After giving birth, there is a small hole there, my husband says. Vaginal stretching after childbirth. me with

It is impossible to bear and give birth to a child without changes in the woman’s body and its individual organs.

The vagina, from which, in fact, the stage of conception and the subsequent birth of a baby begins, is no exception. It participates in many actions of the physiological process that completes pregnancy, so it inevitably transforms.

However, the special structure of the vagina does not allow it to change its shape; it undergoes changes of a different nature. A young parent feels undesirable changes in her general health and intimate life.

Rehabilitation is different for every woman. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the nuances so that the woman’s internal reproductive organ is restored as quickly as possible.

What changes are happening

The vagina is a muscular-elastic tubular formation located in the woman’s pelvis. It has different lengths for each specific situation.

In a normal state, its size rarely exceeds 10 cm, and in a state of sexual arousal - about 15 cm. As it became clear, nature has taken everything into account. Medium size the male genital organ fully complies with these parameters.

Many "experts" internal structure and morphological characteristics female body They claim that the size of the vagina is determined by a woman’s height. The taller the female, the longer her genitals will be.

This is a legend, unconfirmed scientifically. The parameters of the vagina depend entirely on the location and structure of the organs abdominal cavity. According to statistics, there are often cases when a woman of short stature was the owner of a deep vagina or vice versa.

Most men are inclined to believe that before the birth of a child, the vagina of their significant other had small size and was tight, and after pregnancy its size became wider. This is far from true.

The vagina does not change its size after childbirth. The outline and shape of the surface of its walls undergo changes. Thus, there is no reason for concern, since all transformations that occur with a woman’s elastic genital organ return to normal over time.

Let's look at possible reversible complications in more detail.


As the fetus passes through it, the relief of the vaginal walls becomes smoother, and the layer of longitudinal and transverse muscles is stretched. Under such circumstances, this is considered a normal and natural process.

Over the course of two months, the elasticity of muscle structures returns to normal due to contraction.


Swelling does not cause discomfort in a woman and goes away without medicinal assistance in 3-4 days.

Cracks and abrasions

This consequence occurs after every second birth. If a specialist physiological signs suggests that the walls of the vagina may undergo rupture, then in the process uncontrolled contractions of the uterus, an episiotomy is performed - a surgical incision of the perineum.

This will allow you to control the stages of tissue structure divergence. The birth process opens the vagina wide, its walls are injured, as a result of which they become a thick bloody color with a bluish tint.

The surface of the walls is covered with cracks and shallow wounds. It will take no more than two weeks to restore such damage.

The swelling will disappear, the cracks will undergo fibroplasia (healing phase), and the walls will acquire a pink-peach hue.

Changing the relief of the walls

The relief of the walls of the woman's genital organ changes. It is for this reason that men have an opinion about increasing the size of the vagina.

A nulliparous woman has a pronounced relief of the walls, and in new mothers it is evened out and smoothed out. Therefore, during sexual intercourse, men feel expansion muscle canal women, which causes some discomfort and incomplete satisfaction. The problem is solved by selecting a suitable pose.

Such changes in the structure of the organ affect absolutely all women in labor. The only difference is the rehabilitation period, some disorders and a number of uncomfortable sensations that can develop as a result of the aggravating consequences of the movement of the fetus and placenta.

Under such circumstances, the slightest delay can result in serious complications, so contacting a doctor and promptly medication assistance - right decision on the road to rapid recovery.

Learn more about myths and prejudices about the vagina after childbirth in the video.

Deviations from the norm

Unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations in the vaginal area after birth process, unfortunately, not uncommon.

In some cases, they turn into serious deviations for women that require competent treatment. To avoid this, the parent must know how to quickly eliminate negative manifestations.


Women often experience pain after childbirth. In some they have a pronounced character, in others pain syndrome develops less intensively.

This symptom is caused by a rupture of the walls or perineum, which was subsequently stitched up. The pain is concentrated in the area where the suture material passes, since it is almost impossible to apply it without affecting the nerve endings.

After 14 days, the bundles of nerve fibers adapt and return to normal, and discomfort in the genital area ceases to cause concern.

Rotten smell

Rotting of sutures, inflammatory processes in the genital hollow organ can cause unpleasant putrid smell from the vagina.

