Duration of sick leave after spinal surgery. Sick leave period after surgery

How many days do you have sick leave after laparoscopy? gallbladder doctors decide. Doctors act in accordance with the law. It provides for a standard period of disability after surgery. However, there are exceptions. In practice, the period established by law is not enough to restore the body after surgical intervention. When do doctors extend sick leave and what is needed for this?

After laparoscopic surgery, the person is in the ward, where he recovers from anesthesia. Laparoscopy can cause complications. These are dyspeptic disorders, for example, nausea. A few hours after surgery, the patient may experience painful sensations of different intensity. To relieve colic, painkillers are used. IN difficult cases it is possible to administer narcotic analgesics to the patient.

If there are indications, the patient is given infusion treatment, that is, droppers are placed. When observed inflammatory process or during the operation the organ was desealed, use antibacterial drugs.

For 6 hours after laparoscopic removal of an organ, it is forbidden to stand up or even drink water (you can wet your lips with a damp cotton pad). You can drink for another 18 hours, but not eat.

Drink still water in small sips, consuming no more than 500 milliliters per day. After they have passed, the operated patient is bandaged.

Operated patients are allowed to try to get out of bed 5-6 hours after the intervention. Movements should be smooth. First you need to sit down. If the patient does not experience dizziness, you can get up and walk a little. In this case, it is important that someone is nearby, since anesthesia and prolonged exposure to a horizontal position can contribute to fainting.

If the operation was minimally invasive, the patient can independently move around the ward after 10 hours. Within a day the patient can already walk. This is the rehabilitation standard. Diet is important for its success. Food should be liquid.

Allowed to eat:

  • low-fat soups with vegetable broth;
  • liquid porridge cooked in water;
  • drink kefir and a decoction of dried fruits.

The amount of fluid consumed should be gradually increased.

Usually the patient is left in the hospital for 3-7 days. Exact dates hospitalization depends on the nature of the intervention performed and the patient’s well-being.

At first (at least 7 days), the patient is prohibited from drinking tea, coffee and eating any products that contain sugar. Fatty and fried foods are unacceptable.

Diet is based on consumption fermented milk products with a small percentage of fat content and cereal porridge, boiled in water. Help diversify the menu low-fat varieties meat and fish, baked apples and bananas.

While monitoring the diet of the operated patient, doctors also monitor the condition of the sutures. To prevent them from becoming infected, a course is prescribed antibacterial therapy. Sometimes doctors prescribe anticoagulants. They are recommended for those prone to thrombosis. Such patients are recommended to undergo laparoscopy in compression stockings.

When performing laparoscopy, it is customary to use gas. Later it can provoke a feeling of aching in the joints and muscles. Get rid of gas residues with the help of special exercises.

Usually in inpatient conditions the patient will stay no more than 10 days. This is enough to restore and heal the seam. A slight increase in body temperature is considered normal and general weakness. If others are noted unpleasant symptoms, you must inform your doctor about them. He will make a decision regarding further treatment.

Doctors note that rehabilitation after removal of the gallbladder does not end with discharge from the hospital.

After this, the patient must continue:

  1. Stick to a diet.
  2. Do gymnastics.
  3. Take medications.

Rehabilitation continues at home, taking at least a month. So how many days is sick leave given after surgical removal gallbladder?

As a rule, the rehabilitation period does not exceed 10 days. But if necessary, sick leave can be extended. The basis for this may be, for example, the type of activity of the person operated on. Yes, complicated physical work cannot be performed within a month after surgery.

There are a number of other rules you need to follow:

  • need to stop traveling and long periods of time hiking;
  • sexual rest must be observed for at least a month;

  • all physical activity should be gentle;
  • needs to be used daily for about a month compression stockings;
  • you cannot visit the bathhouse, solarium, or sunbathe on the beach;
  • Sports activities are also prohibited for 30 days.

It is considered the most gentle procedure, but how long the sick leave will last depends on:

  • on the state the person is in after surgery;
  • the size of the organ that had to be removed;
  • presence of postoperative complications.

If complications arise that require additional treatment to eliminate, the sick leave is extended for the required period.

By law, the time spent on sick leave, including hospital stay, is a maximum of 10 days. If for some reason this was not enough, the doctor has the right to extend the sheet, but not longer than 30 days. However, there are complications that require treatment over a longer period of time.

