How long is sick leave after abdominal surgery? How long does sick leave last after gallbladder removal surgery?

The question always arises, for how long? sick leave can the patient count? In accordance with current legal norms, sick leave after surgery is issued on the day of discharge from medical institution for the entire period of treatment. It is allowed to extend the period of the certificate issued after the issuance by 10 calendar days. Thus, the duration of sick leave after surgery is: the entire period of stay in the hospital plus 10 days.

The patient left the hospital

However, such a period is not always enough to restore your health and start working. In this case, the question of the need for further treatment and extension of the period of temporary disability is decided by a medical commission. Such a commission has the right to increase the period of sick leave after surgery to 10 months. However, if it was carried out complex operation, after which a long recovery period is required, then it is quite legal to “get sick at home” for longer – up to 12 months. Of course, if the commission makes such a decision.

There is, however, a condition that is not very convenient for the patient - every 15 calendar days you need to come to the hospital to monitor your health and extend your sick leave if necessary.

Recovery period

After complex operations, patients are often sent for further treatment to a sanatorium. In this case, the sick leave is extended for the entire period of follow-up treatment, but not more than 24 calendar days.

If after the operation the patient’s health condition cannot be assessed as satisfactory, and the doctors’ prognosis for restoration of working capacity is unfavorable, the patient is referred to the so-called medical and social examination. In this case, the medical commission decides on the need to establish disability. A citizen is referred for examination within 4 months from the onset of the disease (surgery).

So, sick leave after surgery is issued by the attending physician at the hospital. The duration of such sick leave includes the period of stay in the hospital plus 10 calendar days, which will allow you to recover after surgery and treatment while at home. Any extension of sick leave is possible only by decision of the medical commission.

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  • Accounting IP 91
  • Management and development of IP 11
  • Money for the development of individual entrepreneurs 8
  • Personnel and personnel 6
  • Sick leave 39
  • Labor discipline 11
  • Salary 13
  • Features of maternity leave 13
  • Vacation and holiday payments 25
  • Reception and analysis of personnel 15
  • Part-time job 13
  • Personnel internship 7
  • Dismissal 38
  • Cash transactions 40
  • Reporting 12
  • Payments and taxes 53
  • Useful information on IP 37
  • Legal aspects 83
  • Registration and closure of IP 32

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Duration of sick leave after surgery - how many days

Hello! In this article we will talk about the length of sick leave after a person has undergone surgery.

  1. Which doctors and organizations set the period and for how many days;
  2. Types of operations. What deadlines are applicable for different types;
  3. Is it possible to extend sick leave after its expiration;
  4. How is payment for the period of illness carried out, what factors influence the amount of benefits;
  5. What to do if the sick leave is closed.

Who sets the duration of sick leave and how?

When illness occurs, the employee has the right to receive sick leave. It has its own terms, according to which the patient is treated at home or in a hospital.

A document defining the disease is issued only by the attending physician, but in no case by an emergency physician or medical professional. blood transfusion station worker.

The maximum time that a doctor can provide for self-treatment, reaches 15 days, and a dentist – 10 days. If a person has suffered surgery, then sick leave has its own terms, which are determined by a special medical commission.

Initially, when a patient arrives for an appointment with a doctor and is diagnosed with a disease that requires surgical treatment, the doctor writes out a document about the disease for 15 days. If there is a need, the doctor prescribes surgery for the patient and postoperative hospital stay for his rehabilitation.

After regaining strength, for independent care, the person being rehabilitated is discharged to his place of registration, that is, he must then return to his clinic to receive a full course of drug treatment.

On the date of admission to the hospital for surgery, the surgeon opens a new sick leave sheet, and closes it only at the time of discharge from the hospital. This is regulated by Federal Law No. 255. This law allows post-operative treatment to be extended for another 10 days.

If a person needs additional treatment and 10 days are not enough to regain strength after surgery, the duration of the sheet is extended by a medical commission (MC).

When observing positive dynamics of the patient’s recovery, VC specialists can extend the period of sick leave to 10 months, and if the patient had to be treated after a complex operation, then up to 1 year.

