopause a woman is to some extent protected from increased cholesterol due to the action of female sex hormones, however, with age this protection disappears.
  3. Not proper nutrition with a large amount of fatty foods and simple carbohydrates leads to the accumulation of lipids in the body and thereby changes the content of cholesterol and lipoproteins.
  4. Few active image life without regular physical activity, is also a significant factor in the occurrence of hypercholesterolemia.
  5. A number of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, kidney and liver failure, may contribute to the occurrence of hypercholesterolemia.

It is important to remember that in the vast majority of cases, there are a number of factors that contribute to increased cholesterol and LDL. In this regard, any therapy should include not only medications that reduce the level of these lipids, but also certain non-drug recommendations - changes in diet, regular exercise, etc.

Diagnosis of hypercholesterolemia

Of great importance in establishing the causes of high cholesterol is the collection of the patient’s medical history about dietary habits, intake medicines, as well as transferred and available on at the moment diseases. In addition, a thorough external inspection is necessary.

Taking blood from a vein for a lipid profile

The main method of making a diagnosis is a biochemical blood test. In this case, as a rule, there is an increase in the amount of LDL and cholesterol, with a simultaneous decrease in the content of HDL in the blood. The atherogenicity index changes, which is calculated using the following formula: AI = (TC-HDL)/HDL

Normal values ​​of this index are from 3 to 3.5. What does this mean? Its increase indicates a significant predominance of LDL, which plays an important role in the development cardiovascular diseases.

Treatment of high cholesterol

Treatment for high cholesterol should be comprehensive and determined only by the attending physician after examining the patient. In this case, they are used in therapy as medications, as well as certain changes in a woman’s diet and lifestyle.

Treatment of high cholesterol is a long process that requires constant monitoring and selection of effective therapy.

Changes in diet and lifestyle

The most important element in treating high cholesterol is changes in your usual daily routine. All patients are shown regular physical exercise(at least three times a week) with predominantly aerobic exercise. In addition, it is desirable to optimize wakefulness and sleep patterns, as well as reduce the amount stressful situations– this will reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Diet also has a great influence on lipid metabolism in the body. It is necessary to exclude from food:

  • Fatty meats, as well as broths based on them.
  • Various canned, smoked and other products, including semi-finished products.
  • Sour cream, cottage cheese and cheeses with a high percentage of fat.
  • Bakery and confectionery products.

The low-cholesterol diet involves avoiding sweets

  • Egg yolk, etc.

There are a number of products that, together with medications, can reduce cholesterol and “bad” lipoproteins:

  • Vegetable soups, as well as boiled or baked vegetables without sauces.
  • Low fat yogurt.
  • Various fruits and berries.
  • A number of cereals: buckwheat, millet, etc.
  • Fresh vegetables.
  • Low-fat fish varieties.
  • Legumes: beans, beans.
  • Brown and other types of rice.

Proper selection of diet and changes in daily lifestyle will allow you to treat hypercholesterolemia much more effectively than using medications alone.


Usage medicines is the most important strategy in the fight against high cholesterol. However, it is important to note that only the attending physician should choose a specific medication and determine its dosage, after a comprehensive examination of the woman.

Representatives of the statin class

In the first place in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia are drugs from the group of statins. These include Fluvastatin, Simvastatin, etc. These medications act on a key enzyme in the process of cholesterol synthesis in the liver, which reduces the formation of internal cholesterol and thereby reduces its level and the content of low-density lipoproteins in the bloodstream. The drugs are well tolerated by patients and rarely cause side effects. In this case, treatment begins with a minimum dose, which can be gradually increased until the target lipid concentrations are achieved.

In addition to statins, fibrates are often used - Lipantil, Gemfibrozil, etc. These drugs bind to bile acids and do not allow them to emulsify fats, which leads to impaired absorption and a decrease in the amount of cholesterol and LDL in the blood. Fibrates are not recommended for use in diseases of the liver and gallbladder, or in combination with statins.

Drugs that interfere with the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine are becoming very popular in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. These include Ezetrol, etc. At the same time, the level of safety of these drugs is very high, since they act locally and are not absorbed into the bloodstream. This advantage explains their wide distribution.