In this case, you should not self-medicate. A specialist examination and long-term drug therapy are required.

Decreased sensitivity

After childbirth, many women notice a loss of sensitivity or a slight decrease in it.

Given undesirable consequence occurs due to sagging vaginal walls and destruction of nerve endings. It will take some time for the nerve fibers to fully recover.

In this case, there is no need to panic; you need to be patient, and the woman will again be able to react to a certain external influence.


In some cases, the muscle structures of the pelvic diaphragm become severely weakened. This makes it impossible for them to retain organs.

Doctors call this phenomenon prolapse of the vagina after labor, which has several degrees of severity:

  • incomplete prolapse of the vaginal walls(there is no exit beyond its aisles);
  • prolapse with protrusion outward;
  • absolute(complete) loss.


After the birth process, the vagina is restored by the release of characteristic discharge, which should not frighten the woman.

They look like lochia (specific mucus), which includes dead cells and tissue of the uterine endometrium, as well as blood fragments. Postpartum mucus comes out in stages, namely over the course of two months.

In the first phase recovery period lochia can be confused with the onset menstrual cycle. They come out in abundance and have a characteristic blood-purple color.

Over time, the mucus changes color to yellowish color and comes out less intensely, gradually disappearing altogether.

If, after 8 weeks after the birth of the baby, lochia continues to come out, without medical care can't get by. The doctor will determine the real reason pathology and prescribe appropriate treatment.


The recovery period of a woman in labor is often accompanied by vaginal dryness, which causes a lot of discomfort.

This manifestation is due to a decrease in steroid hormones produced by the ovaries.

Most often, dryness is diagnosed during lactation. Over time, this undesirable consequence disappears on its own.


If a woman feels itching in the vagina, it is better to consult a doctor without delay. This symptom may be due to an allergy to synthetic sutures or an antiseptic used during the process of the fetus leaving the uterus.

Under any circumstances, solving the problem is the doctor's responsibility. He will conduct a certain series of studies and prescribe effective therapy.

More often undesirable manifestation eliminated by douching. The situation becomes aggravated if the itching sensation is added foul odor and lochia. This indicates that the inflammatory process has begun.


The duration of vaginal recovery depends on many factors:

  • did it take place purulent discharge, provoking the formation of scar tissue on the walls;
  • did you perform expectant mother specially designed exercises that strengthen the muscular structures of the vagina;
  • what condition the woman is in mentally and physically;
  • fetal head size;
  • quality of suture material;
  • difficulty of childbirth.

If the birth took place quickly or for a long time, and the fetus was large, the number and depth of the tears increases.

If during the delivery process the obstetrician had to resort to sutures, especially in the perineal area, then the woman will experience discomfort for up to 12 weeks until the sutured nerve endings adapt.

The birth stretch of the vagina is restored within 2 months.

For quick postpartum period Experts give several recommendations:

  1. At the first stage of rehabilitation, the traditional form of intimate communication must be changed. Exit of secretions through open cervix uterus can become a risk of infection.
  2. The perineum must be washed with running water using detergents. intimate hygiene after every visit to the restroom.
  3. Change postpartum pads every 4-5 hours.
  4. Replenish your diet with foods that have laxative properties. Flour products better to exclude. If difficulties with emptying do arise, wax and glycerin will help solve the problem.
  5. To ensure that the seams receive proper ventilation, underwear must be removed during the day.
  6. Areas of tissue scarring need to be treated antiseptic at least twice a day.
  7. As soon as sexual intercourse resumes, it is advisable to use moisturizing lubricants for a while so as not to injure the walls of the vagina.
  8. During night sleep, it is necessary to free the body from the necessary tissue elements that create favorable hygienic conditions(panties, bikini) and sleep on a sterile diaper.
  9. After 4 weeks of rehabilitation, a set of Kegel exercises is recommended, which will help strengthen the muscle layers of the vagina.

Kegel exercises are performed as follows:

  1. tense the vaginal muscles for 10-15 seconds;
  2. relax the genital organ for the same time.
  3. perform 3 passes for each manipulation.

The training is carried out daily. This will allow a woman’s body to return to normal, establish sexual relationships and fully experience the joy of motherhood.

