Beneficial properties of prunes (domestic plum): effects on digestion, heart, mood. Dried prunes have beneficial properties for the body

Prunes have long been recognized for their nutritional value and pleasant taste. But not everyone knows what its benefits are for the body. Even in dried form, its composition does not lose its uniqueness and healing properties.

And this fact is not the only plus! IN folk medicine this natural product used as a cure for many diseases.

Useful properties and contraindications of prunes

Prunes called dried plum. Varieties may be different. For dried fruits, only the highest quality and ripe fruits are selected. Before steam drying, they are subjected to a blanching process in boiling water. This is the only way to save everyone beneficial properties.

Berry good quality should be black. When there is a glossy sheen, it means the berry has been coated with glycerin or fat. It's best to choose dried fruits with pits. They contain maximum quantity healing components.

Composition of prunes

For drying, the Hungarian Italian variety is used. These berries are large, fleshy and sweet in taste. If upon purchase you notice a brown color and not black, then this is a defect. This product was improperly processed and lost all its beneficial properties.

The calorie content of prunes is sufficient high due to the large amount of sugar and carbohydrates. In addition to them, the composition includes the following substances:

  • water and fiber;
  • vitamins and mineral components;
  • acid: malic, salicylic, oxalic, citric.
  • glucose.

This set has a positive effect on the functioning of the body as a whole and individually. There are about 230 kcal per 100 grams of product.

What are the benefits of prunes

People choosing healthy image life and those who take care of themselves, this product is simply vital. His impact multifaceted:

  • brings the whole body back to normal;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieves fatigue and drowsiness, improves vitality;
  • helps strengthen the immune system;
  • Potassium in the composition serves as a mild diuretic;
  • potassium has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, minimizing the risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • magnesium promotes good heart function, relaxes vascular walls, calms the nervous system;
  • prevents the occurrence oncological diseases intestines, due to the rich plant composition;
  • improves vision and hearing;
  • restores water-salt balance.

Taking dried fruit daily in small quantities will put you in order. nails and hair. The skin will become smooth and silky. Do not ignore and positive impact on the musculoskeletal system.

Prunes for the intestines

As before, prunes are used in medicinal purposes. Eating 3–5 pieces every day dried berries, you can get rid of intestinal problems. And the entire gastrointestinal tract begins to function more harmoniously. It could be excellent prevention of ulcers and gastritis.

Here is the recipe for its preparation:

  1. Dried fruits in the amount of 300 grams are filled with 1.5 liters of cold water.
  2. The mixture is placed on the fire, and after boiling, cook for 15–20 minutes.
  3. Cool and drink three times a day before meals.

With this unique product, you can get rid of slagging body. This procedure is not only useful, but also pleasant to the taste. Cleaning normalizes blood glucose levels.

Despite great content there is sugar in the fruit, it has short glycemic index. The level of cholesterol in the blood also decreases and breakdown products are removed. Due to the low amount of salt and fat, bad cholesterol no longer produced.

Its high nutritional value can satiate a person for a long time. Can be used for snacks throughout the day, without harm to the body.

The fiber, soluble and insoluble fibers contained in the composition have a particularly good effect on lower section intestines. Organic acids normalize general exchange substances.

Prunes during pregnancy

Dried fruit is especially indicated for consumption during pregnancy. During such a crucial period, the composition and norms of nutrition are more carefully selected. Products are selected that are extremely healthy and rich in vitamins and minerals. Similar criteria perfectly match prunes:

  • Potassium promotes stable urinary excretion and relieves swelling.
  • Has a mild laxative effect. Constipation is common during pregnancy.
  • Iron, in large quantities, helps pregnant women fight vitamin deficiency and anemia.
  • Regular use improves the skin.
  • Prunes act as an antidepressant, normalize sleep, and add energy.

During pregnancy, protection from harmful external factors. The free radicals present in dried fruits act as excellent antioxidants.

Prunes for the male and female body

This natural source of health for men. Without the use of harmful chemicals medicines It is quite possible to maintain male sexuality at the proper level. The beneficial substances in dried fruit stabilize ejaculation processes and prevent premature ejaculation.

Quantities magnesium and potassium in dry plums there are several times more than in bananas.

May be useful for older people mixture from honey, nuts and dried fruits. This renews nerve fibers and returns sexual activity.

Similar for women food additive will become invaluable contribution to health. This is especially true for older people, during menopause and the period preceding it. IN critical days Women's need for magnesium increases, which is abundant in prunes. There is a proven fact that dried plums can be a source of eternal youth.