Feature postoperative treatment is to visit the hospital once every two weeks, where the operation was performed, so that the surgeon confirms the need to extend the certificate of incapacity for work.

If the patient is sent for rehabilitation to a dispensary or sanatorium, then this fact involves the extension of the medical document for another 24 days, including the day of travel to the place.

If, while on the ballot, a person does not experience any health changes in positive side, then he must undergo an ITU - medical and social examination.

This is a council of doctors who, having studied the patient’s condition, put forward a decision to further extend the period of treatment or assign him a degree and group of disability. The patient is sent for MSE after 4 months. from the day of illness onset.

Sick leave periods after various operations

IN medical practice All types of surgical interventions are divided into two groups:

Light operations are those after which the sick patient gets up independently the next day and can be discharged from the hospital on the 3rd or 5th day. In some cases, sick leave may be issued for 15 days, and on the 16th day it is necessary to begin performing work duties.

Moderate-severe operations are operations after which the hospital stay can be prolonged, and recovery requires up to 30 days.

Major operations are cases when a person after surgery may require long-term assistance from qualified personnel to rise to his feet. In this case, the duration of the illness may drag on for several months.

Such operations include:

  • Open fractures or displaced fractures;
  • Injuries to the skull of a person with a concussion;
  • Deep, severe wounds or abrasions resulting from heavy work;
  • Appendicitis with peritonitis;
  • Cardiac interventions;
  • On the spine.

Let's consider how long it takes to stay in hospital after various operations.

When cutting out the uterus

From 20 to 45 days

Removal of vertebral hernia

From 21 to 45 days, with extension up to 10 days

Depends on the advanced stage of the disease and can reach 3 weeks, in some cases more, up to full recovery

Depends on the complexity of the operation. Lasts from 14 to 60 days with an extension of up to 10 days on an outpatient basis

1–2 months, depending on severity. The only way out is to do light work. If the operation is complex, then the ITU assigns disability

Elimination of male inguinal hernia

Maximum up to 45 days

Simple appendix removal

Removal of appendicitis with prescription of antibiotics

If complications occur during appendectomy surgery

Over 30 days by agreement of the attending physician and the head of the hospital

Brain surgeries

For 8 days, the patient must be under the supervision of a doctor in intensive care, only after that he is transferred to a regular ward, where he can stay for up to 1.5 months. Moreover, this period is set by the doctor himself without a VC. But in case of complications, the ITU must examine the patient and decide on further treatment

The period of sick leave depends on the type of operation:

First case abdominal surgery is the most complex and requires long-term inpatient care, so the attending physician himself can issue medical document for a long time.

The second type is less traumatic for humans. Assumes punctures special tools, after which the body is able to quickly recover, so the period of stay in the hospital is 15 days.

The maximum period of illness cannot be determined unambiguously; it all depends on the complexity of the operation itself and the speed of restoration of human health.

All of the above cases of meeting with a surgeon must be paid for by the employer in accordance with the law.

How is it going with plastic surgery? If the patient contacted plastic surgeon for help to improve one or another part of the body, then sick leave is not issued in this case.

But when performing an operation to eliminate difficulties in life, for example, a deviated septum in the nose or oral cavity, the doctor cannot refuse a certificate of incapacity for work. It is issued for the period from admission to hospital until discharge from it.

Is it possible to extend sick leave after expiration?

The laws do not establish strict boundaries for the period of sick leave; they are determined individually in each case. But the last day depends on full recovery patient, which determines his suitability to begin work.

Another outcome of the disease and postoperative treatment is the assignment of a degree or group of disability, which is within the competence of the ITU.

If a disability is established, the certificate of incapacity for work is closed automatically on the day of the examination. And if this option is excluded, then the period of illness is set to the period until complete recovery.

Example: tuberculosis patient T.T. Ivanova underwent resection in 2012, that is, removal of tuberculoma (1/3 upper lobe right lung). This is an abdominal operation. An examination was scheduled 1 month after the operation. To attend the examination from the place of work, it was necessary to provide a description that reflected the nature of the work, position, personal qualities of the employee, etc.