In this case, sick leave is extended:

  • based on the conclusion of a medical commission, and not just one attending physician;
  • for a maximum of 12 months;
  • with the accompanying argumentation (good reasons for a non-standard solution).

Extended sick leave after gallbladder laparoscopy can be closed ahead of schedule if the patient’s condition allows him to perform his duties. job responsibilities.

A sick leave certificate is issued by the attending physician. The form is closed with the date of discharge from the hospital. If it is necessary to continue treatment, the patient independently goes to the clinic. You need to visit her the next day after discharge.

If the patient is unable to move independently, the procedure for opening a new sick leave can be done at home. A doctor is called to the address.

Is it possible to extend sick leave?

If the 10 days established by law are not enough for the body to fully recover after surgery to remove the gallbladder, the sick leave is extended. To do this, the patient goes to the clinic at his place of residence, where the attending physician extends the validity of the form.

There are standard periods for the duration of sick leave after surgery, which are used in general cases when there are no complications. Postoperative disability is regulated primarily by the doctor monitoring the patient’s condition. The employer cannot influence the duration of sick leave in any way, but is obliged to pay for all sick days in a timely manner and in full.

The length of sick leave after surgery is determined by legal regulations and the condition of the recovering person. If necessary, it is extended by commission, and in some cases it may even lead to disability.

Working citizens who are sick should contact medical institutions to receive qualified assistance. The doctor not only makes a diagnosis and prescribes appropriate treatment, but also issues a sick leave certificate, which is extremely important for working people. A completed ballot is the basis for not losing your job and receiving monetary compensation for the entire duration of your illness.

When establishing the terms of the certificate of incapacity for work, the doctor is guided, first of all, by legislative norms that regulate the possible duration of the issued form, depending on the established diagnosis. When issuing a ballot, there are several unshakable rules:

  1. The form can only be issued in a hospital or clinic by a local or attending physician.
  2. At outpatient treatment a certificate of incapacity for work is issued by a doctor for no more than 15 days, and by a dentist for 10 days.
  3. The duration of inpatient treatment is determined by the diagnosis.

Extension of the maximum permissible terms can only be made on a commission basis.

Sick leave after surgery

The issuance of sick leave is regulated by Federal Law No. 255 of December 29, 2006. It also provides duration periods depending on the disease. But during surgical intervention, not one, but several bulletins are issued and issued at different stages. Most often it is issued as follows:

  1. The patient comes to the clinic with complaints. He is issued a primary ballot for a maximum of 15 days. He is monitored for the allotted time and sent for surgery. The issued document is closed by the local doctor.
  2. Upon admission to the hospital, a new form is opened, which can only be issued by the attending physician. The entire time spent in hospital treatment, which consists of preparation for the operation, the procedure itself and the postoperative period, is entered into the form. Upon discharge from the hospital, the sick leave is closed.
  3. Further monitoring of recovery is carried out again by the local doctor, who opens a new certificate of incapacity for work and closes it only when permission is given to resume his work duties.

Sometimes the first stage is missing, especially when the operation is not planned, but emergency.

Document preparation

The preparation of the newsletter is entrusted exclusively to the doctor. For inpatient treatment, bulletins are issued on two dates:

  1. On the day of receipt it opens.
  2. The day of discharge is considered the closing date.

Intermediate dates are not entered into the form itself, nor is the final date of discharge set in advance. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to predict the course of treatment in advance. Surgical intervention is tolerated differently by each person, and therefore the terms of recovery and recovery are very different. How long a person will stay in the hospital depends both on the complexity of the operation and on the psycho- physical condition patient.

The attending physician finalizes the sick leave certificate on the day of discharge.

First he establishes the fact that necessary treatment passed and given desired results, and then closes the ballot and sends information about it to the clinic where the patient is registered. The local doctor, on the basis of the issued document, has the right to issue a new b/l to a person who has left the hospital, which will allow him to finally recover. The validity of this form is limited to 10 days.


The duration of all sick leave is strictly limited by law. The established time frames are based on medical practice and analysis of previously performed surgical interventions.

When a person is admitted to the hospital for surgery, he is assigned to a standard period of time, which consists of:

  1. The preoperative period reserved for testing and preparation for intervention.
  2. The operation itself.
  3. Postoperative period.

The first two points have a more or less measured duration, but after the operation the time allocated for recovery may vary. One of the main indicators of the postoperative period is the type of operation and the methods by which it is performed. Thus, abdominal interventions require more recovery time than laparoscopy. And removing the appendix takes less time to recover than replacing a heart valve.

