Recipes for Lydia ionova. The thicker your waist, the higher your risk of asthma. Introduction, or Why this is not a diet

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Regular Products– vegetables, fruits, nuts and berries are not just our taste preferences. This is what makes us who we are. It also saturates and enriches with the elements necessary for life. But what if in our usual diet make changes?

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100 recipes that will help you become slimmer and healthier. And - forever.

Man is a strange creature: slavery was abolished long ago, but we continue to be slaves. For example, slaves to their habits. Moreover, people find a way to inflict real torture on themselves! For example, torture with diets, fasting, torture at the gym, or torture called “I don’t eat after six.” And this list is endless.

And after several months of torture, a person proudly realizes that he has lost, for example, ten kilograms! The torture stops, and soon instead of ten, the poor fellow gains as much as 20 kilograms.

Why don't diets work? The fact is that in a person’s mind, his nutrition is divided into two parts - this is either a diet or a regular diet. You have probably met people who “struggle” with weight all their lives, alternating periods of “food binge” with periods of strict diets.

But the point is healthy eating not in giving up “delicious” things, but, no matter how strange it may sound to many, in variety. This book will help you come to ideal weight, eating tasty and varied food, without subjecting yourself to torture!

So, if you are ready to begin the path to slimness, beauty and health, let's get started!

From the author

After the release of my first book " Healthy Habits. Doctor Ionova's Diet" I received a lot of feedback about how the book helps people. This, of course, is very pleasant, but I also saw how much people lack simple but reliable information on how to properly build their diet. Actually, this prompted me to write a new book. You cannot become a champion by lifting a 120 kg barbell on the first day of training, or go out and immediately run a marathon. But when you gradually increase the load and continue regular training, then a miracle can happen: after a while the impossible will become possible, and you will conquer both a 120 kg barbell and a marathon distance. This is exactly what my book is dedicated to - how to gradually, step by step, with self-love and self-care, change your lifestyle and achieve your desired weight forever!

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This book was provided to me for review by the publishing house MIF. I was very interested in reading it, because it was written by a famous nutritionist. I was wondering how my principles proper nutrition, really correct. The system proposed in the book is very interesting and deserves attention. To be honest, I immediately wanted to put it into action right away. Isn’t this the main thing so that the book can capture the idea immediately and for a long time?

All recipes are carefully compiled with detailed step-by-step photographs. As always, MYTH books are excellent, both the quality of the paper and the quality of the photographs.

The recipes make my eyes wide open. At the beginning when they describe approximate diet nutrition, examples of recipes from the book are given.
I opted for roasted pepper soup. I really love peppers in this form, so the soup made from them turned out to be magical.

300 ml. vegetable broth;
6 sweet peppers;
10 ripe tomatoes;
6 cloves of garlic;
2 tbsp soy sauce;
2 tbsp chopped basil;
salt and pepper to taste.

I made it for one serving, so I took 1/3 of the serving.
Peel the peppers and tomatoes and cut them into pieces. Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes.

You can first bake the peppers for 15-20 minutes, and then add tomatoes to them.
Cool and peel the vegetables.
Grind everything in a blender, adding soy sauce and basil.
Transfer the puree into a saucepan, add broth and bring to a boil, add salt and pepper.

Current page: 1 (book has 16 pages total) [available reading passage: 4 pages]

Lydia Ionova
Healthy habits. Doctor Ionova's diet

Dedicated to my parents

Nina and Leonid - with love

and gratitude

Introduction, or Why this is not a diet

There are many different types torture and torture that overweight people apply to themselves. These include all kinds of diets (kefir, Kremlin...), and fasting, and torture in gym, and sticking needles into the body, and conducting currents, and wrapping them in anything, and “not eating after six.” The list goes on and on - it's endless. Almost every year some newfangled diet appears (there was Atkins, then Montignac, now Dukan). But the problem remains, and after losing 10 kilograms a person gains 20. Why don’t diets work? Because in a person’s mind, his nutrition is divided into two parts - this is either a diet or a regular diet (overeating, which led to excess weight). You have probably met people who “struggle” with weight all their lives, alternating periods of “food binge” with periods of strict diets. This struggle leads to destruction of both physical and mental health person: it seems that the monster called “weight” cannot be defeated, self-esteem falls, cholesterol and blood pressure rise, the liver suffers from fatty liver disease, pancreas – from diabetes mellitus, and the person is from depression.