Based on the results of the examination, a council of doctors made a decision to extend the treatment. Since such a disease involves complete cure and deregistration. And after a year and a half outpatient treatment T.T. Ivanova was deregistered from the tuberculosis dispensary.

If the patient has another form of tuberculosis, it can be fibrous, with decay or cavernous, then in such cases treatment can last for years and a cure does not occur. In such cases, ITU specialists assign disability group 3.

The example shows that the extension of deadlines depends on ITU specialists.

How is sick leave paid?

When accepting sick leave from a patient, an accounting employee must pay attention to the correctness of filling out the document confirming the disease.

  1. If the duration of illness is more than 30 days, then in addition to the signature of the attending physician, there must be a signature of a VC specialist.
  2. And when passing medical examination, columns must be filled in indicating the date of conduct, extension of sick leave or its closure with the appointment of something else.
  3. Employee personal data.

In case of violations, the employee must contact the place of treatment with a request to correct the errors. If this does not happen, then the certificate of incapacity for work is considered invalid.

In any case, sick leave after surgery or not, must be paid for by the employer, if it is concluded with the employee employment contract and are paid for it insurance premiums to the Foundation Social Insurance(FSS).

When the operation and rehabilitation are within a 15-day period, the employee must submit sick leave to the company, where it will be paid within 10 days.

Payment for any sick leave depends on several factors:

  • Duration of illness from the first day of illness until discharge;
  • The length of service of the employee during which insurance contributions were made for him;
  • Average earnings for two last year, preceding the disease.

If the period of illness is calculated in months, then payment is made in installments, for each extended leave. This is due to the fact that the form contains only a few lines for prolonging the illness.

The patient is required to hand over all the sheets as each one is closed, otherwise the absence of such sheets is defined as absence from work without reason.

The accountant calculates the disability benefit, reimburses the funds from the Social Insurance Fund, and then pays the employee. The amount of payment depends on the number of years of service and is paid in the amount of 60, 80 and 100%.

What to do after the sick leave expires?

The employee’s performance will depend on the surgery undergone. Many illnesses require light labor after discharge.

  1. If an employee has undergone eye surgery, and his work involves spending a long time in front of a computer, then the employee can count on an extension of sick leave.
  2. If an employee has had surgery on their legs, e.g. varicose veins veins, then the period is extended to 30 days, but such a disease requires longer rest, so the employer must provide his employee with light work for another two or three months.
  3. If a woman has lost her fallopian tube or uterus during surgery, then she within three months, you cannot lift heavy objects (up to 3 kg), the employer must also take this into account.

Anyway surgical intervention, the patient is contraindicated for the first time after going to work, stress on the body, so in order not to lose good specialist, the employer is obliged to provide him with a gentle working regime.

Hello! My 6-year-old daughter had surgery on her hand. She had a double thumb. Please tell me how long can I be given sick leave to care for a child?

Hello. My daughter (14 years old) broke her spine in March. Because of this, I went on sick leave to care for my child. We were hospitalized from March 30 to April 11 in neurosurgery, where a complex operation was performed to install a plate and bolts in the spine. Then we We were also inpatiently placed in an infectious diseases hospital from April 11 to April 19 (the first sick leave was extended) then we were sent home and an outpatient sick leave was opened from April 20 to May 10 (my daughter had not yet gone and it was postoperative period follow-up treatment. How should I be paid for my last sick leave from April 20 to May 10 if my total experience is 7 years?

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Hospital benefits: what should an employee expect after surgery?

An employee who gets sick does not always recover quickly. There are times when surgical intervention is necessary. And then the sick leave may be delayed. How long? And what does its duration depend on? How to calculate sick leave? Let's figure this out together.

Who determines the duration of sick leave after surgery?

According to the current legislation in Russia, sick leave can only be issued for a certain, limited period. And not every health worker can issue a sick leave certificate.

Thus, a certificate of incapacity for work cannot be obtained:

  • at a station where blood is transfused;
  • from an ambulance worker.