New class of lipid-lowering drug

In addition to the specified groups medications, sequestrants demonstrate a good healing effect bile acids(Cholestyramine and Cholestilol), as well as a number of drugs based on nicotinic acid(Acipimox, Enduracin, etc.).

Treatment of high cholesterol in women should be carried out after a thorough medical examination, taking into account previous and existing diseases. Essential Maintaining optimal cholesterol and LDL levels involves proper nutrition and an active lifestyle. Without taking this into account, the use of medications may not bring the desired result and negatively affect the patient’s adherence to therapy.

"Bad" and "good" cholesterol

Cholesterol itself is a natural fatty alcohol that combines fats and steroids. It has a waxy consistency and is produced 80% by the liver, with the remaining 20% ​​obtained from food. Humans need this substance in small quantities. Cholesterol performs the function of “face control”, filtering substances that enter the cell, maintains the strength of the cell membrane, promotes the absorption and synthesis of certain vitamins and sex hormones, stimulates the production of the “joy hormone,” protects red blood cells from toxins, and so on. However, not all cholesterol is beneficial. It has two types, in common parlance - “good” and “bad”. Cholesterol itself is neutral, and its usefulness depends on what substances “select” it and distribute it throughout the body.

If high-density lipoproteins (HDL) become the “transport”, then cholesterol will not harm - its excess will leave the body naturally. If transport function performed by low-density lipoproteins (LDL), then cholesterol settles on the walls of blood vessels along the way, forming plaques - this is how atherosclerosis occurs. High cholesterol may not manifest itself in any way at first - a person may feel as usual. But over time, it declares itself loudly: increased blood pressure, the appearance of wen on the skin and early signs aging of the body, including gray hair. Typically, people with high cholesterol look constantly tired, and those around them give them more years than it actually is.

How to get checked?

You can find out your cholesterol level at any medical laboratory. To do this, you will have to donate blood from a vein. You can check separately the content of low-density and very low-density lipoproteins, which directly clog blood vessels. No special preparation is required for the analysis. Total cholesterol can be tested 3 hours after eating. But to measure HDL or LDL blood It is given strictly on an empty stomach, 12-14 hours after eating. You can drink water.

The results will be ready in 1-2 days. As a rule, on the form next to the personal indicator for comparison, the limits of the norm are indicated according to the sex and age of the patient.

Why did cholesterol “jump” in a slim person and what to do about it?

The problem of hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol in the blood) is often faced by people with overweight, but the disease can be diagnosed even in young and slender patients, and even in vegans. At the same time, residents of the Far North, who eat a lot of meat and fish, usually have good cholesterol levels. It's just not always the food's fault. If you get bad results, you should not suddenly exclude all foods containing cholesterol from your diet. Feeling a deficiency, the body will only increase the production of cholesterol.

Heredity plays an important role. Some people have a genetic tendency to absorb bad cholesterol. Hence the hereditary probability of early heart attack.

Strongly influence sedentary image life, bad habits and stress. They lead to problems with the liver and intestines. Namely, this is where “our own” cholesterol is produced.

Cholesterol can also increase when there is a lack of sex hormones. Cholesterol is needed for their synthesis, but when not enough hormones are produced, excess cholesterol accumulates. With a lack of hormones thyroid gland hypercholesterolemia also develops. Hormone therapy can solve these problems, but it should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

IN recent years Scientists in a large international study found that cholesterol can also increase due to a lack of taurine in the body. Taurine plays the role of a natural regulator the most important processes in the body. People get this substance mainly from food, mainly from seafood, but it is severely lacking in the Russian diet. The need for taurine increases with diabetes, heart and some other diseases, as well as in old age.

Russian scientists found a way out of this situation by developing a drug based on taurine. Taking it helps adjust cholesterol and blood sugar levels, improve heart and liver function.

Therefore it is used in complex therapy diseases associated with high cholesterol and sugar levels, namely heart disease, diabetes. The drug is compatible with other drugs and is well tolerated.

So, summarizing the above, it should be noted that the problem of high cholesterol should be solved comprehensively and under the supervision of a doctor. First of all, you need to start with dietary correction: choose low-fat foods, replace simple carbohydrates For complex ones, give preference to vegetable proteins and fish. Several times a week you should cross out meat from the menu. Vegetarian diet with a lot of fiber and pectin will be beneficial.