Minimum and maximum

Everything in surgery surgical interventions are divided into three categories:

  1. Lungs. After them, it makes no sense to keep the patient in the hospital for a long time; usually the next day the patient gets out of bed, and after 3-5 days he is discharged.
  2. Medium – operations that require recovery for up to a month.
  3. Severe interventions are those that require a long stay in a hospital bed, as well as the provision of qualified assistance to restore body functions.

For minor interventions, the notice period usually does not exceed 15 days, and their minimum period is determined by five days. Medium severity determined by the range from 15 to 30 days. The most ambiguous duration is with last group. This includes:

  1. Appendicitis, which was removed during the peritonitis phase.
  2. Spinal injuries.
  3. Heart diseases.
  4. Skull injuries.
  5. Open fractures and closed with displacements.
  6. Removal of cancerous tumors.

In these cases, the maximum duration is determined by the type of operation, and general period suspension from work can last up to a year.

Dependence on the type of operation

The minimum and maximum duration of sick leave directly depends on the type of operation performed. Let's look at some of them:

  1. Simple appendix removal takes 5-10 minutes calendar days.
  2. If, after eliminating appendicitis, it is necessary to undergo a course of antibiotic treatment, the period is increased to 30 days.
  3. The presence of complications or peritonitis prolongs the time of hospital stay, and the final duration is set by the attending physician.
  4. Removal of the uterus requires further treatment for 20 to 45 days.
  5. An inguinal hernia also requires long stay in a hospital bed – up to a maximum of 1.5 months.
  6. At vertebral hernia minimal treatment takes 21 days, and a maximum of 45 days.
  7. Excision of the gallbladder requires complete restoration of strength and health, which can take from three weeks to 1.5 months.
  8. Surgical intervention on eyeballs causes rehabilitation in the interval from two weeks to two months.
  9. Joint surgery – one month postoperative period. And when replacing up to six months or more.
  10. Cardiac surgery may have maximum duration up to two months, and in some cases more.
  11. When undergoing brain surgery, the patient is in intensive care for up to eight days, and then transferred to a hospital, where he stays for up to 1.5 months or more.

Increase maximum terms stay is also possible, but subject to special conditions.

Is it possible to extend sick leave?

How long to issue a certificate of incapacity for work at the first stage is determined by the attending physician himself. To do this, he uses developed tables of permissible postoperative limits and focuses on the condition of the patient himself.

If the patient’s health is not restored within the prescribed time frame, or he becomes ill infectious diseases, which complicated his treatment, then the duration of b/l is increased.

However, the doctor will not be able to do this on his own. In this case, it will be carried out medical examination and a conclave of doctors gives an opinion on the need to extend the maximum limits of incapacity for work. The commission immediately determines the final duration additional treatment and the order of stay - inpatient or outpatient. If this time does not help the patient recover, then the question arises of establishing a disability.

You can extend sick leave in another case, namely after discharge from the hospital. The operated patient turns to his local doctor, who conducts an examination and determines the need to issue a bulletin for outpatient recovery and treatment. In this case, a certificate of incapacity for work can be issued for no more than 10 days.

Benefit amount

An employer cannot refuse to pay an employee for a provided ballot, and, moreover, during an illness he cannot be fired or transferred to another job. The ballot submitted to the employer is calculated based on several indicators:

  1. The total period of illness, which is calculated only in fact from the day of opening to the day of admission to work.
  2. Accumulated up to the time of calculation of the insurance period.
  3. The average income of an employee, which is calculated from the total wages over the past 24 months.

The amount of insurance coverage determines the percentage of accrued benefits. The following interest rates apply in the Russian Federation:

  1. 60% - for those who have just started their labor activity and have accumulated no more than five years of experience.
  2. 80% - if five years have already passed, but eight years have not yet been accumulated.
  3. 100% for those who have a total of more than eight years of insurance.

All calculations are entered into the bulletin and are subject to verification by the social insurance fund.

Payment procedure

When the employee appears after long illness on workplace he is obliged to present a document that can justify his absence, in this case a sick leave certificate. Before starting to calculate the benefit itself, the employer must make sure that the document is drawn up correctly. To do this, the data is inspected and verified against established rules. It is extremely important to ensure that long-term ballots contain the signatures of the MSEC, and not just the attending physician. If inconsistencies and errors are detected, the employee must contact the medical institution to eliminate them and only after that will accrual and payment be made.

