The cheapest cigarettes with filter. Choosing the best cigarettes: inexpensive tobacco or popular brands

Having become addicted to smoking, the consumer sooner or later chooses one brand of cigarettes that he prefers. Judging by the rich assortment of tobacco products, smokers have very different tastes. On the store shelves there are packs of strong Samel and light ladies’ “sticks”, exquisite Black & Gold and cheap “Troika”. Which cigarettes are the best - everyone chooses for themselves.

Different incomes, same problem

The motivation for choice is various factors. Considering the fact that most smokers are ordinary citizens, the issue of price is of no small importance. A person with a small income will most likely choose a brand that is affordable. And this does not depend on the country of residence - the consumer mentality is the same almost everywhere. And the cost of one pack is quite consistent with the standard of living in a particular state. Below are the average prices for a pack of cigarettes in different countries world:

The most expensive tobacco industry products in the UK. The price per pack in the United Kingdom reaches 1 thousand rubles. The global one is not far behind " printing press» - United States (950 rubles per pack).

Standards and quality

What do the tobacco monopolies offer for this money? Currently, the products of these companies are almost no different from each other. WITH eyes closed you can hardly distinguish the taste of Marlboro from Next or Chesterfield. And, faced with this faceless unification, the smoker is faced with a problem: what to buy? Normal tobacco has long been a rarity. Despite two, three hundred, four hundred percent profits, manufacturers are increasingly replacing natural product processed additives. But at the same time, of course, they advertise their product as high quality.

The best quality products are offered and Philip Morris, and British American Tobacco. Global manufacturers have divided the cigarette market segment into special categories:

Looking at Categories tobacco products, you should know that states in which the world monopolists (Philip Morris and others) have not been able to completely take over the tobacco industry produce original products. In Russia, unfortunately, there are no independent manufacturers. True, some companies produce cigarettes with an original or traditional name.

Brands of Russian manufacturers

In the nineties, through the efforts of “reformers,” all tobacco factories were transferred to the control of transnational corporations. The industry, which had a solid industrial base and strong traditions, was destroyed. Its place was taken by Philip Morris International, British American Tobacco and Japanese JTI. They produce the best cigarettes in Russia in terms of quality. The production of traditional brands of cigarettes is carried out by the Donskoy Tabak company (Krasnodar) and some others. A significant part of their products is These are filtered cigarettes in soft packs or without a filter.

Without filter:

The most affordable filter cigarettes:

Of course, if Russian market If the domestic producer returns, it will be better for the consumer. In any case, profits will not go abroad. And the profit is huge. The cost of production is several times lower than the retail price. And currently, our consumer decides the question of which cigarettes to choose based on his income.

The best cigarettes according to reviews

Most brands- “foreigners”. "Winston", "Bond", "Kent", "Marlboro", "Alliance". Traditional brands are represented by “Java”. The rating of cigarettes by quality in Russia in 2016 and 2017 is represented by almost the same products.

You can advise which cigarettes to choose based on different indicators. They can be price, nicotine and tar content, prestige, aroma... But the most obvious single factor is health. And here it doesn’t matter how many milligrams of carcinogens a cigarette contains. Its taste, smell or the number of “bells and whistles” of the filter does not matter. Sooner or later smoking will kill you. The Ministry of Health warns not in vain.

The cost of cigarettes in 2016 is of interest to a considerable part of the population not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Neighboring states, such as Belarus and Kazakhstan, are also gradually raising excise taxes on tobacco products. This makes smoking increasingly costly. A decrease in the number of smokers also leads to higher prices for cigarettes, forcing manufacturers to raise the cost of their goods in order to maintain business profitability and recoup the excise tax.

We bring to the attention of our readers the cheapest filter cigarettes - the 2016 price for inexpensive tobacco products that are affordable for most smokers.

The price of a pack is 63 rubles

– in 10th place in the list of the cheapest filter cigarettes. The Wings brand was originally produced by the Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation. These cigarettes began to be produced in the USA during the Great Depression. Now the Wings brand belongs to the largest tobacco manufacturer, Japan Tobacco International Corporation.