If labor activity led to the use of a surgical incision of the perineum, a woman is prohibited from:

  • lift heavy objects;
  • walk quickly;
  • sit down on a hard surface.

Only after two weeks is it allowed to sit on the buttock located opposite the incision. For sitting position It is better to use an elastic circle, this will promote adequate scarring.

Watch the video about exercises for the vagina after childbirth.

Many pregnant women are concerned about the question of what the vagina will look like after childbirth, will it restore its previous shape? Well, to be more precise, how will they change? intimate sensations? Of course, it cannot be said that everything will immediately return to normal for all young mothers. It’s just that for some people this process sometimes takes a little longer.

information According to statistics, 50% of young mothers experience problems with sexual relations during the first three months after birth, and in 18% they can last up to a year.

Immediately after childbirth, the vagina stretches, greatly changing its shape, and swells. Childbirth is a difficult process, the whole body has experienced a colossal load. And most severe trials and stretching occurred in the vagina. The fact that after childbirth the vaginal muscles lose their tone for some time is normal and natural. It will pass with time! The muscles will contract and size will be restored.

Changes – what to expect?

In order for it to happen full recovery vaginal healing after childbirth takes on average 6 to 8 weeks. This is exactly the time for which doctors recommend abstaining from intimacy. But if waiting depresses you, then you can try to speed up this process by doing a series of special exercises Kegels, which help train the muscles of the perineum and vagina.

But even if, at first glance, everything has returned to normal and you do not need exercises, the ban on intimate relationships must also be adhered to because it takes time for the wound surface inside the uterus, formed at the site of attachment of the placenta, to heal. If on open wound If an infection occurs during sex, then endometritis (inflammation of the uterus) cannot be avoided.

Kegel exercises

The famous gynecologist Albert Kegel developed a system of exercises originally intended for those women who gave birth and who, after childbirth, developed problems associated with urinary incontinence. Subsequently, it turned out that these exercises not only strengthen the muscles of the perineum, but also restore blood circulation in the pelvis, increase sexual tone and even allow you to control orgasm. Therefore, by performing them, you can not only restore the vagina after childbirth, but also significantly improve sexual sensations.

In order to understand which muscles need to be trained, you need to try to stop the flow of urine while urinating. The muscles with which you did this are what we need. Now you need to learn how to tense and relax them, you need to do this quickly for 10 seconds, and rest for the same amount of time, three approaches will be enough. Another way: you need to squeeze them tightly for 30 seconds and try to hold them in this position, and then relax.

additionally As you can see, performing the exercises does not require much time or a specific place. They can be done anywhere: on the street, at work, sitting, lying in bed, etc. And this is a big plus!

Sensitivity, pain, dryness

Some women notice a decrease in vaginal sensitivity after childbirth. First of all, this is due to the laxity of the vaginal walls and the nerve endings that have not yet recovered. There is no need to panic. To speed up the recovery process, you can resort to performing the above exercises.

On painful sensations During intimate intimacy, women who suffered ruptures of the perineum or vaginal walls during childbirth that were sutured more often complain. As a rule, pain occurs in the area of ​​the suture, during the application of which a nerve ending may have been affected. But over time, the nerve adapts, and the pain no longer bothers you.

Vaginal dryness after childbirth can be explained by a decrease in estrogen levels (this is especially true for nursing mothers). This phenomenon is temporary, but in the meantime you can use moisturizing intimate lubricants that will eliminate the discomfort that appears.

Vaginal prolapse

It happens that muscles pelvic floor so weakened that they can't hold on internal organs, and vaginal prolapse occurs after childbirth. There are three types based on severity:

  • Partial prolapse of one of the vaginal walls or both, but without extending beyond the vaginal opening;
  • The walls of the vagina extend outward from the vaginal opening;
  • Complete prolapse, often accompanied by uterine prolapse.

Important This postpartum complication in most cases it requires surgical correction to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. To avoid such an unpleasant situation, doctors recommend performing Kegel exercises throughout pregnancy.

Unfounded fear

Often women after childbirth refuse intimacy, fearing that childbirth has changed the size of the vagina and now they will not be able to get pleasure or their spouse will be unhappy. But don't rush to hasty conclusions! Many women claim that it was “like the first time,” while men do not find any differences at all.