Sick leave certificates are paid in general cases as follows:

  1. The first three days are calculated from the organization’s funds.
  2. Starting from the fourth day, compensation costs fall on the Social Insurance Fund.

Despite this, all calculations and payments are made simultaneously.

The law established payment deadlines for ballots. To calculate the amount of benefits, ten days are allotted from the moment the form is handed over to the employer. After this, the compensation is transferred to the recipient's account. But the employer is not obliged to carry it out urgently, but must add it to other transfers that will soon be made. This refers to the day of the next payment - salary or advance payment.

If you miss submitting a sick leave form to your employer, you must contact the Social Insurance Fund directly, where a decision will be made on the need for payments or refusal of them.

You might be interested

The legislation establishes exactly how many days of sick leave are given after surgery, but the period determined by law is sometimes not enough for the operated patient to fully recover. In such a situation, doctors have complete “carte blanche” in their hands.: if they consider it necessary, they will leave the patient on sick leave for an extremely long period, and the employer will not be able to object to this.

What is the deadline set by law?

By law, the period of sick leave after surgery is 10 days. Of course, the entire period while the patient was in the hospital is also taken into account.

If the attending physician of an operated patient believes that 10 days are not enough for the body to recover, he can personally extend the certificate of incapacity for work to 30 days. If the patient needs even more time to recover, the attending physician has the right to submit the issue of extending sick leave to the medical commission for consideration. This is how it is determined how many days of sick leave will be given after an operation that turned out to be complex.

The powers of the collegial body are far greater than those of a single doctor. A medical commission can easily send a citizen who has undergone surgery to a paid leave of 10-12 months - but only if the attending physician can convince the members of the commission that the patient really needs it.

It is clear that the temptation is great, but you should not try to enter into a criminal conspiracy with a doctor. No medical employee will risk their reputation, especially with the current fines - anyone who has tried to “buy” sick leave in the last 3-4 years already knows about this.

The long-term certificate of incapacity for work has a drawback: the operated citizen will not be allowed to forget about the hospital - he will have to come to the medical institution once every 15 days. After each examination, the attending physician must confirm the need to continue rehabilitation period. If the doctor concludes that the person operated on is already healthy enough to go to work, he will close the certificate of incapacity for work ahead of schedule.

Cunning people who understand this know how to extend sick leave after surgery: they begin to “make a show” in front of their attending physicians, complaining of pain in one place or another. However, such citizens should remember that there is a risk of “playing too hard”: if within 6 months doctors do not notice any progress, they will send the citizen for a medical and social examination.

You can apply for an extension of rest in one more case - if the doctor after complex operation will send the patient to a sanatorium. Then the certificate of incapacity for work is extended for a maximum of 24 days.

Medical practice: duration of rehabilitation after various operations

The fact that the legislation “scrubs” everyone “with the same brush” is at least strange, and at most unreasonable. Establishing the same rehabilitation period for people who have had appendicitis removed and spine surgery - what gate does this go into? You don’t need to have a medical education or even any understanding of healthcare in order to understand: this legal norm needs adjustments.

Fortunately, the law leaves doctors the right to use common sense when prescribing a period of rehabilitation. Within medical practice Some unwritten norms have developed, so the patient can approximately know how many days of paid rest the doctor will provide, based on the type of surgical intervention. Approximate dates are as follows (they were approved by Order of the Ministry of Health N 2510/9362-34 of 08/21/2000).

    Removal of the appendix. From 16 to 21 days - this is how long sick leave lasts after surgery for appendicitis. Please note that these terms are relevant only if the patient was operated on by laparotomy - that is, cut soft fabrics over the appendix. After laparoscopy - an operation that involves less trauma - a certificate of incapacity for work is issued for only 5-7 days.

Rest can be extended to 1 month if the patient continues to recover after removal of the appendix. elevated temperature. However, problems after appendicitis surgery most often occur in older people and children - neither of them need sick leave.

    Removal inguinal hernia. That's enough already major surgery. The average length of sick leave after inguinal hernia surgery is 1.5 months. So long term rehabilitation is due to the fact that the patient begins to return to the normal rhythm of life only after a month.

    Eye surgery. The nature of the surgical intervention matters. For example, in case of retinal detachment after eye surgery, sick leave is given for up to 2 months. The certificate of incapacity for work can be closed earlier if it is determined that the restoration of health is progressing at an accelerated pace. After cataract removal, the rest is much shorter - its duration is about 14 days.