Prunes for weight loss

When choosing a healthy lifestyle, first of all, select an appropriate diet. It should include products, rich in vitamins, minerals and with minimal contraindications. Dried fruit is one of these.

When losing weight, it will not only help you lose weight, but also replenish the body with all the missing elements.

Acting as an excellent antidepressant, it will relieve mood swings and dull constant feeling hunger.

Here are a couple of the most popular diets with prunes:

  • Diet for 3 days. Every 3 hours you need to eat five berries, eating as much as possible more water. This is necessary for the swelling of fiber in the stomach. In this way you can lose up to 4–5 kg.
  • Decoction diet. A handful of prunes is poured into 2 liters of water, two tablespoons of buckthorn are added and the whole thing is cooked for about 40–45 minutes. Then add the rose hips and continue to boil for another thirty minutes. After settling, the compote is ready for use. Every day, before bed, drink a third of a glass. So, for one month.

Prunes in combination with kefir are also effective for weight loss. Prunes, dried apricots and cinnamon infused in boiling water can be consumed every morning instead of tea.

Prunes: contraindications for use

In any case, it is necessary to comply measure and reasonableness. This also applies to eating prunes. Despite all the benefits, it can also harm the body. It is not recommended to use it if you have dysbiosis or kidney problems.

Women who are breastfeeding should be extremely careful when using this product. This can affect the functioning of the baby's gastrointestinal tract.

Sick diabetes mellitus It is better to consult your doctor first.

To save everyone healing qualities product, it must be stored in dry and cool place. The container selected is plastic, metal or glass. A plastic bag causes rot. Before placing the fruits in the container, they are ventilated and sorted.

Dried fruits are widely used in cooking. At heat treatment their useful qualities are not reduced. You can cook compotes, add them to salads, porridges, make cocktails, etc.

With this product it is possible to cook a large assortment dishes that will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole body. It all depends on your desire and imagination!

Prunes - there are few products in the world that can be called a real delicacy, and even healthy. One of these rare cases is a familiar and beloved prune by many. With its addition, many snacks and desserts, meat dishes and healing drinks. Prunes store well and can be on the table all year round.

The most delicious dried plums are obtained from the ripe fruits of the Hungarian and Green Renclod varieties - they have dense pulp, quite juicy and sweet, and the stone is very small.

A little history

Humanity has been cultivating plum trees for at least 2 thousand years. According to the modern classifier, plum belongs to the Rosaceae family, and its “parents” were cherry plum and sloe - it originated from the crossing of these species.

In Asian territories, plums were grown in prehistoric times, and its fruits were one of the first that people learned to specially dry in order to extend their shelf life.

From Asia the plum migrated to the lands North America, where more than 150 varieties are grown today. The berry was also brought to Europe and Russia from Asia, but much later, in the 15-17th century.

The fruits of the famous Hungarian variety, which is most often used for prunes, are never plucked from the tree by the Hungarians themselves. The berries should naturally fall off - this is a guarantee that they are fully ripe and have even begun to dry out.

And so that the fruits have less moisture and more sugar, plum trees stop watering at least a month before the start of shedding.

Chemical composition of prunes

A simple and familiar plum in terms of vitamins and other content useful elements can compete with many overseas plant delicacies that have become so fashionable to indulge in.

The chemical composition of not only plum pulp, but also tree leaves and even seeds allows us to derive enormous benefits from them for the human body.

100 grams of dried plum fruits contain:
vitamin PP – 1.5 mg;
vitamin E – 1.8 mg;
vitamin A – up to 10 mcg;
beta-carotene – 0.05 mg;
vitamin C 3 mg;
vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 0.02 mg;
vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – 0.1 mg;
dietary fiber – up to 10 g;
proteins – 2.5 g;
carbohydrates – 58 g, including saccharides – 57 g;
fat – 0.7 g;
water – 25 g;
organic acids – up to 4 g;
saturated and unsaturated fatty acids– 0.1 g each;
ash substances – 2 g;
starch - 0.5 g;
minerals: iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium.

Prunes, among other things, have a fairly high calorie content - 256 kcal, which is 5 times more than the nutritional value of fresh plum fruits, so people with overweight You need to be careful when consuming this popular delicacy.

Thanks to prunes good taste, a wide range of vitamins and minerals, and also accessibility has become not only popular product nutrition, but also a source of strength and longevity for many people.

Many notes have been written about its benefits and no less recommendations have been given on how to use it. Let's remind you of them again:

1. High content antioxidant substances have an overall positive effect on the entire body.

2. Prunes, like fresh plums, have a pronounced wound-healing effect.

3. Use this product to improve appetite and digestion.

4. No natural remedy better than prunes for sluggish bowels. It acts as a mild laxative and also has a diuretic effect, so it is useful for constipation and fluid retention in tissues.