Regular exercise also helps lower blood cholesterol - it speeds up your metabolism. If the result of the analysis is not encouraging, it’s time to buy a gym membership or sign up with a good trainer for an online marathon.

Reduce level bad cholesterol in the blood is only half the battle. It is also important to find the reason why this happened. You should start by going to a therapist, having a conversation and undergoing an initial examination.

It is necessary to regularly check the level of cholesterol in the blood starting from the age of 40, and in the presence of a family history and concomitant diseases heart, blood vessels - even earlier. Too much high rate dangerous to health and life, it must be reduced by accessible means.

Cholesterol and its norms

Cholesterol is determined by a blood test taken from a vein. Exists general analysis for cholesterol and a lipid profile, “splitting” it into several more detailed indicators. It contains the following types of cholesterol:

There are average norms for the presence of cholesterol in blood serum. If the figure is less than 5.2 mmol/l for women, this is normal value and does not require adjustment. But there is also a more detailed table by age, which makes it easier to draw a conclusion about the presence of problems. So what is the normal level of cholesterol in the blood of women? Here are the indicators specifically for the fairer sex (they are different for men).

Pregnant women have their own indicator standards, which should be taken into account by a specialist. Usually there is increased cholesterol, but sometimes low cholesterol is detected - the reasons may be impaired absorption of fats, strict diets, low intake animal food.

Causes of increased lipids in the blood

If the indicator has physiological values, there is no need to worry - the body also needs lipids, without them the processes of formation of cell membranes, production of sex hormones and bile, and metabolism are disrupted fat-soluble vitamins and production of vitamin D.

Without lipids, the nervous system and immune system will not function normally.

The main causes of high blood cholesterol in women can be:

Risk factors include smoking, taking hormonal contraceptives, alcoholism - they negatively affect the condition of blood vessels and fat metabolism. Only worsens the rate of plaque deposition high sugar and diabetes mellitus, kidney and liver diseases. During menopause, due to a decrease in hormone production, the indicator rises much faster.

Symptoms of high cholesterol

Usually initial stages changes in blood composition do not affect a woman’s well-being in any way. Only with a routine blood test is hyperlipidemia detected - this means that LDL and triglycerides have already begun to increase.

As it progresses, certain signs appear, but they are not specific.

Since the symptoms of the problem are characteristic of many diseases of the cardiovascular system, only a blood test will provide reliable information about changes in health. The symptom complex may include:

Some women experience local deposition of fat in the form of lipomas (wen), xanthomas under the eyes ( yellow spots). All of these signs are characteristic not of hyperlipidemia, but of developing vascular atherosclerosis, which is even more dangerous. Without treatment and lowering lipid levels, atherosclerosis rapidly progresses, affecting the cerebral, coronary vessels and arteries of the legs, which causes thrombosis and thromboembolism with serious consequences.

Folk remedies for lipid metabolism disorders

To make the blood level lower, you will have to try: if you regularly take only pills, there is a high risk of developing side effects, including liver damage, and after the end of therapy, LDL will increase again. It is important to normalize your lifestyle, and then you will be able to reduce lipids reliably and for a long time.

Advice for patients is as follows:

  • do not try to treat yourself - the doctor must select a cholesterol reduction program taking into account concomitant diseases;
  • influence the causes of hyperlipidemia - smoking, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet;
  • bring your weight back to normal, lose weight, but only in a healthy way, no starvation diets;
  • reduce stress levels, if necessary, with medication.

Among the folk remedies there are those that are recognized by doctors as effective against hyperlipidemia. You need to take a teaspoon linseed oil or flax seed in a course of 30 days 2-3 times a year. Instead of flaxseed oil, corn oil is suitable. Linden flowers, dandelion root, propolis tincture, and honey also reduce the indicator.

Diet in the treatment of hyperlipidemia

A number of products will have to be excluded from the menu if there is an increase in harmful lipids in the blood. This is beef, lamb, duck, goose. Even pork is less harmful to the body, and lard without heat treatment and is completely useful (increases HDL if you eat 10-20 g daily).

You need to give up fried foods - when frying, fats turn into a very harmful form.

Meals should be 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. Up to 60-70% of food is plant-based, especially vegetables and fruits with moderate sugar content. But you cannot give up sour milk, fish, milk, eggs, meat - if there is a shortage of animal food, the body will intensively produce cholesterol “on its own.” It is also important to drink more - at least 2 liters/day.

