How many people die from smoking? Mortality from bad habit

General information

  1. According to experts, tobacco smoke contains 4000 chemicals. Tobacco smoking is the cause of death in 90% of cases, from bronchitis in 75% of cases, from heart disease in 25% of cases .
  2. Globally, tobacco kills 8 thousand people every day. Research has shown that smoking causes:
    • 98% of deaths from (98 out of 100 people who died would have lived longer if they had not smoked!);
    • 96% of deaths from lung cancer;
    • 30% of all deaths from;
    • 75% of deaths from chronic bronchitis and emphysema;
    • 20% of all cardiac deaths;
    • 25% of deaths from coronary disease hearts destroyed themselves by smoking.
  3. Lungs of an experienced smoker- this is a black and rotting mass! It has been found that people who start smoking before age 15 die from lung cancer 5 times more often than those who start smoking after age 25.
  4. To some extent, nature took care of the body’s self-defense: germ cells poisoned by toxins lose their ability to fertilize. But such self-defense often results in serious consequences:
    • stillbirth of children;
    • deterioration appearance and the occurrence of the “Smoker's Face” syndrome;
    • an increase in the number of wrinkles, yellowing of teeth and nails, the appearance of a yellowish tint in the whites of the eyes and skin, and its premature fading;
    • the birth of sick children;
    • difficulty healing of fractures;
    • double the risk of tooth loss compared to non-smokers...
  5. Smoking during pregnancy dramatically increases the likelihood of birth defects of the toes in newborns. . These are the conclusions reached by the authors of a large-scale study devoted to one of the most common varieties congenital anomalies. The study, which included more than 6.8 million babies born in the United States from 2001 to 2002, identified 5,171 cases of birth defects of the digits in children whose mothers unable to quit smoking during pregnancy. Newborns with the absence of fingers or toes, the presence of extra or fused fingers on the extremities, as a rule, did not suffer from other congenital diseases. According to the results of the study, smoking cigarettes during pregnancy even in small quantities leads to sharp increase the likelihood of finger deformities in newborns. Expectant mothers who smoke 1 to 10 cigarettes a day increase the risk of having a child with such defects by 29 percent. When smoking 11 to 20 cigarettes per day, the risk increases to 38 percent, and if smoking mother Empties more than 1 pack of cigarettes daily - by 78 percent. Syndactyly, or webbed and fused fingers, occurs in one out of 2-2.5 thousand newborn children, polydactyly, that is extra fingers on the arms and legs - in one out of 600 babies born. Cases of fused fingers are 2 times more common in children of white Americans, children with extra fingers are 10 times more likely to be born to black parents. The desire to fix birth defects toes is one of the most common reasons for US citizens turning to plastic surgeons.
  6. Women smokers sacrifice 11 years of their life for the sake of a bad habit, and men only three years, this is the result of research by Dutch scientists in this area, reported the online publication Ananova. Smokers with lung cancer live only to 60 years, and men with the same disease - up to 56, writes the British newspaper The Sun.
  7. A woman's smoking during pregnancy can lead to unwanted changes in her DNA. own children and grandchildren - says a study conducted by American experts from Medical school at the University of Southern California . The results of their work were published by the British newspaper The Times. Researchers tried to find out the risk level of asthma in the children and grandchildren of women who smoked during pregnancy. To this end, scientists examined 338 children who developed asthma when they were under five years old, as well as 570 children who did not suffer from this disease. Scientists have found that the risk of asthma among the grandchildren of women who smoked during pregnancy is 2.1 times higher than normal. And in children of such women, the risk of the disease is 1.5 times greater, The Times reports. If both the child’s mother and grandmother smoked, the child’s likelihood of developing asthma is 2.6 times higher than normal, the study notes. The conclusions reached by scientists suggest that smoking can have long-term negative impact on family health in a way that had never been realized before, says Dr. Frank Gilliland. Meanwhile, in Britain, about a quarter of women have this bad habit, while the number of young women smoking is increasing.
  8. Smoking, of course, harmful, but quitting smoking is very difficult. Unless Mark Twain did it easily and naturally - a hundred times. It is known that smoking tobacco is easily addictive or painful with withdrawal symptoms. In this situation, and the struggle with subsequent withdrawal becomes very difficult for most smokers. challenging task. And many of them need special medical care. To help people overcome this addiction, No Tobacco Day is celebrated around the world on May 31st. According to WHO estimates, about one third of the world's adult population smokes. By 2020, tobacco is projected to become a leading cause of death and disease, killing more than 10 million people annually.
  9. According to WHO, from causes directly related to smoking, about five million people die every year in the world. One third of all deaths from cancer diseases associated with smoking. The total economic losses associated with tobacco smoking are at least $200 billion per year. According to the calculations of American experts, in the United States, the country's annual losses from tobacco amount to about $85 billion - this is primarily the cost of treatment for diseases directly related to smoking, a decrease in the production of gross domestic product due to a decrease or premature loss of ability to work from these diseases . In addition, it is estimated that about a quarter of all fires are caused by smokers. According to WHO, in a number of countries the population is quitting smoking. Thus, in the UK the number of smokers has decreased by approximately 10 million people over the past 10-15 years. This means that almost two thousand people quit smoking every day.
  10. Predisposition to smoking define special biochemical reactions brain. There is evidence that smoking attracts individuals prone to pessimism. Due to this medical fact the happy faces on the billboards of smoke sellers look like a mockery of common sense.