The Wings Silver brand is very popular due to the ratio of high quality, not inferior to premium cigarette brands, and reasonable cost.

The price of a pack of cigarettes is 63 rubles.

The price of a pack is 62 rubles

The list of the cheapest filter cigarettes includes a brand produced by the tobacco giant Philip Morris. The brand was born in 1968 and was aimed at business women. The ideas of women's emancipation were quite fashionable at that time, and the marketing campaign for Virginia Slims cigarettes was designed to connect new trends with smoking. A young emancipated woman with a cigarette in her hand - this image was bright and daring. At one time, cigarettes of this brand occupied a leading place among smoking women. These days, Virginia Slims are still popular, although the brand has lost ground significantly.

The cost of a pack of Virginia Slims cigarettes is approximately 62 rubles.

The price of a pack is 60 rubles

Continues the list of the most inexpensive cigarettes with filter brand .

Pall Mall cigarettes were introduced in 1899. They were manufactured by the Butler & Butler Company and were premium quality. In the middle of the last century, cigarettes of this brand became the most purchased in the United States. Now the famous brand is produced by two companies: R.J. Reynolds Tobacco (in the USA) and British American Tobacco (in the world market).

The Pall Mall brand appeared in Russia in 1997 and is still in constant demand among connoisseurs of good tobacco.

This is interesting: cigarettes are named after the street Pall Mall in London, where Victorian era most of the English gentlemen's clubs were located.

The minimum cost of a pack of cigarettes of this brand is 60 rubles.

Pack price 59 rubles

In 7th place among the cheapest filter cigarettes is. The Donskoy Tabak company belongs to the largest domestic manufacturers of tobacco products. In 1857, Vasily Ivanovich Asmolov began a small production in Rostov smoking tobacco. The enterprise grew and soon the cigarettes produced at the Rostov factory gained popularity among avid tobacco connoisseurs. Even Emperor Nicholas II smoked them. Asmolov received the status of “supplier to the court of His Imperial Majesty.”

The calling card of the Donskoy Tabak cigarette brand is the rich taste of prunes, chocolate and a mixture of three types of tobacco.

The price of a pack is 59 rubles.

The price of a pack is 55 rubles

Camel Essential White occupy 6th place in the list of the cheapest filter cigarettes in 2016. The brand entered the US market in 1913 and was produced by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco. Initially, for the production of cigarettes of this brand, they used the so-called American mixture, consisting of tart Turkish tobacco and soft Virginia varieties.

This is interesting: Until 1992, Camel was the most popular brand of cigarettes smuggled into the USSR.

The cost of a pack of Camel Essential White cigarettes is 55 rubles.

The price of a pack is 43 rubles

In 5th place in the list of the cheapest cigarettes with a filter is the brand. These cigarettes are produced by the Korean company KT&G. The brand appeared in Russia in 2003.

ESSE Mini Red is a thin cigarette with a medium nicotine and tar content.

The price of a pack of cigarettes of this brand is 43 rubles.

The price of a pack is 43 rubles

STYLE Super Slims Blue– in 4th place in the list of the cheapest filter cigarettes. The brand is produced by one of the largest international tobacco companies– Imperial Tobacco Group. It was created in 1901 by the merger of 13 English tobacco companies in order to confront competitors.

Style Super Slims Blue is a brand of high quality women's cigarettes in the middle price category. The launch of nonsense in Russia took place in 2007.

Price per pack – 43 rubles.

The price of a pack is 41 rubles

Winston Filters– in 3rd place in the list of the cheapest filter cigarettes. Famous brand was named after the American city of Winston-Salem, where the company's first factory was opened in 1875. Cigarettes of this brand have been repeatedly recognized as the most popular and best-selling brand.

Winston cigarettes appeared in Russia in 1992. Today they are among the best-selling tobacco products.

Interesting fact: in the USA, cigarettes of this brand became the first commercially produced tobacco products.

The minimum price per pack is 41 rubles.