However, there are many reasons for not wanting sex, it could be fatigue, postpartum depression, a feeling of one’s own unattractiveness, fear that the child will wake up at the wrong moment, or a new pregnancy will occur.

The reasons can be either obvious or lying deep in the subconscious. But you can cope with both!

The appearance of a baby in the family makes huge changes in the relationships of young spouses, including intimate ones. There is no need to hide from fears, you need to fight them!

uh. :) I contradict because I am extremely lazy to describe all this in writing - it’s easier orally, because... You can’t write this in a nutshell... Mothers of Caesarians really won’t say anything like that:
1. they have nothing to compare with
2. thank God if everything worked out for their children, because... This does not always appear immediately. And if a cesarean section is indicated, what is it like for them? It has nothing to do with them, they themselves did not decide to do a caesarean section. Thank God I was born healthy baby, and the nuances of birth in such cases are already nuances.
I had the opportunity to compare Caesarean children up to 11-12 years old and children born naturally. Of course, a lot depends on how they were raised later, etc. But in one family (even my mother confirms this), with the same upbringing, two are naturally born, and two are Caesarea. So, caesareans are more disinhibited, more hyperactive, and react more painfully both to illness and to various psychological stresses. By the way, these are actually scientifically proven facts, this has been described in many places, look at various links. Well, I'm not a reference book. I don't want to spill here.
As for the pain during childbirth and the attitude of the mother towards the child - why did you get the idea that it is so painful and scary? You didn’t give birth yourself! Yes, I have heard reviews from mothers about childbirth in the sense that there is such suffering that it would be better to have a caesarean - but these are 1-2 cases and they were clearly unlucky with the doctors!!! Most people say (by the way, even if difficult birth), what a blessing that the baby is healthy, many people don’t even remember about childbirth - these are the body’s natural defense mechanisms, this is what attunes the mother to the child. My advice, if you really want to enlighten yourself, read a few books (you can buy them or download them on the internet):
1. Grantley Dick-Read “Childbirth without fear” (English obstetrician of the first half of the 20th century. You may wonder why this is suddenly so old - but read it, it’s very interesting. My husband even read excerpts from there with interest (more or less I haven’t read one book on this topic before or since, but I liked this one, he says).
2. Michelle Auden "Revived Childbirth".
Good luck to you, and I really hope that you can sensibly weigh the pros and cons and decide what is most important for you. And yet I advise you not to run into this conf, because, in fact, many people here long-awaited pregnancy(you can watch a conference of planners on this topic), and not everyone will understand your views on this topic. In addition, it is clear that pregnancy is unexpected for you, everything that you wrote in your topic means a lot to you, but this does not mean that the rest of us care about sex and the opinion of our husband (as evidenced by the topic above on the same topic from Pioneer :) He made me very happy in connection with your topic and responses to it :))). 03.12.2003 10:15:24,

Throughout pregnancy, every woman’s body undergoes restructuring and experiences certain stresses. Naturally, the strongest influence occurs during childbirth. Most often it is accompanied by quite strong painful sensations. The undeniable fact is that the vagina changes significantly. So, let's look at what happens to the vagina after childbirth.

How to help yourself?

For more quick recovery you need to perform exercises specifically designed to work the muscles of the perineum and pelvis. They need to be done not only at the beginning of pregnancy, but also before conception. In this way, the muscles will be strengthened, which means that childbirth is more likely to go smoothly and smoothly.

But in most cases, many women do not think about it or begin to do it after childbirth, when significant discomfort is already felt. At this stage, there are no obstacles to restoring the muscles of the birth canal, only desire is needed. It is worth noting that in many cases, surgical intervention can be avoided.

The recovery period lasts differently for everyone. In order for the vagina to return to its original state more quickly after childbirth normal condition, you need to remember some nuances.

Physical transformations

To visualize the state of the vagina after childbirth, you need to remember how the child moves through it. It happens that some children have enough large sizes, and their weight reaches five kilograms. That is why it becomes clear to what extent the load is placed on the birth canal.

Sometimes vaginal ruptures can occur, which take quite a long time to heal. In this case, the woman will feel discomfort for several months due to the gradually healing stitches.