Drug treatment

Why do many people have to take pills and cannot cope with cholesterol using other methods? Serious metabolic problems, diabetes, and obesity do not make it possible to normalize cholesterol using gentler methods. There are the most common groups of tablets for hyperlipidemia:

Much more effective is to increase the level of physical activity - swimming, exercise therapy, skiing, walking optimize metabolic processes and prevent lipids from depositing in the vessels. Tablets - a remedy emergency assistance, and you need to be treated for a long time with sports and lifestyle changes.


People who are far from medicine get scared when they learn that they have high cholesterol.

After all, this substance is traditionally considered the culprit of all cardiovascular diseases - atherosclerosis, ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction.

For what reasons does the cholesterol level in the blood increase, what does this mean and what can be the danger, what to do and how to treat if cholesterol in the blood is elevated? And is cholesterol really dangerous for health?

There is a misconception that the lower the cholesterol concentration in the blood, the better. Many patients, seeing low values ​​opposite the “Cholesterol” column on the form with test results, sigh with relief. However, everything is not so simple.

Doctors explain that there is “bad” and “good” cholesterol. The first settles on the walls of blood vessels, forming plaques and layers, and leads to a decrease in the lumen of blood vessels. This substance is truly dangerous to health.

“Good” cholesterol, on the contrary, cleanses the walls of blood vessels and transports harmful substances to the liver for further processing.

The level of this substance in the blood depends on the gender and age of the person:

Since high cholesterol does not make itself felt, You need to get tested annually.

Why are there elevated rates?

Most cholesterol (70%) is produced by the body. Therefore, increased production of this substance is usually associated with diseases internal organs. The following diseases lead to increased cholesterol levels in the blood:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • nephroptosis, renal failure;
  • pancreatic diseases (pancreatitis, malignant tumors);
  • hypertension;
  • thyroid diseases.

But there are other factors that can affect cholesterol production:

  1. Genetic disorders. Metabolic speed and characteristics of cholesterol processing are inherited from parents. If the father or mother had similar abnormalities, with high probability(up to 75%) the child will face the same problems.
  2. Poor nutrition. WITH harmful products Only 25% of cholesterol enters the human body. But fatty foods(meat, baked goods, sausages, cheeses, lard, cakes) are likely to become the “bad” type. If a person does not want to have problems with cholesterol, he should follow a low-carbohydrate diet.
  3. Overweight. It's hard to say yet whether overweight promotes improper processing of cholesterol. However, it has been proven that 65% of obese people also have problems with “bad” cholesterol.
  4. Physical inactivity. Absence motor activity leads to violations metabolic processes in the body and stagnation of “bad” cholesterol. It has been observed that with increased physical activity, the level of this substance in the blood quickly decreases.
  5. Uncontrolled use of medications. Hormonal drugs, corticosteroids or beta blockers may cause a slight increase in blood cholesterol levels.
  6. Bad habits. Doctors say that people who drink alcohol and smoke several cigarettes a day often experience a strong increase in “bad” cholesterol and a decrease in “good” cholesterol.

A sharp increase in cholesterol is observed in women during menopause. These changes are associated with hormonal changes in the body. During menopause, women should be especially attentive to their own health.

Link to cardiovascular disease

Increased cholesterol - common reason development of cardiovascular diseases. Excess “bad” cholesterol deposited on the walls of blood vessels, reduces their lumen and contributes to the development of various pathologies.

Increased cholesterol causes the development of the following diseases:

  • when the lumen of blood vessels decreases or is completely blocked;
  • coronary heart disease due to damage to the arteries;
  • myocardium when oxygen access to the heart muscle is stopped due to blockage coronary artery thrombus;
  • due to insufficient oxygen saturation of the myocardium;
  • with partial or complete blockage of the arteries supplying oxygen to the brain.

When treating cardiovascular diseases, the first step is to get tested for cholesterol. Perhaps reducing its level will eliminate the cause of the disease and lead to complete recovery.

Diagnosis, symptoms and additional studies

Usually in a person with high cholesterol the following symptoms are observed:

  • light gray rim near the cornea of ​​the eye;
  • yellowish nodules on the skin of the eyelids;
  • angina pectoris;
  • weakness and pain in the lower extremities after exercise.