Please note: The duration of sick leave depends not only on the patient’s health status, but also on the type of work he does. If the patient is a typical office worker who spends the entire working day in front of a computer monitor, he has a chance for a fairly long rest.

    Removal of the fallopian tube. The maximum duration of sick leave after surgery to remove the uterus is 40 days. It is useless to ask a doctor for a longer-term vacation: it is only possible in case of complications. If the patient's work involves heavy physical activity, she should discuss with her employer the possibility of switching to a more easy work– there is no reason to doubt that the attending physician will issue such a recommendation. For 3 months after removal of the fallopian tube, it is forbidden to lift anything weighing more than 3 kg, otherwise you could easily end up operating table again.

    Spine surgery. The maximum duration of sick leave after spinal surgery has not been established - the period of rest depends on how the rehabilitation proceeds. An employer should definitely not wait for an employee to appear at work earlier than 2 months after surgery.

    Leg vein surgery. Sick leave after surgery on the leg veins is issued for two weeks. The rest period can be extended to 1 month if the patient’s work is sedentary or involves heavy physical activity.

Please note: After removing varicose veins, you should avoid exertion for 2-3 months. Therefore, it is worth discussing with your employer the possibility of temporarily switching to light work.

But where can you extend your sick leave after surgery if you feel unwell? You need to go to the hospital to see your doctor and talk about your health problems and illness. You should arrive exactly at prescribed by a doctor day is important. If a citizen misses the appointed day without having good reason, a special mark will be placed on the certificate of incapacity for work. If there is such a mark, the amount of temporary disability benefits may be reduced.

If, after surgery, the person operated on is unable to move independently, the doctor must come to his home to extend his sick leave. This obligation is established by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 624N dated June 29, 2011.

Payment for sick leave after surgery

The procedure for paying for sick leave after surgery is in no way different from the procedure for paying for sick leave issued, say, due to a cold. The first three days are compensated by the employer, the rest are paid by the Social Insurance Fund. The amount of payment depends on 2 factors: general length of service and average level of labor income for the last 2 years.

The calculation is made like this.

    If the employee's work experience is less than 5 years, he is paid 60% of the average salary.

    With 5 to 8 years of experience, a citizen receives 80% of the salary.

    If the length of service exceeds 8 years, the employee has the right to compensation in full size average salary.

Days for which sick leave was extended are paid as basic days.

The main recommendation for people who have undergone surgery is this: You should not spend the rehabilitation period “on your feet” and rush to get back to work as quickly as possible. This best way to find myself in a hospital bed again. Unfortunately, Russian employers are not inclined to show flexibility when it comes to the health of their subordinates - they strive to make a profit now, without thinking about how the employee will live with poor health later. If a company does not care about the condition and health of an employee, does it deserve to give her the most valuable thing - time of life?

An illness acquired at work or a common cold awaits any person, and they require medical care and complete peace. Being sick and working at full capacity is quite problematic, and complications can even lead to the need for hospitalization. Of course, the main thing is the employee’s health, so you need to take out sick leave, to which he has every right. Many people are interested in: how long can treatment last? Almost every year, more and more nuances appear in the legislation; not everyone can keep track of them. That is why it is important for an employee to know: can a long stay at home cause dismissal? And how long can you stay on sick leave?

Sick leave: what is it, rules for issuing

A sick leave is not just a document that gives the right not to be at work for health reasons, but also something that allows a person to care for a member of his family, be it a disabled person or a sick child. To obtain it, two conditions must be met:

  • citizenship Russian Federation;
  • from a foreigner or individual without citizenship, this must be temporary registration or a document confirming permanent residence in Russia.
  • working under a pre-concluded employment contract;
  • those who work in the field of jurisprudence;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • those who are not registered as an individual entrepreneur, but are members of a family or tribal community of any northern people who constantly contribute money to their insurance;
  • other citizens who pay insurance premiums in case of loss of ability to work.

So, let’s figure out how long you can be on sick leave.

Maximum permissible duration of sick leave

In 2012, it was established that a therapist can write a standard period of up to 15 days on a hospital form. After this, the patient must come for an appointment, where, in case of recovery, the sheet will be closed or extended for another 15 days if the person is still sick. In case of unsatisfactory physical condition, after a month a council meets to decide what to do next. Moreover, if the patient was observed in private clinic, then it will be sent to the commission to government agency. How many days can you stay on sick leave if recovery does not occur?