5. Kissels and decoctions based on prunes normalize the motor-secretory abilities of the gastrointestinal tract and minimize the absorption of cholesterol through the intestines.

6. Prune tinctures are useful for gout, kidney dysfunction, atherosclerosis and rheumatism.

7. Humanity has long known about the ability of prunes to inhibit pathogenic flora, so they were often used to extend the shelf life of meat products.

8. Prunes as an antiseptic are also effective against pathogens, including E. coli and salmonella. It suppresses their reproduction.

9. Regular consumption of dried plums helps normalize blood pressure and get rid of initial stages hypertension. It also reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.

11. Has a choleretic effect.

12. Prunes, although high in calories, are still widely recommended by nutritionists as a healthy snack or replacing your favorite but less healthy sweets.

13. If you constantly consume this dried fruit, you can achieve a significant improvement in memory and brain performance - the sugar and vitamins contained in the fruit will help with this.

14. Vitamins A, C and E, contained in prunes in the right proportion, protect eye health.

15. Calcium, which is so important for the structure of bone tissue, is found in prunes in an easily digestible form for the body, therefore best source to strengthen bones cannot be found.

Scientists have also proven that prunes prevent aging of the body and inhibit growth cancer cells, has a beneficial effect on the skin, helps strengthen the immune system.

Damage to prunes

Despite nutritional value and vitamins, prunes should not be consumed by some categories of people.

For diabetics – prunes have too much sugar.

If there are any chronic diseases, the possibility of consuming prunes requires medical advice.

Since the product has a diuretic effect, it is not recommended for those suffering from kidney stones.

If you are intolerant or allergic to plums.

It is better to avoid regular consumption of prunes for a period breastfeeding, because active substances Fetuses can cause colic, bloating or indigestion in the baby.

If you are overweight or obese, you must take into account the high calorie content of the product.

When buying prunes you should be careful. A quality product is always black, not brown or "plum". It should be clean and sweet, without bitterness.

And before eating, do not forget to get rid of the glycerin film that covers the fruit. To do this, prunes are washed in a small amount of boiling water. Stay healthy.

It is believed that the most aromatic and juicy prunes come from plums of the Renklod and Vengerka varieties. Their fruits have a smooth, fleshy texture, elongated shape and a small seed, and they taste very sweet. Ripe berries are blanched in water, then cooled, steam-dried and treated with oils or glycerin. Ready prunes have a pronounced black color and have a sweet and sour taste with a hint of smoke.

The beneficial properties of prunes were known to the ancient Egyptians - valuable species of plum trees were grown in the luxurious gardens of Egypt and served to the tables of emperors and rich nobles. Today, many countries are engaged in the production of prunes, but the largest suppliers of delicious dried fruits are the USA, France, Moldova, and Argentina.

This product is not cheap, because to produce 1 kg of aromatic prunes, 5 kg of ripe plums are used during the drying process. His chemical composition combines a huge number of valuable vitamins and microelements, including:

  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, B5, B9, B6, C, E
  • Dietary fiber
  • Squirrels
  • Organic acids (salicylic, oxalic, citric)
  • Sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose)
  • Carbohydrates
  • Micro and macroelements

Prunes contain a huge amount of potassium salts, which helps overcome diseases of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. It has antibacterial, choleretic, diuretic effects and increases appetite. The nutritional value of 100 g of prunes reaches 220.240 kcal.


Prunes: harm

When introducing prunes into the diet, it is necessary to study information about its composition, contraindications and take into account not only the benefits, but also the harm that it can cause to the body. It is especially worth considering that an overdose of this product may cause stomach upset, as well as allergic manifestations, fainting.

Prunes are contraindicated:

  • In case of individual intolerance
  • Nursing mothers
  • For diabetes
  • If you are diagnosed with obesity
  • For digestive disorders and a tendency to increased gastric flatulence

Damage to prunes can occur if a low-quality processed product is consumed. chemicals. To add shine to dried fruits, many suppliers treat them with glycerin or vegetable oils such as technical olive oil(olein). Therefore, in order to reduce the harm of prunes to zero, it is better to pour boiling water over them before eating.


Prunes: beneficial properties

Prunes are used in cooking, introduced into the diet of athletes and those losing weight, and compotes and decoctions of dried fruits are recommended even for small children during the complementary feeding period. The beneficial properties of prunes are explained by its rich composition, as well as high concentration acids, minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber.