Diagnose deviation by external signs and symptoms are impossible. Sometimes they may be completely absent. Therefore, to detect cholesterol levels you need to do a lipid profile - a blood test from a vein. It will show the level of total, “bad” and “good” cholesterol in the blood

More details about the lipid profile and its indicators are described in the video:

Making a diagnosis when a high level is detected

After determining your cholesterol level, you need to consult a physician. The doctor will examine medical card the patient and determine whether he is at risk of acquiring vascular and heart diseases.

The risk of developing such diseases is high in people of the following categories:

  • with a significant excess of cholesterol levels;
  • with hypertension;
  • with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

If these abnormalities are detected, the therapist will refer the patient to a cardiologist. In addition, the patient will have to undergo examinations by an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist.

The endocrinologist will:

  • palpation of the thyroid gland;
  • blood test for hormones.

The gastroenterologist will prescribe:

Only if a full examination is carried out will it be revealed the real reason deviations and proper treatment was prescribed.

Treatment tactics for high cholesterol: how to lower the content of “bad” cholesterol

How to reduce cholesterol in the blood and bring it to normal levels? To reduce cholesterol levels, the patient will have to completely change their lifestyle and treat concomitant diseases. If the violation is related to wrong exchange substances or dietary errors, the patient will have to:

  • follow a low-carb or low-calorie diet;
  • Avoid foods high in trans fats;
  • eat tomatoes, peas, carrots, nuts, garlic, fish;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • pay attention to the fight against excess weight;
  • devote daily sports training at least an hour;
  • give up bad habits.

Products and dishes useful for maintaining and cleansing the body are listed in this video:

Usually diets and the right image Life is enough to bring your cholesterol levels back to normal. But if there is serious risk development of cardiovascular diseases, the doctor will prescribe medications to lower blood cholesterol - from “bad” and to maintain “good”:

  1. Statins(“Lovastatin”, “Atorvastatin”, “Rosuvastatin”). These drugs reduce the production of cholesterol in the liver.
  2. Vitamin B3(niacin). It reduces the production of “bad” cholesterol, but can damage the liver. Therefore, it should be taken under the supervision of a doctor or replaced with statins.
  3. Bile acid sequestrants(“Colextran”, “Cholestyramine”). These drugs affect the activity of bile acids produced by the liver. Because building material for bile it is cholesterol; with low acid activity, the liver is forced to process more of it.
  4. Absorption inhibitors(“Ezetimabe”). These drugs interfere with the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine.
  5. Antihypertensive drugs. These drugs do not lower cholesterol levels, but help maintain heart and blood vessel health. These are diuretics, blockers calcium channels, beta blockers.

Only statins can provide truly significant help. Other medications for lowering blood cholesterol are much less effective, and they have much more side effects.

Learn all about the use of statins from this educational video:

Treatment lovers folk remedies will be upset, but majority folk remedies completely useless in the fight against excess cholesterol. They can only be used as additional means To drug therapy and diet.

An increased level of cholesterol in the blood is not a disease, but only a symptom of other disorders in the body. However, this is a deviation can lead to serious complications and diseases of blood vessels and heart.

Useful video about what cholesterol in the blood is and how to get rid of it:

To normalize cholesterol levels, the patient will have to undergo full examination endocrine and cardiovascular systems, as well as gastrointestinal examination. Only after identifying the real reasons for the increase in cholesterol in the blood can its level be brought back to normal.

High cholesterol in women: what does it mean and what should be done - first of all? Are there any symptoms of this disease (under the medical name: “hypercholesterolemia”)? For what reasons does this disease develop? What treatment methods exist and is there any prevention (for “safety net” in the future)? All answers to the above / questions posed (from the fair half of humanity) can be easily found in this material!

Which cholesterol is high and which is normal?

For a long time, throughout the world, cholesterol was considered the personification of evil. Virtually all foods containing cholesterol (like criminals) were outlawed. A huge variety of cholesterol diets and television programs have appeared. The main reason why humanity hated cholesterol is atherosclerotic plaques. They were first noticed by American doctors during autopsies of soldiers (combat operations in Vietnam).