If there are no other options, the sick leave is extended for ten months (when the case is very severe, then for one year), a special document is drawn up, which describes the diagnosis and treatment methods. Most often, the patient is offered treatment in day hospital. During the year, he must visit the doctor every month and talk about all the changes. How long can you stay on sick leave in special cases?

Special cases

The dentist can issue sick leave for ten days. A patient after a stroke is entitled to the following:

  • if the stroke is small or mild, then sick leave is given for 2.5-3 months (with treatment for one month in a hospital);
  • 3-4 months if the stroke is moderate;
  • 4-7 months at severe form(with possible disability).

At cancer diagnosis sick leave can last 120 days, after which it is assigned medical and social examination. If a person falls ill while on vacation, payment is made as usual. How long can you be on sick leave a year? More on this later.

Child care

If one of the parents is going to apply for sick leave to care for a child, he has the right to the following duration:

  • if the child is not yet seven years old, then no more than 60 days can be missed per year (in extreme cases - up to 90);
  • if the child’s age is from 7 to 15, then annually you can get 15-45 days;
  • if a child is recognized as disabled (under 18 years of age), during his illness the employee can devote 120 days a year to this.

The length of sick leave depends on how many children there are in the family. Care is taken into account not only for children, but also for grandchildren, stepchildren, sisters, and brothers.

How long can you stay on sick leave after surgery?

Sick leave after surgery

It is possible to obtain a certificate of temporary disability from any doctor (surgeon, gynecologist, ophthalmologist, etc.), the most important thing is that he confirms the fact of the operation and the availability of a license to practice medicine.

A sick leave of this kind is given until the patient has fully recovered; it can be extended up to ten or even twelve months. If a patient requires treatment in a sanatorium, he has the right to additional vacation pay (up to 24 days). If after all this he feels unwell and cannot fulfill his professional responsibilities, then he will have to undergo a commission with a full examination and be assigned a disability. After laparoscopy, sick leave is opened for a very short period of time - 7-10 days.

Medical certificate before recovery

How long can you stay on sick leave after surgery if you have a medical certificate?

A medical certificate is issued to the employee until he is able to work. The maximum period is ten months, but it can be extended by another two months if:

1) the patient suffered from tuberculosis;

2) the employee was seriously injured;

3) the employee underwent reconstructive surgery.

If you have a long-term sick leave, you need to renew it every fifteen days. After two weeks, the patient must attend meetings of the commission that records his condition and level of recovery in at the moment. We looked at how long you can be on sick leave. Will it be paid?

Labor Code and regulation of relations between employer and employee

IN Labor Code Article 81 of the Russian Federation states that dismissal of an employee with temporary disability or on vacation is impossible (except in cases where the organization is liquidated or the activity individual entrepreneur ends). According to Article 183, the employer must pay temporary disability benefits, which are specified in federal laws.

Article 7 federal law"About mandatory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity,” the benefit is paid in the following amounts:

  • If a person is insured and has eight or more years of experience - 100% of the average
  • If the duration of the insurance period is from five to eight years - 80%.
  • If the insurance period is up to five years, then 60% is paid.

In paragraph 1 of Article 6, the above-mentioned federal law specifies that benefits for temporary disability due to injury or illness are paid to the insured employee for the entire period until his full recovery (or determination of disability, with the exception of the following cases (parts 3 and 4 of this article).

  • If the insured person is recognized as disabled in accordance with the established procedure, the benefit is paid for no longer than four consecutive months or five months of the calendar year. An exception is tuberculosis, when payments occur before the day of restoration of working capacity or the day when the disability group is revised due to tuberculosis.
  • An insured person who has entered into a fixed-term employment contract/service contract of up to six months, as well as an employee whose injury or illness appeared from the date of conclusion of the contract until the day of its cancellation, receive payments for no more than 75 calendar days. this agreement. If an employee becomes ill with tuberculosis, benefits are paid as in the previous paragraph. In this case, the benefit is paid from the day on which the employee was supposed to begin work. Naturally, temporary disability must be properly confirmed, that is, a certificate must be present.

About dismissal

So, how long can you be on sick leave continuously?

Thus, you can be sick without a break for up to one year if you have supporting documents, anamnesis, and certificates. There are no conditions for dismissing an employee due to a long list of incapacity for work; most often they talk about unfavorable options for an employee who has received a disability group. But if a decision is made that the contract is valid, then such a case can be easily challenged and won in court.

