Five promising employment areas for people with autism. In retail chains. You know about autism firsthand. Please tell me what it is and how it manifests itself

They work with such care and attention to detail, with such fantastic precision, that for some professions in the field information technology more suitable specialists just can't be found. But even with high qualifications, the chances in the labor market for autistic people are minimal. Meanwhile, many people with this disease, in particular with its special variety - Asperger syndrome, have extraordinary abilities and qualities necessary for employers. So why not use their potential? There are two companies in Germany that specifically employ people with autism.

Full complianceIT- profile

Recently a German manufacturer software SAP has announced that it intends to hire 650 autistic people by 2020. In this decision, the firm draws on the successful experience of its project in Bangalore, India. As Anka Wittenberg, who is responsible for inclusion and diversity issues at SAP, told the epd news agency, after hiring eight people with autism in Bangalore, productivity increased and the working climate in the team improved.

“Information technology is a broad area of ​​activity for autistic people,” says Friedrich Nolte, assistant at the Federal Union for Autism, in an interview with dpa. He especially emphasized such important qualities of autistic people as acribia, excellent memory and a special type of logical thinking. What seems to be painful manifestations in everyday life perfectly suits the profile of specialists in testing technical devices or computer software, he noted.

Opportunities for specialists from Russia

Friedrich Nolte estimates that the number of autistic people makes up one percent of the world's population. It was this figure that SAP took into account, declaring that in seven years autistic people will make up one percent of all total number employees of the company, which now numbers 65 thousand in different countries peace.

After the first project with the participation of autism in India, the company intends to continue working in this direction in Ireland, Germany, the USA and Canada, Michael Nüßlein, a spokesman for the concern, said in an interview with DW. In Russia, such projects are not yet envisaged. “This does not mean that this will not happen in the coming years,” emphasized Michael Nüslein. “But first we want to analyze the experience of current projects.”

As for people from Russia suffering from autism, if they wish, they can participate in a competition for vacant positions, which is open to everyone, noted Michael Nüslein. In the coming days, the recruitment of specialists for Germany will begin, who will begin work in September 2013. Those who want to get it here workplace can send their resumes to email [email protected].

By place of residence

It should be clarified that SAP is being helped by the Danish initiative Specialisterne to recruit people with autism. She has set herself the goal of helping one million autistic people find employment. mental abilities which are not limited. Specialisterne works with companies that provide jobs for people suffering from this disease. Among them is SAP, a concern operating in many countries around the world.


But is real possibility for people with autism, change their place of residence and go to work, for example, from Russia to Germany? Specialisterne responded to this question from DW that autistic people have a very difficult time withstanding any kind of change, especially a change of place of residence. Therefore, the concept of Specialisterne is to open branches staffed by specialists with autism in their countries of residence. There are no plans to open a branch in Russia yet.

Work with an individual approach

Another German company, Auticon, which has existed since the end of 2011, employs exclusively autistic people. They work as consultants to various information technology firms, such as Vodafone. Currently, according to the Auticon website, the company employs 19 employees, 12 of whom are autistic.

As Auticon employee Tilman Höffken said in response to a DW request, at the moment the company does not intend to recruit employees from Russia. “We are not ready for this yet, and we will need some more time,” he noted.

Despite the relatively modest scale of Auticon's activities, which, according to dpa, intends to employ 20 employees with a diagnosis of autism by the end of 2013, it should be noted that it has important experience in organizing work for autistic people.

There are specially trained supervisors here who help autistic employees with personal issues and at work. Friedrich Nolte also points out the need for such an approach. “We must take into account that the ability of autistic people to engage in spontaneous communication is limited, so it is necessary to avoid stressful situations. Some people with this illness suffer from depression or obsessive states, therefore in each specific case it is necessary individual approach", emphasized Friedrich Nolte.

“Sometimes autism comes in handy”

Evgeniy Panov

28 years old, programmer, diagnosis: Asperger's syndrome

I work in a small IT startup: I write artificial intelligence for a telegram bot - financial advisor. I have high-functioning autism - Asperger's syndrome. I don’t advertise my diagnosis at work. Colleagues say I’m a little strange, but no one directly calls me autistic.

My previous place works - RIA Novosti. Another guy got a job there before me, but they didn’t take him because he was too autistic and required constant attention. I wrote parsers for the infographics department, received a stable salary and delicious lunches, and could do my own thing at work. Many people will think that this is ideal conditions. But I left because I didn't want to be treated like I was autistic. I started looking for a real job where I wouldn't be treated too harshly.