Statistics for the Russian Federation

22. Women:

Women start smoking in more early age.
. From 1990 to 1999 the number of women smoking more than 25 cigarettes per day increased from 13 to 23%.
. Lung cancer, which killed 56,000 women in 1999, has now surpassed breast cancer, until recently the most common cause of cancer death among women.
. Children born to women who smoked during pregnancy have an average body weight of 200 grams lower than children born without smoking. smoking women.
. The number of stillbirths or deaths of children in the early neonatal period increases by approximately 33% if women smoked during pregnancy.

23. Teenagers:

It has been established that 6 million teenagers under the age of 13 smoke, although the sale of cigarettes to children is prohibited by law.
. From 80 to 90% of smokers started smoking at the same age (before 21 years). 3,000 schoolchildren start smoking for the first time every day.
. Russian teenagers smoke approximately 1.1 billion packs of cigarettes per year.

24. Elderly people:

24% of cerebrovascular diseases in men aged 65 years and 6% in women at the same age develop due to smoking.
. In 20% of cases, the development of cataracts in citizens is due to smoking.

25. Passive cigarette smoking and children:

. Great risk to children's health. There are 150,000-300,000 infections each year lower sections respiratory tract diseases such as pneumonia and bronchitis in newborns and young children under 18 months of age.
. Between 200,000 and 1 million cases of childhood asthma are more severe due to exposure to secondhand smoke.
. Children born to smoking women have increased risk development of sudden neonatal death syndrome.

The earlier a teenager starts smoking, the more likely it is that he will subsequently switch to smoking.

Researchers have noticed that the majority of smokers are poorly educated and low-income people, as well as those who do not know how to deal with stress.

Additional facts

32.Smoking inhibits micronutrient metabolism plant food protecting the organ of vision. The risk of becoming a mole increases threefold.

33. Saliva becomes richer during puffs. full list components cigarette smoke . This aggressive liquid corrodes the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract to ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

34. In men, smoking has direct relation to development. As the reproductive system is affected cigarette smoke poisons The erection angle is getting smaller and smaller, and the sperm are getting worse and worse.

35. In women, smoking can, and if such a miracle does happen, then smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of having a child with mental retardation, and sometimes results in miscarriage, fetal death, or sudden death baby. Smoking is especially dangerous in the last 6 months of pregnancy: the born child will almost certainly (in 85% of cases) be mentally retarded, and may also be deaf.

36. Every seventh smoker suffers from obliterating endarteritis- a serious illness. This disease leads to malnutrition, gangrene and ultimately to amputation of the lower limb.

37. With regular smoking tobacco addiction can develop in just 3-18 months, and in women it develops more rapidly than in men. With the cessation of smoking, respiratory depression occurs and tobacco withdrawal symptoms appear: loss of appetite, discomfort in the stomach, slowdown heart rate, fall blood pressure, anxiety, irritability, the smell of cigarette smoke and cravings, an irresistible craving for a cigarette. You can do it yourself or with the help of medical specialists.