We hope that it is now clear to readers how long it is legally possible to remain on sick leave.

Surgical interventions in the human body, in addition to undeniable assistance, entail prolonged recovery and the inability to perform various types of work for a certain time.

For the employer, on the one hand, it is extremely important that the employee returns to his workplace as quickly as possible, but, on the other hand, it is in his interests full recovery employee.

Sick leave period for surgery

How many days of sick leave are given after surgery is determined by the condition of the person operated on.

The duration of the bulletin during surgery depends on other categories. If a citizen goes to the hospital himself with complaints about feeling unwell, then the doctor is obliged to give him a certificate of incapacity for work for a maximum of 15 days. During this period, the patient undergoes tests and is examined. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then he is sent to surgery for surgical intervention.

A person's stay in the hospital can vary in duration. The most common surgical interventions require this amount of time:

  1. From 10 to 15 days when appendicitis is removed.
  2. When the uterus is removed, the recovery period ranges from 65 to 100 days.
  3. Up to 55 days is given to those who have had their gallbladder removed.
  4. 20-28 days are allotted for the cyst.
  5. Tooth extraction surgery can free you from work for a period of three to ten days.
  6. Three to five days are given for abortion.
  7. An inguinal hernia will require up to one and a half months of rehabilitation.
  8. Eye operations free a person from work for up to two months.
  9. For deletion fallopian tubes and recovery is given up to 40 days.
  10. Varicose surgical treatment extends sick leave for a month.
  11. The intervention on the spine will require at least two months.
  12. Heart surgery and recovery last up to 70 days.

The recovery period directly depends on the type of surgery. They are divided into two types:

  1. Laparotomy, in which external and internal cavities are subject to cuts. This type of surgery is extremely difficult and requires more time for the incisions to heal and the body to recover.
  2. Laparoscopy is less traumatic; it does not require incisions, but is performed using small punctures of external and internal tissues. This method operation allows you to apply less harm body and heal wounds much faster.

The final duration of sick leave after surgery is determined by the attending physician and, if necessary, by a medical commission.

Possibility of extension

How many days sick leave is given depends on the individual indications of the body and the complexity of the operation performed. Is it possible to extend it after discharge from the hospital? Let's see what the law says about this.

As a rule, the operated patient is kept in a hospital bed for a strictly prescribed time, then he is discharged home for further treatment and recovery. After the patient is released home with the condition of further treatment at home, he is monitored, that is, the person operated on is obliged to visit a doctor at set days for examination, changing dressings, etc.

As treatment continues, the one issued at the surgery is closed, and a new form is opened at the clinic.

But it may also happen that a person was discharged without the need for further treatment and rehabilitation, but he does not feel too well and wants to. In both cases, an extension is possible.

To increase the period of sick leave after surgery, the patient will need to contact a medical commission. The commission, without the presence of the patient, guided by his medical history and the results of the postoperative examination, makes a decision on the need to increase the duration of the standard period of sick leave. For the entire extension period, it is mandatory to visit the attending physician at intervals of at least once every 15 days.

If the patient's condition is considered chronic and full recovery is impossible, then he is sent to MSEC, where the issue is recognition of disability.

Sick leave payment amount

Regardless of the duration of the certificate of incapacity for work, the employer is obliged to pay for it. The sick leave must be, and in case of extension, have the signatures of representatives of the medical commission confirming the legality of the increase in duration.

Sick leave is paid when surgical interventions as follows:

  1. The first three days of an open form are repaid at the expense of the employer’s own funds.
  2. Subsequent days are compensated from the social security fund.

Despite the division by payment, it is the employer who accepts the document and makes full accrual for it.

The amount of compensation for sick days depends on three indicators:

  1. Duration of sick leave.
  2. Average daily income of an employee.
  3. Duration of individual insurance experience.

The percentage of compensation depends on the amount of accumulated insurance during which insurance premiums were paid.

Three percentage stages of payments are accepted:

  1. 60% if less than five years of insurance experience have been accumulated.
  2. 80% with five to eight years of experience.
  3. 100% if worked for more than eight years.

The average daily income of the person operated on is calculated for the last 24 months.

To do this, salaries paid for two years are taken and divided by the average number of calendar days for this period.

To obtain the final amount, the average salary per day is multiplied by the number of sick days and by the prescribed percentage factor. 13% personal income tax is deducted from the accrued compensation. The net amount is transferred to the employee's current account.