What to do?

For myself and my clients, I answered this question a long time ago - changing lifestyle through the formation of new eating habits. This is not a diet, this is a new healthy lifestyle! This is the only way to maintain slimness, beauty and health for many years!

Recently, on the “Culinary Duel” program, host Oskar Kuchera asked me: “Lydia, how can I change my eating habits?” I admit, I was confused! “How can you graduate from college in one day? Probably the same!” How can this be? The main thing is to start changing them, give yourself time to do this and have either an experienced guide in the person of a nutritionist or good guidance.

It’s wonderful that television, following us nutritionists, picked up the phrase “eating habits.” And it's great that people think they're worth changing! But how can you lift a barbell if you have never lifted anything heavier than a handle? It’s very simple – start training!

You cannot become a champion by lifting a 120 kg barbell on the first day of training, or go out and immediately run a marathon. But when you gradually increase the load and continue regular training, then a miracle can happen: after a while the impossible will become possible, and you will conquer both a 120 kg barbell and a marathon distance.

This is exactly what my book is dedicated to - how to gradually, step by step, with self-love and self-care, change your lifestyle and achieve your desired weight forever!

The key rules for success both in developing healthy eating habits and in participating in a marathon are the same: regularity and a gradual increase in loads. If you don’t follow the regular habit change and there is a break, you will either have to start again, or achieving your goal will be delayed.

If you do not gradually increase the load, there will be no movement forward, you will remain with the same result, and achieving the goal will be in question.

If you do everything at once, a 120 kg barbell or a marathon distance can deprive you of confidence in your abilities forever. And then the goal will remain just a dream. This is why I suggest changing habits gradually, step by step. It's doable, simple and gives you confidence in your abilities.

From the author

I have long been ready to share my experience and knowledge with a wide audience, but I could not choose a format that would be not only effective, but also safe for readers. After all, in consulting I work with each client individually, people go through medical examination, I make up individual plan nutrition, which takes into account all the characteristics and health status of the client. Every week this plan is gradually adjusted, the patient learns more and more new ways to manage weight. And therefore, as weight loss occurs, a person feels better and better, test results improve, and energy levels increase. I hope that the general format of the 12-Week Eating Habits Changing Program that I have suggested will help you.

But I must warn you that the book is not individual medical recommendations, which are suitable for everyone - and I cannot be held responsible for their incorrect use. Of course, it is best to complete the program under the guidance of an experienced nutritionist and psychologist.

So, if you are ready to begin the path to slimness, beauty and health, let's get started!

Healthy Habits
Diet of Dr. Ionova. How to lose weight in 12 weeks

If you sow a thought, you will reap an action,

sow an action, you reap a habit,

sow a habit, you reap a character,

sow character, reap destiny.

Eastern wisdom

The key principle of my weight loss technique is gradual changing eating habits. Of course, if you wish, you can force a person to eat perfectly healthy from the first days of the program, but this will become a huge stress for him and will sharply increase the risk of failure. Moreover, a sharp change in eating style threatens the development of dietary depression. And often precisely because feeling unwell and poor diet tolerance, on the one hand, and lack of confidence in themselves and their strengths, on the other, people give up trying to lose weight and do not complete the task. Therefore, we will make adjustments gradually and in doses. The program is designed for 12 weeks, and each involves certain innovations. This will allow you not only to say goodbye to extra pounds, but also to develop healthy eating habits that will become an integral part of your lifestyle, and most importantly, the key to maintaining the results achieved. Let me make a reservation right away: the program is only suitable for maximum healthy people. So if you have health problems, first of all chronic diseases, be sure to consult your doctor before starting the program! At the same time, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that obesity is a disease, which means it is best to treat it under the supervision of a good specialist.

First, let's figure out what a habit is and how it is formed. A habit is an automatic action that we perform so often that we stop noticing it, a pattern of behavior that is repeated over and over again.

We do more than 80% of the actions in our lives “out of habit.” Waking up in the morning, we go to the bathroom to brush our teeth, turn on the kettle and drink coffee or tea, go to work the same route, communicate with the same people, say the same words... From morning to evening we do thousands of small things . Over many years of repetition, a set of our individual habits emerges.

Depending on what habits we have, they lead us either to happiness, health and wealth, or to unhappiness, disease and poverty. As a result, habits make us happy or unhappy.