According to World Organization healthcare, every 6.5 seconds, 1 person on the planet dies from diseases caused by smoking.

Today, Georgian oncologists are sounding the alarm and calling on the authorities to immediately tighten legislation regarding tobacco consumption. Doctors are confident that tightening legislation on tobacco consumption will lead to a reduction in the number of smokers.

Quitting smoking is hard, and not everyone succeeds, but you need to fight for your health and life. These people who died from smoking did not quit harmful influence nicotine on their health and paid for it with their lives.

One of the greatest Russian directors of the 20th century died of throat cancer at 54. Director of such famous films, like “Stalker”, “Solaris”, “Andrei Rublev”, on the set he became friends with Solonitsyn, they were united by smoking, each could smoke two packs of cigarettes a day. Actor Anatoly Solonitsin also died at 47 from lung cancer.

© photo: Sputnik / Soloviev

People's Artist of the Georgian SSR Archil Gomiashvili, who played the role of Ostap Bender in Leonid Gaidai’s comedy “The Twelve Chairs,” died of lung cancer in May 2005. The brilliant actor passed away at the age of 80 after a serious and long illness.

© photo: Sputnik/Chiglyakov

Archil Gomiashvili - Ostap Bender in the film "12 Chairs"

It's a paradox, but the first owner of the Marlboro company Phillip Morris also died of lung cancer. The owner of Marlboro first released women's cigarettes under the name Marlboro in 1924. After some time, in 1955, Phillip Morris decided to do Marlboro cigarettes male.

To make cigarettes masculine, it was necessary not only to give them strength, but also to find a “brand” face. Actors Wayne McLaren, David Millar Jr., David McTeen starred as cowboys in commercial Marlboro. These three actors, as well as Marlboro owner Phillip Morris himself, died of lung cancer.

He died for a very long time and painfully from cancer. oral cavity great lover of good cigars, great psychiatrist Sigmund Freud. He is known as the founder of psychoanalysis, which had a significant influence on psychology, medicine, sociology, anthropology, literature and art of the 20th century. Freud's views on human nature were innovative for his time and throughout the researcher's life they continued to resonate in the scientific community. Interest in the scientist’s theories continues to this day. He died at 83 from a morphine injection, having been ill for 16 years.

Smoking claimed the life of the 57-year-old King of England George VI, father of the current Queen Elizabeth II in 1952. By the age of 50, his blood circulation was impaired - Buerger's disease - and, moreover, at the stage when it was necessary to surgery. Then lung cancer developed and one lung was removed; in addition to cancer - emphysema and finally death from blockage of the coronary vessels.

- one of the Beatles - traveled the world in search of a cure for the cancer that eventually killed him. When he was diagnosed with throat cancer, he said, "I only got THIS because of smoking." Harrison died at 58.

American cartoonist and smoker Walt Disney died of lung cancer while working on The Happiest Millionaire and The Jungle Book in 1966. The creator of many cartoon characters, on whom more than one generation grew up, passed away at the age of 65.

©AP Photo/

From lung cancer The world-famous creator also died, who died at the age of 66 in July 1990. His first masterpiece, “Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors,” appeared in 1964, received many awards and brought the film director worldwide fame. The Armenian director created a cinematic monument to Hutsul culture.

© photo: Sputnik / Mangasaryan

Great Russian composer Dmitry Shostakovich- one of the most brilliant composers who had a significant influence on musical culture. His music is currently performed all over the world. Smoking took his life at age 68.

© photo: Sputnik / RIA Novosti

This list can be continued endlessly. Huge number famous people, and people in general, died precisely because of smoking. Therefore, value your life and quit smoking!

Unfortunately, smoking harms not only the person who is addicted to tobacco, but also those around him. Passive smokers, according to numerous studies, they suffer only 1.5 times less from the consequences of other people’s smoking than smokers themselves.

The material was prepared based on open sources

Death from smoking is a medical horror story or real danger? Statistics insistently confirm the correctness of the second option. The mortality rate from smoking worldwide reaches millions. Why does smoking kill?