My salary is above the market average. For the last month I have been recording all my expenses to better control my budget. Now I'm saving for a car. This year I completely updated my wardrobe and... appearance. Previously, I didn’t attach any importance to this: I walked around in an old sweater, I could wear a torn shirt, I neglected the shower.

Autistic people often become cool musicians, programmers, and scientists. Sometimes autism even helps. I think it's hard to dive deep enough into science if you can communicate well with people. IT often employs introverted people who can easily mistake an autistic person for one of their own.

At work, social rituals and deadlines must be observed. These are my main problems. Often I give inadequate deadlines for completing a task or incorrectly calculate the time of arrival for a meeting. The same situation can happen with money when I plan a budget.

I have the ability to seem very smart - it's because I talk so much difficult words about IT and quantum mechanics. However, my advice to people with autism who want to get a job is this: don't try to show all your intelligence in an interview. When you are looking for a job, you should pay attention to your interlocutor and listen to what he says.

From childhood I knew that something was wrong with me. Sometimes I asked my mother if I was crazy. At school, teachers told other children that I was sick. I had a big problem interacting with other people, especially those of the opposite sex.

I'm bad at reading hints and signs. When I read in a book: “And then she looked at him contemptuously...” - everything is clear to me. But when I watch the film, I don't understand the emotions of the characters. As a result, I and another person may perceive the film completely differently. What will be important to me is something that he won’t even pay attention to, and vice versa.

I have a lot of cockroaches. For example, just now you poured me tea, and I said thank you, but you didn’t answer. I don't know if you heard or not. I had a desire to thank you again, because I need feedback. At the same time, when talking with a person, I may not ask him a single question, but only give out information in large quantities. I also walk very quickly, sometimes I even start running. Now I deliberately force myself to walk as slowly as possible.

“I like the sea. I once used this theme in my work: I laid out a mosaic in the form of fish.”

Nikolay Filippov

31 years old, ceramic artist, diagnosed with autism

I started making ceramics on Stroiteley Street, and now I work in a workshop "Special ceramics". My salary is not very big. I mostly spend it in the store and the tent. I buy cheese, bread and other products at the store, and Coca-Cola or Pepsi at the tent.

I have a girlfriend, Ira, we have been dating for 3 years. She works in a sewing workshop and travels to college along the new Moscow Central Circle in a Lastochka. Irishka and I usually see each other every week, but now she is on vacation. We have plans for the future: to live together in an apartment that is being built by the Central Clinical Hospital at the Vodny Stadium - in socially supported housing. These houses have already been built, but the agreement between the Central Clinical Hospital and the Moscow authorities has not yet been signed.

I had nice summer. I went to St. Petersburg with my parents, and also to Pereslavl with Ira, the guys from our college and teachers. In general, I travel a lot: I’ve been to Malta, Lithuania, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Uzbekistan, Croatia. I would also like to go somewhere else if it weren’t for the crisis. My favorite country is Lithuania: I was there in 2006, I really liked it.

My first acquaintance with ceramics occurred at the age of 14. At the Central Clinical Laboratory we were assigned to different workshops: me - to the ceramics workshop, Ira - to the printing workshop, and other guys to somewhere else. There, one artist noticed that we were learning to make beautiful ceramic things well. She said that we can be taught. At first no one believed her, but she spoke and spoke - and gradually they believed her. Now we have real work to do.

I sculpt, paint, put decals on cups, and make mosaics. What I like most is the painting. I am inspired by travel, train stations, trains, planes, resorts, countries and cities. Except, of course, for Ukraine and Crimea, because because of them there are all sorts of sanctions and you can’t watch the news normally. And Europe, the USA, Asia and other places in Russia - I like it.

I don’t watch the news because they constantly talk about sanctions and Ukraine. I even avoid taxis and shops where the news radio is on. At home we have TV series and travel channels. I get hysterical when my mom switches them. I use Facebook, look up train and plane schedules, and the weather on the Internet.

I don't listen to music. But I love books, especially Harry Potter. I also love painting, probably because my parents are architects and artists. But they don’t help me - I can do everything myself. I love going to museums and concerts. The last time I was at the Pushkin Museum was in the summer - at the Bakst exhibition and the performance of the ensemble of African songs "Kimbata". Perhaps we should go see Aivazovsky. I like the sea. I once used this theme in my work: I laid out a mosaic in the form of fish.