Sick leave after surgery must, as in all cases, be prescribed by the attending physician. Its duration is also determined by the doctor.

Maximum and minimum sick leave period

According to doctors' testimony, the employee may undergo surgery and remain in hospital due to this. After surgery, the employee needs some time for recovery and rehabilitation.

Some time after the operation, the patient is discharged home. He then continues treatment in his clinic to which he is assigned. What does the legislation say about the maximum period of sick leave?

Law No. 255-FZ states that the patient is issued a certificate of incapacity for work for the entire period of his stay in the hospital. It is issued by the attending physician. He opens the sick leave with the date when the patient was admitted to the hospital, and closes it with the date of discharge. Subsequently, it must be presented to the hospital at your place of residence, where the patient will be observed for some time.

The law allows for the extension of sick leave for another 10 days after the patient is discharged from the hospital. Thus, the duration of sick leave after surgery is 10 days.

The medical commission has the authority to extend sick leave after surgery for up to 10 months, but there must be positive dynamics during the course of the disease.

If the patient has undergone a complex operation, which requires long-term rehabilitation, then the sick leave can be increased to 1 year.

Consequently, the duration of the certificate of incapacity for work after surgery from the moment of discharge from the hospital can reach one year.

But there is one peculiarity - the patient will have to come to the medical institution where the operation was performed once every 15 days in order for his attending physician to conduct an examination and confirm the need for such a long sick leave.

Most often, after heavy operations, For successful rehabilitation, the patient is sent to a specialized sanatorium for further treatment. In this case, the sanatorium may increase the period of sick leave by another 24 days.

If the patient does not improve for a long time after the operation, then he should be sent for a medical and social examination to decide on the possibility of assigning a disability group to such a patient.

It is possible to refer a sick employee for this examination only if there is no positive dynamics of treatment results within six months after the operation.

If the operation was performed in another city, then the time spent on the return journey is taken into account on the sick leave.

Sick leave period for various types of operations

The number of sick days, as mentioned above, is determined by the attending physician. Its timing may vary depending on the severity of the operation. The days presented in our table are far from complete.

Again, these are approximate dates. Further treatment and recovery after surgery is all at the discretion of the attending physician and medical and social examination. (ITU)

Got sick on vacation? Do you want to apply for sick leave? Read here how to do it correctly.

You can find out the competent advice and information you need on calculating maternity benefits in our article.

The sick leave period has expired. What to do?

A specific period of sick leave is not established by law - the employee will be treated until he fully recovers or until he is assigned a disability group.

When this period expires, the patient mandatory sent to MSE (medical and social examination).

For persons for whom disability has not been established, sick leave is extended until the moment of full restoration of working capacity or the moment of re-referral to medical examination.

If the duration of treatment of a patient in a hospital is more than 30 calendar days in total, then the signature of the chairman of the medical commission and the attending physician must be affixed in the “Doctor’s signature” column. If the period of stay in the hospital is less than 30 days according to the calendar, then in this case only the signature of the attending physician is sufficient.

Sick leave period after surgery

As we know, no one is immune from diseases. But what if the illness requires surgical treatment and deprives you of your ability to work for some time?

How long does sick leave last after surgery? various types diseases? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article.

How much leave after surgery is according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

The main legislative act on labor in Russia in Article No. 183 clearly states that all employers must pay their employees for sick leave issued in state-type medical institutions (clinics and hospitals) in the amounts established by law.

Law No. 255-FZ, in turn, regulates that for all days spent by an employed citizen in an inpatient ward, he is issued a special medical document, according to which the management of the enterprise (organization) then pays monetary compensation.

Duration of sick leave after spinal surgery

At surgical treatment spine (for example, when removing intervertebral hernia) a medical certificate is provided for the entire period of a citizen’s stay in the hospital.

Most often, this period varies from 21 days to 45 days, depending on the severity of the surgical procedures undergone and the presence (or absence) of complications. However, the patient’s treatment period does not end there, since after discharge from the hospital he must devote some more time to rehabilitation in outpatient setting or in a sanatorium.

This period is legally set at another 10 days. Further period A person’s stay on rehabilitation leave is decided by a medical commission.