Creating new habits takes time. If a person has been doing something in a certain way for decades, it will take several months to change this habit, and from six months to five years to maintain these changes.

What is the difference between an action we perform for the first time and a habitual action? When we do something for the first time, we do it deliberately and consciously. We can find the necessary information, plan how to behave in a new situation, and ask other people for support. It is possible that the first time we will act awkwardly and clumsily. Then we can think about what we have done, evaluate the result and decide what to do next time - do it in the same way or differently. We then begin to repeat this in our behavior and after a while we no longer plan, think or evaluate. When the time comes to act, we simply act - this is how a habit is born. If you drive a car, remember your first lessons. How much strength and energy they required, how many difficulties they caused. How do you drive now? Easy and without hesitation.

When I say that a habit is an automatic action, I mean three elements of automaticity:

– lack of awareness;

– complexity of control;

– mental efficiency.

That is, a habit is an action without awareness, it is difficult to control (but this does not mean that it is impossible), and it is mentally effective, in other words, it allows you to save energy and do several things at the same time. For example, eat and watch TV, browse email or just thinking about something.

We form habits because they serve us and make our lives easier. From a scientific point of view, habits are created and maintained under the influence of reinforcement. In other words, behaviors that have positive consequences are more likely to be repeated, whereas negative consequences make recurrences less likely.

For example, you are used to starting every morning with tea and a sausage sandwich, and you often do this absolutely automatically, without even asking yourself the question: “What would I like for breakfast?” The positive consequences of this choice: you save time on preparing food (you eat it and run to work!) and enjoy the taste of the sausage (of course, it also contains fats and monosodium glutamate!). The only trouble is that in a few years these short-term positive consequences will turn into nightmarish negative ones.

But the good thing about a habit is that it can be changed! Or form a new one! My book is dedicated to the formation of new eating habits.

The main task in developing a habit is to move from unconscious incompetence in the correct lifestyle to unconscious competence (see figure). What does this mean?

Unconscious incompetence: we don't even know that we don't know something or are doing something wrong.

Conscious incompetence: we have realized that we are doing something wrong, but we do not yet know how to act correctly.

Conscious competence: we know how to do the right thing, and (most importantly!) we do exactly that.

If we repeat this over and over again, there is a chance to move to the final stage - to form UNCONSCIOUS COMPETENCE, when we don’t even think about what is right, but we always act absolutely correctly!

Formation of unconscious competence

Let me give you a simple example.

1. Unconscious incompetence: you don’t even know that drinking freshly squeezed juice while losing weight is bad - it has a very high glycemic index and does not contain dietary fiber(they remain in the juicer).

2. Conscious incompetence: you learned that this is bad, but you continue to act as before - drink juice.

3. Conscious competence - replaced freshly squeezed juice with natural fresh fruits or vegetables.

4. Unconscious competence - fruits and vegetables are present in your diet every day, you do it easily and without thinking, you forgot that you once only drank juice.

Good habits are developed in 66 days

Bad habits form unusually quickly - just smoke a few cigarettes and you can become addicted to tobacco forever. But for production good habits you have to work hard - at least 66 days. This figure was derived by British scientists.

Dr Jane Wardle and her colleagues from the center healthy image Life at University College London asked 96 volunteers to do one of three things every day for 12 weeks. useful actions: eat fruit for dinner, drink vitamin drink or go for a 15-minute evening jog. A habit was considered acquired only if performing the action did not require special effort and did not cause internal protest.

As the study authors expected, the first two habits were formed quite quickly, but the last one took some work. On average, participants began performing the task “automatically” 66 days after the start of the experiment. Moreover, “get involved” in recreational activities Not everyone succeeded: 14 volunteers left the race without overcoming their own resistance.

Common Target Habits

No. 1 – regular meals

No. 2 – a minimum of animal fats and simple carbohydrates in the diet

No. 3 – enough vegetables and fruits

No. 4 – enough water

No. 5 – correct eating behavior in situations of overeating

No. 6 – good and sufficient sleep

No. 7 – availability of all product groups in daily diet

#8 – Reward yourself for achievements

No. 9 – balanced diet

No. 10 – diet planning

No. 11 – lunch is more than dinner

#12 – Ask for support

#13 – Learn from failures

No. 14 – distinguish between hunger and appetite

No. 15 – differentiate different stages hunger

No. 16 – buy healthy foods

No. 17 – cook food in healthy ways

#18 – Deal with stress in healthy ways.