Briefly about nicotine

To understand that smoking is death, it is enough to remember the dangers of nicotine. The poison of cigarettes poisons the body gradually, kills slowly, painfully and imperceptibly. What are the risks for a smoker?

  • Threatening oncology. Photos of those who died from tobacco show what the price of smoking a cigarette is: 12 types of tumors threaten heavy smokers.
  • Defenseless stomach. Regular consumption of cigarettes slows down the production of saliva - the stomach is not protected from the destructive effects of acid. Accordingly, cancer of the esophagus, stomach, and pancreas threatens smokers in the first place.
  • Sexual impotence and infertility. Formaldehyde, arsenic, and hydrocyanic acid annually weaken the body and impair blood circulation, so a man who regularly smokes is susceptible to genitourinary diseases. Women's deaths from smoking are no less frequent, and infertility or fetal pathologies occur with regularity in smokers during pregnancy.
  • Bronchopulmonary pathologies. Asthma, chronic bronchitis, COPD are frequent guests in the home of someone who smokes. Not just one, but about 75% of them died from these ailments. total number sick.

If you quit smoking immediately, detoxification of the body will occur only after 20 years. The photos collected in the article prove that smokers die at a relatively young age. But no motivating pictures will help until a person decides to stop smoking.

If you quit smoking immediately, detoxification of the body will occur only after 20 years.

Frightening numbers

How many people die each year from smoking? Cigarettes claim the lives of about 6 million people on the planet. TO end of XXI century, this figure on a global scale will reach a billion. Is smoking harmful and does a cigarette kill? The share of those who died from long-term smoking is about 50% of the total number of deaths - this is a lot. We present data from an American study conducted in 2015:

  • Lung cancer is the first thing that kills most smokers. According to statistics, a cruel diagnosis killed 83% and 73% smoking men and women respectively. The photo shows those who died from this disease.
  • More than one person died from laryngeal tumors caused by smoking: 73% of men and 93% of women. Deaths from these diseases rank second in the world.
  • Other forms of cancer pathologies, such as tumors of the esophagus, throat, bladder, are 51%-45%. This is the percentage of those who died from terrible diagnoses due to smoking habit.
  • In fourth place is a group of diseases that includes tumors of the cervix, stomach and liver. They account for about 24% of deaths.
  • At the end of the list are oncological lesions of the kidneys, pancreas, and colorectal tumors. Death from cigarettes in this case is about 17%. The photograph does not reflect the agony of a man who died from a tumor growing in his body.

A separate list is formed by heart diseases: ischemia, coronary disease and the like. The photo of the cheerful Alexander Demyanenko once again shows the dangers of tobacco: the actor was heavy smoker and died of heart failure.

Alexandra Demyanenko.

As a result of smoking in bed, 1,345 citizens of the Russian Federation died in 2015 alone. The death of brain cells due to cigarettes causes dementia, and smokers die on average 15 years earlier.

Famous smokers

Many famous people died from diseases caused by smoking cigarettes. Actors such as Alexander Abdulov, Archil Gomiashvili, Alexander Kaidanovsky died quite early and were provoked by a bad habit.

Their diagnoses speak for themselves: lung cancer, myocardial infarction.

Creative people, scientists, athletes - the color of the world community: Z. Freud, M. Sholokhov, E. Evstigneev, V. Turchinsky and others died because of a cigarette that was not extinguished in time. Death from a cigarette spares no one - think about it.

Many smokers are afraid of dying in an accident, becoming a victim of an accident or crime, but do not think about the fact that death from smoking is more dangerous for them. real threat. According to statistics, people die from this in Russia every year more people than dying under the wheels of vehicles or as a result of other accidents. If a person dies at the hands of a murderer, drowns, breaks, gets fatal injuries in an accident, the cause-and-effect relationship is obvious. Mortality from smoking is increasing every year, but it is more difficult to keep records of such deaths. After all, people, as a rule, do not die directly in the process of smoking, with a cigarette in their hands, the cause of death is serious illnesses caused by this habit.