After surgery to remove the gallbladder, how many days is sick leave?

Gallbladder surgery is an operation of medium complexity and, as a rule, occurs when the disease is sufficiently advanced. Therefore, the patient will not only have to carry out certain time in a hospital bed, but also undergo a course of rehabilitation treatment.

On average, a person’s disability in this case lasts about a month, which is then compensated cash payments according to a medical certificate.

Sick leave after knee surgery

For chronic or acute pain in the knee, a person can no longer fully perform his job responsibilities in production and needs surgical treatment illness.

Diseases knee joint There are a great many, and it is their severity that determines how quickly an employee will return to perform his job duties.

In any case, during knee surgery, the patient still for a long time will not be able to move normally. Sick leave for the period of treatment in a hospital and then rehabilitation is on average one month.

At the end of this period, if a person needs to extend treatment, he will be prescribed an MSE (medical and social examination).

Sick leave after eye surgery

For surgical treatment of eye diseases, the length of stay on sick leave ranges from a week to two months, depending on the diagnosis and complexity of the procedures performed.

Most often, users are interested in the question, how many days of sick leave after cataract surgery? This period the average is ten days in the hospital and ten days in the outpatient clinic.

How long do you stay on sick leave after heart surgery?

The most complex look Surgery is considered to be heart surgery. Therefore, it is difficult to clearly answer the question of how long the paid days of treatment will be in this case.

If everything ends well, then go to work (and initially for easy work) the patient will be able to in 30 – 70 days. However, most often, after such radical interventions, MSA is prescribed and the person receives a disability of a certain group.

How many days is sick leave after abdominal surgery?

Band surgery can be very different - from simple removal of appendicitis to elimination cancerous tumor. Therefore, the terms of payment medical certificates are also noticeably different.

Duration of sick leave after hysterectomy surgery

Removal of the uterus is considered a moderate type of surgery. Minimum term The paid days of treatment are three weeks, and the maximum is 45 days.

How many days do you have to stay on sick leave after inguinal hernia surgery?

When removing an inguinal hernia in men, the recovery period lasts from three weeks to 45 days, which is also compensated by the employer in monetary terms in accordance with Article No. 183 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (you can download the code from the link above).

After appendicitis surgery, how long does sick leave last?

Removal of appendicitis is the most common type of surgery, which, however, is not considered particularly difficult and requires long-term rehabilitation. However, you will have to spend some time in the ward and then undergo short outpatient treatment.

The duration of paid treatment time depends on the severity of the surgery:

  • with normal removal of appendicitis without complications - from 5 to 10 days;
  • if emergency surgery was performed and the patient was exposed to intoxication requiring additional treatment antibiotics – from 2 weeks to a month;
  • If complications arise during the intervention, with the permission of the chief physician of the hospital, the patient may be left in the hospital for a period exceeding a month.

In any case, according to legislative act No. 255-FZ, for the entire duration of a person’s stay in a hospital, he is issued a paid sick leave.


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Removing the uterus is quite complex procedure, followed by long period recovery. At this time, a woman must be at home or even in a hospital to avoid complications. A sick leave certificate is drawn up after removal of the uterus, which gives the woman the opportunity to go on leave due to health problems.

What is sick leave and why is it needed?

A sick leave certificate is a document confirming a woman’s incapacity for work. After removal of the uterus, it is issued to legally. Filled out on a special form and certified with stamps. This document must contain the following information:

  1. Last and first name of the patient, as well as her medical card number.
  2. Description of the disease using coded information. In this case, a certain term is designated by one or another code.
  3. Signature of the head physician and the patient. The woman must sign in person.

It must be filled out in block letters of the Russian language in black ink. Now it is possible to fill out the form on special printing printers, but there must be spaces between the words. Punctuation is used where necessary. Data must be entered into special columns for this purpose, and going beyond them is prohibited. All written information must comply with the rules of the Russian language and meet legal requirements.

Is sick leave provided after hysterectomy?