#19 – Anticipate and Overcome Obstacles

No. 20 – regular physical activity

No. 21 – a variety of healthy foods

To lose weight or not to lose weight, or Am I overweight?

Before you declare war on extra pounds, you need to make sure that you really have them. How can you determine whether a person has overweight?

The table will help you navigate this issue ideal mass body, compiled by specialists from the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, an insurance company founded in 1868 and the largest life insurer in the United States. This table, which is used throughout the world today, is the result of a thorough study of the effect of weight on life expectancy. With the values ​​​​indicated in it, morbidity rates are the lowest, and life expectancy is the greatest. The advantage of this table is that it takes into account not only the gender and height of a person, but also the characteristics of his physique.

According to body type, all people are conventionally divided into asthenics, normosthenics and hypersthenics. Asthenics can be recognized by their narrow chest, narrow bones and underdeveloped muscles. Normosthenics are characterized by average development of bones and muscles. Hypersthenics are distinguished by a wide chest, wide bones and well-developed muscles.

You can determine your body type by the circumference of your wrist.

An even simpler way: big and index fingers right hand Grab your left wrist in the place where the bone protrudes. They grabbed it easily, even with too much force - you are an asthenic, you grabbed it neck-to-neck - you are a normosthenic; the girth did not work out, no matter how hard you tried - you are a hypersthenic.

Ideal body weight for people aged 25 years and older

In addition, in recent years A widely used criterion is body mass index (BMI). To calculate it, you need to divide your body weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. This will be your BMI value. For example, with a height of 170 cm and a weight of 60 kg, BMI is calculated as follows: 60: (1.7 × 1.7) = 20.76.

However, you should not focus solely on this indicator. The fact is that BMI has worked well in large population studies, but when we're talking about about each specific case, this criterion is very unreliable.

BMI and risk of comorbidities

Oddly enough, one of the most reliable methods is to simply measure your waist circumference (WC). What is especially important is that this indicator can be used to judge not only the presence excess weight, but also about whether it threatens your health. If such a threat exists, then excessive “strategic reserves” need to be disposed of in mandatory. Normally, the waist circumference in Caucasian women should not exceed 80 cm, and in men – 94 cm. If this figure is 80–88 cm in a woman and 94–102 cm in a man, this indicates an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and others serious illnesses. If OT is more than 88 and 102 cm, respectively, urgent measures must be taken.

Waist circumference and health risks

The thicker your waist, the higher your risk of asthma

Ladies who cannot boast of a wasp waist suffer more often bronchial asthma, even if their weight corresponds to the norm, American scientists came to this conclusion.

Employees Cancer Center in Berkeley (California) conducted a study involving almost 90 thousand residents of the United States working as teachers and school administrators. The study was part of a project looking at factors that influence the risk of developing breast cancer, but the researchers also drew conclusions about asthma. Thus, in women with a body mass index of more than 30, the likelihood of the disease doubled, and in those whose BMI exceeded 40, it tripled.

To their surprise, Californian scientists found that the dependence was present even if the participants’ weight was within the normal range. In particular, the risk of asthma in women with a waist circumference of more than 88 cm increased by 37%. Thus, doctors believe that the fat that accumulates in abdominal cavity, is much more important in the development of the disease than extra pounds generally. Some experts believe that body fat may put direct pressure on the respiratory tract and contribute to the onset of asthma. According to another version, the composition of fat plays a key role here. However, scientists admit that at the moment The exact reasons for this connection have not been established.

In addition, a table compiled by Dr. Margaret Ashwell gives a good idea of ​​whether a person's weight is threatening their health. Using this table, you can determine your health risks depending on your body type. This method is suitable for both women and men.

Excess fat found in the belly area around the stomach increases your waist circumference and gives your body an “apple” shape. This is often associated with increased risk development of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and some types of cancer.

When excess fat accumulates under the skin, lower abdomen and thighs, the body becomes pear-shaped. It is less harmful to health.

Ashwell table for determining body type

Compare your height with your waist circumference. What area of ​​the table does your figure fall into?

If your figure fits the zone " capsicum", you need to be careful; excessive thinness may indicate health problems. There is no need to reduce your waist circumference.

If your figure falls into the pear zone, you're fine.