According to statistics, every 6 seconds in the world someone dies due to the consequences of smoking; in a minute this is already 10 people, and in a day - more than 14 thousand. Smoking kills more than 5 million people per year, of which more than 260 thousand are residents of Russia. Since consumption volumes tobacco products in Russia and many other countries are increasing; by 2020, mortality from smoking will exceed 10 million people per year. If over the entire 20th century, about 100 million people died from the disease, then by the end of the 21st century, at this rate, this frightening figure promises to increase 10 times. A billion lives ended prematurely - a high price to pay for the inability to give up addiction.

If we analyze the main causes of mortality in our country, it turns out that twice as many people die from smoking in a year. fewer people than from alcohol abuse, but 10 times more than die in road accidents. According to 2010 data, mortality from smoking amounted to 17% of the total number of deaths in Russia. For subsequent years general level mortality decreased, but smoking began to account for even more deaths. And every 5th person of working age becomes disabled due to the consequences of smoking.

Why is smoking dangerous?

People taking their first puff would do well to remember how many severe, disabling or premature death diseases develop in smokers. Unfortunately, the consequences of smoking become fully felt when the bad habit develops into an addiction, which is not at all easy to get rid of. Experienced smokers are subject to:

Coronary heart disease is associated with narrowing of the coronary vessels, leading to insufficient blood supply of this most important organ, and threatens sudden death due to myocardial infarction. Every fourth patient who died from ischemic heart disease and its consequences smoked. Chronic bronchitis in itself is quite unpleasant, but it can be cured. And if it is complicated by asthma and emphysema, it becomes chronic obstructive disease lungs, return to full life the patient will no longer succeed, even if he quits smoking. Patients with such diseases lose their ability to work prematurely, and each passing year only brings them additional suffering.

In addition to fatal diseases, smoking causes a number of other serious illnesses, significantly worsening the quality of life. It provokes micro-strokes, leading to worsening mental abilities, and strokes that cause paralysis. Risk peptic ulcer, blindness, skin diseases, bone fractures, tooth loss, gangrene-threatening narrowing of peripheral vessels is much higher among smokers. Their asthma is much more severe and less treatable.

Smoking very often causes erectile dysfunction in men, disorders menstrual cycle in women, as well as in men and female infertility. If mother and father smoke, the likelihood of conception healthy child insignificant.

But here's the risk genetic mutations and severe congenital ailments in the baby is very high. Since 65% of men and 30% of women, mostly people of childbearing age, smoke in Russia, the health of the nation and its future are at risk.

Smoking and cancer

The risk of developing lung cancer is 5 times higher for those who started smoking before the age of 15, and in Russia the number of adolescent smokers is approximately 3 million. 98% of those who died from laryngeal cancer were ill due to smoking. At least 96% of fatal lung cancer cases occur in patients who smoke, and in 5% of cases this disease is caused by passive smoking. Risk malignant tumors lips, tongue, esophagus and stomach, bladder increases tenfold if a person smokes. Also, smokers are more likely to have cancer of the cervix, kidneys, pancreas, rectum, and leukemia.

Smoking shortens life

Because of their habit, smokers lose more than one year of life. In Holland, researchers determined that, all other conditions being the same, smoking men live at least 3 years less than non-smokers, and women shorten their lives. own life for 11 years.

In Russia, the “payment for smoking” amounts to an average of 10-15 years of life, and many of our compatriots could live 30 years longer if they did not smoke. 42% of men who smoke do not live to see 70 years of age; for women the statistics are even sadder. Every extra year of smoking at an early age is especially dangerous, and 80% of men and 50% of women in Russia started smoking as teenagers.

And some more eloquent numbers:

  • it is enough to smoke 1-2 packs of cigarettes at a time to get lethal dose nicotine;
  • out of 4 thousand chemical compounds, included in tobacco smoke, 30 are particularly poisonous;
  • premature death threatens every 4th smoker, the life of the rest becomes painful due to serious illnesses;

From 1980 to 2000, more than 5.8 million Russians died from the consequences of smoking. How many lives will this deadly take? dangerous habit for the first twenty years of the new century? To avoid adding to the frightening statistics, you need to quit smoking before it’s too late.