Scientists have suggested that only plaques (and nothing else) are the cause of atherosclerosis, a serious disease that impairs the elasticity and patency of blood vessels, leading to heart attack or stroke. But over time, it became clear that this disease can be provoked by a host of other factors: infectious diseases, state nervous system, physical inactivity and so on.

Short video: how they are formed cholesterol plaques? (42 sec)

As for cholesterol itself, it turned out that in fact it can be both good and bad. Further, it turned out that good cholesterol is actually vital necessary element, low level which is no less dangerous than high level bad. In medical terminology, their names are: HDL and LDL (high/low density lipoproteins). One of important symptoms low cholesterol- This deep depression. If nothing is done about the problem, men experience a decrease in potency, and women experience amenorrhea.

The next step in studying this topic was the discovery that men also change in age. This is due to many factors. For example, it is explained physiological changes in the body caused by menopause. But its range (see) within acceptable limits is considered normal. For young girls and older women, cholesterol standards are different.

Symptoms of high cholesterol (table)

To begin with, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the indirect and obvious signs of high cholesterol. Indirect, because they can signal a host of other health problems. Obvious - because it is these phenomena that specifically point to our problem.

Indirect signs

Brain vessels:Venous system of the legs:
V lately you often suffer from headaches (not a “fresh” head);muscle pain appeared (when walking), cramps at night (or in the morning);
at night, painful insomnia (to the point of headache) haunts me;Recently your toes have often become numb;
frequent dizziness, which is accompanied by “darkening” in the eyes;feet often “freeze” (during moments of rest);
You have noticed some disturbances in the coordination of movements (things do not “hold” in your hands);skin color has changed (trophic ulcers have appeared);
memory has deteriorated (difficulty concentrating on thoughts/daily tasks).excessively “swollen” veins (you have not noticed this before).

Obvious signs

Usually appear already at a severe/advanced stage of the disease.

  • xanthelasma:

(formed on the eyelids (most often, closer to the bridge of the nose) - “nodules” of an unpleasant dirty / yellow color, over time they increase in size / new ones appear);

  • lipoid corneal arch

(most common in smoking people(in both men and women) up to 50 years of age, but by and large it is of an age/hereditary nature).

lipoid arch (photo) xanthelasma (photo)

High cholesterol - causes (list)


Medical names: hereditary hypercholesterolemia, familial dysbetalipoproteinemia and others. Determined genetic analysis. The thing is that if one of the parents has a problem such as high cholesterol in the blood, the chances of inheriting it grow in the range from 30 to 70%. This is due to the fact that “bad” / defective genes, as a rule, are carried DOMINANT character. Especially for suspicious women, we declare that in most cases nature acts fairly. That is, we inherit more good things than bad!


This includes: pathologies and previously previous diseases. First of all, these are liver diseases: acute / chronic hepatitis (another name: jaundice), as well as other ailments leading to obstruction of the bile ducts. Next come: diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pancreatitis, kidney “sores”, hypertension, coronary heart disease, etc. The list is large, so the exact reason (why a woman has high cholesterol) can only be determined by a doctor, based on the results of tests and diagnostics. And, most importantly, ONLY a doctor should prescribe TREATMENT.

Poor nutrition

High cholesterol in girls aged 25–30 years, most often, can be caused by HARMFUL DIETS (for example, in order to get rid of “extra” kilograms). In women over 40 years of age (especially working women), a change in level may be associated with unhealthy “cafe” food (fast food, hamburgers, pizza or other “snacks” during the lunch break). In this case, you need balance and a thoughtful menu, since completely refusing any food containing fat is STRICTLY prohibited. Otherwise, you can get another one, NO LESS SERIOUS problem, which is described in detail in the article:

Bad habits

Smoking (even passive smoking, with a husband or girlfriend for company), alcoholism or abuse strong drinks. There is an opinion that good wine(meaning high quality and expensive) - this is excellent prophylactic from many ailments. It is really good for a woman’s health, but with such a problem as high cholesterol, it is not effective. As for high-alcohol drinks / low-alcohol cocktails or even beer, they need to be EXCLUDED for a while - even on the biggest holidays. And even after final recovery, limit consumption to the norm established by specialists - doctors.