The price of a pack is 40 rubles

Bond Street Selection Fine– in 2nd place in the list of the most inexpensive filter cigarettes. This is one of the most popular brands tobacco products in Russia. In the middle price category, the Bond brand has virtually no competitors in terms of quality and price, despite the fact that its range is small. Cigarettes of this brand are produced by one of the greatest tobacco manufacturers - Philip Morris International. The brand was born in 1902 and quickly gained worldwide recognition. In Russia, Bond cigarettes are chosen by about 37% of smokers.

The minimum cost of a pack of cigarettes of this brand is 40 rubles.

The price of a pack is 38 rubles

Blooming Pink occupy 1st place in the list of the most inexpensive filter cigarettes. This brand is produced by the Korean company KT&G. Blooming Pink cigarettes attract high quality at a relatively low price - only 38 rubles per pack.

The Public Chamber proposed selling packs for no less than 65 rubles.

Experts from the Public Chamber are confident that a minimum price should be set for cigarettes. This proposal is contained in the organization’s response to the anti-tobacco concept of the Ministry of Health. A pack should not cost less than 62–65 rubles.

"Belomor" for 65 rubles.

It is necessary to set a minimum price for a pack of cigarettes by analogy with a bottle of vodka, we came to the conclusion Public Chamber(OP). This proposal is contained in the OP’s response to the Ministry of Health’s concept for combating smoking from 2017 to 2020. RBC has a copy of the review.

The minimum price of a pack of cigarettes should be fixed in the region of 62-65 rubles. and increase depending on inflation, the author of the initiative, deputy chairman of the development commission, told RBC social infrastructure, local government and Housing and Communal Services OP Artem Kiryanov.

Today in Russia, minimum prices per pack are individual for each brand and type of cigarette. They depend on the maximum cost set by the manufacturer for a specific product, and can reach at least 75% of it. For example, if maximum price for any cigarettes are 100 rubles, then they cannot be sold for less than 75 rubles, if 75 rubles, then they cannot be sold for less than 56.25 rubles.

The existing mechanism of linking the minimum retail price to the maximum is ineffective, according to the OP; in fact, this allows manufacturers to reduce the price for consumers by 25% and fill the market with inexpensive cigarettes.

A single minimum price per pack will make cigarettes more expensive and reduce the demand for tobacco, Kiryanov emphasized. In addition, the introduction of such a bar will increase tax revenues from sales. “The higher the retail price, the more revenue from VAT and excise tax,” explained Kiryanov.

The minimum price should also help protect the market from counterfeit and smuggled products, Kiryanov is sure. Law enforcement agencies will be able to rely on this indicator as an indicator when identifying counterfeit goods. A minimum price would really simplify market regulation and save bona fide manufacturers from competition with counterfeit manufacturers, I agree editor-in-chief industry news agency "Russian Tabak" Maxim Korolev.

Manufacturers' opinions

Method of establishing a single minimum price the government should decide on cigarettes, Kiryanov suggested. It should be based on the costs borne by producers.

“If a single threshold is established below which it will not be possible to sell cigarettes, it is important that it reflects the actual prevailing price level for legal products on which all taxes have been paid, and thus does not undermine the legal market,” JTI Vice President for Corporate relations and communications in Russia Sergey Kiselev​. ​According to Nielsen, average price packs of cigarettes in the lower price segment in 2016 amounted to 63.9 rubles, in the premium segment - 115 rubles.

BAT Russia has always opposed the introduction of a single minimum price for cigarettes, Yana Guskova, director of legal issues and external corporate relations of the company, told RBC. “We have learned from experience in other countries that this is a discriminatory approach that can destabilize the market and prevent healthy competition,” she said. The state already has an effective mechanism for regulating the lower threshold of the cost of a pack - these are excise taxes, Guskova emphasized.

The opposite opinion is held by Philip Morris International. The minimum price setting mechanism is effective measure in the fight against illegal market tobacco products, noted Sergei Slipchenko, vice president for corporate affairs of the company.

In May 2014, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy Viktor Zvagelsky already came up with the initiative to establish a single minimum price for cigarettes. He developed a bill that set the cost of a pack at 55 rubles. Zvagelsky's proposal did not find support in the government.

The OP’s proposals were received by the Ministry of Health, the department’s press service told RBC. These will be reviewed along with all other feedback on the concept in the near future.