We have 14 people in our workshop. I prefer to make ceramics not alone, but together with someone. I turn to Yulia, Tamara, Rachel for help. I like my job - it's much more interesting than, for example, working in a bank.

Mom often goes to fairs where our ceramics are exhibited and sold. Soon, by the way, there will be a new fair - and we will begin emergency work.

You can take a photo of me once, but no more.

“I plan to invest my salary in business: buy cosmetics to start working with women”

Maria Bystrova

18 years old, assistant manager at transport company, diagnosis: Down syndrome

I study in college and work as an assistant manager at the Dutch transport company Voerman in Moscow. My responsibilities include servicing negotiations: pouring coffee or tea. I also use appliances, such as a dishwasher.

I work with Grisha and we have a good relationship. He wears glasses, like me. Grisha also studies at college - he is a cook there. And I do interior design, clothing and household items.

Our leader gives us different tasks. For example, today Grisha himself went to the warehouse, and I wiped dust from the plants. We also stuck addresses on envelopes.

My director's name is Denis, he is Dutch and speaks English. One time he personally asked me to prepare tea and officiate at negotiations. I was a little shy, of course: I didn’t go into the office right away, but then I finally brought in tea. Everything turned out well, but I forgot to pick up the tray.

Today at work I was a little upset. It so happened that the boy Grisha mastered the scanner better than me. But I will still learn - my mother has a scanner at home, I will train. And he doesn't know how to operate a dishwasher!

Mom loves me, respects me, buys me everything beautiful: clothes, hairpins, elastic bands. I also like cosmetics. I even have my own facial and body care system. Now I’m reading the book “Dreams Come True” about the woman Mary, who created the Mary Kay company. Today or tomorrow I will read it to the end. I plan to invest my salary in a business: buy cosmetics to start working with women.

I used to go to a regular school with regular kids. But then the director said that instead of a certificate, they would only give me a certificate of completion of school. We were surprised because I had good grades: fours and fives. I also studied English for 8 years. As a result, I moved to another school and received a certificate there. I would show it to you, but we handed it over to college.

My good friend at school - Zhenya Makarov. He helped me write in my diary homework, because I couldn’t do it - I didn’t have time. We also had a wonderful physical education teacher.

Whatever I was interested in. She took part in swimming competitions and received a lot of certificates. I also went to rhythmic gymnastics, dancing, vocals, to the theater studio and to the fashion theater. Once I took part in international competition“Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”, showed the sketch “Cats” and received third place. When I made 2 wheels, everyone went crazy! Everyone applauded me so much! I can also do the splits, the bridge, and even the ring.

I have a personal computer. There I am now reprinting a book called “Vacations in Prostokvashino” - so as not to forget the letter. I like typing better than writing with a pen because if something is wrong, I can erase it and write it correctly, but I have to cover up the ink.

I am on the Internet - my older brother made me a page on VKontakte, and I already have 7 friends there. And I hope there will be even more.

There are real stars of mathematics and programming, and there are also those who struggle with simple crafts and find it difficult to get a job. The problem of the latter could be solved by creating specialized jobs and developing special support programs, and this requires government assistance, experts say.

Level intellectual development in autism it can be very different: from profound mental retardation to giftedness in some areas of knowledge and art.

Autistic children with developed intellect They successfully continue their studies after school and graduate from universities, although their character traits often prompt them to choose a job that involves minimal contact with colleagues. They often choose professions related to mathematics and computers, and achieve great success in these areas. There are real stars among them, although medical ethics does not allow experts to mention their names in connection with possible diagnoses.

“Some of them become outstanding programmers, “computer geniuses.” They don’t need a work team, they feel self-sufficient in their world. And the computer gives them the opportunity to expand this world,” Lyudmila Ryzhikh, director of correctional school No. 30, told RIA Novosti.

Unfortunately, many autistic people have disabilities and cannot receive higher education and work equally with healthy people. The solution for them is to learn various crafts that allow them to earn a living in the future.

Among the students of Moscow Technological College No. 21 there are many young people with autism spectrum violations, they undergo vocational training in craft workshops of various profiles, many of them are trained in sewing and carpentry.

College teachers note that it is important for their students not only to acquire a profession, but also to learn to work in a team. Therefore, psychologists participate in the educational process and use special therapeutic and pedagogical techniques in working with students.

“We have one autistic boy who weaves very well,” said the college’s deputy director for work with students with disabilities. disabilities health Olga Volkova. “But if he does this for a very long time, left alone with work, he withdraws into himself, and this is a dangerous state for him, he needs to be pulled out of there all the time.”