Benefits of prunes for humans:

  • Produces a cleansing effect - the intestines and stomach are freed from toxins and harmful chemical compounds.
  • Improves blood flow to internal organs.
  • Clears blood vessels from cholesterol accumulation and helps the body resist harmful radicals.
  • Is prophylactic in the fight against cancer.
  • Reduces the likelihood of caries and cleanses the oral mucosa.
  • Positively affects vision functions.
  • Tones the body and improves brain activity.
  • Relieves swelling, removes excess bile and water from the body.
  • Helps you lose weight.
  • Reduces the likelihood of anemia, as it enriches the body with iron and other vitamins.
  • Increases appetite and helps cope with spring vitamin deficiency.
  • Prevents the growth in the body of bacteria such as E. coli, staphylococcus, and salmonella.
  • Reduces the risk of hypertension, digestive pathologies, and cardiovascular diseases.

Prunes are an excellent laxative that helps overcome constipation. By eating 5-6 shiny berries every day, you can not only forget about this unpleasant problem, but also saturate the body with a huge amount of useful substances.

How to choose prunes

When choosing prunes, you need to pay attention to the type of berry - shiny viscous fruits are most likely treated not only with glycerin, but also with sulfur - a chemical substance dangerous to the body. High-quality dried fruits are dried in the shade and are not processed with anything other than water. Tasty and high-quality prunes do not have a glossy shine and an appetizing appearance - they are dry, dark blue in color, and before eating they need to be soaked in water.

Harm to prunes cannot be ruled out if sulfates or sulfites are mentioned on the product packaging. This is a second-rate unnatural product, and it is better to avoid taking it. Look for the inscription “GOST” on the packaging. You should also choose unsightly, but aromatic prunes; they should be quite hard to the touch - soft fruits were most likely prepared with the use of preservatives.

You can also conduct a mini-test on the quality of purchased prunes by simply placing them in water. Prunes treated with chemicals will not change their color, but high-quality ones will turn a little white.

It’s even better to buy it from trusted producers or dry plums collected at your own dacha - in this case, selected dried fruits will end up on the table, which will not cause harm to the body, but only benefit.

Prunes during breastfeeding and pregnancy

Dried fruits contain many useful vitamins that are not available in winter time year. The beneficial properties of prunes will help a woman during pregnancy overcome anemia, cope with vitamin deficiency and get rid of constipation. However to the expectant mother This product should be consumed in moderation. This is due to the fact that excessive consumption of prunes can cause uterine contractions and lead to premature birth.

Prunes can be harmful to a pregnant woman if she consumes a low-quality product. To purchase natural prunes, you first need to look at the composition indicated on the package and evaluate it appearance. Protect yourself from getting into your body harmful substances It is possible if you pour boiling water over the fruits before eating.

During breastfeeding, it is better to exclude prunes from the diet for at least the first 6 months. Laxative effect dried plums can cause diarrhea and colic in a child, so their use should be avoided. You can drink an unsaturated decoction of dried fruits, adding 3-4 prunes, but at the same time monitor the child’s reaction. In case of disorders such as indigestion or bloating, eating prunes for a nursing woman is strictly contraindicated.

Prunes for weight loss

The calorie content of prunes is higher than that of most fruits, but in nutritional value it is inferior to such tasty treats as honey and marshmallows. That is why it is recommended to use it as a substitute for sweets and for weight loss.

For people who are looking to reset overweight, prunes will provide a good service, namely:

  1. It will help cope with the feeling of hunger and saturate the body for a long time.
  2. Removes accumulations from the body toxic substances.
  3. Cleanses the intestines and improves metabolism.

Prunes do not burn fat in the body, but only contribute to the normal course of the weight loss process. It has a high calorie content, so its norm for those losing weight is 6-8 fruits per day. Prunes also contain a considerable amount simple carbohydrates, and after eating it you may feel hungry. Therefore, you shouldn’t get too carried away with it.

When losing weight, prunes should be consumed between meals as a snack and the dosage should be strictly followed. Abuse of the product can lead to indigestion and stomach upset.

Prunes are dried black plums. He has medicinal properties. The fruits are often consumed to improve men's health. In this article we will talk about the benefits and harms of prunes for the male body, and also consider the most effective means based on it and the main contraindications.