Ministry of Health concept to combat smoking in accordance with the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which entered into force in 2005 on the initiative of World Organization health (WHO). The document was sent for approval to 18 departments. The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Antimonopoly Service have already expressed comments on it.

The final version of the concept must be approved by the government. The Ministry of Health expects that it will be adopted within a year, the press service of the department told RBC.

A lot has been said about the dangers of smoking in available information sources. However, the concern of scientists and doctors is increasing over time. Caused by the spread of patients from the harm of nicotine and addiction, is growing, since a significant number of people still do not consider smoking harmful to health. Smoking is not a harmless activity for the health of a person and others, which can be eliminated without effort. Quitting smoking is very difficult, especially for women, because nicotine addiction is equivalent to a narcotic. Smoking is a real drug addiction, all the more dangerous because many people, especially young people who want to try it from their own experience, do not take it seriously.

Nicotine, which is part of any tobacco, is one of the most dangerous poisons plant origin. Birds (sparrows, pigeons) die if you just bring a glass rod soaked in nicotine to their beak. A rabbit dies from 1/4 drop of nicotine, a dog from 1/2 drop. For humans, the lethal dose of nicotine is 50 to 100 mg, or 2-3 drops. This is the dose that enters the blood every day after smoking 20-25 cigarettes (one cigarette contains approximately 6-8 mg of nicotine, of which 3-4 mg enters the blood). The smoker does not die because the dose is administered gradually, not in one go. In addition, part of the nicotine neutralizes formaldehyde, another poison contained in tobacco. Over the course of 30 years, such a smoker smokes approximately 20,000 cigarettes, or 160 kg of tobacco, absorbing an average of 800 g of nicotine. There is a saying that a drop of nicotine kills a horse. This is what our grandfathers and fathers said, but for some reason we do not believe a simple statement that we must take very seriously.

Systematic absorption of even small, not lethal doses Nicotine causes a habit, an addiction to smoking. Nicotine is included in the metabolic processes occurring in the human body and becomes necessary. However, if non-smoker receives a significant dose of nicotine in one dose, death may occur. Such cases have been observed in different countries. Our prominent pharmacologist N.P. Krafkov described death young man after he smoked a large cigar for the first time in his life. In France, in Nice, as a result of the “Who smokes the most” competition, two “winners” died after smoking 60 cigarettes each, and the remaining participants were hospitalized with severe poisoning. In England, a case was recorded in which a 40-year-old man who smoked for a long time smoked 14 cigars and 40 cigarettes at night during difficult work. In the morning he felt ill, and, despite the assistance provided medical care, he died. A case is described when a girl was put to sleep in a room where there was tobacco in bundles in powder, and she died a few hours later.

Children living in smoky rooms suffer more and more from respiratory diseases. In children of smoking parents, during the first year of life the frequency of bronchitis and pneumonia increases and the risk of developing serious illnesses. Tobacco smoke blocks solar ultraviolet rays, which are important for a growing child, affects metabolism, impairs the absorption of sugar and destroys vitamin C, necessary for the child during the period of growth. At the age of 5-9 years, the child’s lung function is impaired. As a result, there is a decrease in the ability to physical activity, requiring endurance and tension.

Having examined over 2 thousand children living in 1820 families, Professor S. M. Gavalov found that in families where they smoke, children, especially in early age, there are frequent acute pneumonia and spicy respiratory diseases. In families where there were no smokers, the children were practically healthy. Children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are predisposed to seizures. They are much more likely to develop epilepsy.

Children born to smoking mothers lag behind their peers in mental development. Thus, GDR scientists V. Gibal and H. Blumberg, when examining 17 thousand such children, revealed retardation in reading, writing, and growth. There has been a noticeable increase in the number allergic diseases. Soviet and foreign scientists have established that nicotine and dry particles of tobacco smoke have an allergenic effect. They contribute to the development of many allergic diseases in children, and how smaller child, the more harm tobacco smoke causes to his body.

Smoking among teenagers primarily affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems. At the age of 12-15 they already complain of shortness of breath during physical activity. As a result of many years of observations, the French doctor Dekalzne, 100 years ago, came to the conclusion that even slight smoking causes anemia and digestive disorders in children. Smoking negatively affects a student's academic performance. The number of underachievers increases in those classes where there are more smokers. Smoking among schoolchildren slows down their physical and mental development.