In this situation, the teacher’s task is to help the student build a workspace so that he feels comfortable, but so that he periodically “emerges” from his world and returns to reality.

Three ways to find a job

Unfortunately, sometimes it is easier to train young people with noticeable autistic disorders in a profession than to get them a job, although three types of employment are possible for them, experts note.

The first of them involves the work of a specialist with a disability in ordinary work collective. The problem here is that employers, as a rule, are not ready to provide work to disabled people, even if they are fully capable of it.

“We want to appeal to employers so that they are not afraid to hire our graduates,” said Olga Volkova. “Our specialists are ready to accompany them, tell their colleagues how to treat them.”

The second method of employment involves the targeted creation of specialized jobs, special areas in enterprises. It would be better if these jobs were inclusive and they would work alongside autistic people healthy people, experts say. In their opinion, it is quite possible to solve this problem in many industries, especially since while studying in college, young people with autistic disorders get used to being side by side with healthy peers.

"One of our graduates was offered to work at a instant photography“, they trained him for two months, everyone liked him,” said the deputy director of the college. - But when the question arose that the young man should work alone, and at the same time be responsible for money, we realized that he could not cope with financial liability. He is very naive, he is easily distracted and steals money. We can’t expose our ward like that, he must work together with someone.”

The third method of employment would be suitable for young people with the most severe diagnoses, experts say. To do this, in their opinion, the social protection authorities should create daytime employment centers where workers could engage in production and leisure activities, with good support and social adaptation.

But all these methods of employment need support from the state, just as it happens today in countries Western Europe, in the USA and Canada. In these countries, there are federal and municipal supported employment programs that provide budget funds for support and employment of workers with in different forms mental disorders, including autism.

Where such programs operate, employers' interest in hiring people with disabilities increases, since budget money follows the employee. In addition, along with the new employee, his accompanying person comes, who, receiving a salary from the state, for certain period helps his ward to master his job responsibilities and fit into the team.

Nothing will work without support

A common problem for many autistic workers is that they cannot communicate in the workplace as normal employees. Someone must constantly be with them and solve any difficulties that arise.

“In our sewing workshop there is a girl who is very nice in appearance, but practically does not speak,” said Olga Volkova. “She is very difficult to make contact, and, of course, will never be able to work without accompaniment.”

Unfortunately, such support is not supported by special social programs, and you have to find money for it with great difficulty.

On the other hand, it cannot be said that young people with autistic disorders are abandoned by the state to their fate. Special work with disabled people at College No. 21 as part of the experiment is paid for by the Moscow Department of Education. Thanks to this, psychologists, defectologists, social teachers and educators work with students.

Parents of students who are members of the Interregional public organization“Road to Peace” received funding from the capital’s social protection department for a project to support disabled students, said the deputy director of the college. They were given money to pay ten accompanying persons for ten months.

This help can be very important, because among the students there are young people who require constant support. Some of them cannot move around the city independently, and social workers will help them get from home to college and back. If necessary, they will be accompanied both during school and in extracurricular activities.

In addition, the capital's Department of Labor and Employment included college students in the program for the comprehensive integration of people with disabilities. Thanks to this program, special workplaces are now being equipped for them.

Other students and working autistic people need the same support measures, but so far the state has not been able to cope comprehensive solution problems, experts say.

“I don’t want to say that the state doesn’t help us. This is not so. But our task is not to receive one-time help, but so that we, as a model, can work out a system of accompaniment and support for people with severe mental disorders, including autistic people. And so that this system starts working in other cities of Russia,” Olga Volkova emphasized.

Unusual and strange, gifted child or adult. Among boys, autism is several times more common than among girls. There are many causes of the disease, but all of them have not been fully identified. Features of developmental deviations can be noticed in the first 1–3 years of children’s lives.

Who is this autistic person?

They immediately attract attention, be it adults or children. What does autism mean - it is a biologically determined disease related to general violations human development is characterized by a state of “immersion in oneself” and withdrawal from contacts with reality and people. L. Kanner, child psychiatrist, became interested in such unusual children. Having identified a group of 9 children for himself, the doctor observed them for five years and in 1943 introduced the concept of EDA (early childhood autism).

How to recognize autistic people?

Each person is unique in its essence, but there are similar character traits, behavior, preferences and ordinary people and those suffering from autism. There are a general number of features that are worth paying attention to. Autism - signs (these disorders are typical for both children and adults):

  • inability to communicate;
  • violation social interaction;
  • deviant, stereotypical behavior and lack of imagination.