Smoking is deadly, and not only adults, but also schoolchildren know this. According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), already in 2020, 10 million people will die annually in the world precisely because of tobacco smoking. Separately, it is worth noting that the mortality rate, even in Russia, has increased exactly 2 times over the past 12 years. And this is due not only to an increase in the number of smokers, but also to a decrease in the quality of tobacco used in the production of cigarettes.

Official statistics

Tobacco smoke includes about 6 thousand chemical components, including methanol, carcinogens, nicotine, tar, fumes (CO), benzopyrene and even the radioactive metal polonium. However, death from smoking occurs not due to intoxication of the body, but due to the appearance of incurable diseases, which are provoked precisely by inhaling the products of burning tobacco. Among them are:

  • lung cancer;
  • blood cancer;
  • cancer of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and oral cavity, larynx;
  • pathologies in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • dysfunction nervous system(death of brain cells).

This is just a short list of what smokers die from in Russia. Constant exposure to nicotine reduces immunity, thereby making the body vulnerable to infection and viruses.

WHO also points out that the likelihood of developing tuberculosis (its pulmonary form) in smokers is almost 120 times higher than in those who do not smoke or have long given up this harmful habit. This also applies to asthma, allergies (which can provoke anaphylactic shock). And it’s worth mentioning that Russia has one of the most high performance tuberculosis infection. That is, smoking already aggravates the number of reported deaths from pulmonary fever.

It is worth mentioning the fact that smoking in bed is also one of the reasons for the increase in the number of victims of tobacco smoking. Statistics, which were once published by Dr. Richard J. Cote, confirm that among smokers after 65 years, about 40% have at least once fallen asleep in bed with a lit cigarette in their hands or lips. The death rate in the United States alone from this in 2015 reached 1,345 people!

The statistics are getting worse every year, as manufacturers significantly reduce the cost of production. And this also affects the quality of raw materials for smoking mixtures. In fact, tobacco has been rarely used in cigarettes for a long time (only in expensive brands). They add a small base of dried tobacco, which is mixed with dry seaweed. Next, all this is impregnated with resins, nicotine, saltpeter (promotes combustion) and is sold under the guise of tobacco.

Is smoking pipes, cigars, hookah dangerous?

Eat large number those who claim that smoking a pipe or cigars is practically safe, since the smoke that is formed during a puff is not inhaled into the lungs (smoking without a puff). But WHO again points out that the death rate among admirers smoking pipes or cigars are no lower than cigarettes. The only exception is the category of smokers who indulge in this extremely rarely (less than once a month). In any case, in Russia it is extremely rare to find those who smoke pipes, not to mention cigars (which cost $10 and more).

Is smoking while using a hookah fatal? Again, tobacco causes the same damage to the human body, no matter how it was smoked. No filter can protect the lungs from tar, carcinogens or fumes. Some American universities even published videos about what happens to the body when smoking cigarettes and cigars. The only difference is that in the latter case, the toxins mostly settle in the oral cavity, and from there they enter the stomach and esophagus.

Mortality from smoking in Russia

The situation with tobacco smoking in Russia has long reached a critical level. This is primarily due to the poor development of medicine, as well as poor propaganda healthy image life. And prices for tobacco products remain affordable for most residents.

Alas, the mortality rate from nicotine in the Russian Federation is officially unknown. Doctors focus on figures ranging from 20 to 45 thousand deaths annually. This is a very large figure for Russia, because it is growing every year, despite the appearance of warning labels on cigarette packs, as well as the ban on smoking in public places.

One of the video surveys shows people's attitudes towards smoking.

As it turned out, among the Russians middle age the one who takes up a cigarette is 13-15 years old.

And since nicotine addiction is especially dangerous for schoolchildren, this only aggravates the situation. And only 3% of respondents decide to quit smoking. The rest remain smokers for the rest of their lives.

In 60% of cases, death from smoking in Russia occurs due to cancer (cancer of the esophagus, stomach and lungs). In 25% - from pathology of the respiratory system, which led to a heart attack or stroke. The rest are those who died due to fires, atherosclerosis, and weakened immunity.