The state of health undermined by smoking does not allow you to choose an occupation to your liking and achieve success (for example, boys become pilots, astronauts, athletes, girls become ballerinas, singers, etc.). Smoking and being a student are incompatible. School years These are years of growth, both physical and mental. The body needs a lot of strength to cope with all the stress. As you know, skills, habits learned in school age, the most durable. This applies not only to useful, but also to bad habits. The sooner children, teenagers, boys and girls become acquainted with smoking and start smoking, the faster they will get used to it, and in the future it will be very difficult to quit smoking.

Everyone knows that smoking is harmful, but many say: “I’ve been smoking for 10 years and it’s fine, nothing hurts and there are no diseases.” Nothing should hurt. Smoking is not a virus, but a constant harmful effects on the body. The body, of course, resists and it turns out that everything seems to be fine with health. But water wears away stones...

What is tobacco smoke? This is the most common dust, only very fine. And smokers filter this dust with their lungs. Most of the smoke is exhaled back, but about 800 grams pass through the lungs per year ( liter jar) tar.

Tobacco smoke is a mixture of chemical elements:

  • Nicotine
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Aniline
  • Pyridine
  • Formaldehyde
  • Cyanide
  • Arsenic
  • Polonium
  • Lead
  • Bismuth
  • Acrolein
  • Carcinogenic hydrocarbons
  • Essential oils
  • Hydrocyanic acid
  • Acetic acid
  • Formic acid

There are about two thousand substances in total, 400 of which are very harmful to humans!!!

Smoking has a particularly negative effect on the heart and blood vessels. Nicotine affects the sympathetic nervous system, activates the work of a number of endocrine glands. At the same time, an excess amount of biologically active hormones is released into the blood, which narrow the arteries that supply blood to the heart, kidneys, and liver. People who try to smoke during a stressful situation do not neutralize stress, but aggravate it. An additional load falls on the smoker’s heart: to the portion of the hormone adrenaline, a new portion of the same hormone is added under the influence of nicotine.

With constant exposure to nicotine, fatty degeneration of the heart muscle occurs.

After smoking a cigarette, the heart speeds up by 10-15 beats per minute.

Nicotine enhances blood clotting processes, and this increases the possibility of blood clots. Sudden death from coronary disease occurs among smokers 5 times more often than among non-smokers.

Nicotine in the mouth irritates nerve endings. Because of this, the gums become loose, the enamel is damaged, and the likelihood of caries increases.

WITH tobacco smoke enters the body carbon monoxide. It increases cholesterol deposits in the walls of the aorta and coronary arteries, which leads to more active development of atherosclerosis.

Periodic deterioration of vision is also observed in chronic smokers.

Under the influence of nicotine and a number of other substances, acidity increases gastric juice, gastritis and peptic ulcers occur.

With cigarette smoke, substances that have a pronounced carcinogenic effect, such as tobacco tar, radioactive polonium, and benzopyrene, enter the body. 90% of lung cancer patients are heavy smokers.

Depending on the duration and intensity of smoking, life expectancy is reduced by 2-10 years. You will be extremely lucky if you die suddenly from heart attack, and not in terrible agony from lung cancer.

There is a chance that tomorrow you will get hit by a car, but it is extremely small, but the likelihood of getting lung cancer increases with every cigarette you smoke!

Excuse me, do you have a cigarette? - Yes, of course, help yourself to your health...

What percentage of our country's population smokes tobacco? How many years of life does the harm of smoking take away? How severe can withdrawal symptoms be when quitting smoking cigarettes? Is death possible during withdrawal? What is the most important thing in the process of quitting tobacco smoking? Is quitting tobacco smoking effective by reducing the number of cigarettes smoked? How to properly organize the process of quitting tobacco smoking? Is the myth true that when you stop smoking cigarettes, you gain weight?

Nicotine is a legal drug!

Surely every person smoking cigarettes, at least once in my life I thought about breaking up with this harmful habit. And at least half of these people tried to really understand that the harm of smoking tobacco is becoming stronger every day and honestly tried to quit smoking. And most likely, more than once.