There must be certain grounds for issuing a sick leave certificate. As a rule, after removal of the uterus such grounds are present, therefore, by law, the woman must receive the appropriate document. However, the duration recovery period is individual, so the period indicated on the sick leave may vary.

For how long do they give it?

The postoperative period is the entire time that passes from surgery to complete recovery. female body. During this period of time, the early and late stages of recovery occur. For 5-10 days, the woman should be in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. At this time, the patient may experience very severe pain in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by loss of appetite and insomnia.

The woman is then discharged from the hospital. At this time, she should be especially attentive to her condition. If new symptoms appear (for example, pain intensifies), an urgent check with a doctor is required. Naturally, during this period there can be no talk of any work. How long does sick leave last after hysterectomy? This usually takes at least 4 weeks, including the period of hospital stay.

But depending on the type of surgical intervention, this interval may vary:

  • If vaginal hysterescopy was performed accompanied by a laparoscope, tissue healing occurs faster. Therefore, a woman is given sick leave for no longer than 2-4 weeks.
  • At abdominal surgery, which is performed through the abdominal cavity, sick leave is usually issued for 4 weeks.
  • If there are postoperative complications, for example, infection in the wound, the period of sick leave can be increased to 6 weeks.

Moreover, if at the end of the sick leave period it is discovered that the woman cannot yet return to work due to health problems, she is given another document. She can receive several hospital documents in a row at once.

In order for the body to recover faster, a woman must follow a number of measures. In particular, you should not lift heavy objects, but you must observe good personal hygiene.

Sick leave

How to get sick leave?

After removal of the uterus, a woman receives sick leave. This is indicated in various legislative acts: “Law on the protection of the health of citizens of the Russian Federation”, “Law on the procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work”, etc. To do this, she must be insured. The document can only be issued by a licensed organization. To obtain a certificate of incapacity for work, the patient must provide the hospital with a document indicating her personal data (this could be a driver’s license, passport, insurance, etc.).

If a woman has worked in 2 institutions at once for at least 2 years, she must present her work book. Upon confirmation of two years of experience, she is issued 2 sick leave certificates at once.

What to do if they don’t give you sick leave?

Unfortunately, in some cases a woman may be denied a sick leave certificate. Sometimes doctors refer to the fact that the patient did not apply to her place of registration for medical treatment. medical care. However, if a woman has an insurance policy, such a statement from doctors is illegal. After all, the patient has the right to receive treatment throughout the Russian Federation and independently choose a medical institution and attending physician.

If after surgery to remove the uterus they refuse to issue a certificate of incapacity for work, you should contact the district clinic. Here you need to write a statement that will be sent to insurance company, which issued the policy to the patient. After the temporary proceedings, the woman must receive the necessary certificate.

If the document is not issued because the doctor considers the woman able to work, and this is not the case after removal of the uterus, you should contact another specialist. It is advisable to use the services private clinic. The doctor will examine the patient and write his conclusions. After this, you need to present them at the district clinic so that the results obtained are confirmed or refuted.

Therefore, surgery to remove the uterus is legal basis to receive sick leave. Moreover, the woman should stay at home until her body recovers. If such a document is refused, it is recommended to contact the regional health department and the insurance company to clarify the circumstances.

It is one of the key questions of interest to people who are about to undergo surgery. In most cases, it all depends on the complexity of the operation itself and its consequences. Laparoscopy is rightfully considered minimally dangerous, so after this procedure you can go to work almost immediately. Or not?

Features of sick leave after laparoscopy

Laparoscopy is a minimal surgical procedure abdominal cavity. Small punctures are made to insert instruments, the abdomen is filled with a special gas, for example carbon dioxide (to create space), then the operation itself is carried out. On the one hand, if the injections are small, then recovery will be quick, and sick leave should be issued for a minimum number of days, but not everything is that simple.

The validity of sick leave after laparoscopy depends on many factors:

Most people go to work for days after laparoscopy later surgery. This is due to the minimal invasiveness of the procedure and the rapid (compared to other operations) recovery period.