If your figure falls into the apple-pear zone (especially in the upper part), you need to be careful: make sure that your waist circumference does not increase further.

If your figure ends up in the “apple” zone, your health may be at risk. You should consult your doctor and take the necessary measures.

Waist circumference should be less than half your height.

The thicker the waist, the shorter the life

German researchers have found scientific confirmation folk wisdom, expressed in the French proverb: “Than thinner waist, the longer life." They claim that people with a wide waist have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke.

Moreover, we are talking not only about those who have extra pounds, but also about citizens with normal weight. A study of more than 1,000 people, a third of whom had had a stroke, found that people with large bellies were more likely to have a stroke. dangerous complication seven times more than those with a wasp waist.

This is not the first scientific study indicating the dangers of fat deposits in the abdominal area. This, in particular, is evidenced by the results of the largest study to date, covering 360 thousand people from nine European countries. Experts have concluded that waist size is an indicator of risk premature death. Every additional 5 cm increases it by 13–17%. For example, a man with a waist size of 119 cm is at risk of dying ahead of schedule twice as high as that of a man with a waist of 80 cm (in women, this ratio was observed at 99 and 65 cm, respectively). Even more alarming results were obtained by researchers at Harvard University who examined almost 45 thousand American women. According to them, representatives of the fair sex with a waist circumference of 89 cm are 80% more likely to die prematurely than women with a waist less than 71 cm.

So, if you are convinced that there are excess weight and/or health risks, be sure to read on and introduce new eating habits into your life! If your weight is normal and there is no threat to your health, congratulations! But still, don’t rush to close the book. I invite you, along with everyone else, to evaluate how healthy your eating habits are by answering the questions below. This test was created in my clinic and has already helped many people determine the correctness of their usual diet. If you realize that yours is not very healthy, then you can perform those tasks from my program that are aimed specifically at developing correct eating habits.

Man is a very strange subject: slavery was abolished long ago, but we, with enviable tenacity, continue to remain slaves to our own habits. Moreover, without any evil overseers, people regularly and of their own free will resort to self-torture. For example, they torture themselves by fasting, dieting, going to the gym, or swallowing some pills of unknown origin. Or they came up with a sophisticated torture for themselves: “I don’t eat after five.” Entertainers, however!

Why don't diets work? And the trick is that for many people, food is divided into “normal” and “diet”. They perceive tasty food as an enemy, and healthy food as torture. They never truly enjoy food. If they eat something “tasty” (sweet, fatty), they are sure to suffer from remorse, and when they go on a diet, they suffer unbearably from stress.

They don’t realize that the essence of a healthy diet is not to eat “all sorts of crap,” but to have variety, no matter how strange it may sound to many. This book is about how you can gain weight by eating tasty and varied foods. Stop torturing yourself!

About the book “Healthy Recipes of Dr. Ionova”

Correct, varied, regular and delicious food- one of the main eating habits, it helps maintain health, vigor and slim figure. We usually limit our diet to a very small set of foods. But only a varied menu can provide the body with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other beneficial substances.

In Dr. Ionova’s book “How to Eat to Lose Weight and Stay Slim Forever” you will find up-to-date information about properties different groups products, as well as more than 100 recipes that are light, tasty and healthy dishes With detailed instructions cooking instructions and step-by-step illustrations. They will help you build a healthy and varied diet, and thanks to the abundance of flavors, you can easily adhere to the principles of a healthy diet and enjoy it.

This book is for those who strive for recovery for the benefit of the body and want to reach their ideal weight, be energetic, healthy and full of strength and always remain in in great shape while eating tasty and varied food.

Book information:

Order paper book Lydia Ionova " Healthy Recipes Doctor Ionova. How to eat to lose weight and stay slim forever,” or download the e-book.

After the release of my first book “Healthy Habits. Doctor Ionova's Diet" I received a lot of feedback about how the book helps people. This, of course, is very pleasant, but I also saw how much people lack simple but reliable information on how to properly build their diet. Actually, this prompted me to write a new book. You cannot become a champion by lifting a 120 kg barbell on the first day of training, or go out and immediately run a marathon. But when you gradually increase the load and continue regular training, then a miracle can happen: after a while the impossible will become possible, and you will conquer both a 120 kg barbell and a marathon distance. This is exactly what my book is dedicated to - how to gradually, step by step, with self-love and self-care, change your lifestyle and achieve your desired weight forever!

Lydia Ionova