According to statistics, smokers in our country make up 70% of the population. Of course, everyone knows situations in which the harm of smoking tobacco makes itself felt - this is the load on the heart and blood vessels of the brain, the occurrence of lung cancer and shortening life by an average of 5-20 years. And, of course, smoking cigarettes ages the body, the skin loses elasticity and firmness, smokers look much older than their non-smoking peers. By the way, women’s addiction to smoking tobacco is much stronger than men’s, so it is often easier for a man to part with a cigarette.

Despite everything extremely negative aspects the effects of nicotine, toxic tobacco tars and carcinogens on the body, and even attempts to fully understand the harm of smoking, the habit, being, in fact, a mental addiction, turns out to be much stronger than desire quit smoking, and therefore the process of quitting cigarettes can last for years. In addition, by interfering with metabolism, nicotine quickly causes physical dependence, and your body begins to need it just like oxygen. That is why the habit of smoking tobacco can be safely associated with drug addiction, and can be confidently called a disease.

In addition to all the symptoms of addiction and nicotine poisoning, the harm of smoking will also manifest itself in the fact that quitting smoking itself will be extremely painful. U heavy smokers A real drug withdrawal is possible, with changes in body temperature, vomiting and loss of consciousness. And those for whom 2 or even 3 packs a day are the norm, those who wake up 3 times at night because they want to smoke and cannot sleep without taking a dose of nicotine, are unlikely to be able to quit smoking at all. Here a hospital is already needed, where withdrawal will take place under the supervision of doctors in order, as a last resort, to avoid a rather rare, but possible fatal outcome. It can occur if the body does not have time to rebuild its metabolism in time. Such cases sometimes occur in people who have been using heroin for a long time and suddenly quit on their own.

Currently, there are a sufficient number of drugs, medicines, patches, chewables and even coding methods that assure a person that he will quit smoking tobacco almost instantly, for which he will only need to take a pill, stick a patch or attend a hypnosis session . But the whole catch is precisely that one pill (or even a course of treatment) cannot have the desired effect on a smoker if he himself does not want to quit smoking. After all, it is a person’s fully conscious desire to part with bad habit and all the horror that brings harm from smoking is precisely what provides the incentive for successful recovery from tobacco addiction.

Some believe that a gradual cessation of tobacco smoking (by reducing the number of cigarettes smoked per day or switching to weaker cigarettes) is the most effective and the harm from smoking will be correspondingly less. Let me argue with this statement and prove the opposite to you. Switching to weaker brands of cigarettes, or reducing the number of cigarettes smoked per day, during the next smoke break a person instinctively tries to take a longer drag (so that it lasts for a long time), as a result - harmful substances penetrate even deeper into the lungs, and it turns out that their dosage actually does not decrease at all. Only those who are able to gather all their will into a fist and decide to give up cigarettes once and for all can truly quit smoking tobacco.

Quit cigarettes in 30 days!

You are probably asking why quitting smoking tobacco should happen within 30 days? The thing is that these 30 days should be divided into 2 conditional periods: acute and “postoperative”. The acute and most critical period is the first 2 weeks, when the harm of smoking manifests itself in the fact that the body requires nicotine, to which it is so accustomed, but the mind prohibits it. It is due to this struggle that breakdowns in a person’s mood occur, susceptibility to stress increases, headaches begin, he feels hot and cold, and sometimes feels nauseous. And if the addiction is strong, then withdrawal will be unbearable.

The first 3 days are considered the most dangerous during this period. After all, a person is accustomed to consider a cigarette as his savior in times of stress and nervous shocks– supposedly it reduces these same stresses. Indeed, mental relaxation occurs for a while, but the harm of smoking is manifested in the fact that nicotine addiction eventually occurs, and with each stressful situation a person, trying to calm himself down, smokes more and more cigarettes. In the “post-operative” period – the next 2 weeks, when the craving for smoking has already gone away – it is important not to relapse so that the “treatment” is successful. Thus, 30 days is enough to stop experiencing an acute craving for tobacco and learn to cope with the desire to smoke.