Autistic child - signs

Attentive parents notice the first manifestations of the baby’s unusualness very early, according to some sources, before 1 year. Who is an autistic child and what features in development and behavior should alert an adult in order to promptly seek medical and psychological help? According to statistics, only 20% of children have light form autism, the remaining 80% are severe disorders with concomitant diseases (epilepsy, mental retardation). Starting from younger age characteristic signs:

With age, the manifestations of the disease can worsen or smooth out, this depends on a number of reasons: the severity of the disease, timely drug therapy, teaching social skills and unlocking potential. Who is an autistic adult can be recognized already at the first interaction. Autism - symptoms in an adult:

  • has serious difficulties in communication, it is difficult to start and maintain a conversation;
  • lack of empathy (empathy) and understanding of the states of other people;
  • sensory sensitivity: A simple handshake or touch from a stranger can cause panic in an autistic person;
  • violation emotional sphere;
  • stereotypical, ritual behavior that persists until the end of life.

Why are autistic people born?

In recent decades, there has been a surge in the birth rate of children with autism, and if 20 years ago it was one child in 1000, now it is 1 in 150. The numbers are disappointing. The disease occurs in families with different social structures and incomes. Why autistic children are born - the reasons have not been fully elucidated by scientists. Doctors name about 400 factors influencing the occurrence of autistic disorder in a child. Most likely:

  • genetic hereditary anomalies and mutations;
  • suffered by a woman during pregnancy various diseases(rubella, herpetic infection, diabetes mellitus, );
  • mother's age after 35 years;
  • imbalance of hormones (in the fetus the production of testosterone increases);
  • poor ecology, mother’s contact during pregnancy with pesticides and heavy metals;
  • vaccinating a child with vaccinations: the hypothesis is not confirmed by scientific data.

Rituals and obsessions of an autistic child

In families where such unusual children appear, parents have many questions to which they need answers in order to understand their child and help develop his potential. Why do autistic people not make eye contact or behave emotionally inappropriately or make strange, ritual-like movements? It seems to adults that the child ignores and avoids contact when he does not make eye contact when communicating. The reasons lie in a special perception: scientists conducted a study which revealed that autistic people have better developed peripheral vision and have difficulty controlling eye movements.

Ritualistic behavior helps the child reduce anxiety. The world with all its changing diversity is incomprehensible to autists, and rituals give it stability. If an adult intervenes and disrupts a child’s ritual, problems may occur. aggressive behavior, self-injury. Finding himself in an unusual environment, an autistic person tries to perform familiar, stereotypical actions in order to calm down. The rituals and obsessions themselves are varied, unique for each child, but there are also similar ones:

  • twist ropes and objects;
  • put toys in one row;
  • walk the same route;
  • watch the same film many times;
  • snapping fingers, shaking their heads, walking on tiptoes;
  • wear only clothes that are familiar to them
  • eat certain type food (meager diet);
  • sniffs objects and people.

How to live with autism?

It is difficult for parents to accept that their child is not like everyone else. Knowing who an autistic person is, one can assume that it is difficult for all family members. In order not to feel alone in their misfortune, mothers unite in various forums, create alliances and share their small achievements. The disease is not a death sentence; a lot can be done to unlock the potential and sufficient socialization of a child if he is mildly autistic. How to communicate with autistic people - first understand and accept that they have a different picture of the world:

  • take words literally. Any jokes or sarcasm are inappropriate;
  • tend to be frank and honest. This can be annoying;
  • don't like to be touched. It is important to respect the child's boundaries;
  • cannot stand loud sounds and screams; calm communication;
  • difficult to understand oral speech, you can communicate through writing, sometimes children start writing poetry this way, where they can be seen inner world;
  • there is a limited range of interests where the child is strong, it is important to see this and develop it;
  • imaginative thinking child: instructions, drawings, diagrams of the sequence of actions - all this helps learning.

How do autistic people see the world?

Not only do they not make eye contact, but they actually see things differently. Childhood autism later it transforms into an adult diagnosis and it depends on the parents how much their child can adapt to society, and even become successful. Autistic children hear differently: the human voice may not be distinguished from other sounds. They do not look at the whole picture or photograph, but select a tiny fragment and focus all their attention on it: a leaf on a tree, a lace on a shoe, etc.