One of the changes in the vagina is its stretching. Since it is a muscular organ, while the child moves around birth canal, the walls are stretched, and this process is absolutely normal. In a few weeks, its normal size will be restored. And even a vagina that is too large will return to its previous state, but its shape will be lost.

There is also swelling of the vagina after childbirth, which goes away after three to four days, and no discomfort is felt.

Abrasions and cracks of the vagina are noticeable upon examination; its walls acquire a bluish-purple color. In just two weeks, the normal state will be restored: swelling will go away, cracks will gradually heal, and the walls will again acquire their usual pale pink color.

The relief of the vaginal walls changes after childbirth (photos from medical publications illustrate this well). It happens erroneous opinion that after childbirth, a woman’s vagina increases significantly, but in reality it all lies in changing the walls. In nulliparous women, the relief is clearer, and after childbirth it is smoother. This is why it may seem that the organ has enlarged. This may interfere with men having sexual intercourse, but making the right choice Postures of unpleasant sensations are not at all difficult to avoid.

Scheduled inspection

After the baby is born, the doctor performs routine inspection, which may result in the diagnosis of certain disorders. If a woman notices such signs while already at home, it is not recommended to postpone a visit to the gynecologist.

Since the vagina is formed muscle tissue, then over time its previous form will be restored, perhaps not one hundred percent, but this should not become a cause for concern.

What should a vagina not look like after childbirth?

Possible deviations

There are situations when a woman may experience unwanted symptoms. To prevent them from developing into complications and avoid treatment, you need to be aware possible ways fight them.

Such signals indicate deviations.

1. Reduced sensitivity. It is a temporary symptom and there is no need to panic about it. For some time, a woman may generally lose sensitivity, since the walls of the vagina are no longer the same as before, and a certain period of time is required for their restoration.

2. Pain. Very often, women experience discomfort, and everyone’s vagina after childbirth (the photo clearly reflects the problem) hurts differently. The reason lies in perineal ruptures and stretching, and stitches are required. Unpleasant sensations are characteristic precisely for the area where the suturing was performed, since nerve endings are often affected. However, over time, the woman will no longer be bothered by pain.

3. Itching. With such a symptom, you should immediately contact a specialist. The reason for this may lie in allergic reaction on the material used for the suture or the antiseptic used during childbirth. No need to try to resolve this problem without a medical examination, since only a knowledgeable person can choose suitable treatment. Most often in these cases, douching is prescribed.

4. Dryness is another symptom that women who have recently given birth complain about. It occurs due to a decrease in estrogen levels and most often affects nursing mothers. Over time this symptom disappears, and before this happens, you can use special gels that help moisturize the vagina, or use water-based intimate lubricants. It is not advisable to purchase products that have an oil base, as they create a film that is difficult to permeate. What the vagina looks like after childbirth is of interest to many women.

What other deviations are there?

Omission. Because the pelvic floor muscles weaken, they can no longer support the organs. This is why there is an omission that has various stages: partial, when the walls do not extend beyond the vagina; protrusion outward; prolapse, which requires surgical intervention.

A bad smell from a woman’s vagina after childbirth indicates some kind of inflammation or suppuration of the suture. In this case, you cannot treat yourself; after consulting a specialist, certain medications will be prescribed.

Discharge. After a woman has given birth, they look like mucus interspersed with blood and are called “lochia.” Initially they look like menstruation, but later their intensity decreases. After two months, such discharge stops completely. If this does not happen, you should immediately go to the doctor.

How is the vagina restored?

When the vaginal muscles stretch too much after childbirth, this does not have a very good effect on the woman’s future life. This process is especially reflected in the sexual sphere, as partners may feel a decrease in the quality of physical relationships.

The recovery period for the vagina lasts from six to eight weeks, but these periods are relative, since they are determined by the individual characteristics of each organism and possible complications, which may appear after the birth of the baby. There are a number of recommendations that, if followed, can speed up the recovery process. What happens to the vagina after childbirth? It is better to check this with a gynecologist.

Doctors advise abstaining from sexual relations during this period. It is necessary to know the time frame during which the vagina is restored after childbirth, and the uterine wound surface that forms in the place where the placenta was attached heals. During sexual contact there is a possibility of infection on an open wound, and in this case endometritis is inevitable, that is inflammatory process, affecting the uterus. That is why the couple needs to be patient in this regard for two months after giving birth.