In order to part with a cigarette, you must go through 2 main stages - preparatory and main. The preparatory stage is necessary for the moral preparation of quitting smoking tobacco. The morale of the smoker is important here. For a more effective mood, we can recommend reading various articles about the harm that smoking causes to your body and the consequences of this harm. It is important to develop a negative attitude towards smoking cigarettes. You can, for example, put cigarette butts in a jar of water and for several days “enjoy” their appearance and aromas and imagine that this is exactly what is happening in your lungs. After such psychological executions, you should choose a day to finally quit smoking tobacco. This should be as calm a day as possible, not involving nervous situations, conflicts or stress. It is advisable that it be a day off.

After preparatory stage The most important stage is coming - the main stage. How to conduct it - everyone must decide for themselves, but this is the period of the first two most difficult weeks of treatment. At this stage, it is important to exclude from sight everything related to smoking cigarettes - lighters, packs of cigarettes, ashtrays, you can even give up coffee for a few days. It is advisable not to contact smokers for some time, take more walks fresh air and take vitamins.

During the period of primary smoking cessation, many people are afraid of gaining weight. This pure myth that after they quit smoking cigarettes, they get fat. Each body is individual and it is not at all necessary that you will gain weight. On the contrary, you can lose weight. No one knows in advance how your metabolism will behave after many years poisoning of the body with nicotine and tobacco carcinogens. The fact is that often after they quit smoking, they begin to eat more, which is why, of course, the weight increases. But are a couple of kilograms gained at the time of quitting smoking, which can be easily lost in the next month, much more important than most dangerous harm smoking, what is the colossal threat to health caused by a bad habit? Every person planning to quit smoking must answer this question honestly for himself.

After 30 days of self-medication, you will notice how your health will improve, it will become much easier to breathe, and most importantly, you will begin to doubt when you are offered to smoke.

Every person wants to live their life as long as possible, happier and disease-free. Will smoking help this? So why smoke and shorten your life with the help of such a harmful habit as smoking and still pay your honestly earned money for it. Practicing circus art involves a lot of physical activity, proper nutrition, thinking and hygiene. In one word - management healthy image life. And this goes against the habit of smoking. Smoking and the circus are incompatible!!!

Remember that in childhood we scatter health in kilograms, and in old age we collect grams in pharmacies, but not many manage to restore their former health!


The Public Chamber (PC) of Russia proposes to set a minimum price for a pack of cigarettes similar to the cost of a bottle of vodka. This is stated in the OP’s response to the Ministry of Health’s concept for combating smoking from 2017 to 2020.

The minimum cost of a pack of cigarettes should be fixed at 62-65 rubles and increase depending on inflation. Artem Kiryanov, the author of the initiative, deputy chairman of the commission for the development of social infrastructure, local government and housing and communal services, told RBC about this.

On at the moment in Russia, minimum prices per pack are individual for each brand and type of cigarette. They depend on the maximum cost set by the manufacturer for a specific product, and can reach at least 75% of it. However, this mechanism is not effective, according to the OP, because in practice it allows manufacturers to reduce the price for consumers by 25% and fill the market with inexpensive cigarettes.

The majority of Russians supported the Ministry of Health's idea of ​​a lifelong ban on the purchase of cigarettes

And a single minimum price per pack will make cigarettes more expensive and reduce the demand for tobacco, Kiryanov said. In addition, the introduction of such a bar will increase tax revenues from sales. “The higher the retail price, the more revenue from VAT and excise tax,” he explained. This should also help protect the market from counterfeit and contraband products. Law enforcement agencies will be able to rely on the minimum cost of a pack of cigarettes as an indicator when identifying counterfeit goods.

The government must determine how to establish a uniform minimum price for cigarettes. It should be based on the costs borne by producers.

The press service of the Ministry of Health confirmed that the OP’s proposals were received by the department. These will be reviewed along with all other feedback on the concept in the near future.

In May 2014, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy Viktor Zvagelsky already took the initiative to establish a single minimum price for cigarettes. According to his bill, a pack could not cost less than 55 rubles. Then Zvagelsky’s proposal did not find support in the government.