Self-injury in autistic people

The behavior of an autistic person often does not fit into normal norms and has a number of features and deviations. Self-injury manifests itself in response to resistance to new demands: he begins to bang his head, scream, tear out his hair, and runs out onto the roadway. An autistic child lacks a “sense of edge” and traumatic and dangerous experiences are poorly consolidated. Elimination of the factor due to which self-injury arose, return to familiar surroundings, talking through the situation allows the child to calm down.

Professions for autists

Autistic people have a narrow range of interests. Attentive parents can notice the child's interest in a certain area and develop it, which can later make him a successful person. What autistic people can do, given their low social skills, are professions that do not involve long-term contact with other people:

  • drawing business;
  • programming;
  • repair of computers, household appliances;
  • veterinary technician, if you love animals;
  • various crafts;
  • web design;
  • work in the laboratory;
  • accounting;
  • working with archives.

How long do autistic people live?

The life expectancy of autistic people depends on favorable conditions created in a family in which a child lives, then an adult. Degree of violations and concomitant diseases, such as: epilepsy, profound mental retardation. Accidents and suicide can also be reasons for shorter life expectancy. European countries have explored this issue. People with autism spectrum disorders live 18 years less on average.

Famous autistic personalities

Among these mysterious people There are super-gifted people, or they are also called savants. World lists are constantly updated with new names. A special vision of objects, things and phenomena allows autistics to create masterpieces of art, develop new devices and medicines. Autistic people are increasingly attracting public attention. Famous autists of the world:

In 2007, the UN established April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day. In 2015, the UN drew special attention on the problem of employment of people with autism.
Unemployment and underemployment – serious problems for such people. The UN estimates that the unemployment rate among adults with autism is 80%. A 2013 US study found that in the first eight years after leaving high school, only 53.4% ​​of youth on the autism spectrum worked for pay outside the home, and just 20.9% worked full time. Among the reasons for this picture are insufficient professional training, the need for additional training directly at the place of work and discrimination.

Lost Opportunities

Despite the suspicious and often hostile attitudes of potential employers, workers with autism have many personality traits that are well-suited to certain types of jobs. For example:

  • Workers with autism often enjoy routine and consistency and can be extremely reliable;
  • They often recognize phenomena well and excel in logical constructions;
  • They can often remember instructions well, which is important in urgent or emergency situations;
  • They can be very attentive to detail and notice minor deviations from the norm.

If people with autism are properly trained and employed in a position that suits their personality, this will be beneficial both to the state - disability payments will be reduced, and to themselves - they will be able to integrate deeper into society and become its full members. In addition, in materially, wages, as a rule, higher benefits, which is important for absolutely everyone.

How to help such people? Scientist and popular author Dr. Temple Grandin believes that key point here is to instill in children with autism an interest in vocational training, early encouragement of inclinations towards a particular work. In a book called Developing Talents, she writes: “For a child to grow up successful, parents must help him develop his natural talents. Often, these talents are the first step towards gainful employment. Drawing, ability to write stories and articles, design, programming or landscape design can be the first steps towards a well-ordered future.”

Here are five examples of organizations that are helping with the important and socially responsible task of employing people on the autism spectrum.

1. In the field of computer technology

In 2013, a German development company computer programs SAP has announced plans to employ hundreds of programmers and testers with autism because of their ability to “think differently and advance development through it.” SAP is partnering with a German-based foundation that aims to promote greater use of the talents of people with autism.

2. In the food industry

In some US states, restaurants and banquet halls employ the labor of people with autism and other developmental and thinking disorders. Not all of them can be waiters, but they are excellent at working in the kitchen, cleaning and technical work.

3. In the field of arts

In the fall of 2015, American non-profit organization“Circle of Friendship” is starting to implement a project for creative training of people with autism and other disorders in nine areas:

  • Drawing
  • Spinning
  • Clay making
  • Photos
  • Engraving skills
  • Computer graphics
  • Woodworking
  • Making picture frames
  • Cooking

As part of the project, an own gallery will be created where art objects will be exhibited and sold, as well as own cafe and a banquet hall where people with autism will be employed. This is just one example of such projects across America.

4. In retail chains

Large American retail corporations often hire people with autism to work in storerooms (arranging products on shelves, cleaning) and more. People with autism help process and fulfill orders received via the Internet, load goods, keep records, fulfill technical work. Typically corporations use the services special organizations who provide training for staff with autism.

5. In small business

Car washes in America often employ people with autism because of their good tolerance for monotonous work, great attention to detail and responsibility.