Active movements (but not through pain) are highly recommended by doctors after laparoscopy. This contributes accelerated healing wounds and warns negative consequences in the form postoperative adhesions abdominal cavity. If the work does not involve excessive loads and activity, returning from sick leave will be especially beneficial for the body.

Possible terms of sick leave

Regarding the general time frame, the following terms of sick leave after laparoscopy can be identified:

  1. Minimum. In this case, sick leave is issued for 1 day - the day of the operation. This is due to the person’s ability to go to work the next day, the maximum minimum consequences of the operation, the absence of any complications, etc.
  2. Average. If desired, the patient can contact the doctor with a request to issue a sick leave certificate for a maximum of 5 days. Overall, this is quite enough to postoperative sutures tightened and did not cause any particular discomfort when physical activity.
  3. High. In case of hard work, general poor condition after surgery, etc. The attending physician, by law, can extend sick leave up to 15 days without exceeding this threshold.
  4. Maximum. If after the operation there are quite serious consequences, critical deterioration in health, processes hazardous to health, education, injuries internal organs, any other pathologies - sick leave will be issued for the period that will be sufficient to return the person “to normal”, to carry out everything necessary treatment etc.

The above validity periods for sick leave are suitable for all types of operations performed by laparoscopy, including:

  • removal of an ovarian cyst;
  • operations on thyroid gland;
  • abdominal surgery;
  • operations to get rid of hemorrhoids;
  • operations to remove the uterus.

If these periods exceed certain general limits (15 days of sick leave + one-time 15 days of extension by the medical commission), then the sick leave is issued for a period not exceeding 10 months. This is the maximum possible deadline for sick leave. But such moments are an exception, because laparoscopy is one of the safest types of operations.

The duration of rest on sick leave is regulated Labor Code Russian Federation, as well as all kinds regulations.

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But there are certain, unusual situations when the standard period is extended. Exactly such a case is the extension of sick leave for an employee who has undergone surgery.

Who sets the deadline

According to the legislation in force in Russia, sick leave can only be issued for a certain, limited period. Moreover, not all doctors even have the right to issue sick leave.

Thus, a disability form cannot be obtained:

  • from an ambulance worker;
  • at the blood transfusion station.

Most often, sick leave is issued by the attending physician. Its duration is determined by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 “On approval of the procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work.”

According to it, the maximum period of validity of this document may be:

If for some reason the patient’s health has not recovered within the period indicated above, then the certificate of incapacity for work may be extended. But for implementation of this action there must be sufficiently serious reasons.

For example, the presence cancer, assignment of disability, or major surgery.

But at the same time, one should remember an important nuance - the extension operation can only be carried out directly by a special medical commission.

It should consist of qualified physicians with sufficient experience to assess the patient's health status.

When an extension is made, another certificate of incapacity for work is issued. It is attached to the first one. Its effect should begin on the day following the date of completion of the first sick leave form.

Moreover, when filling it out, the corresponding code must be present. He has numeric value. But, in some cases, its writing requires the consent of the patient himself.

How to renew

Despite the fact that the extension of sick leave is permissible only with appropriate consent from the medical commission, in some cases this procedure can be performed directly by the attending physician himself.

This applies especially serious illnesses included in the special list. There is one important nuance concerning operated patients.

If the patient can move independently, then he should necessarily come to the hospital on his own for an extension.

If the day prescribed by the doctor is missed for any unexcused reason, a corresponding note will be placed on the disability form.

If it exists, the employer has every right not to fully pay monetary compensation - and this action does not violate the law.

If after the operation the patient is unable to move independently, then the process of extending sick leave must be carried out by the attending physician directly at home. Medical worker must independently arrive at the patient’s place of residence.

Moreover, this is strictly necessary, at the moment regulated at the legislative level:

  • By order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated January 24, 2012, Moscow;
  • By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of June 29, 2011 No. 624n.

How many days does sick leave last after abdominal surgery?

Despite the fact that medicine has made great progress today, many operations are quite dangerous, and after their implementation a long healing period is required. This happens if ovarian resection or the like is performed.

The recovery period in such cases can last quite a long time, sometimes stretching to a whole month or more. Especially if any complications arise.