If dryness is a concern, then during intimate relationships you need to use various lubricants-gels.

Difficult but achievable

To return the muscles to their previous tone, you need to work hard. But this is not at all a reason for despondency and thoughts that the process of restoring the vagina will be too difficult.

Currently, there are several ways to help solve this problem. And about surgical intervention You don’t have to think about it right away, because there are easier methods. You should only contact a surgeon if there is no other option left. How to reduce a large vagina after childbirth?

Kegel exercises

One of the most effective techniques- this is a series of exercises that were developed by A. Kegel and brought him worldwide popularity. These exercises are very simple to perform, you can do them almost anywhere, in addition, they are different good result. Thanks to their use, blood circulation of the organs located in the pelvic area increases, the vaginal muscles become elastic, firm and strong. It is recommended to do the exercises five to six times every day, which will result in significant muscle strengthening. One of the most effective ways is as follows: you need to tense the muscles of the perineum and hold them in this state for as long as possible, and then gradually relax them. Initially, it may seem impossible to keep them tense. But after some time, when the elasticity of the muscles increases, the execution will be much easier. However, for greater effect, it is worth performing all the exercises from the complex created by Kegel.

Most women wonder: if the vagina is stretched after childbirth, how long will it take for it to recover? Most often this happens within six weeks. But when doing Kegel exercises, the period can be significantly reduced.

Surgical method

Sometimes complications arise in which it is impossible to avoid surgery. If a woman cannot restrain urination while laughing, feels significant discomfort, and various sets of special exercises do not help at all, you need to agree to surgical method solving the problem. In addition, surgery is necessary when the uterus prolapses or the muscles are very damaged.

Due to the fact that muscle tears can occur, sutures of inadequate quality are often applied in the maternity hospital, due to which the size of the vagina increases after childbirth, and the woman does not receive pleasant sensations during sexual intercourse. To solve this problem, it is necessary to make intimate plastic surgery. Usually this also includes plastic surgery of the cervix, which is often damaged during childbirth.


Since childbirth is very complex process, then, in addition to unforgettable and happy moments, some complications may arise. That is why you need to take care of your own health in advance and prepare for pregnancy and the birth of a baby.

If a woman is aware of what processes are happening in her body, she already treats them calmly. The main thing for a young mother is to help her body return to its normal state.

There is also no need to panic if air comes out of the vagina during intercourse. This happens even among women who have not yet given birth. You shouldn’t be ashamed of this, but just discuss what worries you with your partner, and don’t keep your thoughts inside.

We discussed in detail what the vagina looks like after childbirth, we hope that the information was useful.

How does the vagina change after childbirth?

Surely you have already looked at photos of the vagina after childbirth on the Internet and concluded that it is stretching. In principle, this is not surprising! Indeed, throughout the entire period of pregnancy, due to the growth of the fetus and uterus, the vagina experiences enormous pressure. However, this does not affect him as much as the birth itself. During the passage of the child, he has to stretch greatly - the walls become thin, and sensitivity is significantly reduced. Because of this, most women report experiencing dryness and irritation during and after sexual intercourse, and sometimes even itching afterwards. This is usually due to hormonal changes, or more precisely, the production of estrogen after childbirth.

Despite all of the above, there is no point in worrying about changes in the vagina, since after 2-3 months it will return to its previous shape. However, if you still want to speed up the process, follow simple exercises according to the Kegel technique.

It is impossible not to mention problems with restoration. About 20% of women face such a problem as long recovery, - from 6 months to a year. Most often this happens after cuts and tears during the passage of the child.

What methods can be used to restore the vagina after childbirth? Several ways:

  • according to the Kegel technique;
  • with simple exercises;
  • using vaginal balls;
  • by using plastic surgery.

Important: do not rush to resort to plastic surgery, try to correct the situation with light exercises first.

What problems can you encounter after giving birth due to changes in the vagina?

Main problems: dryness, laxity of the vaginal walls, urinary incontinence (during sneezing, coughing, hiccups, fear).

Vagina after childbirth photo:

Be healthy!