Properties of prunes

These fruits are considered an excellent alternative to fresh fruits in the winter due to their usefulness and availability. His distinctive features is increased nutritional value and sweet and sour taste. In stores you can find dried fruits without seeds and with seeds. It is recommended to choose soft, whole fruits. For best storage, place them in a cool, dark place to prolong their shelf life. Prunes contain many useful substances and microelements:

  • ascorbic acid
  • antioxidants
  • vitamins B, C, E and PP
  • vitamin and mineral complex (fiber, sugar, beta-carotene, pectin, starch and organic acids)
  • trace elements (iodine, copper, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, fluorine, magnesium, potassium, cobalt, iron, calcium and sodium)

Pay attention! IN dried fruits black plum contains 1.5 times more calcium and potassium than a banana, which is literally saturated with these microelements.

How to cook it yourself

The greatest benefit of prunes for men comes from fruits prepared independently, because when harvested in bulk it is used pre-processing boiling water, rather than prolonged drying. And with intensive heat treatment, the fruits are deprived of most of their beneficial substances.

Preparing prunes on your own is quite simple. To do this, you will need ripe sweet black plum fruits, which must first be well dried. It is not recommended to take unripe fruits, as they contain fewer nutrients and the dried fruits will turn out sour. Properly prepared fruits can be consumed pure form, make infusions from them or add to salads , meat and other dishes.

Effect of fruits

Prunes are high in fiber, which is why they are often consumed for constipation. Dried fruits also have other medicinal properties including:

  • increased blood circulation
  • prostate treatment
  • improving the functioning of the endocrine system
  • normalization of blood pressure
  • increasing testosterone levels
  • increased secretion gastric juice
  • increased appetite
  • improved metabolism
  • activation of the excretory system
  • normalization of kidney and liver activity
  • treatment of dermatological problems

The content of organic acids (citric, malic, oxalic and salicylic) and polyphenol helps to increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and arteries, and stimulates the activity cardiovascular system. Dried fruits also reduce capillary fragility and improve the filling of the genitals with blood. In addition, they have a tonic effect, improving well-being and increasing performance.

Prunes have beneficial properties for people with excessive sweating And frequent swelling, and also when urolithiasis. The antioxidant effect of dried fruits increases the body's resistance to negative impact polluted environment and radiation, and also activates protective functions.

Very often, prunes are used to solve dermatological problems. For example, with ulcers, purulent wounds, inflammation and surface damage skin. It can also be used to treat scars and acne scars. Various mixtures based on these dried fruits are popular due to their anti-aging properties, increasing skin elasticity and tone, normalizing complexion and eliminating dark circles under the eyes.

The effectiveness of dried fruits for the male body

Eating prunes is beneficial for the male body in order to prevent the formation of dangerous pathologies, which can reduce sexual desire. Eating fruits will help improve your well-being and vitality, and also relieve the lack of minerals and vitamins. These fruits contain all the components necessary to improve potency. They should be taken three times a week. When men consume prunes, there is an increase in stamina and sexual activity, as well as a decrease in the likelihood of premature ejaculation.

Important! Black plum fruits have healing components that improve nerve impulses, i.e. Their regular use increases the sensitivity of all pelvic organs, enhancing sensations during sex.

Taking prunes is beneficial for older men who experience degenerative changes nerve fibers characteristic of aging. These fruits contain large number anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins, which help slow down the aging of the body.

Proper nutrition affects testosterone and sex hormone levels male body, so eating prunes, which are rich useful vitamins and minerals, will enhance the synthesis of androgens. Potassium contained in dried fruits has a beneficial effect on muscular system and improves the functioning of the genitourinary and choleretic organs.

Product for potency

It is especially useful to make a salad with prunes, honey and nuts for men. The combination of these components is most effective in the fight for men's health. This tool will increase male sexual activity. To prepare it you should take 200 g prunes, 200 g walnuts and 1 glass of honey. Prunes and nuts should be crushed first. Then the ingredients are mixed and taken twice a day, 1 tbsp.

You can also use a mixture of prunes, raisins and dried cherries to improve potency. It helps fight vitamin deficiency, which negatively affects all functions of the body, including sexual function.

Who are the fruits contraindicated for?

Prunes are not recommended for people with diabetes and individual intolerance. It contains a lot of sugar, so overweight people should limit its consumption. The following categories of people should also not consume black plum fruits:

  • pregnant and lactating women
  • persons with low blood pressure
  • persons with kidney stones
  • young children

Excessive consumption of prunes can cause bloating and abdominal pain. It can also lead to the accumulation of acrylamide, neurotoxic and carcinogenic substances.


Prunes are rich useful substances and is indispensable for vitamin deficiency, anemia and problems with gastrointestinal tract. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and normalizes metabolism. As a result, it improves general health body, improves performance and eliminates sexual problems in men.