To extend sick leave after abdominal surgery, you must contact I:

  • to the head doctor medical institution where treatment is carried out;
  • to the head of the clinic.

In such a situation, the doctor has every right, in accordance with current legislation, to carry out an extension. If there are any difficulties, then the KEC is collected - in case of incomplete recovery.

There are two types of abdominal operations:

  • laparotomy;
  • laparoscopy.

The first type of operation is more complex and requires opening the abdominal cavity. The consequence of this is a fairly long recovery period.

Consequently, sick leave can initially be issued for a fairly long period. The second type of abdominal surgery is a less traumatic intervention in the human body.

All manipulations are carried out with special tools in plastic tubes. The surgeon causes minimal damage to the patient's body.

In this case, the recovery period can be no more than a week. That is why during laparoscopic operations the duration of sick leave is usually standard - 15 days.

Time after brain shunt surgery

Brain shunt surgery is a fairly complex and dangerous procedure. Since most often a fragmentary suturing of a part of a vein from another part of the body is required.

Usually it (part of the vein) is taken from the leg or arm. There are several options for this type of operation. But in any case, a cut is made in the skull, as well as other complex surgical operations.

After a successful operation, the patient must be under the supervision of a doctor for at least the next 24 hours - in intensive care.

This necessary measure, since there is always a possibility of any complications. Only on the second day can the patient get to his feet - and again, always under supervision.

On average, the duration of the initial period of recovery of the body is no less than 5-8 days.

It should be remembered that after the expiration of the period indicated above, you cannot engage in any activities for a long time. physical work, transfer loads.

That is why the duration of sick leave is usually more than the standard 15 days. On average, a certificate of incapacity for work after such an operation is issued for 30-45 days.

At the same time, the supervising doctor has the right to issue it - without the involvement of a special commission. If after expiration month period If there are still some symptoms of incomplete recovery, then in this case an examination of the patient by a special medical commission is required.

After laparoscopy

Today, many women often have problems with patency fallopian tubes, as well as many other similar ones.

In this case, laparoscopy is most often performed. This procedure can be performed in different ways - it all depends on the immunity and health of the individual patient, as well as many other important factors.

If all procedures are carried out as usual, and the body is strong and resilient enough, then only 15 days are enough for recovery - the standard duration of sick leave:

Since the type of surgical intervention in question is not complicated, if it is necessary to extend sick leave, a medical commission must meet.

The attending physician can independently increase the duration of the disability form only in some special cases.

The basis for extending sick leave is:

  • the occurrence of any complications;
  • necessity repeated operations.

When performing laparoscopy, a standard hospital form is issued. This operation is carried out by the attending physician - as when filling out this document for other diseases and procedures.

After appendicitis

The appendix is ​​a small part of the cecum. Sometimes it becomes inflamed and this leads to the need for amputation surgery.

There are two possible scenarios:

When performing a removal operation using a laparoscope, a minimal amount of trauma is caused to the human body. That is why there is no need for a long recovery period.

In some cases, the duration of sick leave after removal of appendicitis is only 5-7 days, in extreme cases - 10.

The situation is much worse if the appendix bursts for some reason and peritonitis begins. This leads to severe inflammation, and there is enough high probability fatal outcome.

To eliminate the consequences of peritonitis, special procedures and the use of antibiotics are required. The result is a long recovery period for the patient. In most cases it takes more than 15 days.

If peritonitis and related complications occur, the attending physician has the right to independently extend sick leave, as well as with the written permission of the head of the department.

The duration of sick leave in most cases depends directly on the attending physician.

Thus, in most cases, it is possible to extend the validity of the disability form for up to 30 days without any permits or other procedures. But this is not always possible. Since each situation is purely individual.

Under no circumstances should a patient try to independently make any changes to a document of the type in question or try to buy a ready-made extended sick leave.

This leads to quite serious problems with the law. Forgery of a hospital form falls under an article of the Criminal Code Russian Federation about forgery of documents.

If you submit a false form, the fact that it is not genuine will most likely be discovered - the FSS periodically checks documents of this type.