Woman’s age (especially after 50–60 years)

In this case, the main causes of high cholesterol are the unpleasant end of menopause (which, in practice, contributes to a significant increase in bad LDL cholesterol and, as a result, rapid weight gain). Next come: emotional stress (worries about adult children, about the upcoming retirement and much more), a not very active lifestyle (for example, compared to what it was like in my younger years), as well as an unbalanced diet (we eat more of the same). which is TASTY, not something HEALTHY).

Sedentary lifestyle – physical inactivity

As a rule, women have a “SEDIENT” JOB,” plus, modern people They also prefer sedentary leisure (in front of the computer: social media, games, etc.). Hence the problems in “stagnant” blood (and the most harmful ones are low-density lipoproteins). In this case, high cholesterol in women will be controlled by: a moderate / gentle diet (necessarily approved / recommended by a doctor) and regular exercise. Ideal option– sign up for a swimming pool or morning jog. It all depends on individual characteristics body.


Increased blood cholesterol levels in pregnant women may occur in the second or third trimester. This important period the standard of living can rise by at least 15%. But there is no need to worry too much! In this case, moderate hypercholesterolemia will not “lead” to serious illnesses or the development of any pathological changes in the heart - vascular system. High lipid levels are due to intensive production good cholesterol in the liver for the baby's needs.

Menstrual cycle

Due to some features of the synthesis of fatty alcohols, under the increased influence of estrogens (female sex hormones), in the first half of the cycle, cholesterol levels can “jump” by as much as 10%. But this is considered a physiological norm - there is no reason to worry. Next comes a decline. According to the observation of specialists, elevated level lipoproteins can be observed in the second half of the cycle, but much less (5 - 8%).

Other Causes of High Cholesterol

Absence good rest / psychological problems, changing times/seasons of the year, as well as long-term use medications (with side effects). Especially harmful are the “pills” that women “prescribe” to themselves (according to magazine or newspaper articles).

The treatment itself is life-threatening! Protect yourself from nonsense.

High cholesterol - what should be done, how to treat?

This question can best be answered by a qualified medical worker, as a rule, after passing tests and a careful examination / survey / study of concomitant diseases. Usually the first person to tell the patient about the problem high content cholesterol in the blood, is a local therapist. Further, depending on the circumstances, he may refer you to other specialists (their detailed list You will find). For example, to an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist, but most often - directly to a cardiologist.

Consultation with a doctor

Drug treatment is most often used in severe cases. In order to know exactly how to treat high cholesterol in a woman or man, it is necessary to find out the root cause (identify the root of the problem, do not endlessly pick the “berries”). To begin with (even if “slightly” neglected form) the doctor will advise you:

  • Follow a diet.

And when high cholesterol for women over 50 - 60 years old can assign table number 10. On our website you can find information important nuances? On other pages you can find out: which ones, and which ones, on the contrary, are his.

  • Physical activity.

Individually by age and physiological characteristics body. For young women optimal solution will morning jogging, for the older generation - a swimming pool, for older people - mandatory walks on fresh air(every day, at least an hour, at least five kilometers, preferably in the park).

  • Quitting bad habits.

Unfortunately, many modern women smoke and love good wines.

  • Prescribe medications.

As stated above, only under dire/serious circumstances. Usually these are statins (a special group of drugs that block the work of a special enzyme responsible for the production of cholesterol in the liver). Or inhibitors - preventing the absorption of lipids in the intestine.

Strict adherence to the new rules of life

  • Create a new menu.

To understand what exactly should be included in it and what needs to be excluded, you can find out by following the links:

From some of the “joys of life” ( fried foods) will have to give up forever in order to extend your life years. And this is quite serious! Avoid other foods temporarily until high cholesterol levels in the blood drop to normal.

  • Change your daily routine.

Include physical exercise, walks in the fresh air, join a fitness club, swimming pool, and get a garden/dacha. It all depends on age. Modern scientists have found that even good music (mostly classical) can also lower cholesterol levels.

You need to start this business “not on Monday” or “tomorrow”, but right now!

Regular examination

In order to control elevated /, it is necessary to do a special biochemical blood test at least once a year. This event is especially important for people suffering from hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases. Mandatory for women who are overweight, smokers and lead a sedentary lifestyle ( women's work, mostly “sedentary”). At the slightest deviation from the norm, you should immediately consult a doctor!